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// I18n.js
// =======
// This small library provides the Rails I18n API on the Javascript.
// You don't actually have to use Rails (or even Ruby) to use I18n.js.
// Just make sure you export all translations in an object like this:
// I18n.translations.en = {
// hello: "Hello World"
// };
// See tests for specific formatting like numbers and dates.
// Using UMD pattern from
// https://github.com/umdjs/umd#regular-module
// `returnExports.js` version
;(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define("i18n", function(){ return factory(root);});
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(root);
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.I18n = factory(root);
}(this, function(global) {
"use strict";
// Use previously defined object if exists in current scope
var I18n = global && global.I18n || {};
// Just cache the Array#slice function.
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
// Apply number padding.
var padding = function(number) {
return ("0" + number.toString()).substr(-2);
// Improved toFixed number rounding function with support for unprecise floating points
// JavaScript's standard toFixed function does not round certain numbers correctly (for example 0.105 with precision 2).
var toFixed = function(number, precision) {
return decimalAdjust('round', number, -precision).toFixed(precision);
// Is a given variable an object?
// Borrowed from Underscore.js
var isObject = function(obj) {
var type = typeof obj;
return type === 'function' || type === 'object'
var isFunction = function(func) {
var type = typeof func;
return type === 'function'
// Check if value is different than undefined and null;
var isSet = function(value) {
return typeof(value) !== 'undefined' && value !== null;
// Is a given value an array?
// Borrowed from Underscore.js
var isArray = function(val) {
if (Array.isArray) {
return Array.isArray(val);
return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Array]';
var isString = function(val) {
return typeof val === 'string' || Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object String]';
var isNumber = function(val) {
return typeof val === 'number' || Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Number]';
var isBoolean = function(val) {
return val === true || val === false;
var isNull = function(val) {
return val === null;
var decimalAdjust = function(type, value, exp) {
// If the exp is undefined or zero...
if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0) {
return Math[type](value);
value = +value;
exp = +exp;
// If the value is not a number or the exp is not an integer...
if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0)) {
return NaN;
// Shift
value = value.toString().split('e');
value = Math[type](+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp)));
// Shift back
value = value.toString().split('e');
return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp));
var lazyEvaluate = function(message, scope) {
if (isFunction(message)) {
return message(scope);
} else {
return message;
var merge = function (dest, obj) {
var key, value;
for (key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value = obj[key];
if (isString(value) || isNumber(value) || isBoolean(value) || isArray(value) || isNull(value)) {
dest[key] = value;
} else {
if (dest[key] == null) dest[key] = {};
merge(dest[key], value);
return dest;
// Set default days/months translations.
var DATE = {
day_names: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
, abbr_day_names: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]
, month_names: [null, "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
, abbr_month_names: [null, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
, meridian: ["AM", "PM"]
// Set default number format.
precision: 3
, separator: "."
, delimiter: ","
, strip_insignificant_zeros: false
// Set default currency format.
unit: "$"
, precision: 2
, format: "%u%n"
, sign_first: true
, delimiter: ","
, separator: "."
// Set default percentage format.
unit: "%"
, precision: 3
, format: "%n%u"
, separator: "."
, delimiter: ""
// Set default size units.
var SIZE_UNITS = [null, "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb"];
// Other default options
// Set default locale. This locale will be used when fallback is enabled and
// the translation doesn't exist in a particular locale.
defaultLocale: "en"
// Set the current locale to `en`.
, locale: "en"
// Set the translation key separator.
, defaultSeparator: "."
// Set the placeholder format. Accepts `{{placeholder}}` and `%{placeholder}`.
, placeholder: /(?:\{\{|%\{)(.*?)(?:\}\}?)/gm
// Set if engine should fallback to the default locale when a translation
// is missing.
, fallbacks: false
// Set the default translation object.
, translations: {}
// Set missing translation behavior. 'message' will display a message
// that the translation is missing, 'guess' will try to guess the string
, missingBehaviour: 'message'
// if you use missingBehaviour with 'message', but want to know that the
// string is actually missing for testing purposes, you can prefix the
// guessed string by setting the value here. By default, no prefix!
, missingTranslationPrefix: ''
// Set default locale. This locale will be used when fallback is enabled and
// the translation doesn't exist in a particular locale.
I18n.reset = function() {
var key;
for (key in DEFAULT_OPTIONS) {
this[key] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[key];
// Much like `reset`, but only assign options if not already assigned
I18n.initializeOptions = function() {
var key;
for (key in DEFAULT_OPTIONS) if (!isSet(this[key])) {
this[key] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[key];
// Return a list of all locales that must be tried before returning the
// missing translation message. By default, this will consider the inline option,
// current locale and fallback locale.
// I18n.locales.get("de-DE");
// // ["de-DE", "de", "en"]
// You can define custom rules for any locale. Just make sure you return a array
// containing all locales.
// // Default the Wookie locale to English.
// I18n.locales["wk"] = function(locale) {
// return ["en"];
// };
I18n.locales = {};
// Retrieve locales based on inline locale, current locale or default to
// I18n's detection.
I18n.locales.get = function(locale) {
var result = this[locale] || this[I18n.locale] || this["default"];
if (isFunction(result)) {
result = result(locale);
if (isArray(result) === false) {
result = [result];
return result;
// The default locale list.
I18n.locales["default"] = function(locale) {
var locales = []
, list = []
// Handle the inline locale option that can be provided to
// the `I18n.t` options.
if (locale) {
// Add the current locale to the list.
if (!locale && I18n.locale) {
// Add the default locale if fallback strategy is enabled.
if (I18n.fallbacks && I18n.defaultLocale) {
// Locale code format 1:
// According to RFC4646 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt)
// language codes for Traditional Chinese should be `zh-Hant`
// But due to backward compatibility
// We use older version of IETF language tag
// @see http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/dirlang.html
// @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag
// Format: `language-code = primary-code ( "-" subcode )*`
// primary-code uses ISO639-1
// @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
// @see http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm
// subcode uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
// @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166
// @see http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes.htm
// @note
// subcode can be in upper case or lower case
// defining it in upper case is a convention only
// Locale code format 2:
// Format: `code = primary-code ( "-" region-code )*`
// primary-code uses ISO 639-1
// script-code uses ISO 15924
// region-code uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
// Example: zh-Hant-TW, en-HK, zh-Hant-CN
// It is similar to RFC4646 (or actually the same),
// but seems to be limited to language, script, region
// Compute each locale with its country code.
// So this will return an array containing
// `de-DE` and `de`
// or
// `zh-hans-tw`, `zh-hans`, `zh`
// locales.
locales.forEach(function(locale) {
var localeParts = locale.split("-");
var firstFallback = null;
var secondFallback = null;
if (localeParts.length === 3) {
firstFallback = [
secondFallback = localeParts[0];
else if (localeParts.length === 2) {
firstFallback = localeParts[0];
if (list.indexOf(locale) === -1) {
if (! I18n.fallbacks) {
].forEach(function(nullableFallbackLocale) {
// We don't want null values
if (typeof nullableFallbackLocale === "undefined") { return; }
if (nullableFallbackLocale === null) { return; }
// We don't want duplicate values
// Comparing with `locale` first is faster than
// checking whether value's presence in the list
if (nullableFallbackLocale === locale) { return; }
if (list.indexOf(nullableFallbackLocale) !== -1) { return; }
// No locales set? English it is.
if (!locales.length) {
return list;
// Hold pluralization rules.
I18n.pluralization = {};
// Return the pluralizer for a specific locale.
// If no specify locale is found, then I18n's default will be used.
I18n.pluralization.get = function(locale) {
return this[locale] || this[I18n.locale] || this["default"];
// The default pluralizer rule.
// It detects the `zero`, `one`, and `other` scopes.
I18n.pluralization["default"] = function(count) {
switch (count) {
case 0: return ["zero", "other"];
case 1: return ["one"];
default: return ["other"];
// Return current locale. If no locale has been set, then
// the current locale will be the default locale.
I18n.currentLocale = function() {
return this.locale || this.defaultLocale;
// Check if value is different than undefined and null;
I18n.isSet = isSet;
// Find and process the translation using the provided scope and options.
// This is used internally by some functions and should not be used as an
// public API.
I18n.lookup = function(scope, options) {
options = options || {};
var locales = this.locales.get(options.locale).slice()
, locale
, scopes
, fullScope
, translations
fullScope = this.getFullScope(scope, options);
while (locales.length) {
locale = locales.shift();
scopes = fullScope.split(this.defaultSeparator);
translations = this.translations[locale];
if (!translations) {
while (scopes.length) {
translations = translations[scopes.shift()];
if (translations === undefined || translations === null) {
if (translations !== undefined && translations !== null) {
return translations;
if (isSet(options.defaultValue)) {
return lazyEvaluate(options.defaultValue, scope);
// lookup pluralization rule key into translations
I18n.pluralizationLookupWithoutFallback = function(count, locale, translations) {
var pluralizer = this.pluralization.get(locale)
, pluralizerKeys = pluralizer(count)
, pluralizerKey
, message;
if (isObject(translations)) {
while (pluralizerKeys.length) {
pluralizerKey = pluralizerKeys.shift();
if (isSet(translations[pluralizerKey])) {
message = translations[pluralizerKey];
return message;
// Lookup dedicated to pluralization
I18n.pluralizationLookup = function(count, scope, options) {
options = options || {};
var locales = this.locales.get(options.locale).slice()
, locale
, scopes
, translations
, message
scope = this.getFullScope(scope, options);
while (locales.length) {
locale = locales.shift();
scopes = scope.split(this.defaultSeparator);
translations = this.translations[locale];
if (!translations) {
while (scopes.length) {
translations = translations[scopes.shift()];
if (!isObject(translations)) {
if (scopes.length === 0) {
message = this.pluralizationLookupWithoutFallback(count, locale, translations);
if (typeof message !== "undefined" && message !== null) {
if (typeof message === "undefined" || message === null) {
if (isSet(options.defaultValue)) {
if (isObject(options.defaultValue)) {
message = this.pluralizationLookupWithoutFallback(count, options.locale, options.defaultValue);
} else {
message = options.defaultValue;
translations = options.defaultValue;
return { message: message, translations: translations };
// Rails changed the way the meridian is stored.
// It started with `date.meridian` returning an array,
// then it switched to `time.am` and `time.pm`.
// This function abstracts this difference and returns
// the correct meridian or the default value when none is provided.
I18n.meridian = function() {
var time = this.lookup("time");
var date = this.lookup("date");
if (time && time.am && time.pm) {
return [time.am, time.pm];
} else if (date && date.meridian) {
return date.meridian;
} else {
return DATE.meridian;
// Merge serveral hash options, checking if value is set before
// overwriting any value. The precedence is from left to right.
// I18n.prepareOptions({name: "John Doe"}, {name: "Mary Doe", role: "user"});
// #=> {name: "John Doe", role: "user"}
I18n.prepareOptions = function() {
var args = slice.call(arguments)
, options = {}
, subject
while (args.length) {
subject = args.shift();
if (typeof(subject) != "object") {
for (var attr in subject) {
if (!subject.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
if (isSet(options[attr])) {
options[attr] = subject[attr];
return options;
// Generate a list of translation options for default fallbacks.
// `defaultValue` is also deleted from options as it is returned as part of
// the translationOptions array.
I18n.createTranslationOptions = function(scope, options) {
var translationOptions = [{scope: scope}];
// Defaults should be an array of hashes containing either
// fallback scopes or messages
if (isSet(options.defaults)) {
translationOptions = translationOptions.concat(options.defaults);
// Maintain support for defaultValue. Since it is always a message
// insert it in to the translation options as such.
if (isSet(options.defaultValue)) {
translationOptions.push({ message: options.defaultValue });
return translationOptions;
// Translate the given scope with the provided options.
I18n.translate = function(scope, options) {
options = options || {};
var translationOptions = this.createTranslationOptions(scope, options);
var translation;
var usedScope = scope;
var optionsWithoutDefault = this.prepareOptions(options)
delete optionsWithoutDefault.defaultValue
// Iterate through the translation options until a translation
// or message is found.
var translationFound =
translationOptions.some(function(translationOption) {
if (isSet(translationOption.scope)) {
usedScope = translationOption.scope;
translation = this.lookup(usedScope, optionsWithoutDefault);
} else if (isSet(translationOption.message)) {
translation = lazyEvaluate(translationOption.message, scope);
if (translation !== undefined && translation !== null) {
return true;
}, this);
if (!translationFound) {
return this.missingTranslation(scope, options);
if (typeof(translation) === "string") {
translation = this.interpolate(translation, options);
} else if (isArray(translation)) {
translation = translation.map(function(t) {
return (typeof(t) === "string" ? this.interpolate(t, options) : t);
}, this);
} else if (isObject(translation) && isSet(options.count)) {
translation = this.pluralize(options.count, usedScope, options);
return translation;
// This function interpolates the all variables in the given message.
I18n.interpolate = function(message, options) {
if (message == null) {
return message;
options = options || {};
var matches = message.match(this.placeholder)
, placeholder
, value
, name
, regex
if (!matches) {
return message;
while (matches.length) {
placeholder = matches.shift();
name = placeholder.replace(this.placeholder, "$1");
if (isSet(options[name])) {
value = options[name].toString().replace(/\$/gm, "_#$#_");
} else if (name in options) {
value = this.nullPlaceholder(placeholder, message, options);
} else {
value = this.missingPlaceholder(placeholder, message, options);
regex = new RegExp(placeholder.replace(/{/gm, "\\{").replace(/}/gm, "\\}"));
message = message.replace(regex, value);
return message.replace(/_#\$#_/g, "$");
// Pluralize the given scope using the `count` value.
// The pluralized translation may have other placeholders,
// which will be retrieved from `options`.
I18n.pluralize = function(count, scope, options) {
options = this.prepareOptions({count: String(count)}, options)
var pluralizer, result;
result = this.pluralizationLookup(count, scope, options);
if (typeof result.translations === "undefined" || result.translations == null) {
return this.missingTranslation(scope, options);
if (typeof result.message !== "undefined" && result.message != null) {
return this.interpolate(result.message, options);
else {
pluralizer = this.pluralization.get(options.locale);
return this.missingTranslation(scope + '.' + pluralizer(count)[0], options);
// Return a missing translation message for the given parameters.
I18n.missingTranslation = function(scope, options) {
//guess intended string
if(this.missingBehaviour === 'guess'){
//get only the last portion of the scope
var s = scope.split('.').slice(-1)[0];
//replace underscore with space && camelcase with space and lowercase letter
return (this.missingTranslationPrefix.length > 0 ? this.missingTranslationPrefix : '') +
s.replace('_',' ').replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g,
function(match, p1, p2) {return p1 + ' ' + p2.toLowerCase()} );
var localeForTranslation = (options != null && options.locale != null) ? options.locale : this.currentLocale();
var fullScope = this.getFullScope(scope, options);
var fullScopeWithLocale = [localeForTranslation, fullScope].join(this.defaultSeparator);
return '[missing "' + fullScopeWithLocale + '" translation]';
// Return a missing placeholder message for given parameters
I18n.missingPlaceholder = function(placeholder, message, options) {
return "[missing " + placeholder + " value]";
I18n.nullPlaceholder = function() {
return I18n.missingPlaceholder.apply(I18n, arguments);
// Format number using localization rules.
// The options will be retrieved from the `number.format` scope.
// If this isn't present, then the following options will be used:
// - `precision`: `3`
// - `separator`: `"."`
// - `delimiter`: `","`
// - `strip_insignificant_zeros`: `false`
// You can also override these options by providing the `options` argument.
I18n.toNumber = function(number, options) {
options = this.prepareOptions(
, this.lookup("number.format")
var negative = number < 0
, string = toFixed(Math.abs(number), options.precision).toString()
, parts = string.split(".")
, precision
, buffer = []
, formattedNumber
, format = options.format || "%n"
, sign = negative ? "-" : ""
number = parts[0];
precision = parts[1];
while (number.length > 0) {
buffer.unshift(number.substr(Math.max(0, number.length - 3), 3));
number = number.substr(0, number.length -3);
formattedNumber = buffer.join(options.delimiter);
if (options.strip_insignificant_zeros && precision) {
precision = precision.replace(/0+$/, "");
if (options.precision > 0 && precision) {
formattedNumber += options.separator + precision;
if (options.sign_first) {
format = "%s" + format;
else {
format = format.replace("%n", "%s%n");
formattedNumber = format
.replace("%u", options.unit)
.replace("%n", formattedNumber)
.replace("%s", sign)
return formattedNumber;
// Format currency with localization rules.
// The options will be retrieved from the `number.currency.format` and
// `number.format` scopes, in that order.
// Any missing option will be retrieved from the `I18n.toNumber` defaults and
// the following options:
// - `unit`: `"$"`
// - `precision`: `2`
// - `format`: `"%u%n"`
// - `delimiter`: `","`
// - `separator`: `"."`
// You can also override these options by providing the `options` argument.
I18n.toCurrency = function(number, options) {
options = this.prepareOptions(
, this.lookup("number.currency.format")
, this.lookup("number.format")
return this.toNumber(number, options);
// Localize several values.
// You can provide the following scopes: `currency`, `number`, or `percentage`.
// If you provide a scope that matches the `/^(date|time)/` regular expression
// then the `value` will be converted by using the `I18n.toTime` function.
// It will default to the value's `toString` function.
I18n.localize = function(scope, value, options) {
options || (options = {});
switch (scope) {
case "currency":
return this.toCurrency(value);
case "number":
scope = this.lookup("number.format");
return this.toNumber(value, scope);
case "percentage":
return this.toPercentage(value);
var localizedValue;
if (scope.match(/^(date|time)/)) {
localizedValue = this.toTime(scope, value);
} else {
localizedValue = value.toString();
return this.interpolate(localizedValue, options);
// Parse a given `date` string into a JavaScript Date object.
// This function is time zone aware.
// The following string formats are recognized:
// yyyy-mm-dd
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ss
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ss
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ssZ
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ss+0000
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ss+00:00
// yyyy-mm-dd[ T]hh:mm::ss.123Z
I18n.parseDate = function(date) {
var matches, convertedDate, fraction;
// A date input of `null` or `undefined` will be returned as-is
if (date == null) {
return date;
// we have a date, so just return it.
if (typeof(date) === "object") {
return date;
matches = date.toString().match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:[ T](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([\.,]\d{1,3})?)?(Z|\+00:?00)?/);
if (matches) {
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
matches[i] = parseInt(matches[i], 10) || 0;
// month starts on 0
matches[2] -= 1;
fraction = matches[7] ? 1000 * ("0" + matches[7]) : null;
if (matches[8]) {
convertedDate = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6], fraction));
} else {
convertedDate = new Date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6], fraction);
} else if (typeof(date) == "number") {
// UNIX timestamp
convertedDate = new Date();
} else if (date.match(/([A-Z][a-z]{2}) ([A-Z][a-z]{2}) (\d+) (\d+:\d+:\d+) ([+-]\d+) (\d+)/)) {
// This format `Wed Jul 20 13:03:39 +0000 2011` is parsed by
// webkit/firefox, but not by IE, so we must parse it manually.
convertedDate = new Date();
RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, RegExp.$3, RegExp.$6, RegExp.$4, RegExp.$5
].join(" ")));
} else if (date.match(/\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ [+-]\d+ \d+/)) {
// a valid javascript format with timezone info
convertedDate = new Date();
} else {
// an arbitrary javascript string
convertedDate = new Date();
return convertedDate;
// Formats time according to the directives in the given format string.
// The directives begins with a percent (%) character. Any text not listed as a
// directive will be passed through to the output string.
// The accepted formats are:
// %a - The abbreviated weekday name (Sun)
// %A - The full weekday name (Sunday)
// %b - The abbreviated month name (Jan)
// %B - The full month name (January)
// %c - The preferred local date and time representation
// %d - Day of the month (01..31)
// %-d - Day of the month (1..31)
// %H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
// %-H/%k - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (0..23)
// %I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
// %-I/%l - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (1..12)
// %m - Month of the year (01..12)
// %-m - Month of the year (1..12)
// %M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
// %-M - Minute of the hour (0..59)
// %p - Meridian indicator (AM or PM)
// %P - Meridian indicator (am or pm)
// %S - Second of the minute (00..60)
// %-S - Second of the minute (0..60)
// %w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
// %y - Year without a century (00..99)
// %-y - Year without a century (0..99)
// %Y - Year with century
// %z/%Z - Timezone offset (+0545)
I18n.strftime = function(date, format) {
var options = this.lookup("date")
, meridianOptions = I18n.meridian()
if (!options) {
options = {};
options = this.prepareOptions(options, DATE);
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
throw new Error('I18n.strftime() requires a valid date object, but received an invalid date.');
var weekDay = date.getDay()
, day = date.getDate()
, year = date.getFullYear()
, month = date.getMonth() + 1
, hour = date.getHours()
, hour12 = hour
, meridian = hour > 11 ? 1 : 0
, secs = date.getSeconds()
, mins = date.getMinutes()
, offset = date.getTimezoneOffset()
, absOffsetHours = Math.floor(Math.abs(offset / 60))
, absOffsetMinutes = Math.abs(offset) - (absOffsetHours * 60)
, timezoneoffset = (offset > 0 ? "-" : "+") +
(absOffsetHours.toString().length < 2 ? "0" + absOffsetHours : absOffsetHours) +
(absOffsetMinutes.toString().length < 2 ? "0" + absOffsetMinutes : absOffsetMinutes)
if (hour12 > 12) {
hour12 = hour12 - 12;
} else if (hour12 === 0) {
hour12 = 12;
format = format.replace("%a", options.abbr_day_names[weekDay]);
format = format.replace("%A", options.day_names[weekDay]);
format = format.replace("%b", options.abbr_month_names[month]);
format = format.replace("%B", options.month_names[month]);
format = format.replace("%d", padding(day));
format = format.replace("%e", day);
format = format.replace("%-d", day);
format = format.replace("%H", padding(hour));
format = format.replace("%-H", hour);
format = format.replace("%k", hour);
format = format.replace("%I", padding(hour12));
format = format.replace("%-I", hour12);
format = format.replace("%l", hour12);
format = format.replace("%m", padding(month));
format = format.replace("%-m", month);
format = format.replace("%M", padding(mins));
format = format.replace("%-M", mins);
format = format.replace("%p", meridianOptions[meridian]);
format = format.replace("%P", meridianOptions[meridian].toLowerCase());
format = format.replace("%S", padding(secs));
format = format.replace("%-S", secs);
format = format.replace("%w", weekDay);
format = format.replace("%y", padding(year));
format = format.replace("%-y", padding(year).replace(/^0+/, ""));
format = format.replace("%Y", year);
format = format.replace("%z", timezoneoffset);
format = format.replace("%Z", timezoneoffset);
return format;
// Convert the given dateString into a formatted date.
I18n.toTime = function(scope, dateString) {
var date = this.parseDate(dateString)
, format = this.lookup(scope)
// A date input of `null` or `undefined` will be returned as-is
if (date == null) {
return date;
var date_string = date.toString()
if (date_string.match(/invalid/i)) {
return date_string;
if (!format) {
return date_string;
return this.strftime(date, format);
// Convert a number into a formatted percentage value.
I18n.toPercentage = function(number, options) {
options = this.prepareOptions(
, this.lookup("number.percentage.format")
, this.lookup("number.format")
return this.toNumber(number, options);
// Convert a number into a readable size representation.
I18n.toHumanSize = function(number, options) {
var kb = 1024
, size = number
, iterations = 0
, unit
, precision
while (size >= kb && iterations < 4) {
size = size / kb;
iterations += 1;
if (iterations === 0) {
unit = this.t("number.human.storage_units.units.byte", {count: size});
precision = 0;
} else {
unit = this.t("number.human.storage_units.units." + SIZE_UNITS[iterations]);
precision = (size - Math.floor(size) === 0) ? 0 : 1;
options = this.prepareOptions(
, {unit: unit, precision: precision, format: "%n%u", delimiter: ""}
return this.toNumber(size, options);
I18n.getFullScope = function(scope, options) {
options = options || {};
// Deal with the scope as an array.
if (isArray(scope)) {
scope = scope.join(this.defaultSeparator);
// Deal with the scope option provided through the second argument.
// I18n.t('hello', {scope: 'greetings'});
if (options.scope) {
scope = [options.scope, scope].join(this.defaultSeparator);
return scope;
* Merge obj1 with obj2 (shallow merge), without modifying inputs
* @param {Object} obj1
* @param {Object} obj2
* @returns {Object} Merged values of obj1 and obj2
* In order to support ES3, `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call` is used
* Idea is from:
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157700/object-has-no-hasownproperty-method-i-e-its-undefined-ie8
I18n.extend = function ( obj1, obj2 ) {
if (typeof(obj1) === "undefined" && typeof(obj2) === "undefined") {
return {};
return merge(obj1, obj2);
// Set aliases, so we can save some typing.
I18n.t = I18n.translate.bind(I18n);
I18n.l = I18n.localize.bind(I18n);
I18n.p = I18n.pluralize.bind(I18n);
return I18n;