class ShareWorker include Sidekiq::Worker sidekiq_options queue: :share, retry: 5 # @param user_id [Integer] the user id # @param answer_id [Integer] the user id # @param service [String] the service to post to def perform(user_id, answer_id, service) service_type = "Services::#{service.camelize}" user_service = User.find(user_id).services.find_by(type: service_type) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound # The question to be posted was deleted return rescue Twitter::Error::DuplicateStatus return rescue Twitter::Error::Unauthorized # User's Twitter token has expired or been revoked # TODO: Notify user if this happens ( return rescue => e "failed to post answer #{answer_id} to #{service} for user #{user_id}: #{e.message}" NewRelic::Agent.notice_error(e) raise end end