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synced 2025-03-16 19:19:59 +01:00
haha regexp go brrr special thanks to @seatsea for helping me out with the French locales
28 lines
1.6 KiB
28 lines
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.modal.fade#modal-list-memberships{ aria: { hidden: true, labelledby: 'modal-list-memberships-label' }, role: :dialog, tabindex: -1 }
%h5.modal-title#modal-list-memberships-label= t 'views.modal.list.title'
%button.close{ data: { dismiss: :modal }, type: :button }
%span{ aria: { hidden: true } } ×
%span.sr-only= t 'views.actions.close'
%div{ role: :tabpanel }
%ul.nav.nav-tabs.mt-1{ role: :tablist }
%li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' }
%a.nav-link.active{ href: '#lists-list', aria: { controls: 'lists-list' }, data: { toggle: :tab }, role: :tab }
= t 'views.modal.list.tabs.main'
%li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' }
%a.nav-link{ href: '#create', aria: { controls: 'create' }, data: { toggle: :tab }, role: :tab }
= t 'views.modal.list.tabs.create'
.tab-pane.active{ role: :tabpanel, id: 'lists-list' }
- current_user.lists.each do |list|
= render 'modal/list/item', list: list, user: user
.tab-pane{ role: :tabpanel, id: 'create' }
%input.form-control#new-list-name{ type: :text, placeholder: t('views.modal.list.name') }
%button.btn.btn-primary#create-list{ type: :button, data: { user: user.screen_name } }= t('views.modal.list.create')
%button.btn.btn-primary{ name: 'gm-save', type: :button, data: { dismiss: :modal } }= t 'views.actions.done'