* use hotkey using key instead of which (default)
* remove shift from block formatting hotkeys
* smartly exit formatting with backspace
* set markdown to off by default
* exit formatting with escape
* add commands hook
* add commands in editor
* add command auto complete menu
* add commands in room input
* remove old reply code from room input
* fix video component css
* do not auto focus input on android or ios
* fix crash on enable block after selection
* fix circular deps in editor
* fix autocomplete return focus move editor cursor
* remove unwanted keydown from room input
* fix emoji alignment in editor
* test ipad user agent
* refactor isAndroidOrIOS to mobileOrTablet
* update slate & slate-react
* downgrade slate-react to 0.98.4
0.99.0 has breaking changes with ReactEditor.focus
* add sql to readable ext mimetype
* fix empty editor formatting gets saved as draft
* add option to use enter for newline
* remove empty msg draft from atom family
* prevent msg ctx menu from open on text selection
* fix type
* fix missing member from reaction
* stop context menu event propagation in msg modal
* prevent encode blur hash from freezing app
* replace roboto font with inter and fix weight
* add recent emoji when selecting emoji
* fix room latest evt hook
* add option to drop typing status
* fix intersection & resize observer
* add binary search util
* add scroll info util
* add virtual paginator hook - WIP
* render timeline using paginator hook
* add continuous pagination to fill timeline
* add doc comments in virtual paginator hook
* add scroll to element func in virtual paginator
* extract timeline pagination login into hook
* add sliding name for timeline messages - testing
* scroll with live event
* change message rending style
* make message timestamp smaller
* remove unused imports
* add random number between util
* add compact message component
* add sanitize html types
* fix sending alias in room mention
* get room member display name util
* add get room with canonical alias util
* add sanitize html util
* render custom html with new styles
* fix linkifying link text
* add reaction component
* display message reactions in timeline
* Change mention color
* show edited message
* add event sent by function factory
* add functions to get emoji shortcode
* add component for reaction msg
* add tooltip for who has reacted
* add message layouts & placeholder
* fix reaction size
* fix dark theme colors
* add code highlight with prismjs
* add options to configure spacing in msgs
* render message reply
* fix trim reply from body regex
* fix crash when loading reply
* fix reply hover style
* decrypt event on timeline paginate
* update custom html code style
* remove console logs
* fix virtual paginator scroll to func
* fix virtual paginator scroll to types
* add stop scroll for in view item options
* fix virtual paginator out of range scroll to index
* scroll to and highlight reply on click
* fix reply hover style
* make message avatar clickable
* fix scrollTo issue in virtual paginator
* load reply from fetch
* import virtual paginator restore scroll
* load timeline for specific event
* Fix back pagination recalibration
* fix reply min height
* revert code block colors to secondary
* stop sanitizing text in code block
* add decrypt file util
* add image media component
* update folds
* fix code block font style
* add msg event type
* add scale dimension util
* strict msg layout type
* add image renderer component
* add message content fallback components
* add message matrix event renderer components
* render matrix event using hooks
* add attachment component
* add attachment content types
* handle error when rendering image in timeline
* add video component
* render video
* include blurhash in thumbnails
* generate thumbnails for image message
* fix reactToDom spoiler opts
* add hooks for HTMLMediaElement
* render audio file in timeline
* add msg image content component
* fix image content props
* add video content component
* render new image/video component in timeline
* remove console.log
* convert seconds to milliseconds in video info
* add load thumbnail prop to video content component
* add file saver types
* add file header component
* add file content component
* render file in timeline
* add media control component
* render audio message in room timeline
* remove moved components
* safely load message reply
* add media loading hook
* update media control layout
* add loading indication in audio component
* fill audio play icon when playing audio
* fix media expanding
* add image viewer - WIP
* add pan and zoom control to image viewer
* add text based file viewer
* add pdf viewer
* add error handling in pdf viewer
* add download btn to pdf viewer
* fix file button spinner fill
* fix file opens on re-render
* add range slider in audio content player
* render location in timeline
* update folds
* display membership event in timeline
* make reactions toggle
* render sticker messages in timeline
* render room name, topic, avatar change and event
* fix typos
* update render state event type style
* add room intro in start of timeline
* add power levels context
* fix wrong param passing in RoomView
* fix sending typing notification in wrong room
Slate onChange callback was not updating with react re-renders.
* send typing status on key up
* add typing indicator component
* add typing member atom
* display typing status in member drawer
* add room view typing member component
* display typing members in room view
* remove old roomTimeline uses
* add event readers hook
* add latest event hook
* display following members in room view
* fetch event instead of event context for reply
* fix typo in virtual paginator hook
* add scroll to latest btn in timeline
* change scroll to latest chip variant
* destructure paginator object to improve perf
* restore forward dir scroll in virtual paginator
* run scroll to bottom in layout effect
* display unread message indicator in timeline
* make component for room timeline float
* add timeline divider component
* add day divider and format message time
* apply message spacing to dividers
* format date in room intro
* send read receipt on message arrive
* add event readers component
* add reply, read receipt, source delete opt
* bug fixes
* update timeline on delete & show reason
* fix empty reaction container style
* show msg selection effect on msg option open
* add report message options
* add options to send quick reactions
* add emoji board in message options
* add reaction viewer
* fix styles
* show view reaction in msg options menu
* fix spacing between two msg by same person
* add option menu in other rendered event
* handle m.room.encrypted messages
* fix italic reply text overflow cut
* handle encrypted sticker messages
* remove console log
* prevent message context menu with alt key pressed
* make mentions clickable in messages
* add options to show and hidden events in timeline
* add option to disable media autoload
* remove old emojiboard opener
* add options to use system emoji
* refresh timeline on reset
* fix stuck typing member in member drawer
* fix room members hook
* fix resize observer hook
* add intersection observer hook
* install react-virtual lib
* improve right panel - WIP
* add filters for members
* fix bug in async search
* categories members and add search
* show spinner on room member fetch
* make invite member btn clickable
* so no member text
* add line between room view and member drawer
* fix imports
* add screen size hook
* fix set setting hook
* make member drawer responsive
* extract power level tags hook
* fix room members hook
* fix use async search api
* produce search result on filter change
* focus editor on reply click
* fix emoji and sticker img object-fit
* fix cursor not moving with autocomplete
* stop sanitizing sending plain text body
* improve autocomplete query parsing
* add escape to turn off active editor toolbar item