Ajay Bura 4c76a7fd18
URL navigation in interface and other improvements (#1633)
* load room on url change

* add direct room list

* render space room list

* fix css syntax error

* update scroll virtualizer

* render subspaces room list

* improve sidebar notification badge perf

* add nav category components

* add space recursive direct component

* use nav category component in home, direct and space room list

* add empty home and direct list layout

* fix unread room menu ref

* add more navigation items in room, direct and space tab

* add more navigation

* fix unread room menu to links

* fix space lobby and search link

* add explore navigation section

* add notifications navigation menu

* redirect to initial path after login

* include unsupported room in rooms

* move router hooks in hooks/router folder

* add featured explore - WIP

* load featured room with room summary

* fix room card topic line clamp

* add react query

* load room summary using react query

* add join button in room card

* add content component

* use content component in featured community content

* fix content width

* add responsive room card grid

* fix async callback error status

* add room card error button

* fix client drawer shrink

* add room topic viewer

* open room card topic in viewer

* fix room topic close btn

* add get orphan parent util

* add room card error dialog

* add view featured room or space btn

* refactor orphanParent to orphanParents

* WIP - explore server

* show space hint in room card

* add room type filters

* add per page item limit popout

* reset scroll on public rooms load

* refactor explore ui

* refactor public rooms component

* reset search on server change

* fix typo

* add empty featured section info

* display user server on top

* make server room card view btn clickable

* add user server as default redirect for explore path

* make home empty btn clickable

* add thirdparty instance filter in server explore

* remove since param on instance change

* add server button in explore menu

* rename notifications path to inbox

* update react-virtual

* Add notification messages inbox - WIP

* add scroll top container component

* add useInterval hook

* add visibility change callback prop to scroll top container component

* auto refresh notifications every 10 seconds

* make message related component reusable

* refactor matrix event renderer hoook

* render notification message content

* refactor matrix event renderer hook

* update sequence card styles

* move room navigate hook in global hooks

* add open message button in notifications

* add mark room as read button in notification group

* show error in notification messages

* add more featured spaces

* render reply in notification messages

* make notification message reply clickable

* add outline prop for attachments

* make old settings dialog viewable

* add open featured communities as default config option

* add invite count notification badge in sidebar and inbox menu

* add element size observer hook

* improve element size observer hook props

* improve screen size hook

* fix room avatar util function

* allow Text props in Time component

* fix dm room util function

* add invitations

* add no invites and notification cards

* fix inbox tab unread badge visible without invite count

* update folds and change inbox icon

* memo search param construction

* add message search in home

* fix default message search order

* fix display edited message new content

* highlight search text in search messages

* fix message search loading

* disable log in production

* add use space context

* add useRoom context

* fix space room list

* fix inbox tab active state

* add hook to get space child room recursive

* add search for space

* add virtual tile component

* virtualize home and directs room list

* update nav category component

* use virtual tile component in more places

* fix message highlight when click on reply twice

* virtualize space room list

* fix space room list lag issue

* update folds

* add room nav item component in space room list

* use room nav item in home and direct room list

* make space categories closable and save it in local storage

* show unread room when category is collapsed

* make home and direct room list category closable

* rename room nav item show avatar prop

* fix explore server category text alignment

* rename closedRoomCategories to closedNavCategories

* add nav category handler hook

* save and restore last navigation path on space select

* filter space rooms category by activity when it is closed

* save and restore home and direct nav path state

* save and restore inbox active path on open

* save and restore explore tab active path

* remove notification badge unread menu

* add join room or space before navigate screen

* move room component to features folder and add new room header

* update folds

* add room header menu

* fix home room list activity sorting

* do not hide selected room item on category closed in home and direct tab

* replace old select room/tab call with navigate hook

* improve state event hooks

* show room card summary for joined rooms

* prevent room from opening in wrong tab

* only show message sender id on hover in modern layout

* revert state event hooks changes

* add key prop to room provider components

* add welcome page

* prevent excessive redirects

* fix sidebar style with no spaces

* move room settings in popup window

* remove invite option from room settings

* fix open room list search

* add leave room prompt

* standardize room and user avatar

* fix avatar text size

* add new reply layout

* rename space hierarchy hook

* add room topic hook

* add room name hook

* add room avatar hook and add direct room avatar util

* space lobby - WIP

* hide invalid space child event from space hierarchy in lobby

* move lobby to features

* fix element size observer hook width and height

* add lobby header and hero section

* add hierarchy room item error and loading state

* add first and last child prop in sequence card

* redirect to lobby from index path

* memo and retry hierarchy room summary error

* fix hierarchy room item styles

* rename lobby hierarchy item card to room item card

* show direct room avatar in space lobby

* add hierarchy space item

* add space item unknown room join button

* fix space hierarchy hook refresh after new space join

* change user avatar color and fallback render to user icon

* change room avatar fallback to room icon

* rename room/user avatar renderInitial prop to renderFallback

* add room join and view button in space lobby

* make power level api more reusable

* fix space hierarchy not updating on child update

* add menu to suggest or remove space children

* show reply arrow in place of reply bend in message

* fix typeerror in search because of wrong js-sdk t.ds

* do not refetch hierarchy room summary on window focus

* make room/user avatar un-draggable

* change welcome page support button copy

* drag-and-drop ordering of lobby spaces/rooms - WIP

* add ASCIILexicalTable algorithms

* fix wrong power level check in lobby items options

* fix lobby can drop checks

* fix join button error crash

* fix reply spacing

* fix m direct updated with other account data

* add option to open room/space settings from lobby

* add option in lobby to add new or existing room/spaces

* fix room nav item selected styles

* add space children reorder mechanism

* fix space child reorder bug

* fix hierarchy item sort function

* Apply reorder of lobby into room list

* add and improve space lobby menu items

* add existing spaces menu in lobby

* change restricted room allow params when dragging outside space

* move featured servers config from homeserver list

* removed unused features from space settings

* add canonical alias as name fallback in lobby item

* fix unreliable unread count update bug

* fix after login redirect

* fix room card topic hover style

* Add dnd and folders in sidebar spaces

* fix orphan space not visible in sidebar

* fix sso login has mix of icon and button

* fix space children not  visible in home upon leaving space

* recalculate notification on updating any space child

* fix user color saturation/lightness

* add user color to user avatar

* add background colors to room avatar

* show 2 length initial in sidebar space avatar

* improve link color

* add nav button component

* open legacy create room and create direct

* improve page route structure

* handle hash router in path utils

* mobile friendly router and navigation

* make room header member drawer icon mobile friendly

* setup index redirect for inbox and explore server route

* add leave space prompt

* improve member drawer filter menu

* add space context menu

* add context menu in home

* add leave button in lobby items

* render user tab avatar on sidebar

* force overwrite netlify - test

* netlify test

* fix reset-password path without server redirected to login

* add message link copy button in message menu

* reset unread on sync prepared

* fix stuck typing notifications

* show typing indication in room nav item

* refactor closedNavCategories atom to use userId in store key

* refactor closedLobbyCategoriesAtom to include userId in store key

* refactor navToActivePathAtom to use userId in storage key

* remove unused file

* refactor openedSidebarFolderAtom to include userId in storage key

* add context menu for sidebar space tab

* fix eslint not working

* add option to pin/unpin child spaces

* add context menu for directs tab

* add context menu for direct and home tab

* show lock icon for non-public space in header

* increase matrix max listener count

* wrap lobby add space room in callback hook
2024-06-01 00:19:46 +10:00

185 lines
3.5 KiB

import { createVar, keyframes, style, styleVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { recipe, RecipeVariants } from '@vanilla-extract/recipes';
import { DefaultReset, color, config, toRem } from 'folds';
export const StickySection = style({
position: 'sticky',
const SpacingVar = createVar();
const SpacingVariant = styleVariants({
'0': {
vars: {
'100': {
vars: {
'200': {
vars: {
'300': {
vars: {
'400': {
vars: {
'500': {
vars: {
const highlightAnime = keyframes({
'0%': {
backgroundColor: color.Primary.Container,
'25%': {
backgroundColor: color.Primary.ContainerActive,
'50%': {
backgroundColor: color.Primary.Container,
'75%': {
backgroundColor: color.Primary.ContainerActive,
'100%': {
backgroundColor: color.Primary.Container,
const HighlightVariant = styleVariants({
true: {
animation: `${highlightAnime} 2000ms ease-in-out`,
animationIterationCount: 'infinite',
const SelectedVariant = styleVariants({
true: {
backgroundColor: color.Surface.ContainerActive,
const AutoCollapse = style({
selectors: {
[`&+&`]: {
marginTop: 0,
export const MessageBase = recipe({
base: [
marginTop: SpacingVar,
padding: `${} ${} ${} ${}`,
borderRadius: `0 ${config.radii.R400} ${config.radii.R400} 0`,
variants: {
space: SpacingVariant,
collapse: {
true: {
marginTop: 0,
autoCollapse: {
true: AutoCollapse,
highlight: HighlightVariant,
selected: SelectedVariant,
defaultVariants: {
space: '400',
export type MessageBaseVariants = RecipeVariants<typeof MessageBase>;
export const CompactHeader = style([
maxWidth: toRem(170),
width: '100%',
export const AvatarBase = style({
paddingTop: toRem(4),
transition: 'transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0.8, 0.67, 0.97)',
alignSelf: 'start',
selectors: {
'&:hover': {
transform: `translateY(${toRem(-4)})`,
export const ModernBefore = style({
minWidth: toRem(36),
export const BubbleBefore = style([ModernBefore]);
export const BubbleContent = style({
maxWidth: toRem(800),
backgroundColor: color.SurfaceVariant.Container,
color: color.SurfaceVariant.OnContainer,
borderRadius: config.radii.R400,
export const Username = style({
overflow: 'hidden',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
selectors: {
'button&': {
cursor: 'pointer',
'button&:hover, button&:focus-visible': {
textDecoration: 'underline',
export const MessageTextBody = recipe({
base: {
wordBreak: 'break-word',
variants: {
preWrap: {
true: {
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
jumboEmoji: {
true: {
fontSize: '1.504em',
lineHeight: '1.4962em',
emote: {
true: {
color: color.Success.Main,
fontStyle: 'italic',
export type MessageTextBodyVariants = RecipeVariants<typeof MessageTextBody>;