Split actions from answerbox into separate partials

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Nedbal 2022-08-21 15:03:42 +02:00
parent 56a1c70fae
commit 5562bd0de0
3 changed files with 33 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right{ role: :menu }
- if Subscription.is_subscribed(current_user, answer)
-# fun joke should subscribe?
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: answer.id, action: "ab-submarine", torpedo: "no" } }
= t(".unsubscribe")
- else
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: answer.id, action: "ab-submarine", torpedo: "yes" } }
= t(".subscribe")
- if privileged? answer.user
%a.dropdown-item.text-danger{ href: "#", data: { a_id: answer.id, action: "ab-destroy" } }
= t(".return")
- unless answer.user == current_user
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: answer.id, action: "ab-report" } }
= t("voc.report")
- if current_user.has_role? :administrator
%a.dropdown-item{ href: rails_admin_path_for_resource(answer), target: "_blank" }
= t("voc.view_in_rails_admin")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right{ role: :menu }
%a.dropdown-item{ href: twitter_share_url(answer), target: "_blank" }
= t(".twitter")
%a.dropdown-item{ href: tumblr_share_url(answer), target: "_blank" }
= t(".tumblr")
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", name: "ab-share" }
= t(".other")

View file

@ -19,38 +19,9 @@
%button.btn.btn-link.answerbox__action{ data: { toggle: :dropdown }, aria: { expanded: false } }
%i.fa.fa-fw.fa-share-alt{ title: t(".share.title") }
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right{ role: :menu }
%a.dropdown-item{ href: twitter_share_url(a), target: "_blank" }
= t(".share.twitter")
%a.dropdown-item{ href: tumblr_share_url(a), target: "_blank" }
= t(".share.tumblr")
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", name: "ab-share" }
= t(".share.other")
= render "actions/share", answer: a
- if user_signed_in?
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-sm.dropdown-toggle{ data: { toggle: :dropdown }, aria: { expanded: false } }
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right{ role: :menu }
- if Subscription.is_subscribed(current_user, a)
-# fun joke should subscribe?
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: a.id, action: "ab-submarine", torpedo: "no" } }
= t(".unsubscribe")
- else
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: a.id, action: "ab-submarine", torpedo: "yes" } }
= t(".subscribe")
- if privileged? a.user
%a.dropdown-item.text-danger{ href: "#", data: { a_id: a.id, action: "ab-destroy" } }
= t(".return")
- unless a.user == current_user
%a.dropdown-item{ href: "#", data: { a_id: a.id, action: "ab-report" } }
= t("voc.report")
- if current_user.has_role? :administrator
%a.dropdown-item{ href: rails_admin_path_for_resource(a), target: "_blank" }
= t("voc.view_in_rails_admin")
= render "actions/answer", answer: a