#= require jquery #= require jquery_ujs #= require jquery.turbolinks #= require turbolinks #= require bootstrap #= require nprogress #= require nprogress-turbolinks #= require growl #= require cheet #= require jquery.guillotine #= require jquery.particleground #= require sweet-alert #= require js.cookie #= require i18n #= require i18n/translations # local requires to be seen by everyone: #= require_tree ./answerbox #= require_tree ./questionbox #= require groups #= require inbox #= require memes #= require notifications #= require pagination #= require piwik #= require question #= require settings #= require user #= require report # not required: # _tree ./moderation NProgress.configure showSpinner: false window.translate = (scope, options) -> # for some reason I18n errors when calling it by assign proxy, so we got to wrap it I18n.translate(scope, options) window.showNotification = (text, success=true) -> args = title: translate((if success then 'frontend.success.title' else 'frontend.error.title')) message: text if success $.growl.notice args else $.growl.error args I18n.defaultLocale = 'en'; I18n.locale = Cookies.get('hl') || 'en'; window.showNotificationXHRError = (jqxhr, status, error) -> console.log jqxhr, status, error showNotification translate('frontend.error.message'), false $(document).on "click", "button#create-account", -> Turbolinks.visit "/sign_up" _ready = -> if typeof sweetAlertInitialize != "undefined" sweetAlertInitialize() if document.getElementById('particles')? particleground document.getElementById('particles'), dotColor: '#5e35b1' lineColor: '#5e35b1' $(document).ready _ready $(document).on 'page:load', _ready