Georg Gadinger ea0685136e Rename Groups to Lists
haha regexp go brrr

special thanks to @seatsea for helping me out with the French locales
2020-05-25 18:04:54 +02:00

21 lines
810 B

%img.userbox__header{ src: current_user.profile_header.url(:mobile) }
%img.userbox__avatar{ src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:small) }
- unless current_user.display_name.blank?
= current_user.display_name
= current_user.screen_name
- unless @list.nil?
.card-header= t('views.list.members')
- if @list.members.empty?
%p.text-muted No members yet.
- @list.members.each do |member|
%a{ href: show_user_profile_path(member.user.screen_name), title: member.user.screen_name, data: { toggle: :tooltip, placement: :top } }
%img.avatar-xs{ src: member.user.profile_picture.url(:medium) }
= render 'shared/links'