# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.UtilsTest do alias Pleroma.Builders.UserBuilder alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils alias Pleroma.Web.Endpoint use Pleroma.DataCase import ExUnit.CaptureLog import Pleroma.Factory @public_address "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" test "it adds attachment links to a given text and attachment set" do name = "Sakura%20Mana%20%E2%80%93%20Turned%20on%20by%20a%20Senior%20OL%20with%20a%20Temptating%20Tight%20Skirt-s%20Full%20Hipline%20and%20Panty%20Shot-%20Beautiful%20Thick%20Thighs-%20and%20Erotic%20Ass-%20-2015-%20--%20Oppaitime%208-28-2017%206-50-33%20PM.png" attachment = %{ "url" => [%{"href" => name}] } res = Utils.add_attachments("", [attachment]) assert res == "<br><a href=\"#{name}\" class='attachment'>Sakura Mana – Turned on by a Se…</a>" end describe "it confirms the password given is the current users password" do test "incorrect password given" do {:ok, user} = UserBuilder.insert() assert Utils.confirm_current_password(user, "") == {:error, "Invalid password."} end test "correct password given" do {:ok, user} = UserBuilder.insert() assert Utils.confirm_current_password(user, "test") == {:ok, user} end end test "parses emoji from name and bio" do {:ok, user} = UserBuilder.insert(%{name: ":blank:", bio: ":firefox:"}) expected = [ %{ "type" => "Emoji", "icon" => %{"type" => "Image", "url" => "#{Endpoint.url()}/emoji/Firefox.gif"}, "name" => ":firefox:" }, %{ "type" => "Emoji", "icon" => %{ "type" => "Image", "url" => "#{Endpoint.url()}/emoji/blank.png" }, "name" => ":blank:" } ] assert expected == Utils.emoji_from_profile(user) end describe "format_input/3" do test "works for bare text/plain" do text = "hello world!" expected = "hello world!" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/plain") assert output == expected text = "hello world!\n\nsecond paragraph!" expected = "hello world!<br><br>second paragraph!" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/plain") assert output == expected end test "works for bare text/html" do text = "<p>hello world!</p>" expected = "<p>hello world!</p>" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/html") assert output == expected text = "<p>hello world!</p>\n\n<p>second paragraph</p>" expected = "<p>hello world!</p>\n\n<p>second paragraph</p>" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/html") assert output == expected end test "works for bare text/markdown" do text = "**hello world**" expected = "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/markdown") assert output == expected text = "**hello world**\n\n*another paragraph*" expected = "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><em>another paragraph</em></p>\n" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/markdown") assert output == expected text = """ > cool quote by someone """ expected = "<blockquote><p>cool quote</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>by someone</p>\n" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/markdown") assert output == expected end test "works for bare text/bbcode" do text = "[b]hello world[/b]" expected = "<strong>hello world</strong>" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/bbcode") assert output == expected text = "[b]hello world![/b]\n\nsecond paragraph!" expected = "<strong>hello world!</strong><br>\n<br>\nsecond paragraph!" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/bbcode") assert output == expected text = "[b]hello world![/b]\n\n<strong>second paragraph!</strong>" expected = "<strong>hello world!</strong><br>\n<br>\n<strong>second paragraph!</strong>" {output, [], []} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/bbcode") assert output == expected end test "works for text/markdown with mentions" do {:ok, user} = UserBuilder.insert(%{nickname: "user__test", ap_id: "http://foo.com/user__test"}) text = "**hello world**\n\n*another @user__test and @user__test google.com paragraph*" expected = "<p><strong>hello world</strong></p>\n<p><em>another <span class=\"h-card\"><a data-user=\"#{ user.id }\" class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"http://foo.com/user__test\">@<span>user__test</span></a></span> and <span class=\"h-card\"><a data-user=\"#{ user.id }\" class=\"u-url mention\" href=\"http://foo.com/user__test\">@<span>user__test</span></a></span> <a href=\"http://google.com\">google.com</a> paragraph</em></p>\n" {output, _, _} = Utils.format_input(text, "text/markdown") assert output == expected end end describe "context_to_conversation_id" do test "creates a mapping object" do conversation_id = Utils.context_to_conversation_id("random context") object = Object.get_by_ap_id("random context") assert conversation_id == object.id end test "returns an existing mapping for an existing object" do {:ok, object} = Object.context_mapping("random context") |> Repo.insert() conversation_id = Utils.context_to_conversation_id("random context") assert conversation_id == object.id end end describe "formats date to asctime" do test "when date is in ISO 8601 format" do date = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_iso8601() expected = date |> DateTime.from_iso8601() |> elem(1) |> Calendar.Strftime.strftime!("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y") assert Utils.date_to_asctime(date) == expected end test "when date is a binary in wrong format" do date = DateTime.utc_now() expected = "" assert capture_log(fn -> assert Utils.date_to_asctime(date) == expected end) =~ "[warn] Date #{date} in wrong format, must be ISO 8601" end test "when date is a Unix timestamp" do date = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix() expected = "" assert capture_log(fn -> assert Utils.date_to_asctime(date) == expected end) =~ "[warn] Date #{date} in wrong format, must be ISO 8601" end test "when date is nil" do expected = "" assert capture_log(fn -> assert Utils.date_to_asctime(nil) == expected end) =~ "[warn] Date in wrong format, must be ISO 8601" end test "when date is a random string" do assert capture_log(fn -> assert Utils.date_to_asctime("foo") == "" end) =~ "[warn] Date foo in wrong format, must be ISO 8601" end end describe "get_to_and_cc" do test "for public posts, not a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "public") assert length(to) == 2 assert length(cc) == 1 assert @public_address in to assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in cc end test "for public posts, a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"}) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "public") assert length(to) == 3 assert length(cc) == 1 assert @public_address in to assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert third_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in cc end test "for unlisted posts, not a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "unlisted") assert length(to) == 2 assert length(cc) == 1 assert @public_address in cc assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in to end test "for unlisted posts, a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"}) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "unlisted") assert length(to) == 3 assert length(cc) == 1 assert @public_address in cc assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert third_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in to end test "for private posts, not a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "private") assert length(to) == 2 assert length(cc) == 0 assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in to end test "for private posts, a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"}) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "private") assert length(to) == 3 assert length(cc) == 0 assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert third_user.ap_id in to assert user.follower_address in to end test "for direct posts, not a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, nil, "direct") assert length(to) == 1 assert length(cc) == 0 assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to end test "for direct posts, a reply" do user = insert(:user) mentioned_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(third_user, %{"status" => "uguu"}) mentions = [mentioned_user.ap_id] {to, cc} = Utils.get_to_and_cc(user, mentions, activity, "direct") assert length(to) == 2 assert length(cc) == 0 assert mentioned_user.ap_id in to assert third_user.ap_id in to end end describe "get_by_id_or_ap_id/1" do test "get activity by id" do activity = insert(:note_activity) %Pleroma.Activity{} = note = Utils.get_by_id_or_ap_id(activity.id) assert note.id == activity.id end test "get activity by ap_id" do activity = insert(:note_activity) %Pleroma.Activity{} = note = Utils.get_by_id_or_ap_id(activity.data["object"]) assert note.id == activity.id end test "get activity by object when type isn't `Create` " do activity = insert(:like_activity) %Pleroma.Activity{} = like = Utils.get_by_id_or_ap_id(activity.id) assert like.data["object"] == activity.data["object"] end end end