# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization # and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other # than English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t 'hello' # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t('hello') %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. en: views: general: answer: "answer" question: "question" comment: "comment" smile: "smile" follower: "follower" following: "following" actions: anonymous: "Hide your name" delete: "Delete" report: "Report" return: "Return to Inbox" subscribe: "Subscribe" unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe" view: "View comment smiles" sessions: destroy: "Logout" create: "Sign in" new: "Sign up" navigation: timeline: "Timeline" inbox: "Inbox" discover: "Discover" notifications: "Notifications" show: "View profile" settings: "Settings" admin: "Kontrollzentrum" sidekiq: "Sidekiq" moderation: "Moderation Panel" front: subtitle: "Ask questions, give answers and learn more about your friends." ask: title: "Ask and answer questions" desc: "With %{app_title} you can ask people questions and answer questions from other users or unregistered people. Want to know something more? Keep the discussion ongoing in the comments!" follow: title: "Follow users and get followed" desc: "Following users allows you to get a personalized feed of all people you want to know more about. You can also send a question to all your followers at once!" share: title: "Sharing to other networks" desc: "Want to share your answer to a question so that more people read it? With a simple click on the answer button, your answer is shared wherever you want!" about: subtitle: "About our service, features and other information" links: title: "Links" desc: "Important pages and social media profiles from the %{app_title} team, which are recommended to visit!" opensource: title: "Open Source" warning: "%{app_title} is running on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor." desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, CoffeeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}." github: "Github repository" bugtracker: "bug tracker" repository: title: "Main Repository" desc: "The place where all the code magic and fixing happens!" contributors: title: "Contributors" desc: "These people have contributed to %{app_title}'s source code." howto: "Want to get listed here? %{fork} and create a new pull request with your changes." fork: "Fork this repo" team: title: "The Team" desc: "The people behind %{app_title}!" moderators: title: "Moderators" desc: "The people on %{app_title} that look after you!" funding: title: "Funding" desc: "People which (previously) donated to %{app_title}!" statistics: title: "Statistics" desc: "All-time statistics for %{app_title}, updated every time you refresh the page!" discover: title: "Discover" subtitle: "The perfect place to find interesting content from the last week on %{app_title}!" content: title: "Popular Content" desc: "Answers with most smiles and most answered questions" tab: answers: "Answers" questions: "Questions" comments: "Most Comments" people: title: "People" desc: "Newcomers and people who asked the most questions" tab: new: "New Users" questions: "Most Asked Questions" answers: "Most Answers" userbox: new: "registered %{time} ago" answers: "answered %{questions}" questions: "asked %{questions}" answerbox: asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" read: "Read the entire answer" answered: "%{hide} %{user}" hide: "Answered by" time: "%{time} ago" no_smile: "No one smiled this, yet." no_comment: "There are no comments yet." commentsmile: "People who smiled this comment" questionbox: title: "Ask something!" banned: "This user got hit with ye olde banhammer." required: "This user does not want to get asked by strangers. Why don't you %{signup}?" promote: message: "Your question has been sent." create: "Create an account" another: "Ask another question" join: "Join %{app_title} today! You'll be able to follow and ask people you know and a lot more." hello: "Hello world"