# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastoFEController do use Pleroma.Web, :controller alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AuthController alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token alias Pleroma.Web.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug plug(OAuthScopesPlug, %{scopes: ["write:accounts"]} when action == :put_settings) # Note: :index action handles attempt of unauthenticated access to private instance with redirect plug(:skip_public_check when action == :index) plug( OAuthScopesPlug, %{scopes: ["read"], fallback: :proceed_unauthenticated} when action == :index ) plug(:skip_auth when action == :manifest) @doc "GET /web/*path" def index(conn, _params) do with %{assigns: %{user: %User{} = user, token: %Token{app_id: token_app_id} = token}} <- conn, {:ok, %{id: ^token_app_id}} <- AuthController.local_mastofe_app() do conn |> put_layout(false) |> render("index.html", token: token.token, user: user, custom_emojis: Pleroma.Emoji.get_all() ) else _ -> conn |> put_session(:return_to, conn.request_path) |> redirect(to: "/web/login") end end @doc "GET /web/manifest.json" def manifest(conn, _params) do render(conn, "manifest.json") end @doc "PUT /api/web/settings: Backend-obscure settings blob for MastoFE, don't parse/reuse elsewhere" def put_settings(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"data" => settings} = _params) do with {:ok, _} <- User.mastodon_settings_update(user, settings) do json(conn, %{}) else e -> conn |> put_status(:internal_server_error) |> json(%{error: inspect(e)}) end end end