    = APP_CONFIG['site_name']
  = render 'layouts/messages'
    TODO: fill this out.
    also TODO: find a way to make each panel's height equal
          %h3 The Team
          The people behind
          = succeed '!' do
            = APP_CONFIG['site_name']
              %a{href: show_user_profile_path('nilsding')}
                %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img{src: User.find_by_screen_name('nilsding').profile_picture.url(:medium)}
              %h4.entry-text.entry-about nilsding
              %h6.entry-subtext Backend, Server & Code
              %a{href: show_user_profile_path('pixeldesu')}
                %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img{src: User.find_by_screen_name('pixeldesu').profile_picture.url(:medium)}
              %h4.entry-text.entry-about pixeldesu
              %h6.entry-subtext Frontend Design & Layout
              %a{href: show_user_profile_path('kyr')}
                %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img{src: User.find_by_screen_name('kyr').profile_picture.url(:medium)}
              %h4.entry-text.entry-about kyr
              %h6.entry-subtext Node.js & Javascript
          %h3 Moderators
          The people on
          = APP_CONFIG['site_name']
          that look after you!
            - User.where(moderator: true).each do |mod|
                %a{href: show_user_profile_path(mod.screen_name)}
                  %img.answerbox--img-small{src: User.find_by_screen_name(mod.screen_name).profile_picture.url(:medium)}
                = mod.screen_name
          %h3 Alpha version
          %p This is an alpha version, full of bugs.  Caveat emptor.
            Found a bug?  Have an idea for a must-have feature?  Please
            = link_to "report them!", 'https://github.com/retrospring/bugs/issues'

            Still have some questions? Check our
            = link_to "FAQ!", help_faq_path
          There are lies, damned lies, and then there are...
          %h3 Statistics
              %h4.entry-text#asked-count= Question.count
              %h6.entry-subtext Questions
              %h4.entry-text#answered-count= Answer.count
              %h6.entry-subtext Answers
              %h4.entry-text#asked-count= Comment.count
              %h6.entry-subtext Comments
              %h4.entry-text#answered-count= Smile.count
              %h6.entry-subtext Smiles
              %h4.entry-text#follower-count= User.count
              %h6.entry-subtext Users
          %h3 Donate
          We are not backed by any company, but we need some money to keep
          our server infrastructure running.

          %form{:action => "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr", :method => "post", :target => "_top"}
            %input{:name => "cmd", :type => "hidden", :value => "_s-xclick"}/
            %input{:name => "hosted_button_id", :type => "hidden", :value => "6ZT5MS6UGU6HC"}/
            %input{:alt => "PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!", :border => "0", :name => "submit", :src => "https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/AT/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif", :type => "image"}/
            %img{:alt => "", :border => "0", :height => "1", :src => "https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif", :width => "1"}/

          Want to support us over a longer timespan? We also have a Patreon campaign!
          %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-block{href: "https://patreon.com/retrospring"} Patreon
          %h3 Patrons
          People that believe in our vision, and that's why we love them <3
            - User.where(supporter: true).each do |sup|
              %a{href: show_user_profile_path(sup.screen_name), title: sup.screen_name, data: { toggle: :tooltip, placement: :top }}
                %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img-small{src: sup.profile_picture.url(:medium)}

= render "shared/links"