# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require "rails_helper" describe Ajax::SmileController, :ajax_controller, type: :controller do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } describe "#create" do let(:params) do { id: answer_id }.compact end let(:answer) { FactoryBot.create(:answer, user: user) } subject { post(:create, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when answer exists" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end it "creates a smile to the answer" do expect { subject }.to(change { Smile.count }.by(1)) expect(answer.reload.smiles.ids).to include(Smile.last.id) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when answer does not exist" do let(:answer_id) { "nein!" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => anything, "message" => anything } end it "does not create a smile" do expect { subject }.not_to(change { Smile.count }) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when some parameters are missing" do let(:answer_id) { nil } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "parameter_error", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "fail", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end describe "#destroy" do let(:answer) { FactoryBot.create(:answer, user: user) } let(:smile) { FactoryBot.create(:smile, user: user, answer: answer) } let(:answer_id) { answer.id } let(:params) do { id: answer_id } end subject { delete(:destroy, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when the smile exists" do # ensure we already have it in the db before(:each) { smile } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end it "deletes the smile" do expect { subject }.to(change { Smile.count }.by(-1)) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when the smile does not exist" do let(:answer_id) { "sonic_the_hedgehog" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => anything, "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "fail", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end describe "#create_comment" do let(:params) do { id: comment_id }.compact end let(:answer) { FactoryBot.create(:answer, user: user) } let(:comment) { FactoryBot.create(:comment, user: user, answer: answer) } subject { post(:create_comment, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when comment exists" do let(:comment_id) { comment.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end it "creates a smile to the comment" do expect { subject }.to(change { CommentSmile.count }.by(1)) expect(comment.reload.smiles.ids).to include(CommentSmile.last.id) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when comment does not exist" do let(:comment_id) { "nein!" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => anything, "message" => anything } end it "does not create a smile" do expect { subject }.not_to(change { CommentSmile.count }) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when some parameters are missing" do let(:comment_id) { nil } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "parameter_error", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:comment_id) { comment.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "fail", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end describe "#destroy_comment" do let(:answer) { FactoryBot.create(:answer, user: user) } let(:comment) { FactoryBot.create(:comment, user: user, answer: answer) } let(:comment_smile) { FactoryBot.create(:comment_smile, user: user, comment: comment) } let(:comment_id) { comment.id } let(:params) do { id: comment_id } end subject { delete(:destroy_comment, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when the smile exists" do # ensure we already have it in the db before(:each) { comment_smile } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end it "deletes the smile" do expect { subject }.to(change { CommentSmile.count }.by(-1)) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when the smile does not exist" do let(:answer_id) { "sonic_the_hedgehog" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => anything, "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "fail", "message" => anything } end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end end