Andreas Nedbal 650751e875 Adjust profile statistics layout
- Instead of being in the sidebar, they are now present as a tabbed navigation
- The questionbox is now present on any layout
2020-04-28 15:03:51 +02:00

15 lines
569 B

- no_header = unless @user.profile_header.exists? then "profile--no-header" else "" end
.profile--panel-push-inner.hidden-xs{class: no_header}
- unless @user.banned?
- @answers.each do |a|
= render 'answerbox', a: a
= render 'shared/cursored_pagination_dummy', more_data_available: @more_data_available, last_id: @answers_last_id
- if @more_data_available
%button#load-more-btn.btn.btn-default{type: :button, data: { last_id: @answers_last_id }}
= t 'views.actions.load'
- provide(:title, user_title(@user))
- parent_layout "user/profile"