# The site name, shown everywhere. site_name: "justask" hostname: "justask.rrerr.net" https: true email_from: "noreply@justask.rrerr.net" # Name of the "Anonymous" user. (e.g. "Anonymous Coward", "Arno Nym", "Mr. X", ...) anonymous_name: "Anonymous" # How many items (questions, answers, ...) do you want to show per page? items_per_page: 10 # OAuth tokens sharing: twitter: enabled: false # Get the tokens from https://apps.twitter.com consumer_key: '' consumer_secret: '' facebook: enabled: false tumblr: enabled: false # Get the tokens from https://www.tumblr.com/oauth/apps consumer_key: '' consumer_secret: '' # Redis redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379" # Site admins admins: - screen_name: 'nilsding' about_text: nilsding subtext: Backend, Server & Code - screen_name: 'pixeldesu' about_text: pixeldesu subtext: Frontend Design & Layout - screen_name: 'Filippus' about_text: Filippus subtext: Moderator Management & Support # delete if using local storage fog: # fog credentials credentials: provider: 'AWS' aws_access_key_id: 'ACCESS KEY' aws_secret_access_key: 'SECRET KEY' region: 'space-pluto-1' # bucket name, required directory: 'retrospring' # URL host, comment out to use default, GENERALLY you don't want to define this # host: ''