From fe357eaa07c9d251022858a2fd5110e866b4dce0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andreas Nedbal Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 15:37:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update layout of the theme settings page --- app/views/settings/_theme.haml | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/views/settings/_theme.haml b/app/views/settings/_theme.haml index e10a2a94..da0bd20d 100644 --- a/app/views/settings/_theme.haml +++ b/app/views/settings/_theme.haml @@ -1,67 +1,113 @@ -.card - .card-body - %b Presets: - %a{href: '#', class: 'theme_preset', data: {preset: 'rs'}} Retrospring Purple, - %a{href: '#', class: 'theme_preset', data: {preset: 'dc'}} Dark Copycat, - %a{href: '#', class: 'theme_preset', data: {preset: 'lc'}} Light Copycat - = bootstrap_form_for(current_user.theme ||, url: {action: "update_theme"}, html: {id: 'update_theme'}, method: "patch") do |f| - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :primary_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x5E35B1} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :primary_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :danger_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFF0039} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :danger_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :success_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x3FB618} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :success_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :warning_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFF7518} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :warning_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :info_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x9954BB} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :info_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :default_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x222222} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :default_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xEEEEEE} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :panel_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xF9F9F9} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :panel_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x151515} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :link_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x5E35B1} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :background_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :background_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x222222} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :background_muted, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xBBBBBB} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :input_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :input_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x000000} - .row - .col-md-6 - = f.text_field :outline_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x5E35B1} - .col-md-6 += bootstrap_form_for(current_user.theme ||, url: {action: "update_theme"}, html: {id: 'update_theme'}, method: "patch") do |f| + .card + .card-body + %h1 Theming + %p.lead Welcome to the Theme Editor! + %p + Here you'll be able to modify your Retrospring experience by adjusting all available colors. + To further help you with adjusting needs, there are a few example elements using the specified colors, and sections will include + descriptions on their general use on the site! + %p + And with that: + %b Happy Theming! + .card + .card-body + %h2 General + %p + Here you'll find general page values that are basically visible all across the page. + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :background_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :background_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x222222} + .card + .card-body + %h2 Forms and Inputs + %p + Styles for form inputs, like textfields. + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :input_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :input_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x000000} + .card + .card-body + %h2 Raised Content + %p + Raised content basically describes all the different boxes and panels you can see across the site. + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :panel_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xF9F9F9} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :panel_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x151515} + .card + .card-body + %h2 Colors + %p + Colors you can find used on the site. The names of the colors usually describe the context. + The "text" colors for all styles represent the color that text on top of these colors has. + + %ul + %li + %b Primary: + The primary/brand color of the site, used for navigation, links, etc. + %li + %b Danger: + Color used for errors or critical actions like deleting something. + %li + %b Warning: + Color used for warnings if something non-critical has happened. + %li + %b Info: + Color used for informational popups or messages. + %li + %b Success: + Color used for messages if something went through successfully. + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :primary_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x5E35B1} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :primary_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-12 + .alert.alert-primary + A simple primary alert—check it out! + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :danger_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFF0039} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :danger_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-12 + .alert.alert-danger + A simple danger alert—check it out! + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :warning_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFF7518} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :warning_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-12 + .alert.alert-warning + A simple warning alert—check it out! + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :info_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x9954BB} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :info_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-12 + .alert.alert-info + A simple info alert—check it out! + .row + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :success_color, class: 'color', data: {default: 0x3FB618} + .col-sm-6 + = f.text_field :success_text, class: 'color', data: {default: 0xFFFFFF} + .col-sm-12 + .alert.alert-success + A simple success alert—check it out! + .card + .card-body .pull-left = f.submit t(''), class: 'btn btn-primary' - .pull-right - =button_to 'Delete Theme', delete_user_theme_path, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, tabindex: -1, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger" + .pull-right + = button_to 'Delete Theme', delete_user_theme_path, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, tabindex: -1, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger"