Cache answerboxes

This commit is contained in:
Karina Kwiatek 2023-02-16 22:53:32 +01:00
parent a373f2016b
commit 45ce08782d
2 changed files with 27 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class Profile < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :user, touch: true
attr_readonly :user_id

View file

@ -3,37 +3,40 @@
- if @question.nil?
= render "answerbox/header", a: a, display_all: display_all
.answerbox__answer-body{ data: { controller: a.long? ? "collapse" : nil } }
.answerbox__answer-text{ class: a.long? && !display_all ? "collapsed" : "", data: { collapse_target: "content" } }
= markdown a.content
- if a.long? && !display_all
= render "shared/collapse", type: "answer"
- cache [a, display_all] do
.answerbox__answer-body{ data: { controller: a.long? ? "collapse" : nil } }
.answerbox__answer-text{ class: a.long? && !display_all ? "collapsed" : "", data: { collapse_target: "content" } }
= markdown a.content
- if a.long? && !display_all
= render "shared/collapse", type: "answer"
- if @user.nil?
%a{ href: user_path(a.user) }
%img.answerbox__answer-user-avatar.avatar-sm{ src: a.user.profile_picture.url(:small), loading: :lazy }
= raw t(".answered", hide: hidespan(t(".hide"), "d-none d-sm-inline"), user: user_screen_name(a.user))
= link_to(answer_path(a.user.screen_name, do
%time{ datetime: a.created_at.iso8601, data: { controller: "timestamp" } }= a.created_at
- cache [a, a.user] do
%a{ href: user_path(a.user) }
%img.answerbox__answer-user-avatar.avatar-sm{ src: a.user.profile_picture.url(:small), loading: :lazy }
= raw t(".answered", hide: hidespan(t(".hide"), "d-none d-sm-inline"), user: user_screen_name(a.user))
= link_to(answer_path(a.user.screen_name, do
%time{ datetime: a.created_at.iso8601, data: { controller: "timestamp" } }= a.created_at
= render "answerbox/actions", a: a, display_all: display_all
- else
= link_to(answer_path(a.user.screen_name,, class: "answerbox__permalink") do
%time{ datetime: a.created_at.iso8601, data: { controller: "timestamp" } }= a.created_at
- if a.pinned_at.present?
= t(".pinned")
- cache [a, a.user] do
= link_to(answer_path(a.user.screen_name,, class: "answerbox__permalink") do
%time{ datetime: a.created_at.iso8601, data: { controller: "timestamp" } }= a.created_at
- if a.pinned_at.present?
= t(".pinned")
= render "answerbox/actions", a: a, display_all: display_all
.card-footer{ id: "ab-comments-section-#{}", class: display_all.nil? ? "d-none" : nil }