# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.OStatus do @httpoison Application.get_env(:pleroma, :httpoison) import Ecto.Query import Pleroma.Web.XML require Logger alias Pleroma.Activity alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus.DeleteHandler alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus.FollowHandler alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus.NoteHandler alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus.UnfollowHandler alias Pleroma.Web.WebFinger alias Pleroma.Web.Websub def is_representable?(%Activity{} = activity) do object = Object.normalize(activity) cond do is_nil(object) -> false Visibility.is_public?(activity) && object.data["type"] == "Note" -> true true -> false end end def feed_path(user) do "#{user.ap_id}/feed.atom" end def pubsub_path(user) do "#{Web.base_url()}/push/hub/#{user.nickname}" end def salmon_path(user) do "#{user.ap_id}/salmon" end def remote_follow_path do "#{Web.base_url()}/ostatus_subscribe?acct={uri}" end def handle_incoming(xml_string) do with doc when doc != :error <- parse_document(xml_string) do with {:ok, actor_user} <- find_make_or_update_user(doc), do: Pleroma.Instances.set_reachable(actor_user.ap_id) entries = :xmerl_xpath.string('//entry', doc) activities = Enum.map(entries, fn entry -> {:xmlObj, :string, object_type} = :xmerl_xpath.string('string(/entry/activity:object-type[1])', entry) {:xmlObj, :string, verb} = :xmerl_xpath.string('string(/entry/activity:verb[1])', entry) Logger.debug("Handling #{verb}") try do case verb do 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/delete' -> with {:ok, activity} <- DeleteHandler.handle_delete(entry, doc), do: activity 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/follow' -> with {:ok, activity} <- FollowHandler.handle(entry, doc), do: activity 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/unfollow' -> with {:ok, activity} <- UnfollowHandler.handle(entry, doc), do: activity 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/share' -> with {:ok, activity, retweeted_activity} <- handle_share(entry, doc), do: [activity, retweeted_activity] 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/favorite' -> with {:ok, activity, favorited_activity} <- handle_favorite(entry, doc), do: [activity, favorited_activity] _ -> case object_type do 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note' -> with {:ok, activity} <- NoteHandler.handle_note(entry, doc), do: activity 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/comment' -> with {:ok, activity} <- NoteHandler.handle_note(entry, doc), do: activity _ -> Logger.error("Couldn't parse incoming document") nil end end rescue e -> Logger.error("Error occured while handling activity") Logger.error(xml_string) Logger.error(inspect(e)) nil end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) {:ok, activities} else _e -> {:error, []} end end def make_share(entry, doc, retweeted_activity) do with {:ok, actor} <- find_make_or_update_user(doc), %Object{} = object <- Object.normalize(retweeted_activity), id when not is_nil(id) <- string_from_xpath("/entry/id", entry), {:ok, activity, _object} = ActivityPub.announce(actor, object, id, false) do {:ok, activity} end end def handle_share(entry, doc) do with {:ok, retweeted_activity} <- get_or_build_object(entry), {:ok, activity} <- make_share(entry, doc, retweeted_activity) do {:ok, activity, retweeted_activity} else e -> {:error, e} end end def make_favorite(entry, doc, favorited_activity) do with {:ok, actor} <- find_make_or_update_user(doc), %Object{} = object <- Object.normalize(favorited_activity), id when not is_nil(id) <- string_from_xpath("/entry/id", entry), {:ok, activity, _object} = ActivityPub.like(actor, object, id, false) do {:ok, activity} end end def get_or_build_object(entry) do with {:ok, activity} <- get_or_try_fetching(entry) do {:ok, activity} else _e -> with [object] <- :xmerl_xpath.string('/entry/activity:object', entry) do NoteHandler.handle_note(object, object) end end end def get_or_try_fetching(entry) do Logger.debug("Trying to get entry from db") with id when not is_nil(id) <- string_from_xpath("//activity:object[1]/id", entry), %Activity{} = activity <- Activity.get_create_by_object_ap_id_with_object(id) do {:ok, activity} else _ -> Logger.debug("Couldn't get, will try to fetch") with href when not is_nil(href) <- string_from_xpath("//activity:object[1]/link[@type=\"text/html\"]/@href", entry), {:ok, [favorited_activity]} <- fetch_activity_from_url(href) do {:ok, favorited_activity} else e -> Logger.debug("Couldn't find href: #{inspect(e)}") end end end def handle_favorite(entry, doc) do with {:ok, favorited_activity} <- get_or_try_fetching(entry), {:ok, activity} <- make_favorite(entry, doc, favorited_activity) do {:ok, activity, favorited_activity} else e -> {:error, e} end end def get_attachments(entry) do :xmerl_xpath.string('/entry/link[@rel="enclosure"]', entry) |> Enum.map(fn enclosure -> with href when not is_nil(href) <- string_from_xpath("/link/@href", enclosure), type when not is_nil(type) <- string_from_xpath("/link/@type", enclosure) do %{ "type" => "Attachment", "url" => [ %{ "type" => "Link", "mediaType" => type, "href" => href } ] } end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) end @doc """ Gets the content from a an entry. """ def get_content(entry) do string_from_xpath("//content", entry) end @doc """ Get the cw that mastodon uses. """ def get_cw(entry) do with cw when not is_nil(cw) <- string_from_xpath("/*/summary", entry) do cw else _e -> nil end end def get_tags(entry) do :xmerl_xpath.string('//category', entry) |> Enum.map(fn category -> string_from_xpath("/category/@term", category) end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.map(&String.downcase/1) end def maybe_update(doc, user) do if "true" == string_from_xpath("//author[1]/ap_enabled", doc) do Transmogrifier.upgrade_user_from_ap_id(user.ap_id) else maybe_update_ostatus(doc, user) end end def maybe_update_ostatus(doc, user) do old_data = %{ avatar: user.avatar, bio: user.bio, name: user.name } with false <- user.local, avatar <- make_avatar_object(doc), bio <- string_from_xpath("//author[1]/summary", doc), name <- string_from_xpath("//author[1]/poco:displayName", doc), new_data <- %{ avatar: avatar || old_data.avatar, name: name || old_data.name, bio: bio || old_data.bio }, false <- new_data == old_data do change = Ecto.Changeset.change(user, new_data) User.update_and_set_cache(change) else _ -> {:ok, user} end end def find_make_or_update_user(doc) do uri = string_from_xpath("//author/uri[1]", doc) with {:ok, user} <- find_or_make_user(uri) do maybe_update(doc, user) end end def find_or_make_user(uri) do query = from(user in User, where: user.ap_id == ^uri) user = Repo.one(query) if is_nil(user) do make_user(uri) else {:ok, user} end end def make_user(uri, update \\ false) do with {:ok, info} <- gather_user_info(uri) do data = %{ name: info["name"], nickname: info["nickname"] <> "@" <> info["host"], ap_id: info["uri"], info: info, avatar: info["avatar"], bio: info["bio"] } with false <- update, %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_ap_id(data.ap_id) do {:ok, user} else _e -> User.insert_or_update_user(data) end end end # TODO: Just takes the first one for now. def make_avatar_object(author_doc, rel \\ "avatar") do href = string_from_xpath("//author[1]/link[@rel=\"#{rel}\"]/@href", author_doc) type = string_from_xpath("//author[1]/link[@rel=\"#{rel}\"]/@type", author_doc) if href do %{ "type" => "Image", "url" => [ %{ "type" => "Link", "mediaType" => type, "href" => href } ] } else nil end end def gather_user_info(username) do with {:ok, webfinger_data} <- WebFinger.finger(username), {:ok, feed_data} <- Websub.gather_feed_data(webfinger_data["topic"]) do {:ok, Map.merge(webfinger_data, feed_data) |> Map.put("fqn", username)} else e -> Logger.debug(fn -> "Couldn't gather info for #{username}" end) {:error, e} end end # Regex-based 'parsing' so we don't have to pull in a full html parser # It's a hack anyway. Maybe revisit this in the future @mastodon_regex ~r/<link href='(.*)' rel='alternate' type='application\/atom\+xml'>/ @gs_regex ~r/<link title=.* href="(.*)" type="application\/atom\+xml" rel="alternate">/ @gs_classic_regex ~r/<link rel="alternate" href="(.*)" type="application\/atom\+xml" title=.*>/ def get_atom_url(body) do cond do Regex.match?(@mastodon_regex, body) -> [[_, match]] = Regex.scan(@mastodon_regex, body) {:ok, match} Regex.match?(@gs_regex, body) -> [[_, match]] = Regex.scan(@gs_regex, body) {:ok, match} Regex.match?(@gs_classic_regex, body) -> [[_, match]] = Regex.scan(@gs_classic_regex, body) {:ok, match} true -> Logger.debug(fn -> "Couldn't find Atom link in #{inspect(body)}" end) {:error, "Couldn't find the Atom link"} end end def fetch_activity_from_atom_url(url) do with true <- String.starts_with?(url, "http"), {:ok, %{body: body, status: code}} when code in 200..299 <- @httpoison.get( url, [{:Accept, "application/atom+xml"}] ) do Logger.debug("Got document from #{url}, handling...") handle_incoming(body) else e -> Logger.debug("Couldn't get #{url}: #{inspect(e)}") e end end def fetch_activity_from_html_url(url) do Logger.debug("Trying to fetch #{url}") with true <- String.starts_with?(url, "http"), {:ok, %{body: body}} <- @httpoison.get(url, []), {:ok, atom_url} <- get_atom_url(body) do fetch_activity_from_atom_url(atom_url) else e -> Logger.debug("Couldn't get #{url}: #{inspect(e)}") e end end def fetch_activity_from_url(url) do with {:ok, [_ | _] = activities} <- fetch_activity_from_atom_url(url) do {:ok, activities} else _e -> fetch_activity_from_html_url(url) end rescue e -> Logger.debug("Couldn't get #{url}: #{inspect(e)}") {:error, "Couldn't get #{url}: #{inspect(e)}"} end end