<html> <head> <title>Akkoma</title> <!--server-generated-meta--> </head> <body> <h3>Welcome to Akkoma!</h3> <p>If you're seeing this page, your server works!</p> <p>In order to get a frontend to show here, you'll need to set up <code>:pleroma, :frontends, primary</code> and install your frontend of choice, in most cases this will just be:</p> <pre> <code lang="bash"> # OTP ./bin/pleroma_ctl frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable # Source mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable ## you can do the same thing for admin-fe if you so wish </code> </pre> <p><a href="https://docs.akkoma.dev/stable/administration/CLI_tasks/frontend/">Installation Command Documentation</a></p> <p><a href="https://docs.akkoma.dev/stable/configuration/cheatsheet/#frontend-management">Config Documentation</a></p> </body> </html>