# The site name, shown everywhere. site_name: "justask" # The sites tagline, shown on the start page site_tagline: "Ask questions, give answers and learn more about your friends." # Use the SVG logo from `/public/logo.svg` use_svg_logo: false hostname: "justask.rrerr.net" https: true email_from: "noreply@justask.rrerr.net" # Required by WebPush spec in case of problems with notifications contact_email: "contact@justask.rrerr.net" # Name of the "Anonymous" user. (e.g. "Anonymous Coward", "Arno Nym", "Mr. X", ...) anonymous_name: "Anonymous" forbidden_screen_names: - justask_admin - retrospring_admin - admin - justask - retrospring - moderation - moderator - mod - administrator - siteadmin - site_admin - help - retro_spring - retroospring - retrosprlng # Text shown on the about page (Markdown can be used here) about: | # About Use this space to describe your Retrospring instance! # Custom links in the footer # links: # - text: "Patreon" # url: "https://patreon.com/retrospring" # How many items (questions, answers, ...) do you want to show per page? items_per_page: 10 features: # "Discover" page discover: enabled: true # Public timeline public: enabled: true # Registrations registration: enabled: true # Advanced (marketing) frontpage layout advanced_frontpage: enabled: false # readonly mode -- users can only delete readonly: enabled: false # Redis redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379" # uncomment if using cloud storage # fog: # fog credentials # credentials: # provider: 'AWS' # aws_access_key_id: 'ACCESS KEY' # aws_secret_access_key: 'SECRET KEY' # region: 'space-pluto-1' ## URL host, comment out to use default, GENERALLY you don't want to define this # host: 's3.wherever.com' ## if you want to use Ceph RadosGW, use these options (region doesn't matter) # endpoint: 'http://radosgw.example.com' # path_style: true # bucket name, required # directory: 'retrospring' # hCaptcha -- get keys from https://www.hcaptcha.com/ hcaptcha: enabled: false site_key: '' secret_key: '' # TOTP Drift period in seconds otp_drift_period: 30 # This list controls which hosts are excempt from the linkfilter # Note: `hostname` is always included by default allowed_hosts_in_markdown: - twitter.com - youtube.com - youtu.be # Sentry connection string sentry_dsn: '' # Canny feedback forms # canny: # sso: "CANNY_SSO_TOKEN_HERE" # feature_board: "CANNY_FEATURE_BOARD_TOKEN" # bug_board: "CANNY_BUGS_BOARD_TOKEN" # If you run a fork, please uncomment and adjust this url! # source_url: "https://github.com/retrospring/retrospring"