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synced 2025-03-15 18:39:58 +01:00
Replace question markup with QuestionComponent
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 8 additions and 55 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- display_all ||= nil
.card.answerbox{ data: { id: a.id, q_id: a.question.id, navigation_target: "traversable" } }
- if @question.nil?
= render "answerbox/header", a: a, display_all: display_all
= render QuestionComponent.new(question: a.question, context_user: a.user, collapse: !display_all)
.answerbox__answer-body{ data: { controller: a.long? ? "collapse" : nil } }
.answerbox__answer-text{ class: a.long? && !display_all ? "collapsed" : "", data: { collapse_target: "content" } }
@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
.card.inbox-entry{ id: "inbox_#{i.id}", class: i.new? ? "inbox-entry--new" : "", data: { id: i.id } }
- unless i.question.author_is_anonymous
%a.pull-left{ href: user_path(i.question.user) }
= render AvatarComponent.new(user: i.question.user, size: "md", classes: ["answerbox__question-user-avatar"])
- if i.question.author_is_anonymous
%i.fas.fa-user-secret{ title: t('.anon_hint') }
= t(".asked_html", user: user_screen_name(i.question.user, context_user: i.user, author_identifier: i.question.author_is_anonymous ? i.question.author_identifier : nil), time: time_tooltip(i.question))
- if !i.question.author_is_anonymous && i.question.answer_count.positive?
%a{ href: question_path(i.question.user.screen_name, i.question.id) }
= t(".answers", count: i.question.answer_count)
.answerbox__question-body{ data: { controller: i.question.long? ? "collapse" : nil } }
.answerbox__question-text{ class: i.question.long? ? "collapsed" : "", data: { collapse_target: "content" } }
= question_markdown i.question.content
- if i.question.long?
= render "shared/collapse", type: "question"
- if i.question.user_id != current_user.id || current_user.has_cached_role?(:administrator)
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-sm.dropdown-toggle{ data: { bs_toggle: :dropdown }, aria: { expanded: false } }
= render "actions/question", question: i.question
= render QuestionComponent.new(question: i.question, context_user: i.user)
- if current_user == i.user
%textarea.form-control.mb-3{ name: "ib-answer", placeholder: t(".placeholder"), data: { id: i.id } }
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- provide(:title, question_title(@question))
= render "question", question: @question, hidden: false
= render "question", question: @question, hidden: true
= render QuestionComponent.new(question: @question)
#answers{ data: { controller: "navigation" } }
%button.d-none{ data: { hotkey: "j", action: "navigation#down" } }
@ -1,30 +1,4 @@
- type ||= nil
.card.questionbox{ data: { id: q.id } }
.card-body{ data: { controller: q.long? ? "collapse" : nil } }
- if type == "discover"
%a{ href: user_screen_name(q.user, link_only: true) }
= render AvatarComponent.new(user: q.user, size: "md", classes: ["me-2"])
- if type.nil? && q.direct
- if user_signed_in? && q.user == current_user
%i.fa.fa-eye-slash{ data: { bs_toggle: "tooltip", bs_title: t(".visible_to_you") } }
- elsif moderation_view?
%i.fa.fa-eye-slash{ data: { bs_toggle: "tooltip", bs_title: t(".visible_mod_mode") } }
= t("answerbox.header.asked_html", user: user_screen_name(q.user), time: time_tooltip(q))
- if q.answer_count > 1
%a{ href: question_path(q.user.screen_name, q.id) }
= pluralize(q.answer_count, t("voc.answer"))
.answerbox__question-text{ class: q.long? ? "collapsed" : "", data: { collapse_target: "content" } }
= question_markdown q.content
- if q.long?
= render "shared/collapse", type: "question"
- if user_signed_in?
%button.btn.btn-link.btn-sm.dropdown-toggle{ data: { bs_toggle: :dropdown }, aria: { expanded: false } }
= render "actions/question", question: q
= render QuestionComponent.new(question: q, hide_avatar: type == "discover" ? false : true, profile_question: true)
Reference in a new issue