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synced 2025-03-03 12:43:03 +01:00
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- provide(:title, question_title(@question))
= render 'shared/question_header', question: @question, hidden: false
= render 'shared/question_header', question: @question, hidden: true
/ TODO: make this pretty (it's currently C-c'd straight from shared/_answerbox)
- @answers.each do |a|
= render 'shared/answerbox', a: a, show_question: false
#pagination= will_paginate @answers, renderer: BootstrapPagination::Rails, page_links: false
- if @answers.next_page
%button#load-more-btn.btn.btn-default{type: :button, data: { current_page: @answers.current_page }}
Load more
- if user_signed_in? and !current_user.answered? @question and current_user != @question.user and @question.user.privacy_allow_stranger_answers
%h3.panel-title This question was not in your inbox? Answer it here!
%textarea#q-answer.form-control{placeholder: 'Write your answer here...', data: { id: @question.id }}
%button#q-answer.btn.btn-success{data: { q_id: @question.id }}
- current_user.services.each do |service|
%input{type: 'checkbox', name: 'share', checked: :checked, data: { q_id: @question.id, service: service.provider }}
Post to
= service.provider.capitalize