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A Matrix client focusing primarily on simple, elegant and secure interface. The main goal is to have an instant messaging application that is easy on people and has a modern touch.
The web app is available at [app.cinny.in](https://app.cinny.in/) and gets updated on each new release. The `dev` branch is continuously deployed at [dev.cinny.in](https://dev.cinny.in) but keep in mind that it could have things broken.
To host Cinny on your own, simply download the tarball from [GitHub releases](https://github.com/cinnyapp/cinny/releases/latest), and serve the files from `dist/` using your preferred webserver. Alternatively, you can just pull the docker image from [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ajbura/cinny) or [GitHub Container Registry](https://github.com/cinnyapp/cinny/pkgs/container/cinny).
* You need to set up redirects to serve the assests. Example configurations; [netlify](netlify.toml), [nginx](contrib/nginx/cinny.domain.tld.conf), [caddy](contrib/caddy/caddyfile).
* If you have trouble configuring redirects you can [enable hash routing](config.json#L35) — the url in the browser will have a `/#/` between the domain and open channel (ie. `app.cinny.in/#/home/` instead of `app.cinny.in/home/`) but you won't have to configure your webserver.
* To deploy on subdirectory, you need to rebuild the app youself after updating the `base` path in [`build.config.ts`](build.config.ts).
* For example, if you want to deploy on `https://cinny.in/app`, then set `base: '/app'`.
<details><summary><b>PGP Public Key to verify tarball</b></summary>
> We recommend using a version manager as versions change very quickly. You will likely need to switch between multiple Node.js versions based on the needs of different projects you're working on. [NVM on windows](https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows#installation--upgrades) on Windows and [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) on Linux/macOS are pretty good choices. Recommended nodejs version is Iron LTS (v20).
This will forward your `localhost` port 8080 to the container's port 80. You can visit the app in your browser by navigating to `http://localhost:8080`.