Georg Gadinger 87ec3093a9 allow for using SVG logos in the navbar
this uses our new and improved logo by default, but can be easily
changed by modifying `/public/logo.svg`.  the svg is loaded only once
when the application starts, so any modifications to it after a
deployment are visible immediately.

thanks to the power of CSS and SVG being able to make use of it, custom
colour schemes still work too.
2022-10-24 23:19:51 +02:00

38 lines
2.3 KiB
Text{ role: :navigation }
.container{ class: ios_web_app? ? 'ios-web-app' : '' }
%a.navbar-brand{ href: '/', title: APP_CONFIG["site_name"] }
- if APP_CONFIG["use_svg_logo"]
= render inline: Rails.application.config.justask_svg_logo
- else
= APP_CONFIG["site_name"]
= nav_entry t("navigation.timeline"), root_path, icon: 'home'
= nav_entry t("navigation.inbox"), '/inbox', icon: 'inbox', badge: inbox_count
- if APP_CONFIG.dig(:features, :discover, :enabled) || current_user.mod?
= nav_entry t(""), discover_path, icon: 'compass'
- if @user.present? && @user != current_user
%li.nav-item.d-none.d-sm-block{ data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom' }, title: t(".list") }
%a.nav-link{ href: '#', data: { target: '#modal-list-memberships', toggle: :modal } }
%span.d-none.d-sm-inline.d-md-none= t(".list")
= nav_entry t("navigation.notifications"), notifications_path, badge: notification_count, class: 'd-block d-sm-none'
%a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle{ href: '#', data: { toggle: :dropdown } }
- if notification_count.nil?
- else
%i.fa.fa-bell t("navigation.notifications")
%span.badge= notification_count
= render 'navigation/dropdown/notifications', notifications: notifications, size: "desktop"
%li.nav-item.d-none.d-sm-block{ data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: 'bottom' }, title: t('.ask_question') }
%a.nav-link{ href: '#', name: 'toggle-all-ask', data: { target: '#modal-ask-followers', toggle: :modal } }
%a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle.p-sm-0{ href: "#", data: { toggle: :dropdown } }
%img.avatar-md.d-none.d-sm-inline{ src: current_user.profile_picture.url(:small) }
= current_user.screen_name
= render 'navigation/dropdown/profile', size: "desktop"