import React, { Dispatch, MouseEventHandler, RefObject, SetStateAction, useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import { Direction, EventTimeline, EventTimelineSet, EventTimelineSetHandlerMap, EventType, IEncryptedFile, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, RelationType, Room, RoomEvent, RoomEventHandlerMap, } from 'matrix-js-sdk'; import parse, { HTMLReactParserOptions } from 'html-react-parser'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { ReactEditor } from 'slate-react'; import { Editor } from 'slate'; import to from 'await-to-js'; import { useSetAtom } from 'jotai'; import { Badge, Box, Chip, ContainerColor, Icon, Icons, Line, Scroll, Text, as, color, config, toRem, } from 'folds'; import Linkify from 'linkify-react'; import { decryptFile, eventWithShortcode, factoryEventSentBy, getMxIdLocalPart, isRoomId, isUserId, matrixEventByRecency, } from '../../utils/matrix'; import { sanitizeCustomHtml } from '../../utils/sanitize'; import { useMatrixClient } from '../../hooks/useMatrixClient'; import { useVirtualPaginator, ItemRange } from '../../hooks/useVirtualPaginator'; import { useAlive } from '../../hooks/useAlive'; import { scrollToBottom } from '../../utils/dom'; import { DefaultPlaceholder, CompactPlaceholder, Reply, MessageBase, MessageDeletedContent, MessageBrokenContent, MessageUnsupportedContent, MessageEditedContent, MessageEmptyContent, AttachmentBox, Attachment, AttachmentContent, AttachmentHeader, Time, MessageBadEncryptedContent, MessageNotDecryptedContent, } from '../../components/message'; import { LINKIFY_OPTS, getReactCustomHtmlParser } from '../../plugins/react-custom-html-parser'; import { decryptAllTimelineEvent, getMemberDisplayName, getReactionContent, isMembershipChanged, } from '../../utils/room'; import { useSetting } from '../../state/hooks/settings'; import { settingsAtom } from '../../state/settings'; import { openJoinAlias, openProfileViewer, selectRoom, selectTab, } from '../../../client/action/navigation'; import { useForceUpdate } from '../../hooks/useForceUpdate'; import { parseGeoUri, scaleYDimension } from '../../utils/common'; import { useMatrixEventRenderer } from '../../hooks/useMatrixEventRenderer'; import { useRoomMsgContentRenderer } from '../../hooks/useRoomMsgContentRenderer'; import { IAudioContent, IImageContent, IVideoContent } from '../../../types/matrix/common'; import { getBlobSafeMimeType } from '../../utils/mimeTypes'; import { ImageContent, VideoContent, FileHeader, fileRenderer, AudioContent, Reactions, EventContent, Message, Event, EncryptedContent, StickerContent, } from './message'; import { useMemberEventParser } from '../../hooks/useMemberEventParser'; import * as customHtmlCss from '../../styles/CustomHtml.css'; import { RoomIntro } from '../../components/room-intro'; import { getIntersectionObserverEntry, useIntersectionObserver, } from '../../hooks/useIntersectionObserver'; import { markAsRead } from '../../../client/action/notifications'; import { useDebounce } from '../../hooks/useDebounce'; import { getResizeObserverEntry, useResizeObserver } from '../../hooks/useResizeObserver'; import * as css from './RoomTimeline.css'; import { inSameDay, minuteDifference, timeDayMonthYear, today, yesterday } from '../../utils/time'; import { createMentionElement, moveCursor } from '../../components/editor'; import { roomIdToReplyDraftAtomFamily } from '../../state/roomInputDrafts'; import { usePowerLevelsAPI } from '../../hooks/usePowerLevels'; import { MessageEvent } from '../../../types/matrix/room'; import initMatrix from '../../../client/initMatrix'; const TimelineFloat = as<'div', css.TimelineFloatVariants>( ({ position, className, ...props }, ref) => ( ) ); const TimelineDivider = as<'div', { variant?: ContainerColor | 'Inherit' }>( ({ variant, children, ...props }, ref) => ( {children} ) ); export const getLiveTimeline = (room: Room): EventTimeline => room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet().getLiveTimeline(); export const getEventTimeline = (room: Room, eventId: string): EventTimeline | undefined => { const timelineSet = room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet(); return timelineSet.getTimelineForEvent(eventId) ?? undefined; }; export const getFirstLinkedTimeline = ( timeline: EventTimeline, direction: Direction ): EventTimeline => { const linkedTm = timeline.getNeighbouringTimeline(direction); if (!linkedTm) return timeline; return getFirstLinkedTimeline(linkedTm, direction); }; export const getLinkedTimelines = (timeline: EventTimeline): EventTimeline[] => { const firstTimeline = getFirstLinkedTimeline(timeline, Direction.Backward); const timelines: EventTimeline[] = []; for ( let nextTimeline: EventTimeline | null = firstTimeline; nextTimeline; nextTimeline = nextTimeline.getNeighbouringTimeline(Direction.Forward) ) { timelines.push(nextTimeline); } return timelines; }; export const timelineToEventsCount = (t: EventTimeline) => t.getEvents().length; export const getTimelinesEventsCount = (timelines: EventTimeline[]): number => { const timelineEventCountReducer = (count: number, tm: EventTimeline) => count + timelineToEventsCount(tm); return timelines.reduce(timelineEventCountReducer, 0); }; export const getTimelineAndBaseIndex = ( timelines: EventTimeline[], index: number ): [EventTimeline | undefined, number] => { let uptoTimelineLen = 0; const timeline = timelines.find((t) => { uptoTimelineLen += t.getEvents().length; if (index < uptoTimelineLen) return true; return false; }); if (!timeline) return [undefined, 0]; return [timeline, uptoTimelineLen - timeline.getEvents().length]; }; export const getTimelineRelativeIndex = (absoluteIndex: number, timelineBaseIndex: number) => absoluteIndex - timelineBaseIndex; export const getTimelineEvent = (timeline: EventTimeline, index: number): MatrixEvent | undefined => timeline.getEvents()[index]; export const getEventIdAbsoluteIndex = ( timelines: EventTimeline[], eventTimeline: EventTimeline, eventId: string ): number | undefined => { const timelineIndex = timelines.findIndex((t) => t === eventTimeline); if (timelineIndex === -1) return undefined; const eventIndex = eventTimeline.getEvents().findIndex((evt) => evt.getId() === eventId); if (eventIndex === -1) return undefined; const baseIndex = timelines .slice(0, timelineIndex) .reduce((accValue, timeline) => timeline.getEvents().length + accValue, 0); return baseIndex + eventIndex; }; export const getEventReactions = (timelineSet: EventTimelineSet, eventId: string) => timelineSet.relations.getChildEventsForEvent( eventId, RelationType.Annotation, EventType.Reaction ); export const getEventEdits = (timelineSet: EventTimelineSet, eventId: string, eventType: string) => timelineSet.relations.getChildEventsForEvent(eventId, RelationType.Replace, eventType); export const getLatestEdit = ( targetEvent: MatrixEvent, editEvents: MatrixEvent[] ): MatrixEvent | undefined => { const eventByTargetSender = (rEvent: MatrixEvent) => rEvent.getSender() === targetEvent.getSender(); return editEvents.sort(matrixEventByRecency).find(eventByTargetSender); }; export const getEditedEvent = ( mEventId: string, mEvent: MatrixEvent, timelineSet: EventTimelineSet ): MatrixEvent | undefined => { const edits = getEventEdits(timelineSet, mEventId, mEvent.getType()); return edits && getLatestEdit(mEvent, edits.getRelations()); }; export const factoryGetFileSrcUrl = (httpUrl: string, mimeType: string, encFile?: IEncryptedFile) => async (): Promise => { if (encFile) { if (typeof httpUrl !== 'string') throw new Error('Malformed event'); const encRes = await fetch(httpUrl, { method: 'GET' }); const encData = await encRes.arrayBuffer(); const decryptedBlob = await decryptFile(encData, mimeType, encFile); return URL.createObjectURL(decryptedBlob); } return httpUrl; }; type RoomTimelineProps = { room: Room; eventId?: string; roomInputRef: RefObject; editor: Editor; }; const PAGINATION_LIMIT = 80; type Timeline = { linkedTimelines: EventTimeline[]; range: ItemRange; }; const useEventTimelineLoader = ( mx: MatrixClient, room: Room, onLoad: (eventId: string, linkedTimelines: EventTimeline[], evtAbsIndex: number) => void, onError: (err: Error | null) => void ) => { const loadEventTimeline = useCallback( async (eventId: string) => { const [err, replyEvtTimeline] = await to( mx.getEventTimeline(room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet(), eventId) ); if (!replyEvtTimeline) { onError(err ?? null); return; } const linkedTimelines = getLinkedTimelines(replyEvtTimeline); const absIndex = getEventIdAbsoluteIndex(linkedTimelines, replyEvtTimeline, eventId); if (absIndex === undefined) { onError(err ?? null); return; } onLoad(eventId, linkedTimelines, absIndex); }, [mx, room, onLoad, onError] ); return loadEventTimeline; }; const useTimelinePagination = ( mx: MatrixClient, timeline: Timeline, setTimeline: Dispatch>, limit: number ) => { const timelineRef = useRef(timeline); timelineRef.current = timeline; const alive = useAlive(); const handleTimelinePagination = useMemo(() => { let fetching = false; const recalibratePagination = ( linkedTimelines: EventTimeline[], timelinesEventsCount: number[], backwards: boolean ) => { const topTimeline = linkedTimelines[0]; const timelineMatch = (mt: EventTimeline) => (t: EventTimeline) => t === mt; const newLTimelines = getLinkedTimelines(topTimeline); const topTmIndex = newLTimelines.findIndex(timelineMatch(topTimeline)); const topAddedTm = topTmIndex === -1 ? [] : newLTimelines.slice(0, topTmIndex); const topTmAddedEvt = timelineToEventsCount(newLTimelines[topTmIndex]) - timelinesEventsCount[0]; const offsetRange = getTimelinesEventsCount(topAddedTm) + (backwards ? topTmAddedEvt : 0); setTimeline((currentTimeline) => ({ linkedTimelines: newLTimelines, range: offsetRange > 0 ? { start: currentTimeline.range.start + offsetRange, end: currentTimeline.range.end + offsetRange, } : { ...currentTimeline.range }, })); }; return async (backwards: boolean) => { if (fetching) return; const { linkedTimelines: lTimelines } = timelineRef.current; const timelinesEventsCount =; const timelineToPaginate = backwards ? lTimelines[0] : lTimelines[lTimelines.length - 1]; if (!timelineToPaginate) return; const paginationToken = timelineToPaginate.getPaginationToken( backwards ? Direction.Backward : Direction.Forward ); if ( !paginationToken && getTimelinesEventsCount(lTimelines) !== getTimelinesEventsCount(getLinkedTimelines(timelineToPaginate)) ) { recalibratePagination(lTimelines, timelinesEventsCount, backwards); return; } fetching = true; const [err] = await to( mx.paginateEventTimeline(timelineToPaginate, { backwards, limit, }) ); if (err) { // TODO: handle pagination error. return; } const fetchedTimeline = timelineToPaginate.getNeighbouringTimeline( backwards ? Direction.Backward : Direction.Forward ) ?? timelineToPaginate; // Decrypt all event ahead of render cycle if (mx.isRoomEncrypted(fetchedTimeline.getRoomId() ?? '')) { await to(decryptAllTimelineEvent(mx, fetchedTimeline)); } fetching = false; if (alive()) { recalibratePagination(lTimelines, timelinesEventsCount, backwards); } }; }, [mx, alive, setTimeline, limit]); return handleTimelinePagination; }; const useLiveEventArrive = (room: Room, onArrive: (mEvent: MatrixEvent) => void) => { useEffect(() => { const handleTimelineEvent: EventTimelineSetHandlerMap[RoomEvent.Timeline] = ( mEvent, eventRoom, toStartOfTimeline, removed, data ) => { if (eventRoom?.roomId !== room.roomId || !data.liveEvent) return; onArrive(mEvent); }; const handleRedaction: RoomEventHandlerMap[RoomEvent.Redaction] = (mEvent, eventRoom) => { if (eventRoom?.roomId !== room.roomId) return; onArrive(mEvent); }; room.on(RoomEvent.Timeline, handleTimelineEvent); room.on(RoomEvent.Redaction, handleRedaction); return () => { room.removeListener(RoomEvent.Timeline, handleTimelineEvent); room.removeListener(RoomEvent.Redaction, handleRedaction); }; }, [room, onArrive]); }; const useLiveTimelineRefresh = (room: Room, onRefresh: () => void) => { useEffect(() => { const handleTimelineRefresh: RoomEventHandlerMap[RoomEvent.TimelineRefresh] = (r) => { if (r.roomId !== room.roomId) return; onRefresh(); }; room.on(RoomEvent.TimelineRefresh, handleTimelineRefresh); return () => { room.removeListener(RoomEvent.TimelineRefresh, handleTimelineRefresh); }; }, [room, onRefresh]); }; const getInitialTimeline = (room: Room) => { const linkedTimelines = getLinkedTimelines(getLiveTimeline(room)); const evLength = getTimelinesEventsCount(linkedTimelines); return { linkedTimelines, range: { start: Math.max(evLength - PAGINATION_LIMIT, 0), end: evLength, }, }; }; const getEmptyTimeline = () => ({ range: { start: 0, end: 0 }, linkedTimelines: [], }); const getRoomUnreadInfo = (room: Room, scrollTo = false) => { const readUptoEventId = room.getEventReadUpTo(room.client.getUserId() ?? ''); if (!readUptoEventId) return undefined; const evtTimeline = getEventTimeline(room, readUptoEventId); const latestTimeline = evtTimeline && getFirstLinkedTimeline(evtTimeline, Direction.Forward); return { readUptoEventId, inLiveTimeline: latestTimeline === room.getLiveTimeline(), scrollTo, }; }; export function RoomTimeline({ room, eventId, roomInputRef, editor }: RoomTimelineProps) { const mx = useMatrixClient(); const [messageLayout] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'messageLayout'); const [messageSpacing] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'messageSpacing'); const [hideMembershipEvents] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'hideMembershipEvents'); const [hideNickAvatarEvents] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'hideNickAvatarEvents'); const [mediaAutoLoad] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'mediaAutoLoad'); const [showHiddenEvents] = useSetting(settingsAtom, 'showHiddenEvents'); const setReplyDraft = useSetAtom(roomIdToReplyDraftAtomFamily(room.roomId)); const { canDoAction, canSendEvent, getPowerLevel } = usePowerLevelsAPI(); const myPowerLevel = getPowerLevel(mx.getUserId() ?? ''); const canRedact = canDoAction('redact', myPowerLevel); const canSendReaction = canSendEvent(MessageEvent.Reaction, myPowerLevel); const imagePackRooms: Room[] = useMemo(() => { const allParentSpaces = [ room.roomId, ...(initMatrix.roomList?.getAllParentSpaces(room.roomId) ?? []), ]; return allParentSpaces.reduce((list, rId) => { const r = mx.getRoom(rId); if (r) list.push(r); return list; }, []); }, [mx, room]); const [unreadInfo, setUnreadInfo] = useState(() => getRoomUnreadInfo(room, true)); const readUptoEventIdRef = useRef(); if (unreadInfo) { readUptoEventIdRef.current = unreadInfo.readUptoEventId; } const atBottomAnchorRef = useRef(null); const [atBottom, setAtBottom] = useState(); const atBottomRef = useRef(atBottom); atBottomRef.current = atBottom; const scrollRef = useRef(null); const scrollToBottomRef = useRef({ count: 0, smooth: true, }); const focusItem = useRef<{ index: number; scrollTo: boolean; highlight: boolean; }>(); const alive = useAlive(); const [, forceUpdate] = useForceUpdate(); const htmlReactParserOptions = useMemo( () => getReactCustomHtmlParser(mx, room, { handleSpoilerClick: (evt) => { const target = evt.currentTarget; if (target.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'true') { evt.stopPropagation(); target.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false'); = 'initial'; } }, handleMentionClick: (evt) => { const target = evt.currentTarget; const mentionId = target.getAttribute('data-mention-id'); if (typeof mentionId !== 'string') return; if (isUserId(mentionId)) { openProfileViewer(mentionId, room.roomId); return; } if (isRoomId(mentionId) && mx.getRoom(mentionId)) { if (mx.getRoom(mentionId)?.isSpaceRoom()) selectTab(mentionId); else selectRoom(mentionId); return; } openJoinAlias(mentionId); }, }), [mx, room] ); const parseMemberEvent = useMemberEventParser(); const [timeline, setTimeline] = useState(() => eventId ? getEmptyTimeline() : getInitialTimeline(room) ); const eventsLength = getTimelinesEventsCount(timeline.linkedTimelines); const liveTimelineLinked = timeline.linkedTimelines[timeline.linkedTimelines.length - 1] === getLiveTimeline(room); const canPaginateBack = typeof timeline.linkedTimelines[0]?.getPaginationToken(Direction.Backward) === 'string'; const rangeAtStart = timeline.range.start === 0; const rangeAtEnd = timeline.range.end === eventsLength; const handleTimelinePagination = useTimelinePagination( mx, timeline, setTimeline, PAGINATION_LIMIT ); const getScrollElement = useCallback(() => scrollRef.current, []); const { getItems, scrollToItem, observeBackAnchor, observeFrontAnchor } = useVirtualPaginator({ count: eventsLength, limit: PAGINATION_LIMIT, range: timeline.range, onRangeChange: useCallback((r) => setTimeline((cs) => ({ ...cs, range: r })), []), getScrollElement, getItemElement: useCallback( (index: number) => (scrollRef.current?.querySelector(`[data-message-item="${index}"]`) as HTMLElement) ?? undefined, [] ), onEnd: handleTimelinePagination, }); const loadEventTimeline = useEventTimelineLoader( mx, room, useCallback( (evtId, lTimelines, evtAbsIndex) => { if (!alive()) return; const evLength = getTimelinesEventsCount(lTimelines); focusItem.current = { index: evtAbsIndex, scrollTo: true, highlight: evtId !== unreadInfo?.readUptoEventId, }; setTimeline({ linkedTimelines: lTimelines, range: { start: Math.max(evtAbsIndex - PAGINATION_LIMIT, 0), end: Math.min(evtAbsIndex + PAGINATION_LIMIT, evLength), }, }); }, [unreadInfo, alive] ), useCallback(() => { if (!alive()) return; setTimeline(getInitialTimeline(room)); scrollToBottomRef.current.count += 1; scrollToBottomRef.current.smooth = false; }, [alive, room]) ); useLiveEventArrive( room, useCallback( (mEvt: MatrixEvent) => { if (atBottomRef.current && document.hasFocus()) { if (!unreadInfo && mEvt.getSender() !== mx.getUserId()) { markAsRead(mEvt.getRoomId()); } scrollToBottomRef.current.count += 1; scrollToBottomRef.current.smooth = true; setTimeline((ct) => ({ ...ct, range: { start: ct.range.start + 1, end: ct.range.end + 1, }, })); return; } setTimeline((ct) => ({ ...ct })); if (!unreadInfo) { setUnreadInfo(getRoomUnreadInfo(room)); } }, [mx, room, unreadInfo] ) ); useLiveTimelineRefresh( room, useCallback(() => { if (liveTimelineLinked) { setTimeline(getInitialTimeline(room)); } }, [room, liveTimelineLinked]) ); // Stay at bottom when room editor resize useResizeObserver( useCallback( (entries) => { if (!roomInputRef.current) return; const editorBaseEntry = getResizeObserverEntry(roomInputRef.current, entries); const scrollElement = getScrollElement(); if (!editorBaseEntry || !scrollElement) return; if (atBottomRef.current) { scrollToBottom(scrollElement); } }, [getScrollElement, roomInputRef] ), useCallback(() => roomInputRef.current, [roomInputRef]) ); const debounceSetAtBottom = useDebounce( useCallback((entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => { if (!entry.isIntersecting) setAtBottom(false); }, []), { wait: 1000 } ); useIntersectionObserver( useCallback( (entries) => { const target = atBottomAnchorRef.current; if (!target) return; const targetEntry = getIntersectionObserverEntry(target, entries); if (targetEntry) debounceSetAtBottom(targetEntry); if (targetEntry?.isIntersecting) setAtBottom(true); }, [debounceSetAtBottom] ), useCallback( () => ({ root: getScrollElement(), rootMargin: '100px', }), [getScrollElement] ), useCallback(() => atBottomAnchorRef.current, []) ); useEffect(() => { if (eventId) { setTimeline(getEmptyTimeline()); loadEventTimeline(eventId); } }, [eventId, loadEventTimeline]); // Scroll to bottom on initial timeline load useLayoutEffect(() => { const scrollEl = scrollRef.current; if (scrollEl) scrollToBottom(scrollEl); }, []); // Scroll to last read message if it is linked to live timeline useLayoutEffect(() => { const { readUptoEventId, inLiveTimeline, scrollTo } = unreadInfo ?? {}; if (readUptoEventId && inLiveTimeline && scrollTo) { const linkedTimelines = getLinkedTimelines(getLiveTimeline(room)); const evtTimeline = getEventTimeline(room, readUptoEventId); const absoluteIndex = evtTimeline && getEventIdAbsoluteIndex(linkedTimelines, evtTimeline, readUptoEventId); if (absoluteIndex) scrollToItem(absoluteIndex, { behavior: 'instant', align: 'start', stopInView: true, }); } }, [room, unreadInfo, scrollToItem]); // scroll to focused message const focusItm = focusItem.current; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (focusItm && focusItm.scrollTo) { scrollToItem(focusItm.index, { behavior: 'instant', align: 'center', stopInView: true, }); } focusItem.current = undefined; }, [focusItm, scrollToItem]); // scroll to bottom of timeline const scrollToBottomCount = scrollToBottomRef.current.count; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (scrollToBottomCount > 0) { const scrollEl = scrollRef.current; if (scrollEl) scrollToBottom(scrollEl, scrollToBottomRef.current.smooth ? 'smooth' : 'instant'); } }, [scrollToBottomCount]); // send readReceipts when reach bottom useEffect(() => { if (liveTimelineLinked && rangeAtEnd && atBottom && document.hasFocus()) { if (!unreadInfo) { markAsRead(room.roomId); return; } const evtTimeline = getEventTimeline(room, unreadInfo.readUptoEventId); const latestTimeline = evtTimeline && getFirstLinkedTimeline(evtTimeline, Direction.Forward); if (latestTimeline === room.getLiveTimeline()) { markAsRead(); setUnreadInfo(undefined); } } }, [room, unreadInfo, liveTimelineLinked, rangeAtEnd, atBottom]); const handleJumpToLatest = () => { setTimeline(getInitialTimeline(room)); scrollToBottomRef.current.count += 1; scrollToBottomRef.current.smooth = false; }; const handleJumpToUnread = () => { if (unreadInfo?.readUptoEventId) { setTimeline(getEmptyTimeline()); loadEventTimeline(unreadInfo.readUptoEventId); } }; const handleMarkAsRead = () => { markAsRead(room.roomId); setUnreadInfo(undefined); }; const handleOpenReply: MouseEventHandler = useCallback( async (evt) => { const replyId = evt.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reply-id'); if (typeof replyId !== 'string') return; const replyTimeline = getEventTimeline(room, replyId); const absoluteIndex = replyTimeline && getEventIdAbsoluteIndex(timeline.linkedTimelines, replyTimeline, replyId); if (typeof absoluteIndex === 'number') { scrollToItem(absoluteIndex, { behavior: 'smooth', align: 'center', stopInView: true, }); focusItem.current = { index: absoluteIndex, scrollTo: false, highlight: true, }; forceUpdate(); } else { setTimeline(getEmptyTimeline()); loadEventTimeline(replyId); } }, [room, timeline, scrollToItem, loadEventTimeline, forceUpdate] ); const handleUserClick: MouseEventHandler = useCallback( (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); const userId = evt.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-user-id'); if (!userId) { console.warn('Button should have "data-user-id" attribute!'); return; } openProfileViewer(userId, room.roomId); }, [room] ); const handleUsernameClick: MouseEventHandler = useCallback( (evt) => { evt.preventDefault(); const userId = evt.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-user-id'); if (!userId) { console.warn('Button should have "data-user-id" attribute!'); return; } const name = getMemberDisplayName(room, userId) ?? getMxIdLocalPart(userId) ?? userId; editor.insertNode( createMentionElement( userId, name.startsWith('@') ? name : `@${name}`, userId === mx.getUserId() ) ); ReactEditor.focus(editor); moveCursor(editor); }, [mx, room, editor] ); const handleReplyClick: MouseEventHandler = useCallback( (evt) => { const replyId = evt.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-event-id'); if (!replyId) { console.warn('Button should have "data-event-id" attribute!'); return; } const replyEvt = room.findEventById(replyId); if (!replyEvt) return; const editedReply = getEditedEvent(replyId, replyEvt, room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet()); const { body, formatted_body: formattedBody }: Record = editedReply?.getContent()[''] ?? replyEvt.getContent(); const senderId = replyEvt.getSender(); if (senderId && typeof body === 'string') { setReplyDraft({ userId: senderId, eventId: replyId, body, formattedBody, }); setTimeout(() => ReactEditor.focus(editor), 100); } }, [room, setReplyDraft, editor] ); const handleReactionToggle = useCallback( (targetEventId: string, key: string, shortcode?: string) => { const relations = getEventReactions(room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet(), targetEventId); const allReactions = relations?.getSortedAnnotationsByKey() ?? []; const [, reactionsSet] = allReactions.find(([k]) => k === key) ?? []; const reactions = reactionsSet ? Array.from(reactionsSet) : []; const myReaction = reactions.find(factoryEventSentBy(mx.getUserId()!)); if (myReaction && !!myReaction?.isRelation()) { mx.redactEvent(room.roomId, myReaction.getId()!); return; } const rShortcode = shortcode || (reactions.find(eventWithShortcode)?.getContent().shortcode as string | undefined); mx.sendEvent( room.roomId, MessageEvent.Reaction, getReactionContent(targetEventId, key, rShortcode) ); }, [mx, room] ); const renderBody = (body: string, customBody?: string) => { if (body === '') ; if (customBody) { if (customBody === '') ; return parse(sanitizeCustomHtml(customBody), htmlReactParserOptions); } return {body}; }; const renderRoomMsgContent = useRoomMsgContentRenderer<[EventTimelineSet]>({ renderText: (mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet) => { const editedEvent = getEditedEvent(mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet); const { body, formatted_body: customBody }: Record = editedEvent?.getContent()[''] ?? mEvent.getContent(); if (typeof body !== 'string') return null; return ( {renderBody(body, typeof customBody === 'string' ? customBody : undefined)} {!!editedEvent && } ); }, renderEmote: (mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet) => { const editedEvent = getEditedEvent(mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet); const { body, formatted_body: customBody } = editedEvent?.getContent()[''] ?? mEvent.getContent(); const senderId = mEvent.getSender() ?? ''; const senderDisplayName = getMemberDisplayName(room, senderId) ?? getMxIdLocalPart(senderId) ?? senderId; return ( {`${senderDisplayName} `} {renderBody(body, typeof customBody === 'string' ? customBody : undefined)} {!!editedEvent && } ); }, renderNotice: (mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet) => { const editedEvent = getEditedEvent(mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet); const { body, formatted_body: customBody }: Record = editedEvent?.getContent()[''] ?? mEvent.getContent(); if (typeof body !== 'string') return null; return ( {renderBody(body, typeof customBody === 'string' ? customBody : undefined)} {!!editedEvent && } ); }, renderImage: (mEventId, mEvent) => { const content = mEvent.getContent(); const imgInfo = content?.info; const mxcUrl = content.file?.url ?? content.url; if (!imgInfo || typeof imgInfo.mimetype !== 'string' || typeof mxcUrl !== 'string') { if (mxcUrl) { return fileRenderer(mEventId, mEvent); } return null; } const height = scaleYDimension(imgInfo.w || 400, 400, imgInfo.h || 400); return ( ); }, renderVideo: (mEventId, mEvent) => { const content = mEvent.getContent(); const videoInfo = content?.info; const mxcUrl = content.file?.url ?? content.url; const safeMimeType = getBlobSafeMimeType(videoInfo?.mimetype ?? ''); if (!videoInfo || !safeMimeType.startsWith('video') || typeof mxcUrl !== 'string') { if (mxcUrl) { return fileRenderer(mEventId, mEvent); } return null; } const height = scaleYDimension(videoInfo.w || 400, 400, videoInfo.h || 400); return ( ); }, renderAudio: (mEventId, mEvent) => { const content = mEvent.getContent(); const audioInfo = content?.info; const mxcUrl = content.file?.url ?? content.url; const safeMimeType = getBlobSafeMimeType(audioInfo?.mimetype ?? ''); if (!audioInfo || !safeMimeType.startsWith('audio') || typeof mxcUrl !== 'string') { if (mxcUrl) { return fileRenderer(mEventId, mEvent); } return null; } return ( ); }, renderLocation: (mEventId, mEvent) => { const content = mEvent.getContent(); const geoUri = content.geo_uri; if (typeof geoUri !== 'string') return null; const location = parseGeoUri(geoUri); return ( {geoUri} } > Open Location ); }, renderFile: fileRenderer, renderBadEncrypted: () => ( ), renderUnsupported: (mEventId, mEvent) => { if (mEvent.isRedacted()) { const redactedEvt = mEvent.getRedactionEvent(); const reason = redactedEvt && 'content' in redactedEvt ? redactedEvt.content.reason : undefined; return ( ); } return ( ); }, renderBrokenFallback: (mEventId, mEvent) => { if (mEvent.isRedacted()) { const redactedEvt = mEvent.getRedactionEvent(); const reason = redactedEvt && 'content' in redactedEvt ? redactedEvt.content.reason : undefined; return ( ); } return ( ); }, }); const renderMatrixEvent = useMatrixEventRenderer<[number, EventTimelineSet, boolean]>({ renderRoomMessage: (mEventId, mEvent, item, timelineSet, collapse) => { const reactionRelations = getEventReactions(timelineSet, mEventId); const reactions = reactionRelations && reactionRelations.getSortedAnnotationsByKey(); const hasReactions = reactions && reactions.length > 0; const { replyEventId } = mEvent; const highlighted = focusItem.current?.index === item && focusItem.current.highlight; return ( ) } reactions={ reactionRelations && ( ) } > {renderRoomMsgContent(mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet)} ); }, renderRoomEncrypted: (mEventId, mEvent, item, timelineSet, collapse) => { const reactionRelations = getEventReactions(timelineSet, mEventId); const reactions = reactionRelations && reactionRelations.getSortedAnnotationsByKey(); const hasReactions = reactions && reactions.length > 0; const { replyEventId } = mEvent; const highlighted = focusItem.current?.index === item && focusItem.current.highlight; return ( ) } reactions={ reactionRelations && ( ) } > {() => { if (mEvent.getType() === MessageEvent.Sticker) return ; if (mEvent.getType() === MessageEvent.RoomMessage) return renderRoomMsgContent(mEventId, mEvent, timelineSet); if (mEvent.getType() === MessageEvent.RoomMessageEncrypted) return ( ); return ( ); }} ); }, renderSticker: (mEventId, mEvent, item, timelineSet, collapse) => { const reactionRelations = getEventReactions(timelineSet, mEventId); const reactions = reactionRelations && reactionRelations.getSortedAnnotationsByKey(); const hasReactions = reactions && reactions.length > 0; const highlighted = focusItem.current?.index === item && focusItem.current.highlight; return ( ) } > ); }, renderRoomMember: (mEventId, mEvent, item) => { const membershipChanged = isMembershipChanged(mEvent); if (membershipChanged && hideMembershipEvents) return null; if (!membershipChanged && hideNickAvatarEvents) return null; const highlighted = focusItem.current?.index === item && focusItem.current.highlight; const parsed = parseMemberEvent(mEvent); const timeJSX = } /> ); }, renderRoomName: (mEventId, mEvent, item) => { const highlighted = focusItem.current?.index === item && focusItem.current.highlight; const senderId = mEvent.getSender() ?? ''; const senderName = getMemberDisplayName(room, senderId) || getMxIdLocalPart(senderId); const timeJSX =