mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 21:51:48 +01:00
Remove most of Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 42 additions and 1361 deletions
@ -3,133 +3,14 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI do
alias Pleroma.Activity
alias Pleroma.Emails.Mailer
alias Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.UserInviteToken
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView
import Ecto.Query
require Pleroma.Constants
def create_status(%User{} = user, %{"status" => _} = data) do
CommonAPI.post(user, data)
def delete(%User{} = user, id) do
with %Activity{data: %{"type" => _type}} <- Activity.get_by_id(id),
{:ok, activity} <- CommonAPI.delete(id, user) do
{:ok, activity}
def follow(%User{} = follower, params) do
with {:ok, %User{} = followed} <- get_user(params) do
CommonAPI.follow(follower, followed)
def unfollow(%User{} = follower, params) do
with {:ok, %User{} = unfollowed} <- get_user(params),
{:ok, follower} <- CommonAPI.unfollow(follower, unfollowed) do
{:ok, follower, unfollowed}
def block(%User{} = blocker, params) do
with {:ok, %User{} = blocked} <- get_user(params),
{:ok, blocker} <- User.block(blocker, blocked),
{:ok, _activity} <- ActivityPub.block(blocker, blocked) do
{:ok, blocker, blocked}
err -> err
def unblock(%User{} = blocker, params) do
with {:ok, %User{} = blocked} <- get_user(params),
{:ok, blocker} <- User.unblock(blocker, blocked),
{:ok, _activity} <- ActivityPub.unblock(blocker, blocked) do
{:ok, blocker, blocked}
err -> err
def repeat(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
with {:ok, _announce, %{data: %{"id" => id}}} <- CommonAPI.repeat(ap_id_or_id, user),
%Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(id) do
{:ok, activity}
def unrepeat(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
with {:ok, _unannounce, %{data: %{"id" => id}}} <- CommonAPI.unrepeat(ap_id_or_id, user),
%Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(id) do
{:ok, activity}
def pin(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
CommonAPI.pin(ap_id_or_id, user)
def unpin(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
CommonAPI.unpin(ap_id_or_id, user)
def fav(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
with {:ok, _fav, %{data: %{"id" => id}}} <- CommonAPI.favorite(ap_id_or_id, user),
%Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(id) do
{:ok, activity}
def unfav(%User{} = user, ap_id_or_id) do
with {:ok, _unfav, _fav, %{data: %{"id" => id}}} <- CommonAPI.unfavorite(ap_id_or_id, user),
%Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(id) do
{:ok, activity}
def upload(%Plug.Upload{} = file, %User{} = user, format \\ "xml") do
{:ok, object} = ActivityPub.upload(file, actor: User.ap_id(user))
url = List.first(object.data["url"])
href = url["href"]
type = url["mediaType"]
case format do
"xml" ->
# Fake this as good as possible...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rsp stat="ok" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<atom:link rel="enclosure" href="#{href}" type="#{type}"></atom:link>
"json" ->
media_id: object.id,
media_id_string: "#{object.id}}",
media_url: href,
size: 0
|> Jason.encode!()
def register_user(params, opts \\ []) do
token = params["token"]
@ -236,80 +117,4 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI do
{:error, "unknown user"}
def get_user(user \\ nil, params) do
case params do
%{"user_id" => user_id} ->
case User.get_cached_by_nickname_or_id(user_id) do
nil ->
{:error, "No user with such user_id"}
%User{info: %{deactivated: true}} ->
{:error, "User has been disabled"}
user ->
{:ok, user}
%{"screen_name" => nickname} ->
case User.get_cached_by_nickname(nickname) do
nil -> {:error, "No user with such screen_name"}
target -> {:ok, target}
_ ->
if user do
{:ok, user}
{:error, "You need to specify screen_name or user_id"}
defp parse_int(string, default)
defp parse_int(string, default) when is_binary(string) do
with {n, _} <- Integer.parse(string) do
_e -> default
defp parse_int(_, default), do: default
# TODO: unify the search query with MastoAPI one and do only pagination here
def search(_user, %{"q" => query} = params) do
limit = parse_int(params["rpp"], 20)
page = parse_int(params["page"], 1)
offset = (page - 1) * limit
q =
[a, o] in Activity.with_preloaded_object(Activity),
where: fragment("?->>'type' = 'Create'", a.data),
where: ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public() in a.recipients,
"to_tsvector('english', ?->>'content') @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)",
limit: ^limit,
offset: ^offset,
# this one isn't indexed so psql won't take the wrong index.
order_by: [desc: :inserted_at]
_activities = Repo.all(q)
def get_external_profile(for_user, uri) do
with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- User.get_or_fetch(uri) do
{:ok, UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: for_user})}
_e ->
{:error, "Couldn't find user"}
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.Streamer
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
describe "create_notifications" do
test "notifies someone when they are directly addressed" do
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
third_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname} and @#{third_user.nickname}"
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
User.subscribe(subscriber, user)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, status} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(status)
assert notification.user_id == subscriber.id
@ -184,47 +183,20 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
test "it doesn't create a notification for follow-unfollow-follow chains" do
user = insert(:user)
followed_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, _, _, activity} = TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"user_id" => followed_user.id})
{:ok, _, _, activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user, followed_user)
Notification.create_notification(activity, followed_user)
TwitterAPI.unfollow(user, %{"user_id" => followed_user.id})
{:ok, _, _, activity_dupe} = TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"user_id" => followed_user.id})
CommonAPI.unfollow(user, followed_user)
{:ok, _, _, activity_dupe} = CommonAPI.follow(user, followed_user)
refute Notification.create_notification(activity_dupe, followed_user)
test "it doesn't create a notification for like-unlike-like chains" do
user = insert(:user)
liked_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.create_status(liked_user, %{"status" => "Yui is best yuru"})
{:ok, fav_status} = TwitterAPI.fav(user, status.id)
Notification.create_notification(fav_status, liked_user)
TwitterAPI.unfav(user, status.id)
{:ok, dupe} = TwitterAPI.fav(user, status.id)
refute Notification.create_notification(dupe, liked_user)
test "it doesn't create a notification for repeat-unrepeat-repeat chains" do
user = insert(:user)
retweeted_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, status} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(retweeted_user, %{
"status" => "Send dupe notifications to the shadow realm"
{:ok, retweeted_activity} = TwitterAPI.repeat(user, status.id)
Notification.create_notification(retweeted_activity, retweeted_user)
TwitterAPI.unrepeat(user, status.id)
{:ok, dupe} = TwitterAPI.repeat(user, status.id)
refute Notification.create_notification(dupe, retweeted_user)
test "it doesn't create duplicate notifications for follow+subscribed users" do
user = insert(:user)
subscriber = insert(:user)
{:ok, _, _, _} = TwitterAPI.follow(subscriber, %{"user_id" => user.id})
{:ok, _, _, _} = CommonAPI.follow(subscriber, user)
User.subscribe(subscriber, user)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, status} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, [_notif]} = Notification.create_notifications(status)
@ -234,8 +206,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
User.subscribe(subscriber, user)
{:ok, status} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "inwisible", "visibility" => "direct"})
{:ok, status} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "inwisible", "visibility" => "direct"})
assert {:ok, []} == Notification.create_notifications(status)
@ -246,8 +217,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
{:ok, notification} = Notification.get(other_user, notification.id)
@ -259,8 +229,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
{:error, _notification} = Notification.get(user, notification.id)
@ -272,8 +241,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
{:ok, notification} = Notification.dismiss(other_user, notification.id)
@ -285,8 +253,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
{:error, _notification} = Notification.dismiss(user, notification.id)
@ -300,14 +267,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
third_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname} and @#{third_user.nickname} !"
{:ok, _notifs} = Notification.create_notifications(activity)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey again @#{other_user.nickname} and @#{third_user.nickname} !"
@ -325,12 +292,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, _activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"
{:ok, _activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey again @#{other_user.nickname}!"
@ -340,7 +307,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
assert n2.id > n1.id
{:ok, _activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey yet again @#{other_user.nickname}!"
@ -677,7 +644,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
muted = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.mute(user, muted, false)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert length(Notification.for_user(user)) == 1
@ -687,7 +654,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
muted = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.mute(user, muted)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
@ -697,7 +664,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.block(user, blocked)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
@ -707,7 +674,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "http://some-domain.com")
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "some-domain.com")
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
@ -716,8 +683,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
another_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(another_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _} = Pleroma.ThreadMute.add_mute(user.id, activity.data["context"])
assert Notification.for_user(user) == []
@ -728,7 +694,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
muted = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.mute(user, muted)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(muted, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert length(Notification.for_user(user, %{with_muted: true})) == 1
@ -738,7 +704,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.block(user, blocked)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert length(Notification.for_user(user, %{with_muted: true})) == 1
@ -748,7 +714,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
blocked = insert(:user, ap_id: "http://some-domain.com")
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "some-domain.com")
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.create_status(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
assert length(Notification.for_user(user, %{with_muted: true})) == 1
@ -757,8 +723,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
user = insert(:user)
another_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(another_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{"status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}"})
{:ok, _} = Pleroma.ThreadMute.add_mute(user.id, activity.data["context"])
assert length(Notification.for_user(user, %{with_muted: true})) == 1
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
locked = insert(:user, %{info: %{locked: true}})
follower = insert(:user)
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.follow(follower, %{"user_id" => unlocked.id})
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.follow(follower, %{"user_id" => locked.id})
CommonAPI.follow(follower, unlocked)
CommonAPI.follow(follower, locked)
assert {:ok, []} = User.get_follow_requests(unlocked)
assert {:ok, [activity]} = User.get_follow_requests(locked)
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
pending_follower = insert(:user)
accepted_follower = insert(:user)
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.follow(pending_follower, %{"user_id" => locked.id})
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.follow(pending_follower, %{"user_id" => locked.id})
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.follow(accepted_follower, %{"user_id" => locked.id})
CommonAPI.follow(pending_follower, locked)
CommonAPI.follow(pending_follower, locked)
CommonAPI.follow(accepted_follower, locked)
User.follow(accepted_follower, locked)
assert {:ok, [activity]} = User.get_follow_requests(locked)
@ -1279,11 +1279,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
{:ok, _follower2} = User.follow(follower2, user)
{:ok, _follower3} = User.follow(follower3, user)
{:ok, _} = User.block(user, follower)
{:ok, user} = User.block(user, follower)
user_show = Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
assert Map.get(user_show, "followers_count") == 2
assert User.user_info(user).follower_count == 2
describe "list_inactive_users_query/1" do
@ -1327,7 +1325,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
to = Enum.random(users -- [user])
{:ok, _} =
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey @#{to.nickname}"
@ -1359,12 +1357,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.UserTest do
Enum.each(recipients, fn to ->
{:ok, _} =
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.create_status(sender, %{
CommonAPI.post(sender, %{
"status" => "hey @#{to.nickname}"
{:ok, _} =
Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI.create_status(sender, %{
CommonAPI.post(sender, %{
"status" => "hey again @#{to.nickname}"
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus
alias Pleroma.Web.Push
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
import Pleroma.Factory
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
import Tesla.Mock
@ -1583,12 +1582,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
filename: "an_image.jpg"
media =
TwitterAPI.upload(file, user, "json")
|> Jason.decode!()
{:ok, %{id: media_id}} = ActivityPub.upload(file, actor: user.ap_id)
{:ok, image_post} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "cofe", "media_ids" => [media["media_id"]]})
{:ok, image_post} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "cofe", "media_ids" => [media_id]})
conn =
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPITest do
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.ScheduledActivity
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
import Pleroma.Factory
@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPITest do
User.subscribe(subscriber, user)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, status1} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, %{"status" => "Magi"})
{:ok, status} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Akariiiin"})
{:ok, status1} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Magi"})
{:ok, [notification]} = Notification.create_notifications(status)
{:ok, [notification1]} = Notification.create_notifications(status1)
res = MastodonAPI.get_notifications(subscriber)
@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPITest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.Activity
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.UserInviteToken
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ActivityView
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView
@ -21,253 +18,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPITest do
test "create a status" do
user = insert(:user)
mentioned_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp", ap_id: "shp"})
object_data = %{
"type" => "Image",
"url" => [
"type" => "Link",
"mediaType" => "image/jpg",
"href" => "http://example.org/image.jpg"
"uuid" => 1
object = Repo.insert!(%Object{data: object_data})
input = %{
"status" =>
"Hello again, @shp.<script></script>\nThis is on another :firefox: line. #2hu #epic #phantasmagoric",
"media_ids" => [object.id]
{:ok, activity = %Activity{}} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, input)
object = Object.normalize(activity)
expected_text =
"Hello again, <span class='h-card'><a data-user='#{mentioned_user.id}' class='u-url mention' href='shp'>@<span>shp</span></a></span>.<script></script><br>This is on another :firefox: line. <a class='hashtag' data-tag='2hu' href='http://localhost:4001/tag/2hu' rel='tag'>#2hu</a> <a class='hashtag' data-tag='epic' href='http://localhost:4001/tag/epic' rel='tag'>#epic</a> <a class='hashtag' data-tag='phantasmagoric' href='http://localhost:4001/tag/phantasmagoric' rel='tag'>#phantasmagoric</a><br><a href=\"http://example.org/image.jpg\" class='attachment'>image.jpg</a>"
assert get_in(object.data, ["content"]) == expected_text
assert get_in(object.data, ["type"]) == "Note"
assert get_in(object.data, ["actor"]) == user.ap_id
assert get_in(activity.data, ["actor"]) == user.ap_id
assert Enum.member?(get_in(activity.data, ["cc"]), User.ap_followers(user))
assert Enum.member?(
get_in(activity.data, ["to"]),
assert Enum.member?(get_in(activity.data, ["to"]), "shp")
assert activity.local == true
assert %{"firefox" => "http://localhost:4001/emoji/Firefox.gif"} = object.data["emoji"]
# hashtags
assert object.data["tag"] == ["2hu", "epic", "phantasmagoric"]
# Add a context
assert is_binary(get_in(activity.data, ["context"]))
assert is_binary(get_in(object.data, ["context"]))
assert is_list(object.data["attachment"])
assert activity.data["object"] == object.data["id"]
user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(user.ap_id)
assert user.info.note_count == 1
test "create a status that is a reply" do
user = insert(:user)
input = %{
"status" => "Hello again."
{:ok, activity = %Activity{}} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, input)
object = Object.normalize(activity)
input = %{
"status" => "Here's your (you).",
"in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id
{:ok, reply = %Activity{}} = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, input)
reply_object = Object.normalize(reply)
assert get_in(reply.data, ["context"]) == get_in(activity.data, ["context"])
assert get_in(reply_object.data, ["context"]) == get_in(object.data, ["context"])
assert get_in(reply_object.data, ["inReplyTo"]) == get_in(activity.data, ["object"])
assert Activity.get_in_reply_to_activity(reply).id == activity.id
test "Follow another user using user_id" do
user = insert(:user)
followed = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, followed, _activity} = TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"user_id" => followed.id})
assert User.ap_followers(followed) in user.following
{:ok, _, _, _} = TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"user_id" => followed.id})
test "Follow another user using screen_name" do
user = insert(:user)
followed = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, followed, _activity} =
TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"screen_name" => followed.nickname})
assert User.ap_followers(followed) in user.following
followed = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(followed.ap_id)
assert followed.info.follower_count == 1
{:ok, _, _, _} = TwitterAPI.follow(user, %{"screen_name" => followed.nickname})
test "Unfollow another user using user_id" do
unfollowed = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user, %{following: [User.ap_followers(unfollowed)]})
ActivityPub.follow(user, unfollowed)
{:ok, user, unfollowed} = TwitterAPI.unfollow(user, %{"user_id" => unfollowed.id})
assert user.following == []
{:error, msg} = TwitterAPI.unfollow(user, %{"user_id" => unfollowed.id})
assert msg == "Not subscribed!"
test "Unfollow another user using screen_name" do
unfollowed = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user, %{following: [User.ap_followers(unfollowed)]})
ActivityPub.follow(user, unfollowed)
{:ok, user, unfollowed} = TwitterAPI.unfollow(user, %{"screen_name" => unfollowed.nickname})
assert user.following == []
{:error, msg} = TwitterAPI.unfollow(user, %{"screen_name" => unfollowed.nickname})
assert msg == "Not subscribed!"
test "Block another user using user_id" do
user = insert(:user)
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, blocked} = TwitterAPI.block(user, %{"user_id" => blocked.id})
assert User.blocks?(user, blocked)
test "Block another user using screen_name" do
user = insert(:user)
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, blocked} = TwitterAPI.block(user, %{"screen_name" => blocked.nickname})
assert User.blocks?(user, blocked)
test "Unblock another user using user_id" do
unblocked = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, _unblocked} = TwitterAPI.block(user, %{"user_id" => unblocked.id})
{:ok, user, _unblocked} = TwitterAPI.unblock(user, %{"user_id" => unblocked.id})
assert user.info.blocks == []
test "Unblock another user using screen_name" do
unblocked = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, user, _unblocked} = TwitterAPI.block(user, %{"screen_name" => unblocked.nickname})
{:ok, user, _unblocked} = TwitterAPI.unblock(user, %{"screen_name" => unblocked.nickname})
assert user.info.blocks == []
test "upload a file" do
user = insert(:user)
file = %Plug.Upload{
content_type: "image/jpg",
path: Path.absname("test/fixtures/image.jpg"),
filename: "an_image.jpg"
response = TwitterAPI.upload(file, user)
assert is_binary(response)
test "it favorites a status, returns the updated activity" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.fav(user, note_activity.id)
updated_activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["id"])
assert ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: updated_activity})["fave_num"] == 1
object = Object.normalize(note_activity)
assert object.data["like_count"] == 1
assert status == updated_activity
{:ok, _status} = TwitterAPI.fav(other_user, note_activity.id)
object = Object.normalize(note_activity)
assert object.data["like_count"] == 2
updated_activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["id"])
assert ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: updated_activity})["fave_num"] == 2
test "it unfavorites a status, returns the updated activity" do
user = insert(:user)
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
object = Object.normalize(note_activity)
{:ok, _like_activity, _object} = ActivityPub.like(user, object)
updated_activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["id"])
assert ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: updated_activity)["fave_num"] == 1
{:ok, activity} = TwitterAPI.unfav(user, note_activity.id)
assert ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)["fave_num"] == 0
test "it retweets a status and returns the retweet" do
user = insert(:user)
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.repeat(user, note_activity.id)
updated_activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["id"])
assert status == updated_activity
test "it unretweets an already retweeted status" do
user = insert(:user)
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
{:ok, _status} = TwitterAPI.repeat(user, note_activity.id)
{:ok, status} = TwitterAPI.unrepeat(user, note_activity.id)
updated_activity = Activity.get_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["id"])
assert status == updated_activity
test "it registers a new user and returns the user." do
data = %{
"nickname" => "lain",
@ -701,19 +451,4 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPITest do
Supervisor.restart_child(Pleroma.Supervisor, Cachex)
describe "fetching a user by uri" do
test "fetches a user by uri" do
id = "https://mastodon.social/users/lambadalambda"
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, represented} = TwitterAPI.get_external_profile(user, id)
remote = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(id)
assert represented["id"] == UserView.render("show.json", %{user: remote, for: user})["id"]
# Also fetches the feed.
# assert Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id("tag:mastodon.social,2017-04-05:objectId=1641750:objectType=Status")
# credo:disable-for-previous-line Credo.Check.Readability.MaxLineLength
@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ActivityViewTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.Activity
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ActivityView
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView
import Pleroma.Factory
import Tesla.Mock
setup do
mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
import Mock
test "returns a temporary ap_id based user for activities missing db users" do
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!", "visibility" => "direct"})
%{"user" => tw_user} = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
assert tw_user["screen_name"] == "erroruser@example.com"
assert tw_user["name"] == user.ap_id
assert tw_user["statusnet_profile_url"] == user.ap_id
test "tries to get a user by nickname if fetching by ap_id doesn't work" do
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!", "visibility" => "direct"})
{:ok, user} =
|> Ecto.Changeset.change(%{ap_id: "#{user.ap_id}/extension/#{user.nickname}"})
|> Repo.update()
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
assert result["user"]["id"] == user.id
test "tells if the message is muted for some reason" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.mute(user, other_user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "test"})
status = ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: activity})
assert status["muted"] == false
status = ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
assert status["muted"] == true
test "a create activity with a html status" do
text = """
#Bike log - Commute Tuesday\nhttps://pla.bike/posts/20181211/\n#cycling #CHScycling #commute\nMVIMG_20181211_054020.jpg
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(insert(:user), %{"status" => text})
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
assert result["statusnet_html"] ==
"<a class=\"hashtag\" data-tag=\"bike\" href=\"http://localhost:4001/tag/bike\" rel=\"tag\">#Bike</a> log - Commute Tuesday<br /><a href=\"https://pla.bike/posts/20181211/\">https://pla.bike/posts/20181211/</a><br /><a class=\"hashtag\" data-tag=\"cycling\" href=\"http://localhost:4001/tag/cycling\" rel=\"tag\">#cycling</a> <a class=\"hashtag\" data-tag=\"chscycling\" href=\"http://localhost:4001/tag/chscycling\" rel=\"tag\">#CHScycling</a> <a class=\"hashtag\" data-tag=\"commute\" href=\"http://localhost:4001/tag/commute\" rel=\"tag\">#commute</a><br />MVIMG_20181211_054020.jpg"
assert result["text"] ==
"#Bike log - Commute Tuesday\nhttps://pla.bike/posts/20181211/\n#cycling #CHScycling #commute\nMVIMG_20181211_054020.jpg"
test "a create activity with a summary containing emoji" do
{:ok, activity} =
CommonAPI.post(insert(:user), %{
"spoiler_text" => ":firefox: meow",
"status" => "."
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
expected = ":firefox: meow"
expected_html =
"<img class=\"emoji\" alt=\"firefox\" title=\"firefox\" src=\"http://localhost:4001/emoji/Firefox.gif\" /> meow"
assert result["summary"] == expected
assert result["summary_html"] == expected_html
test "a create activity with a summary containing invalid HTML" do
{:ok, activity} =
CommonAPI.post(insert(:user), %{
"spoiler_text" => "<span style=\"color: magenta; font-size: 32px;\">meow</span>",
"status" => "."
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
expected = "meow"
assert result["summary"] == expected
assert result["summary_html"] == expected
test "a create activity with a note" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!", "visibility" => "direct"})
object = Object.normalize(activity)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
convo_id = Utils.context_to_conversation_id(object.data["context"])
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "post",
"attachments" => [],
"attentions" => [
UserView.render("show.json", %{user: other_user})
"created_at" => object.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => object.data["id"],
"fave_num" => 0,
"favorited" => false,
"id" => activity.id,
"in_reply_to_status_id" => nil,
"in_reply_to_screen_name" => nil,
"in_reply_to_user_id" => nil,
"in_reply_to_profileurl" => nil,
"in_reply_to_ostatus_uri" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => true,
"possibly_sensitive" => false,
"repeat_num" => 0,
"repeated" => false,
"pinned" => false,
"statusnet_conversation_id" => convo_id,
"summary" => "",
"summary_html" => "",
"statusnet_html" =>
"Hey <span class=\"h-card\"><a data-user=\"#{other_user.id}\" class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"#{
"tags" => [],
"text" => "Hey @shp!",
"uri" => object.data["id"],
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user}),
"visibility" => "direct",
"card" => nil,
"muted" => false
assert result == expected
test "a list of activities" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
object = Object.normalize(activity)
convo_id = Utils.context_to_conversation_id(object.data["context"])
mocks = [
[context_to_conversation_id: fn _ -> false end]
[get_cached_by_ap_id: fn _ -> nil end]
with_mocks mocks do
[result] = ActivityView.render("index.json", activities: [activity])
assert result["statusnet_conversation_id"] == convo_id
assert result["user"]
refute called(Utils.context_to_conversation_id(:_))
refute called(User.get_cached_by_ap_id(user.ap_id))
refute called(User.get_cached_by_ap_id(other_user.ap_id))
test "an activity that is a reply" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
{:ok, answer} =
CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "Hi!", "in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id})
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: answer})
assert result["in_reply_to_status_id"] == activity.id
test "a like activity" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
{:ok, like, _object} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: like)
activity = Pleroma.Activity.get_by_ap_id(activity.data["id"])
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "like",
"created_at" => like.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => like.data["id"],
"id" => like.id,
"in_reply_to_status_id" => activity.id,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => false,
"favorited_status" => ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity),
"statusnet_html" => "shp favorited a status.",
"text" => "shp favorited a status.",
"uri" => "tag:#{like.data["id"]}:objectType=Favourite",
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", user: other_user)
assert result == expected
test "a like activity for deleted post" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
{:ok, like, _object} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, other_user)
CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, user)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: like)
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "like",
"created_at" => like.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => like.data["id"],
"id" => like.id,
"in_reply_to_status_id" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => false,
"favorited_status" => nil,
"statusnet_html" => "shp favorited a status.",
"text" => "shp favorited a status.",
"uri" => "tag:#{like.data["id"]}:objectType=Favourite",
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", user: other_user)
assert result == expected
test "an announce activity" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
{:ok, announce, object} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, other_user)
convo_id = Utils.context_to_conversation_id(object.data["context"])
activity = Activity.get_by_id(activity.id)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: announce)
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "repeat",
"created_at" => announce.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => announce.data["id"],
"id" => announce.id,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => false,
"statusnet_html" => "shp repeated a status.",
"text" => "shp repeated a status.",
"uri" => "tag:#{announce.data["id"]}:objectType=note",
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", user: other_user),
"retweeted_status" => ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity),
"statusnet_conversation_id" => convo_id
assert result == expected
test "A follow activity" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user, %{nickname: "shp"})
{:ok, follower} = User.follow(user, other_user)
{:ok, follow} = ActivityPub.follow(follower, other_user)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: follow)
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "follow",
"attentions" => [],
"created_at" => follow.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => follow.data["id"],
"id" => follow.id,
"in_reply_to_status_id" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => false,
"statusnet_html" => "#{user.nickname} started following shp",
"text" => "#{user.nickname} started following shp",
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", user: user)
assert result == expected
test "a delete activity" do
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Hey @shp!"})
{:ok, delete} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, user)
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: delete)
expected = %{
"activity_type" => "delete",
"attentions" => [],
"created_at" => delete.data["published"] |> Utils.date_to_asctime(),
"external_url" => delete.data["id"],
"id" => delete.id,
"in_reply_to_status_id" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"is_post_verb" => false,
"statusnet_html" => "deleted notice {{tag",
"text" => "deleted notice {{tag",
"uri" => Object.normalize(delete).data["id"],
"user" => UserView.render("show.json", user: user)
assert result == expected
test "a peertube video" do
{:ok, object} =
%Activity{} = activity = Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id(object.data["id"])
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
assert length(result["attachments"]) == 1
assert result["summary"] == "Friday Night"
test "special characters are not escaped in text field for status created" do
text = "<3 is on the way"
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(insert(:user), %{"status" => text})
result = ActivityView.render("activity.json", activity: activity)
assert result["text"] == text
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.NotificationViewTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.ActivityView
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.NotificationView
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView
import Pleroma.Factory
setup do
user = insert(:user, bio: "<span>Here's some html</span>")
[user: user]
test "A follow notification" do
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["actor"])
follower = insert(:user)
{:ok, follower} = User.follow(follower, user)
{:ok, activity} = ActivityPub.follow(follower, user)
Cachex.put(:user_cache, "user_info:#{user.id}", User.user_info(Repo.get!(User, user.id)))
[follow_notif] = Notification.for_user(user)
represented = %{
"created_at" => follow_notif.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"from_profile" => UserView.render("show.json", %{user: follower, for: user}),
"id" => follow_notif.id,
"is_seen" => 0,
"notice" => ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user}),
"ntype" => "follow"
assert represented ==
NotificationView.render("notification.json", %{notification: follow_notif, for: user})
test "A mention notification" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} =
TwitterAPI.create_status(other_user, %{"status" => "Päivää, @#{user.nickname}"})
[notification] = Notification.for_user(user)
represented = %{
"created_at" => notification.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"from_profile" => UserView.render("show.json", %{user: other_user, for: user}),
"id" => notification.id,
"is_seen" => 0,
"notice" => ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: activity, for: user}),
"ntype" => "mention"
assert represented ==
NotificationView.render("notification.json", %{notification: notification, for: user})
test "A retweet notification" do
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["actor"])
repeater = insert(:user)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.repeat(repeater, note_activity.id)
[notification] = Notification.for_user(user)
represented = %{
"created_at" => notification.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"from_profile" => UserView.render("show.json", %{user: repeater, for: user}),
"id" => notification.id,
"is_seen" => 0,
"notice" =>
ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: notification.activity, for: user}),
"ntype" => "repeat"
assert represented ==
NotificationView.render("notification.json", %{notification: notification, for: user})
test "A like notification" do
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["actor"])
liker = insert(:user)
{:ok, _activity} = TwitterAPI.fav(liker, note_activity.id)
[notification] = Notification.for_user(user)
represented = %{
"created_at" => notification.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"from_profile" => UserView.render("show.json", %{user: liker, for: user}),
"id" => notification.id,
"is_seen" => 0,
"notice" =>
ActivityView.render("activity.json", %{activity: notification.activity, for: user}),
"ntype" => "like"
assert represented ==
NotificationView.render("notification.json", %{notification: notification, for: user})
@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserViewTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils
alias Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UserView
import Pleroma.Factory
setup do
user = insert(:user, bio: "<span>Here's some html</span>")
[user: user]
test "A user with only a nickname", %{user: user} do
user = %{user | name: nil, nickname: "scarlett@catgirl.science"}
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
assert represented["name"] == user.nickname
assert represented["name_html"] == user.nickname
test "A user with an avatar object", %{user: user} do
image = "image"
user = %{user | avatar: %{"url" => [%{"href" => image}]}}
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
assert represented["profile_image_url"] == image
test "A user with emoji in username" do
expected =
"<img class=\"emoji\" alt=\"karjalanpiirakka\" title=\"karjalanpiirakka\" src=\"/file.png\" /> man"
user =
insert(:user, %{
info: %{
source_data: %{
"tag" => [
"type" => "Emoji",
"icon" => %{"url" => "/file.png"},
"name" => ":karjalanpiirakka:"
name: ":karjalanpiirakka: man"
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
assert represented["name_html"] == expected
test "A user" do
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)
user = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(note_activity.data["actor"])
{:ok, user} = User.update_note_count(user)
follower = insert(:user)
second_follower = insert(:user)
User.follow(follower, user)
User.follow(second_follower, user)
User.follow(user, follower)
{:ok, user} = User.update_follower_count(user)
Cachex.put(:user_cache, "user_info:#{user.id}", User.user_info(Repo.get!(User, user.id)))
image = "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png"
banner = "http://localhost:4001/images/banner.png"
represented = %{
"id" => user.id,
"name" => user.name,
"screen_name" => user.nickname,
"name_html" => user.name,
"description" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(user.bio |> String.replace("<br>", "\n")),
"description_html" => HtmlSanitizeEx.basic_html(user.bio),
"created_at" => user.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"favourites_count" => 0,
"statuses_count" => 1,
"friends_count" => 1,
"followers_count" => 2,
"profile_image_url" => image,
"profile_image_url_https" => image,
"profile_image_url_profile_size" => image,
"profile_image_url_original" => image,
"following" => false,
"follows_you" => false,
"statusnet_blocking" => false,
"statusnet_profile_url" => user.ap_id,
"cover_photo" => banner,
"background_image" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"locked" => false,
"hide_follows" => false,
"hide_followers" => false,
"fields" => [],
"pleroma" => %{
"confirmation_pending" => false,
"tags" => [],
"skip_thread_containment" => false
"rights" => %{"admin" => false, "delete_others_notice" => false},
"role" => "member"
assert represented == UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
test "User exposes settings for themselves and only for themselves", %{user: user} do
as_user = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: user})
assert as_user["default_scope"] == user.info.default_scope
assert as_user["no_rich_text"] == user.info.no_rich_text
assert as_user["pleroma"]["notification_settings"] == user.info.notification_settings
as_stranger = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
refute as_stranger["default_scope"]
refute as_stranger["no_rich_text"]
refute as_stranger["pleroma"]["notification_settings"]
test "A user for a given other follower", %{user: user} do
follower = insert(:user, %{following: [User.ap_followers(user)]})
{:ok, user} = User.update_follower_count(user)
image = "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png"
banner = "http://localhost:4001/images/banner.png"
represented = %{
"id" => user.id,
"name" => user.name,
"screen_name" => user.nickname,
"name_html" => user.name,
"description" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(user.bio |> String.replace("<br>", "\n")),
"description_html" => HtmlSanitizeEx.basic_html(user.bio),
"created_at" => user.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"favourites_count" => 0,
"statuses_count" => 0,
"friends_count" => 0,
"followers_count" => 1,
"profile_image_url" => image,
"profile_image_url_https" => image,
"profile_image_url_profile_size" => image,
"profile_image_url_original" => image,
"following" => true,
"follows_you" => false,
"statusnet_blocking" => false,
"statusnet_profile_url" => user.ap_id,
"cover_photo" => banner,
"background_image" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"locked" => false,
"hide_follows" => false,
"hide_followers" => false,
"fields" => [],
"pleroma" => %{
"confirmation_pending" => false,
"tags" => [],
"skip_thread_containment" => false
"rights" => %{"admin" => false, "delete_others_notice" => false},
"role" => "member"
assert represented == UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: follower})
test "A user that follows you", %{user: user} do
follower = insert(:user)
{:ok, follower} = User.follow(follower, user)
{:ok, user} = User.update_follower_count(user)
image = "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png"
banner = "http://localhost:4001/images/banner.png"
represented = %{
"id" => follower.id,
"name" => follower.name,
"screen_name" => follower.nickname,
"name_html" => follower.name,
"description" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(follower.bio |> String.replace("<br>", "\n")),
"description_html" => HtmlSanitizeEx.basic_html(follower.bio),
"created_at" => follower.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"favourites_count" => 0,
"statuses_count" => 0,
"friends_count" => 1,
"followers_count" => 0,
"profile_image_url" => image,
"profile_image_url_https" => image,
"profile_image_url_profile_size" => image,
"profile_image_url_original" => image,
"following" => false,
"follows_you" => true,
"statusnet_blocking" => false,
"statusnet_profile_url" => follower.ap_id,
"cover_photo" => banner,
"background_image" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"locked" => false,
"hide_follows" => false,
"hide_followers" => false,
"fields" => [],
"pleroma" => %{
"confirmation_pending" => false,
"tags" => [],
"skip_thread_containment" => false
"rights" => %{"admin" => false, "delete_others_notice" => false},
"role" => "member"
assert represented == UserView.render("show.json", %{user: follower, for: user})
test "a user that is a moderator" do
user = insert(:user, %{info: %{is_moderator: true}})
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: user})
assert represented["rights"]["delete_others_notice"]
assert represented["role"] == "moderator"
test "a user that is a admin" do
user = insert(:user, %{info: %{is_admin: true}})
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: user})
assert represented["rights"]["admin"]
assert represented["role"] == "admin"
test "A moderator with hidden role for another user", %{user: user} do
admin = insert(:user, %{info: %{is_moderator: true, show_role: false}})
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: admin, for: user})
assert represented["role"] == nil
test "An admin with hidden role for another user", %{user: user} do
admin = insert(:user, %{info: %{is_admin: true, show_role: false}})
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: admin, for: user})
assert represented["role"] == nil
test "A regular user for the admin", %{user: user} do
admin = insert(:user, %{info: %{is_admin: true}})
represented = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: admin})
assert represented["pleroma"]["deactivated"] == false
test "A blocked user for the blocker" do
user = insert(:user)
blocker = insert(:user)
User.block(blocker, user)
image = "http://localhost:4001/images/avi.png"
banner = "http://localhost:4001/images/banner.png"
represented = %{
"id" => user.id,
"name" => user.name,
"screen_name" => user.nickname,
"name_html" => user.name,
"description" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(user.bio |> String.replace("<br>", "\n")),
"description_html" => HtmlSanitizeEx.basic_html(user.bio),
"created_at" => user.inserted_at |> Utils.format_naive_asctime(),
"favourites_count" => 0,
"statuses_count" => 0,
"friends_count" => 0,
"followers_count" => 0,
"profile_image_url" => image,
"profile_image_url_https" => image,
"profile_image_url_profile_size" => image,
"profile_image_url_original" => image,
"following" => false,
"follows_you" => false,
"statusnet_blocking" => true,
"statusnet_profile_url" => user.ap_id,
"cover_photo" => banner,
"background_image" => nil,
"is_local" => true,
"locked" => false,
"hide_follows" => false,
"hide_followers" => false,
"fields" => [],
"pleroma" => %{
"confirmation_pending" => false,
"tags" => [],
"skip_thread_containment" => false
"rights" => %{"admin" => false, "delete_others_notice" => false},
"role" => "member"
blocker = User.get_cached_by_id(blocker.id)
assert represented == UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user, for: blocker})
test "a user with mastodon fields" do
fields = [
"name" => "Pronouns",
"value" => "she/her"
"name" => "Website",
"value" => "https://example.org/"
user =
insert(:user, %{
info: %{
source_data: %{
"attachment" =>
Enum.map(fields, fn field -> Map.put(field, "type", "PropertyValue") end)
userview = UserView.render("show.json", %{user: user})
assert userview["fields"] == fields
Reference in a new issue