mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 14:13:04 +01:00
* upstream/develop: (95 commits) Lightbox/modal multi image improvements - #381 '/api/pleroma/profile/mfa' -> '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa' Add ability to change user's email translations-de-batch-1 eu-translate update profile-banner rounding css, fixes #690 fix indentation remove needless ref show preview popover when hover numbered replies refactor conditions do not make too many nested div add fetchStatus action refactor status loading logic split status preview popover into a separate component uninstall mobile-detect library listen both events minor css fix restrict distance at top side only set different trigger event in desktop and mobile by default fix eslint warnings ...
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446 lines
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import Completion from '../../services/completion/completion.js'
import EmojiPicker from '../emoji_picker/emoji_picker.vue'
import { take } from 'lodash'
import { findOffset } from '../../services/offset_finder/offset_finder.service.js'
* EmojiInput - augmented inputs for emoji and autocomplete support in inputs
* without having to give up the comfort of <input/> and <textarea/> elements
* Intended usage is:
* <EmojiInput v-model="something">
* <input v-model="something"/>
* </EmojiInput>
* Works only with <input> and <textarea>. Intended to use with only one nested
* input. It will find first input or textarea and work with that, multiple
* nested children not tested. You HAVE TO duplicate v-model for both
* <emoji-input> and <input>/<textarea> otherwise it will not work.
* Be prepared for CSS troubles though because it still wraps component in a div
* while TRYING to make it look like nothing happened, but it could break stuff.
const EmojiInput = {
props: {
suggest: {
* suggest: function (input: String) => Suggestion[]
* Function that takes input string which takes string (textAtCaret)
* and returns an array of Suggestions
* Suggestion is an object containing following properties:
* displayText: string. Main display text, what actual suggestion
* represents (user's screen name/emoji shortcode)
* replacement: string. Text that should replace the textAtCaret
* detailText: string, optional. Subtitle text, providing additional info
* if present (user's nickname)
* imageUrl: string, optional. Image to display alongside with suggestion,
* currently if no image is provided, replacement will be used (for
* unicode emojis)
* TODO: make it asynchronous when adding proper server-provided user
* suggestions
* For commonly used suggestors (emoji, users, both) use suggestor.js
required: true,
type: Function
value: {
* Used for v-model
required: true,
type: String
enableEmojiPicker: {
* Enables emoji picker support, this implies that custom emoji are supported
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
hideEmojiButton: {
* intended to use with external picker trigger, i.e. you have a button outside
* input that will open up the picker, see triggerShowPicker()
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
enableStickerPicker: {
* Enables sticker picker support, only makes sense when enableEmojiPicker=true
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
data () {
return {
input: undefined,
highlighted: 0,
caret: 0,
focused: false,
blurTimeout: null,
showPicker: false,
temporarilyHideSuggestions: false,
keepOpen: false,
disableClickOutside: false
components: {
computed: {
padEmoji () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.padEmoji
suggestions () {
const firstchar = this.textAtCaret.charAt(0)
if (this.textAtCaret === firstchar) { return [] }
const matchedSuggestions = this.suggest(this.textAtCaret)
if (matchedSuggestions.length <= 0) {
return []
return take(matchedSuggestions, 5)
.map(({ imageUrl, ...rest }, index) => ({
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
img: imageUrl || '',
highlighted: index === this.highlighted
showSuggestions () {
return this.focused &&
this.suggestions &&
this.suggestions.length > 0 &&
!this.showPicker &&
textAtCaret () {
return (this.wordAtCaret || {}).word || ''
wordAtCaret () {
if (this.value && this.caret) {
const word = Completion.wordAtPosition(this.value, this.caret - 1) || {}
return word
mounted () {
const slots = this.$slots.default
if (!slots || slots.length === 0) return
const input = slots.find(slot => ['input', 'textarea'].includes(slot.tag))
if (!input) return
this.input = input
input.elm.addEventListener('blur', this.onBlur)
input.elm.addEventListener('focus', this.onFocus)
input.elm.addEventListener('paste', this.onPaste)
input.elm.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp)
input.elm.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown)
input.elm.addEventListener('click', this.onClickInput)
input.elm.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition)
input.elm.addEventListener('compositionupdate', this.onCompositionUpdate)
unmounted () {
const { input } = this
if (input) {
input.elm.removeEventListener('blur', this.onBlur)
input.elm.removeEventListener('focus', this.onFocus)
input.elm.removeEventListener('paste', this.onPaste)
input.elm.removeEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp)
input.elm.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown)
input.elm.removeEventListener('click', this.onClickInput)
input.elm.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onTransition)
input.elm.removeEventListener('compositionupdate', this.onCompositionUpdate)
methods: {
triggerShowPicker () {
this.showPicker = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
// This temporarily disables "click outside" handler
// since external trigger also means click originates
// from outside, thus preventing picker from opening
this.disableClickOutside = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.disableClickOutside = false
}, 0)
togglePicker () {
this.showPicker = !this.showPicker
if (this.showPicker) {
replace (replacement) {
const newValue = Completion.replaceWord(this.value, this.wordAtCaret, replacement)
this.$emit('input', newValue)
this.caret = 0
insert ({ insertion, keepOpen }) {
const before = this.value.substring(0, this.caret) || ''
const after = this.value.substring(this.caret) || ''
/* Using a bit more smart approach to padding emojis with spaces:
* - put a space before cursor if there isn't one already, unless we
* are at the beginning of post or in spam mode
* - put a space after emoji if there isn't one already unless we are
* in spam mode
* The idea is that when you put a cursor somewhere in between sentence
* inserting just ' :emoji: ' will add more spaces to post which might
* break the flow/spacing, as well as the case where user ends sentence
* with a space before adding emoji.
* Spam mode is intended for creating multi-part emojis and overall spamming
* them, masto seem to be rendering :emoji::emoji: correctly now so why not
const isSpaceRegex = /\s/
const spaceBefore = !isSpaceRegex.exec(before.slice(-1)) && before.length && this.padEmoji > 0 ? ' ' : ''
const spaceAfter = !isSpaceRegex.exec(after[0]) && this.padEmoji ? ' ' : ''
const newValue = [
this.keepOpen = keepOpen
this.$emit('input', newValue)
const position = this.caret + (insertion + spaceAfter + spaceBefore).length
if (!keepOpen) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
// Re-focus inputbox after clicking suggestion
// Set selection right after the replacement instead of the very end
this.input.elm.setSelectionRange(position, position)
this.caret = position
replaceText (e, suggestion) {
const len = this.suggestions.length || 0
if (this.textAtCaret.length === 1) { return }
if (len > 0 || suggestion) {
const chosenSuggestion = suggestion || this.suggestions[this.highlighted]
const replacement = chosenSuggestion.replacement
const newValue = Completion.replaceWord(this.value, this.wordAtCaret, replacement)
this.$emit('input', newValue)
this.highlighted = 0
const position = this.wordAtCaret.start + replacement.length
this.$nextTick(function () {
// Re-focus inputbox after clicking suggestion
// Set selection right after the replacement instead of the very end
this.input.elm.setSelectionRange(position, position)
this.caret = position
cycleBackward (e) {
const len = this.suggestions.length || 0
if (len > 1) {
this.highlighted -= 1
if (this.highlighted < 0) {
this.highlighted = this.suggestions.length - 1
} else {
this.highlighted = 0
cycleForward (e) {
const len = this.suggestions.length || 0
if (len > 1) {
this.highlighted += 1
if (this.highlighted >= len) {
this.highlighted = 0
} else {
this.highlighted = 0
scrollIntoView () {
const rootRef = this.$refs['picker'].$el
/* Scroller is either `window` (replies in TL), sidebar (main post form,
* replies in notifs) or mobile post form. Note that getting and setting
* scroll is different for `Window` and `Element`s
const scrollerRef = this.$el.closest('.sidebar-scroller') ||
this.$el.closest('.post-form-modal-view') ||
const currentScroll = scrollerRef === window
? scrollerRef.scrollY
: scrollerRef.scrollTop
const scrollerHeight = scrollerRef === window
? scrollerRef.innerHeight
: scrollerRef.offsetHeight
const scrollerBottomBorder = currentScroll + scrollerHeight
// We check where the bottom border of root element is, this uses findOffset
// to find offset relative to scrollable container (scroller)
const rootBottomBorder = rootRef.offsetHeight + findOffset(rootRef, scrollerRef).top
const bottomDelta = Math.max(0, rootBottomBorder - scrollerBottomBorder)
// could also check top delta but there's no case for it
const targetScroll = currentScroll + bottomDelta
if (scrollerRef === window) {
scrollerRef.scroll(0, targetScroll)
} else {
scrollerRef.scrollTop = targetScroll
this.$nextTick(() => {
const { offsetHeight } = this.input.elm
const { picker } = this.$refs
const pickerBottom = picker.$el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom
if (pickerBottom > window.innerHeight) {
picker.$el.style.top = 'auto'
picker.$el.style.bottom = offsetHeight + 'px'
onTransition (e) {
onBlur (e) {
// Clicking on any suggestion removes focus from autocomplete,
// preventing click handler ever executing.
this.blurTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.focused = false
}, 200)
onClick (e, suggestion) {
this.replaceText(e, suggestion)
onFocus (e) {
if (this.blurTimeout) {
this.blurTimeout = null
if (!this.keepOpen) {
this.showPicker = false
this.focused = true
this.temporarilyHideSuggestions = false
onKeyUp (e) {
const { key } = e
// Setting hider in keyUp to prevent suggestions from blinking
// when moving away from suggested spot
if (key === 'Escape') {
this.temporarilyHideSuggestions = true
} else {
this.temporarilyHideSuggestions = false
onPaste (e) {
onKeyDown (e) {
const { ctrlKey, shiftKey, key } = e
// Disable suggestions hotkeys if suggestions are hidden
if (!this.temporarilyHideSuggestions) {
if (key === 'Tab') {
if (shiftKey) {
} else {
if (key === 'ArrowUp') {
} else if (key === 'ArrowDown') {
if (key === 'Enter') {
if (!ctrlKey) {
// Probably add optional keyboard controls for emoji picker?
// Escape hides suggestions, if suggestions are hidden it
// de-focuses the element (i.e. default browser behavior)
if (key === 'Escape') {
if (!this.temporarilyHideSuggestions) {
this.showPicker = false
onInput (e) {
this.showPicker = false
this.$emit('input', e.target.value)
onCompositionUpdate (e) {
this.showPicker = false
this.$emit('input', e.target.value)
onClickInput (e) {
this.showPicker = false
onClickOutside (e) {
if (this.disableClickOutside) return
this.showPicker = false
onStickerUploaded (e) {
this.showPicker = false
this.$emit('sticker-uploaded', e)
onStickerUploadFailed (e) {
this.showPicker = false
this.$emit('sticker-upload-Failed', e)
setCaret ({ target: { selectionStart } }) {
this.caret = selectionStart
resize () {
const { panel, picker } = this.$refs
if (!panel) return
const { offsetHeight, offsetTop } = this.input.elm
const offsetBottom = offsetTop + offsetHeight
panel.style.top = offsetBottom + 'px'
picker.$el.style.top = offsetBottom + 'px'
picker.$el.style.bottom = 'auto'
export default EmojiInput