# see GitHub issue #11 ($ document).on "submit", "form#edit_user", (evt) -> if ($ "input#user_current_password").val().length == 0 evt.preventDefault() $("button[data-target=#modal-passwd]").trigger 'click' # Profile pic ($ document).on 'change', 'input#user_profile_picture[type=file]', -> input = ($ this)[0] ($ '#profile-picture-crop-controls').slideUp 400, -> if input.files and input.files[0] fr = new FileReader() ($ fr).on 'load', (e) -> cropper = ($ '#profile-picture-cropper') preview = ($ '#profile-picture-preview') updateVars = (data, action) -> ($ '#crop_x').val Math.floor(data.x / data.scale) ($ '#crop_y').val Math.floor(data.y / data.scale) ($ '#crop_w').val Math.floor(data.w / data.scale) ($ '#crop_h').val Math.floor(data.h / data.scale) # rx = 100 / data.w # ry = 100 / data.h # ($ '#profile-picture-preview').css # width: Math.round(rx * preview[0].naturalWidth) + 'px' # height: Math.round(ry * preview[0].naturalHeight) + 'px' # marginLeft: '-' + Math.round(rx * data.x) + 'px' # marginTop: '-' + Math.round(ry * data.y) + 'px' cropper.on 'load', -> side = if cropper[0].naturalWidth > cropper[0].naturalHeight cropper[0].naturalHeight else cropper[0].naturalWidth cropper.guillotine width: side height: side onChange: updateVars updateVars cropper.guillotine('getData'), 'drag' # just because ($ '#cropper-zoom-out').click -> cropper.guillotine 'zoomOut' ($ '#cropper-zoom-in').click -> cropper.guillotine 'zoomIn' ($ '#profile-picture-crop-controls').slideDown() cropper.attr 'src', e.target.result fr.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]) ($ document).on 'change', 'input#user_profile_header[type=file]', -> input = ($ this)[0] ($ '#profile-header-crop-controls').slideUp 400, -> if input.files and input.files[0] fr = new FileReader() ($ fr).on 'load', (e) -> cropper = ($ '#profile-header-cropper') preview = ($ '#profile-header-preview') updateVars = (data, action) -> ($ '#crop_h_x').val Math.floor(data.x / data.scale) ($ '#crop_h_y').val Math.floor(data.y / data.scale) ($ '#crop_h_w').val Math.floor(data.w / data.scale) ($ '#crop_h_h').val Math.floor(data.h / data.scale) cropper.on 'load', -> cropper.guillotine width: 1500 height: 350 onChange: updateVars updateVars cropper.guillotine('getData'), 'drag' ($ '#cropper-header-zoom-out').click -> cropper.guillotine 'zoomOut' ($ '#cropper-header-zoom-in').click -> cropper.guillotine 'zoomIn' ($ '#profile-header-crop-controls').slideDown() cropper.attr 'src', e.target.result fr.readAsDataURL(input.files[0])