en: ajax: mute_rule: nopriv: "Can't edit other people's rules" create: noauth: :messages.noauth success: "Rule added successfully." update: noauth: :messages.noauth nopriv: :ajax.mute_rule.nopriv success: "Rule updated successfully." destroy: noauth: :messages.noauth nopriv: :ajax.mute_rule.nopriv success: "Rule deleted successfully." announcement: create: success: "Announcement created successfully." error: "Unable to create announcement." update: success: "Announcement updated successfully." error: "Unable to save announcement." destroy: success: "Announcement has been deleted successfully." error: "Unable to delete announcement." inbox: author: info: "No questions from @%{author} found, showing entries from all users instead!" error: "No user with the name @%{author} found, showing entries from all users instead!" services: create: success: "Service connected successfully." duplicate: "The %{service} account you are trying to connect is already connected to another %{app} account. If you are unable to disconnect the account yourself, please send us a Direct Message on Twitter: @retrospring." error: "Unable to connect service." update: success: "Service updated successfully." error: "Unable to update service." failure: error: :errors.base destroy: success: "Service removed successfully." settings: privacy: update: success: :settings.profile.update.success error: :settings.profile.update.error profile: update: success: "Profile updated successfully." error: "Unable to update profile." profile_picture: update: success: :settings.profile.update.success error: :settings.profile.update.error notice: profile_picture: " It might take a few minutes until your new profile picture is shown everywhere." profile_header: " It might take a few minutes until your new profile header is shown everywhere." theme: update: success: "Theme saved successfully." error: "Theme saving failed. %{errors}" user: export: info: "An export is currently in progress for this account." begin_export: success: "Your account is currently being exported. This will take a little while." error: "Exporting is currently not possible." update_2fa: error: :errors.invalid_otp destroy_2fa: success: "Two factor authentication has been disabled for your account." sessions: create: info: "You have %{count} recovery codes remaining." error: :errors.invalid_otp