en: language: 'English (US)' frontend: load: "Load more" success: title: "Success!" error: title: "Uh-oh..." message: "An error occurred, a developer should check the console for details" subscription: subscribe: "Successfully subscribed." unsubscribe: "Successfully unsubscribed." fail: subscribe: "Failed to subscribe to answer." unsubscribe: "Failed to unsubscribe from answer." list: confirm: title: "Really delete this list?" text: "You will not be able to recover this list." destroy_question: confirm: title: "Are you sure?" text: "The question will be moved back to your inbox, but it won't delete any posts to social media." destroy_comment: confirm: title: "Really delete?" text: "You will not be able to recover this comment." destroy_report: confirm: title: "Really delete?" text: "You will not be able to recover this report." destroy_own: confirm: title: "Are you sure?" text: "The question will be removed." inbox: empty: "Nothing to see here." confirm_all: title: "Really delete %{count} questions?" text: "They will be gone forever." confirm: title: "Really delete?" text: "This question will be gone forever." report: confirm: title: "Really report this %{type}?" text: "A moderator will review your report and decide what happens.\nIf you'd like, you can also specify a reason." input: "Specify a reason..." flash: ban: error: "I'm sorry, %{name}, I'm afraid I can't do that." reason: "Ban reason: %{reason}" until: "Banned until: %{time}" messages: noscript: "Please activate JavaScript." error: "An error occurred." parameter_error: "%{parameter} is required." noauth: "requires authentication" answer: create: fail: "Question is not in your inbox." privacy_stronk: "This user does not want other users to answer their question." peter_dinklage: "Answer is too short." okay: "Successfully answered question." destroy: nopriv: "can't delete other people's answers" okay: "Successfully deleted answer." comment: create: rec_inv: "Your comment is too long." okay: "Comment posted successfully." destroy: nopriv: "can't delete other people's comments" okay: "Successfully deleted comment." friend: create: fail: "You are already following that user." okay: "Successfully followed user." destroy: fail: "You are not following that user." okay: "Successfully unfollowed user." list: create: noname: "Please give that list a name." toolong: "List name too long (30 characters max.)" notfound: "Could not find user." exists: "List already exists." okay: "Successfully created list." destroy: notfound: "Could not find list." okay: "Successfully deleted list." membership: notfound: "List not found." add: "Successfully added user to list." remove: "Successfully removed user from list." inbox: create: okay: "Successfully added new question." remove: fail: "question not in your inbox" okay: "Successfully deleted question." remove_all: okay: "Successfully deleted questions." moderation: vote: fail: "You have already voted on this report." okay: "Successfully voted on report." destroy_vote: fail: "You have not voted on that report." okay: "Successfully removed vote from report." destroy_report: fail: "Something bad happened!" okay: "WHERE DID IT GO??? OH NO!!!" create_comment: rec_inv: "Your comment is too long." okay: "Comment posted successfully." destroy_comment: nopriv: "can't delete other people's comments" okay: "Successfully deleted comment." ban: error: "Weird..." nopriv: "You cannot ban an administrator!" unban: "Unbanned user." perma: "Permanently banned user." temp: "Banned user until %{date}" privilege: nope: "nope!" nopriv: "You'd better check YOUR privileges first!" checked: "Successfully checked this user's %{privilege} privilege." question: destroy: not_found: "Question does not exist" not_authorized: "You are not allowed to delete this question" okay: "Successfully deleted question." create: rec_inv: "Your question is too long." not_found: "List not found" okay: "Question asked successfully." report: create: login: "login required" unknown: "unknown type" not_found: "Could not find %{parameter}" okay: "%{parameter} reported. A moderator will decide what happens with the %{parameter}." smile: create: fail: "You have already smiled that answer." okay: "Successfully smiled answer." destroy: fail: "You have not smiled that answer." okay: "Successfully unsmiled answer." create_comment: fail: "You have already smiled that comment." okay: "Successfully smiled comment." destroy_comment: fail: "You have not smiled that comment." okay: "Successfully unsmiled comment." subscription: torpedo: "418 I'm a torpedo" views: locale: languages: "Languages" placeholder: inbox: "Write your answer here..." comment: "Comment..." question: "Type your question hereā€¦" notifications: show: "Show all notifications" mark: " and mark them as read" answer: body: "answered %{question} %{time} ago" question: "your question" relationship: body: "followed you %{time} ago" smile: body: "smiled at %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv answer: "your answer" # content if smile, 'smiled at your answer' comment: "your comment" # content if commentsmile, 'smiled at your comment' comment: body: "commented on %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv your: "your answer" # 'commented on your answer' their: "their answer" # 'commented on their answer' user: "%{user}'s answer" # 'commented on user's asnwer' # all three have the 'user' variable tabs: all: "All notifications" answer: "Answers" smile: "Smiles" comment: "Comments" commentsmile: "Comment Smiles" relationship: "Followers" inbox: empty: "Nothing to see here." sidebar: questions: title: "Out of questions?" button: "Get new question" share: title: "Share" button: "Share on %{service}" actions: title: "Actions" button: "Delete all questions" entry: asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" response: "response" sharing: title: "Sharing" post: "Post to %{service}" none: "You have not connected any services yet. Visit your %{settings} to connect one." settings: "service settings" general: answer: "Answer" question: "Question" comment: "Comment" smile: "Smile" follower: "Follower" following: "Following" timeline: "Timeline" public: "Public" user: "User" list: title: "List" members: "Members" actions: title: "Actions" ask: "Ask" ask_question: "Ask a question" answer: "Answer" options: "Options" anonymous: "Hide your name" delete: "Delete" report: "Report" return: "Return to Inbox" subscribe: "Subscribe" unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe" view: "View comment smiles" load: "Load more" follow: "Follow" unfollow: "Unfollow" list: "Manage list memberships" ban: "Ban Control" privilege: "Check %{user}'s privileges" save: "Save changes" cancel: "Cancel" close: "Close" done: "Done" y: "Yes" n: "No" remove: "Remove" sessions: destroy: "Logout" create: "Sign in" new: "Sign up" moderation: tabs: all: "All reports" moderationbox: reported: "%{user} reported a %{content} %{time} ago" reason: "Reason:" view: "View reported %{content}" question: title: "This question was not in your inbox? Answer it here!" navigation: timeline: "Timeline" inbox: "Inbox" discover: "Discover" notifications: "Notifications" show: "View profile" settings: "Settings" admin: "Kontrollzentrum" sidekiq: "Sidekiq" moderation: "Moderation Panel" discover: title: "Discover" subtitle: "The perfect place to find interesting content from the last week on %{app_title}!" content: title: "Popular Content" desc: "Answers with most smiles and most answered questions" tab: answers: "Most Liked" questions: "Most Answers" comments: "Most Controversial" people: title: "People" desc: "Newcomers and people who asked the most questions" tab: new: "New Users" questions: "Active Askers" answers: "Most Answers" userbox: new: "registered %{time} ago" answers: "answered %{questions}" questions: "asked %{questions}" answerbox: asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" read: "Read the entire answer" answered: "%{hide} %{user}" # resolves into "Answered by %{user}" hide: "Answered by" # ^ time: "%{time} ago" no_smile: "No one smiled this, yet." no_comment: "There are no comments yet." commentsmile: "People who smiled this comment" questionbox: title: "Ask something!" banned: "This user got hit with ye olde banhammer." required: "This user does not want to get asked by strangers. Why don't you %{signup}?" load: "Asking..." promote: message: "Your question has been sent." create: "Create an account" another: "Ask another question" join: "Join %{app_title} today! You'll be able to follow and ask people you know and a lot more." modal: ask: title: "Ask your followers" choose: "Choose list:" loading: "Asking..." bancontrol: title: "Ban Control Center" ban: "Ban?" permanent: "Permanently?" reason: "Reason" hammertime: "Hammer Time" list: title: "Manage list memberships" tabs: main: "Lists" create: "Create new list" create: "Create list" name: "List name" members: "members" privilege: moderator: "Someone trustworthy enough to help managing reports." admin: "This user is part of the core team." user: follows_you: "Follows you" title: admin: "Admin" moderator: "Moderator" banned: "Banned"