# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.AppOperation do alias OpenApiSpex.Operation alias OpenApiSpex.Schema alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers @spec open_api_operation(atom) :: Operation.t() def open_api_operation(action) do operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation") apply(__MODULE__, operation, []) end @spec create_operation() :: Operation.t() def create_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["apps"], summary: "Create an application", description: "Create a new application to obtain OAuth2 credentials", operationId: "AppController.create", requestBody: Helpers.request_body("Parameters", create_request(), required: true), responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("App", "application/json", create_response()), 422 => Operation.response( "Unprocessable Entity", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :object, description: "If a required parameter is missing or improperly formatted, the request will fail.", properties: %{ error: %Schema{type: :string} }, example: %{ "error" => "Validation failed: Redirect URI must be an absolute URI." } } ) } } end def verify_credentials_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["apps"], summary: "Verify your app works", description: "Confirm that the app's OAuth2 credentials work.", operationId: "AppController.verify_credentials", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read"]}], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("App", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :object, description: "If the Authorization header was provided with a valid token, you should see your app returned as an Application entity.", properties: %{ name: %Schema{type: :string}, vapid_key: %Schema{type: :string}, website: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true} }, example: %{ "name" => "My App", "vapid_key" => "BCk-QqERU0q-CfYZjcuB6lnyyOYfJ2AifKqfeGIm7Z-HiTU5T9eTG5GxVA0_OH5mMlI4UkkDTpaZwozy0TzdZ2M=", "website" => "https://myapp.com/" } }), 422 => Operation.response( "Unauthorized", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :object, description: "If the Authorization header contains an invalid token, is malformed, or is not present, an error will be returned indicating an authorization failure.", properties: %{ error: %Schema{type: :string} }, example: %{ "error" => "The access token is invalid." } } ) } } end defp create_request do %Schema{ title: "AppCreateRequest", description: "POST body for creating an app", type: :object, properties: %{ client_name: %Schema{type: :string, description: "A name for your application."}, redirect_uris: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Where the user should be redirected after authorization. To display the authorization code to the user instead of redirecting to a web page, use `urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob` in this parameter." }, scopes: %Schema{ type: :string, description: "Space separated list of scopes", default: "read" }, website: %Schema{ type: :string, nullable: true, description: "A URL to the homepage of your app" } }, required: [:client_name, :redirect_uris], example: %{ "client_name" => "My App", "redirect_uris" => "https://myapp.com/auth/callback", "website" => "https://myapp.com/" } } end defp create_response do %Schema{ title: "AppCreateResponse", description: "Response schema for an app", type: :object, properties: %{ id: %Schema{type: :string}, name: %Schema{type: :string}, client_id: %Schema{type: :string}, client_secret: %Schema{type: :string}, redirect_uri: %Schema{type: :string}, vapid_key: %Schema{type: :string}, website: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true} }, example: %{ "id" => "123", "name" => "My App", "client_id" => "TWhM-tNSuncnqN7DBJmoyeLnk6K3iJJ71KKXxgL1hPM", "client_secret" => "ZEaFUFmF0umgBX1qKJDjaU99Q31lDkOU8NutzTOoliw", "vapid_key" => "BCk-QqERU0q-CfYZjcuB6lnyyOYfJ2AifKqfeGIm7Z-HiTU5T9eTG5GxVA0_OH5mMlI4UkkDTpaZwozy0TzdZ2M=", "website" => "https://myapp.com/" } } end end