mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:13:03 +01:00
142 lines
4.6 KiB
142 lines
4.6 KiB
($ document).on "click", "button#ib-generate-question", ->
btn = ($ this)
btn.button "loading"
url: '/ajax/generate_question'
type: 'POST'
dataType: 'json'
success: (data, status, jqxhr) ->
if data.success
($ "div#entries").prepend(data.render) # TODO: slideDown or something
# GitHub issue #26:
del_all_btn = ($ "button#ib-delete-all")
del_all_btn.removeAttr 'disabled'
del_all_btn[0].dataset.ibCount = (Number del_all_btn[0].dataset.ibCount) + 1
error: (jqxhr, status, error) ->
console.log jqxhr, status, error
showNotification translate('frontend.error.message'), false
complete: (jqxhr, status) ->
btn.button "reset"
($ document).on "click", "button#ib-delete-all", ->
btn = ($ this)
count = btn[0].dataset.ibCount
title: translate('frontend.inbox.confirm_all.title', {count: count})
text: translate('frontend.inbox.confirm_all.text')
type: "warning"
showCancelButton: true
confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55"
confirmButtonText: translate('views.actions.delete')
cancelButtonText: translate('views.actions.cancel')
closeOnConfirm: true
, ->
btn.button "loading"
succ = no
url: '/ajax/delete_all_inbox'
type: 'POST'
dataType: 'json'
success: (data, status, jqxhr) ->
if data.success
succ = yes
($ "div#pagination, button#load-more-btn").slideUp()
entries = ($ "div#entries")
entries.slideUp 400, ->
entries.html("Nothing to see here.")
error: (jqxhr, status, error) ->
console.log jqxhr, status, error
showNotification translate('frontend.error.message'), false
complete: (jqxhr, status) ->
if succ
# and now: a (broken?) re-implementation of Bootstrap's button.js
btn.html btn.data('resetText')
btn.removeClass 'disabled'
btn[0].dataset.ibCount = 0
$(document).on "keydown", "textarea[name=ib-answer]", (evt) ->
iid = $(this)[0].dataset.id
if evt.keyCode == 13 and (evt.ctrlKey or evt.metaKey)
# trigger warning:
$("button[name=ib-answer][data-ib-id=#{iid}]").trigger 'click'
$(document).on "click", "button[name=ib-answer]", ->
btn = $(this)
btn.button "loading"
iid = btn[0].dataset.ibId
$("textarea[name=ib-answer][data-id=#{iid}]").attr "readonly", "readonly"
shareTo = []
($ "input[type=checkbox][name=ib-share][data-ib-id=#{iid}]:checked").each (i, share) ->
shareTo.push share.dataset.service
url: '/ajax/answer'
type: 'POST'
id: iid
answer: $("textarea[name=ib-answer][data-id=#{iid}]").val()
share: JSON.stringify shareTo
inbox: true
success: (data, status, jqxhr) ->
if data.success
showNotification data.message, data.success
error: (jqxhr, status, error) ->
console.log jqxhr, status, error
showNotification translate('frontend.error.message'), false
complete: (jqxhr, status) ->
btn.button "reset"
$("textarea[name=ib-answer][data-id=#{iid}]").removeAttr "readonly"
$(document).on "click", "button[name=ib-destroy]", ->
btn = $(this)
title: translate('frontend.inbox.confirm.title')
text: translate('frontend.inbox.confirm.text')
type: "warning"
showCancelButton: true
confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55"
confirmButtonText: translate('views.actions.delete')
cancelButtonText: translate('views.actions.cancel')
closeOnConfirm: true
, ->
btn.button "loading"
iid = btn[0].dataset.ibId
$("textarea[name=ib-answer][data-id=#{iid}]").attr "readonly", "readonly"
url: '/ajax/delete_inbox'
type: 'POST'
id: iid
success: (data, status, jqxhr) ->
if data.success
showNotification data.message, data.success
error: (jqxhr, status, error) ->
console.log jqxhr, status, error
showNotification translate('frontend.error.message'), false
complete: (jqxhr, status) ->
btn.button "reset"
$("textarea[name=ib-answer][data-id=#{iid}]").removeAttr "readonly"
# Toggle button
$(document).on "click", "button[name=ib-options]", ->
btn = $(this)
ibid = btn[0].dataset.ibId
state = btn[0].dataset.state
optionBox = $("#ib-options-#{ibid}")
switch state
when 'hidden'
btn[0].dataset.state = 'shown'
when 'shown'
btn[0].dataset.state = 'hidden'