mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 11:09:59 +01:00
Fix lints in app/views/settings
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 77 additions and 74 deletions
@ -11,19 +11,19 @@
- if devise_mapping.confirmable? && resource.pending_reconfirmation?
%div= raw t('views.settings.account.email_confirm', resource: resource.unconfirmed_email)
= f.password_field :password, autocomplete: "off", label: t('views.settings.account.password'), help: t('views.settings.account.password_help')
= f.password_field :password_confirmation, autocomplete: "off", label: t('views.settings.account.password_confirm')
= f.password_field :password, autocomplete: 'off', label: t('views.settings.account.password'), help: t('views.settings.account.password_help')
= f.password_field :password_confirmation, autocomplete: 'off', label: t('views.settings.account.password_confirm')
%button.btn.btn-primary{"data-target" => "#modal-passwd", "data-toggle" => "modal", :type => "button"}
%button.btn.btn-primary{ data: { target: '#modal-passwd', toggle: :modal, type: :button } }
= t 'views.actions.save'
= t 'views.settings.account.unsatisfied'
=button_to t('views.settings.account.delete'), '/settings/account', data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger btn-xs"
= button_to t('views.settings.account.delete'), '/settings/account', data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-xs'
= link_to t('views.settings.account.back'), :back
.visible-xs= render "shared/links"
.visible-xs= render 'shared/links'
@ -43,28 +43,28 @@
%p.font-weight-bold.mb-0 Profile picture
%img.profile--img{src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium)}
%img.profile--img{ src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium) }
%a{href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:small)} Small
%a{ href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:small) } Small
%a{href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium)} Medium
%a{ href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium) } Medium
%a{href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:large)} Large
%a{ href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:large) } Large
%a{href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:original)} Original image
%a{ href: current_user.profile_picture.url(:original) } Original image
%p.font-weight-bold.mb-0 Header picture
%img{src: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile), style: 'width: 100%'}
%img{ src: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile), style: 'width: 100%' }
%a{href: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile)} Mobile
%a{ href: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile) } Mobile
%a{href: current_user.profile_header.url(:web)} Web
%a{ href: current_user.profile_header.url(:web) } Web
%a{href: current_user.profile_header.url(:retina)} Retina
%a{ href: current_user.profile_header.url(:retina) } Retina
%a{href: current_user.profile_header.url(:original)} Original image
%a{ href: current_user.profile_header.url(:original) } Original image
%h4 Statistics
@ -132,13 +132,13 @@
%h4 Sign In
%p.font-weight-bold.mb-0 Current Sign In
%p.text-muted= current_user.current_sign_in_at ? localize(current_user.current_sign_in_at) : "Not set"
%p.text-muted= current_user.current_sign_in_at ? localize(current_user.current_sign_in_at) : 'Not set'
%p.font-weight-bold.mb-0 Last Sign In
%p.text-muted= current_user.last_sign_in_at ? localize(current_user.last_sign_in_at) : "Not set"
%p.text-muted= current_user.last_sign_in_at ? localize(current_user.last_sign_in_at) : 'Not set'
%p.font-weight-bold.mb-0 Remember me set at
%p.text-muted= current_user.remember_created_at ? localize(current_user.remember_created_at) : "Not set"
%p.text-muted= current_user.remember_created_at ? localize(current_user.remember_created_at) : 'Not set'
%h4 Create/Update
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
%h2 Export your data
The data is inside a
%code= ".tar.gz"
%code= '.tar.gz'
archive and available in three formats: YAML, JSON, and XML. The archive also contains a copy of your
profile picture and header picture in all sizes.
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
will take a while, so please be patient. You will receive a question once exporting
is done.
- if current_user.can_export?
%form{action: begin_user_export_path, method: 'POST'}
%form{ action: begin_user_export_path, method: 'POST' }
%button#export-btn.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary{type: :submit} Export
%button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary#export-btn{ type: :submit } Export
= hidden_field_tag :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token
- else
%button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.disabled{disabled: :disabled} Export
%button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.disabled{ disabled: :disabled } Export
- if current_user.export_url.nil?
Once exporting your account is done, a download link will appear here.
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
Here is your export from
= succeed ':' do
= current_user.export_created_at
%a{href: current_user.export_url}
= File.basename current_user.export_url
%a{ href: current_user.export_url }
= File.basename current_user.export_url
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user, url: {action: "edit_privacy"}, method: "patch") do |f|
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user, url: { action: 'edit_privacy' }, method: 'patch') do |f|
= f.check_box :privacy_allow_anonymous_questions, label: t('views.settings.privacy.anonymous')
= f.check_box :privacy_allow_public_timeline, label: t('views.settings.privacy.public')
= f.check_box :privacy_allow_stranger_answers, label: t('views.settings.privacy.stranger')
= f.submit t('views.actions.save'), class: 'btn btn-primary'
= f.submit t('views.actions.save'), class: 'btn btn-primary'
@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user, url: {action: "edit"}, :html => { :multipart => true }, method: "patch") do |f|
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user, url: { action: 'edit' }, html: { multipart: true }, method: 'patch') do |f|
= f.text_field :display_name, label: t('views.settings.profile.displayname')
%img.avatar-lg.mr-3{src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium)}
%img.avatar-lg.mr-3{ src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium) }
= f.file_field :profile_picture, label: t('views.settings.profile.avatar')
.row#profile-picture-crop-controls{style: 'display: none;'}
.row#profile-picture-crop-controls{ style: 'display: none;' }
%strong= t('views.settings.profile.avatar_adjust')
%img#profile-picture-cropper{src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium)}
%img#profile-picture-cropper{ src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:medium) }
%button#cropper-zoom-out.btn.btn-inverse{type: :button}
%button.btn.btn-inverse#cropper-zoom-out{ type: :button }
%button#cropper-zoom-in.btn.btn-inverse{type: :button}
%button.btn.btn-inverse#cropper-zoom-in{ type: :button }
%img.mw-100.mr-3{src: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile)}
%img.mw-100.mr-3{ src: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile) }
= f.file_field :profile_header, label: t('views.settings.profile.header')
.row#profile-header-crop-controls{style: 'display: none;'}
.row#profile-header-crop-controls{ style: 'display: none;' }
%strong= t('views.settings.profile.header_adjust')
%img#profile-header-cropper{src: current_user.profile_header.url(:web)}
%img#profile-header-cropper{ src: current_user.profile_header.url(:web) }
%button#cropper-header-zoom-out.btn.btn-inverse{type: :button}
%button.btn.btn-inverse#cropper-header-zoom-out{ type: :button }
%button#cropper-header-zoom-in.btn.btn-inverse{type: :button}
%button.btn.btn-inverse#cropper-header-zoom-in{ type: :button }
= f.text_field :motivation_header, label: t('views.settings.profile.motivation'), placeholder: t('views.settings.profile.placeholder.motivation')
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
= f.check_box :show_foreign_themes, label: 'Render other user themes when visiting their profile'
- for attrib in %i(crop_x crop_y crop_w crop_h)
- %i[crop_x crop_y crop_w crop_h].each do |attrib|
= f.hidden_field attrib, id: attrib
- for attrib in %i(crop_h_x crop_h_y crop_h_w crop_h_h)
- %i[crop_h_x crop_h_y crop_h_w crop_h_h].each do |attrib|
= f.hidden_field attrib, id: attrib
= f.submit t('views.actions.save'), class: 'btn btn-primary'
= f.submit t('views.actions.save'), class: 'btn btn-primary'
@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
- if @services.count > 0
- if @services.count.positive?
= t 'views.settings.service.enabled'
- else
= t 'views.settings.service.none'
- APP_CONFIG['sharing'].each do |service, service_options|
- if service_options['enabled'] and !@services.any? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s }
%p=link_to t('views.settings.service.connect', service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}"
- if service_options['enabled'] && @services.none? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s }
%p= link_to t('views.settings.service.connect', service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}"
- if @services.count > 0
- if @services.count.positive?
- @services.each do |service|
%i{class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}"}
%i{ class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}" }
%strong= service.provider.capitalize
= link_to t('views.settings.service.disconnect'), service_path(service), data: { confirm: t('views.settings.service.confirm', service: service.provider.capitalize) }, method: :delete
= link_to t('views.settings.service.disconnect'),
data: { confirm: t('views.settings.service.confirm', service: service.provider.capitalize) },
method: :delete
@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
%h1 Theming
%p.lead Welcome to the Theme Editor!
Here you'll be able to modify your Retrospring experience by adjusting all available colors.
To further help you with adjusting needs, there are a few example elements using the specified colors, and sections will include
Here you'll be able to modify your Retrospring experience by adjusting all available colors.
To further help you with adjusting needs, there are a few example elements using the specified colors, and sections will include
descriptions on their general use on the site!
And with that:
%b Happy Theming!
- if current_user.theme
= button_to 'Delete Theme', delete_user_theme_path, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, tabindex: -1, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger"
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user.theme || Theme.new, url: {action: "update_theme"}, html: {id: 'update_theme'}, method: "patch") do |f|
= button_to 'Delete Theme', delete_user_theme_path, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, tabindex: -1, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger'
= bootstrap_form_for(current_user.theme || Theme.new, url: { action: 'update_theme' }, html: { id: 'update_theme' }, method: 'patch') do |f|
%h2 General
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
Here you'll find general page values that are basically visible all across the page.
= f.text_field :background_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xF0EDF4}
= f.text_field :background_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xF0EDF4 }
= f.text_field :body_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x000000}
= f.text_field :body_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x000000 }
%h2 Colors
@ -50,61 +50,61 @@
Color used for messages if something went through successfully.
= f.text_field :primary_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x5E35B1}
= f.text_field :primary_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x5E35B1 }
= f.text_field :primary_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :primary_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
A simple primary alert—check it out!
= f.text_field :danger_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xDC3545}
= f.text_field :danger_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xDC3545 }
= f.text_field :danger_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :danger_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
A simple danger alert—check it out!
= f.text_field :warning_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFC107}
= f.text_field :warning_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFC107 }
= f.text_field :warning_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x292929}
= f.text_field :warning_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x292929 }
A simple warning alert—check it out!
= f.text_field :info_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x17A2B8}
= f.text_field :info_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x17A2B8 }
= f.text_field :info_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :info_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
A simple info alert—check it out!
= f.text_field :success_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x28A745}
= f.text_field :success_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x28A745 }
= f.text_field :success_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :success_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
A simple success alert—check it out!
= f.text_field :dark_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x343A40}
= f.text_field :dark_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x343A40 }
= f.text_field :dark_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :dark_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
%a.btn.btn-dark.mb-3{ href: '#' } A dark button
= f.text_field :light_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xF8F9FA}
= f.text_field :light_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xF8F9FA }
= f.text_field :light_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :light_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
%a.btn.btn-light.mb-3{ href: '#' } A light button
= f.text_field :muted_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x6C757D}
= f.text_field :muted_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x6C757D }
%p.pt-4.text-muted Some muted text
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@
Styles for form inputs, like textfields.
= f.text_field :input_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :input_color, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
= f.text_field :input_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x000000}
= f.text_field :input_text, class: 'color', data: { default: 0x000000 }
%h2 Raised Content
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
Raised content basically describes all the different boxes and panels you can see across the site.
= f.text_field :raised_background, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF}
= f.text_field :raised_background, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xFFFFFF }
= f.text_field :raised_accent, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xF7F7F7}
= f.text_field :raised_accent, class: 'color', data: { default: 0xF7F7F7 }
%p Some text on top of a accented area on a raised element!
Reference in a new issue