# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthControllerTest do use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase import Pleroma.Factory alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Authorization alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token describe "GET /oauth/authorize" do setup do session_opts = [ store: :cookie, key: "_test", signing_salt: "cooldude" ] [ app: insert(:oauth_app, redirect_uris: "https://redirect.url"), conn: build_conn() |> Plug.Session.call(Plug.Session.init(session_opts)) |> fetch_session() ] end test "renders authentication page", %{app: app, conn: conn} do conn = get( conn, "/oauth/authorize", %{ "response_type" => "code", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "scope" => "read" } ) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ ~s(type="submit") end test "renders authentication page if user is already authenticated but `force_login` is tru-ish", %{app: app, conn: conn} do token = insert(:oauth_token, app_id: app.id) conn = conn |> put_session(:oauth_token, token.token) |> get( "/oauth/authorize", %{ "response_type" => "code", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "scope" => "read", "force_login" => "true" } ) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ ~s(type="submit") end test "redirects to app if user is already authenticated", %{app: app, conn: conn} do token = insert(:oauth_token, app_id: app.id) conn = conn |> put_session(:oauth_token, token.token) |> get( "/oauth/authorize", %{ "response_type" => "code", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "scope" => "read" } ) assert redirected_to(conn) == "https://redirect.url" end end describe "POST /oauth/authorize" do test "redirects with oauth authorization" do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write", "follow"]) conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/authorize", %{ "authorization" => %{ "name" => user.nickname, "password" => "test", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "scope" => "read write", "state" => "statepassed" } }) target = redirected_to(conn) assert target =~ app.redirect_uris query = URI.parse(target).query |> URI.query_decoder() |> Map.new() assert %{"state" => "statepassed", "code" => code} = query auth = Repo.get_by(Authorization, token: code) assert auth assert auth.scopes == ["read", "write"] end test "returns 401 for wrong credentials", %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app) result = conn |> post("/oauth/authorize", %{ "authorization" => %{ "name" => user.nickname, "password" => "wrong", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "state" => "statepassed", "scope" => Enum.join(app.scopes, " ") } }) |> html_response(:unauthorized) # Keep the details assert result =~ app.client_id assert result =~ app.redirect_uris # Error message assert result =~ "Invalid Username/Password" end test "returns 401 for missing scopes", %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app) result = conn |> post("/oauth/authorize", %{ "authorization" => %{ "name" => user.nickname, "password" => "test", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "state" => "statepassed", "scope" => "" } }) |> html_response(:unauthorized) # Keep the details assert result =~ app.client_id assert result =~ app.redirect_uris # Error message assert result =~ "This action is outside the authorized scopes" end test "returns 401 for scopes beyond app scopes", %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write"]) result = conn |> post("/oauth/authorize", %{ "authorization" => %{ "name" => user.nickname, "password" => "test", "client_id" => app.client_id, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "state" => "statepassed", "scope" => "read write follow" } }) |> html_response(:unauthorized) # Keep the details assert result =~ app.client_id assert result =~ app.redirect_uris # Error message assert result =~ "This action is outside the authorized scopes" end end describe "POST /oauth/token" do test "issues a token for an all-body request" do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write"]) {:ok, auth} = Authorization.create_authorization(app, user, ["write"]) conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "code" => auth.token, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "client_id" => app.client_id, "client_secret" => app.client_secret }) assert %{"access_token" => token, "me" => ap_id} = json_response(conn, 200) token = Repo.get_by(Token, token: token) assert token assert token.scopes == auth.scopes assert user.ap_id == ap_id end test "issues a token for `password` grant_type with valid credentials, with full permissions by default" do password = "testpassword" user = insert(:user, password_hash: Comeonin.Pbkdf2.hashpwsalt(password)) app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["read", "write"]) # Note: "scope" param is intentionally omitted conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "password", "username" => user.nickname, "password" => password, "client_id" => app.client_id, "client_secret" => app.client_secret }) assert %{"access_token" => token} = json_response(conn, 200) token = Repo.get_by(Token, token: token) assert token assert token.scopes == app.scopes end test "issues a token for request with HTTP basic auth client credentials" do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app, scopes: ["scope1", "scope2", "scope3"]) {:ok, auth} = Authorization.create_authorization(app, user, ["scope1", "scope2"]) assert auth.scopes == ["scope1", "scope2"] app_encoded = (URI.encode_www_form(app.client_id) <> ":" <> URI.encode_www_form(app.client_secret)) |> Base.encode64() conn = build_conn() |> put_req_header("authorization", "Basic " <> app_encoded) |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "code" => auth.token, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris }) assert %{"access_token" => token, "scope" => scope} = json_response(conn, 200) assert scope == "scope1 scope2" token = Repo.get_by(Token, token: token) assert token assert token.scopes == ["scope1", "scope2"] end test "rejects token exchange with invalid client credentials" do user = insert(:user) app = insert(:oauth_app) {:ok, auth} = Authorization.create_authorization(app, user) conn = build_conn() |> put_req_header("authorization", "Basic JTIxOiVGMCU5RiVBNCVCNwo=") |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "code" => auth.token, "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris }) assert resp = json_response(conn, 400) assert %{"error" => _} = resp refute Map.has_key?(resp, "access_token") end test "rejects token exchange for valid credentials belonging to unconfirmed user and confirmation is required" do setting = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :account_activation_required]) unless setting do Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], true) on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :account_activation_required], setting) end) end password = "testpassword" user = insert(:user, password_hash: Comeonin.Pbkdf2.hashpwsalt(password)) info_change = Pleroma.User.Info.confirmation_changeset(user.info, :unconfirmed) {:ok, user} = user |> Ecto.Changeset.change() |> Ecto.Changeset.put_embed(:info, info_change) |> Repo.update() refute Pleroma.User.auth_active?(user) app = insert(:oauth_app) conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "password", "username" => user.nickname, "password" => password, "client_id" => app.client_id, "client_secret" => app.client_secret }) assert resp = json_response(conn, 403) assert %{"error" => _} = resp refute Map.has_key?(resp, "access_token") end test "rejects token exchange for valid credentials belonging to deactivated user" do password = "testpassword" user = insert(:user, password_hash: Comeonin.Pbkdf2.hashpwsalt(password), info: %{deactivated: true} ) app = insert(:oauth_app) conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "password", "username" => user.nickname, "password" => password, "client_id" => app.client_id, "client_secret" => app.client_secret }) assert resp = json_response(conn, 403) assert %{"error" => _} = resp refute Map.has_key?(resp, "access_token") end test "rejects an invalid authorization code" do app = insert(:oauth_app) conn = build_conn() |> post("/oauth/token", %{ "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "code" => "Imobviouslyinvalid", "redirect_uri" => app.redirect_uris, "client_id" => app.client_id, "client_secret" => app.client_secret }) assert resp = json_response(conn, 400) assert %{"error" => _} = json_response(conn, 400) refute Map.has_key?(resp, "access_token") end end end