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synced 2025-03-23 23:07:48 +01:00
Replace mention of CoffeeScript in about
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ cs:
title: "Open Source"
warning: "%{app_title} běží na nedokončeném kódu, který je plný chyb. Bez záruky."
desc: "Chcete přispět? Pokud jste Ruby vývojář, CoffeeScript kodér nebo frontend návrhář, nyní můžete pomoci %{app_title} dostat funkce které všichni chtějí když forknete náš %{github}. Pokud to není tento případ, stále můžete hlásit chyby a žádat si o funkce v naším %{bugtracker}u."
desc: "Chcete přispět? Pokud jste Ruby vývojář, TypeScript kodér nebo frontend návrhář, nyní můžete pomoci %{app_title} dostat funkce které všichni chtějí když forknete náš %{github}. Pokud to není tento případ, stále můžete hlásit chyby a žádat si o funkce v naším %{bugtracker}u."
github: "Github úložiště"
bugtracker: "bug tracker"
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ de:
title: Open-Source
warning: "%{app_title} läuft mit unfertigen Code, voll mit Bugs. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Möchtest du beitragen? Wenn du ein Ruby-, CoffeeScript oder Frontend-Entwickler bist, kannst du %{app_title} dabei helfen, fehlende Features einzubauen oder vorhandene zu verbessen, indem du das %{github} forkst. Falls nicht, kannst du in unserem %{bugtracker} Bugs reporten oder neue Features vorschlagen."
desc: "Möchtest du beitragen? Wenn du ein Ruby-, TypeScript oder Frontend-Entwickler bist, kannst du %{app_title} dabei helfen, fehlende Features einzubauen oder vorhandene zu verbessen, indem du das %{github} forkst. Falls nicht, kannst du in unserem %{bugtracker} Bugs reporten oder neue Features vorschlagen."
github: "Github Repository"
bugtracker: Bugtracker
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ en:
title: "Open Source"
warning: "%{app_title} is running on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, CoffeeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}."
desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, TypeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}."
github: "Github repository"
bugtracker: "bug tracker"
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ en_dizzle:
title: "Open Source"
warning: "%{app_title} is hustlin on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Want ta contribute, biatch? If yo ass be a Ruby pimper, CoffeeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} ta git tha features mah playas wanted by forkin our %{github}. If thatz not tha case, you can still report bugs n' request features at our %{bugtracker}."
desc: "Want ta contribute, biatch? If yo ass be a Ruby pimper, TypeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} ta git tha features mah playas wanted by forkin our %{github}. If thatz not tha case, you can still report bugs n' request features at our %{bugtracker}."
github: "Github repository"
bugtracker: "tha bug tracker yo"
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ en_pirate:
title: "Open Ship"
warning: "%{app_title} is running on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, CoffeeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}."
desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, TypeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}."
github: "Github tavern"
bugtracker: "bug tracker"
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ fr:
title: "Open Source"
warning: "%{app_title} fonctionne grâce à du code incomplet, plein de bugs. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Envie de nous aider ? Que vous soyez un développeur Ruby, un codeur CoffeeScript ou un designer frontend, vous pouvez dès maintenant aider %{app_title} à obtenir les fonctionnalités longuement désirées par nos utilisateurs en créant un fork sur notre %{github}. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous pouvez toujours signaler des bugs et suggérer des fonctionnalités sur notre %{bugtracker}."
desc: "Envie de nous aider ? Que vous soyez un développeur Ruby, un codeur TypeScript ou un designer frontend, vous pouvez dès maintenant aider %{app_title} à obtenir les fonctionnalités longuement désirées par nos utilisateurs en créant un fork sur notre %{github}. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous pouvez toujours signaler des bugs et suggérer des fonctionnalités sur notre %{bugtracker}."
github: "repository GitHub"
bugtracker: "bug tracker"
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ it:
title: "Open Source (Sorgente Aperta)"
warning: "%{app_title} usa del codice non finito, pieno di bug. Caveat emptor."
desc: "Vuoi darci una mano? Se sei uno sviluppatore di Ruby, programmatore di CoffeeScript o un designer frontend, puoi aiutare %{app_title} ad avere le funzioni che tutti volevano facendo un fork della nostra %{github}. Se ciò non è il caso, puoi comunque segnalare bug e richiedere funzioni sul nostro %{bugtracker}."
desc: "Vuoi darci una mano? Se sei uno sviluppatore di Ruby, programmatore di TypeScript o un designer frontend, puoi aiutare %{app_title} ad avere le funzioni che tutti volevano facendo un fork della nostra %{github}. Se ciò non è il caso, puoi comunque segnalare bug e richiedere funzioni sul nostro %{bugtracker}."
github: "repository Github"
bugtracker: "bug tracker"
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ ja:
title: オープンソース
warning: "%{app_title}は完成されたコードで動いておらず、バグで満ちています。動く保証はありません。"
desc: "貢献したいですか?Rubyデベロッパー、CoffeeScriptコーダーかフロントエンドデザイナーならば、私たちの%{github}をフォークすることによってみんなが欲しい機能をつけて%{app_title}を助けることができます。そうでなければ、バグを報告して私たちの%{bugtracker}で機能をリクエストすることができます。"
desc: "貢献したいですか?Rubyデベロッパー、TypeScriptコーダーかフロントエンドデザイナーならば、私たちの%{github}をフォークすることによってみんなが欲しい機能をつけて%{app_title}を助けることができます。そうでなければ、バグを報告して私たちの%{bugtracker}で機能をリクエストすることができます。"
github: Githubレポジトリ
bugtracker: バグトラッカー
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