# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Docs.Markdown do @behaviour Pleroma.Docs.Generator @spec process(keyword()) :: {:ok, String.t()} def process(descriptions) do config_path = "docs/docs/generated_config.md" {:ok, file} = File.open(config_path, [:utf8, :write]) IO.write(file, "# Generated configuration\n") IO.write(file, "Date of generation: #{Date.utc_today()}\n\n") IO.write( file, "This file describe the configuration, it is recommended to edit the relevant `*.secret.exs` file instead of the others founds in the ``config`` directory.\n\n" <> "If you run Pleroma with ``MIX_ENV=prod`` the file is ``prod.secret.exs``, otherwise it is ``dev.secret.exs``.\n\n" ) for group <- descriptions do if is_nil(group[:key]) do IO.write(file, "## #{inspect(group[:group])}\n") else IO.write(file, "## #{inspect(group[:key])}\n") end IO.write(file, "#{group[:description]}\n") for child <- group[:children] || [] do print_child_header(file, child) print_suggestions(file, child[:suggestions]) if child[:children] do for subchild <- child[:children] do print_child_header(file, subchild) print_suggestions(file, subchild[:suggestions]) end end end IO.write(file, "\n") end :ok = File.close(file) {:ok, config_path} end defp print_child_header(file, %{key: key, type: type, description: description} = _child) do IO.write( file, "- `#{inspect(key)}` (`#{inspect(type)}`): #{description} \n" ) end defp print_child_header(file, %{key: key, type: type} = _child) do IO.write(file, "- `#{inspect(key)}` (`#{inspect(type)}`) \n") end defp print_suggestion(file, suggestion) when is_list(suggestion) do IO.write(file, " `#{inspect(suggestion)}`\n") end defp print_suggestion(file, suggestion) when is_function(suggestion) do IO.write(file, " `#{inspect(suggestion.())}`\n") end defp print_suggestion(file, suggestion, as_list \\ false) do list_mark = if as_list, do: "- ", else: "" IO.write(file, " #{list_mark}`#{inspect(suggestion)}`\n") end defp print_suggestions(file, {:list_behaviour_implementations, behaviour}) do suggestions = Pleroma.Docs.Generator.list_behaviour_implementations(behaviour) print_suggestions(file, suggestions) end defp print_suggestions(_file, nil), do: nil defp print_suggestions(_file, ""), do: nil defp print_suggestions(file, suggestions) do if length(suggestions) > 1 do IO.write(file, "Suggestions:\n") for suggestion <- suggestions do print_suggestion(file, suggestion, true) end else IO.write(file, " Suggestion: ") print_suggestion(file, List.first(suggestions)) end end end