mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 02:47:48 +01:00
Hellthread(tm) Certified
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 257 additions and 89 deletions
@ -70,9 +70,6 @@ const MentionLink = {
highlightClass () {
if (this.highlight) return highlightClass(this.user)
oldPlace () {
return !this.mergedConfig.mentionsOwnLine
oldStyle () {
return !this.mergedConfig.mentionsNewStyle
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
:class="{ '-oldPlace': oldPlace }"
<!-- eslint-disable vue/no-v-html -->
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import Vue from 'vue'
import { unescape, flattenDeep } from 'lodash'
import { convertHtml, getTagName, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/mini_html_converter/mini_html_converter.service.js'
import { processHtml } from 'src/services/tiny_post_html_processor/tiny_post_html_processor.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToTree, getTagName, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_tree_converter.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToLines } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_line_converter.service.js'
import StillImage from 'src/components/still-image/still-image.vue'
import MentionLink from 'src/components/mention_link/mention_link.vue'
@ -31,11 +31,24 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
// Whether to hide last mentions (hellthreads)
hideLastMentions: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
// Whether to hide first mentions
hideFirstMentions: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
render (h) {
// Pre-process HTML
const html = this.greentext ? addGreentext(this.html) : this.html
const html = preProcessPerLine(this.html, this.greentext, this.hideLastMentions)
console.log(this.hideFirstMentions, this.hideLastMentions)
const renderImage = (tag) => {
return <StillImage
@ -45,18 +58,20 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
const renderMention = (attrs, children, encounteredText) => {
return <MentionLink
return (this.hideFirstMentions && !encounteredText)
? ''
: <MentionLink
// We stop treating mentions as "first" ones when we encounter
// non-whitespace text
let encounteredText = false
// Processor to use with mini_html_converter
const processItem = (item) => {
const processItem = (item, index, array, what) => {
// Handle text nodes - just add emoji
if (typeof item === 'string') {
const emptyText = item.trim() === ''
@ -69,7 +84,7 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
encounteredText = true
if (item.includes(':')) {
return processTextForEmoji(
unescapedItem = processTextForEmoji(
({ shortcode, url }) => {
@ -81,9 +96,8 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
} else {
return unescapedItem
return unescapedItem
// Handle tag nodes
@ -98,6 +112,8 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
const attrs = getAttrs(opener)
if (attrs['class'] && attrs['class'].includes('mention')) {
return renderMention(attrs, children, encounteredText)
} else if (attrs['class'] && attrs['class'].includes('hashtag')) {
return item // We'll handle it later
} else {
attrs.target = '_blank'
return <a {...{ attrs }}>
@ -116,43 +132,129 @@ export default Vue.component('RichContent', {
// Processor for back direction (for finding "last" stuff, just easier this way)
let encounteredTextReverse = false
const renderHashtag = (attrs, children, encounteredTextReverse) => {
attrs.target = '_blank'
if (!encounteredTextReverse) {
attrs['data-parser-last'] = true
return <a {...{ attrs }}>
{ children.map(processItem) }
const processItemReverse = (item, index, array, what) => {
// Handle text nodes - just add emoji
if (typeof item === 'string') {
const emptyText = item.trim() === ''
if (emptyText) return encounteredTextReverse ? item : item.trim()
if (!encounteredTextReverse) encounteredTextReverse = true
return item
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// Handle tag nodes
const [opener, children] = item
const Tag = getTagName(opener)
switch (Tag) {
case 'a': // replace mentions with MentionLink
if (!this.handleLinks) break
const attrs = getAttrs(opener)
// should only be this
if (attrs['class'] && attrs['class'].includes('hashtag')) {
return renderHashtag(attrs, children, encounteredTextReverse)
return item
return <span class="RichContent">
{ this.$slots.prefix }
{ convertHtml(html).map(processItem) }
{ convertHtmlToTree(html).map(processItem).reverse().map(processItemReverse).reverse() }
{ this.$slots.suffix }
export const addGreentext = (html) => {
try {
if (html.includes('>')) {
// This checks if post has '>' at the beginning, excluding mentions so that @mention >impying works
return processHtml(html, (string) => {
if (
string.includes('>') && string
.replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, '') // remove all tags
.replace(/@\w+/gi, '') // remove mentions (even failed ones)
) {
return `<span class='greentext'>${string}</span>`
} else {
return string
} else {
return html
/** Pre-processing HTML
* Currently this does two things:
* - add green/cyantexting
* - wrap and mark last line containing only mentions as ".lastMentionsLine" for
* more compact hellthreads.
* @param {String} html - raw HTML to process
* @param {Boolean} greentext - whether to enable greentexting or not
* @param {Boolean} removeLastMentions - whether to remove last mentions
export const preProcessPerLine = (html, greentext, removeLastMentions) => {
// Only mark first (last) encounter
let lastMentionsMarked = false
return convertHtmlToLines(html).reverse().map((item, index, array) => {
if (!item.text) return item
const string = item.text
// Greentext stuff
if (greentext && (string.includes('>') || string.includes('<'))) {
const cleanedString = string.replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, '') // remove all tags
.replace(/@\w+/gi, '') // remove mentions (even failed ones)
if (cleanedString.startsWith('>')) {
return `<span class='greentext'>${string}</span>`
} else if (cleanedString.startsWith('<')) {
return `<span class='cyantext'>${string}</span>`
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to process status html', e)
return html
const tree = convertHtmlToTree(string)
// If line has loose text, i.e. text outside a mention or a tag
// we won't touch mentions.
let hasLooseText = false
let hasMentions = false
const process = (item) => {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
const [opener, children, closer] = item
const tag = getTagName(opener)
if (tag === 'a') {
const attrs = getAttrs(opener)
if (attrs['class'] && attrs['class'].includes('mention')) {
hasMentions = true
return [opener, children, closer]
} else {
hasLooseText = true
return [opener, children, closer]
} else if (tag === 'span' || tag === 'p') {
return [opener, [...children].reverse().map(process).reverse(), closer]
} else {
hasLooseText = true
return [opener, children, closer]
if (typeof item === 'string') {
if (item.trim() !== '') {
hasLooseText = true
return item
const result = [...tree].reverse().map(process).reverse()
if (removeLastMentions && hasMentions && !hasLooseText && !lastMentionsMarked) {
lastMentionsMarked = true
return ''
} else {
return flattenDeep(result).join('')
export const getHeadTailLinks = (html) => {
// Exported object properties
const firstMentions = [] // Mentions that appear in the beginning of post body
const lastMentions = [] // Mentions that appear at the end of post body
const lastTags = [] // Tags that appear at the end of post body
const writtenMentions = [] // All mentions that appear in post body
const writtenTags = [] // All tags that appear in post body
@ -170,7 +272,7 @@ export const getHeadTailLinks = (html) => {
// Processor to use with mini_html_converter
// Processor to use with html_tree_converter
const processItem = (item) => {
// Handle text nodes - stop treating mentions as "first" when text encountered
if (typeof item === 'string') {
@ -182,6 +284,7 @@ export const getHeadTailLinks = (html) => {
// Encountered text? That means tags we've been collectings aren't "last"!
// Handle tag nodes
@ -197,6 +300,7 @@ export const getHeadTailLinks = (html) => {
} else if (attrs['class'].includes('hashtag')) {
@ -206,6 +310,6 @@ export const getHeadTailLinks = (html) => {
children && children.forEach(processItem)
return { firstMentions, writtenMentions, writtenTags, lastTags }
return { firstMentions, writtenMentions, writtenTags, lastTags, lastMentions }
@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ const Status = {
hasMentionsLine () {
return this.mentionsLine.length > 0
hideLastMentions () {
return this.headTailLinks.firstMentions.length === 0
muted () {
if (this.statusoid.user.id === this.currentUser.id) return false
const { status } = this
@ -306,6 +306,7 @@
:hide-first-mentions="mentionsOwnLine && isReply"
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ const StatusContent = {
// if this was computed at upper level it can be passed here, otherwise
// it will be in this component
data () {
return {
@ -80,9 +81,12 @@ const StatusContent = {
attachmentTypes () {
return this.status.attachments.map(file => fileType.fileType(file.mimetype))
mentions () {
mentionsFirst () {
return this.headTailLinksComputed.firstMentions
mentionsLast () {
return this.headTailLinksComputed.lastMentions
components: {
@ -49,11 +49,19 @@
<template v-slot:prefix>
v-if="!hideFirstMentions && mentionsFirst"
<template v-slot:suffix>
v-if="!hideFirstMentions && mentionsLast"
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ const StatusContent = {
computed: {
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
<div v-if="status.poll && status.poll.options">
<poll :base-poll="status.poll" />
@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
* This is a tiny purpose-built HTML parser/processor. This basically detects any type of visual newline and
* allows it to be processed, useful for greentexting, mostly
* This is a tiny purpose-built HTML parser/processor. This basically detects
* any type of visual newline and converts entire HTML into a array structure.
* Text nodes are represented as object with single property - text - containing
* the visual line. Intended usage is to process the array with .map() in which
* map function returns a string and resulting array can be converted back to html
* with a .join('').
* Generally this isn't very useful except for when you really need to either
* modify visual lines (greentext i.e. simple quoting) or do something with
* first/last line.
* known issue: doesn't handle CDATA so nested CDATA might not work well
* @param {Object} input - input data
* @param {(string) => string} processor - function that will be called on every line
* @return {string} processed html
* @return {(string|{ text: string })[]} processed html in form of a list.
export const processHtml = (html, processor) => {
export const convertHtmlToLines = (html) => {
const handledTags = new Set(['p', 'br', 'div'])
const openCloseTags = new Set(['p', 'div'])
let buffer = '' // Current output buffer
let buffer = [] // Current output buffer
const level = [] // How deep we are in tags and which tags were there
let textBuffer = '' // Current line content
let tagBuffer = null // Current tag buffer, if null = we are not currently reading a tag
@ -25,27 +33,27 @@ export const processHtml = (html, processor) => {
const flush = () => { // Processes current line buffer, adds it to output buffer and clears line buffer
if (textBuffer.trim().length > 0) {
buffer += processor(textBuffer)
buffer.push({ text: textBuffer })
} else {
buffer += textBuffer
textBuffer = ''
const handleBr = (tag) => { // handles single newlines/linebreaks/selfclosing
buffer += tag
const handleOpen = (tag) => { // handles opening tags
buffer += tag
const handleClose = (tag) => { // handles closing tags
buffer += tag
if (level[level.length - 1] === tag) {
@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
* This is a not-so-tiny purpose-built HTML parser/processor. It was made for use
* with StatusBody component for purpose of replacing tags with vue components
* This is a not-so-tiny purpose-built HTML parser/processor. This parses html
* and converts it into a tree structure representing tag openers/closers and
* children.
* known issue: doesn't handle CDATA so nested CDATA might not work well
* Structure follows this pattern: [opener, [...children], closer] except root
* node which is just [...children]. Text nodes can only be within children and
* are represented as strings.
* Intended use is to convert HTML structure and then recursively iterate over it
* most likely using a map. Very useful for dynamically rendering html replacing
* tags with JSX elements in a render function.
* known issue: doesn't handle CDATA so CDATA might not work well
* known issue: doesn't handle HTML comments
* @param {Object} input - input data
* @param {(string) => string} lineProcessor - function that will be called on every line
* @param {{ key[string]: (string) => string}} tagProcessor - map of processors for tags
* @return {string} processed html
export const convertHtml = (html) => {
export const convertHtmlToTree = (html) => {
// Elements that are implicitly self-closing
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/empty_element
const emptyElements = new Set([
@ -1,46 +1,64 @@
import { processHtml } from 'src/services/tiny_post_html_processor/tiny_post_html_processor.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToLines } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_line_converter.service.js'
const mapOnlyText = (processor) => (input) => input.text ? processor(input.text) : input
describe('TinyPostHTMLProcessor', () => {
describe('with processor that keeps original line should not make any changes to HTML when', () => {
const processorKeep = (line) => line
it('fed with regular HTML with newlines', () => {
const inputOutput = '1<br/>2<p class="lol">3 4</p> 5 \n 6 <p > 7 <br> 8 </p> <br>\n<br/>'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with possibly broken HTML with invalid tags/composition', () => {
const inputOutput = '<feeee dwdwddddddw> <i>ayy<b>lm</i>ao</b> </section>'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with very broken HTML with broken composition', () => {
const inputOutput = '</p> lmao what </div> whats going on <div> wha <p>'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with sorta valid HTML but tags aren\'t closed', () => {
const inputOutput = 'just leaving a <div> hanging'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with not really HTML at this point... tags that aren\'t finished', () => {
const inputOutput = 'do you expect me to finish this <div class='
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with dubiously valid HTML (p within p and also div inside p)', () => {
const inputOutput = 'look ma <p> p \nwithin <p> p! </p> and a <br/><div>div!</div></p>'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with maybe valid HTML? self-closing divs and ps', () => {
const inputOutput = 'a <div class="what"/> what now <p aria-label="wtf"/> ?'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
it('fed with valid XHTML containing a CDATA', () => {
const inputOutput = 'Yes, it is me, <![CDATA[DIO]]>'
expect(processHtml(inputOutput, processorKeep)).to.eql(inputOutput)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(inputOutput)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorKeep)).join('')
describe('with processor that replaces lines with word "_" should match expected line when', () => {
@ -48,49 +66,65 @@ describe('TinyPostHTMLProcessor', () => {
it('fed with regular HTML with newlines', () => {
const input = '1<br/>2<p class="lol">3 4</p> 5 \n 6 <p > 7 <br> 8 </p> <br>\n<br/>'
const output = '_<br/>_<p class="lol">_</p>_\n_<p >_<br>_</p> <br>\n<br/>'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with possibly broken HTML with invalid tags/composition', () => {
const input = '<feeee dwdwddddddw> <i>ayy<b>lm</i>ao</b> </section>'
const output = '_'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with very broken HTML with broken composition', () => {
const input = '</p> lmao what </div> whats going on <div> wha <p>'
const output = '</p>_</div>_<div>_<p>'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with sorta valid HTML but tags aren\'t closed', () => {
const input = 'just leaving a <div> hanging'
const output = '_<div>_'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with not really HTML at this point... tags that aren\'t finished', () => {
const input = 'do you expect me to finish this <div class='
const output = '_'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with dubiously valid HTML (p within p and also div inside p)', () => {
const input = 'look ma <p> p \nwithin <p> p! </p> and a <br/><div>div!</div></p>'
const output = '_<p>_\n_<p>_</p>_<br/><div>_</div></p>'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with maybe valid HTML? self-closing divs and ps', () => {
const input = 'a <div class="what"/> what now <p aria-label="wtf"/> ?'
const output = '_<div class="what"/>_<p aria-label="wtf"/>_'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
it('fed with valid XHTML containing a CDATA', () => {
const input = 'Yes, it is me, <![CDATA[DIO]]>'
const output = '_'
expect(processHtml(input, processorReplace)).to.eql(output)
const result = convertHtmlToLines(input)
const comparableResult = result.map(mapOnlyText(processorReplace)).join('')
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import { convertHtml, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/mini_html_converter/mini_html_converter.service.js'
import { convertHtmlToTree, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/html_converter/html_tree_converter.service.js'
describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => {
describe('convertHtml', () => {
describe('convertHtmlToTree', () => {
it('converts html into a tree structure', () => {
const input = '1 <p>2</p> <b>3<img src="a">4</b>5'
'1 ',
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => {
it('converts html to tree while preserving tag formatting', () => {
const input = '1 <p >2</p><b >3<img src="a">4</b>5'
'1 ',
'<p >',
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => {
it('converts semi-broken html', () => {
const input = '1 <br> 2 <p> 42'
'1 ',
' 2 ',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => {
it('realistic case 1', () => {
const input = '<p><span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" data-user="9wRC6T2ZZiKWJ0vUi8" href="https://cawfee.club/users/benis" rel="ugc">@<span>benis</span></a></span> <span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" data-user="194" href="https://shigusegubu.club/users/hj" rel="ugc">@<span>hj</span></a></span> nice</p>'
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => {
it('realistic case 2', () => {
const inputOutput = 'Country improv: give me a city<br/>Audience: Memphis<br/>Improv troupe: come on, a better one<br/>Audience: el paso'
'Country improv: give me a city',
Reference in a new issue