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synced 2025-03-13 12:19:59 +01:00
this uses our ✨new and improved✨ logo by default, but can be easily changed by modifying `/public/logo.svg`. the svg is loaded only once when the application starts, so any modifications to it after a deployment are visible immediately. thanks to the power of CSS and SVG being able to make use of it, custom colour schemes still work too.
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# The site name, shown everywhere.
site_name: "justask"
# Use the SVG logo from `/public/logo.svg`
use_svg_logo: false
hostname: "justask.rrerr.net"
https: true
email_from: "noreply@justask.rrerr.net"
# Name of the "Anonymous" user. (e.g. "Anonymous Coward", "Arno Nym", "Mr. X", ...)
anonymous_name: "Anonymous"
- justask_admin
- retrospring_admin
- admin
- justask
- retrospring
- moderation
- moderator
- mod
- administrator
- siteadmin
- site_admin
- help
- retro_spring
- retroospring
- retrosprlng
# Text shown on the about page (Markdown can be used here)
about: |
# About
Use this space to describe your Retrospring instance!
# How many items (questions, answers, ...) do you want to show per page?
items_per_page: 10
# "Discover" page
enabled: true
# Public timeline
enabled: true
# OAuth tokens
enabled: true
# Get the tokens from https://apps.twitter.com
consumer_key: ''
consumer_secret: ''
# Redis
redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379"
# uncomment if using cloud storage
# fog:
# fog credentials
# credentials:
# provider: 'AWS'
# aws_access_key_id: 'ACCESS KEY'
# aws_secret_access_key: 'SECRET KEY'
# region: 'space-pluto-1'
# URL host, comment out to use default, GENERALLY you don't want to define this
# host: 's3.wherever.com'
# bucket name, required
# directory: 'retrospring'
# hCaptcha -- get keys from https://www.hcaptcha.com/
enabled: false
site_key: ''
secret_key: ''
# TOTP Drift period in seconds
otp_drift_period: 30
# This list controls the "accept" attribute on file upload fields
# This ensures mobile users get an appropriate file picker (one for only images)
# as well as preventing the upload of videos or formats we don't support
# including making iOS automatically convert HEIC files to JPEG
- image/jpeg
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- image/png
- .png
- image/gif
- .gif
# This list controls which hosts are excempt from the linkfilter
# Note: `hostname` is always included by default
- twitter.com
- youtube.com
- youtu.be
# Sentry connection string
sentry_dsn: ''
# Canny feedback forms
# canny:
# feature_board: "CANNY_FEATURE_BOARD_TOKEN"