# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.StreamerTest do use Pleroma.DataCase alias Pleroma.List alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI alias Pleroma.Web.Streamer import Pleroma.Factory setup do skip_thread_containment = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :skip_thread_containment]) on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], skip_thread_containment) end) :ok end describe "user streams" do setup do GenServer.start(Streamer, %{}, name: Streamer) on_exit(fn -> if pid = Process.whereis(Streamer) do Process.exit(pid, :kill) end end) user = insert(:user) notify = insert(:notification, user: user, activity: build(:note_activity)) {:ok, %{user: user, notify: notify}} end test "it sends notify to in the 'user' stream", %{user: user, notify: notify} do task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "user", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) Streamer.stream("user", notify) Task.await(task) end test "it sends notify to in the 'user:notification' stream", %{user: user, notify: notify} do task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "user:notification", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) Streamer.stream("user:notification", notify) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a user is blocked", %{ user: user } do blocked = insert(:user) {:ok, user} = User.block(user, blocked) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "user:notification", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => ":("}) {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, blocked) Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a thread is muted", %{ user: user } do user2 = insert(:user) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "user:notification", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"}) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity) {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2) Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is blocked", %{ user: user } do user2 = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://hecking-lewd-place.com/user/meanie"}) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "user:notification", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "hecking-lewd-place.com") {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"}) {:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2) Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif) Task.await(task) end end test "it sends to public" do user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "Test"}) topics = %{ "public" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) task = Task.async(fn -> expected_event = %{ "event" => "delete", "payload" => activity.id } |> Jason.encode!() assert_receive {:text, received_event}, 4_000 assert received_event == expected_event end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, other_user) topics = %{ "public" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) end describe "thread_containment" do test "it doesn't send to user if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled" do Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], false) author = insert(:user) user = insert(:user, following: [author.ap_id]) activity = insert(:note_activity, note: insert(:note, user: author, data: %{"to" => ["TEST-FFF"]} ) ) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} topics = %{"public" => [fake_socket]} Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) end test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is disabled" do Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], true) author = insert(:user) user = insert(:user, following: [author.ap_id]) activity = insert(:note_activity, note: insert(:note, user: author, data: %{"to" => ["TEST-FFF"]} ) ) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} topics = %{"public" => [fake_socket]} Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) end test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled but user's thread containment is disabled" do Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], false) author = insert(:user) user = insert(:user, following: [author.ap_id], info: %{skip_thread_containment: true}) activity = insert(:note_activity, note: insert(:note, user: author, data: %{"to" => ["TEST-FFF"]} ) ) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} topics = %{"public" => [fake_socket]} Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) end end test "it doesn't send to blocked users" do user = insert(:user) blocked_user = insert(:user) {:ok, user} = User.block(user, blocked_user) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked_user, %{"status" => "Test"}) topics = %{ "public" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", activity) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send unwanted DMs to list" do user_a = insert(:user) user_b = insert(:user) user_c = insert(:user) {:ok, user_a} = User.follow(user_a, user_b) {:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a) {:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user_a } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{ "status" => "@#{user_c.nickname} Test", "visibility" => "direct" }) topics = %{ "list:#{list.id}" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.handle_cast(%{action: :stream, topic: "list", item: activity}, topics) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send unwanted private posts to list" do user_a = insert(:user) user_b = insert(:user) {:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a) {:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user_a } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{ "status" => "Test", "visibility" => "private" }) topics = %{ "list:#{list.id}" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.handle_cast(%{action: :stream, topic: "list", item: activity}, topics) Task.await(task) end test "it send wanted private posts to list" do user_a = insert(:user) user_b = insert(:user) {:ok, user_a} = User.follow(user_a, user_b) {:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a) {:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user_a } } {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{ "status" => "Test", "visibility" => "private" }) topics = %{ "list:#{list.id}" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.handle_cast(%{action: :stream, topic: "list", item: activity}, topics) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send muted reblogs" do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) user3 = insert(:user) CommonAPI.hide_reblogs(user1, user2) task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 1_000 end) fake_socket = %{ transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{ user: user1 } } {:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user3, %{"status" => "I'm kawen"}) {:ok, announce_activity, _} = CommonAPI.repeat(create_activity.id, user2) topics = %{ "public" => [fake_socket] } Streamer.push_to_socket(topics, "public", announce_activity) Task.await(task) end describe "direct streams" do setup do GenServer.start(Streamer, %{}, name: Streamer) on_exit(fn -> if pid = Process.whereis(Streamer) do Process.exit(pid, :kill) end end) :ok end test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream", %{} do user = insert(:user) another_user = insert(:user) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, _received_event}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "direct", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, _create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{ "status" => "hey @#{user.nickname}", "visibility" => "direct" }) Task.await(task) end test "it doesn't send conversation update to the 'direct' streamj when the last message in the conversation is deleted" do user = insert(:user) another_user = insert(:user) {:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{ "status" => "hi @#{user.nickname}", "visibility" => "direct" }) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, received_event}, 4_000 assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => _} = Jason.decode!(received_event) refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end) Streamer.add_socket( "direct", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(create_activity.id, another_user) Task.await(task) end test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream when a message is deleted" do user = insert(:user) another_user = insert(:user) {:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{ "status" => "hi @#{user.nickname}", "visibility" => "direct" }) {:ok, create_activity2} = CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{ "status" => "hi @#{user.nickname}", "in_reply_to_status_id" => create_activity.id, "visibility" => "direct" }) task = Task.async(fn -> assert_receive {:text, received_event}, 4_000 assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => _} = Jason.decode!(received_event) assert_receive {:text, received_event}, 4_000 assert %{"event" => "conversation", "payload" => received_payload} = Jason.decode!(received_event) assert %{"last_status" => last_status} = Jason.decode!(received_payload) assert last_status["id"] == to_string(create_activity.id) end) Streamer.add_socket( "direct", %{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}} ) {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(create_activity2.id, another_user) Task.await(task) end end end