'use strict'; var CardInfo = { "1": { "pid": 1, cid: 1, "timestamp": 1419092114174, "wxid": "WX01-001", name: "太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "太阳之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sun Miko", "kana": "タイヨウノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-001.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんにちは! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "你好呀! ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Hello! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】手札から白のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白)从手牌舍弃1张白色精灵牌:将对方1只精灵返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White]: Discard one white SIGNI from your hand: Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('white'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('white'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }] }, "2": { "pid": 2, cid: 2, "timestamp": 1419092115272, "wxid": "WX01-002", name: "暁の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "晓之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Dawn Miko", "kana": "アカツキノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 10, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-002.jpg", "illust": "藤真拓哉", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それは黄金よりも紅く輝いてみえる、邂逅。", cardText_zh_CN: "这邂逅比黄金看起来还要红得耀眼。", cardText_en: "The crimson encounter shines brighter than gold.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に白のシグニと赤のシグニがあるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有白色精灵和红色精灵,我方所有精灵力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a white SIGNI and a red SIGNI, all of your SIGNI get +3000 power. " ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('white'); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('red'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',3000); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对方1只力量10000以下的精灵放置到废弃区。 " ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less into the trash. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { // return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000,1,1); // @banishSigniAsyn var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【白】【赤】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白白红)(横置):将对方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White][White][Red][Down]: Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, costRed: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "3": { "pid": 3, cid: 3, "timestamp": 1419092120342, "wxid": "WX01-003", name: "百火繚乱 花代・肆", name_zh_CN: "百火缭乱 花代·肆", name_en: "Hanayo-Four, Hundred-Fire Profusion", "kana": "ヒャッカリョウランハナヨヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-003.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今、燃えたよ。さよなら。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "现在我终于燃烧起来了。再见。 ~花代~", cardText_en: "It's burning now. Good bye. ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】手札から赤のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)从手牌舍弃1张红色精灵牌:破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red]: Discard one red SIGNI from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('red'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('red'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], }, "4": { "pid": 4, cid: 4, "timestamp": 1419092124807, "wxid": "WX01-004", name: "轟炎 花代・爾改", name_zh_CN: "轰炎 花代·贰改", name_en: "Hanayo-Two Remodeled, Roaring Flame", "kana": "ゴウエンハナヨニカイ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 6, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-004.jpg", "illust": "あらいずみるい", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その願い、黄塵に舞い戻してあげる。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "就让你的那份愿望回归尘世吧。 ~花代~", cardText_en: "That wish, I will return them into dust. ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのグロウフェイズをスキップする。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:跳过我方的成长阶段。", "【常】:我方回合中,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Skip your grow phase.", "[Constant]: During your turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'skipGrowPhase',true); } },{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',5000); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】【赤】:このターン、対戦相手はレベル2以下のシグニで【ガード】ができない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红红红):本回合中,对方不能用等级2以下的精灵【防御】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red][Red][Red]: This turn, your opponent can't guard with level 2 or less SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'guardLimit',2); } }] }, "5": { "pid": 5, cid: 5, "timestamp": 1419092130408, "wxid": "WX01-005", name: "コード ピルルク・Ω", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Ω", name_en: "Code Piruluk Omega", "kana": "コードピルルクオメガ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-005.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・奪わせて、どうぞ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……夺走吧,来吧。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "...Take it, be my guest. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から青のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃1张蓝色精灵牌:随机选择对方一张手牌,并舍弃。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one blue SIGNI from your hand: Choose one card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('blue'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('blue'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }] }, "6": { "pid": 6, cid: 6, "timestamp": 1419092135495, "wxid": "WX01-006", name: "四式戦帝女 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四式战帝女 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, War Empress Type Four", "kana": "シシキセンテイジョミドリコ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-006.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キミの願いはなに?そう! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "你的愿望是什么?是嘛! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "What is your wish? I see! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から緑のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+10000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃1张绿色精灵牌:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+10000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one green SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets +10000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('green'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('green'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',10000); }); } }] }, "7": { "pid": 7, cid: 7, "timestamp": 1419092140272, "wxid": "WX01-007", name: "月蝕の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "月蚀之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Lunar Eclipse Miko", "kana": "ゲッショクノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-007.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みつけた! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "找到了! ~小玉~", cardText_en: "I found it! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从我方牌组中找1张等级2以下的精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for up to one level 2 or less SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 2) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "8": { "pid": 8, cid: 8, "timestamp": 1419092145137, "wxid": "WX01-008", name: "流星の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "流星之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Shooting Star Miko", "kana": "リュウセイノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-008.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヒカリ、私たち、守る! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "光,由我们来守护! ~小玉~", cardText_en: "The light, we will protect! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての白のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有白色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your white SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('white')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "9": { "pid": 9, cid: 9, "timestamp": 1419092150405, "wxid": "WX01-009", name: "新星の巫女 タマヨリヒメ ", name_zh_CN: "新星之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Nova Miko", "kana": "シンセイノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-009.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、いこ!バトル! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "来,开始对决吧!~小玉~", cardText_en: "Come on, go! Battle! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] :Discard one card from your hand: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "10": { "pid": 10, cid: 10, "timestamp": 1419092279578, "wxid": "WX01-010", name: "ゼノゲート", name_zh_CN: "杰诺之门", name_en: "Xenogate", "kana": "ゼノゲート", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-010.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつでも出会える、大きな扉の向こう側。", cardText_zh_CN: "在那巨大门扉的那侧,不管何时都能相逢。", cardText_en: "We can always meet, on the other side of the big gate.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for one white SIGNI, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "11": { "pid": 11, cid: 11, "timestamp": 1419092284271, "wxid": "WX01-011", name: "熾炎舞 花代・参", name_zh_CN: "炽炎舞 花代·叁", name_en: "Hanayo-Three, Blazing Flame Dance", "kana": "シエンブハナヨサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-011.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そんなに怒らせて、何をさせたいの? ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "这般激怒,到底想要做什么? ~花代~", cardText_en: "Making me this angry, what do you want me to do? ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红):破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // }); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "12": { "pid": 12, cid: 12, "timestamp": 1419092290289, "wxid": "WX01-012", name: "剛炎 花代・爾", name_zh_CN: "刚炎 花代·贰", name_en: "Hanayo-Two, Hard Flame", "kana": "ゴウエンハナヨニ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-012.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私たちに加護を頂戴! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "为我们加护吧! ~花代~", cardText_en: "Give us divine protection! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての赤のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有红色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your red SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('red')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "13": { "pid": 13, cid: 13, "timestamp": 1419092298482, "wxid": "WX01-013", name: "焔 花代・壱", name_zh_CN: "焰 花代·壹", name_en: "Hanayo-One, the Flame", "kana": "ホムラハナヨイチ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-013.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いくよっ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "上吧! ~花代~", cardText_en: "Let's go! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] :Discard one card from your hand: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "14": { "pid": 14, cid: 14, "timestamp": 1419092305368, "wxid": "WX01-014", name: "烈覇一絡", name_zh_CN: "烈霸一络", name_en: "Dominating Fury", "kana": "レッパイチラク", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-014.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "痛いのは少しの時間だよ。ただ、熱いのは少し長いかな?", cardText_zh_CN: "疼痛只在一瞬间。不过炎热会久一些哦!", cardText_en: "This will hurt a bit. However, I wonder how long you can stand the heat?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // }); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "15": { "pid": 15, cid: 15, "timestamp": 1419092312428, "wxid": "WX01-015", name: "コード ピルルク・Γ", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Γ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Gamma", "kana": "コードピルルクガンマ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-015.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……ひとつ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……一个。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "......Just one. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):对方舍弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Your opponent discards one card from their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.opponent.hands.length) return; return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "16": { "pid": 16, cid: 16, "timestamp": 1419092320923, "wxid": "WX01-016", name: "コード ピルルク・Β", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Β", name_en: "Code Piruluk Beta", "kana": "コードピルルクベータ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-016.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……力不足。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……能力不够。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "......Inadequate. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての青のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有蓝色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your blue SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('blue')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "17": { "pid": 17, cid: 17, "timestamp": 1419092327336, "wxid": "WX01-017", name: "コード ピルルク・Α", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Α", name_en: "Code Piruluk Alpha", "kana": "コードピルルクアルファ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-017.jpg", "illust": "わた・るぅー", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……レディ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……预备。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "......Ready. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] :Discard one card from your hand: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "18": { "pid": 18, cid: 18, "timestamp": 1419092334258, "wxid": "WX01-018", name: "アンチ・スペル", name_zh_CN: "魔法反制", name_en: "Anti-Spell", "kana": "アンチスペル", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-018.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "くるくる。くるくる。", cardText_zh_CN: "咕噜咕噜。咕噜咕噜。", cardText_en: "Round and round. Round and round.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "取消1个魔法效果。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Cancel the effect of one spell." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return true; } } }, "19": { "pid": 19, cid: 19, "timestamp": 1419092341649, "wxid": "WX01-019", name: "四型皇艶娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四型皇艳娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Shining Empress Girl Type Four", "kana": "シガタコウエンキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-019.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "僕はきっと、キミとなら強くなれる。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "只要和你在一起,我一定会变得更强。 ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "I can surely become stronger if I am with you. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',1000); },this); } }] }, "20": { "pid": 20, cid: 20, "timestamp": 1419092349369, "wxid": "WX01-020", name: "三型雌々娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三型雌雌娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Feminine Girl Type Three", "kana": "サンガタシシキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-020.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "力の源、ここにあり! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "力量之源,就在这里! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "My source of power, is here! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "21": { "pid": 21, cid: 21, "timestamp": 1419092399126, "wxid": "WX01-021", name: "二型闘婚娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "二型斗婚娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Bridal Combat Girl Type Two", "kana": "ニガタトウコンキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-021.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大地よ、少しだけ、力をわけて! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "大地啊,请分给我一些力量吧! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "O great earth, share with us, some of your strength! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての緑のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有绿色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your green SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('green')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "22": { "pid": 22, cid: 22, "timestamp": 1419092404829, "wxid": "WX01-022", name: "一型舞闘娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "一型舞斗娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Dancing Combat Girl Type One", "kana": "イチガタブトウキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-022.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、バトルスタートだ! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧,战斗已经开始了! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "来吧,战斗已经开始了! ~绿姬~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one card from your hand: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "23": { "pid": 23, cid: 23, "timestamp": 1419092409928, "wxid": "WX01-023", name: "大器晩成", name_zh_CN: "大器晚成", name_en: "Late Bloomer", "kana": "ビッグバン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-023.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 5, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "溢れ出ろぉおお!おおおおお! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "力量喷薄而出!噢噢噢噢! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "Overflow!!! Oooaaaaah!! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるすべてのカードと対戦相手のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方能量区所有牌和对方场上所有精灵放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put all cards in your opponent's Ener Zone and all of their SIGNI into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "24": { "pid": 24, cid: 24, "timestamp": 1419092418193, "wxid": "WX01-024", name: "奇奇怪怪", name_zh_CN: "奇奇怪怪", name_en: "Fantastic", "kana": "ジャイアント", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-024.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "知ってる?願いの種はすぐに咲くのさ。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "知道么?愿望之种会很快成长的! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "Did you know? The seed of hope will blossom soon. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+5000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,1只精灵力量+5000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one SIGNI gets +5000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',5000); }); } } }, "25": { "pid": 25, cid: 25, "timestamp": 1419092423271, "wxid": "WX01-025", name: "サルベージ", name_zh_CN: "营救", name_en: "Salvage", "kana": "サルベージ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-025.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そんなに難しいことじゃあない、少し背徳的なだけ。", cardText_zh_CN: "不是什么很难的事,只不过有些不太好。", cardText_en: "It's not really difficult, just a little unethical.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから、あなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将1张与我方分身同色的精灵牌加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "From your trash, add one SIGNI with the same color as your LRIG to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color !== 'colorless') && (card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.lrig)); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "26": { "pid": 26, cid: 26, "timestamp": 1419092428097, "wxid": "WX01-026", name: "チャージング", name_zh_CN: "充能", name_en: "Charging", "kana": "チャージング", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-026.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "世界には、ウィクロスって因子があって、願いは叶うものじゃなくて具現化するものになったらしい。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "世界上有一种叫做WIXOSS的因子,它将愿望从用来实现,转变为具象化的东西了。~绿姬~", cardText_en: "In this world, there's a factor called WIXOSS, where wishes are not something to come true but to be materialized. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "27": { "pid": 27, cid: 27, "timestamp": 1419092432209, "wxid": "WX01-027", name: "原槍 エナジェ", name_zh_CN: "原枪 源能枪", name_en: "Energe, Original Spear", "kana": "ゲンソウエナジェ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-027.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その槍は、始めの槍。少女の名を冠す。", cardText_zh_CN: "这支长枪是最初之枪。冠以少女之名。", cardText_en: "hat spear is the original spear. It bears the girl's name.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるすべてのカードは【マルチエナ】を持つ。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方能量区中所有卡牌获得【万花色】的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All cards in your Ener Zone have [Multi Ener]. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { set(card,'multiEner',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのシグニ1体をアップする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):将我方1只精灵竖置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Up one of your SIGNI. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【白】:このターン、対戦相手のシグニがバニッシュされる場合、エナゾーンに置かれる代わりにトラッシュに置かれる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白白):本回合中,对方精灵被破坏时,不放置到能量区,而将其放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White][White]: This turn, if an opponent's SIGNI is banished, it is put into the trash instead of being put into the Ener Zone. " ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'banishTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから白のカードを1枚探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张白色的卡牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for one white card, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "28": { "pid": 28, cid: 28, "timestamp": 1419092441625, "wxid": "WX01-028", name: "アーク・オーラ", name_zh_CN: "弧光·圣气", name_en: "Arc Aura", "kana": "アークオーラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-028.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 5, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数多の時を指し示す剣。", cardText_zh_CN: "多把指示着时间的剑。", cardText_en: "Blades indicating the many hours.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「このルリグがアタックしたとき、シグニ1体をトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、このルリグをアップしもう1度アタックできる」を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方的分身获得「当此牌攻击时,可以将1只精灵放置到废弃区。之后,可以竖置此牌,再进行1次攻击」的效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets \"When this LRIG attacks, you may put one of your SIGNI into the trash. If you do, up this LRIG and it can attack again\". " ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this.player.lrig, description: '28-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.length; }, condition: function () { return this.player.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (succ) { return this.upAsyn(); } }); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'onAttack',effect); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このルリグがアタックしたとき、シグニ1体をトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、このルリグをアップしもう1度アタックできる' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当此牌攻击时,可以将1只精灵放置到废弃区。之后,可以竖置此牌,再进行1次攻击' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this LRIG attacks, you may put one of your SIGNI into the trash. If you do, up this LRIG and it can attack again' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のルリグとすべてのシグニをダウンする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:横置对方的分身和所有精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down your opponent's LRIG and all of their SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.lrig); this.game.downCards(cards); } } }, "29": { "pid": 29, cid: 29, "timestamp": 1419092448000, "wxid": "WX01-029", name: "羅輝石 アダマスフィア", name_zh_CN: "罗辉石 金刚珠玉", name_en: "Adamasphere, Natural Pyroxene", "kana": "ラキセキアダマスフィア", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-029.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大いなる犠牲の輝き。", cardText_zh_CN: "巨大牺牲下的光辉。", cardText_en: "The brilliance of a great sacrifice.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの赤のシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当我方红色精灵攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,它的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When one of your red SIGNI attacks, it gets +2000 power until end of turn. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasColor('red')) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '29-attached-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(card,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',2000); } }); add(card,'onAttack',effect); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたの赤のシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時までそれのパワーを+2000する。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当我方红色精灵攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,它的力量+2000。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When one of your red SIGNI attacks, it gets +2000 power until end of turn. ' ], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红):破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニはダブルクラッシュを得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红红):直到回合结束时为止,此牌获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red][Red]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "30": { "pid": 30, cid: 30, "timestamp": 1419092452665, "wxid": "WX01-030", name: "贖罪の対火", name_zh_CN: "赎罪之对火", name_en: "Fires of Atonement", "kana": "ショクザイノタイカ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-030.jpg", "illust": "Nardack", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグはダブルクラッシュを得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量12000以下的精灵。直到回合结束时为止,我方分身获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less. Until end of turn, your LRIG gets [Double Crush]. " ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 12000; },this); }, dontCheckTarget: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (!target) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.lrig,'doubleCrash',true); return; } if (inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis) && (target.power <= 12000)) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.lrig,'doubleCrash',true); }); } // this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.lrig,'doubleCrash',true); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのライフクロス1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将我方1张生命护甲放置到废弃区。之后击溃对方1张生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put one of your Life Cloth into the trash. If you do, crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (card.trash()) { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } } } }, "31": { "pid": 31, cid: 31, "timestamp": 1419092517596, "wxid": "WX01-031", name: "コードハート V・A・C", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 V·A·C", name_en: "Code Heart VAC", "kana": "コードハートバキューム", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-031.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンドン、吸い込んじゃうよー! ~V・A・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "咚咚,都吸进去咯!~V·A·C~", cardText_en: "Steadily, it inhales! ~VAC~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの使用する青のスペルは【無】コストが1減る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方使用的蓝色魔法的(无色)费用减1。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost to use your [blue] spells is reduced by 1 Colorless. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if ((card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue'))) { add(card,'costColorless',-1); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):对方舍弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Your opponent discards one card from their hand. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】【青】:あなたのトラッシュからスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(蓝蓝):将我方废弃区中1张魔法牌加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue][Blue]: Add one spell in your trash to your hand. " ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:对方舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Your opponent discards one card from their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "32": { "pid": 32, cid: 32, "timestamp": 1419092521056, "wxid": "WX01-032", name: "SNATCHER", name_zh_CN: "SNATCHER", name_en: "SNATCHER", "kana": "スナッチャー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-032.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "残念!大当たり!", cardText_zh_CN: "真是遗憾!你中大奖了!", cardText_en: "Too bad! Jackpot!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は手札を2枚捨てる。その後、対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对方舍弃2张手牌。之后如果对方手牌为0,抽1张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent discards two cards. Then, if your opponent's hand has zero cards, draw one card. " ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(2).callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.opponent.hands.length) { this.player.draw(1); } }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:随机选择对方一张手牌,并舍弃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one card in your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } } }, "33": { "pid": 33, cid: 33, "timestamp": 1419092522705, "wxid": "WX01-033", name: "幻獣神 オサキ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽神 御先狐", name_en: "Osaki, Phantom Beast Deity", "kana": "ゲンジュウシンオサキ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-033.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わが名はオサキ。永劫の間、そなたの力となろう。 ~オサキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我的名字是御先狐。我会在永劫中助力于你。 ~御先狐~", cardText_en: "My name is Osaki. I shall grant you strength for eons ahead. ~Osaki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたが緑のスペルを使用したとき、デッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当我方使用绿色魔法时,将牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you use a green spell, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '33-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasColor('green'); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたが緑のスペルを使用したとき、デッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当我方使用绿色魔法时,将牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When you use a green spell, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. ' ], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(绿):将我方能量区1张牌加入手牌。 " ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Add one card from your Ener Zone to your hand. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【緑】:あなたのトラッシュからすべての緑のカードをあなたのデッキに加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿绿):将我方废弃区中所有的绿色卡牌加入牌组。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green][Green]: Add all green cards in your trash to your deck. Then shuffle your deck. " ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasColor('green'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck); this.player.shuffle(); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 2]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "34": { "pid": 34, cid: 34, "timestamp": 1419092525672, "wxid": "WX01-034", name: "修復", name_zh_CN: "修复", name_en: "Repair", "kana": "シュウフク", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-034.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "羽のような衣。", cardText_zh_CN: "好似羽毛一样的衣服。", cardText_en: "A feather-like costume.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。その後、あなたのエナゾーンにカードが10枚以上ある場合、追加であなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。之后,如果我方能量区的卡牌在10张以上,再将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth. Then, if there are ten or more cards in your Ener Zone, you may add an additional card from the top of your deck to to your Life Cloth. " ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length >= 10) { card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } }, "35": { "pid": 35, cid: 35, "timestamp": 1419092526793, "wxid": "WX01-035", name: "祝福の女神 アテナ", name_zh_CN: "祝福女神 雅典娜", name_en: "Athena, Goddess of Blessing", "kana": "シュクフクノメガミアテナ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-035.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "神々しき光、祝福により更地と化す。", cardText_zh_CN: "神圣的光芒,因祝福而变化。", cardText_en: "The holy light, blessing all, returns them to nothingness.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白)(横置):将对方1只精灵返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White][Down]: Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }] }, "36": { "pid": 36, cid: 36, "timestamp": 1419092528340, "wxid": "WX01-036", name: "巨弓 カタパル", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 抛射", name_en: "Catapaul, Large Bow", "kana": "キョキュウカタパル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-036.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、そこが空いてるね? ~カタパル~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊,那里空着吧?~抛射~", cardText_en: "Oh, there's space there? ~Catapaul~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を見る。それがレベル2以下のシグニであなたの場にほかのシグニがない場合、それを場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方牌组顶1张牌。如果那张牌是等级2以下的精灵,并且我方场上没有其他精灵,可以让那张牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a level 2 or less SIGNI and you don't have another SIGNI on the field, you may put it into play. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (this.player.signis.length === 1)) { this.player.informCards([card]); return card.summonOptionalAsyn(); } return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからレベル4の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张等级4的白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for one level 4 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('white') && (card.level === 4); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "37": { "pid": 37, cid: 37, "timestamp": 1419092529237, "wxid": "WX01-037", name: "忘得ぬ幻想 ヴァルキリー", name_zh_CN: "无法忘却的幻想 瓦尔基里", name_en: "Valkyrie, Unforgettable Fantasy", "kana": "ワスレエヌゲンソウヴァルキリー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-037.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつまでも、一緒にいられるとどんなに幸せだったろうか。", cardText_zh_CN: "要是一直能和你在一起那该有多幸福。", cardText_en: "If only we could stay together forever, that would make me very happy.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキから《忘得ぬ幻想 ヴァルキリー》以外のレベル3以下のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):从我方牌组中找1张《无法忘却的幻想 瓦尔基里》以外的等级3以下的精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Search your deck for a level 3 or less SIGNI other than \"Valkyrie, Unforgettable Fantasy\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 37) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "38": { "pid": 38, cid: 38, "timestamp": 1419092531415, "wxid": "WX01-038", name: "ゲット・ダンタリアン", name_zh_CN: "获得但他林", name_en: "Get Dantalian", "kana": "ゲットダンタリアン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-038.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "赤、白…赤? ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "红,白……红?~小玉~", cardText_en: "Red, white... red? ~Tama~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚と赤のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌和1张红色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for one white SIGNI and one red SIGNI, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('red')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "39": { "pid": 39, cid: 39, "timestamp": 1419092534218, "wxid": "WX01-039", name: "弩砲 カノン", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 加农", name_en: "Cannon, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウカノン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-039.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ずっどぉおおん!!!", cardText_zh_CN: "轰隆!!!", cardText_en: "Baaaaaaang!!!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)(横置):破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red][Down]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "40": { "pid": 40, cid: 40, "timestamp": 1419092535423, "wxid": "WX01-040", name: "羅石 オリハルク", name_zh_CN: "罗石 山铜", name_en: "Orichalc, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキオリハルク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-040.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見れば誰もが魅了され、使えば誰もの記憶に残る、伝説の石。", cardText_zh_CN: "一看见就会被迷住,一使用就会留下永恒记忆的传说之石。", cardText_en: "It enchants anyone that sees, remains in every user's memories, a legendary stone.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:破坏对方1只力量3000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000,1,1); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 3000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "41": { "pid": 41, cid: 41, "timestamp": 1419092562588, "wxid": "WX01-041", name: "轟砲 オルドナンス", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 法典炮", name_en: "Ordnance, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウオルドナンス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-041.jpg", "illust": "Nardack", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どっかーん!", cardText_zh_CN: "砰!", cardText_en: "Ka-boom!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "42": { "pid": 42, cid: 42, "timestamp": 1419092562893, "wxid": "WX01-042", name: "断罪の轢断", name_zh_CN: "断罪之轹断", name_en: "Fissure of Condemnation", "kana": "ダンザイノレキダン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-042.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルリグを飲み込む瞬きの間の亀裂。", cardText_zh_CN: "一瞬间产生的龟裂将分身吞没其中。", cardText_en: "The fissure engulfs the LRIG in the blink of an eye.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "击溃对方1张生命护甲。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } } }, "43": { "pid": 43, cid: 43, "timestamp": 1419092563787, "wxid": "WX01-043", name: "幻水 アライアル", name_zh_CN: "幻水 雅莱娅尔", name_en: "Araial, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイアライアル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-043.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、こんなに美しいけど、あなたは? ~アライアル~", cardText_zh_CN: "我长得这么美丽,你呢? ~雅莱娅尔~", cardText_en: "I deserve being this beautiful but, what about you? ~Araial~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】【ダウン】:カードを2枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(蓝)(横置):抽2张牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue][Down]: Draw two cards." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "44": { "pid": 44, cid: 44, "timestamp": 1419092568864, "wxid": "WX01-044", name: "コードアート P・Z・L", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 P·Z·L", name_en: "Code Art PZL", "kana": "コードアートパズル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-044.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フリーズ、プリーズ。 ~P・Z・L~", cardText_zh_CN: "冻结,冻结。 ~P·Z·L~", cardText_en: "Freeze, please. ~PZL~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对方1只等级3以下的精灵冻结。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。その後、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:我方舍弃1张手牌。之后对方也舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard one card from your hand. Then, your opponent discards one card from their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); }); } } }, "45": { "pid": 45, cid: 45, "timestamp": 1419092571104, "wxid": "WX01-045", name: "幻水 シャークランス", name_zh_CN: "幻水 夏克兰丝", name_en: "Shark Lance, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイシャークランス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-045.jpg", "illust": "マトモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、可愛くなりたいのに。 ~シャークランス~", cardText_zh_CN: "我明明好想变可爱…… ~夏克兰丝~", cardText_en: "I wanted to be cuter. ~Shark Lance~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:カードを1枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):抽1张牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Draw one card." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "46": { "pid": 46, cid: 46, "timestamp": 1419092573103, "wxid": "WX01-046", name: "BAD CONDITION", name_zh_CN: "BAD CONDITION", name_en: "BAD CONDITION", "kana": "バッドコンディション", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-046.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "最悪!", cardText_zh_CN: "太糟了!", cardText_en: "Too bad!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== useCondition: function () { return !this.player.opponent.hands.length; }, spellEffectTexts: [ "このカードは対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合にしか使用できない。対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只能在对方手牌为0时使用。 破坏对方1只精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used when your opponent has zero cards in their hand. Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "47": { "pid": 47, cid: 47, "timestamp": 1419092573927, "wxid": "WX01-047", name: "羅植 マンドレ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 曼荼罗花", name_en: "Mandore, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクマンドレ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-047.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その有用性に気付くのは出来る限り早いほうがいいよ。", cardText_zh_CN: "你应该尽早发觉到它的有用哦。", cardText_en: "It would be better if you were able to notice it is useful as quickly as possible.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのエナゾーンから、カード1枚を手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将我方能量区1张牌加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Add one card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); } }] }, "48": { "pid": 48, cid: 48, "timestamp": 1419092575530, "wxid": "WX01-048", name: "幻獣 ビグタット", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 雪怪", name_en: "Bigtatt, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウビグタット", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-048.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "伝説なんて嘘っぱちだ!目の前にいるじゃない!", cardText_zh_CN: "传说什么的全是骗人的!这不现在就在眼前吗!", cardText_en: "Legends are all made up! But I'm right in front of you!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "49": { "pid": 49, cid: 49, "timestamp": 1419092578046, "wxid": "WX01-049", name: "羅植 バロメット", name_zh_CN: "罗植 植生羊", name_en: "Baromet, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクバロメット", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-049.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あっためとくね……あふぅ…… ~羅植バロメット~", cardText_zh_CN: "好暖和……呼啊…… ~植生羊~", cardText_en: "I'll keep it warm... awf... ~Baromet~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "50": { "pid": 50, cid: 50, "timestamp": 1419092579796, "wxid": "WX01-050", name: "大化", name_zh_CN: "大化", name_en: "Enlarge", "kana": "タイカ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-050.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつやるの??", cardText_zh_CN: "就是现在……!!", cardText_en: "It's now...!!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "51": { "pid": 51, cid: 51, "timestamp": 1419092581544, "wxid": "WX01-051", name: "サーバント Q", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q", name_en: "Servant Q", "kana": "サーバントキャトル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-051.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は空気のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如空气一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like air.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "52": { "pid": 52, cid: 52, "timestamp": 1419092582695, "wxid": "WX01-052", name: "包括する知識", name_zh_CN: "统括的知识", name_en: "Encompassing Knowledge", "kana": "ホウカツスルチシキ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-052.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "始めのルリグは、少女の悲痛な願いだった。人類は、それを危険と判断した。", cardText_zh_CN: "最初的分身是一位少女的悲愿。因此人类判断它是十分危险的。", cardText_en: "The first LRIG came from a girl's sad wish. Humanity decided that was dangerous.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを2枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽2张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw two cards." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "53": { "pid": 53, cid: 53, "timestamp": 1419092586680, "wxid": "WX01-053", name: "極剣 ゴッドイーター", name_zh_CN: "极剑 噬神者", name_en: "God Eater, Ultimate Sword", "kana": "キョクケンゴッドイーター", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-053.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "長く、長く大きな剣に秘められた、全てを貫く力。", cardText_zh_CN: "在这长长的巨剑中所蕴藏着的,是可以贯穿一切的力量。", cardText_en: "Hidden in the long, long greatsword is the power to pierce all." }, "54": { "pid": 54, cid: 54, "timestamp": 1419092612245, "wxid": "WX01-054", name: "極盾 イギス", name_zh_CN: "极盾 埃癸斯", name_en: "Egis, Ultimate Shield", "kana": "キョクジュンイギス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-054.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "広く、広い大きな盾に秘められた、全てを護る力。", cardText_zh_CN: "在这宽广的巨盾中所蕴藏着的,是可以守护一切的力量。", cardText_en: "Hidden within the wide, large shield is the power to protect all.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在对方回合中,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "55": { "pid": 55, cid: 55, "timestamp": 1419092615410, "wxid": "WX01-055", name: "大盾 ライオット", name_zh_CN: "大盾 镇暴", name_en: "Riot, Large Shield", "kana": "ダイジュンライオット", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-055.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "効きません!だからもう攻撃しないで。 ~大盾ライオット~", cardText_zh_CN: "没有效果的!所以请不要再攻击了。 ~大盾 镇暴~", cardText_en: "That won't work! So stop attacking. ~Riot, Large Shield~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在对方回合中,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "56": { "pid": 56, cid: 56, "timestamp": 1419092616975, "wxid": "WX01-056", name: "中盾 スクエア", name_zh_CN: "中盾 斯克威尔", name_en: "Square, Medium Shield", "kana": "チュウジュンスクエア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-056.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああもう重たいわこれ!! ~中盾スクエア~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊啊!这个好重啊! ~中盾 斯克威尔~", cardText_en: "Agh! This is heavy! ~Square, Medium Shield~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在对方回合中,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "57": { "pid": 57, cid: 57, "timestamp": 1419092618128, "wxid": "WX01-057", name: "出弓 セフィラム", name_zh_CN: "出弓 炽天", name_en: "Sephiram, Shooting Bow", "kana": "シュッキュウセフィラム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-057.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "呼ばれて飛び出て、お呼びじゃない? ~出弓セフィラム~", cardText_zh_CN: "被叫了所以飞出来,难道不是在叫我么? ~出弓 炽天~", cardText_en: "I appeared when I was called, but I'm not needed? ~Sephiram~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を見る。それがレベル2以下のシグニであなたの場にほかのシグニがない場合、それを場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方牌组顶一张牌。如果那张牌是等级2以下的精灵,并且我方场上没有其他精灵,可以让那张牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a level 2 or less SIGNI, and you don't have another SIGNI on the field, you may put it into play. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (this.player.signis.length === 1)) { this.player.informCards([card]); return card.summonOptionalAsyn(); } return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "58": { "pid": 58, cid: 58, "timestamp": 1419092620054, "wxid": "WX01-058", name: "やり直しの対話 ミカエル", name_zh_CN: "重新开始的对话 米迦勒", name_en: "Michael, Voice of Reconciliation", "kana": "ヤリナオシノタイワミカエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-058.jpg", "illust": "安達洋介", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミカエルは、次のルリグの友を育て続けた。", cardText_zh_CN: "米迦勒开始继续养育下一位分身的朋友。", cardText_en: "Michael continued to raise companions for the next LRIG.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:デッキからレベル3以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):从我方牌组中找1张等级3以下的白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand Down: Search your deck for a level 3 or lower white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "59": { "pid": 59, cid: 59, "timestamp": 1419092641923, "wxid": "WX01-059", name: "出弓 ボウ", name_zh_CN: "出弓 芒", name_en: "Bow, Shooting Bow", "kana": "シュッキュウボウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-059.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "針は細いほうが通るし、痛い!", cardText_zh_CN: "针越是细,越是扎得深扎得痛!", cardText_en: "Thin needles pierce the best, and hurts!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を見る。それがレベル1のシグニであなたの場にほかのシグニがない場合、それを場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方牌组顶一张牌。如果那张牌是等级1以下的精灵,并且我方场上没有其他精灵,可以让那张牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a level 1 SIGNI and you don't have another SIGNI on the field, you may put it into play." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 1) && (this.player.signis.length === 1)) { this.player.informCards([card]); return card.summonOptionalAsyn(); } return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "60": { "pid": 60, cid: 60, "timestamp": 1419092643186, "wxid": "WX01-060", name: "小盾 ラウンド", name_zh_CN: "小盾 圆", name_en: "Round, Small Shield", "kana": "ショウジュンラウンド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-060.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はいバリアーっ!バリアってんでしょもうストップー!! ~ラウンド~", cardText_zh_CN: "防御!已经在防御了,快停下吧! ~圆~", cardText_en: "Yes, barrier! I said barrier, so stop!! ~Round~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方回合中,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "61": { "pid": 61, cid: 61, "timestamp": 1419092695135, "wxid": "WX01-061", name: "探求の思想 ハニエル", name_zh_CN: "探求的思想 汉尼尔", name_en: "Haniel, Thoughts of Seeking", "kana": "タンキュウノシソウハニエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-061.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ハニエルは、ミカエルにとって大切な天使だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "对于米迦勒来说,汉尼尔曾是一位非常重要的天使。", cardText_en: "Haniel was an angel important to Michael.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):从我方牌组中找1张等级2以下的白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Search your deck for a level 2 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "62": { "pid": 62, cid: 62, "timestamp": 1419092696067, "wxid": "WX01-062", name: "ゲット・オープン", name_zh_CN: "将之开启", name_en: "Get Open", "kana": "ゲットオープン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-062.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この剣、使い方はキミ次第。", cardText_zh_CN: "这把剑,使用方法由你来决定。", cardText_en: "It's up to you, on how to use this sword.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚見る。その中から好きな枚数をトラッシュに置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看我方牌组顶5张牌。将其中任意数量的牌放置到废弃区,其他的牌以任意顺序放回牌组顶。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at the top five cards of your deck. Put any number of them into the trash, then return the rest to the top of your deck in any order." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,len).callback(this,function (cards_trash) { this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_trash); }); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); }); }); } } }, "63": { "pid": 63, cid: 63, "timestamp": 1419092700176, "wxid": "WX01-063", name: "ゲット・レディ", name_zh_CN: "做好准备", name_en: "Get Ready", "kana": "ゲットレディ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-063.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのすべてのシグニをアップする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "竖置我方所有精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Up all of your SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { return this.game.upCardsAsyn(this.player.signis); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "64": { "pid": 64, cid: 64, "timestamp": 1419092706167, "wxid": "WX01-064", name: "羅石 メタリカ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 金属", name_en: "Metallica, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキメタリカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-064.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "他じゃケシズミになる炎でも、メタリカにとっては輝くための礎だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "将一切化为灰烬的火焰对于金属来说,也只是让自己变得更加光亮的基石而已。", cardText_en: "Fires that would normally turn others to ash, are just a stepping stone to help Metallica shine brighter." }, "65": { "pid": 65, cid: 65, "timestamp": 1419092711765, "wxid": "WX01-065", name: "羅石 エメラルダ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 绿宝石", name_en: "Emeralda, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキエメラルダ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-065.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あらあらあら、素敵な子!私が似合う女の子にしてあげるわね! ~エメラルダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哦呀呀,多好的孩子!就让我来把你变为可爱的女孩子吧! ~绿宝石~", cardText_en: "Oh wow, a lovely girl! I'll turn you into a girl that would suit me! ~Emeralda~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "66": { "pid": 66, cid: 66, "timestamp": 1419092715856, "wxid": "WX01-066", name: "羅石 ルビル", name_zh_CN: "罗石 红宝石", name_en: "Rubyl, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキルビル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-066.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラ。私、魅力的? ~ルビル~", cardText_zh_CN: "闪闪发亮。我是不是很有魅力呀? ~红宝石~", cardText_en: "Twinkle twinkle. Aren't I attractive? ~Rubyl~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "67": { "pid": 67, cid: 67, "timestamp": 1419092719806, "wxid": "WX01-067", name: "羅石 リン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 磷矿石", name_en: "Rin, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキリン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-067.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヤバっ、引火した!あっ熱ッ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "不好,起火了!好烫!~花代~", cardText_en: "Oh no, it caught on fire! Ah, fire! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:舍弃我方1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Discard one card from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "68": { "pid": 68, cid: 68, "timestamp": 1419092724954, "wxid": "WX01-068", name: "羅石 コハク", name_zh_CN: "罗石 琥珀", name_en: "Kohaku, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキコハク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-068.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "透き通ったヒトミをどうぞ! ~コハク~", cardText_zh_CN: "请看这晶莹透亮的瞳孔! ~琥珀~", cardText_en: "Look, it became transparent! ~Kohaku~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "69": { "pid": 69, cid: 69, "timestamp": 1419092729417, "wxid": "WX01-069", name: "爆砲 ランチャン", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 远射炮", name_en: "Ranchan, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウランチャン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-069.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちゅどぉーん!", cardText_zh_CN: "轰!", cardText_en: "Kaboom!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "70": { "pid": 70, cid: 70, "timestamp": 1419092733839, "wxid": "WX01-070", name: "羅石 マクリ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 海人草", name_en: "Macury, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキマクリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-070.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "つめたそうでしょ、アッツいよ!", cardText_zh_CN: "看上去很凉吧,但其实很烫哦!", cardText_en: "It seems cold doesn't it, it's hot though!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:舍弃我方1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Discard one card from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "71": { "pid": 71, cid: 71, "timestamp": 1419092738067, "wxid": "WX01-071", name: "羅石 サファイ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 蓝宝石", name_en: "Sapphi, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキサファイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-071.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "硬い、硬いよー。一個、いる? ~サファイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "很硬,非常硬哦。要来一个么? ~蓝宝石~", cardText_en: "It's solid, solid hard. Would you, like one? ~Sapphi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "72": { "pid": 72, cid: 72, "timestamp": 1419092744282, "wxid": "WX01-072", name: "小砲 ドラグノフ", name_zh_CN: "小炮 德拉古诺夫", name_en: "Dragunov, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウドラグノフ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-072.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バキューン!", cardText_zh_CN: "啪!", cardText_en: "Ba-kyun!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):破坏对方1只力量2000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(2000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 2000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "73": { "pid": 73, cid: 73, "timestamp": 1419092748670, "wxid": "WX01-073", name: "落星の炎球", name_zh_CN: "落星炎球", name_en: "Flame Ball, Falling Star", "kana": "ラクセイノエンキュウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-073.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "星星、降れ降れ、メテオのようにー。", cardText_zh_CN: "星辰落下,如同陨石一般。", cardText_en: "The stars and planets, raining down and down, just like meteors.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量15000以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 15000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "74": { "pid": 74, cid: 74, "timestamp": 1419092753904, "wxid": "WX01-074", name: "プリズムの火柱", name_zh_CN: "棱晶火柱", name_en: "Prismatic Fire Pillar", "kana": "プリズムノヒバシラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-074.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たまに、こういった重ねた色の火柱が立つこともある。", cardText_zh_CN: "有时候也会出现像这样多层色彩的火柱。", cardText_en: "Every now and then, pillars of flames with layers of colors appear.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "75": { "pid": 75, cid: 75, "timestamp": 1419092757832, "wxid": "WX01-075", name: "コードアート A・S・M", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 A·S·M", name_en: "Code Art ASM", "kana": "コードアートアシマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-075.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無機質な私でも、熱いハートは誰にも負けません! ~A・S・M~", cardText_zh_CN: "就算是无机质的我,火热的心是不会输给任何人的。~A·S·M~", cardText_en: "~A・S・M~ I might be robotic, but I have a burning heart that loses to no one! ~ASM~" }, "76": { "pid": 76, cid: 76, "timestamp": 1419092761690, "wxid": "WX01-076", name: "コードアート I・D・O・L", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 I·D·O·L", name_en: "Code Art IDOL", "kana": "コードアートアイドル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-076.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そっちが来ないから、でてきちゃったよ! ~I・D・O・L~", cardText_zh_CN: "再不过来的话我就出来了哦!~I·D·O·L~", cardText_en: "If you won't come, then I'll go there! ~IDOL~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より3枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方手牌比对方多3张以上,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least three more cards in your hand than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length - this.player.opponent.hands.length) >= 3; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "77": { "pid": 77, cid: 77, "timestamp": 1419092765917, "wxid": "WX01-077", name: "コードアート A・D・B", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 A·D·B", name_en: "Code Art ADB", "kana": "コードアートアドブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-077.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "彼女がペンを一振りすると、何もない空が美術品にしか見えなくなった。", cardText_zh_CN: "只要她提笔一挥,什么都没有的天空就好像变成了美术品一般美丽。", cardText_en: "With one stroke of the pen, she turns the emptiness into nothing but art.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より2枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方手牌比对方多2张以上,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least two more cards in your hand than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length - this.player.opponent.hands.length) >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "78": { "pid": 78, cid: 78, "timestamp": 1419092770008, "wxid": "WX01-078", name: "コードアート S・T・G", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S·T·G", name_en: "Code Art STG", "kana": "コードアートシューティング", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-078.jpg", "illust": "ベーコン", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オール・クリア! ~S・T・G~", cardText_zh_CN: "全部完成! ~S·T·G~", cardText_en: "All Clear! ~STG~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より2枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方手牌比对方多2张以上,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least two more cards in your hand than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length - this.player.opponent.hands.length) >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "79": { "pid": 79, cid: 79, "timestamp": 1419092774873, "wxid": "WX01-079", name: "コードアート W・T・C", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 W·T·C", name_en: "Code Art WTC", "kana": "コードアートウォッチ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-079.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コントロール、完了っと! ~W・T・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "控制完成!~W·T·C~", cardText_en: "Controls, complete! ~WTC~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对方1只等级2以下的精灵冻结。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "80": { "pid": 80, cid: 80, "timestamp": 1419092779773, "wxid": "WX01-080", name: "幻水 シャコタン", name_zh_CN: "幻水 夏可檀", name_en: "Shakotan, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイシャコタン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-080.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、便利でしょ? ~シャコタン~", cardText_zh_CN: "有我在是不是很方便? ~夏可檀~", cardText_en: "Aren't I useful? ~Shakotan~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):抽2张牌。之后舍弃1张手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Draw two cards. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "81": { "pid": 81, cid: 81, "timestamp": 1419092971053, "wxid": "WX01-081", name: "コードアート T・V", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 T·V", name_en: "Code Art TV", "kana": "コードアートテレヴィジョン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-081.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "す・な・あ・ら・し! ~T・V~", cardText_zh_CN: "沙·漠·风·暴!~T·V~", cardText_en: "S-A-N-D-S-T-O-R-M! ~TV~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル1のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对方1只等级1的精灵冻结。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's level 1 SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level === 1; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "82": { "pid": 82, cid: 82, "timestamp": 1419092976397, "wxid": "WX01-082", name: "コードアート F・A・N", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 F·A·N", name_en: "Code Art FAN", "kana": "コードアートファン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-082.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いろんなものを吹き飛ばしてしまいましたー! ~F・A・N~", cardText_zh_CN: "把各种东西都吹飞了! ~F·A·N~", cardText_en: "blew away all sorts of things! ~FAN~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方手牌比对方多,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length > this.player.opponent.hands.length); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "83": { "pid": 83, cid: 83, "timestamp": 1419092980435, "wxid": "WX01-083", name: "幻水 クマノミン", name_zh_CN: "幻水 克玛诺明", name_en: "Kumanomin, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイクマノミン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-083.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、大きくなりたいの! ~クマノミン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我好想变大啊! ~克玛诺明~", cardText_en: "I wanna be big! ~Kumanomin~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:カードを1枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):抽1张牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Draw one card." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "84": { "pid": 84, cid: 84, "timestamp": 1419092984500, "wxid": "WX01-084", name: "THREE OUT", name_zh_CN: "THREE OUT", name_en: "THREE OUT", "kana": "スリーアウト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-084.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ギュインギュインギュイン、ポン!", cardText_zh_CN: "奇咔奇咔奇咔……哔!", cardText_en: "Bzzz bzzz bzzz, pop!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを3枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽3张牌。之后舍弃1张手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw three cards. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(3); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "85": { "pid": 85, cid: 85, "timestamp": 1419092988534, "wxid": "WX01-085", name: "FREEZE", name_zh_CN: "FREEZE", name_en: "FREEZE", "kana": "フリーズ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-085.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カチン!", cardText_zh_CN: "冻结!", cardText_en: "Kachin!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のすべてのシグニをダウンし凍結する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方所有的精灵横置并冻结。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Down and freeze all of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { signi.down(); signi.freeze(); },this); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンし凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方最多2只精灵横置并冻结。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI. (They don't up during the next up phase.)" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.downCards(cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { card.freeze(); },this); }); } } }, "86": { "pid": 86, cid: 86, "timestamp": 1419092992728, "wxid": "WX01-086", name: "幻獣 イグル", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 飞鹰", name_en: "Eagle, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウイグル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-086.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "空を制するは大鷲の如く。", cardText_zh_CN: "如同大鹫一般制霸天空。", cardText_en: "Controlling the sky like an eagle." }, "87": { "pid": 87, cid: 87, "timestamp": 1419092996640, "wxid": "WX01-087", name: "幻獣 ケットシー", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猫妖", name_en: "Cait Sith, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウケットシー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-087.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "不思議でしょ、私強いんですよー。 ~ケットシー~", cardText_zh_CN: "不可思议吧,我很强哦! ~猫妖~", cardText_en: "Isn't it a mystery, I'm strong you know. ~Cait Sith~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが対戦相手より5枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方能量区的牌比对方多5张以上,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least five more cards in your Ener Zone than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.enerZone.cards.length - this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length) >= 5; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "88": { "pid": 88, cid: 88, "timestamp": 1419093000830, "wxid": "WX01-088", name: "幻獣 オウル", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猫头鹰", name_en: "Owl, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウオウル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-088.jpg", "illust": "ヤマグチトモ", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "空より監視する。フクロウの目。", cardText_zh_CN: "猫头鹰之眼,从高空进行监视。", cardText_en: "From the skies it observes. The owl's eyes." }, "89": { "pid": 89, cid: 89, "timestamp": 1419093004573, "wxid": "WX01-089", name: "幻獣 クロ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 黑猫", name_en: "Kuro, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウクロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-089.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの力になりたいのー!にゃ。 ~クロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "想成为你的力量!喵! ~黑猫~", cardText_en: "I want to be helpful to you! Meow. ~Kuro~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが対戦相手より4枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方能量区的牌比对方多4张以上,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least four more cards in your Ener Zone than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.enerZone.cards.length - this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length) >= 4; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "90": { "pid": 90, cid: 90, "timestamp": 1419093008813, "wxid": "WX01-090", name: "幻獣 スパロウ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 麻雀", name_en: "Sparrow, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウスパロウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-090.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ただただかわいい、雀の笑顔。", cardText_zh_CN: "超级可爱的,麻雀的笑脸。", cardText_en: "Absolutely adorable, a sparrow's smile." }, "91": { "pid": 91, cid: 91, "timestamp": 1419093014704, "wxid": "WX01-091", name: "幻獣 コアラン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 考拉", name_en: "Koalan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコアラン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-091.jpg", "illust": "中村橋", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "また森からこんにちはですぅ。 ~コアラン~", cardText_zh_CN: "再来一个来自森林的问好。~考拉~", cardText_en: "I wanna go back to the forest already... ~Koalan~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+3000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+3000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',3000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "92": { "pid": 92, cid: 92, "timestamp": 1419093018652, "wxid": "WX01-092", name: "幻獣 シロ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 白猫", name_en: "Shiro, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウシロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-092.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シロ、クロ、ミケ、われら三姉妹!にゃー! ~シロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "小白,小黑,小花,我们是三姐妹!喵!~白猫~", cardText_en: "Shiro, Kuro, Mi-Ke, we are the three sisters! Nya! ~Shiro~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが対戦相手より3枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方能量区的牌比对方多3张以上,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least three more cards in your Ener Zone than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.enerZone.cards.length - this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length) >= 3; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "93": { "pid": 93, cid: 93, "timestamp": 1419093022809, "wxid": "WX01-093", name: "羅植 ダンデリオン", name_zh_CN: "罗植 蒲公英", name_en: "Dandelion, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクダンデリオン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-093.jpg", "illust": "わた・るぅー", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大きな花が、咲きますように。 ~ダンデリオン~", cardText_zh_CN: "希望能够开出大大的花朵。 ~蒲公英~", cardText_en: "I'll grow into a big flower. ~Dandelion~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "94": { "pid": 94, cid: 94, "timestamp": 1419093026881, "wxid": "WX01-094", name: "幻獣 スワロウ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 燕子", name_en: "Swallow, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウスワロウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-094.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "虚空を切り裂く、ツバメの翼。", cardText_zh_CN: "用燕子的翅膀,切开虚空。", cardText_en: "A swallow's wing cuts through empty skies." }, "95": { "pid": 95, cid: 95, "timestamp": 1419093031123, "wxid": "WX01-095", name: "幻獣 パンダン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 熊猫", name_en: "Pandan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウパンダン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-095.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パンですー!パンダですー! ~パンダン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我是熊猫!我是熊猫哦!~熊猫~", cardText_en: "It's pan-paka Pandan! ~Pandan~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets +2000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',2000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "96": { "pid": 96, cid: 96, "timestamp": 1419093035093, "wxid": "WX01-096", name: "幻獣 ミケ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 花猫", name_en: "Mi-Ke, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウミケ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-096.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、ねこ。遊んでよ、にゃー。 ~ミケ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我是只猫,一起来玩吧,喵。~花猫~", cardText_en: "I'm a cat. Let's play. Nya. ~Mi-Ke~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが対戦相手より2枚以上多いかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方能量区的牌比对方多2张以上,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have at least two more cards in your Ener Zone than your opponent, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.enerZone.cards.length - this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length) >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "97": { "pid": 97, cid: 97, "timestamp": 1419093038834, "wxid": "WX01-097", name: "羅植 サルビア", name_zh_CN: "罗植 鼠尾草", name_en: "Salvia, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクサルビア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-097.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "道草くうって、私を食べることじゃないからね! ~サルビア~", cardText_zh_CN: "去吃其他的路边草,可别来吃我啊!~鼠尾草~", cardText_en: "Eating grass like that, you can't eat me alright! ~Salvia~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one card from your hand[Down]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "98": { "pid": 98, cid: 98, "timestamp": 1419093043856, "wxid": "WX01-098", name: "芽生", name_zh_CN: "芽生", name_en: "Germinate", "kana": "メバエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-098.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "始めの少女の名を取って、願いの力はいつしか”エナ”と呼ばれるようになった。", cardText_zh_CN: "继承了最初那位少女的名字,那时候愿望的力量也只成为了“初芽”。", cardText_en: "The power of wishes eventually came to be called \"Ener\", named after the girl of beginnings.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "99": { "pid": 99, cid: 99, "timestamp": 1419093047723, "wxid": "WX01-099", name: "逆出", name_zh_CN: "逆出", name_en: "Reverse Summon", "kana": "ギャクシュツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-099.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シグニはルリグが触れる有象無象の化身。", cardText_zh_CN: "精灵是分身可以看得见而无法触摸的化身。", cardText_en: "SIGNI are the personification of the LRIG's mass of experiences.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンから、シグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方能量区1张精灵牌出场。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put one SIGNI from your Ener Zone into play." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのエナゾーンから、カード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将我方能量区1张牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add one card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); } } }, "100": { "pid": 100, cid: 100, "timestamp": 1419093052381, "wxid": "WX01-100", name: "サーバント T", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T", name_en: "Servant T", "kana": "サーバントトロワ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-100.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は蒸気のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "他如蒸汽一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like steam.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "101": { "pid": 101, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419093100809, "wxid": "WX01-101", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-101.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は光のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如光芒一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like light.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "102": { "pid": 102, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419093106076, "wxid": "WX01-102", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-102.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は煙のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如烟雾一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like smoke.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "103": { "pid": 103, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419093111115, "wxid": "WX01-103", name: "噴流する知識", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX01/WX01-103.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "始めの少女は、人間に畏怖され、研究された。そして、ルリグに託した願いは、自身の消滅だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "最初的少女,被人类所畏惧,被研究。之后,向分身所托付的愿望是将自己消灭。", cardText_en: "The girl of beginnings was feared by humanity, and was the subject of their research. And so, the wish entrusted to the LRIG, was of her own demise.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを1枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽1张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw one card." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1) } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "104": { "pid": 104, cid: 104, "timestamp": 1419093115263, "wxid": "WD01-001", name: "満月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "满月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Full Moon Miko", "kana": "マンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-001.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その槍は、願いの塊。", cardText_zh_CN: "这把枪是愿望的结晶。", cardText_en: "That spear is a mass of wishes.", // ====================== // 常時能力 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《甲冑 ローメイル》があるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《甲胄 皇家铠》,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have \"Romail, Helmet Armor\" on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 112; // WD01-009 <甲冑 ローメイル> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "105": { "pid": 105, cid: 105, "timestamp": 1419093120298, "wxid": "WD01-002", name: "弦月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "弦月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Gibbous Moon Miko", "kana": "ゲンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-002.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "106": { "pid": 106, cid: 106, "timestamp": 1419093124927, "wxid": "WD01-003", name: "半月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "半月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Half Moon Miko", "kana": "ハンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-003.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "107": { "pid": 107, cid: 107, "timestamp": 1419093128972, "wxid": "WD01-004", name: "三日月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "三日月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Crescent Moon Miko", "kana": "ミカヅキノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-004.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "108": { "pid": 108, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419093132997, "wxid": "WD01-005", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-005.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばとるっ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "对战吧! ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Battle! ~Tama~" }, "109": { "pid": 109, cid: 109, "timestamp": 1419093136680, "wxid": "WD01-006", name: "ロココ・バウンダリー", name_zh_CN: "洛可可界线", name_en: "Rococo Boundary", "kana": "ロココバウンダリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-006.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばいばいっ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "拜拜! ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Bye-bye! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニを2体まで手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方最多2只精灵返回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Return up to two of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "110": { "pid": 110, cid: 110, "timestamp": 1419093141329, "wxid": "WD01-007", name: "エイボン", name_zh_CN: "艾本之书", name_en: "Avon", "kana": "エイボン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-007.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "むにゃむにゃむにゃー ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "唔呀唔呀唔呀。 ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Mmm, mmm, mmm... ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから白のシグニを2枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找最多2张白色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to two white SIGNI, reveal them, and add them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,2); } } }, "111": { "pid": 111, cid: 111, "timestamp": 1419093144430, "wxid": "WD01-008", name: "バロック・ディフェンス", name_zh_CN: "巴洛克防御", name_en: "Baroque Defense", "kana": "バロックディフェンス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-008.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すとっぷ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "停下!~小玉~", cardText_en: "Stop! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对方的分身或者1只精灵获得「不能攻击」的状态。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's LRIGs or SIGNI gets \"Cannot attack\"." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.lrig); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } } }, "112": { "pid": 112, cid: 112, "timestamp": 1419093148487, "wxid": "WD01-009", name: "甲冑 ローメイル", name_zh_CN: "甲胄 皇家铠", name_en: "Romail, Helmet Armor", "kana": "カッチュウローメイル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-009.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここは、通さないわ…… ~ローメイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "这里不会放你过去的!~皇家铠~", cardText_en: "You won't pass through here...... ~Romail~", // ====================== // 常时能力 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターン中、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方回合中,我方所有精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, all of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',1000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只精灵返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "113": { "pid": 113, cid: 113, "timestamp": 1419093152279, "wxid": "WD01-010", name: "大剣 カリバン", name_zh_CN: "大剑 石中剑", name_en: "Caliburn, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンカリバン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-010.jpg", "illust": "ベーコン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いざジンジョウに、勝負! ~カリバン~", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧!一决胜负!~石中剑~", cardText_en: "Come, let's have a great match! ~Caliburn~" }, "114": { "pid": 114, cid: 114, "timestamp": 1419093156336, "wxid": "WD01-011", name: "篭手 トレット", name_zh_CN: "笼手 铁拳", name_en: "Trett, Gauntlet", "kana": "コテトレット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-011.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモンローメイル! ~トレット~", cardText_zh_CN: "COME ON 皇家铠! ~铁拳~", cardText_en: "Come on, Romail! ~Trett~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキから《甲冑 ローメイル》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从我方牌组中找1张《甲胄 皇家铠》,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for one \"Romail, Helmet Armor\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 112; // <甲冑 ローメイル> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "115": { "pid": 115, cid: 115, "timestamp": 1419093162281, "wxid": "WD01-012", name: "中剣 フランベル", name_zh_CN: "中剑 焰形剑", name_en: "Flamber, Medium Sword", "kana": "チュウケンフランベル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-012.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の可愛さにホイホイグサーッ! ~フランベル~", cardText_zh_CN: "拜服在我的可爱之下吧!~焰形剑~", cardText_en: "I'll stab you with my cuteness! ~Flamber~" }, "116": { "pid": 116, cid: 116, "timestamp": 1419093167108, "wxid": "WD01-013", name: "小剣 ククリ", name_zh_CN: "小剑 库克力", name_en: "Kukri, Small Sword", "kana": "ショウケンククリ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-013.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一刀両断!ってわけにはいかないか…… ~ククリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "一刀两断!……也不太可能啊。~库克力~", cardText_en: "Ittou Ryoudan!... is probably impossible... ~Kukri~" }, "117": { "pid": 117, cid: 117, "timestamp": 1419093172894, "wxid": "WD01-014", name: "小弓 ボーニャ", name_zh_CN: "小弓 箭矢", name_en: "Bonya, Small Bow", "kana": "ショウキュウボーニャ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-014.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "1の矢、2の矢、3の矢。これから折れなくなるんだよっ ~ボーニャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "1支箭,2支箭,3支箭。接下来就折不断了。~箭矢~", cardText_en: "1 arrow, 2 arrows, 3 arrows. Now they're unbreakable. ~Bonya~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚見る。その後、それらを好きな順番で戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方牌组顶3张牌。之后将其按任意顺序放回。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top three cards of your deck. Then, put them back in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); } }] }, "118": { "pid": 118, cid: 118, "timestamp": 1419093179785, "wxid": "WD01-015", name: "ゲット・バイブル", name_zh_CN: "获得圣经", name_en: "Get Bible", "kana": "ゲットバイブル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-015.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みーっけ!", cardText_zh_CN: "找到了!", cardText_en: "Gotcha!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからシグニを1枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找最多1张精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "119": { "pid": 119, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419093186287, "wxid": "WD01-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は光のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如光芒一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like light." }, "120": { "pid": 120, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419093192247, "wxid": "WD01-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は煙のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如烟雾一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like smoke." }, "121": { "pid": 121, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419093229012, "wxid": "WD01-018", name: "噴流する知識", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge", "kana": "フンリュウスルチシキ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD01/WD01-018.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルリグは、少女の願いの形。", cardText_zh_CN: "分身就是少女们愿望的形状。", cardText_en: "A LRIG is the form of a girl's wish." }, "122": { "pid": 122, cid: 122, "timestamp": 1419093233257, "wxid": "WD02-001", name: "花代・肆", name_zh_CN: "花代·肆", name_en: "Hanayo-Four", "kana": "ハナヨヨン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-001.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《羅石 ヴォルカノ》があるかぎり、あなたのターンの間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《罗石 火山石》,我方回合中,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have a \"Volcano, Natural Stone\" on the field, during your turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player) return false; return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 130; // WD02-009 <羅石 ヴォルカノ> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "123": { "pid": 123, cid: 123, "timestamp": 1419093239238, "wxid": "WD02-002", name: "花代・参", name_zh_CN: "花代·叁", name_en: "Hanayo-Three", "kana": "ハナヨサン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-002.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "124": { "pid": 124, cid: 124, "timestamp": 1419093245090, "wxid": "WD02-003", name: "花代・爾", name_zh_CN: "花代·贰", name_en: "Hanayo-Two", "kana": "ハナヨニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-003.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "125": { "pid": 125, cid: 125, "timestamp": 1419093251090, "wxid": "WD02-004", name: "花代・壱", name_zh_CN: "花代·壹", name_en: "Hanayo-One", "kana": "ハナヨイチ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-004.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "126": { "pid": 126, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419093257103, "wxid": "WD02-005", name: "花代・零", name_zh_CN: "花代·零", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-005.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その願い、叶えるよ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "你的愿望是能实现的! ~花代~", cardText_en: "That wish, I'll grant it! ~Hanayo~" }, "127": { "pid": 127, cid: 127, "timestamp": 1419093262096, "wxid": "WD02-006", name: "飛火夏虫", name_zh_CN: "飞火夏虫", name_en: "Firefly Sparks", "kana": "ヒカカチュウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-006.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もういっちょっ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "再来一发! ~花代~", cardText_en: "One more! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量15000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "128": { "pid": 128, cid: 128, "timestamp": 1419093268354, "wxid": "WD02-007", name: "背炎之陣", name_zh_CN: "背炎之阵", name_en: "Back Against the Flame", "kana": "ハイエンノジン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-007.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一気にいくよ…準備はいいね? ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "一口气上了哦……都准备好了吗? ~花代~", cardText_en: "We're doing this in one shot... are you ready? ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "手札を3枚捨てる。そうした場合、すべてのシグニをバニッシュする。(あなたのシグニも含まれる)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "舍弃3张手牌。之后破坏所有精灵。(包含我方的精灵)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard three cards from your hand. If you do, banish all SIGNI. (Your SIGNI are also included)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length < 3) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(3).callback(this,function () { var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(signis); }); } } }, "129": { "pid": 129, cid: 129, "timestamp": 1419093274454, "wxid": "WD02-008", name: "焼石炎", name_zh_CN: "烧石炎", name_en: "Burning Stone Flame", "kana": "シャクセキエン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-008.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "炎の鞭、バシッと! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "用火焰的鞭子啪地给你一下! ~花代~", cardText_en: "Whips of flame, CRACK! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "130": { "pid": 130, cid: 130, "timestamp": 1419093278620, "wxid": "WD02-009", name: "羅石 ヴォルカノ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 火山石", name_en: "Volcano, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキヴォルカノ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-009.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "花代さーん、よろしくねーっ! ~ヴォルカノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "花代小姐,请多指教了!~火山石~", cardText_en: "I'm in your care, Hanayo-san! ~Volcano~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】【赤】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红红红):破坏对方1只力量15000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red][Red][Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "131": { "pid": 131, cid: 131, "timestamp": 1419093282525, "wxid": "WD02-010", name: "羅石 シルバン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 白银", name_en: "Silvan, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキシルバン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-010.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ギュン!音がしたときにははじけ飛ぶ。", cardText_zh_CN: "呼!声音响起的时候你已经飞得远远的了。", cardText_en: "Gyun! The sound made when it takes flight." }, "132": { "pid": 132, cid: 132, "timestamp": 1419093287385, "wxid": "WD02-011", name: "羅石 ガーネット", name_zh_CN: "罗石 石榴石", name_en: "Garnet, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキガーネット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-011.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたはもっと輝けるはず。 ~ガーネット~", cardText_zh_CN: "你一定能绽放出更多的光芒的。~石榴石~", cardText_en: "You should shine even more. ~Garnet~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量变为15000" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI's power is 15000." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'power',15000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "133": { "pid": 133, cid: 133, "timestamp": 1419093291667, "wxid": "WD02-012", name: "羅石 ブロンダ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 铜", name_en: "Bronda, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキブロンダ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-012.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンッ!音がしたときにはぺちゃんこ。", cardText_zh_CN: "咚!声音响起的时候你已经被压扁了。", cardText_en: "Bam! The sound made when it is crushed." }, "134": { "pid": 134, cid: 134, "timestamp": 1419093295695, "wxid": "WD02-013", name: "羅石 アイロン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 铁", name_en: "Iron, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアイロン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-013.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "熱いよ? ~アイロン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我可是很烫的哦? ~铁~", cardText_en: "It's hot you know? ~Iron~" }, "135": { "pid": 135, cid: 135, "timestamp": 1419093299646, "wxid": "WD02-014", name: "羅石 アメジスト", name_zh_CN: "罗石 紫水晶", name_en: "Amethyst, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアメジスト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-014.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "最初の宝石はこれから輝く時間のために。", cardText_zh_CN: "最初的宝石是为了接下来光辉的时间而存在的。", cardText_en: "The first stone shined for the sake of time.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー1000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュしてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以破坏对方1只力量1000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 1000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(1000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 1000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "136": { "pid": 136, cid: 136, "timestamp": 1419093303665, "wxid": "WD02-015", name: "轟音の火柱", name_zh_CN: "轰音火柱", name_en: "Roaring Fire Pillar", "kana": "ゴウオンノヒバシラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-015.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "エナの爆発に巻き込まれたら最後。", cardText_zh_CN: "若被这能量爆炸卷进去,那一切都结束了。", cardText_en: "An end engulfed by an explosion of Ener.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 5000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "137": { "pid": 137, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419093308478, "wxid": "WD02-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は光のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如光芒一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like light." }, "138": { "pid": 138, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419093312310, "wxid": "WD02-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は煙のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如烟雾一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like smoke." }, "139": { "pid": 139, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419093316138, "wxid": "WD02-018", name: "噴流する知識", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD02/WD02-018.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルリグは、エナをウィクロス因子と結合し、自身をグロウできる。", cardText_zh_CN: "分身将能量和WIXOSS因子结合,来让自身进化。", cardText_en: "When a LRIG combines with WIXOSS factor Ener, it can grow itself." }, "140": { "pid": 140, cid: 140, "timestamp": 1419093319967, "wxid": "WD03-001", name: "コード・ピルルク・T", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·T", name_en: "Code Piruluk T", "kana": "コードピルルクテラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-001.jpg", "illust": "安藤 周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数々の願いを見たピルルクの目は氷のように冷たくなっていた。", cardText_zh_CN: "见证了众多愿望的皮璐璐可的目光就像冰一样寒冷。", cardText_en: "Piruluk saw the wishes of many, and her eyes became as cold as ice.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《コードアート R・M・N》があるかぎり、対戦相手の手札が1枚以下の間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《必杀代号 R·M·N》,且对方的手牌在1张以下时,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a \"Code Art RMN\" on the field, if your opponent has one or less cards in their hand, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.player.opponent.hands.length > 1) return false; return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 148; // WD03-009 <コードアート R・M・N> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "141": { "pid": 141, cid: 141, "timestamp": 1419093336919, "wxid": "WD03-002", name: "コード・ピルルク・G", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·G", name_en: "Code Piruluk G", "kana": "コードピルルクギガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-002.jpg", "illust": "安藤 周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "142": { "pid": 142, cid: 142, "timestamp": 1419093341667, "wxid": "WD03-003", name: "コード・ピルルク・M", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·M", name_en: "Code Piruluk M", "kana": "コードピルルクメガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-003.jpg", "illust": "安藤 周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "143": { "pid": 143, cid: 143, "timestamp": 1419093346312, "wxid": "WD03-004", name: "コード・ピルルク・K", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·K", name_en: "Code Piruluk K", "kana": "コードピルルクキロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-004.jpg", "illust": "安藤 周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "144": { "pid": 144, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419093353111, "wxid": "WD03-005", name: "コード・ピルルク", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可", name_en: "Code Piruluk", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-005.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……開帳。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……开龛。~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "......Expose. ~Piruluk~" }, "145": { "pid": 145, cid: 145, "timestamp": 1419093358180, "wxid": "WD03-006", name: "ピーピング・アナライズ", name_zh_CN: "窥视分析", name_en: "Peeping Analyze", "kana": "ピーピングアナライズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-006.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの、願いは…… ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "你的愿望是……~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "Your wish is... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "数字1つを宣言する。その後、対戦相手の手札を見て、宣言した数字と同じレベルのシグニをすべて捨てさせる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "宣言1个数字。之后,查看对方的手牌,将其中与宣言的数字相同等级的所有精灵牌舍弃。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Declare a number. Look at your opponent's hand, and discard all SIGNI with the same level as the declared number." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var count = this.game.getData(this.player,'_PeepingCharge') || 0; obj.costBlue -= count; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.player,'_PeepingCharge',0); return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { var hands = this.player.opponent.hands.slice(); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(hands).callback(this,function () { var cards = hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === num); },this); this.player.opponent.discardCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "146": { "pid": 146, cid: 146, "timestamp": 1419093364074, "wxid": "WD03-007", name: "ドント・ムーブ", name_zh_CN: "不可行动", name_en: "Don't Move", "kana": "ドントムーブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-007.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "動かないで…… ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "请别乱动……~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "Don't move...... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方最多2只精灵横置。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Down up to two of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); }); } } }, "147": { "pid": 147, cid: 147, "timestamp": 1419093370110, "wxid": "WD03-008", name: "ドロー・ツー", name_zh_CN: "双重抽卡", name_en: "Draw Two", "kana": "ドローツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-008.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何か、わかる…… ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "好像要知道什么……~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "I see... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "カードを2枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽2张牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw two cards." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } } }, "148": { "pid": 148, cid: 148, "timestamp": 1419093376376, "wxid": "WD03-009", name: "コードアート R・M・N", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 R·M·N", name_en: "Code Art RMN", "kana": "コードアートルミネ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-009.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "必要ないなら、全て捨ててあげる。 ~R・M・N~", cardText_zh_CN: "如果你不再需要的话,我就都帮你扔掉吧。~R·M·N~", cardText_en: "If you don't need it, I'll throw it all away. ~RMN~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):随机选择对方1张手牌,并舍弃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Choose one card in your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:对方舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Your opponent discards one card from their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.opponent.hands.length) return; return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "149": { "pid": 149, cid: 149, "timestamp": 1419093383108, "wxid": "WD03-010", name: "コードアート D・R・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D·R·S", name_en: "Code Art DRS", "kana": "コードアートドレス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-010.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お嬢様でもなんでもない。使役してくれる人を待ってるわ。 ~D・R・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "我可不是什么大小姐。我只是在等待能让我使唤的人。~D·R·S~", cardText_en: "Being a princess is easy. My servants are waiting for me. ~DRS~" }, "150": { "pid": 150, cid: 150, "timestamp": 1419093388243, "wxid": "WD03-011", name: "コードアート S・M・P", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S·M·P", name_en: "Code Art SMP", "kana": "コードアートスマフォ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-011.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピッピッピッ。起動。 ~S・M・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "噼噼噼,起动。~S·M·P~", cardText_en: "Beep beep beep. Boot-up. ~SMP~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の手札を見て、その中からレベル1のカード1枚を選び、捨てさせる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看对方的手牌,从中选择1张等级1的牌,并舍弃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at your opponent's hand, choose one level 1 card from among them, and discard it." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var hands = this.player.opponent.hands.slice(); if (!hands.length) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(hands).callback(this,function () { var cards = hands.filter(function (card) { return card.level === 1; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.player.opponent.discardCards([card]); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "151": { "pid": 151, cid: 151, "timestamp": 1419093394100, "wxid": "WD03-012", name: "コードアート J・V", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 J·V", name_en: "Code Art JV", "kana": "コードアートジュブナイル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-012.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アンヤクッ ~J・V~", cardText_zh_CN: "暗中活跃……~J·V~", cardText_en: "Secret maneuvers ~JV~" }, "152": { "pid": 152, cid: 152, "timestamp": 1419093399169, "wxid": "WD03-013", name: "コードアート S・C", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S·C", name_en: "Code Art SC", "kana": "コードアートスカイキャット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-013.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ビニャーッ! ~S・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "噼呀!~S·C~", cardText_en: "Beepnya! ~SC~" }, "153": { "pid": 153, cid: 153, "timestamp": 1419093403267, "wxid": "WD03-014", name: "コードアート R・F・R", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 R·F·R", name_en: "Code Art RFR", "kana": "コードアートリフライズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-014.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フゥーッ!頭の体操はおしまい? ~R・F・R~", cardText_zh_CN: "呼!头脑体操已经做完了?~R·F·R~", cardText_en: "Phew! Done with brain exercises? ~RFR~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:カードを1枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:抽1张牌。之后舍弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Draw one card. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "154": { "pid": 154, cid: 154, "timestamp": 1419093407609, "wxid": "WD03-015", name: "TOO BAD", name_zh_CN: "TOO BAD", name_en: "TOO BAD", "kana": "トゥーバッド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-015.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "残念!", cardText_zh_CN: "很遗憾!", cardText_en: "How regrettable!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "随机选择对方1张手牌,并舍弃。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one card in your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } } }, "155": { "pid": 155, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419093412758, "wxid": "WD03-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は光のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如光芒一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like light." }, "156": { "pid": 156, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419093415873, "wxid": "WD03-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は煙のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如烟雾一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like smoke." }, "157": { "pid": 157, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419093419615, "wxid": "WD03-018", name: "噴流する知識", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge", "kana": "フンリュウスルチシキ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD03/WD03-018.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルリグは、エナを使い、自身の力を解放する。それはアーツと呼ばれる。", cardText_zh_CN: "分身利用能量来解放自己的力量,这就是必杀。", cardText_en: "Using the Ener, a LRIG releases its own power. This is called ARTS." }, "158": { "pid": 158, cid: 158, "timestamp": 1419093422477, "wxid": "WX02-001", name: "金木犀の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "金木犀之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sweet Olive Miko", "kana": "キンモクセイノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-001.jpg", "illust": "いとうのいぢ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それは黄金の程輝く対面。", cardText_zh_CN: "那次的见面宛如黄金一样闪闪发光。", cardText_en: "Their meeting shines bright as gold.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SIGNI'; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】【白】【緑】【無】:対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白红):破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。", "【起】(白绿无):破坏对方1只力量10000以上的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White][Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.", "[Action] [White][Green][Colorless]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } },{ costWhite: 1, costGreen: 1, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000,0,1,true); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power >= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "159": { "pid": 159, cid: 159, "timestamp": 1419093426759, "wxid": "WX02-002", name: "火鳥風月 遊月・肆", name_zh_CN: "火鸟风月 游月·肆", name_en: "Yuzuki-Four, Fire of Nature", "kana": "カチョウフウゲツユヅキヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 10, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-002.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これが、私の答えだよ。 ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "这就是我的答案。 ~游月~", cardText_en: "This is my answer. ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:击溃我方1张生命护甲。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Crush one of your Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.crashAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのカードはすべて【ライフバースト】【エナチャ―ジ1】を持つ。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方卡牌全部持有※【能量填充1】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your cards have 【※】: [Ener Charge 1]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.game.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.player === this.player; },this); cards.forEach(function (card) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: card, description: '159-attached-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(card,'onBurst',effect); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '【エナチャ―ジ1】' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '【※】【能量填充1】' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ '【※】[Ener Charge 1]' ], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):击溃对方1张生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }] }, "160": { "pid": 160, cid: 160, "timestamp": 1419093430049, "wxid": "WX02-003", name: "エルドラ×マークⅣ", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×Ⅳ式", name_en: "Eldora×Mark IV", "kana": "エルドラマークフォー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-003.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いやー、もう、ほんとすまねっすわ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哎呀,真是的,真的太抱歉了啊! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Oh my, please, do excuse our manners! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロスがクラッシュされるたび、カードを1枚引いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】我方生命护甲每被击溃一次,我方都可以抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time one of your Life Cloth is crushed, you may draw a card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '160-attached-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたのライフクロスがクラッシュされるたび、カードを1枚引いてもよい。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '我方生命护甲每被击溃一次,我方都可以抽1张牌。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'Each time one of your Life Cloth is crushed, you may draw a card.' ] }, "161": { "pid": 161, cid: 161, "timestamp": 1419093448634, "wxid": "WX02-004", name: "無間の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "无间阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Infinite Enma", "kana": "ムゲンノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-004.jpg", "illust": "あらいずみるい", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたと戦えて、楽しかったわ? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "能和你战斗,真的很开心。~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "I had fun during our fight, you know? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】手札から黒のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑)从手牌舍弃1张黑色精灵牌:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-10000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] Discard a black SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } }] }, "162": { "pid": 162, cid: 162, "timestamp": 1419093451442, "wxid": "WX02-005", name: "ホワイト・ホープ", name_zh_CN: "纯白希望", name_en: "White Hope", "kana": "ホワイトホープ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-005.jpg", "illust": "藤真拓哉", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今ここに、夢限少女が・・・・!", cardText_zh_CN: "梦限少女现在就降临在这里……!", cardText_en: "梦限少女现在就降临在这里……!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニを合計2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。ターン終了時に、それらをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找最多2张等级2以下的<武装>或<武器>精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。在回合结束时,将那些牌放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to two or SIGNI that are level 2 or less and put them onto the field. At the end of the turn, put them into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards.forEach(function (card) { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); },this); }); } } }, "163": { "pid": 163, cid: 163, "timestamp": 1419093459127, "wxid": "WX02-006", name: "ブラック・デザイア", name_zh_CN: "漆黑野望", name_en: "Black Desire", "kana": "ブラックデザイア", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-006.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さっさと、終わらせてよ? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "赶快让一切结束吧? ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Well then, why don't we end this quickly? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュにカードが25枚以上ある場合、すべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果我方废弃区有25张以上卡牌,破坏所有精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If there are 25 or more cards in your trash, banish all SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.trashZone.cards.length < 25) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "164": { "pid": 164, cid: 164, "timestamp": 1419093463777, "wxid": "WX02-007", name: "轟炎罪 遊月・参", name_zh_CN: "轰炎罪 游月·叁", name_en: "Yuzuki-Three, Roaring Flame Sin", "kana": "ゴウエンザイユヅキサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-007.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その想いだって届くかもしれないんだ。 ~ユヅキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "那份想法说不定也能够传达到的。 ~游月~", cardText_en: "I'm sure your feelings would reach. ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红):破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵。", "【起】(绿):直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less.", "[Action] [Green]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } },{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], }, "165": { "pid": 165, cid: 165, "timestamp": 1419093469104, "wxid": "WX02-008", name: "焔悔 遊月・弐", name_zh_CN: "焰悔 游月·贰", name_en: "Yuzuki-Two, Regretful Flame", "kana": "エンカイユヅキニ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-008.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "燃えて、燃えて! ~ユヅキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "燃烧吧,燃烧吧! ~游月~", cardText_en: "Burn, burn! ~Yuzuki~" }, "166": { "pid": 166, cid: 166, "timestamp": 1419093475281, "wxid": "WX02-009", name: "焔 遊月・壱", name_zh_CN: "焰 游月·壹", name_en: "Yuzuki-One, the Flame", "kana": "ホムラユヅキイチ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-009.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・いくよ。 ~ユヅキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "…要上咯。 ~游月~", cardText_en: "...Let's go. ~Yuzuki~" }, "167": { "pid": 167, cid: 167, "timestamp": 1419093480171, "wxid": "WX02-010", name: "エルドラ×マークⅢ", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×Ⅲ式", name_en: "Eldora×Mark III", "kana": "エルドラマークスリー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-010.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いやー、ここまで来るだけでも十分っすわ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哎呀,能来到这里就已经很足够了! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Oh my, I think we did more than enough to reach this far! ~Eldora~" }, "168": { "pid": 168, cid: 168, "timestamp": 1419093486263, "wxid": "WX02-011", name: "エルドラ×マークⅡ", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×Ⅱ式", name_en: "Eldora×Mark II", "kana": "エルドラマークツー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-011.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "べんべけべけべけべけべーん! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "邦邦邦邦邦~邦! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Bam bang bang bang bang bam! ~Eldora~" }, "169": { "pid": 169, cid: 169, "timestamp": 1419093492142, "wxid": "WX02-012", name: "エルドラ×マークⅠ", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×Ⅰ式", name_en: "Eldora×Mark I", "kana": "エルドラマークワン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-012.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、こんにちわっす。エルドラっすよ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊啊, 你好,我是艾尔德拉! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Ah, hello. I'm Eldora! ~Eldora~" }, "170": { "pid": 170, cid: 170, "timestamp": 1419093498105, "wxid": "WX02-013", name: "叫喚の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "叫唤阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Screaming Hell", "kana": "キョウカンノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-013.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "痛いかもね?笑えないほどに。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "很痛吧?痛到笑不出来。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Will it hurt? Hurts so much it's not even funny. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-7000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card from your hand: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } }], }, "171": { "pid": 171, cid: 171, "timestamp": 1419093504186, "wxid": "WX02-014", name: "黒縄の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "黑绳阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Black Rope Hell", "kana": "コクジョウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-014.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ザクリ、ザクリと消えていく願いの心地よさ。", cardText_zh_CN: "愿望一个个迅速消失的那份爽快感。", cardText_en: "The bliss of cutting, slicing away a wish to nothing.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての黒のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有黑色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your black SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('black')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "172": { "pid": 172, cid: 172, "timestamp": 1419093510144, "wxid": "WX02-015", name: "等活の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "等活阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Reviving Hell", "kana": "トウカツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-015.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "通せんぼ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "不让你过去。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "通せんぼ。 ~ウリス~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方牌组顶将3张牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }] }, "173": { "pid": 173, cid: 173, "timestamp": 1419093515285, "wxid": "WX02-016", name: "ゴシック・バウンダリー", name_zh_CN: "哥特界限", name_en: "Gothic Boundary", "kana": "ゴシックバウンダリー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-016.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バウンスッ!!", cardText_zh_CN: "反弹!!", cardText_en: "Bounce!!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方1只精灵返回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "174": { "pid": 174, cid: 174, "timestamp": 1419093522074, "wxid": "WX02-017", name: "気炎万丈", name_zh_CN: "气炎万丈", name_en: "Burning Spirit", "kana": "キエンバンジョウ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-017.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなに苦しい思いすら、もう伝えられない。", cardText_zh_CN: "就连这么苦难的感觉都已经无法传达了。", cardText_en: "I can no longer tell him how much pain I am feeling anymore.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。そのカードに【ライフバースト】がある場合、対戦相手のすべてのパワー10000以下のシグニをバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "击溃我方1张生命护甲。如果那张牌上持有(※),破坏对方所有力量10000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Crush one of your Life Cloth. If there is 【※】 on the card, banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { if (!card.hasBurst()) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "175": { "pid": 175, cid: 175, "timestamp": 1419093526197, "wxid": "WX02-018", name: "火紅柳緑", name_zh_CN: "火红柳绿", name_en: "Fiery Spring Landscape", "kana": "カコウリュウリョク", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-018.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この光、まだすぐそこにあるかも知れない希望・・・!", cardText_zh_CN: "这光……希望说不定就在不远的地方!", cardText_en: "This light, is a hope that might still be there...!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニの場合、カードを2枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "展示我方牌组顶1张牌。如果那张牌是<矿石>或<宝石>精灵,抽2张牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's an or SIGNI, draw two cards." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); if (flag) { this.player.draw(2); } }); } } }, "176": { "pid": 176, cid: 176, "timestamp": 1419093531391, "wxid": "WX02-019", name: "クロス・ライフ・クロス", name_zh_CN: "交织生命护甲", name_en: "Cross Life Cloth", "kana": "クロスライフクロス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-019.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここをこう、こうやってほらできたねーすごいねー ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "这里这样,这样就行了……看吧完成了!好厉害~ ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "First you do this, and there you go it's done, it's amazing. ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス1枚を手札に加える。そうした場合、手札を1枚ライフクロスに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方1张生命护甲加入手牌。之后将1张手牌加入生命护甲。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 of your Life Cloth to your hand. If you do, add 1 card from your hand to your Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.moveTo(this.player.handZone)) return; var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); } } }, "177": { "pid": 177, cid: 177, "timestamp": 1419093536403, "wxid": "WX02-020", name: "ブラッディ・スラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "鲜血斩击", name_en: "Bloody Slash", "kana": "ブラッディスラッシュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-020.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "苦しめば苦しむほど、あなたは楽になる、と思って?", cardText_zh_CN: "你不觉得越痛苦就越能得到解脱吗?", cardText_en: "Did you think that suffering more pain would make things easier?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方1只精灵放置到废弃区。之后破坏对方1只精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put one of your SIGNI into the trash. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { return false; }); }); }); } } }, "178": { "pid": 178, cid: 178, "timestamp": 1419093539506, "wxid": "WX02-021", name: "先駆の大天使 アークゲイン", name_zh_CN: "先驱的大天使 大天使该隐", name_en: "Arcgain, Archangel of Pioneering", "kana": "センクノダイテンシアークゲイン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-021.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こう、書いてある、その通りだったの! ~アークゲイン~", cardText_zh_CN: "和这里写的完全一样! ~大天使该隐~", cardText_en: "Oh, it's written here, I knew it! ~Arcgain~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】【白】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白白):从我方牌组中找1张<天使>精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White][White]: Search your deck for an SIGNI, put it onto the field, then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場のすべての<天使>のシグニは対戦相手のルリグ以外からの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上所有<天使>精灵不会受到来自对方分身以外的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your SIGNI on the field are unaffected by your opponent's effects other than from their LRIG." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('天使')) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card === this.player.opponent.lrig); }); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルし、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体をダウンする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<天使>精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。将对方1只分身或1只精灵横置。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for an SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck and down one of your opponent's SIGNI or LRIGs." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.lrig); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }); } } }, "179": { "pid": 179, cid: 179, "timestamp": 1419093543682, "wxid": "WX02-022", name: "弩砲 ガンスナイプ", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 狙击枪", name_en: "Gunsnipe, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウガンスナイプ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-022.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるで古代の恐竜のよう。触れた化石におおいなる力!", cardText_zh_CN: "就像古代的恐龙一样。将庞大的力量赋予碰触到的化石!", cardText_en: "Like an ancient dinosaur. Great power bestow upon the fossil!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红):直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(this.player.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロスが3枚以下であるかぎり、あなたのすべての<ウェポン>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方生命护甲在3张以下,我方所有<武器>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three or less Life Cloth, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 3; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('ウェポン')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを、パワーの合計が8000以下になるように好きな数バニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方任意张力量合计8000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI whose total power is 8000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.power) <= 8000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.power; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } } }, "180": { "pid": 180, cid: 180, "timestamp": 1419093550146, "wxid": "WX02-023", name: "幻水姫 スパイラル・カーミラ", name_zh_CN: "幻水姬 丝派拉尔·卡米拉", name_en: "Spiral Carmilla, Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンスイヒメスパイラルカーミラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-023.jpg", "illust": "さらちよみ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やーん、もう、スパイラルゥ! ~スパイラル・カーミラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哎呀,真是的,螺旋之力! ~丝派拉尔?卡米拉~", cardText_en: "Ahhh, jeeze, Spiral! ~Spiral Carmilla~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より2枚以上多いかぎり、あなたのすべての<水獣>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方手牌比对方多2张以上,我方所有<水兽>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your hand has at least two more cards than your opponent's hand, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length - this.player.opponent.hands.length) >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('水獣')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「カードを1枚引く。」「対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。」", "カードを1枚引く。", "対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。「抽1张牌。」「随机选择对方一张手牌,并舍弃。」", "抽1张牌。", "随机选择对方一张手牌,并舍弃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one of these effects: \"Draw one card.\" \"Choose a card in your opponent's hand without looking. and discard it.\"", "Draw one card.", "Choose a card in your opponent's hand without looking. and discard it." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '180-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '180-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "181": { "pid": 181, cid: 181, "timestamp": 1419093589311, "wxid": "WX02-024", name: "羅植姫 ゴーシュ・アグネス", name_zh_CN: "罗植姬 戈休·雅格尼丝", name_en: "Gauche Agnes, Natural Plant Princess", "kana": "ラショクヒメゴーシュアグネス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-024.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "雨降って、地固まり、敵を穿ち、天を統べる。", cardText_zh_CN: "落雨,固地,穿敌,统天。", cardText_en: "The rain falls, ground hardens, conquers the enemy, reign over the clouds.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(绿):破坏对方1只力量15000以上的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたのアップ状態の<植物>のシグニ1体をダウンする:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将我方1只竖置状态的<植物>精灵横置:将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down one of your upped SIGNI: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('植物') && signi.isUp; },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('植物') && signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('DOWN',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」「あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。」", "対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。「破坏对方1只力量10000以上的精灵。」「将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。」", "破坏对方1只力量10000以上的精灵。", "将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one of these effects. \"Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more.\" \"Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"", "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more.", "Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '181-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ source: this, description: '181-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "182": { "pid": 182, cid: 182, "timestamp": 1419093592619, "wxid": "WX02-025", name: "悪魔姫 アンナ・ミラージュ", name_zh_CN: "恶魔姬 安娜·蜃影", name_en: "Anna Mirage, Devil Princess", "kana": "アクマヒメアンナミラージュ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-025.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こっちがわにおもてなし。してあげる。 ~アンナ・ミラージュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "就让我来好好地款待你一番吧。 ~安娜·蜃影~", cardText_en: "I'll be providing you with.. a service. ~Anna Mirage~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将我方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put one of your SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方<恶魔>精灵被破坏时,对方破坏自己1只精灵。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When one of your SIGNI is banished, your opponent banishes one of their SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '182-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasClass('悪魔'); }, condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたの<悪魔>のシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '我方<恶魔>精灵被破坏时,对方破坏自己1只精灵。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When one of your SIGNI is banished, your opponent banishes one of their SIGNI.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:展示我方牌组顶5张牌,从中将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌,剩下的牌放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Add one SIGNI from them into your hand and put the rest into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "183": { "pid": 183, cid: 183, "timestamp": 1419093597415, "wxid": "WX02-026", name: "ウィッシュ・クライシス", name_zh_CN: "愿望危机", name_en: "Wish Crisis", "kana": "ウィッシュクライシス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-026.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "再生の願い、犠牲無くては戻らぬことに。", cardText_zh_CN: "再生的愿望,如果没有牺牲就不能回来。", cardText_en: "Wish of rebirth, at a place one cannot return to without sacrifices.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<天使>のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニを2体まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方1只<天使>精灵放置到废弃区。之后从我方牌组中找最多2张<天使>精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put one of your SIGNI into the trash. If you do, search your deck for up to two SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (target.trash()) { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); } } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。そのシグニの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<天使>精灵牌并让其出场。其【出】的效果不能发动。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for one SIGNI and put it onto the field. That SIGNI's [On-Play] effects do not trigger. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1,true); } } }, "184": { "pid": 184, cid: 184, "timestamp": 1419093603318, "wxid": "WX02-027", name: "焦土の代償", name_zh_CN: "焦土的代价", name_en: "Price of Scorched Earth", "kana": "ショウドノダイショウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-027.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "弾という名の、魂", cardText_zh_CN: "名为子弹的灵魂。", cardText_en: "This spirit has a name called, bullet.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニを好きな数トラッシュに置く。トラッシュに置いたシグニ1体につき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将任意张<武装>或<武器>精灵放置到废弃区。每放置了1只精灵到废弃区,就破坏对方1只精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of your or SIGNI into the trash. For each SIGNI that was placed in the trash, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { // 返回的目标对象 var targetObj = { playerSignis: [], // 已选择的我方SIGNI opponentSignis: [] // 已选择的对方SIGNI }; // 我方SIGNI候选项 var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('アーム') || signi.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); // 对方SIGNI候选项 var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; if ((!pSignis.length) || (!oSignis.length)) return targetObj; // 先选择我方SIGNI,然后选择对方SIGNI. var max = Math.min(pSignis.length,oSignis.length); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(pSignis,0,max).callback(this,function (playerSignis) { targetObj.playerSignis = playerSignis; var len = playerSignis.length; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(oSignis,len,len).callback(this,function (opponentSignis) { targetObj.opponentSignis = opponentSignis; return targetObj; }); }); }, actionAsyn: function (targetObj) { // 检查SIGNI是否在场 var playerSignis = targetObj.playerSignis.filter(function (signi) { return inArr(signi,this.player.signis); },this); var opponentSignis = targetObj.opponentSignis.filter(function (signi) { return inArr(signi,this.player.opponent.signis); },this); // 若已选择的我方SIGNI全部不在场,结束处理. if (!playerSignis.length) return; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { // 若在场的已选择的我方SIGNI数量大于或等于在场的已选择的对方SIGNI数量,正常处理. if (playerSignis.length >= opponentSignis.length) { return opponentSignis; } // 否则,重新选择对方的SIGNI. var len = playerSignis.length; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(opponentSignis,len,len); }).callback(this,function (opponentSignis) { this.game.trashCards(playerSignis); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(opponentSignis); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只精灵。之后我方舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }); }); } } }, "185": { "pid": 185, cid: 185, "timestamp": 1419093609107, "wxid": "WX02-028", name: "エニグマ・オーラ", name_zh_CN: "谜言暗气", name_en: "Enigma Aura", "kana": "エニグマオーラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-028.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数多の過去を刺し落とす剣。", cardText_zh_CN: "刺落众多过去的剑。", cardText_en: "The blades pin down the past.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「このルリグがアタックしたとき、あなたのシグニを好きな数トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュに置いたシグニ1体につき、デッキの上からカードを1枚ライフクロスに加える。」を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方分身获得「当此牌攻击时,将任意张我方精灵放置到废弃区。之后,每放置了1只精灵到废弃区,就从牌组顶将1张牌加到生命护甲。」的效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets \"When this LRIG attacks, you may put any number of your SIGNI into the trash. Then, for each SIGNI that was put into the trash, add a card from the top of your deck to your Life Cloth.\"" ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this.player.lrig, description: '185-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.length; }, condition: function () { return this.player.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; var max = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,max).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); var len = cards.length; cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(len); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lifeClothZone); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'onAttack',effect); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このルリグがアタックしたとき、あなたのシグニを好きな数トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュに置いたシグニ1体につき、デッキの上からカードを1枚ライフクロスに加える。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当此牌攻击时,将任意张我方精灵放置到废弃区。之后,每放置了1只精灵到废弃区,就从牌组顶将1张牌加到生命护甲。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this LRIG attacks, you may put any number of your SIGNI into the trash. Then, for each SIGNI that was put into the trash, add a card from the top of your deck to your Life Cloth.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから、黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。そのシグニの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区让1只黑色精灵出场。这只精灵的【出】的效果不能发动。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:From your trash, put a black SIGNI onto the field. That SIGNI's [On-Play] abilities do not trigger." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(false,true); // optional: false, dontTriggerStartUp: true }); } } }, "186": { "pid": 186, cid: 186, "timestamp": 1419093615134, "wxid": "WX02-029", name: "宝具 ミツルギ", name_zh_CN: "宝具 御剑", name_en: "Mitsurugi, Treasured Instrument", "kana": "ホウグミツルギ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-029.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貫くは宝、次はいずこ。", cardText_zh_CN: "贯穿为宝,剑指何方。", cardText_en: "To persist is a treasure, how far will it go.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<武装>或<武器>精灵牌:从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard an or SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SIGNI'; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "187": { "pid": 187, cid: 187, "timestamp": 1419093621149, "wxid": "WX02-030", name: "宝具 ミカガミ", name_zh_CN: "宝具 御镜", name_en: "Mikagami, Treasured Instrument", "kana": "ホウグミカガミ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-030.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "光は宝、真実を写す。", cardText_zh_CN: "贯穿为宝,剑指何方。", cardText_en: " Light is a treasure, it reveals the truth.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<アーム>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶1张牌。那张牌如果是<武装>精灵,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); // var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; // if (!card) return; // if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('アーム')) { // return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { // this.player.draw(1); // }); // } else { // return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { // return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); // }); // } } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } } }, "188": { "pid": 188, cid: 188, "timestamp": 1419093626541, "wxid": "WX02-031", name: "ゲット・バウンド", name_zh_CN: "反跳", name_en: "Get Bound", "kana": "ゲットバウンド", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-031.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "およびでない?", cardText_zh_CN: "叫我了吗?", cardText_en: "Am I summoned?", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方1只精灵返回手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.bounceAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只等级2以下的精灵返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "189": { "pid": 189, cid: 189, "timestamp": 1419093634193, "wxid": "WX02-032", name: "羅石 オパーラル", name_zh_CN: "罗石 蛋白石", name_en: "Opalal, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキオパーラル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-032.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一瞬で虜にするから、きれいであるの。 ~オパーラル~", cardText_zh_CN: "因为我一瞬间就能俘虏你,你可要打扮得漂亮点。 ~蛋白石~", cardText_en: "You'll be captivated in just a moment, I'm just so beautiful. ~Opalal~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを1枚捨てる:パワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<矿石>或<宝石>精灵牌:破坏1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard an or SIGNI from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "190": { "pid": 190, cid: 190, "timestamp": 1419093639164, "wxid": "WX02-033", name: "羅石 カーネリアン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 红玉髓", name_en: "Carnelian, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキカーネリアン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-033.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ私のところにおいでませー ~カーネリアン~", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧,快来我这里! ~红玉髓~", cardText_en: "Come to where I am. ~Carnelian~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶1张牌。那张牌如果是<矿石>或<宝石>精灵,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an or SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "191": { "pid": 191, cid: 191, "timestamp": 1419093644183, "wxid": "WX02-034", name: "望まぬ衝動", name_zh_CN: "不希望的冲动", name_en: "Unwanted Impulse", "kana": "ノゾマヌショウドウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-034.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンッ", cardText_zh_CN: "咚", cardText_en: "Bang", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンに赤のカードと緑のカードがある場合、シグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果我方能量区有红色牌和绿色牌,破坏1只精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "If you have a red card and a green card in your Ener Zone, banish a SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('red'); },this) && this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('green'); },this)) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのエナゾーンに赤のカードと緑のカードがある場合、シグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:如果我方能量区有红色牌和绿色牌,破坏1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:If you have a red card and a green card in your Ener Zone, banish a SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('red'); },this) && this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('green'); },this)) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } } }, "192": { "pid": 192, cid: 192, "timestamp": 1419093647968, "wxid": "WX02-035", name: "コードアート C・P・U", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 C·P·U", name_en: "Code Art CPU", "kana": "コードアートシーピーユー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-035.jpg", "illust": "Punk", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うんうん、どんどん賢くなってきた! ~C・P・U~", cardText_zh_CN: "嗯嗯,越来越聪明了! ~C·P·U~", cardText_en: "Yes yes, it's becoming much more clever! ~CPU~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。その後、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<电机>精灵牌:将对方1只精灵冻结。之后抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard an SIGNI from your hand: Freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, draw a card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) { card.freeze(); } this.player.draw(1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "193": { "pid": 193, cid: 193, "timestamp": 1419093652259, "wxid": "WX02-036", name: "コードアート G・R・B", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 G·R·B", name_en: "Code Art GRB", "kana": "コードアートグラボ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-036.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うんうん、どんどんキレイになってきた! ~G・R・B~", cardText_zh_CN: "嗯嗯,变得越来越漂亮了! ~G·R·B~", cardText_en: "Yes yes, it's become much prettier! ~GRB~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<電機>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶1张牌。那张牌如果是<电机>精灵,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "194": { "pid": 194, cid: 194, "timestamp": 1419093655825, "wxid": "WX02-037", name: "SPRASH", name_zh_CN: "SPRASH", name_en: "SPRASH", "kana": "スプラッシュ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-037.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "びゅーん!スパッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "呼~!啪!", cardText_en: "Fwoom! Splash!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<水獣>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、カードを2枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方1只<水兽>精灵。之后抽2张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, draw 2 cards." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (succ) { this.player.draw(2); } }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。あなたの場に<水獣>のシグニがある場合、追加でカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。如果我方场上有<水兽>精灵,再抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card. If you have a SIGNI, draw another card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); if (this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('水獣'); })) { this.player.draw(1); } } } }, "195": { "pid": 195, cid: 195, "timestamp": 1419093660346, "wxid": "WX02-038", name: "幻獣 キジ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 雉鸡", name_en: "Kiji, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウキジ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-038.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "其の三、キュンキュン、お供します!", cardText_zh_CN: "其三,啾啾,愿为您效劳!", cardText_en: "The third, Kyun Kyun, I'll follow!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<空兽>或<地兽>精灵牌:从我方牌组顶将2张牌放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard a or SIGNI from your hand: Put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "196": { "pid": 196, cid: 196, "timestamp": 1419093664240, "wxid": "WX02-039", name: "幻獣 ハチ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 八公", name_en: "Hachi, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウハチ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-039.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "其の一、ワンワンおともします!", cardText_zh_CN: "其一,汪汪,跟随您左右!", cardText_en: "The first, woof woof I'll follow!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶1张牌。那张牌如果是<空兽>或<地兽>精灵,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a or SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "197": { "pid": 197, cid: 197, "timestamp": 1419093669082, "wxid": "WX02-040", name: "着植", name_zh_CN: "着植", name_en: "Plant Wear", "kana": "チャクショク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-040.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こいこいこいこいっきたきたきたぁ!", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧来吧来吧来吧来了来了来了!", cardText_en: "Come come come come it's here here here!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<空獣>、<地獣>、<植物>のシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有<空兽><地兽><植物>精灵获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your , , and SIGNI get [Lancer]." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣') || signi.hasClass('植物')); },this); this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'lancer',true); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの次のターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:我方下一个回合中,我方所有精灵获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During your next turn, all of your SIGNI get [Lancer]." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'lancer',true); },this); } }); } } }, "198": { "pid": 198, cid: 198, "timestamp": 1419093675073, "wxid": "WX02-041", name: "大損", name_zh_CN: "大损", name_en: "Heavy Loss", "kana": "オオゾン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-041.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うぇーーーー。", cardText_zh_CN: "呜呜~~~", cardText_en: "Ughhhh.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量10000以上的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量12000以上的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "199": { "pid": 199, cid: 199, "timestamp": 1419093678016, "wxid": "WX02-042", name: "コードアンチ パルベック", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 巴勒贝克", name_en: "Code Anti Palbek", "kana": "コードアンチパルベック", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-042.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わあああああ、巨大少女だ!!・・・少女?", cardText_zh_CN: "哇啊啊啊,是巨大少女!!…少女?", cardText_en: "Aaaaah, a giant girl!! ...Girl?", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【ダウン】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑)(横置):从我方废弃区让1张精灵牌出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black][Down]: Put a SIGNI into play from your trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.canSummon(); }) return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "200": { "pid": 200, cid: 200, "timestamp": 1419093681931, "wxid": "WX02-043", name: "コードアンチ キティラ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 基特拉", name_en: "Code Anti Kythera", "kana": "コードアンチキティラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-043.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どこからきてどこに行くのか解らない。理解できない。 ~キティラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "不知道是从哪里来也不知道要去向何方。无法理解。 ~基特拉~", cardText_en: "Where it comes from or where it goes is unknown. It can't be understood. ~Kythera~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶3张牌。从中将1张<古代兵器>精灵牌加入手牌,剩下的牌放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add an SIGNI to your hand from among them, and put the rest into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }], }, "201": { "pid": 201, cid: 201, "timestamp": 1419093114358, "wxid": "WX02-044", name: "大罪の所以 バアル", name_zh_CN: "大罪缘由 巴力", name_en: "Baal, Reason of the Mortal Sin", "kana": "タイザイノユエンバアル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-044.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "気付けば奈落でこんにちは。", cardText_zh_CN: "回过神时,已在陷阱之中。", cardText_en: "Greetings from Hades before you know it.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<悪魔>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):展示我方牌组顶1张牌。那张牌如果是<恶魔>精灵,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "202": { "pid": 202, cid: 202, "timestamp": 1419093119929, "wxid": "WX02-045", name: "サクリファイス・スラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "献祭斩击", name_en: "Sacrifice Slash", "kana": "サクリファイススラッシュ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-045.jpg", "illust": "ヤマグチトモ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "有終の儀", cardText_zh_CN: "有终的牺牲品。", cardText_en: "The perfect ritual.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方1只精灵。之后破坏对方1只精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (succ && inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) { return targetB.banishAsyn(); } }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "203": { "pid": 203, cid: 203, "timestamp": 1419093125084, "wxid": "WX02-046", name: "犠牲の微笑 キュアエル", name_zh_CN: "牺牲的微笑 丘雅耶尔", name_en: "Kiuael, Faint Smile of Sacrifice", "kana": "ギセイノホホエミキュアエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-046.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで、私が導いてあげる。", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧,我来帮你引导。", cardText_en: "Come, I'll guide you.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<天使>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<天使>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "204": { "pid": 204, cid: 204, "timestamp": 1419093131069, "wxid": "WX02-047", name: "虚構の愛情 シエル", name_zh_CN: "虚构的爱情 希耶尔", name_en: "Ciel, Fictitious Love", "kana": "キョコウノアイジョウシエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-047.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで、私が取り戻してあげる。", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧,我来帮你夺回。", cardText_en: "Come, I'll return it to you.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<天使>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<天使>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "205": { "pid": 205, cid: 205, "timestamp": 1419093137319, "wxid": "WX02-048", name: "宝具 マガタマ", name_zh_CN: "宝具 勾玉", name_en: "Magatama, Treasured Instrument", "kana": "ホウグマガタマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-048.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝くは宝、御霊を示す。", cardText_zh_CN: "光辉为宝,御灵所示。", cardText_en: "The brilliance is a treasure, it illuminates the spirits.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚見る。それらを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方牌组顶3张牌。之后将其按任意顺序放回。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top three cards of your deck. Then, put them back in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); } }] }, "206": { "pid": 206, cid: 206, "timestamp": 1419093144076, "wxid": "WX02-049", name: "博愛の集束 サニエル", name_zh_CN: "博爱的聚集 萨尼耶尔", name_en: "Saniel, Focus of Philanthropy", "kana": "ハクアイノシュウソクサニエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-049.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで、私が繋げてあげる。", cardText_zh_CN: "来吧,我来帮你连上。", cardText_en: "Come, I'll connect it for you.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<天使>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<天使>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "207": { "pid": 207, cid: 207, "timestamp": 1419093151166, "wxid": "WX02-050", name: "ソード・アビリティ", name_zh_CN: "刀剑本领", name_en: "Sword Ability", "kana": "ソードアビリティ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-050.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この剣ほどあなたは強くなれる?", cardText_zh_CN: "你能变得像这把剑那么强吗?", cardText_en: "Can you become as strong as this sword?", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニ1枚と <天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张<武装>精灵牌和1张<天使>精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for an SIGNI and an SIGNI, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('天使')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "208": { "pid": 208, cid: 208, "timestamp": 1419093157169, "wxid": "WX02-051", name: "轟砲 ランチャーギア", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 远射装置", name_en: "Launchergear, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウランチャーギア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-051.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どぐわ、どっかーんどがーん!", cardText_zh_CN: "轰隆,轰隆,轰隆!", cardText_en: "Boom, kabang, kabang!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<ウェポン>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<武器>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "209": { "pid": 209, cid: 209, "timestamp": 1419093162846, "wxid": "WX02-052", name: "爆砲 MP5", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 MP5", name_en: "MP5, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウエムピーファイブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-052.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドパパパパ", cardText_zh_CN: "哒哒哒哒", cardText_en: "Pew pew pew pew", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<ウェポン>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<武器>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "210": { "pid": 210, cid: 210, "timestamp": 1419093167986, "wxid": "WX02-053", name: "羅石 ヒスイ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 翡翠", name_en: "Hisui, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキヒスイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-053.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キレイだったのに、ざんねんね。 ~ヒスイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "亏你那么漂亮,真是可惜了。 ~翡翠~", cardText_en: "It was beautiful too, how unfortunate. ~Jade~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:破坏对方1只力量2000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(2000,1,1); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 2000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "211": { "pid": 211, cid: 211, "timestamp": 1419093173166, "wxid": "WX02-054", name: "小砲 スミス", name_zh_CN: "小炮 枪匠", name_en: "Smith, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウスミス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-054.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "目にも見えない早撃ち! ~スミス~", cardText_zh_CN: "快得看不见的快枪! ~枪匠~", cardText_en: "The quick draw is invisible to the eye! ~Smith~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<ウェポン>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<武器>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "212": { "pid": 212, cid: 212, "timestamp": 1419093179093, "wxid": "WX02-055", name: "光欲の宝剣", name_zh_CN: "光欲宝剑", name_en: "Jeweled Sword of Shining Desire", "kana": "コウヨクノホウケン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-055.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "名も無き剣は、赤を選んだ。", cardText_zh_CN: "无名之剑选择了红色。", cardText_en: "The nameless blade chose red.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたの<鉱石>、<宝石>、<ウェポン>のシグニいずれか1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方任意1只<矿石><宝石><武器>精灵获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your , , or SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石') || signi.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,target,'doubleCrash',true); } } }, "213": { "pid": 213, cid: 213, "timestamp": 1419093186108, "wxid": "WX02-056", name: "幻水 オクト", name_zh_CN: "幻水 奥科特", name_en: "Octo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイオクト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-056.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "暇だから、あんた居てよ。 ~オクト~", cardText_zh_CN: "我现在很闲,你呆在这里陪着我吧。 ~奥科特~", cardText_en: "I'm bored, so keep me company. ~Octo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "214": { "pid": 214, cid: 214, "timestamp": 1419093192138, "wxid": "WX02-057", name: "幻水 パール", name_zh_CN: "幻水 珍珠", name_en: "Pearl, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイパール", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-057.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うわぁん!もうやだー! ~パール~", cardText_zh_CN: "呜哇!我受够了。 ~珍珠~", cardText_en: "Awhhh! No more! ~Pearl~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "215": { "pid": 215, cid: 215, "timestamp": 1419093196754, "wxid": "WX02-058", name: "コードアート M・M・R", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 M·M·R", name_en: "Code Art MMR", "kana": "コードアートメモリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-058.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わたし、かしこいですか? ~M・M・R~", cardText_zh_CN: "我聪明吗?~M·M·R~", cardText_en: "You say that, I'm cool? ~MMR~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:カードを1枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:抽1张牌。之后舍弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Draw 1 card. Then, discard 1 card from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "216": { "pid": 216, cid: 216, "timestamp": 1419093202202, "wxid": "WX02-059", name: "幻水 コザメ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 科塞梅", name_en: "Kozame, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイコザメ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-059.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "連れて行ってよ、いっしょにさ。 ~コザメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "带着我一起去吧。 ~科塞梅~", cardText_en: "Bring me too, together. ~Kozame~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "217": { "pid": 217, cid: 217, "timestamp": 1419093208175, "wxid": "WX02-060", name: "SEARCHER", name_zh_CN: "SEARCHER", name_en: "SEARCHER", "kana": "サーチャー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-060.jpg", "illust": "Nardack", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まぶしい、これは、まるで・・・", cardText_zh_CN: "好耀眼,这简直就像…", cardText_en: "It's bright, this is, just like...", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张魔法牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for a spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张魔法牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "218": { "pid": 218, cid: 218, "timestamp": 1419093214152, "wxid": "WX02-061", name: "BLUEGAIN", name_zh_CN: "BLUEGAIN", name_en: "BLUEGAIN", "kana": "ブルーゲイン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-061.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一本づりっ!", cardText_zh_CN: "钓到一条大鱼!", cardText_en: "Time to fish!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場にある<電機>と<水獣>のシグニ1体につき、カードを1枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<电机>和<水兽>,就抽1张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each and SIGNI you have on the field, draw 1 card." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') || signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.player.draw(len); } } }, "219": { "pid": 219, cid: 219, "timestamp": 1419093219161, "wxid": "WX02-062", name: "羅植 ミズアオイ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 水葵", name_en: "Mizuaoi, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクミズアオイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-062.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大きな大きな道の花。", cardText_zh_CN: "一朵好大好大的路边花。", cardText_en: "A big big flower by the road.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<植物>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<植物>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('植物'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "220": { "pid": 220, cid: 220, "timestamp": 1419093225331, "wxid": "WX02-063", name: "羅植 ハス", name_zh_CN: "罗植 莲花", name_en: "Lotus, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクハス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-063.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ね、私も愛してよ。 ~ハス~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐,也爱我一下吧。 ~莲花~", cardText_en: "Hey, love me too. ~Lotus~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<植物>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<植物>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('植物'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "221": { "pid": 221, cid: 221, "timestamp": 1419093268972, "wxid": "WX02-064", name: "幻獣 モンキ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猴", name_en: "Monkey, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウモンキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-064.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "其の二、なんかくれるならついてくよ!", cardText_zh_CN: "其二,要是给我点什么东西就跟你走!", cardText_en: "The second, if you give me something I'll follow!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "222": { "pid": 222, cid: 222, "timestamp": 1419093274088, "wxid": "WX02-065", name: "羅植 スベリア", name_zh_CN: "罗植 虎尾兰", name_en: "Suberia, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクスベリア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-065.jpg", "illust": "しおぽい", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えいやっと! ~スベリア~", cardText_zh_CN: "哎呀! ~虎尾兰~", cardText_en: "Ta-dah! ~Suberia~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<植物>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<植物>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('植物'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "223": { "pid": 223, cid: 223, "timestamp": 1419093279140, "wxid": "WX02-066", name: "豊潤", name_zh_CN: "丰润", name_en: "Abundance", "kana": "ホウジュン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-066.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おおきくおおきくなーれ!", cardText_zh_CN: "变大吧变大吧!", cardText_en: "Growing bigger and bigger!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場にある<空獣>、<地獣>、<植物>のシグニ1体につき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカード1枚をエナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<空兽><地兽><植物>精灵,就从我方牌组顶将1张牌放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each , , and SIGNI you have on the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣') || signi.hasClass('植物')); },this); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.player.enerCharge(len); } } }, "224": { "pid": 224, cid: 224, "timestamp": 1419093283190, "wxid": "WX02-067", name: "悪夢の続発 リリス", name_zh_CN: "恶梦续发 莉莉丝", name_en: "Lilith, Recurring Nightmare", "kana": "アクムノゾクハツリリス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-067.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "終わらない夜をどうぞ。 ~リリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "来享受一下永不结束的黑夜吧。 ~莉莉丝~", cardText_en: "Welcome to a never-ending night. ~Lilith~" }, "225": { "pid": 225, cid: 225, "timestamp": 1419093288124, "wxid": "WX02-068", name: "悪魔の勇武 モリガ", name_zh_CN: "恶魔勇武 摩莉甘", name_en: "Morriga, Devil's Bravery", "kana": "アクマノユウブモリガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-068.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "忘れられない時間にするよ。 ~モリガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我会让这段时间变得让你无法忘怀的。 ~摩莉甘~", cardText_en: "Let's make this an unforgettable moment. ~Morriga~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<悪魔>のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<恶魔>精灵牌:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard a SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只等级2以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "226": { "pid": 226, cid: 226, "timestamp": 1419093293084, "wxid": "WX02-069", name: "コードアンチ ネビュラ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 内布拉", name_en: "Code Anti Nebra", "kana": "コードアンチネビュラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-069.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見えないところにこそ、真実は眠るのよ ~ネビュラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "真相只会沉眠在那些看不见的地方。 ~内布拉~", cardText_en: "In places that cannot be seen, is where the truth lies. ~Nebra~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【黒】:このシグニをあなたのトラッシュから場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑黑):让此牌从我方废弃区出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black][Black]: Put this SIGNI onto the field from your trash." ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInTrashZone: true, costBlack: 2, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }] }, "227": { "pid": 227, cid: 227, "timestamp": 1419093300102, "wxid": "WX02-070", name: "真実の死神 アニマ", name_zh_CN: "真实死神 阿尼玛", name_en: "Anima, Reaper of Truth", "kana": "シンジツノシニガミアニマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-070.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねぇ、なんで捨てたの? ~アニマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐,你为什么要丢掉? ~阿尼玛~", cardText_en: "Hey, why did you throw it away? ~Anima~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方牌组顶将3张牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }] }, "228": { "pid": 228, cid: 228, "timestamp": 1419093304137, "wxid": "WX02-071", name: "コードアンチ デリー", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 德里", name_en: "Code Anti Delhi", "kana": "コードアンチデリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-071.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おはよう、ここからこんにちは! ~デリー~", cardText_zh_CN: "早安!接下来是你好! ~德里~", cardText_en: "Good morning, and hello from here on out! ~Delhi~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【無】:このシグニをあなたのトラッシュから場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑无):让此牌从我方废弃区出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black][Colorless]: Put this SIGNI onto the field from your trash." ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInTrashZone: true, costBlack: 1, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }] }, "229": { "pid": 229, cid: 229, "timestamp": 1419093309074, "wxid": "WX02-072", name: "コードアンチ マチュピ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 马丘比", name_en: "Code Anti Machupi", "kana": "コードアンチマチュピ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-072.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えええっ、こんなことが!", cardText_zh_CN: "哎哎哎,竟然有这种事!", cardText_en: "Ehh, this is!", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札を1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置)舍弃1张手牌:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 card from your hand: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }] }, "230": { "pid": 230, cid: 230, "timestamp": 1419093315234, "wxid": "WX02-073", name: "コードアンチ テキサハンマ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 德州铁锤", name_en: "Code Anti Texahammer", "kana": "コードアンチテキサハンマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-073.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ん、あ、これ、きみの? ~テキサハンマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "嗯,啊,这是,你的? ~德州铁锤~", cardText_en: "Hm, ah, is this, yours? ~Texahammer~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌从牌组放置到废弃区时,此牌可以从废弃区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your deck, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '230-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return this.canSummon() && (event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.canSummon() && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此牌从牌组放置到废弃区时,此牌可以从废弃区出场。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your deck, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } } }, "231": { "pid": 231, cid: 231, "timestamp": 1419093320146, "wxid": "WX02-074", name: "小悪の憂鬱 グリム", name_zh_CN: "小恶忧郁 格里姆", name_en: "Grim, Melancholy of Lesser Sins", "kana": "コアクノユウウツグリム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-074.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "当たり前とは言い難しいね。 ~グリム~", cardText_zh_CN: "这可难说是理所当然的。 ~格里姆~", cardText_en: "It's difficult to say for certain. ~Grim~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカードが2枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方废弃区的卡牌有2张以上,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 2 or more cards in your trash, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.length >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "232": { "pid": 232, cid: 232, "timestamp": 1419093326097, "wxid": "WX02-075", name: "グレイブ・メイカー", name_zh_CN: "造墓者", name_en: "Grave Maker", "kana": "グレイブメイカー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-075.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "闇に奪う、不可解な領域。", cardText_zh_CN: "被黑暗夺走的不可解的领域。", cardText_en: "Attacked by darkness, a mysterious territory.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを6枚トラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组顶将6张牌放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 6 cards of your deck into the trash." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(6); this.game.trashCards(cards); } } }, "233": { "pid": 233, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1419093331124, "wxid": "WX02-076", name: "サーバント Q2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2", name_en: "Servant Q2", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-076.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は戦士のようにルリグを護る。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如战士一般将分身守护。", cardText_en: "She protects a LRIG like a warrior." }, "234": { "pid": 234, cid: 234, "timestamp": 1419093336144, "wxid": "WX02-077", name: "サーバント T2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T2", name_en: "Servant T2", "kana": "サーバントティーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-077.jpg", "illust": "Punk", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は天使のようにルリグを護る。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如天使一般将分身守护。", cardText_en: "She protects a LRIG like an angel." }, "235": { "pid": 235, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1419093342206, "wxid": "WX02-078", name: "サーバント D2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2", name_en: "Servant D2", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-078.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は騎士のようにルリグを護る。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如骑士一般将分身守护。", cardText_en: "She protects a LRIG like a knight." }, "236": { "pid": 236, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1419093347123, "wxid": "WX02-079", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-079.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は妖精のようにルリグを護る。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如妖精一般将分身守护。", cardText_en: "She protects a LRIG like a fairy." }, "237": { "pid": 237, cid: 237, "timestamp": 1419093350846, "wxid": "WX02-080", name: "想起する祝福", name_zh_CN: "回想的祝福", name_en: "Recalled Blessing", "kana": "ソウキスルシュクフク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX02/WX02-080.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無数に舞うウィクロス因子を奪い合う戦い。", cardText_zh_CN: "互相争夺无数飞舞的WIXOSS因子的战斗。", cardText_en: "The fight over the countless dancing WIXOSS factors.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将1张精灵牌加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); }, targetCovered: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { target.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将1张精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "238": { "pid": 238, cid: 238, "timestamp": 1419093353778, "wxid": "WD04-001", name: "四ノ娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四之娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Fourth Girl", "kana": "ヨンノムスメミドリコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-001.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うん、僕はまだ、戦えるよ。 ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "嗯,我还能再继续战斗。 ~绿子~", cardText_en: "Yeah, I can still fight. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<幻獣 セイリュ>があるかぎり、あなたのエナゾーンにカードが7枚以上ある間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】如果我方场上有《幻兽 青龙》,且我方能量区的卡牌在7张以上时,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a \"Seiryu, Phantom Beast\" on your field, while your Ener Zone has seven or more cards, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length < 7) return false; return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 246; // <幻獣 セイリュ> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "239": { "pid": 239, cid: 239, "timestamp": 1419093358133, "wxid": "WD04-002", name: "三ノ娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三之娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Third Girl", "kana": "サンノムスメミドリコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-002.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "負けるわけには、行かないじゃないか。 ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "我们不能输,不是吗。~绿子~", cardText_en: "We can't possibly lose. ~Midoriko~" }, "240": { "pid": 240, cid: 240, "timestamp": 1419093363565, "wxid": "WD04-003", name: "二ノ娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "二之娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Second Girl", "kana": "ニノムスメミドリコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-003.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これだけ戦って、今、僕はどうすればいいの ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "经历了这么多战斗,现在的我到底该怎么办呢……~绿子~", cardText_en: "I only fought this much, now what should I do ~Midoriko~" }, "241": { "pid": 241, cid: 241, "timestamp": 1419093387388, "wxid": "WD04-004", name: "一ノ娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "一之娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, First Girl", "kana": "イチノムスメミドリコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-004.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰かの願いを叶える。その戦い。 ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "这场战斗会实现某个人的愿望。~绿子~", cardText_en: "Someone's wish will be granted. That fight. ~Midoriko~" }, "242": { "pid": 242, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419093391786, "wxid": "WD04-005", name: "闘娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-005.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いこうか。 ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "走吧。~绿子~", cardText_en: "Shall we go. ~Midoriko~" }, "243": { "pid": 243, cid: 243, "timestamp": 1419093394608, "wxid": "WD04-006", name: "意気揚々", name_zh_CN: "意气扬扬", name_en: "In High Spirits", "kana": "オールエール", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-006.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はかなくせつない、うつくしい、舞。", cardText_zh_CN: "虚无,苦闷,美丽的舞蹈。", cardText_en: "A fleetingly sad, but beautiful dance.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "244": { "pid": 244, cid: 244, "timestamp": 1419093398362, "wxid": "WD04-007", name: "再三再四", name_zh_CN: "再三再四", name_en: "Over and Over Again", "kana": "ウェイクアップ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-007.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "引っこ抜いて、もう一度使うのさ! ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "拔出来,再用一次!~绿子~", cardText_en: "Pull it out, and it can be used again! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンからカードを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方能量区最多2张牌加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add up to two cards from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "245": { "pid": 245, cid: 245, "timestamp": 1419093403111, "wxid": "WD04-008", name: "付和雷同", name_zh_CN: "付和雷同", name_en: "Follow Blindly", "kana": "ビッグウェーブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-008.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大きいほど、損することもあるんだよ! ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "越大损失也可能越重哦!~绿子~", cardText_en: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量12000以上的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "246": { "pid": 246, cid: 246, "timestamp": 1419093408310, "wxid": "WD04-009", name: "幻獣 セイリュ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 青龙", name_en: "Seiryu, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウセイリュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-009.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うーッグレイト!ぶっとばしてあげるわ! ~セイリュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "唔,GREAT!就让我来打飞你吧! ~青龙~", cardText_en: "Oooh great! I'll beat them up for you! ~Seiryu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にあるシグニ3体のパワーがそれぞれ15000以上であるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】と「このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上3只精灵的力量都在15000以上,此牌获得【枪兵】和「此牌攻击时,破坏对方1只精灵。」的效果。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI with power 15000 or more, this SIGNI gets [Lancer] and \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.player.signis.length !== 3) return false; return this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '246-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, condition: function () { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); set(this,'lancer',true); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此牌攻击时,破坏对方1只精灵。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, banish one of your opponent\'s SIGNI.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量10000以上的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "247": { "pid": 247, cid: 247, "timestamp": 1419093415254, "wxid": "WD04-010", name: "幻獣 ミスザク", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 朱雀小姐", name_en: "Misuzaku, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウミスザク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-010.jpg", "illust": "しおぽい", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワンダホー!ぶっとばしてさしあげる! ~ミスザク~", cardText_zh_CN: "WONDERFUL!看我来打飞你!朱雀小姐!", cardText_en: "Wonderful! I'll beat them up for you! ~Misuzaku~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーが10000以上であるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果此牌力量在10000以上,此牌获得【枪兵】效果。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI's power is 10000 or more, it gains [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.power >= 10000; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量12000以上的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "248": { "pid": 248, cid: 48, "timestamp": 1419093422107, "wxid": "WD04-011", name: "幻獣 ビグタット", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 雪怪", name_en: "Bigtatt, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウビグタット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-011.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "紙っぺらに収まるサイズじゃないよ!", cardText_zh_CN: "我的大小可不能被收在一小张纸片里!", cardText_en: "I can't be kept in just a piece of paper!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ] }, "249": { "pid": 249, cid: 91, "timestamp": 1419093429096, "wxid": "WD04-012", name: "幻獣 コアラン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 考拉", name_en: "Koalan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコアラン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-012.jpg", "illust": "中村嬌", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "また森からこんにちはですぅ。 ~コアラン~", cardText_zh_CN: "再来一个来自森林的问好。~考拉~", cardText_en: "Again from the forest, hello. ~Koalan~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+3000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+3000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ] }, "250": { "pid": 250, cid: 250, "timestamp": 1419093434170, "wxid": "WD04-013", name: "幻獣 コゲンブ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 小玄武", name_en: "Kogenbu, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコゲンブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-013.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "イエス!ぼっこぼっこよ! ~コゲンブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "YES!看我把你揍扁了! ~小玄武~", cardText_en: "Yes! I'll beat 'em up! ~Kogenbu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが5000以上である場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌攻击时,如果此牌力量在5000以上,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI's power is 5000 or more, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '250-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.power >= 5000; }, condition: function () { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.power >= 5000; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが5000以上である場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此牌攻击时,如果此牌力量在5000以上,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI\'s power is 5000 or more, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ] }, "251": { "pid": 251, cid: 95, "timestamp": 1419093439131, "wxid": "WD04-014", name: "幻獣 パンダン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 熊猫", name_en: "Pandan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウパンダン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-014.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パンですー!パンダですー! ~パンダン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我是熊猫!我是熊猫哦!~熊猫~", cardText_en: "It's Pan! It's Panda! ~Pandan~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets +2000 power." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ] }, "252": { "pid": 252, cid: 252, "timestamp": 1419093445104, "wxid": "WD04-015", name: "幻獣 ヒャッコ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 白虎", name_en: "Hyakko, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウヒャッコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-015.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワオ!ニャーオ! ~ヒャッコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "吼!喵! ~白虎~", cardText_en: "Uwa! Nyaa! ~Hyakko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが3000以上である場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌攻击时,如果此牌力量在3000以上,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI's power is 3000 or more, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '252-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.power >= 3000; }, condition: function () { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.power >= 3000; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが3000以上である場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此牌攻击时,如果此牌力量在3000以上,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI\'s power is 3000 or more, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ] }, "253": { "pid": 253, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1419093451152, "wxid": "WD04-016", name: "サーバント Q2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2", name_en: "Servant Q2", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-016.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "エナの盾、何事も寄せ付けぬ。", cardText_zh_CN: "能量之盾不会让任何东西接近。", cardText_en: "The shield of Ener cannot be penetrated by anything." }, "254": { "pid": 254, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1419093456631, "wxid": "WD04-017", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-017.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "小さくても、守るべきものは守れる。", cardText_zh_CN: "就算小,也还是能守护要守护的东西。", cardText_en: "Even if small, she's able to protect those she should protect." }, "255": { "pid": 255, cid: 255, "timestamp": 1419093463497, "wxid": "WD04-018", name: "堕絡", name_zh_CN: "堕络", name_en: "Fallen", "kana": "ダラク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD04/WD04-018.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "犠牲なくして破壊無し!", cardText_zh_CN: "没有牺牲就没有破坏!", cardText_en: "Without sacrifice there is no destruction!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのアップ状態のシグニ1体をダウンする。そうした場合、そのシグニのパワー以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "横置我方1只竖置状态的精灵。之后破坏对方1只力量在那张牌力量以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Down one of your upped SIGNI. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power less than or equal to that SIGNI's." ], spellEffect : { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { targets.push(targetA); if (!targetA) return; var cards = oSignis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= targetA.power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (targetB) { targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (inArr(targetA,this.player.signis) && targetA.isUp) { if (!targetA.down()) return; if (inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis) && (targetB.power <= targetA.power)) { return targetB.banishAsyn(); } } } } }, "256": { "pid": 256, cid: 256, "timestamp": 1419093468711, "wxid": "WD05-001", name: "獄卒の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "狱卒阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Jailer Enma", "kana": "ゴクソツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-001.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いい気味だね?素敵だよ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "痛快吧?太美妙了。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "It feels nice doesn't it? It's lovely. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《堕落の砲女 メツム》があるかぎり、あなたのトラッシュが20枚以上ある間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《堕落炮女 缅茨姆》,且我方废弃区中的卡牌有20张以上,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a \"Metsum, Fallen Cannon Girl\" on the field, if your trash has 20 or more cards, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.player.trashZone.cards.length < 20) return false; return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 264; // <堕落の砲女 メツム> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "257": { "pid": 257, cid: 257, "timestamp": 1419093472553, "wxid": "WD05-002", name: "阿鼻の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "阿鼻阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Eternal Hell", "kana": "アビノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-002.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あと少しでおしまいだよ。おしまい。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "还差一点就结束了。结束。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "The end will be in just a little bit you know, the end. ~Ulith~" }, "258": { "pid": 258, cid: 258, "timestamp": 1419093475661, "wxid": "WD05-003", name: "衆合の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "众合阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Crushing Hell", "kana": "シュゴウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-003.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少しずつ終わりにしようよ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "一步步让一切结束吧。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Let's end this, little by little. ~Ulith~" }, "259": { "pid": 259, cid: 259, "timestamp": 1419093479392, "wxid": "WD05-004", name: "灼熱の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "灼热阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Burning Eye Enma", "kana": "シャクネツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-004.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなに差があるのにね? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "差距有这么大吗? ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Despite this kind of difference? ~Ulith~" }, "260": { "pid": 260, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1419093484091, "wxid": "WD05-005", name: "閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-005.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はじめましてかな?ふふ? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "算是初次见面吗?嘻嘻? ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Are you glad to see me, I wonder? Fufu? ~Ulith~" }, "261": { "pid": 261, cid: 261, "timestamp": 1419093504217, "wxid": "WD05-006", name: "モーメント・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "片刻处刑", name_en: "Moment Punish", "kana": "モーメントパニッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-006.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うそ、うそでしょッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "这,这不是真的吧!", cardText_en: "No way, there's no way!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-7000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } } }, "262": { "pid": 262, cid: 262, "timestamp": 1419093508012, "wxid": "WD05-007", name: "エターナル・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "永恒处刑", name_en: "Eternal Punish", "kana": "エターナルパニッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-007.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "気づけば、真っ黒!", cardText_zh_CN: "一回过神来,周围已经一片漆黑了!", cardText_en: "When I realized it, pitch black!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-15000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-15000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -15000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-15000); }); } } }, "263": { "pid": 263, cid: 263, "timestamp": 1419093511534, "wxid": "WD05-008", name: "グレイブ・アウト", name_zh_CN: "出墓", name_en: "Grave Out", "kana": "グレイブアウト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-008.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 5, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "过来吧。 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Come. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュからシグニを3枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将最多3张精灵牌加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add up to 3 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); var max = Math.min(3,cards.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,max).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "264": { "pid": 264, cid: 264, "timestamp": 1419093516315, "wxid": "WD05-009", name: "堕落の砲女 メツム", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 缅茨姆", name_en: "Metsum, Fallen Cannon Girl", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョメツム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-009.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "死滅した思い出を武器とする。", cardText_zh_CN: "将那份死灭的回忆作为武器。", cardText_en: "To use dead memories as weapons.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを7枚トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:所有玩家从自己的牌组顶将7张牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: All players put the top seven cards of their deck into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(7),this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(7)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将1张牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add one card from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "265": { "pid": 265, cid: 265, "timestamp": 1419093526166, "wxid": "WD05-010", name: "廃悪の象徴 ベルゼ", name_zh_CN: "废恶象征 别西卜", name_en: "Belze, Symbol of Wasteful Evil", "kana": "ハイアクノショウチョウベルゼ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-010.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニマーッ。消えうせなよ? ~ベルゼ~", cardText_zh_CN: "尼玛。小心我让你消失哦? ~别西卜~", cardText_en: "Nimaa, get outta my sight would ya? ~Belze~" }, "266": { "pid": 266, cid: 266, "timestamp": 1419093532685, "wxid": "WD05-011", name: "堕落の砲女 キャリ", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 迦利", name_en: "Carry, Fallen Cannon Girl", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョキャリ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-011.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰かにゃ?おいでにゃ? ~キャリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "是谁啊喵?快出来喵? ~迦利~", cardText_en: "Who is it nya? Come here nya? ~Carry~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカードが10枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方废弃区中的卡牌有10张以上,此牌力量+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 10 or more cards in your trash, this SIGNI gets +5000 power. " ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.length >= 10; }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } } }, "267": { "pid": 267, cid: 267, "timestamp": 1419093539269, "wxid": "WD05-012", name: "背徳の象徴 コスモ", name_zh_CN: "背德象征 科思莫", name_en: "Cosmo, Symbol of Immorality", "kana": "ハイトクノショウチョウコスモ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-012.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "魔の扉はおもったより軽いねぇ ~コスモ~", cardText_zh_CN: "魔之门推起来可比预想的要轻呢 ~科思莫~", cardText_en: "The demon's gate is lighter than you expected isn't it ~Cosmo~" }, "268": { "pid": 268, cid: 268, "timestamp": 1419093546155, "wxid": "WD05-013", name: "小悪の象徴 コオニ", name_zh_CN: "小恶象征 小鬼", name_en: "Kooni, Symbol of Lesser Sin", "kana": "コアクノショウチョウコオニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-013.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "月夜と共に、あなたの元へ。 ~コオニ~", cardText_zh_CN: "和月夜一起来到你的身旁。 ~小鬼~", cardText_en: "Together with the moonlit night, I return to you. ~Kooni~" }, "269": { "pid": 269, cid: 269, "timestamp": 1419093552146, "wxid": "WD05-014", name: "堕落の砲女 サキュ", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 魅魔", name_en: "Succu, Fallen Cannon Girl", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョサキュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-014.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きゅんきゅんさせて、闇の中! ~サキュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "让你心跳,在无边的黑暗中! ~魅魔~", cardText_en: "I'll make you go kyun-kyun in the darkness! ~Succu~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方牌组顶将3张牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }] }, "270": { "pid": 270, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419093557153, "wxid": "WD05-015", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-015.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は光のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如光芒一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like light.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ] }, "271": { "pid": 271, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419093563239, "wxid": "WD05-016", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-016.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "彼女は煙のようにルリグを包み込む。", cardText_zh_CN: "她如烟雾一般将分身环绕。", cardText_en: "She envelops a LRIG like smoke.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ] }, "272": { "pid": 272, cid: 272, "timestamp": 1419093568139, "wxid": "WD05-017", name: "ホール・ダーク", name_zh_CN: "完全漆黑", name_en: "Hole Dark", "kana": "ホールダーク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-017.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "優秀な願い手により被害は甚大となる。", cardText_zh_CN: "越是优秀的许愿者所受到的伤害也就越大。", cardText_en: "The greater the bearer of wishes, the greater the damage becomes.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-4000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-4000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -4000 power." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',-4000); } } }, "273": { "pid": 273, cid: 237, "timestamp": 1419093573152, "wxid": "WD05-018", name: "想起する祝福", name_zh_CN: "回想的祝福", name_en: "Recalled Blessing", "kana": "ソウキスルシュクフク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD05/WD05-018.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コアが弾けたとき、無数のウィクロス因子が舞う。", cardText_zh_CN: "核心破裂的时候会掀起无数WIXOSS因子飞舞。", cardText_en: "When the core broke, countless WIXOSS factors dance." }, "274": { "pid": 274, cid: 274, "timestamp": 1419093579377, "wxid": "WX03-001", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA", name_en: "Umuru=Fyra, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルフィーラ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-001.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "泡沫の願い、叶えようぞ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "让我实现那泡沫般的愿望吧。 ~乌姆尔~", cardText_en: "I shall grant it, that ephemeral dream. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【黒】あなたの<古代兵器>のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く:これによりトラッシュに置かれたシグニと同じレベルのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑黑):将我方一只<古代兵器>精灵放置到废弃区:破坏一只与因此放置到废弃区的精灵相同等级的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black][Black] Put one of your SIGNI into the trash: Banish a SIGNI with the same level as the SIGNI you put into the trash by this effect." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 2, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('古代兵器') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('古代兵器') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return card; }); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var costCard = costArg.others; if (!costCard) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level === costCard.level; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "275": { "pid": 275, cid: 275, "timestamp": 1419093586152, "wxid": "WX03-002", name: "ホーリーアクト", name_zh_CN: "神圣行动", name_en: "Holy Act", "kana": "ホーリーアクト", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-002.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "闇を貫く一閃!", cardText_zh_CN: "贯穿黑暗的一闪!", cardText_en: "Flash that pierces darkness!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], costChange: function () { if (this.player.opponent.lrig.hasColor('black')) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 3; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のルリグが黒の場合、このカードのコストは【白】【白】になる。対戦相手の<天使>以外のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果对方分身是黑色,此牌的费用变为(白白)。将对方一只<天使>以外的精灵放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your opponent's LRIG is black, this card's cost is [White][White].\nPut one of your opponent's SIGNI other than SIGNI into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } } }, "276": { "pid": 276, cid: 276, "timestamp": 1419093592143, "wxid": "WX03-003", name: "業火絢爛", name_zh_CN: "业火绚烂", name_en: "Gorgeous Hellfire", "kana": "ゴウカケンラン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-003.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "燃えやすい色ね!", cardText_zh_CN: "看起来是易燃的颜色!", cardText_en: "Such a flammable color!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], costChange: function () { if (this.player.opponent.lrig.hasColor('green')) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 3; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のルリグが緑の場合、このカードのコストは【赤】【赤】になる。対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果对方分身是绿色,此牌费用变为(红红)。破坏对方一只力量15000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your opponent's LRIG is green, this card's cost is [Red][Red].\nBanish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "277": { "pid": 277, cid: 277, "timestamp": 1419093597689, "wxid": "WX03-004", name: "ツー・ダスト", name_zh_CN: "双重除灰", name_en: "Two Dust", "kana": "ツーダスト", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-004.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スプラーッシュッ!鎮火ッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "噗咻!灭火!", cardText_en: "Splaaash! Fire extinguished!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], costChange: function () { if (this.player.opponent.lrig.hasColor('red')) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 3; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のルリグが赤の場合、このカードのコストは【青】になる。対戦相手の手札を2枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果对方分身是红色,此牌费用变为(蓝)。随机选择对方两张手牌,并舍弃。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your opponent's LRIG is red, this card's cost becomes [Blue].\nChoose two cards in your opponent's hand without looking, and discard them." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(2); } } }, "278": { "pid": 278, cid: 278, "timestamp": 1419093603156, "wxid": "WX03-005", name: "全身全霊", name_zh_CN: "全身全灵", name_en: "Body and Soul", "kana": "リストラクチャー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-005.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "護りぬいたのは、時間だけじゃない。", cardText_zh_CN: "一直守护住的并不单纯是时间。", cardText_en: "It preserved more than only time.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], costChange: function () { if (this.player.opponent.lrig.hasColor('blue')) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 3; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のルリグが青の場合、このカードのコストは【緑】になる。あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果对方分身是蓝色,此牌的费用变为(绿)。将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your opponent's LRIG is blue, the cost of this card becomes [Green].\nAdd the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } }, "279": { "pid": 279, cid: 279, "timestamp": 1419093608640, "wxid": "WX03-006", name: "天空の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "天空之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sky Miko", "kana": "テンクウノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-006.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あのね、タマね・・・ ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "那个,小玉啊… ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Hey hey, Tama is... ~Tama~" }, "280": { "pid": 280, cid: 280, "timestamp": 1419093612907, "wxid": "WX03-007", name: "花代・純肆", name_zh_CN: "花代·纯肆", name_en: "Hanayo-Pure Four", "kana": "ハナヨジュンシ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-007.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "純粋な願いだから、叶えたくなるのさ。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "因为是个纯粹的愿望,所以我也变得有点想让它实现了。 ~花代~", cardText_en: "Because it's such a sincere wish, I want it to come true. ~Hanayo~" }, "281": { "pid": 281, cid: 281, "timestamp": 1419093634255, "wxid": "WX03-008", name: "コード・ピルルク∑", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 Σ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Sigma", "kana": "コードピルルクシグマ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-008.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・見つけて。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "……去寻找吧。 ~皮露露可~", cardText_en: "...Find it. ~Piruluk~" }, "282": { "pid": 282, cid: 282, "timestamp": 1419093638352, "wxid": "WX03-009", name: "四型緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四型绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Type Four", "kana": "シガタミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-009.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この悲鳴が、闘いなんだ。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "这悲鸣就是战斗的体现。 ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "This cry, it's a battle. ~Midoriko~" }, "283": { "pid": 283, cid: 283, "timestamp": 1419093643357, "wxid": "WX03-010", name: "黒沙の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "黑沙阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Black Sand Enma", "kana": "コクサノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-010.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は、誰でしょう・・・うふふふ? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "我是,谁呢……呵呵呵呵 ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "Who am I... ufufufu? ~Ulith~" }, "284": { "pid": 284, cid: 284, "timestamp": 1419093648133, "wxid": "WX03-011", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=TRE", name_en: "Umuru=Tre, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルトレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-011.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヌシが欲する過去はあるか? ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "你有什么想要的过去吗? ~乌姆尔~", cardText_en: "What is your desire? ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区让一张<古代兵器>精灵牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Put one SIGNI into play from your trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "285": { "pid": 285, cid: 285, "timestamp": 1419093654099, "wxid": "WX03-012", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=トヴォ", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=TVA", name_en: "Umuru=Två, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルトヴォ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-012.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "古を啓く鍵がわしの武器じゃ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "开启古代的钥匙就是我的武器。 ~乌姆尔~", cardText_en: "My weapon is a key that unlocks the past. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのデッキからカードを1枚探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方牌组中选择一张牌放置到废弃区,之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Search your deck for a card and put it into the trash. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); this.player.shuffle(); }); } }] }, "286": { "pid": 286, cid: 286, "timestamp": 1419093659183, "wxid": "WX03-013", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=エット", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=ETT", name_en: "Umuru=Ett, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルエット", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-013.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "退屈じゃのう。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "好无聊。 ~乌姆尔~", cardText_en: "What a bore. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】カードを1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃一张手牌:抽一张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card from your hand: Draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "287": { "pid": 287, cid: 287, "timestamp": 1419093664177, "wxid": "WX03-014", name: "デッド・スプラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "致命飞溅", name_en: "Dead Splash", "kana": "デッドスプラッシュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-014.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一瞬の救い。", cardText_zh_CN: "一瞬的救赎。", cardText_en: "A moment of safety.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], costChange: function () { if (this.player.opponent.lrig.hasColor('white')) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 3; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のルリグが白の場合、このカードのコストは【黒】になる。あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "如果对方分身是白色,此牌的费用变为(黑)。从我方废弃区让1张黑色精灵牌出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your opponent's LRIG is white, this card's cost is [Black].\nPut a black SIGNI into play from your trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "288": { "pid": 288, cid: 288, "timestamp": 1419093669353, "wxid": "WX03-015", name: "デス・コロッサオ", name_zh_CN: "死亡斗兽场", name_en: "Death Colossao", "kana": "デスコロッサオ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-015.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こういう戦いを待っていたのじゃ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "我就在等着这种战斗。 ~乌姆尔~", cardText_en: "I can fight this way too. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置いても良い。この方法でそれぞれがレベルの異なる3体のシグニがトラッシュに置かれた場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "可以将我方所有精灵放置到废弃区。如果将3只等级不同的精灵放置到废弃区,破坏对方所有精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "You may put all of your SIGNI to the trash. If three SIGNI with different levels were put into trash this way, banish all of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var flag = false; if (this.player.signis.length >= 3) { var levels = this.player.signis.map(function (signi) { return signi.level; },this); if (levels[0] !== levels[1]) { if (levels[0] !== levels[2]) { if (levels[1] !== levels[2]) { flag = true; } } } } this.game.trashCards(this.player.signis); if (flag) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); } }); } } }, "289": { "pid": 289, cid: 289, "timestamp": 1419093677256, "wxid": "WX03-016", name: "聖技の護り手 ラビエル", name_zh_CN: "圣技守护者 拉碧耶尔", name_en: "Rabiel, Protector of Holy Arts", "kana": "セイギノマモリテラビエル", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-016.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワンツースリーでさいならッ! ~ラビエル~", cardText_zh_CN: "数完1,2,3然后就再见!", cardText_en: "One, two, three and byes! ~Rabiel~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】あなたのルリグデッキから白のアーツ1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白)从我方分身牌组将一张白色必杀牌放置到分身废弃区:将对方一只精灵返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White] Put a white ARTS from your LRIG Deck into the LRIG Trash: Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }] }, "290": { "pid": 290, cid: 290, "timestamp": 1419093684146, "wxid": "WX03-017", name: "爆砲 ペンシルロケッツ", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 铅笔火箭", name_en: "Pencilrocket, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウペンシルロケッツ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-017.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "気付けばみんなの人気者ッ! ~ペンシルロケッツ~", cardText_zh_CN: "一回过神来我已经变成大家的人气者了! ~铅笔火箭~", cardText_en: "I'm popular the moment I realized it! ~Pencilrocket~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】【赤】あなたのルリグデッキから赤のアーツ1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红)(红)从我方分身牌组将一张红色必杀牌放置到分身废弃区:破坏对方一只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red][Red] Put a red ARTS from your LRIG Deck into the LRIG Trash: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 2, costCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('red')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('red')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "291": { "pid": 291, cid: 291, "timestamp": 1419093690847, "wxid": "WX03-018", name: "幻水 カレイラ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 卡蕾拉", name_en: "Kareira, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイカレイラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-018.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "姉さんとは違うよねー! ~カレイラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我和姐姐可不一样! ~卡蕾拉~", cardText_en: "I'm different from sister! ~Kareira~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】あなたのルリグデッキから青のアーツ1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く:カードを2枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝)从我方分身牌组将1张蓝色必杀牌放置到分身废弃区:抽2张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue] Put a blue ARTS from your LRIG Deck into the LRIG Trash: Draw 2 cards." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('blue')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('blue')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "292": { "pid": 292, cid: 292, "timestamp": 1419093695398, "wxid": "WX03-019", name: "羅植 マリゴールド", name_zh_CN: "罗植 万寿菊", name_en: "Marigold, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクマリゴールド", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-019.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一気に溜めて、どっかんいこう! ~マリゴールド~", cardText_zh_CN: "一口气充满能量,然后砰地发出去! ~万寿菊~", cardText_en: "Store up quickly, and go out with a bang! ~Marigold~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】あなたのルリグデッキから緑のアーツ1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从我方分身牌组将1张绿色必杀牌放置到分身废弃区:从我方牌组顶将2张牌放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Put a green ARTS from your LRIG Deck into your LRIG Trash: Put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('green')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('green')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }] }, "293": { "pid": 293, cid: 293, "timestamp": 1419093699445, "wxid": "WX03-020", name: "コードアンチ パルテノ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 帕特农", name_en: "Code Anti Partheno", "kana": "コードアンチパルテノ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-020.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わあああ!なんで私こんなにおっきいの! ~パルテノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哇啊啊!为什么我会这么大呢! ~帕特农~", cardText_en: "Waaa! Why am I so big! ~Partheno~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑黑):从我方废弃区让1张精灵牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black][Black]: Put a SIGNI into play from your trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.canSummon(); }) return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:シグニ1体がトラッシュからあなたの場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:有1只精灵从废弃区出现到我方场上时,直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When one of your SIGNI comes into play from your trash, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '293-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'シグニ1体がトラッシュからあなたの場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '有1只精灵从废弃区出现到我方场上时,直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+2000。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When one of your SIGNI comes into play from your trash, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」「対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」", "あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", "対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。「从我方废弃区让1张<古代兵器>精灵牌出场。」「破坏对方1只等级2以下的精灵。」", "从我方废弃区让1张<古代兵器>精灵牌出场。", "破坏对方1只等级2以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one of these effects: \"Put an SIGNI into play from your trash.\" \"Banish one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI.\"", "Put an SIGNI into play from your trash.", "Banish one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '293-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } },{ source: this, description: '293-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "294": { "pid": 294, cid: 294, "timestamp": 1419093703583, "wxid": "WX03-021", name: "ロスト・テクノロジー", name_zh_CN: "遗失的科技", name_en: "Lost Technology", "kana": "ロストテクノロジー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-021.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるで鍵をこじ開けるような、この力・・・!何? ~パルベック~", cardText_zh_CN: "就好像锁被撬开一样,这股力量…!到底是什么? ~巴勒贝克~", cardText_en: "Like breaking a lock, this power...! What is it? ~Palbek~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置いてもよい。この方法で3体の<古代兵器>のシグニがトラッシュに置かれた場合、対戦相手のライフクロス2枚をクラッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "可以将我方所有精灵放置到废弃区。如果将3只<古代兵器>精灵放置到废弃区,击溃对方2张生命护甲。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "You may put all of your SIGNI into the trash. If three SIGNI were put into the trash this way, crush two of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.signis.slice(); var flag = false; if (signis.length === 3) { if (signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('古代兵器'); })) { flag = true; } } this.game.trashCards(signis); if (flag) { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(2); } }); } } }, "295": { "pid": 295, cid: 295, "timestamp": 1419093708076, "wxid": "WX03-022", name: "極剣 サミダレ", name_zh_CN: "极剑 五月雨", name_en: "極剣 サミダレ", "kana": "キョクケンサミダレ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-022.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "秘剣炎陣、友の元へ。", cardText_zh_CN: "秘剑炎阵,到朋友的身边去。", cardText_en: "A sword of flame, to my friend.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:あなたのデッキから<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红):从我方牌组中找1张<武器>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('ウェポン'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "296": { "pid": 296, cid: 296, "timestamp": 1419093711832, "wxid": "WX03-023", name: "手剣 カクマル", name_zh_CN: "手剑 加隈丸", name_en: "Kakumaru, Hand Sword", "kana": "シュケンカクマル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-023.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キリキリッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "切切切!", cardText_en: "Slice slice!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】【無】:あなたのデッキから《手弾 アヤボン》1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(红无):从我方牌组中找1张《手弹 绫音爆弹》并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red][Colorless]: Search your deck for an \"Ayabon, Hand Grenade\" and put it onto the field. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 299; // <手弾 アヤボン> }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《手弾 アヤボン》があるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《手弹 绫音爆弹》,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have an \"Ayabon, Hand Grenade\" on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 299; // <手弾 アヤボン> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "297": { "pid": 297, cid: 297, "timestamp": 1419093715878, "wxid": "WX03-024", name: "ゲット・グロウ", name_zh_CN: "让她成长", name_en: "Get Grow", "kana": "ゲットグロウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-024.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "夢うつつ、鏡うつす。", cardText_zh_CN: "镜子映射出梦境和真实。", cardText_en: "Reflect my dreams, little mirror.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグと同じレベルのルリグ1枚をルリグデッキからグロウコストを支払わずにグロウする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方分身牌组中指定1张与我方分身同等级的分身牌,不支付成长费用而进行成长。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Grow your LRIG into another LRIG from your LRIG Deck with the same level as your LRIG without paying its grow cost." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG') && (card.level === this.player.lrig.level) && card.canGrow(true); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('GROW',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; // return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { // if (!card.growActionAsyn) return; // return card.growActionAsyn(); // }).callback(this,function () { // card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{up: this.player.lrig.isUp}); // this.game.outputColor(); // }); return card.growAsyn(true); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの次のターンの間、あなたのルリグデッキのルリグのグロウコストは【無×0】になる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:我方下一个回合中,我方分身牌组的分身成长费用变为(无0)。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During your next turn, the grow cost of LRIGs in your LRIG Deck is [Colorless]0." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.ignoreGrowCostInNextTurn(); } } }, "298": { "pid": 298, cid: 298, "timestamp": 1419093720390, "wxid": "WX03-025", name: "羅石 シズク", name_zh_CN: "罗石 雫石", name_en: "Shizuku, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキシズク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-025.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝く石には土台が必要なのよね。 ~シズク~", cardText_zh_CN: "光辉的宝石需要一个底座。 ~雫石~", cardText_en: "A foundation is required for a gem to shine. ~Shizuku~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのデッキから<植物>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(绿):从我方牌组中找1张<植物>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('植物')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "299": { "pid": 299, cid: 299, "timestamp": 1419093724191, "wxid": "WX03-026", name: "手弾 アヤボン", name_zh_CN: "手弹 绫音爆弹", name_en: "Ayabon, Hand Grenade", "kana": "シュダンアヤボン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-026.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンッ!ドドン!", cardText_zh_CN: "咚!咚咚!", cardText_en: "Boom! Bo-boom!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《手剣 カクマル》があるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグトラッシュにカードが7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《手剑 加隈丸》,此牌力量变为8000。", "【常】:如果我方分身废弃区的卡牌有7张以上,此牌获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a \"Kakumaru, Hand Sword\" on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Constant]: As long as there are seven or more cards in your LRIG Trash, this card gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 296; // <手剣 カクマル> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ condition: function () { // 双面共鸣 var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return !card.sideA; },this); return cards.length >= 7; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } }] }, "300": { "pid": 300, cid: 300, "timestamp": 1419093728130, "wxid": "WX03-027", name: "夢限の最果", name_zh_CN: "梦限的尽头", name_en: "End of Eternity", "kana": "ムゲンノサイハテ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-027.jpg", "illust": "I★LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんにちは、新しい私。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "你好,崭新的我。 ~花代~", cardText_en: "Hello, the new me. ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグと同じレベルのルリグ1枚をルリグデッキからグロウコストを支払わずにグロウする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方分身牌组中指定1张与我方分身同等级的分身牌,不支付成长费用而进行成长。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Grow your LRIG into another LRIG from your LRIG Deck with the same level as your LRIG without paying its grow cost." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG') && (card.level === this.player.lrig.level) && card.canGrow(true); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('GROW',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; // return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { // if (!card.growActionAsyn) return; // return card.growActionAsyn(); // }).callback(this,function () { // card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{up: this.player.lrig.isUp}); // this.game.outputColor(); // }); return card.growAsyn(true); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの次のターンの間、あなたのルリグデッキのルリグのグロウコストは【無×0】になる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:我方下一个回合中,我方分身牌组中的分身成长费用变为(无0)。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During your next turn, the grow cost of LRIGs in your LRIG Deck is [Colorless]0." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.ignoreGrowCostInNextTurn(); } } }, "301": { "pid": 301, cid: 301, "timestamp": 1419094007631, "wxid": "WX03-028", name: "コードアート R・G・N", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 R·G·N", name_en: "Code Art RGN", "kana": "コードアートレールガン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-028.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バリバリバリ ドッガーーーン!", cardText_zh_CN: "哔哩哔哩哔哩轰!", cardText_en: "Ba-ba-ba-baaaang!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの使用する青のアーツは【無】コストが1減る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグデッキが0枚であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方使用的蓝色必杀的(无色)费用减1。", "【常】:如果我方分身牌组的数量是0张,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost to use your blue ARTS is reduced by 1 [Colorless].", "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG Deck has 0 cards, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.lrigDeck.cards,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if ((card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('blue'))) { add(card,'costColorless',-1); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return !this.player.lrigDeck.cards.length; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "302": { "pid": 302, cid: 302, "timestamp": 1419094011726, "wxid": "WX03-029", name: "コードアート C・V・Y", name_zh_CN: "コードアート C・V・Y", name_en: "Code Art CVY", "kana": "コードアートコンボイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-029.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記/タカラトミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワタシにいい考えがあるの! ~C・V・Y~", cardText_zh_CN: "ワタシにいい考えがあるの! ~C・V・Y~", cardText_en: "I have a good idea! ~CVY~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレベル1の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+2000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレベル3の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+3000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレベル4の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+5000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有等级1的<电机>精灵,此牌力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有等级3的<电机>精灵,此牌力量+3000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有等级4的<电机>精灵,此牌力量+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a level 1 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a level 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a level 4 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +5000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') && (signi.level === 1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',2000) } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') && (signi.level === 3); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',3000) } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') && (signi.level === 4); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',5000) } }] }, "303": { "pid": 303, cid: 303, "timestamp": 1419094016051, "wxid": "WX03-030", name: "PICK UP", name_zh_CN: "PICK UP", name_en: "PICK UP", "kana": "ピックアップ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-030.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふうん。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "哼。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "Hmmm. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたと対戦相手は手札をすべて捨て、これにより捨てられたカードの枚数のうち最も大きい数に等しい枚数のカードを引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "双方舍弃所有手牌,之后双方抽因此舍弃张数最多一方数量的牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "You and your opponent discard all cards from your hands, then draw cards equal to the largest number of cards discarded this way." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var len = Math.max(this.player.hands.length,this.player.opponent.hands.length); if (!len) return; this.game.frame(this,function () { this.player.discardCards(this.player.hands); this.player.opponent.discardCards(this.player.opponent.hands); }); this.game.frame(this,function () { this.player.draw(len); this.player.opponent.draw(len); }); } } }, "304": { "pid": 304, cid: 304, "timestamp": 1419094020302, "wxid": "WX03-031", name: "幻獣 ベイア", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 熊", name_en: "Beiar, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウベイア", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-031.jpg", "illust": "なかたかな", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どんどん大きくなっていくのだよ。 ~ベイア~", cardText_zh_CN: "会变得越来越大哦。 ~熊~", cardText_en: "It's going to become bigger and bigger. ~Beiar~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方精灵击溃对方1张生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI crushes one of your opponent's Life Cloth, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '304-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return inArr(event.source,this.player.signis); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたのシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '我方精灵击溃对方1张生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When your SIGNI crushes one of your opponent\'s Life Cloth, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ] }, "305": { "pid": 305, cid: 305, "timestamp": 1419094024212, "wxid": "WX03-032", name: "羅植 カーノ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 花音", name_en: "Kano, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクカーノ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-032.jpg", "illust": "分島花音", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "鳴り止まぬ音楽。その元へ。", cardText_zh_CN: "到那不停歇的音乐身边去。", // ??? cardText_en: "The music will never stop. Until its origin.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、あなたのエナゾーンにカードが置かれるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーが15000以上であるとき、このシグニと対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,我方能量区每放入1张牌,直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量+3000。", "【常】:此牌力量在15000以上时,破坏此牌和对方1只精灵。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, when a card is put into your Ener Zone, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI's power is 15000 or more, banish this SIGNI and one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '305-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.newZone === this.player.enerZone) && (event.oldZone !== this.player.enerZone); }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '305-attached-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (this.power < 15000) return false; if (this.canNotBeBanished) { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return (!signi.canNotBeBanished) && (!signi.isEffectFiltered(this)); }); } return true; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.canNotBeBanished) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis,true); } return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [this,card] : [this]; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } }); add(this,'onPowerUpdate',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'あなたのターンの間、あなたのエナゾーンにカードが置かれるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。', 'このシグニのパワーが15000以上であるとき、このシグニと対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '我方回合中,我方能量区每放入1张牌,直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量+3000。', '此牌力量在15000以上时,破坏此牌和对方1只精灵。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'During your turn, when a card is put into your Ener Zone, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.', 'When this SIGNI\'s power is 15000 or more, banish this SIGNI and one of your opponent\'s SIGNI.' ] }, "306": { "pid": 306, cid: 306, "timestamp": 1419094029276, "wxid": "WX03-033", name: "超損", name_zh_CN: "超损", name_en: "Super Loss", "kana": "チョウゾン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-033.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 4, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さよーーーならー!", cardText_zh_CN: "再——见!", cardText_en: "Good...bye!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー12000以上のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方所有力量12000以上的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 2]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "307": { "pid": 307, cid: 307, "timestamp": 1419094033625, "wxid": "WX03-034", name: "コードアンチ コスタリク", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 哥斯达黎加", name_en: "Code Anti Costaric", "kana": "コードアンチコスタリク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-034.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キレイすぎる球体が大好きなの。 ~コスタリク~", cardText_zh_CN: "很喜欢这些超漂亮的球体。 ~哥斯达黎加~", cardText_en: "I really love perfectly round objects. ~Costaric~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニがトラッシュから場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:此牌从废弃区出场时,直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI comes into play from the trash, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から<古代兵器>のシグニを1枚捨てる。そうした場合、カードを2枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:可以从手牌舍弃1张<古代兵器>精灵牌。之后抽2张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard an SIGNI from your hand. If you do, draw 2 cards." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; this.player.draw(2); }); } } }, "308": { "pid": 308, cid: 308, "timestamp": 1419094040162, "wxid": "WX03-035", name: "コードアンチ メガトロン", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 雁门关", name_en: "Code Anti Megatron", "kana": "コードアンチメガトロン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-035.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち/タカラトミー", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こぉの愚か者めがッ! ~メガトロン~", cardText_zh_CN: "こぉの愚か者めがッ! ~メガトロン~", cardText_en: "You fools! ~Megatron~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】あなたの他の<古代兵器>のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置)将我方1只其他的<古代兵器>精灵放置到废弃区:破坏对方1只等级3以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Put another one of your SIGNI into the trash: Banish one of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('古代兵器') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('古代兵器') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "309": { "pid": 309, cid: 309, "timestamp": 1419094045634, "wxid": "WX03-036", name: "焚発する知識", name_zh_CN: "焚发的知识", name_en: "Overflowing Knowledge", "kana": "フンパツスルチシキ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-036.jpg", "illust": "佐藤卓哉", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "儚き舞うWIXOSS因子。いずれいずこへ。", cardText_zh_CN: "虚幻地飘舞着的WIXOSS因子啊,你们要飞往何处。", cardText_en: "The transient WIXOSS factor dances. Where is it headed to.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを3枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽3张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw three cards." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(3); } } }, "310": { "pid": 310, cid: 310, "timestamp": 1419094049404, "wxid": "WX03-037", name: "未来の福音 アークホールド", name_zh_CN: "未来福音 大天使霍尔德", name_en: "Archold, Gospel of the Future", "kana": "ミライノフクインアークホールド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-037.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おねえちゃん、無敵ってマジ? ~アークホールド~", cardText_zh_CN: "姐姐,无敌状态是真的吗? ~大天使霍尔德~", cardText_en: "Elder sister, is it true that you're undefeated? ~Archold~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<天使>のパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<天使>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<天使>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for an SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "311": { "pid": 311, cid: 311, "timestamp": 1419094054848, "wxid": "WX03-038", name: "苦無 ザンテツ", name_zh_CN: "苦无 斩铁", name_en: "Zantetsu, Kunai", "kana": "クナイザンテツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-038.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "友の力、いかづちの如く。 ~ザンテツ~", cardText_zh_CN: "朋友的力量有如闪电。 ~斩铁~", cardText_en: "Power of allies, like a thunder. ~Zantetsu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての赤のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に赤のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有红色精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有红色精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your red SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a red SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('red')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('red'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "312": { "pid": 312, cid: 312, "timestamp": 1419094059011, "wxid": "WX03-039", name: "罠砲 クレイモア", name_zh_CN: "陷阱炮 阔刀地雷", name_en: "Claymore, Trap Gun", "kana": "ビンホウクレイモア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-039.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぜーんぶ、地雷になっちゃったかな? ~クレイモア~", cardText_zh_CN: "全部都变成地雷了吗? ~阔刀地雷~", cardText_en: "It's all now a landmine? ~Claymore~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<ウェポン>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<武器>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('ウェポン')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<武器>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('ウェポン'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "313": { "pid": 313, cid: 313, "timestamp": 1419094063124, "wxid": "WX03-040", name: "羅石 コランダム", name_zh_CN: "罗石 刚玉", name_en: "Corundum, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキコランダム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-040.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サファイ、ね、私友達できたよ。 ~コランダム~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐,蓝宝石,我交到朋友了。 ~刚玉~", cardText_en: "Hey, Sapphi, I found some friends. ~Corundum~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての緑のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に緑のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有绿色精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有绿色精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your green SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a green SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('green')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('green'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "314": { "pid": 314, cid: 314, "timestamp": 1419094069158, "wxid": "WX03-041", name: "幻水 ヒラメナ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 希拉梅娜", name_en: "Hiramena, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイヒラメナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-041.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よく出来た妹、私は・・・。 ~ヒラメナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "真是能干的妹妹,我呢… ~希拉梅娜~", cardText_en: "You did well sister, I will... ~Hiramena~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<水獣>のパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<水兽>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<水獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<水兽>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('水獣'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "315": { "pid": 315, cid: 315, "timestamp": 1419094075374, "wxid": "WX03-042", name: "コードアート K・E・Y", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 K·E·Y", name_en: "Code Art KEY", "kana": "コードアートキー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-042.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キュッと、閉めた、小さい扉。", cardText_zh_CN: "小小的门猛地一下关上了。", cardText_en: "Creak, opens, a small door.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将对方1只等级2以下的精灵冻结。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Freeze one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI. " ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } } }, "316": { "pid": 316, cid: 316, "timestamp": 1419094080351, "wxid": "WX03-043", name: "ICE BREAK", name_zh_CN: "ICE BREAK", name_en: "ICE BREAK", "kana": "アイスブレイク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-043.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バリィン!", cardText_zh_CN: "啪灵!", cardText_en: "Plink!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只冻结状态的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's frozen SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只精灵横置并冻结。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); } } }, "317": { "pid": 317, cid: 317, "timestamp": 1419094085561, "wxid": "WX03-044", name: "羅植 グラミス", name_zh_CN: "罗植 格拉姆斯玫瑰", name_en: "Glamis, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクグラミス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-044.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どんなときでもお姫様。", cardText_zh_CN: "不管什么时候都是公主大人。", cardText_en: "Always a princess.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<植物>のパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<植物>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('植物')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<植物>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<植物>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('植物'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "318": { "pid": 318, cid: 318, "timestamp": 1419094091234, "wxid": "WX03-045", name: "幻獣 コマリス", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 花栗鼠", name_en: "Komaris, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコマリス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-045.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ビックリの実を持ってきたよ! ~コマリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "我带来吓一跳之果了! ~花栗鼠~", cardText_en: "I brought a surprising fruit! ~Komaris~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } } }, "319": { "pid": 319, cid: 319, "timestamp": 1419094096661, "wxid": "WX03-046", name: "打突", name_zh_CN: "打突", name_en: "Strike Impact", "kana": "ダトツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-046.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貫きの極意、自然に帰す。", cardText_zh_CN: "把贯穿的极意,回归自然。", cardText_en: "The piercing point, naturally it is done.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+5000する。その後、そのシグニのパワーが15000以上である場合、ターン終了時まで、そのシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵力量+5000。之后,只要那只精灵力量在15000以上,那只精灵直到回合结束时为止,获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until the end of the turn, one SIGNI gets +5000 power. Then, if the SIGNI's power is 15000 or more, it gains [Lancer]." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',5000); if (target.power >= 15000) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,target,'lancer',true); } } } }, "320": { "pid": 320, cid: 320, "timestamp": 1419094100794, "wxid": "WX03-047", name: "コードアンチ アステカ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 阿兹特克", name_en: "Code Anti Aztec", "kana": "コードアンチアステカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-047.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お呼びになってぇ・・・?なしてー? ~アステカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "请你呼唤我……?叫我? ~阿兹特克~", cardText_en: "You were calling...? Not anymore? ~Aztec~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方废弃区让1张等级1的<古代兵器>精灵牌出场。回合结束时,将那只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put one level 1 SIGNI into play from your trash. At the end of the turn, put that SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === 1) && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }] }, "321": { "pid": 321, cid: 321, "timestamp": 1419094105576, "wxid": "WX03-048", name: "コードアンチ クリスカル", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 水晶头骨", name_en: "Code Anti Cryskull", "kana": "コードアンチクリスカル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-048.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "透明な髑髏には悠久の嘘が込められている。", cardText_zh_CN: "透明的骷髅里灌输着历史悠久的谎言。", cardText_en: "The transparent skull is filled with an eternal lie.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニがトラッシュから場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:此牌从废弃区出场时,直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量变为5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI is put into play from the trash, this card's power becomes 5000 until end of turn." ], startUpEffects: [{ triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'power',5000); } }] }, "322": { "pid": 322, cid: 322, "timestamp": 1419094110361, "wxid": "WX03-049", name: "セルフ・スラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "自我斩击", name_en: "Self Slash", "kana": "セルフスラッシュ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-049.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶことの苦しみを知る。", cardText_zh_CN: "让你知道选择的痛苦。", cardText_en: "Know the suffering that you choose.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对方破坏自己1只精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent banishes one of their SIGNI." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:对方破坏自己1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Your opponent banishes one of their SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "323": { "pid": 323, cid: 323, "timestamp": 1419094114476, "wxid": "WX03-050", name: "ライヴス・ガット", name_zh_CN: "生命肠线", name_en: "Lives Gut", "kana": "ライヴスガット", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX03/WX03-050.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "終わりの導き。", cardText_zh_CN: "终末的引导。", cardText_en: "Guidance of the end.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add one SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); }, targetCovered: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { target.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将最多2张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add two SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); var max = Math.min(2,cards.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,max).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "324": { "pid": 324, cid: 324, "timestamp": 1419094119205, "wxid": "WD06-001", name: "エルドラ=マークⅣ´", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=Ⅳ'式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark IV'", "kana": "エルドラマークフォーダッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-001.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ジャッジャーン!エルドラゴールデンハンマー! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "锵锵!艾尔德拉黄金大锤! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Tadaa! Eldora Golden Hammer! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフバーストが発動するたび、カードを1枚引く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロスにカード1枚が加えられるたび、あなたは【青】【青】【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方生命爆发每发动一次,抽1张牌。", "【常】:我方生命护甲中每增加1张牌,可以支付(蓝)(蓝)(蓝)。若如此做,破坏对方1只精灵。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time your Life Burst is triggered, draw 1 card.", "[Constant]: Each time a card is added to your Life Cloth, you may pay [Blue][Blue][Blue]. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '324-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onBurstTriggered',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '324-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.newZone === this.player.lifeClothZone) && (event.oldZone !== this.player.lifeClothZone); }, costBlue: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); } }] }, "325": { "pid": 325, cid: 325, "timestamp": 1419094123128, "wxid": "WD06-002", name: "エルドラ=マークⅢ´", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=Ⅲ'式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark III'", "kana": "エルドラマークスリーダッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-002.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ややこしいからたのしいんすよ。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "因为麻烦所以才开心。 ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "It's more fun when it's confusing. ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのライフクロスの上からカードを2枚見る。その後、それらを好きな順番で戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方生命护甲最上方2张牌。之后,将那些牌以任意顺序放回生命护甲最上方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at two cards from the top of your Life Cloth. Then, put them back in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(2); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.lifeClothZone.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); } }] }, "326": { "pid": 326, cid: 326, "timestamp": 1419094127242, "wxid": "WD06-003", name: "エルドラ=マークⅡ´", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=Ⅱ'式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark II'", "kana": "エルドラマークツーダッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-003.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁそういくんですわー! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "那就这样上了! ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Come on let's go! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての青のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有蓝色精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your blue SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('blue')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "327": { "pid": 327, cid: 327, "timestamp": 1419094135170, "wxid": "WD06-004", name: "エルドラ=マークⅠ´", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=Ⅰ'式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark I'", "kana": "エリドラマークワンダッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-004.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんちわっす。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "你好。 ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "Hey there. ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】カードを1枚捨てる:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one card: Draw one card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "328": { "pid": 328, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1419094142053, "wxid": "WD06-005", name: "エルドラ=マーク0", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=0式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark 0", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-005.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を選んだあなたに私は選ばれたんすよ。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我被选中我的你选中了。 ~艾尔德拉~", cardText_en: "You who chose me, I have chosen you. ~Eldora~" }, "329": { "pid": 329, cid: 329, "timestamp": 1419094146318, "wxid": "WD06-006", name: "クロス・クラッシュ・フラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "护甲碎冲", name_en: "Cloth Crush Flash", "kana": "クロスクラッシュフラッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-006.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばっちん!", cardText_zh_CN: "啪叽!", cardText_en: "Bash!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手はライフクロスの一番上を公開する。そのカードが【ライフバースト】を持たない場合、それをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对方展示其生命护甲最上方1张牌。如果那张牌没有持有【※】,将其放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent reveals the top card of their Life Cloth. If the card has no Life Burst, put it into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (card.hasBurst()) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); }); } else { card.trash(); } } } }, "330": { "pid": 330, cid: 330, "timestamp": 1419094153302, "wxid": "WD06-007", name: "サプライズ・ウィズ・ミー", name_zh_CN: "惊喜与我同在", name_en: "Surprise With Me", "kana": "サプライズウィズミー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-007.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ででん!", cardText_zh_CN: "ででん!", cardText_en: "Tada!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロスの上からカードを4枚まで見る。その後、それらを好きな順番で戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看我方生命护甲最上方最多4张牌,之后将那些牌以任意顺序放回生命护甲最上方。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at up to four cards from the top of your Life Cloth. Then, put them back in any order." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(4); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.lifeClothZone.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); } } }, "331": { "pid": 331, cid: 331, "timestamp": 1419094158733, "wxid": "WD06-008", name: "バツ・エニー・アザー", name_zh_CN: "其他一律受罚", name_en: "But Any Other", "kana": "バツエニーアザー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-008.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どばーっ!", cardText_zh_CN: "飞吧!", cardText_en: "Whack!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "数字一つを宣言する。あなたのライフクロスの一番上を公開する。そのカードがあなたの宣言した数字と同じレベルのシグニの場合、このターン、あなたのライフクロスはクラッシュされない。\nターン終了時に、あなたのライフクロスの一番上をトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "宣言1个数字。展示我方生命护甲最上方1张牌。如果那张牌是与你宣言的数字同等级的精灵牌,本回合中,我方生命护甲不会被击溃。 回合结束时,将我方生命护甲最上方1张牌放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Declare a number. Reveal the top card of your Life Cloth. If it is a SIGNI with the same level as the declared number, this turn, your Life Cloth cannot be crushed.\nAt the end of the turn, put the top card of your Life Cloth into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === num)) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'wontBeCrashed',true); } this.player.trashLifeClothWhenTurnEnd(1); }); }); }); } } }, "332": { "pid": 332, cid: 332, "timestamp": 1419094161825, "wxid": "WD06-009", name: "幻水 シィラ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 希拉", name_en: "Scylla, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイシィラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-009.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "初めまして、今そこにいるあなたさん。 ~シィラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "初次见面,现在站在那里的你。 ~希拉~", cardText_en: "Nice to meet you, the person there. ~Scylla~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロスが対戦相手より少ないかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方生命护甲比对方少,我方所有精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have less Life Cloth than your opponent, all of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length < this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards.length; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',1000); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。この方法でチェックゾーンに置かれたカードがエナゾーンに置かれる場合、代わりにそれをトラッシュへ置きあなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):击溃我方1张生命护甲。通过这个方式要将放置于判定区的卡牌放置到能量区时,改为将其放置到废弃区,并将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Crush one of your Life Cloth. If the card that was put into the Check Zone this way is put into the Ener Zone, put that card into your trash instead and add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.crashAsyn(1,{tag: 'crossLifeCloth'}); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽2张牌。之后舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 2 cards. Then, discard 1 card from your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "333": { "pid": 333, cid: 213, "timestamp": 1419094166465, "wxid": "WD06-010", name: "幻水 オクト", name_zh_CN: "幻水 奥科特", name_en: "Octo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイオクト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-010.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "暇だったので。 ~オクト~", cardText_zh_CN: "反正我很闲。 ~奥科特~", cardText_en: "Because I was bored. ~Octo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ] }, "334": { "pid": 334, cid: 334, "timestamp": 1419094171227, "wxid": "WD06-011", name: "幻水 リュウグウ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 龙宫", name_en: "Ryuuguu, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイリュウグウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-011.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "願の奔流はきっと私を浮世につれていってくれるわ。 ~リュウグウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "愿望的奔流肯定能把我带到浮世里去的。 ~龙宫~", cardText_en: "The stream of wishes would bring me to a world beyond. ~Ryuuguu~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのライフクロス1枚を手札に加える。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将我方1张生命护甲加入手牌。若如此做,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Add one of your Life Cloth to your hand. If you do, add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth. " ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.moveTo(this.player.handZone)) return; card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのライフクロスの一番上のカードを手札に加える。そうした場合、手札を1枚ライフクロスに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将我方生命护甲最上方的1张牌加入手牌。若如此做,将1张手牌加入生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add one of your Life Cloth to your hand. If you do, add one card from your hand to your Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.moveTo(this.player.handZone)) return; var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); } } }, "335": { "pid": 335, cid: 335, "timestamp": 1419094174899, "wxid": "WD06-012", name: "幻水 パール", name_zh_CN: "幻水 珍珠", name_en: "Pearl, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイパール", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-012.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたならいいかな。 ~パール~", cardText_zh_CN: "如果是你的话倒是可以。 ~珍珠~", cardText_en: "I would like it if it were you. ~Pearl~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "336": { "pid": 336, cid: 336, "timestamp": 1419094179741, "wxid": "WD06-013", name: "幻水 チョウアン", name_zh_CN: "幻水 萩安", name_en: "Chouan, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイチョウアン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-013.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わーやー!ひきずりださないでー ~チョウアン~", cardText_zh_CN: "哇呀!别把我拖出去 ~萩安~", cardText_en: "Wah no! Don't pull me out! ~Chouan~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】あなたのライフクロス1枚をトラッシュに置く:デッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】将我方1张生命护甲放置到废弃区:将牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] :Put one of your Life Cloth into the trash: Add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (card) { card.trash(); } return Callback.immediately(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }] }, "337": { "pid": 337, cid: 337, "timestamp": 1419094183651, "wxid": "WD06-014", name: "幻水 コザメ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 科塞梅", name_en: "Kozame, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイコザメ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-014.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここはおもったよりいいところね。 ~コザメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "这个地方比预想的好多了。 ~科塞梅~", cardText_en: "This is a better place than I thought. ~Kozame~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<水獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<水兽>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "338": { "pid": 338, cid: 338, "timestamp": 1419094186978, "wxid": "WD06-015", name: "幻水 ウナ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 乌娜", name_en: "Una, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイウナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-015.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ビリビリビリビリビリっ ~ウナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哔哩哔哩哔哩哔哩哔哩。 ~乌娜~", cardText_en: "Bzzt bzzt bzzt ~Una~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのライフクロスの一番上を見る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看我方生命护甲最上方1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); } }] }, "339": { "pid": 339, cid: 51, "timestamp": 1419094190822, "wxid": "WD06-016", name: "サーバント Q", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q", name_en: "Servant Q", "kana": "サーバントキャトル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-016.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "少女たちの戦いは続く。", cardText_zh_CN: "少女们的战斗还在继续。", cardText_en: "The girls' fight continues." }, "340": { "pid": 340, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419094193691, "wxid": "WD06-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "願い、戦い、果てに起こる変化で、幸せになれるのか。", cardText_zh_CN: "许愿、战斗、最后产生的变化真的能带来幸福吗。", cardText_en: "Wishes, battles, after these occurrences, would you still be happy.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ] }, "341": { "pid": 341, cid: 341, "timestamp": 1419094197174, "wxid": "WD06-018", name: "PLUS RUSH", name_zh_CN: "PLUS RUSH", name_en: "PLUS RUSH", "kana": "プラスラッシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD06/WD06-018.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一閃瞬間、永らえる槍のごとく。", cardText_zh_CN: "一闪瞬间,宛如永恒之枪。", cardText_en: "An instant flash, like everlasting spears.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。あなたはそれをトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手はデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。\nあなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看对方生命护甲最上方1张牌。可以将那张牌放置到废弃区。若如此做,对方将其牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。\n我方抽1张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at the top of your opponent's Life Cloth. You may put it into the trash. If you do, your opponent adds the top card of their deck to Life Cloth. \nDraw a card. " ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(1); this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); }).callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから【ライフバースト】を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张持有【※】的精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI with Lifeburst Life Burst, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasBurst(); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "342": { "pid": 342, cid: 342, "timestamp": 1419094203088, "wxid": "WD07-001", name: "フル/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "圆月/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Full/Maiden", "kana": "フルメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-001.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえ、ほら。振り向いてよ。 ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐,哎。回一下头嘛。 ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "Hey, here. Turn around. ~Iona~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に白と黒のシグニがあるかぎり、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵可以进行攻击的话,必须进行攻击。", "【常】:如果我方场上有白色和黑色精灵,对方所有精灵力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if able.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a black and a white SIGNI on the field, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('black'); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('white'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',-2000); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】手札から白のシグニ1枚と黒のシグニ1枚を捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑)从手牌舍弃1张白色精灵牌和1张黑色精灵牌:将对方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black]:Discard a black SIGNI and a white SIGNI from your hand: Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this) && this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "343": { "pid": 343, cid: 343, "timestamp": 1419094208175, "wxid": "WD07-002", name: "ペイル/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "黯月/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Pale/Maiden", "kana": "ペイルメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-002.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたと戦える幸福を。 ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "请赐予我能与你战斗的幸福。 ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "To happiness, as I fight with you. ~Iona~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵可以进行攻击的话,必须进行攻击。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if possible." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):直到回合结束时为止,对方所有精灵力量-2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -2000 power. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',-2000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "344": { "pid": 344, cid: 344, "timestamp": 1419094211498, "wxid": "WD07-003", name: "ハーフ/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "半月/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Half/Maidenf", "kana": "ハーフメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-003.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごうごう。", cardText_zh_CN: "好嘈吵。", cardText_en: "Rumbles.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に白と黒のシグニがあるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵可以进行攻击的话,必须进行攻击。", "【常】:如果我方场上有白色和黑色精灵,我方所有精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if able.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a black and a white SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('black'); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('white'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',1000); },this); } }] }, "345": { "pid": 345, cid: 345, "timestamp": 1419094215481, "wxid": "WD07-004", name: "クレセント/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "残月/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Crescent/Maiden", "kana": "クレセントメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 1, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-004.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "願いの戦いは終わらない。終わらせない。", cardText_zh_CN: "愿望的战争是不会终止的。我也不会让它终止。", cardText_en: "The battle for wishes will never end. I won't let it end.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵可以进行攻击的话,必须进行攻击。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if able." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } }] }, "346": { "pid": 346, cid: 346, "timestamp": 1419094220259, "wxid": "WD07-005", name: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "朔月/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Zero/Maiden", "kana": "ゼロメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-005.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、あなたの願いは? ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "那么,你的愿望是什么呢? ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "Well, your wish is? ~Iona~" }, "347": { "pid": 347, cid: 347, "timestamp": 1419094223275, "wxid": "WD07-006", name: "グレイブ・ナイト", name_zh_CN: "墓地之夜", name_en: "Grave Night", "kana": "グレイブナイト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-006.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "切り裂いた次元、遣われた時間。", cardText_zh_CN: "被斩开的次元,被花费掉的时间。", cardText_en: "The torn dimension, the given time.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからレベルの異なるシグニを3枚まで探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找最多3张等级不同的精灵牌并放置到废弃区。之后洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to three SIGNI with different levels and put them into the trash. Then shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var signis = []; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.level !== card.level; }); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SEEK',cards,0,1,false,this.player.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) { done = true; return; } signis.push(cards[0]); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(signis); this.player.shuffle(); }); } } }, "348": { "pid": 348, cid: 348, "timestamp": 1419094228045, "wxid": "WD07-007", name: "ブラック・クライシス", name_zh_CN: "黑色危机", name_en: "Black Crisis", "kana": "ブラッククライシス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-007.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すべての地獄に次ぐ、魂の救済を。", cardText_zh_CN: "让灵魂的救济接续在所有的地狱之后吧。", cardText_en: "A command to every hell, for the rescue of a soul.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを4枚トラッシュに置く。その中に黒のカードがある場合、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。その中に白のカードがある場合、あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组顶将4张牌放置到废弃区。那其中如果有黑色牌,从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌。那其中如果有白色牌,从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top four cards of your deck into the trash. If there is a black card, add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand. If there is a white card, search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(4); if (!cards.length) return; var flagBlack = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('black'); },this); var flagWhite = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (flagBlack) { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }).callback(this,function () { if (flagWhite) { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); } return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); } } }, "349": { "pid": 349, cid: 349, "timestamp": 1419094231922, "wxid": "WD07-008", name: "デス・ビーム", name_zh_CN: "死亡光束", name_en: "Death Beam", "kana": "デスビーム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-008.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "くらいな・・・。 ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "接招吧…。 ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "Dark isn't it... ~Iona~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "350": { "pid": 350, cid: 350, "timestamp": 1419094235956, "wxid": "WD07-009", name: "コードメイズ 金字塔", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 金字塔", name_en: "Code Maze Pyramid", "kana": "コードメイズピラミッド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-009.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やあ、あたらしい世界へようこそ! ~金字塔~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊,欢迎来到新世界! ~金字塔~", cardText_en: "Hey, welcome to a new world! ~Pyramid~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手がシグニを配置する場合、可能ならばこのシグニの正面に配置しなければならない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方配置精灵时,可以配置到此牌正前方的话,必须配置到此牌正前方。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent places a SIGNI, it has to be placed in front of this SIGNI if possible." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'forceSummonZone',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:デッキの上からカードを3枚見る。その中から白または黒のシグニ1枚を公開して手札に加える。その後、残りのカードを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):查看我方牌组顶3张牌。将其中1张黑色或白色精灵牌展示后加入手牌。之后,将剩下的牌以任意顺序放回牌组顶。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Look at the top three cards of your deck. Reveal one black or white SIGNI from among them and add it to your hand. Then, return the remaining cards to the top of your deck in any order." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && ((card.hasColor('black')) || (card.hasColor('white'))); },this); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!targets.length) return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([]); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',targets,0,1,false,cards).callback(this,function (cards_add) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_add).callback(this,function () { var card = cards_add[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから黒のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张黑色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a black SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "351": { "pid": 351, cid: 351, "timestamp": 1419094239846, "wxid": "WD07-010", name: "コードメイズ バベル", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 巴贝尔", name_en: "Code Maze Babel", "kana": "コードメイズバベル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-010.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "人が作りし精械、迷宮の名を冠す。", cardText_zh_CN: "人所作之精械,冠以迷宫之名。", cardText_en: "The man-made Machine Spirits, crowned with the name Labyrinth.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手がシグニを配置する場合、可能ならばこのシグニの正面に配置しなければならない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方配置精灵时,可以配置到此牌正前方的话,必须配置到此牌正前方。 " ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent places a SIGNI, it has to be placed in front of this SIGNI if possible." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'forceSummonZone',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の黒のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):从我方牌组中找1张等级3以下的黑色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] :Discard one card from your hand Down: Search your deck for a level 3 or less black SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasColor('black')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "352": { "pid": 352, cid: 352, "timestamp": 1419094245358, "wxid": "WD07-011", name: "コードメイズ 凱旋", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 凯旋", name_en: "Code Maze Triumph", "kana": "コードメイズガイセン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-011.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スットレート! ~凱旋~", cardText_zh_CN: "直拳~! ~凯旋~", cardText_en: "Straight! ~Triumph~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手がシグニを配置する場合、可能ならばこのシグニの正面に配置しなければならない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方配置精灵时,可以配置到此牌正前方的话,必须配置到此牌正前方。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent places a SIGNI, it has to be placed in front of this SIGNI if possible." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'forceSummonZone',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札を1枚捨てる【ダウン】:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃1张手牌(横置):从我方牌组中找1张等级2以下的黑色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard a card from your hand [Down]: Search your deck for a level 2 or less black SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasColor('black')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "353": { "pid": 353, cid: 353, "timestamp": 1419094249364, "wxid": "WD07-012", name: "コードアンチ ヴィマナ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 维摩那", name_en: "Code Anti Vimana", "kana": "コードアンチヴィマナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-012.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰かが作りし精械、古代兵器の名を冠す。", cardText_zh_CN: "不知何人所作之精械,冠以古代兵器之名。", cardText_en: " A machine which was crafted by the hands of man, it now takes on the name of Ancient Weapon.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニがアタックしたとき、そのシグニのパワーがそのシグニの正面にあるシグニのパワーより低い場合、アタックしたシグニをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵进行攻击时,如果那只精灵力量比其正前方精灵力量低的话,破坏进行攻击的精灵。 " ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent's SIGNI attacks, if the SIGNI's power is lower than the power of the SIGNI in front of it, banish the SIGNI that attacked. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '353-const-0', // triggerCondition: function (event) { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; // return true; // }, condition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var card = event.card; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; var opposingSigni = card.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return false; return (card.power < opposingSigni.power); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!inArr(event.card,event.card.player.signis)) return; return event.card.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからレベルの異なる<古代兵器>のシグニ4枚をデッキの一番下に好きな順番で戻す。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区将4张等级不同的<古代兵器>精灵牌以任意顺序放回牌组底。若如此做,直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-10000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Put four SIGNI with different levels in your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = false; var levels = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return; levels.push(card.level); }); if (levels.length < 4) return; levels.length = 0; var signis = []; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && (!inArr(card.level,levels)); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) { done = true; return; } signis.push(signi); levels.push(signi.level); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (signis.length !== 4) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',signis,4,4,true).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck); this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); if (cards.length !== 4) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } } }, "354": { "pid": 354, cid: 354, "timestamp": 1419094252803, "wxid": "WD07-013", name: "コードアンチ アイアン", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 铁处女", name_en: "Code Anti Iron", "kana": "コードアンチアイアン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-013.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いたいいたい。苦しみの時間。", cardText_zh_CN: "好疼好疼。痛苦的时间。", cardText_en: "Time for some pain, and suffering.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<古代兵器>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<古代兵器>精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "355": { "pid": 355, cid: 355, "timestamp": 1419094257958, "wxid": "WD07-014", name: "コードアンチ モア", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 摩艾", name_en: "Code Anti Moa", "kana": "コードアンチモア", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-014.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "不可視の現実、謎の芸。", cardText_zh_CN: "看不到的现实,谜一般的艺术。", cardText_en: "An invisible reality, a mysterious art.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<古代兵器>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<古代兵器>精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "356": { "pid": 356, cid: 356, "timestamp": 1419094262773, "wxid": "WD07-015", name: "コードアンチ クレイ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 土偶", name_en: "Code Anti Clay", "kana": "コードアンチクレイ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-015.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "命を込めた土人形、私、ドグウってんだね! ~クレイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "被注入生命的泥土人偶,我就叫做土偶吧! ~土偶~", cardText_en: "The clay doll full of life, it is I, Dogū! ~Clay~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<古代兵器>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<古代兵器>精灵,此牌力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "357": { "pid": 357, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1419094266684, "wxid": "WD07-016", name: "サーバント Q2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2", name_en: "Servant Q2", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-016.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "この盾では護りきれないものも、ある。", cardText_zh_CN: "就算是这面盾也仍有无法守护的东西。", cardText_en: " There are things that this shield can't protect too." }, "358": { "pid": 358, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1419094270690, "wxid": "WD07-017", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-017.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ちからの限り、守ります。", cardText_zh_CN: "尽一切全力守护你。", cardText_en: " I'll protect you to the best of my strength." }, "359": { "pid": 359, cid: 359, "timestamp": 1419094275857, "wxid": "WD07-018", name: "スラッシュ・ミラクル", name_zh_CN: "斩击奇迹", name_en: "Slash Miracle", "kana": "スラッシュミラクル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD07/WD07-018.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これで、きっと。", cardText_zh_CN: "这样一定能。", cardText_en: "Now, I'm sure.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "どちらか1つを選ぶ。「あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」「ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。」", "あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "选择其中1项。「从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。」「直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-8000。」", "从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。", "直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-8000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one.「Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.」「Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power.」", "Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.", "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power." ], spellEffect : [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); } return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ // actionAsyn: function () { // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); // }); // } getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',-8000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」「あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」", "あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。「从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。」「从我方废弃区让1张黑色精灵牌出场。」", "从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。", "从我方废弃区让1张黑色精灵牌出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one. \n\"Search your deck for 1 white SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then shuffle your deck.\"\n\"Put 1 black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\"", "Search your deck for 1 white SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then shuffle your deck.", "Put 1 black SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '359-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } },{ source: this, description: '359-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "360": { "pid": 360, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094282208, "wxid": "PR-001", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-001.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いこっ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "いこっ! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Let's go! ~Tama~" }, "361": { "pid": 361, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419094285495, "wxid": "PR-002", name: "花代・零 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero(カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-002.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここからだね。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "ここからだね。 ~花代~", cardText_en: "From here on out, huh. ~Hanayo~" }, "362": { "pid": 362, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419094289575, "wxid": "PR-003", name: "コード・ピルルク (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_en: "Code Piruluk(カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-003.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・・・・。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "・・・・・・。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: " ......... ~Piruluk~" }, "363": { "pid": 363, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419094293510, "wxid": "PR-004", name: "闘娘 緑姫 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬 (カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl(カードゲーマーvol.15 付録)", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-004.jpg", "illust": "POP", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ボクは、キミのルリグ。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "ボクは、キミのルリグ。 ~緑姫~", cardText_en: "I am your LRIG. ~Midoriko~" }, "364": { "pid": 364, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094298027, "wxid": "PR-005", name: "タマ (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "小玉 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_en: "Tama(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", "kana": "タマ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "365": { "pid": 365, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419094302188, "wxid": "PR-006", name: "花代 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "花代 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_en: "Hanayo(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-006.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "366": { "pid": 366, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419094305089, "wxid": "PR-007", name: "ピルルク (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "皮璐璐可 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_en: "Piruluk(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", "kana": "ピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-007.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "367": { "pid": 367, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419094309925, "wxid": "PR-008", name: "緑子 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "绿子 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", name_en: "Midoriko(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーン)", "kana": "ミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-008.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "368": { "pid": 368, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094314742, "wxid": "PR-009", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko(WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-009.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Tama~" }, "369": { "pid": 369, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419094320410, "wxid": "PR-010", name: "花代・零 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero(WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-010.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Hanayo~" }, "370": { "pid": 370, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419094325268, "wxid": "PR-011", name: "コード・ピルルク (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Code Piruluk(WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-011.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: "――Open. ~Piruluk~" }, "371": { "pid": 371, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419094328881, "wxid": "PR-012", name: "闘娘 緑姫 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl(WIXOSS関連商品1000円毎購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-012.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_en: " Open! ~Midoriko~" }, "372": { "pid": 372, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094333165, "wxid": "PR-013", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko(ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-013.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Tama~" }, "373": { "pid": 373, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419094338422, "wxid": "PR-014", name: "花代・零 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-014.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_en: " Open! ~Hanayo~" }, "374": { "pid": 374, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419094341339, "wxid": "PR-015", name: "コード・ピルルク (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_en: "Code Piruluk (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-015.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: "――Open. ~Piruluk~" }, "375": { "pid": 375, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419094345317, "wxid": "PR-016", name: "闘娘 緑姫 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬 (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl (ニコニコ超会議3購入特典&ティーチング参加賞)", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-016.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Midoriko~" }, "376": { "pid": 376, cid: 376, "timestamp": 1419094349388, "wxid": "PR-017", name: "中槍 ハスタル (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_zh_CN: "中枪 古罗马长矛 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_en: "Hastall, Medium Spear (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", "kana": "チュウソウハスタル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-017.jpg", "illust": "F.S", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "禁忌の愛こそ貫きの極意。", cardText_zh_CN: "禁忌的爱才是贯穿的极意。", cardText_en: "The deepest secret of a piercing taboo love.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレベル4の<タマ>がいるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有等级4的<小玉>,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a level 4 on the field, this SIGNI's power is 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.hasClass('タマ') && (this.player.lrig.level === 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "377": { "pid": 377, cid: 377, "timestamp": 1419094353542, "wxid": "PR-018", name: "羅石 ミスリル (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 秘银 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_en: "Mithril, Natural Stone (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", "kana": "ラセキミスリル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-018.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラ光る、堅すぎる結晶。", cardText_zh_CN: "闪闪发光、过于坚硬的结晶。", cardText_en: "Sparkling and shining, an extremely solid crystal.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,此牌力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:舍弃我方1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Discard one card from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "378": { "pid": 378, cid: 378, "timestamp": 1419094358181, "wxid": "PR-019", name: "TREASURE (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_zh_CN: "TREASURE (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_en: "TREASURE (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", "kana": "トレジャー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-019.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みつけたぁ!", cardText_zh_CN: "找到了!", cardText_en: "Found it!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "手札を好きな枚数捨てる。その後、捨てた枚数に1を加えた枚数のカードを引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "舍弃我方任意张数的手牌。之后,抽舍弃张数+1数量的牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard any number of cards from your hand. Then, draw cards equal to the number of cards you discarded plus 1." ], spellEffect : { actionAsyn: function () { var hands = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,0).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); this.player.draw(cards.length+1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを2枚捨てる。その後、カードを3枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:舍弃2张手牌。之后抽3张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard two cards. Then, draw three cards." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(2).callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(3); }); } } }, "379": { "pid": 379, cid: 379, "timestamp": 1419094363273, "wxid": "PR-020", name: "増援 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_zh_CN: "增援 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", name_en: "Reinforcement (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol1)", "kana": "ゾウエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-020.jpg", "illust": "クマハシリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キレイな花、届け思いッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "漂亮的花朵,传达我的想法吧!", cardText_en: "Convey my feelings, beautiful flowers!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。「あなたのデッキからパワー10000以上のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」「あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。」", "あなたのデッキからパワー10000以上のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。「从我方牌组中找1张力量10000以上的精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。」「将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区。」", "从我方牌组中找1张力量10000以上的精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。", "将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one of these two effects.\"Search your deck for a SIGNI with power 10000 or more, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.\" \"Put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"", "Search your deck for a SIGNI with power 10000 or more, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.", "Put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect : [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.power >= 10000); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }] }, "380": { "pid": 380, cid: 380, "timestamp": 1419094366842, "wxid": "PR-021", name: "烈覇一絡 (WIXOSS PARTY 4-6月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "烈霸一络 (WIXOSS PARTY 4-6月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Dominating Fury (WIXOSS PARTY 4-6月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "レッパイチラク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-021.jpg", "illust": "wogura", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そんなカロリー、つかって大丈夫?", cardText_zh_CN: "使用那种卡路里真的没关系吗?", cardText_en: " Is it OK to use this many resources?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "381": { "pid": 381, cid: 111, "timestamp": 1419094371109, "wxid": "PR-022", name: "バロック・ディフェンス (WIXOSS PARTY 7-8月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "巴洛克防御 (WIXOSS PARTY 7-8月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Baroque Defense (WIXOSS PARTY 7-8月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "バロックディフェンス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-022.jpg", "illust": "いわさきまさかず", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ト・マ・レ", cardText_zh_CN: "ト・マ・レ", cardText_en: "S-T-O-P" }, "382": { "pid": 382, cid: 376, "timestamp": 1419094376220, "wxid": "PR-026", name: "中槍 ハスタル (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "中枪 古罗马长矛 (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_en: "Hastall, Medium Spear (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", "kana": "チュウソウハスタル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-026.jpg", "illust": "F.S", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "禁忌の愛こそ貫きの極意。", cardText_zh_CN: "禁忌的爱才是贯穿的极意。", cardText_en: "The deepest secret of a piercing taboo love." }, "383": { "pid": 383, cid: 377, "timestamp": 1419094381702, "wxid": "PR-027", name: "羅石 ミスリル (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 秘银 (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_en: "Mithril, Natural Stone (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", "kana": "ラセキミスリル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-027.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラ光る、堅すぎる結晶。", cardText_zh_CN: "闪闪发光、过于坚硬的结晶。", cardText_en: "Sparkling and shining, an extremely solid crystal." }, "384": { "pid": 384, cid: 378, "timestamp": 1419094386354, "wxid": "PR-028", name: "TREASURE (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "TREASURE (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_en: "TREASURE (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", "kana": "トレジャー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-028.jpg", "illust": "Morechand", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みつけたぁ!", cardText_zh_CN: "找到了!", cardText_en: "Found it!" }, "385": { "pid": 385, cid: 379, "timestamp": 1419094390509, "wxid": "PR-029", name: "増援 (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "增援 (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", name_en: "Reinforcement (WIXOSSポイント引換 4-6月度)", "kana": "ゾウエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-029.jpg", "illust": "クマハシリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キレイな花、届け思いッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "漂亮的花朵,传达我的想法吧!", cardText_en: "Convey my feelings, beautiful flowers!" }, "386": { "pid": 386, cid: 386, "timestamp": 1419094394887, "wxid": "PR-030", name: "ゲット・インデックス (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_zh_CN: "获得目录 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_en: "Get Index (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", "kana": "ゲットインデックス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-030.jpg", "illust": "Nardack", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少しの犠牲はおおいなる発展へ昇華する。", cardText_zh_CN: "少许的牺牲会升华成更大的发展。", cardText_en: "A small sacrifice is required to make a big progress.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1体を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方一只精灵。之后从我方牌组里找1张白色精灵卡,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for a white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect : { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "387": { "pid": 387, cid: 387, "timestamp": 1419094399278, "wxid": "PR-031", name: "硝煙の気焔 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_zh_CN: "硝烟气焰 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_en: "Gun Smoke Flame Aura (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", "kana": "ショウエンノキエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-031.jpg", "illust": "重戦車工房", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッゴオオオン!", cardText_zh_CN: "BACOOON!", cardText_en: "BACOOON!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方1只精灵。之后破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, banish a SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], spellEffect : { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power > 10000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "388": { "pid": 388, cid: 388, "timestamp": 1419094404742, "wxid": "PR-032", name: "コードアート M・G・T (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 M•G•T (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_en: "Code Art MGT (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", "kana": "コードアートマグネット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-032.jpg", "illust": "なかたかな/J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "装填して放つ、一撃の魅力! ~M・G・T~", cardText_zh_CN: "装填后再释放,这就是一击之魅力!~M·G·T~", cardText_en: "Charge and blast, the beauty of a single attack! ~MGT~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<電機>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方废弃区将1张等级1的<电机>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add one level 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === 1) && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<電機>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区找1张<电机>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add one SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "389": { "pid": 389, cid: 389, "timestamp": 1419094407930, "wxid": "PR-033", name: "羅植 ローザリ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 玫瑰 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_en: "Rosary, Natural Plant (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", "kana": "ラショクローザリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-033.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほら次々に魅了してしまうの。 ~ローザリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "看吧,一个个都被我给迷住了。 ~玫瑰~", cardText_en: "See, they are all being charmed. ~Rosary~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキからレベル2の<植物>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):从我方牌组中找1张等级2的<植物>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Search your deck for up to one level 2 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === 2) && card.hasClass('植物'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "390": { "pid": 390, cid: 390, "timestamp": 1419094411758, "wxid": "PR-034", name: "墓守の小悪 アルマ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_zh_CN: "守墓小恶 阿尔玛 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", name_en: "Alma, Lesser Sin of Gravekeepers (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol2)", "kana": "ハカモリノコアクアルマ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-034.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえねえ、出口と思ったのに。 ~アルマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐呐,我还以为是出口。 ~阿尔玛~", cardText_en: "Hey wait, I thought this was an exit. ~Alma~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカードが5枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+2000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレベル4の<ウリス>がいる場合、代わりにこのシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方废弃区的牌有5张以上,此牌力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有等级4的<乌莉丝>,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 5 or more cards in your trash, this SIGNI gets +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a level 4 on your field, this SIGNI's power is 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.length >= 5; }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',2000); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.hasClass('ウリス') && (this.player.lrig.level === 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "391": { "pid": 391, cid: 386, "timestamp": 1419094415776, "wxid": "PR-035", name: "ゲット・インデックス (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_zh_CN: "获得目录 (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_en: "Get Index (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", "kana": "ゲットインデックス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-035.jpg", "illust": "Nardack", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少しの犠牲はおおいなる発展へ昇華する。", cardText_zh_CN: "少许的牺牲会升华成更大的发展。", cardText_en: "A small sacrifice is required to make a big progress." }, "392": { "pid": 392, cid: 387, "timestamp": 1419094419054, "wxid": "PR-036", name: "硝煙の気焔 (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_zh_CN: "硝烟气焰 (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_en: "Gun Smoke Flame Aura (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", "kana": "ショウエンノキエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-036.jpg", "illust": "重戦車工房", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッゴオオオン!", cardText_zh_CN: "BACOOON!", cardText_en: "BACOOON!" }, "393": { "pid": 393, cid: 388, "timestamp": 1419094424023, "wxid": "PR-037", name: "コードアート M・G・T (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 M•G•T (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_en: "Code Art MGT (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", "kana": "コードアートマグネット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-037.jpg", "illust": "なかたかな/J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "装填して放つ、一撃の魅力! ~M・G・T~", cardText_zh_CN: "装填后再释放,这就是一击之魅力!~M·G·T~", cardText_en: "Charge and blast, the beauty of a single attack! ~MGT~" }, "394": { "pid": 394, cid: 389, "timestamp": 1419094431180, "wxid": "PR-038", name: "羅植 ローザリ (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 玫瑰 (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_en: "Rosary, Natural Plant (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", "kana": "ラショクローザリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-038.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほら次々に魅了してしまうの。 ~ローザリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "看吧,一个个都被我给迷住了。 ~玫瑰~", cardText_en: "See, they are all being charmed. ~Rosary~" }, "395": { "pid": 395, cid: 390, "timestamp": 1419094435992, "wxid": "PR-039", name: "墓守の小悪 アルマ (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_zh_CN: "守墓小恶 阿尔玛 (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", name_en: "Alma, Lesser Sin of Gravekeepers (WIXOSSポイント引換 7-8月度)", "kana": "ハカモリノコアクアルマ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-039.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえねえ、出口と思ったのに。 ~アルマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呐呐,我还以为是出口。 ~阿尔玛~", cardText_en: "Hey wait, I thought this was an exit. ~Alma~" }, "396": { "pid": 396, cid: 396, "timestamp": 1419094441196, "wxid": "PR-040", name: "ゼノ・マルチプル (カードゲーマーvol.16 付録)", name_zh_CN: "杰诺·多重 (カードゲーマーvol.16 付録)", name_en: "Xeno Multiple (カードゲーマーvol.16 付録)", "kana": "ゼノマルチプル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-040.jpg", "illust": "西E田", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "白き霹靂、何事にも臆せず。", cardText_zh_CN: "白色的霹雳不会惧怕任何东西。", cardText_en: " White thunder, without any hesitation.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。「対戦相手のルリグ1体はこのターン、アタックできない。」「対戦相手のシグニすべてを凍結する。」「対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。」「カードを2枚引く。」", "対戦相手のルリグ1体はこのターン、アタックできない。", "対戦相手のシグニすべてを凍結する。", "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "カードを2枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下4项中选择最多2项。 「对方的1只分身在这个回合中不能攻击。」 「将对方所有精灵冻结。」 「将对方1只精灵返回手牌。」 「抽2张牌。」", "对方的1只分身在这个回合中不能攻击。", "将对方所有精灵冻结。", "将对方1只精灵返回手牌。", "抽2张牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 2 of these 4 effects. \"Your opponent's LRIG cannot attack this turn.\" \"Freeze all of your opponent's SIGNI.\" \"Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.\" \"Draw two cards.\"", "Your opponent's LRIG cannot attack this turn.", "Freeze all of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.", "Draw two cards." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'lrigAttackBanned',true); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { signi.freeze(); },this); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "397": { "pid": 397, cid: 397, "timestamp": 1419094444420, "wxid": "PR-041", name: "エルドラ×マーク0 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉0 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Eldora×Mark 0 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-041.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どーも どーも、初めましてセレクターさん!", cardText_zh_CN: "どーも どーも、初めましてセレクターさん!", cardText_en: "Very very nice to meet you, Selector-san!" }, "398": { "pid": 398, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1419094451081, "wxid": "PR-042", name: "遊月・零 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "游月·零 (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero (WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-042.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・初めまして、セレクター。", cardText_zh_CN: "……初次见面,SELECTOR。", cardText_en: " ...Nice to meet you, selector." }, "399": { "pid": 399, cid: 147, "timestamp": 1419094456223, "wxid": "PR-043", name: "ドロー・ツー (ウルトラジャンプ8月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "双重抽卡 (ウルトラジャンプ8月号 付録)", name_en: "Draw Two (ウルトラジャンプ8月号 付録)", "kana": "ドローツー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-043.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "願いを見るピルルクの目に燈る、わずかな希望。", cardText_zh_CN: "願いを見るピルルクの目に燈る、わずかな希望。", cardText_en: "As she saw the wish, Piruluk's eyes lit up as they saw a glimmer of hope." }, "400": { "pid": 400, cid: 400, "timestamp": 1419094463715, "wxid": "PR-044", name: "アンシエント・サプライズ (カードゲーマーvol.17 付録)", name_zh_CN: "远古惊叹 (カードゲーマーvol.17 付録)", name_en: "Ancient Surprise (カードゲーマーvol.17 付録)", "kana": "アンシエントサプライズ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-044.jpg", "illust": "空中幼彩", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "偉大なる書物、古の事実、ヌシに理解し得るか? ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "偉大なる書物、古の事実、ヌシに理解し得るか? ~ウムル~", cardText_en: "A grand compendium, of historic occurrences, do you understand? ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下3つから1つを選ぶ。「すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを7枚トラッシュに置く。」「あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」「あなたのトラッシュにカードが10枚以上ある場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-5000する。20枚以上ある場合、代わりに、ターン終了時まで対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-8000する。」", "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを7枚トラッシュに置く。", "あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", "あなたのトラッシュにカードが10枚以上ある場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-5000する。20枚以上ある場合、代わりに、ターン終了時まで対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-8000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下3项中选择1项。「所有的玩家将卡组顶的7张卡放置到废弃区。」「从你的废弃区让1张等级3以下的<古代兵器>的SIGNI出场。」「你的废弃区里的卡片有10张以上的场合,直到回合结束时为止,对战对手所有的SIGNI的力量-5000。有20张以上的场合,改为直到回合结束时为止对战对手所有的SIGNI的力量-8000。」", "所有的玩家将卡组顶的7张卡放置到废弃区。", "从你的废弃区让1张等级3以下的<古代兵器>的SIGNI出场", "你的废弃区里的卡片有10张以上的场合,直到回合结束时为止,对战对手所有的SIGNI的力量-5000。有20张以上的场合,改为直到回合结束时为止对战对手所有的SIGNI的力量-8000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 3: \"All players put the top 7 cards of their deck into the trash.\" \"Put a level 3 or lower SIGNI onto the field from your trash.\" \"If there are 10 or more cards in your trash, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -5000 power. If there are 20 or more cards in your trash, instead, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -8000 power.\"", "All players put the top 7 cards of their deck into the trash.", "Put a level 3 or lower SIGNI onto the field from your trash.", "If there are 10 or more cards in your trash, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -5000 power. If there are 20 or more cards in your trash, instead, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -8000 power." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(7),this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(7)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.trashZone.cards.length; if (count < 10) return; var value = (count < 20)? -5000 : -8000; this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',value); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "401": { "pid": 401, cid: 401, "timestamp": 1419094071182, "wxid": "PR-046", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・ナイト (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆·夜 (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_en: "星占の巫女 Remember Night, Star-Reading Miko (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバナイト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-046.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この勝負、私たちの勝利です。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "この勝負、私たちの勝利です。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_en: "This game is our victory. ~Remember~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のルリグの【起動能力】を使用するためのコストは【無×1】増える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在对战对手使用的LRIG的【起】费用中增加无1。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost for using the [Action] effects of the opponent's LRIG is increased by [Colorless]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { add(this.player.opponent.lrig,'attachedCostColorless',1); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【無】【無】手札から白または青のシグニを1枚捨てる:シグニ1体を凍結する。", "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】无2+从手牌将1张白色或蓝色SIGNI卡舍弃:将1只SIGNI冻结。", "【起】横置:将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Colorless] [Colorless] Discard a white or blue SIGNI from your hand: Freeze a SIGNI.", "[Action] [Down]: Banish one of your opponent's frozen SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costColorless: 2, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('blue'))); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('blue'))); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } },{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "402": { "pid": 402, cid: 402, "timestamp": 1419094075202, "wxid": "PR-047", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・ドウン (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆·晓 (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_en: "Remember Dawn, Star-Reading Miko (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバドウン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-047.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見えました。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "見えました。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_en: "I saw it. ~Remember~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI冻结。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }] }, "403": { "pid": 403, cid: 403, "timestamp": 1419094080390, "wxid": "PR-048", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・ヌーン (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆·午 (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_en: "Remember Noon, Star-Reading Miko (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバヌーン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-048.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごっ、ごめんなさぁ~い。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "ごっ、ごめんなさぁ~い。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_en: "I, I am very sorry. ~Remember~" }, "404": { "pid": 404, cid: 404, "timestamp": 1419094086197, "wxid": "PR-049", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・モーニ (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆·晨 (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_en: "Remember Morni, Star-Reading Miko (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバモーニ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-049.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "では、バトル、始めましょう! ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "では、バトル、始めましょう! ~リメンバ~", cardText_en: "Then, let's start the battle! ~Remember~" }, "405": { "pid": 405, cid: 405, "timestamp": 1419094091234, "wxid": "PR-050", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆 (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", name_en: "Remember, Star-Reading Miko (ウルトラジャンプ9月号 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-050.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "悪い相が、見えてますよ! ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "悪い相が、見えてますよ! ~リメンバ~", cardText_en: "It's today's lucky item! ~Remember~" }, "406": { "pid": 406, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1419094096176, "wxid": "PR-051", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル (コミックマーケットC86 購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL (コミックマーケットC86 購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Umuru=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation (コミックマーケットC86 購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-051.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなところで。やぁ、我が主よ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "こんなところで。やぁ、我が主よ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_en: "At a place like this. Hey, my master. ~Umuru~" }, "407": { "pid": 407, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1419094101176, "wxid": "PR-052", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル (8月度WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL (8月度WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", name_en: "Umuru=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation (8月度WIXOSS関連商品1000円以上購入キャンペーン)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-052.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やぁ、我が主よ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "やぁ、我が主よ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_en: "Hey, my master. ~Umuru~", }, "408": { "pid": 408, cid: 408, "timestamp": 1419094106605, "wxid": "PR-053", name: "烈情の割裂 (WIXOSSカード大全 付録)", name_zh_CN: "烈情割裂 (WIXOSSカード大全 付録)", name_en: "Fracturing Lust (WIXOSSカード大全 付録)", "kana": "レツジョウノカツレツ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-053.jpg", "illust": "ジョンディー", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごうごう、新しき赤の力。", cardText_zh_CN: "ごうごう、新しき赤の力。", cardText_en: "Burn burn, a new strength of the flames.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のエナゾーンのカードが4枚になるように、エナゾーンからカードをトラッシュに置く。(エナゾーンのカードが4枚以下のプレイヤーは、この効果の影響を受けない)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "为了让自己的能量区的卡片变成4张,所有的玩家从能量区将卡片放置到废弃区。(能量区的卡片在4张以下的玩家不受这个效果的影响)" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Each player puts cards in their Ener Zone into their trash until they have 4 cards in their Ener Zone. (Players with 4 or less cards in their Ener Zone are not affected by this effect)" ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; var n = cards.length - 4; if (n <= 0) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; var n = cards.length - 4; if (n <= 0) return; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "409": { "pid": 409, cid: 409, "timestamp": 1419094115150, "wxid": "PR-057", name: "デス・ブーケトス (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "死亡婚礼抛花 (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", name_en: "Death Bouquet Toss (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", "kana": "デスブーケトス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-057.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふふっ、アナタに不幸のお裾分けよ", cardText_zh_CN: "ふふっ、アナタに不幸のお裾分けよ", cardText_en: "Fufu, I shall share this misfortune with you", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたがリフレッシュをしたとき、それがこのターンであなたの最初のリフレッシュである場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你进行卡组重构时,那是这个回合中你第一次进行卡组重构的场合,将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, when you have refreshed, if it is your first refresh this turn, crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '409-arts-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.rebuildCount === 1); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onRebuild',effect); } }); } } }, "410": { "pid": 410, cid: 25, "timestamp": 1419094122254, "wxid": "PR-058", name: "サルベージ (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "营救 (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", name_en: "Salvage (ビッグガンガン10月号 付録)", "kana": "サルベージ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-058.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "朽ちたる魂よ、我が揺り籠にお戻りなさい", cardText_zh_CN: "朽ちたる魂よ、我が揺り籠にお戻りなさい", cardText_en: "Dear decayed spirit, please return to my cradle" }, "411": { "pid": 411, cid: 411, "timestamp": 1419094127180, "wxid": "WX04-001", name: "紅蓮の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "红莲之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Vermilion Miko", "kana": "グレンノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-001.jpg", "illust": "タイキ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新しい力、それは…。", cardText_zh_CN: "新的力量,那就是…。", cardText_en: "A new power, that is...", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのルリグトラッシュから白のアーツ1枚をルリグデッキに加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从我方分身废弃区将1张白色必杀牌加入分身牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Add 1 white ARTS from your LRIG Trash to your LRIG Deck. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigDeck); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニを合計2枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃合计2张<武器>或<武装>精灵牌:将对方1只精灵返回手牌。", "【起】超越2:从我方牌组中找1张精灵牌并让其出场。之后,洗切牌组。此效果1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard a total of 2 or SIGNI from your hand: Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.", "[Action] Exceed 2 (Put 2 cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash): Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); return cards.length >= 2; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ once: true, costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SIGNI'; }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "412": { "pid": 412, cid: 412, "timestamp": 1419094133450, "wxid": "WX04-002", name: "遊月・四戎", name_zh_CN: "游月・四戎", name_en: "Yuzuki-Fourth Warning", "kana": "ユヅキヨンカイ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-002.jpg", "illust": "wogura", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の願いはさ、今は…。 ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "我的愿望啊,现在是…。 ~游月~", cardText_en: "My wish is... right now is... ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下であるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果对方能量区中的卡牌在4张以下,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent has four or less cards in their Ener Zone, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length <= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたのエナゾーンからすべての赤のカードをトラッシュに置く:この方法で3枚以上の赤のカードがトラッシュに置かれた場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从我方能量区将所有红色牌放置到废弃区:如果将3张以上红色牌放置到废弃区,击溃对方1张生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put all red cards from your Ener Zone into the trash: If three or more red cards were put into the trash this way, crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ useCondition: function () { return this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('red')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('red')); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var len = costArg.others; if (len < 3) return; return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }] }, "413": { "pid": 413, cid: 413, "timestamp": 1419094140345, "wxid": "WX04-003", name: "ミルルン・ヨクト", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・攸", name_en: "Mirurun Yocto", "kana": "ミルルンヨクト", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-003.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの願いとお別れね! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "和你的愿望说再见了哟! ~米璐璐恩~", cardText_en: "Farewell to your wish! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の手札を見て、その中のスペル1枚を、あなたの手札にあるかのようにコストを支払わずに限定条件を無視して使用してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看对方手牌,可以将其中1张魔法牌视为我方手牌,不支付费用并无视限定条件来使用它。 " ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at your opponent's hand, and you may use one of their spells as if it were in your hand without paying its cost and ignoring its limiting condition." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.hands; if (!cards.length) return; var targets = this.player.spellBanned? [] : cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!targets.length) { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',targets,0,1,false,cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (card.useCondition && !card.useCondition()) { card.trash(); return; } return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[card]).callback(this,function (c) { if (!c) { card.trash(); return; } return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】手札からスペル1枚と<原子>のシグニ1枚を捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】【青】【青】:スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。この能力は【スペルカットイン】のように使用できる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(蓝)从手牌舍弃1张魔法牌和1张<原子>精灵牌:破坏对方1只精灵。 ", "【起】(蓝蓝):取消1个魔法效果。此效果能像【魔法切入】一样使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue] Discard one SIGNI and one spell from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Action] [Blue] [Blue]: Cancel the effect of one spell. This ability can be used as [Spell Cut-In]." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this) && this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('原子'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ spellCutIn: true, costBlue: 2, actionAsyn: function () { return true; } }] }, "414": { "pid": 414, cid: 414, "timestamp": 1419094148019, "wxid": "WX04-004", name: "戦慄の旋律 アン=フォース", name_zh_CN: "战栗的旋律 安=FORTH", name_en: "Anne=Fourth, Melody of Horror", "kana": "センリツノセンリツアンフォース", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-004.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アァら。予想していなかったのね? ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊呀。没想到么? ~安~", cardText_en: "My, that was unexpected, wasn't it? ~Anne~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<美巧>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、その正面にシグニがない場合、【緑】【無】を支払い手札から<美巧>のシグニ1枚を捨ててもよい。そうした場合、アタックしたシグニの攻撃を一度無効にする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有3只<美巧>精灵,我方所有精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:对方1只精灵进行攻击时,如果其正前方没有精灵的话,可以支付(绿)(无)并从手牌舍弃1张<美巧>精灵牌。若如此做,将进行攻击的精灵的1次攻击无效化。 。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: When one of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, if you don't have a SIGNI in front of it, you may pay [Green] [Colorless] and discard one SIGNI from your hand. If you do, disable the attack of the attacking SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '414-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = event.card; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; return !card.getOpposingSigni(); }, condition: function (event) { var card = event.card; if (!inArr(card,card.player.signis)) return false; return !card.getOpposingSigni(); }, costGreen: 1, costColorless: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { event.prevented = true; } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【白】:あなたのデッキから<美巧>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿)(白):从我方牌组中找1张<美巧>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [White]: Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "415": { "pid": 415, cid: 415, "timestamp": 1419094155127, "wxid": "WX04-005", name: "アルテマ/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "究极/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Ultima/Maiden", "kana": "アルテマメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-005.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、これが…!", cardText_zh_CN: "啊啊,这是…!", cardText_en: "Ahh, this is...!", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ 'あなたのライフクロスが1枚以下の場合にしか、このルリグにグロウできない。' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '只有当你的生命护甲在1张以下时,才能成长为此牌。' ], extraTexts_en: [ 'You can grow into this LRIG only if you have one or less Life Cloth.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのグロウフェイズをスキップする。", "【常時能力】:すべてのプレイヤーはドローフェイズにカードを1枚しか引くことができない。", "【常時能力】:すべてのプレイヤーはシグニを1体しか場に出すことができない。(すでに場に2体以上ある場合は1体になるようにシグニをトラッシュに置く)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:跳过我方的成长阶段。", "【常】:所有玩家在抽牌阶段只能抽1张牌。", "【常】:所有玩家只能让1只精灵出场。(如果玩家场上的精灵已经有2只以上的话,将多余的精灵放置到废弃区直至只剩1只)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Skip your grow phase.", "[Constant]: All players can only draw one card during their draw phase. ", "[Constant]: All players can only have one SIGNI on the field. (If a player already has two or more SIGNI on the field, that player puts SIGNI into the trash until they have one SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'skipGrowPhase',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'drawCount',1); set(this.player.opponent,'drawCount',1); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'_ionaUltimaMaiden',true); set(this.player.opponent,'_ionaUltimaMaiden',true); } }] }, "416": { "pid": 416, cid: 416, "timestamp": 1419094161186, "wxid": "WX04-006", name: "紅蓮の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "红莲阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Vermilion Enma", "kana": "グレンノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-006.jpg", "illust": "タイキ", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "multiEner": false, cardText: "潰えぬ力、それは…。", cardText_zh_CN: "不会被击溃的力量,那就是…。", cardText_en: "A wasteful power, that is...", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区将1张精灵牌加入手牌。 " ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Add one SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から黒のシグニを2枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:あなたの場から黒のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃2张黑色精灵牌:破坏对方1只精灵。", "【起】超越2:从我方场上将1只黑色精灵放置到废弃区。若如此做,从我方牌组顶将1张牌加入生命护甲。此效果1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard a total of two black SIGNI from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Put one of your black SIGNI on the field into your trash. If you do, add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return (cards.length >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ once: true, costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (card.trash()) { card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }); } }] }, "417": { "pid": 417, cid: 417, "timestamp": 1419094167193, "wxid": "WX04-007", name: "十六夜の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "十六夜之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sixteenth Night Miko", "kana": "イザヨイノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-007.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その槍は光のごとく!", cardText_zh_CN: "那把枪宛如光一般!", cardText_en: "That spear is like the light!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【無】:あなたのデッキから白のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(无):从我方牌组中找1张白色魔法牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Colorless]: Search your deck for a white spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "418": { "pid": 418, cid: 418, "timestamp": 1419094173200, "wxid": "WX04-008", name: "ファフニール", name_zh_CN: "法夫纳", name_en: "Fafnir", "kana": "ファフニール", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-008.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ…おわらせるね。 ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "小玉…要结束了哟。 ~小玉~", cardText_en: "Tama... is going to end this. ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、次にあなたが使用するスペルのコストは【白】【白】減り、対戦相手の効果によって打ち消されない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,我方下一次使用魔法的费用减少(白)(白),且不能被对方的效果取消。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, the cost of the next spell you use is reduced by [White] [White], and cannot be canceled by your opponent's effects." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd,this.player.onUseSpell], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costWhite',-2); } },this); set(this.player,'spellCancelable',false); } }); } } }, "419": { "pid": 419, cid: 419, "timestamp": 1419094179273, "wxid": "WX04-009", name: "遊月・参戎", name_zh_CN: "游月・叁戎", name_en: "Yuzuki-Three Armament", "kana": "ユヅキサンカイ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-009.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今度は私の番だね、いくよ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "这次轮到我的回合了,上了! ~游月~", cardText_en: "It's my turn now, here I go! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンから【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对方从自己能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Your opponent chooses one card with [Multi Ener] from their Ener Zone, and puts it into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }] }, "420": { "pid": 420, cid: 420, "timestamp": 1419094186169, "wxid": "WX04-010", name: "捲火重来", name_zh_CN: "卷火重来", name_en: "Rekindling Effort", "kana": "ケンカチョウライ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代/ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-010.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドッゴン!", cardText_zh_CN: "咚!", cardText_en: "Ka-bang!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], useCondition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length >= 4); }, artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードは対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以上の場合にしか使用できない。\n対戦相手のエナゾーンからカードを合計2枚までトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只能在对方能量区的卡牌在4张以上时使用。\n从对方能量区将最多2张牌放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used when there are four or more cards in your opponent's Ener Zone.\nPut up to two cards from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } } }, "421": { "pid": 421, cid: 421, "timestamp": 1419094193255, "wxid": "WX04-011", name: "コードピルルク・E", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可•E", name_en: "Code Piruluk E", "kana": "コードピルルクエクサ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-011.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あら、こんにちは。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "嗯,你好。 ~皮璐璐可~", cardText_en: "Why, hello. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:あなたのルリグデッキから、使用タイミングに【メインフェイズ】を含むコストの合計が3以下の青のアーツ1枚をコストを支払わずに使用する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(蓝):从我方分身牌组中,不支付费用来使用1张使用时点中含有【主要阶段】的费用合计为3以下的蓝色必杀牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: From your LRIG Deck, you may use one blue ARTS with Use Timing [Main Phase] whose total cost is 3 or less without paying its cost." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('blue')) && card.canUse('mainPhase',true) && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) <= 3) && (!card.useCondition || card.useCondition()); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleArtsAsyn(card,true); }); } }] }, "422": { "pid": 422, cid: 422, "timestamp": 1419094199910, "wxid": "WX04-012", name: "ミルルン・フェムト", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・飞", name_en: "Mirurun Femto", "kana": "ミルルンフェムト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-012.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふみゅーん! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "呼咪~! ~米璐璐恩~", cardText_en: "Distastefulun! ~Mirurun~" }, "423": { "pid": 423, cid: 423, "timestamp": 1419094203887, "wxid": "WX04-013", name: "ミルルン・ピコ", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・皮", name_en: "Mirurun Pico", "kana": "ミルルンピコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-013.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふーん、あはは! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "哼~啊哈哈! ~米璐璐恩~", cardText_en: "Hmmm, ahaha! ~Mirurun~" }, "424": { "pid": 424, cid: 424, "timestamp": 1419094210157, "wxid": "WX04-014", name: "ミルルン・ナノ", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・纳", name_en: "Mirurun Nano", "kana": "ミルルンナノ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-014.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みっるるーん! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "咪璐璐~! ~米璐璐恩~", cardText_en: "Mirruruu-n! ~Mirurun~" }, "425": { "pid": 425, cid: 425, "timestamp": 1419094216334, "wxid": "WX04-015", name: "マインド・マインズ", name_zh_CN: "精神・头脑", name_en: "Mind Mines", "kana": "マインドマインズ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-015.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラキラキラキラキラ", cardText_zh_CN: "闪闪闪闪闪", cardText_en: "Twinkle twinkle twinkle", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は、自分のデッキを上からスペルがめくれるまで公開する。その後、公開されたスペルをチェックゾーンに置き、残りのカードをデッキに戻してシャッフルする。あなたは、そのスペルをあなたの手札にあるかのようにコストを支払わずに限定条件を無視して使用してもよい。使用しなかった場合、そのスペルを対戦相手のトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对方从其自己的牌组顶不断展示卡牌,直到翻到魔法牌为止。之后,将被展示的魔法牌放置到判定区,剩下的牌返回牌组并洗切牌组。我方可以将那张魔法牌视为我方的手牌,不支付费用并无视限定条件来使用它。如果没有使用它的话,将那张魔法牌放置到对方的废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent reveals cards from the top of their deck until they reveal a spell. Then, put the revealed spell into the check zone and shuffle the other cards back into the deck. You may use that spell as if it were in your hand without paying its cost and ignoring its limiting condition. If you did not use it, put the spell into the opponent's trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = []; var target = null; this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards.some(function (card) { cards.push(card); if (card.type === 'SPELL') { target = card; return true; } return false; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards); }).callback(this,function () { if (target) { target.moveTo(this.player.checkZone); removeFromArr(target,cards); } this.player.shuffle(); if (target) { var card = target; if (this.player.spellBanned || (card.useCondition && !card.useCondition())) { card.trash(); return; } return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[card]).callback(this,function (c) { if (!c) { card.trash(); return; } return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true); }); } }); } } }, "426": { "pid": 426, cid: 426, "timestamp": 1419094223165, "wxid": "WX04-016", name: "三式豊潤娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三式丰润娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Abundant Girl Type Three", "kana": "サンシキホウジュンキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-016.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "にじみ出る緑の力、僕は…強いんだ! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "渗透而出的绿之力,我…很强! ~绿姬~", cardText_en: "The power of this rich verdure, I... am strong! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのグロウフェイズをスキップする。", "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:跳过我方的成长阶段。", "【常】:我方所有<空兽>和<地兽>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Skip your grow phase.", "[Constant]: All of your or SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'skipGrowPhase',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }] }, "427": { "pid": 427, cid: 427, "timestamp": 1419094228307, "wxid": "WX04-017", name: "信託する神託 アン=サード", name_zh_CN: "委托的神谕 安=THIRD", name_en: "Anne=Third, Trusting Oracle", "kana": "シンタクスルシンタクアンサード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-017.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "連れて行ってあげるわ? ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "要不要带着你一起走? ~安~", cardText_en: "Shall I take you along? " }, "428": { "pid": 428, cid: 428, "timestamp": 1419094235223, "wxid": "WX04-018", name: "過知の価値 アン=セカンド", name_zh_CN: "过知的价值 安=SECOND", name_en: "Anne=Second, Value of Excess Knowledge", "kana": "カチノカチアンセカンド", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-018.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "台本どおりだわ。ああ、つまらない。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "和剧本一样。啊啊,真无聊。 ~安~", cardText_en: "It's all according to the script. Ahh, boring. ~Anne~" }, "429": { "pid": 429, cid: 429, "timestamp": 1419094240180, "wxid": "WX04-019", name: "想像の創造 アン=ファースト", name_zh_CN: "想象的创造 安=FIRST", name_en: "Anne=First, Creation of the Imagination", "kana": "ソウゾウノソウゾウアンファースト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-019.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、はじめましょうよ。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "那么,就让我们开始吧。 ~安~", cardText_en: "Well, let's get started. ~Anne~" }, "430": { "pid": 430, cid: 430, "timestamp": 1419094245185, "wxid": "WX04-020", name: "千載一遇", name_zh_CN: "千载一遇", name_en: "Golden Opportunity", "kana": "アンサーチェック", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-020.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フィナーレね。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "终幕了呢。 ~安~", cardText_en: "Finale. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニをすべて手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组顶展示3张牌。将其中的<美巧>精灵牌全部加入手牌,剩下的放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal the top three cards of your deck. Add all SIGNI from them into your hand, and put the rest of them into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var cards_add = []; var cards_trash = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('美巧')) { cards_add.push(card); } else { cards_trash.push(card); } },this); this.game.frameStart(); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "431": { "pid": 431, cid: 431, "timestamp": 1419094252788, "wxid": "WX04-021", name: "辛苦の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "辛劳阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Suffering", "kana": "シンクノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-021.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その槍は深き闇のごとく! ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "那把枪宛如深邃的黑暗一般! ~乌莉丝~", cardText_en: "This spear is like the beautiful darkness! ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたの【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置く:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。この能力は1ターンに1度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】あなたの【チャーム】2枚をトラッシュに置く:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。この能力は1ターンに1度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】あなたの【チャーム】3枚をトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将我方1张【魅饰】牌放置到废弃区:所有玩家从自己的牌组顶将3张牌放置到废弃区。此效果1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】将我方2张【魅饰】牌放置到废弃区:从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌。此效果1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】将我方3张【魅饰】牌放置到废弃区:破坏对方1只精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put one of your [Charm] into the trash: Each player puts the top three cards of their deck into the trash. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Put two of your [Charms] into the trash: Add one black SIGNI from your trash to your hand. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Put three of your [Charms] into the trash: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3),this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(3)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } },{ once: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length >= 2; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones,2,2).callback(this,function (zones) { var cards = zones.map(function (zone) { return zone.cards[0].charm; },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length >= 3; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones,3,3).callback(this,function (zones) { var cards = zones.map(function (zone) { return zone.cards[0].charm; },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "432": { "pid": 432, cid: 432, "timestamp": 1419094258224, "wxid": "WX04-022", name: "プルト/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "冥王/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Pluto/Maiden", "kana": "プルトメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-022.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいわ、その選択は、正しい。 ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "好的,那个选择是,正确的。 ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "Excellent, that choice is perfect. ~Iona~" }, "433": { "pid": 433, cid: 433, "timestamp": 1419094264510, "wxid": "WX04-023", name: "ウラヌス/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "天王/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Uranus/Maiden", "kana": "ウラヌスメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-023.jpg", "illust": "総間まこと", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たまらないわね! ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "真让人忍不住啊! ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "It's irresistible, isn't it! ~Iona~" }, "434": { "pid": 434, cid: 434, "timestamp": 1419094271107, "wxid": "WX04-024", name: "ネプト/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "海王/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Nepto/Maiden", "kana": "ネプトメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-024.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、終わらせましょう。 ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "行了,让这一切都结束吧。 ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "Let's put an end to this already. ~Iona~" }, "435": { "pid": 435, cid: 435, "timestamp": 1419094276336, "wxid": "WX04-025", name: "ダーク・マター", name_zh_CN: "黑暗物质", name_en: "Dark Matter", "kana": "ダークマター", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-025.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……! ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "……! ~伊绪奈~", cardText_en: "......! ~Iona~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。その後、あなたの場にシグニがない場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "所有玩家将自己1只精灵放置到废弃区。之后,如果我方场上没有精灵的话,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "All players put one of their SIGNI into the trash. Then, if you have no SIGNI on the field, add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards.push(card); return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards.push(card); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.signis.length) { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }); }); } } }, "436": { "pid": 436, cid: 436, "timestamp": 1419094284158, "wxid": "WX04-026", name: "オーバーサルベージ", name_zh_CN: "过度营救", name_en: "Oversalvage", "kana": "オーバーサルベージ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-026.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "夢限の先に、誰もが知らない未来が待っているかもしれない。", cardText_zh_CN: "梦限的尽头,说不定有谁也不知道的未来在等待着。", cardText_en: "Before the dream's end, everyone might be waiting for a future they don't know.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュからあなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将最多2张与我方分身同色的精灵牌加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add up to two SIGNI with the same color as your LRIG from your trash to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.lrig)) && (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); var max = Math.min(cards.length,2); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,max).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "437": { "pid": 437, cid: 437, "timestamp": 1419094293183, "wxid": "WX04-027", name: "ドーピング", name_zh_CN: "兴奋剂", name_en: "Doping", "kana": "ドーピング", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-027.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シグニの意思は、誰かの妄想。", cardText_zh_CN: "精灵的思想是某人的妄想。", cardText_en: "The SIGNI's purpose is someone's delusion.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+3000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,1只精灵力量+3000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',3000); }); } } }, "438": { "pid": 438, cid: 438, "timestamp": 1419094298244, "wxid": "WX04-028", name: "バニシング", name_zh_CN: "破坏", name_en: "Banishing", "kana": "バニシング", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-028.jpg", "illust": "百円ライター", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 4, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "消滅したシグニは、エナに帰す。", cardText_zh_CN: "消灭了的精灵会归还至能量。", cardText_en: "The annihilated SIGNI returns to the Ener.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "439": { "pid": 439, cid: 439, "timestamp": 1419094304387, "wxid": "WX04-029", name: "コードラビリンス クイン", name_zh_CN: "迷牢代号 皇后", name_en: "Code Labyrinth Quinn", "kana": "コードラビリンスクイン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-029.jpg", "illust": "藤真拓哉", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "自由と博愛の剣で両断します! ~クイン~", cardText_zh_CN: "用自由与博爱之剑一刀两断! ~皇后~", cardText_en: "I'll split it in two with this sword of freedom and charity! ~Quinn~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<迷宮>のシグニのパワーを+1000する。その後、アタックしたシグニの正面にシグニがない場合、このシグニをアタックしたシグニの正面に配置してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方1只精灵进行攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,我方所有<迷宫>精灵力量+1000。之后,进行攻击的精灵正前方没有精灵的话,你可以将此牌配置到进行攻击的精灵的正前方。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When one of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI gets +1000 power. Then, if there is no SIGNI in front of the attacking SIGNI, you may put this SIGNI in front of the attacking SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '439-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var card = event.card; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; return true; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('迷宮')) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',1000); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); var card = event.card; if (!inArr(card,card.player.signis)) return; var idx = 2 - card.player.signiZones.indexOf(card.zone); var zone = this.player.signiZones[idx]; var opposingSigni = zone.getActualCards()[0]; var opposingSigni = card.getOpposingSigni(); if (opposingSigni) return; if (zone.disabled) return; // 强制配置 if (!card.forceSummonZone) { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== opposingSigni) && signi.forceSummonZone; },this); if (flag) return; } return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',[zone]).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.changeSigniZone(zone); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<迷宮>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<迷宫>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌或让其出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand or put it into play. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('迷宮'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "440": { "pid": 440, cid: 440, "timestamp": 1419094311298, "wxid": "WX04-030", name: "トライ・シグナル", name_zh_CN: "试做型信号灵", name_en: "Tri Signal", "kana": "トライシグナル", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-030.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おーっと、生まれ変わる予感!", cardText_zh_CN: "哦哦,这是重生的预感!", cardText_en: "Oohh, a reborn premonition!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<迷宮>のシグニ1体につき、【白】コストが1減る。対戦相手のシグニ1体を対戦相手のデッキに戻し、対戦相手は自分のデッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<迷宫>精灵,使用此牌的(白)费用减1。将对方1只精灵返回对方牌组,对方洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each of your SIGNI on the field, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 1 [White]. Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their deck, and your opponent shuffles their deck." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costWhite -= cards.length; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([target]).callback(this,function () { target.player.shuffle(); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から<迷宮>のシグニ1枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从手牌舍弃1张<迷宫>精灵牌。若如此做,对方将自己1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard one SIGNI from your hand. If you do, your opponent puts one of their SIGNI into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); } } }, "441": { "pid": 441, cid: 441, "timestamp": 1419094315789, "wxid": "WX04-031", name: "幻竜姫 オロチ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 大蛇", name_en: "Orochi, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメオロチ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-031.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よって酔いしれ、ばーにんぐよ。 ~オロチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "醉吧,烂醉如泥吧,然后燃烧吧! ~大蛇~", cardText_en: "So drunk, burning. ~Orochi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下であるかぎり、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果对方能量区中的卡牌在4张以下,此牌获得【双重击溃】的能力。", "【常】:此牌进行攻击时,从对方能量区将1张牌放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent has four or less cards in their Ener Zone, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush].", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, put one card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length <= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '441-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のエナゾーンから【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置き、対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从对方能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区,并破坏对方1只力量8000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put one card with [Multi Ener] from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash, then banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }).callback(this,function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); }); } } }, "442": { "pid": 442, cid: 442, "timestamp": 1419094321215, "wxid": "WX04-032", name: "龍鳳の排炎", name_zh_CN: "龙凤之排炎", name_en: "龍鳳の排炎", "kana": "リュウホウノハイエン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-032.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 5, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "咆哮一閃!大・爆・発!", cardText_zh_CN: "咆哮一闪!大·爆·发!", cardText_en: "Flash Roar! BIG. BANG. BURST!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<龍獣>のシグニ1体につき、【赤】コストが1減る。\n対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<龙兽>精灵,使用此牌的(红)费用减1。破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。若如此做,从对方能量区将1张卡牌放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each of your SIGNI on the field, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 1 [Red].\nBanish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. If you did, put one card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= cards.length; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下の場合、パワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从对方能量区将1张卡牌放置到废弃区。如果对方能量区的卡牌在4张以下,破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put one card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash. If there are four or less cards in your opponent's Ener Zone, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }).callback(this,function () { if (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length > 4) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); }); } } }, "443": { "pid": 443, cid: 443, "timestamp": 1419094327287, "wxid": "WX04-033", name: "羅原姫 Ne", name_zh_CN: "罗原姬 Ne", name_en: "Neon, Natural Source Princess", "kana": "ラゲンヒメネオン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-033.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私が実力ナンバーワン! ~Ne~", cardText_zh_CN: "我的实力是No.1! ~Ne~", cardText_en: "I'm the number one true power! ~Ne~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のスペルを使用するためのコストは【無×1】増える。", "【常時能力】:あなたがスペルを使用したとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<原子>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方魔法的使用费用增加(无)。 ", "【常】:我方使用魔法时,直到回合结束时为止,我方所有<原子>精灵力量+2000。 ", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost of spells your opponent uses is increased by [Colorless].", "[Constant]: When you use a spell, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.hands,this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costColorless',1); } },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '443-const-1', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('原子')) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたの<原子>のシグニ2体をダウンする:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将我方场上2只<原子>精灵横置:破坏对方1只精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down two of your SIGNI: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子') && signi.isUp; },this); return (cards.length >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子') && signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、あなたの場に<原子>のシグニがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。之后,如果我方场上有<原子>精灵,破坏对方1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card. Then, if you have an SIGNI on the field, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); if (this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this)) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } } }, "444": { "pid": 444, cid: 444, "timestamp": 1419094333287, "wxid": "WX04-034", name: "SHORT", name_zh_CN: "SHORT", name_en: "SHORT", "kana": "ショート", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-034.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うっひょおおおお! ~オクト~", cardText_zh_CN: "呀呀呀呀呀! ~奥科特~", cardText_en: "Uwaaaa! ~Octo~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下3つから1つを選ぶ。「手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ2枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする」「手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ4枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ2体をバニッシュする」「手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ6枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ3体をバニッシュする」", "手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ2枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする", "手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ4枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ2体をバニッシュする", "手札からカード名の異なる<原子>のシグニ6枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ3体をバニッシュする" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下3项中选择1项。「从手牌舍弃2张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方1只精灵」 「从手牌舍弃4张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方2只精灵」 「从手牌舍弃6张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方3只精灵」", "从手牌舍弃2张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方1只精灵", "从手牌舍弃4张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方2只精灵", "从手牌舍弃6张牌名不同的<原子>精灵牌。若如此做,破坏对方3只精灵" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one of these three effects. \"Discard two SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.\" \"Discard four SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish two of your opponent's SIGNI.\" \"Discard six SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish three of your opponent's SIGNI.\"", "Discard two SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Discard four SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish two of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Discard six SIGNI with different names from your hand. If you do, banish three of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var count = 1; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var count = 2; var cids = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子'))) { cids.push(card.cid); } },this); if (cids.length < count) return; var done = false; var cards_trash = []; cids.length = 0; return Callback.loop(this,count,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return false; return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子')); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } cards_trash.push(card); cids.push(card.cid); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length !== count) return; targets = targets.filter(function (target) { return inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } },{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var count = 2; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var count = 4; var cids = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子'))) { cids.push(card.cid); } },this); if (cids.length < count) return; var done = false; var cards_trash = []; cids.length = 0; return Callback.loop(this,count,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return false; return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子')); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } cards_trash.push(card); cids.push(card.cid); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length !== count) return; targets = targets.filter(function (target) { return inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } },{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var count = 3; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var count = 6; var cids = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子'))) { cids.push(card.cid); } },this); if (cids.length < count) return; var done = false; var cards_trash = []; cids.length = 0; return Callback.loop(this,count,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return false; return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('原子')); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } cards_trash.push(card); cids.push(card.cid); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length !== count) return; targets = targets.filter(function (target) { return inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } }] }, "445": { "pid": 445, cid: 445, "timestamp": 1419094341307, "wxid": "WX04-035", name: "不可解な誇超 コンテンポラ", name_zh_CN: "不可理解的夸张 当代", name_en: "Contempora, Inexplicable Superboast", "kana": "フカカイナコチョウコンテンポラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-035.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わけわかんないね。あたいもそうよ。 ~コンテンポラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "完全不明白呢。本小姐也是。 ~当代~", cardText_en: "It doesn't make any sense to me either. ~Contempora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手の効果によっていずれかの領域からトラッシュに置かれたとき、【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このシグニを手札に加える。", "【常時能力】:あなたの<美巧>のシグニは対戦相手の、ルリグやシグニの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌因对方效果从任何区域被放置到废弃区时,可以支付(绿)。若如此做,将此牌加入手牌。", "【常】:我方所有<美巧>精灵不会受到对方精灵或分身的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is placed into the trash from anywhere by an opponent's effect, you may pay [Green]. If you do, add this SIGNI to your hand.", "[Constant]: Your SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI and LRIG." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '445-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; if (source.player !== this.player.opponent) return false; return (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone) && (event.oldZone !== this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('美巧')) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || ((card.type !== 'SIGNI') && (card.type !== 'LRIG')); }); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。その後、あなたのエナゾーンに<美巧>のシグニが5枚以上ある場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。之后,如果我方能量区中<美巧>精灵牌在5张以上,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. Then, if there are five or more SIGNI in your Ener Zone, add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); if (cards.length >= 5) { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } } }, "446": { "pid": 446, cid: 446, "timestamp": 1419094349169, "wxid": "WX04-036", name: "再誕", name_zh_CN: "再诞", name_en: "Rebirth", "kana": "サイタン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-036.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来を描くのよ。", cardText_zh_CN: "描绘出未来。", cardText_en: "I am painting the future.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<美巧>のシグニを好きな数バニッシュする。その後、この方法でバニッシュした数と同じ数の<美巧>のシグニをあなたのデッキから探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方任意数量的<美巧>精灵。之后,从我方牌组中找与破坏数量相同的<美巧>精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish any number of your SIGNI. Then, search your deck for the same number of SIGNI that were banished this way and put them onto the field. Then shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var cards = targets.filter(function (target) { return inArr(target,this.player.signis); },this); var n = cards.length; if (!n) return; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧'); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,n); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニをすべて手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:展示我方牌组顶3张牌,将其中的<美巧>精灵牌全部加入手牌,剩下的放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top three cards of your deck. Add all SIGNI from among them to your hand, and the rest into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var cards_add = []; var cards_trash = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧')) { cards_add.push(card); } else { cards_trash.push(card); } },this); this.game.frameStart(); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "447": { "pid": 447, cid: 447, "timestamp": 1419094354275, "wxid": "WX04-037", name: "フィア=リカブト", name_zh_CN: "VIER=乌头毒", name_en: "Vier=Rikabuto", "kana": "フィアリカブト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-037.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "美しいほど、毒性が強いの。苦しめば? ~リカブト~", cardText_zh_CN: "越美的东西毒性就越强。好好地痛苦一番吧? ~乌头毒~", cardText_en: "The more beautiful it is, the stronger the poison. Is it painful? ~Rikabuto~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーをあなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体につき、-1000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、対戦相手のシグニが場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,我方每有1只<毒牙>精灵,对方所有精灵力量-1000。 ", "【常】:我方回合中,对方精灵从场上放置到废弃区时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, for each of your SIGNI, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -1000 power.", "[Constant]: During your turn, when your opponent's SIGNI is put into the trash from play, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '447-const-0', // triggerCondition: function () { // return true; // }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; var value = -1000*cards.length; this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',value); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '447-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.isSigni && (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.trashZone); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。あなたの場に<毒牙>のシグニがある場合、ターン終了時まで、追加でシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。(同じシグニを選ぶこともできる)" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,1只精灵力量-10000。如果我方场上有<毒牙>精灵,直到回合结束时为止,追加将1只精灵力量-7000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, a SIGNI gets -10000 power. If you have a SIGNI on the field, additionally, until end of turn, a SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙') },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); } if (!flag) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); }); } } }, "448": { "pid": 448, cid: 448, "timestamp": 1419094358361, "wxid": "WX04-038", name: "バイオレンス・スプラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "暴力飞溅", name_en: "Violence Splash", "kana": "バイオレンススプラッシュ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-038.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、も、もう美しすぎて、堕としちゃうわああ!! ~リカブト~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊啊,已……已经太过美丽,要深陷其中了啊啊!! ~乌头毒~", cardText_en: "Ahh, j-jeeze, it's too beautiful, I'll fail!! ~Rikabuto~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターン、パワーが0以下のシグニがバニッシュされる場合、そのシグニはエナゾーンに置かれる代わりにトラッシュに置かれる。このターン、あなたのシグニの効果で対戦相手のシグニのパワーが減る場合、代わりに2倍減る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,力量0以下的精灵被破坏时,不放置到能量区,而将其放置到废弃区。这个回合中,通过我方精灵的效果将对方精灵力量减少的话,改为减少2倍数值。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, if a SIGNI with power 0 or less is banished, that SIGNI is put into the trash instead of being put into the Ener Zone. This turn, if the power of your opponent's SIGNI would be decreased by the effect of your SIGNI, double the amount of power decreased." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.game,'trashWhenPowerBelowZero',true); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player,'_ViolenceSplashCount',1); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加えるか場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌或让其出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put onto the field or add to your hand 1 black SIGNI from your trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } else { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); } } }, "449": { "pid": 449, cid: 449, "timestamp": 1419094365172, "wxid": "WX04-039", name: "大天使の未来 ガブリエ", name_zh_CN: "大天使的未来 加百列", name_en: "Gabrie, Future of the Archangel", "kana": "ダイテンシノミライガブリエ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-039.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "福音を連れてきたよ。 ~ガブリエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "带来了好消息哟。 ~加百列~", cardText_en: "I have brought the good word. ~Gabrie~" }, "450": { "pid": 450, cid: 450, "timestamp": 1419094371461, "wxid": "WX04-040", name: "極壊 ハンマ", name_zh_CN: "极坏 锤", name_en: "Hammer, Ultimate Breaker", "kana": "キョクカイハンマ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-040.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマちゃんかってに使わないでー! ~ハンマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "小玉不要随便乱用啦! ~锤~", cardText_en: "Tama-chan, don't just use me as you please! ~Hammer~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<ウェポン>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有<武器>精灵,此牌力量变为15000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 15000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】<アーム>のシグニ1体と<ウェポン>のシグニ1体を、あなたの場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从我方场上将1只<武装>精灵和1只<武器>精灵放置到废弃区:破坏对方1只精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put one of your SIGNI and one of your SIGNI on the field into the trash: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('アーム') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('アーム') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から<アーム>のシグニ1枚と<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻し、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从手牌舍弃1张<武装>精灵牌和1张<武器>精灵牌。若如此做,将对方1只精灵返回手牌,并破坏对方1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard one SIGNI and one SIGNI from your hand. If you do, return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand, then banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = []; var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards.length !== 2) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); }); } } }, "451": { "pid": 451, cid: 451, "timestamp": 1419094679688, "wxid": "WX04-041", name: "コードメイズ スカイジュ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 晴空塔", name_en: "Code Maze Skyju", "kana": "コードメイズスカイジュ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-041.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もっと未来だとおもってたでしょう。 ~スカイジュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "你一定认为是更加遥远的未来吧。 ~晴空塔~", cardText_en: "You were thinking further than the future? ~Skyju~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<迷宮>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<迷宫>精灵,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以将对方场上的精灵以任意方式重新配置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may rearrange the position of your opponent's SIGNI in any way you like." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isEffectFiltered(); },this); var zones = this.player.opponent.signiZones.filter(function (zone) { if (zone.disabled) return false; var cards = zone.getActualCards(); return (!cards.length) || (!cards[0].isEffectFiltered()); },this); return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; if (!signis.length || (zones.length <= 1)) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) { done = true; return; } removeFromArr(signi,signis); var _zones = zones.filter(function (zone) { return (zone !== signi.zone); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',_zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; removeFromArr(zone,zones); signi.changeSigniZone(zone); }); }); }); } }] }, "452": { "pid": 452, cid: 452, "timestamp": 1419094679977, "wxid": "WX04-042", name: "弩砲 スティンガー", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 毒刺弹", name_en: "Stinger, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウスティンガー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-042.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一発よ! ~スティンガー~", cardText_zh_CN: "一发哦! ~毒刺弹~", cardText_en: "One shot! ~Stinger~" }, "453": { "pid": 453, cid: 453, "timestamp": 1419094680260, "wxid": "WX04-043", name: "羅石 黒曜", name_zh_CN: "罗石 黑曜", name_en: "Obsidian, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキコクヨウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-043.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "黒き炎を包み込んだ石。またも輝くか。", cardText_zh_CN: "被黑色的火炎包裹的石头,也是如此闪耀。", cardText_en: "The gem that mixed the black flames, will it shine once again?", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ合計3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く:すべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)(红)从我方场上将合计3只<矿石>或<宝石>精灵放置到废弃区:破坏所有精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Red] Put a total of three or SIGNI from your field into the trash: Banish all SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 2, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, costAsyn: function () { // notice this.game.trashCards(this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量12000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 12000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "454": { "pid": 454, cid: 454, "timestamp": 1419094680558, "wxid": "WX04-044", name: "幻竜 ティラノ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 暴龙", name_en: "Tyranno, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウティラノ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-044.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "渇!枯!乾いて仕方ねえよ! ~ティラノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "渴!枯!烧干了也是没办法的啊! ~暴龙~", cardText_en: "Thirsty! Dry! Can't be helped it's dried up! ~Tyranno~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下の場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):破坏对方1只力量8000以下的精灵。此效果只能在对方能量区中的卡牌在4张以下时使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less. This ability can only be used if there are four or less cards in your opponent's Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ useCondition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length <= 4); }, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "455": { "pid": 455, cid: 455, "timestamp": 1419094680818, "wxid": "WX04-045", name: "幻水 オウイカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 奥依嘉", name_en: "Ouika, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイオウイカ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-045.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みてよ、これ。なーんちゃって。 ~オウイカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "来看,这个。骗你的。 ~奥依嘉~", cardText_en: "That's my hand. Juuuust kidding. ~Ouika~" }, "456": { "pid": 456, cid: 456, "timestamp": 1419094681147, "wxid": "WX04-046", name: "コードアート A・C・G", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 A·C·G", name_en: "Code Art ACG", "kana": "コードアートアーケードカードゲーム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-046.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゲームは一日、いくらでもいいじゃん! ~A・C・G~", cardText_zh_CN: "一天里不管打多少游戏都可以啊!~A·C·G~", cardText_en: "It's fine to play games as much as you like for a day! ~ACG~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手は、カードの効果を除き、自分で自分のシグニを場からトラッシュに置くことができない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:除了卡牌效果之外,对方不能主动将自己的精灵从场上放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent, except from a card's effect, cannot put their SIGNI from play into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'trashSigniBanned',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。(凍結されたシグニは次のアップフェイズにアップしない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将对方1只精灵冻结。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、凍結する。あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只精灵横置并冻结。抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI. You draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }).callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(1); }); } } }, "457": { "pid": 457, cid: 457, "timestamp": 1419094681418, "wxid": "WX04-047", name: "羅原 He", name_zh_CN: "罗原 He", name_en: "Helium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンヘリウム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-047.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "歌唱力ならナンバーワン! ~He~", cardText_zh_CN: "唱功的话No.1! ~He~", cardText_en: "If it's singing, I'm number one! ~He~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札から<原子>のシグニ1枚かカードを2枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):抽2张牌。之后,从手牌舍弃1张<原子>精灵牌或2张牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Draw two cards. Then, discard one SIGNI or discard two cards from your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.selectAsyn('DISCARD',this.player.hands).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('原子')) { return; } return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }); } }] }, "458": { "pid": 458, cid: 458, "timestamp": 1419094681931, "wxid": "WX04-048", name: "羅植 ウツボカ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 猪笼草", name_en: "Utsuboka, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクウツボカ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-048.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はあはあ、ええ、もう、たべていい? ~ウツボカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊哈,诶,已经,可以吃了么? ~猪笼草~", cardText_en: "Haa haa, um, is it fine to eat yet? ~Utsuboka~" }, "459": { "pid": 459, cid: 459, "timestamp": 1419094682261, "wxid": "WX04-049", name: "幻獣 シエンコ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猿猴", name_en: "Shienko, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウシエンコ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-049.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我、最強の猛犬なり。 ~シエンコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "吾乃最强之猛犬。 ~猿猴~", cardText_en: "The strongest savage dog, I shall become. ~Shienko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのレベルは2になる。(このシグニは場に出るまでレベル3であり、例えばあなたのルリグのレベルが2の場合、場に出すことはできない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<空兽>或<地兽>精灵,此牌等级变成2。(此牌出场时等级为3,如果我方分身的等级为2的情况下,此牌不能出场)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's level is 2. (This SIGNI is level 3 when it comes into play, so if for example your LRIG's level is 2, it is not possible to play this SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'level',2); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを2倍にする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿)(绿):直到回合结束时为止,我方场上所有精灵的力量变为2倍。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [Green]: Until end of turn, double the power of all of your SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',signi.power); },this); } }] }, "460": { "pid": 460, cid: 460, "timestamp": 1419094682574, "wxid": "WX04-050", name: "非可視の現実 キュビ", name_zh_CN: "无法看见的现实 立体", name_en: "Cubi, Distorted Reality", "kana": "ヒカシノゲンジツキュビ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-050.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "エエ、どこからでも見える?うそ。 ~キュビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "诶!从哪里都看得到?骗人的吧。 ~立体~", cardText_en: "Eeh, you can see it from anywhere? No way. ~Cubi~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキを上から<美巧>のシグニがめくれるまで公開する。その後、そのシグニを手札に加え、公開された他のカードをシャッフルし、デッキの一番下に置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):从我方牌组顶不断展示卡牌,直到翻到<美巧>精灵牌为止。之后,将其加入手牌,被展示的其他卡牌洗切后放置到牌组底。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a SIGNI. Add that SIGNI to your hand, shuffle the other cards that were revealed, and put them at the bottom of your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = []; var target = null; this.player.mainDeck.cards.some(function (card) { cards.push(card); if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('美巧')) { target = card; return true; } return false; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards); }).callback(this,function () { if (target) { target.moveTo(target.player.handZone); removeFromArr(target,cards); } this.player.shuffle(cards); this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); } }], }, "461": { "pid": 461, cid: 461, "timestamp": 1419094682839, "wxid": "WX04-051", name: "コードアンチ ウロボロス", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 衔尾蛇", name_en: "Code Anti Ouroboros", "kana": "コードアンチウロボロス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-051.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "地獄をいったりきたり、あなたも好きものね。 ~ウロボロス~", cardText_zh_CN: "来往于地狱里,你也很喜欢嘛。 ~衔尾蛇~", cardText_en: "Going to hell and back, you like this too don't you? ~Ouroboros~" }, "462": { "pid": 462, cid: 462, "timestamp": 1419094683642, "wxid": "WX04-052", name: "堕落の虚無 パイモン", name_zh_CN: "堕落虚无 派蒙", name_en: "Paimon, Fallen Nihilism", "kana": "ダラクノキョムパイモン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-052.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ギャハハハ、私を呼ぶのはだーれーだー! ~パイモン~", cardText_zh_CN: "嘎哈哈哈,呼唤我的是·谁·呀~! ~派蒙~", cardText_en: "Gyahaha, the one who called me, whooooo is it!? ~Paimon~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをこのシグニの【チャーム】にしてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以让我方牌组顶1张牌成为这张牌的【魅饰】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may put the top card of your deck under this card as [Charm]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (this.charm) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (c) { if (!c) return; card.charmTo(this); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされる場合、代わりにそのシグニの【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。(【チャーム】であるカードはシグニ1体につき1枚まで、そのシグニの下に裏向きで置かれる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你场上的1只<恶魔>SIGNI将被驱逐的场合,你可以将那只SIGNI下方的1张【魅饰】卡作为代替放置到废弃区。(【魅饰】卡以背面表示放置在那只SIGNI下方,每只SIGNI下至多放置1张)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If one of your SIGNI would be banished, you may put that SIGNI's [Charm] into the trash instead. (Each SIGNI can have up to one [Charm] card, and it is placed face-down under the SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var protection = { source: this, description: '462-const-0', condition: function (card) { return card.charm; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { card.charm.trash(); return Callback.immediately(); } }; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('悪魔')) { // set(signi,'trashCharmInsteadOfBanish',true); add(signi,'banishProtections',protection); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组顶将3张牌放置到废弃区。之后,从我方废弃区将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top three cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add one SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); } } }, "463": { "pid": 463, cid: 463, "timestamp": 1419094686570, "wxid": "WX04-053", name: "ドライ=カプセル", name_zh_CN: "DREI=毒胶囊", name_en: "Drei=Capsule", "kana": "ドライカプセル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-053.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はいはい、素敵なトリップをプレゼント! ~カプセル~", cardText_zh_CN: "是是,给你美妙的幻觉作为礼物! ~毒胶囊~", cardText_en: "Yes yes, I'll present to you a fantastic trip! ~Capsule~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }] }, "464": { "pid": 464, cid: 464, "timestamp": 1419094689630, "wxid": "WX04-054", name: "サーバント X", name_zh_CN: "侍从 X", name_en: "Servant X", "kana": "サーバントエックス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 13000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-054.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "むげんがまるごとやってくる", cardText_zh_CN: "完整的梦限即将到来", cardText_en: "All of the infinite is coming", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべてのシグニのパワーを、そのカード名に《サーバント》を含むかぎり、+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方其他精灵如果其牌名中含有《侍从》,力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI with in its card name get +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && (signi.name.indexOf('サーバント') === 0)) { add(signi,'power',3000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【無】【無】【無】:あなたのデッキからカード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(无)(无)(无):从我方牌组中找1张牌名含有《侍从》的精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Colorless] [Colorless] [Colorless]: Search your deck for a SIGNI with in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costColorless: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('サーバント') === 0); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "465": { "pid": 465, cid: 465, "timestamp": 1419094692570, "wxid": "WX04-055", name: "君からの明日 ラファエ", name_zh_CN: "因你而生的明日 拉斐尔", name_en: "Raphae, From Your Tomorrow", "kana": "キミカラノアシタラファエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-055.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "明日を連れてきたわ。 ~ラファエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "带来了明天。 ~拉斐尔~", cardText_en: "I have brought the tomorrow. ~Raphae~" }, "466": { "pid": 466, cid: 466, "timestamp": 1419094695556, "wxid": "WX04-056", name: "大壊 アクス", name_zh_CN: "大坏 斧", name_en: "Axe, Large Breaker", "kana": "ダイカイアクス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-056.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おこですわ!ぶっこわすわ! ~アクス~", cardText_zh_CN: "生气了的说!破坏掉的说! ~斧~", cardText_en: "Foolish! I'll destroy it! ~Axe~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<アーム>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<武装>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<武装>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for an SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "467": { "pid": 467, cid: 467, "timestamp": 1419094698566, "wxid": "WX04-057", name: "突然の壊乱 ウリエ", name_zh_CN: "突然的败坏 乌列尔", name_en: "Urie, Sudden Ruination", "kana": "トツゼンノカイランウリエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-057.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "驚愕を持ってきた。 ~ウリエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "带来了惊讶。 ~乌列尔~", cardText_en: "I have brought a surprise. ~Urie~" }, "468": { "pid": 468, cid: 468, "timestamp": 1419094701556, "wxid": "WX04-058", name: "コードメイズ タジマハ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 泰姬陵", name_en: "Code Maze Tajmaha", "kana": "コードメイズタジマハ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-058.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワタシ、キュウデン、右も左も同じっぽい。どしーん。 ~タジマハ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我,宫殿,右边和左边都一样呢,哪边呢。 ~泰姬陵~", cardText_en: "I, palace, right and left seem the sameish. Bshewww. ~Tajmaha~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<迷宮>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは7000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<迷宫>精灵,此牌力量变为7000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 7000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',7000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以将我方场上所有精灵以任意方式重新配置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may arrange all of your SIGNI in play as you wish." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isEffectFiltered(); },this); var zones = this.player.signiZones.filter(function (zone) { if (zone.disabled) return false; var cards = zone.getActualCards(); return (!cards.length) || (!cards[0].isEffectFiltered()); },this); return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; if (!signis.length || (zones.length <= 1)) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) { done = true; return; } removeFromArr(signi,signis); var _zones = zones.filter(function (zone) { return (zone !== signi.zone); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',_zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; removeFromArr(zone,zones); signi.changeSigniZone(zone); }); }); }); } }] }, "469": { "pid": 469, cid: 469, "timestamp": 1419094704588, "wxid": "WX04-059", name: "中壊 モーニン", name_zh_CN: "中坏 晨星锤", name_en: "Mornin, Medium Breaker", "kana": "チュウカイモーニン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-059.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おはよう!おやすみ! ~モーニン~", cardText_zh_CN: "你好!晚安! ~晨星锤~", cardText_en: "Good morning! Good night! ~Mornin~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての赤のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に赤のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有红色精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有红色精灵,此牌力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your red SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a red SIGNI on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('red')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('red')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "470": { "pid": 470, cid: 470, "timestamp": 1419094707563, "wxid": "WX04-060", name: "史実の改善 サリエ", name_zh_CN: "史实的改善 沙利叶", name_en: "Sarie, Improvement of Historical Fact", "kana": "シジツノカイゼンサリエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-060.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "真実をもらったよ。 ~サリエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "得到真相了。 ~沙利叶~", cardText_en: "I will take the truth. ~Sarie~" }, "471": { "pid": 471, cid: 471, "timestamp": 1419094710571, "wxid": "WX04-061", name: "コードメイズ タワブ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 塔桥", name_en: "Code Maze Towerb", "kana": "コードメイズタワブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-061.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヤー!チョーシドー!? ~タワブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呀!啾唧咚!? ~塔桥~", cardText_en: "Yaa! How's that!? ~Towerb~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<迷宮>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは3000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有其他<迷宫>精灵,此牌力量变为3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 3000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',3000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場にあるシグニ1体とこのシグニの場所を入れ替えてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以将我方场上1只精灵与此牌更换区域。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may change the position of one of your SIGNI with this SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (!signi.zone.disabled); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.changeSigniZone(card.zone); }); } }] }, "472": { "pid": 472, cid: 472, "timestamp": 1419094713601, "wxid": "WX04-062", name: "小壊 棍", name_zh_CN: "小坏 棍", name_en: "Stick, Small Breaker", "kana": "ショウカイコン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-062.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "壊!壊!壊!壊!へい! ~棍~", cardText_zh_CN: "坏!坏!坏!坏!嘿! ~棍~", cardText_en: "Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Hey! ~Stick~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体をアップする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将我方1只<武装>精灵竖置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Up one of your SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (!signi.isUp) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }] }, "473": { "pid": 473, cid: 473, "timestamp": 1419094716642, "wxid": "WX04-063", name: "ゲット・ゲート", name_zh_CN: "抵达大门", name_en: "Get Gate", "kana": "ゲットゲート", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-063.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これは便利なもの!", cardText_zh_CN: "便利的东西!", cardText_en: "This is a useful item!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するために支払われたエナ1つにつき、そのエナに含まれる色1つを選択する。選択した色の種類1つにつき、その色と同じ色のシグニ1枚をあなたのデッキから探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。(【白】、【無】、【マルチエナ】で支払われた場合、最大で白のシグニ1枚と白以外の色のシグニ1枚の合計2枚を手札に加えることができる。無色は色に含まれない)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用此牌时,每支付1张能量牌,就选择1种那张能量牌所含有的颜色。所选择的颜色每有1种类,就从我方牌组中找1张与那个颜色同色的精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。(支付的是(白)、(无)、【万花色】的场合,最多能够找1张白色精灵牌和1张白色以外的精灵牌,合计2张牌,将其加入手牌。无色牌不含有颜色)" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each one Ener that was paid to use this spell, choose one color from the paid Ener. For each chosen type of color, search your deck for one SIGNI with the same color as that color, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. (If you paid the cost with [White], [Colorless], and [Multi Ener], you may add one white SIGNI and one SIGNI of a color other than white to your hand for a total of two cards. Colorless is not included among the colors.)" ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function (costArg) { var colors = []; var colorsToSelect = ['white','black','red','green','blue']; var count = 0; // if (!costArg.enerCards) return colors; costArg.enerCards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.multiEner) { count++; } else { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; if (inArr(card.color,colors)) return; colors.push(card.color); removeFromArr(card.color,colorsToSelect); } },this); return Callback.loop(this,count,function () { if (!colorsToSelect.length) return; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { colors.push(color); removeFromArr(color,colorsToSelect); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showColorsAsyn(colors); }).callback(this,function () { return colors; }); }, actionAsyn: function (colors) { return Callback.forEach(colors,function (color) { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor(color)); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); },this); } } }, "474": { "pid": 474, cid: 474, "timestamp": 1419094719571, "wxid": "WX04-064", name: "ノー・ゲイン", name_zh_CN: "毫无收获", name_en: "No Gain", "kana": "ノーゲイン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-064.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばりやー!", cardText_zh_CN: "屏障!", cardText_en: "Barrier!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターンと対戦相手の次のターンの間、あなたのルリグとあなたのすべてのシグニはアーツの効果を受けない。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合和对方的下一个回合中,我方分身和所有精灵都不会受到对方必杀牌的效果影响。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "During this turn and your opponent's next turn, your LRIG and all of your SIGNI cannot be affected by opposing ARTS effects." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var player = this.player; // 注: 被mlln抢夺 this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { var cards = concat(player.signis,player.lrig); cards.forEach(function (card) { add(card,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== player.opponent) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }); },this); } }); this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: player.opponent.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: [player.opponent.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { var cards = concat(player.signis,player.lrig); cards.forEach(function (card) { add(card,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== player.opponent) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }); },this); } }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:次のターンの間、対戦相手はアーツを使用できない。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:下一个回合中,对方不能使用必杀牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During the next turn, your opponent cannot use ARTS." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'artsBanned',true); } }); } } }, "475": { "pid": 475, cid: 475, "timestamp": 1419094720584, "wxid": "WX04-065", name: "轟砲 ドラスト", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 龙袭炮", name_en: "Drasto, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウドラスト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-065.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ノンストップで攻め込むよ! ~ドラスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "不停地进攻哟! ~龙袭炮~", cardText_en: "I'm going to attack non-stop! ~Drasto~" }, "476": { "pid": 476, cid: 476, "timestamp": 1419094721551, "wxid": "WX04-066", name: "羅石 タンザ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 坦桑石", name_en: "Tanza, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキタンザ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-066.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "嗚呼、私を呼ぶのはだれ? ~タンザ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哇,呼唤我的是谁? ~坦桑石~", cardText_en: "Aa, who is it that called me? ~Tanza~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)(红)将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:破坏对方1只力量8000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Red] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 2, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "477": { "pid": 477, cid: 477, "timestamp": 1419094722400, "wxid": "WX04-067", name: "爆砲 ナインティーン", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 玖零式冲锋枪", name_en: "Nineteen, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウナインティーン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-067.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばばばばばばば", cardText_zh_CN: "叭叭叭叭叭叭叭", cardText_en: "Bangbangbangbangbangbangbang" }, "478": { "pid": 478, cid: 478, "timestamp": 1419094725781, "wxid": "WX04-068", name: "幻竜 ワイバーン", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 飞龙", name_en: "Wyvern, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイバーン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-068.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トカゲちゃうで!空、飛べるで! ~ワイバーン~", cardText_zh_CN: "俺是蜥蜴啦!飞给你看啦! ~飞龙~", cardText_en: "Wasn't a lizard! Sky, can fly! ~Wyvern~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:対戦相手のエナゾーンから【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:从对方能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one card from your hand: Put a card with [Multi Ener] from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }] }, "479": { "pid": 479, cid: 479, "timestamp": 1419094728585, "wxid": "WX04-069", name: "羅石 ターコ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 绿松石", name_en: "Turquo, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキターコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-069.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やった、動きたくてうずうずしてたんだ! ~ターコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "讨厌,忍不住想要动,不然浑身难受! ~绿松石~", cardText_en: "Woohoo! I was itching to move! ~Turquo~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、あなたの<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)(红)将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只<矿石>或<宝石>精灵获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Red] Put this SIGNI in play into the trash: Until end of turn, one of your or SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 2, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }] }, "480": { "pid": 480, cid: 480, "timestamp": 1419094731570, "wxid": "WX04-070", name: "小砲 デリン", name_zh_CN: "小炮 小手枪", name_en: "Derrin, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウデリン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-070.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "隠しもつには私、最適!~デリン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我最适合保持隐蔽! ~小手枪~", cardText_en: "For concealed carry it's me, the most suitable! ~Derrin~" }, "481": { "pid": 481, cid: 481, "timestamp": 1419094734584, "wxid": "WX04-071", name: "羅石 トパズ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 黄玉", name_en: "Topaz, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキトパズ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-071.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その手にのこるのは、願いそのものよ! ~トパズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "那只手中留下的就是愿望本身哟! ~黄玉~", cardText_en: "What is left in that hand, is a thing of wishes! ~Topaz~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキからコスト1以下の赤のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:从我方牌组中找1张费用1以下的红色魔法牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Search your deck for a red spell with cost 1 or less, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('red')) && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) <= 1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "482": { "pid": 482, cid: 482, "timestamp": 1419094737565, "wxid": "WX04-072", name: "幻竜 エキドナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 厄喀德那", name_en: "Echidna, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウエキドナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-072.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それみたことか!焦げ焦げじゃ! ~エキドナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "谁见过那玩意啦!都烧焦了嘛! ~厄喀德那~", cardText_en: "I told you! It burns, it burns! ~Echidna~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のエナゾーンから【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:从对方能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Put a card with [Multi Ener] from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "483": { "pid": 483, cid: 483, "timestamp": 1419094737950, "wxid": "WX04-073", name: "炎壊の舞盃", name_zh_CN: "炎坏之舞杯", name_en: "Twisted Dance of Flame Destruction", "kana": "エンカイノブハイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-073.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "燃えたろ?", cardText_zh_CN: "燃烧了是吧?", cardText_en: "Did it burn?", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "击溃我方1张生命护甲。若如此做,破坏对方1只力量8000以下的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Crush one of your Life Cloth. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); }); } } }, "484": { "pid": 484, cid: 484, "timestamp": 1419094738238, "wxid": "WX04-074", name: "懐疑する慟哭", name_zh_CN: "怀疑的恸哭", name_en: "Doubting Lament", "kana": "カイギスルドウコク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-074.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すっと力んで、バッと壊す!", cardText_zh_CN: "一下子用力量,梆的破坏掉!", cardText_en: "With sudden strength, it is instantly destroyed!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体とパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵和1只力量10000以上的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less and one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var cards_A = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 5000; },this); var cards_B = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_A).callback(this,function (targetA) { targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_B); }).callback(this,function (targetB) { targets.push(targetB); return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; var cards = []; if (inArr(targetA,this.player.opponent.signis)) { if (targetA.power <= 5000) { cards.push(targetA); } } if (inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) { if (targetB.power >= 10000) { cards.push(targetB); } } return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量5000以下的精灵。之后,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入能量区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less. Then, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000).callback(this,function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); }); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }).callback(this,function () { // this.player.enerCharge(1); // }); } } }, "485": { "pid": 485, cid: 485, "timestamp": 1419094738538, "wxid": "WX04-075", name: "幻水 クラゲ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 库拉格", name_en: "Kurage, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイクラゲ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-075.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クラクラふわり。カーミラさん? ~クラゲ~", cardText_zh_CN: "晕晕呼呼的,卡米拉小姐? ~库拉格~", cardText_en: "Dizzily soft. Carmilla? ~Kurage~" }, "486": { "pid": 486, cid: 486, "timestamp": 1419094738816, "wxid": "WX04-076", name: "コードアート D・E・F", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D·E·F", name_en: "Code Art DEF", "kana": "コードアートディフェンス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-076.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "守って、勝利! ~D・E・F~", cardText_zh_CN: "坚守,胜利! ~D·E·F~", cardText_en: "Follow us, victory! ~DEF~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:レベル3以下の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):破坏1只等级3以下冻结状态的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Banish one of your opponent's level 3 or less frozen SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); var cards = signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 3) && signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "487": { "pid": 487, cid: 487, "timestamp": 1419094739113, "wxid": "WX04-077", name: "幻水 ヒトデ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 希特蒂", name_en: "Hitode, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイヒトデ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-077.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うはは、みつかったー。 ~ヒトデ~", cardText_zh_CN: "呜哈哈,找到了。 ~希特蒂~", cardText_en: "Uhaha, I found ittt. ~Hitode~" }, "488": { "pid": 488, cid: 488, "timestamp": 1419094739437, "wxid": "WX04-078", name: "コードアート R・P・G", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 R·P·G", name_en: "Code Art RPG", "kana": "コードアートロールプレイングゲーム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-078.jpg", "illust": "佃煮のりお", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "じつはわたしは…ひ・み・つ! ~R・P・G~", cardText_zh_CN: "其实我是…秘·密! ~R·P·G~", cardText_en: "The truth is I... S-E-C-R-E-T! ~RPG~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の場に凍結状態のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果对方场上有冻结状态的精灵,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a frozen SIGNI on your opponent's field, this SIGNI's power is 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "489": { "pid": 489, cid: 489, "timestamp": 1419094739720, "wxid": "WX04-079", name: "羅原 F", name_zh_CN: "罗原 F", name_en: "Fluorine, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンフッソ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-079.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "純白さならナンバーワン! ~F~", cardText_zh_CN: "纯白的话就是No.1! ~F~", cardText_en: "If it's pure whiteness, I'm number one! ~F~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<原子>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上<原子>精灵有3只,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "490": { "pid": 490, cid: 490, "timestamp": 1419094740031, "wxid": "WX04-080", name: "幻水 クリオネ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 克丽欧妮", name_en: "Clione, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイクリオネ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-080.jpg", "illust": "ユンケル", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "食事をみたい?失礼ね。 ~クリオネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "想看我吃东西的样子? 太失礼了。 ~克丽欧妮~", cardText_en: "I look like a meal? How rude. ~Clione~" }, "491": { "pid": 491, cid: 491, "timestamp": 1419094740314, "wxid": "WX04-081", name: "羅原 Cl", name_zh_CN: "罗原 Cl", name_en: "Chlorine, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンエンソ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-081.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝かしさならナンバーワン! ~Cl~", cardText_zh_CN: "闪耀的话No.1! ~Cl~", cardText_en: "If it's shininess, I'm number one! ~Cl~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《羅原 F》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌被破坏时,可以支付(蓝)。若如此做,可以从我方牌组中找1张《罗原 F》,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Blue]. If you do, search your deck for a \"Fluorine, Natural Source\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '491-const-0', costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 489; // <罗源 氟> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "492": { "pid": 492, cid: 492, "timestamp": 1419094740631, "wxid": "WX04-082", name: "コードアート S・M・L", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S·M·L", name_en: "Code Art SML", "kana": "コードアートシミュレーション", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-082.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オペレーション、Ω発動! ~S・M・L~", cardText_zh_CN: "作战 Ω开始! ~S·M·L~", cardText_en: "Operation, Omega activated! ~SML~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニの正面にあるシグニがアタックしたとき、アタックしたシグニを凍結する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌正前方的精灵进行攻击时,将进行攻击的精灵冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI attacks, freeze the attacking SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '492-const-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!inArr(event.card,event.card.player.signis)) return; event.card.freeze(); } }); add(opposingSigni,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "493": { "pid": 493, cid: 493, "timestamp": 1419094740929, "wxid": "WX04-083", name: "PRECIOUS", name_zh_CN: "PRECIOUS", name_en: "PRECIOUS", "kana": "プレシャス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-083.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みっけ!", cardText_zh_CN: "找到啦!", cardText_en: "Found!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを5枚引く。その後、手札を2枚捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽5张牌。之后,舍弃2张手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw five cards. Then, discard two cards from your hand." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(5); return this.player.discardAsyn(2); } } }, "494": { "pid": 494, cid: 494, "timestamp": 1419094741231, "wxid": "WX04-084", name: "ATTRACTION", name_zh_CN: "ATTRACTION", name_en: "ATTRACTION", "kana": "アトラクション", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-084.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミルルンの魅力にメロメロミルーン!", cardText_zh_CN: "对米璐璐恩的魅力着迷吧!", cardText_en: "Look at Mirurun's charm and fall madly in lovelun!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからコストの合計が1のスペル1枚とコストの合計が2のスペル1枚とコストの合計が3のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张费用为1的魔法牌、1张费用合计为2的魔法牌和1张费用合计为3的魔法牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for a spell with a total cost of 1, a spell with a total cost of 2, a spell with a total cost of 3, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var createFilter = function (count) { return function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) === count); }; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(createFilter(1),1).callback(this,function () { return this.player.seekAsyn(createFilter(2),1); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.seekAsyn(createFilter(3),1); }) } } }, "495": { "pid": 495, cid: 495, "timestamp": 1419094741564, "wxid": "WX04-085", name: "羅植 ドロウソ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 粘虫草", name_en: "Droso, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクドロウソ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-085.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひっつくね!ぺろぺろ ~ドロウソ~", cardText_zh_CN: "黏住了!舔舔 ~粘虫草~", cardText_en: "It's sticking on! Slurp slurp ~Droso~" }, "496": { "pid": 496, cid: 496, "timestamp": 1419094741864, "wxid": "WX04-086", name: "幻獣 トサ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 土佐犬", name_en: "Tosa, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウトサ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-086.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、ちゅおいよ。 ~トサ~", cardText_zh_CN: "我咬你哦。 ~土佐犬~", cardText_en: "I'm stwong. ~Tosa~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<空獣>と<地獣>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有其他<空兽>和<地兽>精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other and SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'))) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<空兽>或<地兽>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a or SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "497": { "pid": 497, cid: 497, "timestamp": 1419094742148, "wxid": "WX04-087", name: "羅植 ハエトリ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 捕蝇草", name_en: "Haetori, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクハエトリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-087.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぺったんぺったん。いただきます。 ~ハエトリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "好饿好饿啦。我要开动了。 ~捕蝇草~", cardText_en: "Flatten flatten, thank you for the food. ~Haetori~" }, "498": { "pid": 498, cid: 498, "timestamp": 1419094742451, "wxid": "WX04-088", name: "幻獣 ビーグル", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猎兔犬", name_en: "Beagle, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウビーグル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-088.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "勇敢ですよ!がおー! ~ビーグル~", cardText_zh_CN: "很勇敢的哟!噶哦! ~猎兔犬~", cardText_en: "I'm brave you know! Roar! ~Beagle~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが【ランサー】を持っているかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果此牌持有【枪兵】的能力,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI has [Lancer], this SIGNI's power becomes 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.lancer; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【緑】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿)(绿)(绿):直到回合结束时为止,此牌获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [Green] [Green]: This SIGNI gets [Lancer] until end of turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 3, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'lancer',true); // 这里涉及常时效果的循环引用问题, // 上面的代码执行后,会添加一个关于【枪兵】的常时效果, // 然后会进行常时效果的计算,但在计算的时候, // 由于此卡的【常】比关于【枪兵】的常时效果更早添加, // 所以在计算【常】时,此卡并不持有【枪兵】. // 因此,在这里增加一个空的帧,用于进行二次计算. this.game.frameStart(); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "499": { "pid": 499, cid: 499, "timestamp": 1419094742764, "wxid": "WX04-089", name: "未解決の逸脱 シュレリス", name_zh_CN: "未能解决的偏差 超现实", name_en: "Surrelis, Unresolved Deviation", "kana": "ミカイケツノイツダツシュレリス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-089.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "迷い込んだのね。かわいそう。 ~シュレリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "迷路了吧。真可怜。 ~超现实~", cardText_en: "Lost your way huh. How pitiful. ~Surrelis~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<美巧>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有3只<美巧>精灵,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "500": { "pid": 500, cid: 500, "timestamp": 1419094743471, "wxid": "WX04-090", name: "羅稙 モウセン", name_zh_CN: "罗植 毛毡苔", name_en: "Mousen, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクモウセン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-090.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゆっくりゆっくり、味わうわ。 ~モウセン~", cardText_zh_CN: "慢慢…慢慢的,品尝味道。 ~毛毡苔~", cardText_en: "Easy easy, savor it. ~Mousen~" }, "501": { "pid": 501, cid: 501, "timestamp": 1419094698830, "wxid": "WX04-091", name: "幻獣 チワワン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 吉娃汪", name_en: "Chihuahuan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウチワワン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-091.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "最弱なんで、やめてくだしゃい! ~チワワン~", cardText_zh_CN: "不要说我是最弱的! ~吉娃汪~", cardText_en: "This weak, pleashe shtop! ~Chihuahuan~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【緑】【無】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】绿2无1+将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [Green] [Colorless] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 2, costColorless: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "502": { "pid": 502, cid: 502, "timestamp": 1419094700144, "wxid": "WX04-092", name: "無害の一致 ピュリ", name_zh_CN: "无害的一致 纯粹", name_en: "Puri, Innocuous Match", "kana": "ムガイノイッチピュリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-092.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "冒険ね。わたしを描くなんて! ~ピュリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "画我可是一场冒险哟! ~纯粹~", cardText_en: "Adventurous, right? Painting me like this! ~Puri~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《未解決の逸脱 シュレリス》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌被破坏时,可以支付(绿)。若如此做,从我方牌组中找1张《未能解决的偏差 超现实》,将其展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Green]. If you do, search your deck for a \"Surrelis, Unresolved Deviation\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '502-const-0', costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 499; // <未解決の逸脱 シュレリス> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "503": { "pid": 503, cid: 503, "timestamp": 1419094702589, "wxid": "WX04-093", name: "惰眠", name_zh_CN: "惰眠", name_en: "Inactivity", "kana": "ダミン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-093.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の次を、探す夢。", cardText_zh_CN: "在我之后,寻找梦。", cardText_en: "A dream of finding the next me.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からシグニがめくれるまで公開する。その後、公開されたシグニを場に出し、残りのカードをトラッシュに置く。その後、この効果を2回繰り返す。(場に出すことのできないシグニはトラッシュに置かれる。【出現時能力】の能力はこの効果がすべて解決してから好きな順番で発動する)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组顶不断展示卡牌,直到翻到精灵牌为止。之后,让展示的精灵出场,剩下的牌放置到废弃区。之后,重复2次这个效果。(不能出场的精灵放置到废弃区。此效果全部处理结束后,再以任意顺序发动【出】的效果)" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal cards from the top of your deck until a SIGNI is revealed. After that, put that revealed SIGNI into play, and put the remaining cards into the trash. Then, repeat the effect two more times. (If the SIGNI cannot be put into play, put it into the trash. [On-Play] abilities occur after all effects for this card is resolved and you choose the order for the activation)" ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { var cards = []; var target = null; this.player.mainDeck.cards.some(function (card) { cards.push(card); if (card.type === 'SIGNI') { target = card; return true; } return false; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards); }).callback(this,function () { if (target && target.canSummon()) { removeFromArr(target,cards); return target.summonAsyn(); } }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚見る。その中からカード1枚を手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组顶查看3张牌。将其中1张牌加入手牌,剩下的牌放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Look at the top three cards of your deck. Add one card from among them to your hand, and put the rest into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { this.game.frameStart(); if (card) { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); removeFromArr(card,cards); } this.game.trashCards(cards); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "504": { "pid": 504, cid: 504, "timestamp": 1419094705569, "wxid": "WX04-094", name: "怒号", name_zh_CN: "怒号", name_en: "Angry Roar", "kana": "ドゴウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-094.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おっしゃあああ!ぶっとばす!", cardText_zh_CN: "好呀啊啊啊啊啊!打倒你!", cardText_en: "Alriiight! I'll beat you up!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたの<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニ1体のパワーを+2000する。そのシグニは、あなたの場に<空獣>と<地獣>のシグニが合計3体ある場合、ターン終了時まで、【ランサー】と「このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロスをクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く」を追加で得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方1只<空兽>或<地兽>精灵力量+2000。如果我方场上<空兽>或<地兽>精灵合计有3只,那只精灵直到回合结束时为止,追加获得【枪兵】的能力和「此牌击溃对方生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区」的效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your or SIGNI gets +2000 power. If you have three and SIGNI on the field, it also gets [Lancer] and \"When this SIGNI crushes your opponent's Life Cloth, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone\" until end of turn." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (target) { return { target: target, flag: (cards.length === 3) } }); }, actionAsyn: function (targetObj) { var target = targetObj.target; if (!inArr(target,this.player.signis)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',2000); if (targetObj.flag) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: target, description: '504-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.source === this); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,target,'lancer',true); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロスをクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此牌击溃对方生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI crushes your opponent\'s Life Cloth, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone' ] }, "505": { "pid": 505, cid: 505, "timestamp": 1419094710602, "wxid": "WX04-095", name: "コードアンチ ナスカ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 纳斯卡", name_en: "Code Anti Nazca", "kana": "コードアンチナスカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-095.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あー、どーどー。落書きは、やめなさい。 ~ナスカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "啊,咚咚。请不要涂鸦。 ~纳斯卡~", cardText_en: "Ah, dodo, please stop scribbling. ~Nazca~" }, "506": { "pid": 506, cid: 506, "timestamp": 1419094713612, "wxid": "WX04-096", name: "堕落の破戒 オリエンス", name_zh_CN: "堕落破戒 欧力恩斯", name_en: "Oriens, Fallen Transgression", "kana": "ダラクノハカイオリエンス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-096.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パイモンたら、だらしない。 ~オリエンス~", cardText_zh_CN: "派蒙真是的,不成体统。 ~欧力恩斯~", cardText_en: "Jeeze that Paimon, she's undisciplined. ~Oriens~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニに【チャーム】が付いているかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果此牌下方有【魅饰】牌,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as a [Charm] is attached to this SIGNI, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.charm; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをあなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。(【チャーム】であるカードはシグニ1体につき1枚まで、そのシグニの下に裏向きで置かれる)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):可以将我方牌组最上方1张牌当做【魅饰】牌放置在我方1只<恶魔>精灵下方。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: You may put the top card of your deck as a [Charm] under one of your SIGNI. (Each SIGNI can have up to one [Charm] card, and it is placed face-down under the SIGNI)" ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔') && !signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "507": { "pid": 507, cid: 507, "timestamp": 1419094718755, "wxid": "WX04-097", name: "コードアンチ アショカ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 阿输迦", name_en: "Code Anti Ashoka", "kana": "コードアンチアショカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-097.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょちょちょなんでわたしが現世…デリー…!! ~アショカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "这这这为什么我会出现在这里 …德里!!  ~阿输迦~", cardText_en: "By striking and striking and striking, I reach this present life... Delhi...!! ~Ashoka~" }, "508": { "pid": 508, cid: 508, "timestamp": 1419094722571, "wxid": "WX04-098", name: "堕落の吐露 マイモン", name_zh_CN: "堕落吐露 迈蒙", name_en: "Maimon, Fallen Confession", "kana": "ダラクノトロマイモン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-098.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わたしたちが存在してるってことは、ふうん。 ~マイモン~", cardText_zh_CN: "我们存在着也就是说,哼。 ~迈蒙~", cardText_en: "Our very existence is misfortune. ~Maimon~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニに【チャーム】が付いているかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。(【チャーム】であるカードはシグニ1体につき1枚まで、そのシグニの下に裏向きで置かれる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果此牌下方有【魅饰】牌,此牌力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant] As long as a [Charm] is attached to this SIGNI, this SIGNI's power is 10000. (Each SIGNI can have up to one [Charm] card, and it is placed face-down under the SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.charm; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "509": { "pid": 509, cid: 509, "timestamp": 1419094726921, "wxid": "WX04-099", name: "ツヴァイ=サリナ", name_zh_CN: "ZWEI=沙林娜", name_en: "Zwei=Sarina", "kana": "ツヴァイサリナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-099.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はああああ、もおおおお。 ~サリナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "哈啊啊啊啊,真是的。 ~沙林毒~", cardText_en: "Haaaa, jeeeeeze. ~Sarina~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニが対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニとバトルした場合、バトル終了時に、その対戦相手のシグニをバニッシュする。(このシグニがバトルでバニッシュされていても、この能力は発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方回合中,如果此牌与对方等级2以下的精灵进行战斗,在战斗结束时,破坏对方那只精灵。(此牌就算因战斗被破坏,此效果也能发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During the opponent's turn, if this SIGNI battles your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI, at the end of the battle, banish the opponent's SIGNI. (Even if this SIGNI is banished in battle, this effect will still activate)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '509-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var card = event.card; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; if (card.level > 2) return false; var opposingSigni = card.getOpposingSigni(); return (opposingSigni === this); }, // condition: function () { // // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // return true; // }, actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!inArr(event.card,event.card.player.signis)) return; event.banishAttackingSigniSource = this; } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "510": { "pid": 510, cid: 510, "timestamp": 1419094730581, "wxid": "WX04-100", name: "コードアンチ ヘンジ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 巨石阵", name_en: "Code Anti Henge", "kana": "コードアンチヘンジ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-100.jpg", "illust": "芥川", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そう、あれはね、陣だったのよ。 ~ヘンジ~", cardText_zh_CN: "是的,那就是巨石阵。 ~巨石阵~", cardText_en: "Yes, that is right, it was an encampment. ~Henge~" }, "511": { "pid": 511, cid: 511, "timestamp": 1419094733552, "wxid": "WX04-101", name: "アイン=ダガ", name_zh_CN: "EINS=毒匕首", name_en: "Ein=Dagger", "kana": "アインダガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-101.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もちろん、塗ってるよ。 ~ダガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "当然,涂了哟。 ~毒匕首~", cardText_en: "Of course, I'm smearing it. ~Dagger~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-1000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-1000×我方分身的等级。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI into the trash from the field: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power for each of your LRIG's level." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-1000*this.player.lrig.level); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "512": { "pid": 512, cid: 512, "timestamp": 1419094736660, "wxid": "WX04-102", name: "堕落の消滅 アリトン", name_zh_CN: "堕落消灭 阿里通", name_en: "Ariton, Fallen Annihilation", "kana": "ダラクノショウメツアリトン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-102.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パイモン…あの阿保…。 ~アリトン~", cardText_zh_CN: "派蒙…那个呆子…。 ~阿里通~", cardText_en: "Paimon... that idiot... ~Ariton~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが手札またはデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをあなたの場にあるシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。(【チャーム】であるカードはシグニ1体につき1枚まで、そのシグニの下に裏向きで置かれる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌从手牌或牌组放置到废弃区时,可以让此牌成为我方场上1只精灵的【魅饰】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your hand or deck, you may put this SIGNI as [Charm] under one of your SIGNI. (Each SIGNI can have up to one [Charm] card, and it is placed face-down under the SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '512-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { // var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { // return !signi.charm; // },this); return ((event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) || (event.oldZone === this.player.handZone)) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { // var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { // return !signi.charm; // },this); // return flag && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.charmTo(card); }); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "513": { "pid": 513, cid: 513, "timestamp": 1419094739557, "wxid": "WX04-103", name: "エビルズ・ソウル", name_zh_CN: "恶魔之魂", name_en: "Evil's Soul", "kana": "エビルズソウル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-103.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "じゃっじゃーん。シュッバッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "锵锵。咻梆!", cardText_en: "Tada, shuba!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを、あなたの場にある<悪魔>のシグニのレベルを合計した数だけ-1000する。その後、このスペルをあなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。(【チャーム】であるカードはシグニ1体につき1枚まで、そのシグニの下に裏向きで置かれる)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-1000×我方场上<恶魔>精灵的等级合计值。之后,可以让此牌成为我方1只<恶魔>精灵的【魅饰】。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power for each level of the total level of your SIGNI on the field. After that, you may turn this spell into one of your SIGNI's [Charm]. (Each SIGNI can have up to one [Charm] card, and it is placed face-down under the SIGNI)" ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, dontCheckTarget: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { var count = 0; var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('悪魔')) { count += signi.level; return !signi.charm; } return false; }); if (inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis)) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',-1000*count); } if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.charmTo(card); }); } } }, "514": { "pid": 514, cid: 514, "timestamp": 1419094742564, "wxid": "WX04-104", name: "エンド・スラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "终末斩击", name_en: "End Slash", "kana": "エンドスラッシュ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-104.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "予想だにしない、最後!", cardText_zh_CN: "直到最后也没有预想到呢!", cardText_en: "Don't make predictions, the end!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.trashAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } } }, "515": { "pid": 515, cid: 515, "timestamp": 1419094746860, "wxid": "WX04-105", name: "成長する未来", name_zh_CN: "成长的未来", name_en: "Growing Future", "kana": "セイチョウスルミライ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX04/WX04-105.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "願いを失った少女は、因子となる。", cardText_zh_CN: "失去愿望的少女会,成为因子。", cardText_en: "The girl who lost her wish, became factors.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top card of your deck into your Ener Zone." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "516": { "pid": 516, cid: 18, "timestamp": 1419094747579, "wxid": "PR-023", name: "アンチ・スペル (WIXOSS PARTY 9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "魔法反制 (WIXOSS PARTY 9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Anti-Spell (WIXOSS PARTY 9-10月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "アンチスペル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-023.jpg", "illust": "refeia", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えいやッ!残念賞!", cardText_zh_CN: "えいやッ!残念賞!", cardText_en: "Here! Consolation prize!" }, "517": { "pid": 517, cid: 26, "timestamp": 1419094748456, "wxid": "PR-024", name: "チャージング (WIXOSS PARTY 11-12月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "充能 (WIXOSS PARTY 11-12月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Charging (WIXOSS PARTY 11-12月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "チャージング", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-024.jpg", "illust": "かにゃぴぃ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぷっはぁぁ!ご褒美ドリンクはさすがの味っすねぇ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "ぷっはぁぁ!ご褒美ドリンクはさすがの味っすねぇ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_en: "Puahhh! A victory drink is just the taste you'd expect! ~Eldora~" }, "518": { "pid": 518, cid: 518, "timestamp": 1419094749342, "wxid": "PR-045", name: "紅蓮の使者 ミリア (カードゲーマーvol.18 付録)", name_zh_CN: "红莲使者 米莉亚 (カードゲーマーvol.18 付録)", name_en: "Miria, Vermilion Messenger (カードゲーマーvol.18 付録)", "kana": "グレンノシシャミリア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-045.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "や~ん 新しい扉が開いたみたいね♡ ~ミリア~", cardText_zh_CN: "や~ん 新しい扉が開いたみたいね♡ ~ミリア~", cardText_en: "Wo~w it seems a new gate has been unsealed♥ ~Miria~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのルリグが黒の場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを10枚トラッシュに置く。この方法で10枚のカードがトラッシュに置かれた場合、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ5枚をあなたのデッキに加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的LRIG是黑色的场合,从你的卡组顶将10张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方式将10张卡放置到了废弃区的场合,从你的废弃区将5张黑色SIGNI卡加入你的卡组。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your LRIG is black, put the top 10 cards of your deck into the trash. If 10 cards were put into the trash this way, add 5 black SIGNI from your trash to your deck. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')) return; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(10); this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (cards.length === 10) { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); if (cards.length < 5) { this.player.shuffle(); return; }; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,5,5).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck); this.player.shuffle(); }); }); } }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只LRIG或1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」的状态。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, one of your opponent's LRIGs or SIGNI gets \"Can't attack\"." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.lrig,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } } }, "519": { "pid": 519, cid: 84, "timestamp": 1419094755548, "wxid": "PR-054", name: "THREE OUT (ウィクロスアートマテリアル 付録)", name_zh_CN: "THREE OUT (ウィクロスアートマテリアル 付録)", name_en: "THREE OUT (ウィクロスアートマテリアル 付録)", "kana": "スリーアウト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-054.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見てて、今あなたに輝く知識をあげる。 ~S・M・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "見てて、今あなたに輝く知識をあげる。 ~S・M・P~", cardText_en: "Please watch, right now I'll give you some brilliant information. ~SMP~" }, "520": { "pid": 520, cid: 110, "timestamp": 1419094757063, "wxid": "PR-056", name: "エイボン (selector infected WIXOSSオフィシャルファンブック 付録)", name_zh_CN: "艾本之书 (selector infected WIXOSSオフィシャルファンブック 付録)", name_en: "Avon (selector infected WIXOSSオフィシャルファンブック 付録)", "kana": "エイボン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-056.jpg", "illust": "瀬菜モナコ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いっしょ、戦う! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "いっしょ、戦う! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Together, fight! ~Tama~" }, "521": { "pid": 521, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1419094757497, "wxid": "PR-059", name: "閻魔 ウリス (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-059.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~ウリス~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Ulith~" }, "522": { "pid": 522, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1419094759588, "wxid": "PR-060", name: "エルドラ=マーク0 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×0式 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Eldora=Mark 0 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-060.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンっす! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンっす! ~エルドラ~", cardText_en: "Hey open! ~Eldora~" }, "523": { "pid": 523, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1419094762304, "wxid": "PR-061", name: "遊月・零 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "游月·零 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-061.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンっ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンっ! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Yuzuki~" }, "524": { "pid": 524, cid: 346, "timestamp": 1419094763063, "wxid": "PR-062", name: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "月零/少女 伊绪奈 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Iona, Zero/Maiden (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "ゼロメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-062.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン…… ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン…… ~イオナ~", cardText_en: "Open...... ~Iona~" }, "525": { "pid": 525, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1419094763782, "wxid": "PR-063", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-063.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~アン~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Anne~" }, "526": { "pid": 526, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1419094764932, "wxid": "PR-064", name: "ミルルン・ノット (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节 (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-064.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンプン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンプン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_en: "Openpen! ~Mirurun~" }, "527": { "pid": 527, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1419094767544, "wxid": "PR-065", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=Noll (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", name_en: "Umuru=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation (WIXOSS大運動会参加賞)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-065.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンじゃ ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンじゃ ~ウムル~", cardText_en: "Open. ~Umuru~" }, "528": { "pid": 528, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1419094770564, "wxid": "PR-066", name: "ウリス (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_zh_CN: "乌莉丝 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_en: "Ulith (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", "kana": "ウリス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-066.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "529": { "pid": 529, cid: 346, "timestamp": 1419094773632, "wxid": "PR-067", name: "イオナ (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_zh_CN: "伊绪奈 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_en: "Iona (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", "kana": "イオナ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-067.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "530": { "pid": 530, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1419094776486, "wxid": "PR-068", name: "エルドラ (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_en: "Eldora (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", "kana": "エルドラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-068.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "531": { "pid": 531, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1419094777411, "wxid": "PR-069", name: "遊月 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_zh_CN: "游月 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", name_en: "Yuzuki (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート2)", "kana": "ユヅキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-069.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "532": { "pid": 532, cid: 532, "timestamp": 1419094778225, "wxid": "PR-070", name: "巨弓 ヤエキリ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 八重弦 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_en: "Yaekiri, Large Bow (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", "kana": "キョキュウヤエキリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-070.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キリキリ引いて、あっという間ですの! ~ヤエキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "キリキリ引いて、あっという間ですの! ~ヤエキリ~", cardText_en: "Drawing a bow in the blink of an eye! ~Yaekiri~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になり、「対戦相手の効果によってこのシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<武装>或<武器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变成10000,获得「这只SIGNI因对战对手的效果离开场地时,从你的卡组里探寻1张等级3以下的<武装>或<武器>SIGNI卡,让其出场。之后,卡组洗切」的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If you have three or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 10000, and it gets \"When this SIGNI leaves the field by the effect of the opponent, search your deck for a level 3 or less or SIGNI, put it onto the field, then shuffle your deck.\" " ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('アーム') || signi.hasClass('ウェポン')); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '532-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.isSigni) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; return source.player === this.player.opponent; }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }); set(this,'power',10000); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '対戦相手の効果によってこのシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI因对战对手的效果离开场地时,从你的卡组里探寻1张等级3以下的<武装>或<武器>SIGNI卡,让其出场。之后,卡组洗切' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI leaves the field by the effect of the opponent, search your deck for a level 3 or less or SIGNI, put it onto the field, then shuffle your deck.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张<武装>或<武器>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for an or SIGNI, reveal it, add it to your hand, then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "533": { "pid": 533, cid: 533, "timestamp": 1419094779045, "wxid": "PR-071", name: "羅石 アンモライト (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 斑彩石 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_en: "Ammolite, Natural Stone (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", "kana": "ラセキアンモライト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-071.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やー皆さん、こんにちは! ~アンモライト~", cardText_zh_CN: "やー皆さん、こんにちは! ~アンモライト~", cardText_en: "Everyone, hello! ~Ammolite~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたが赤のスペルを使用したとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你使用红色魔法时,直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you use a red spell, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '533-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasColor('red'); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }] }, "534": { "pid": 534, cid: 534, "timestamp": 1419094779965, "wxid": "PR-072", name: "ロック・ユー (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_zh_CN: "将你缚锁 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_en: "Lock You (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", "kana": "ロックユー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-072.jpg", "illust": "クマハシリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゲームオーバー。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "ゲームオーバー。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: "Game over. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、対戦相手のスペルを使用するためのコストは【無×3】増える。あなたのルリグが<ピルルク>の場合、このターン、対戦相手のアーツを使用するためのコストは【無×3】増える。(カットインされたスペルはこの効果の影響を受けない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,对战对手为使用魔法而支付的费用增加无3。你的LRIG是<皮璐璐可>的场合,这个回合中,对战对手为使用技艺而支付的费用增加无3。(被切入的魔法不受这个效果影响)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, the cost to use your opponent's spells increases by [Colorless]3. If your LRIG is , this turn, the cost of your opponent's ARTS increases by [Colorless]3. (The spell that got cut-in is not affected by this effect)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.hands,this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costColorless',3); } },this); if (this.player.lrig.hasClass('ピルルク')) { // 注意checkZone cards = concat(this.player.opponent.lrigDeck.cards,this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'ARTS') { add(card,'costColorless',3); } },this); } } }); } } }, "535": { "pid": 535, cid: 535, "timestamp": 1419094780829, "wxid": "PR-073", name: "幻獣 ミャオ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 喵 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_en: "Miao, Phantom Beast (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", "kana": "ゲンジュウミャオ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-073.jpg", "illust": "おにねこ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すこしずつね。 ~ミャオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "すこしずつね。 ~ミャオ~", cardText_en: "Little by little. ~Miao~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の場にシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的场上有3只SIGNI,这只SIGNI获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent has three SIGNI, this SIGNI gets [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.signis.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } }] }, "536": { "pid": 536, cid: 536, "timestamp": 1419094781637, "wxid": "PR-074", name: "デス・バイ・デス (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_zh_CN: "死亡紧接死亡 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", name_en: "Death by Death (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol3)", "kana": "デスバイデス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-074.jpg", "illust": "椋本夏夜", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いかにも、黒く堕ちるにふさわしい。", cardText_zh_CN: "いかにも、黒く堕ちるにふさわしい。", cardText_en: "Indeed, how appropriate it is to fall into the darkness.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。 そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-8000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you did, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power." ], spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,targetB,'power',-8000); }); } } }, "537": { "pid": 537, cid: 532, "timestamp": 1419094782532, "wxid": "PR-075", name: "巨弓 ヤエキリ (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 八重弦 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_en: "Yaekiri, Large Bow (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", "kana": "キョキュウヤエキリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-075.jpg", "illust": "真時未砂", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヘブンな場所へご招待ですの! ~ヤエキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "ヘブンな場所へご招待ですの! ~ヤエキリ~", cardText_en: "An invitation to a most heavenly place! ~Yaekiri~" }, "538": { "pid": 538, cid: 533, "timestamp": 1419094783728, "wxid": "PR-076", name: "羅石 アンモライト (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 斑彩石 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_en: "Ammolite, Natural Stone (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", "kana": "ラセキアンモライト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-076.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やー皆さん、輝いてるう? ~アンモライト~", cardText_zh_CN: "やー皆さん、輝いてるう? ~アンモライト~", cardText_en: "Everyone, are you shining? ~Ammolite~" }, "539": { "pid": 539, cid: 534, "timestamp": 1419094784873, "wxid": "PR-077", name: "ロック・ユー (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_zh_CN: "将你缚锁 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_en: "Lock You (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", "kana": "ロックユー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-077.jpg", "illust": "クマハシリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そのまま、朽ちるといいわ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "そのまま、朽ちるといいわ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: " Like that, go ahead and rot. ~Piruluk~" }, "540": { "pid": 540, cid: 535, "timestamp": 1419094785730, "wxid": "PR-078", name: "幻獣 ミャオ (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 喵 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_en: "Miao, Phantom Beast (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", "kana": "ゲンジュウミャオ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-078.jpg", "illust": "おにねこ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もうこんなに大きくなった。 ~ミャオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "もうこんなに大きくなった。 ~ミャオ~", cardText_en: "Already becoming this big. ~Miao~" }, "541": { "pid": 541, cid: 536, "timestamp": 1419094787163, "wxid": "PR-079", name: "デス・バイ・デス (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_zh_CN: "死亡紧接死亡 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", name_en: "Death by Death (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol3)", "kana": "デスバイデス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-079.jpg", "illust": "椋本夏夜", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いかにも、黒く堕ちるにふさわしく輝くか。", cardText_zh_CN: "いかにも、黒く堕ちるにふさわしく輝くか。", cardText_en: "Indeed, how brilliantly appropriate it is to fall into the darkness." }, "542": { "pid": 542, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1419094789745, "wxid": "PR-080", name: "ミルルン・ノット (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节 (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-080.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミルルン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "ミルルン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_en: "Mirurun! ~Mirurun~" }, "543": { "pid": 543, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1419094790893, "wxid": "PR-081", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安 (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles (第4弾発売記念キャンペーン)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-081.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふむ、お手合わせ願いましょうか。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "ふむ、お手合わせ願いましょうか。 ~アン~", cardText_en: "Well, let us have a contest. ~Anne~" }, "544": { "pid": 544, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094794247, "wxid": "PR-082", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-082.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "おーぷん! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Tama~" }, "545": { "pid": 545, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1419094794982, "wxid": "PR-083", name: "花代・零 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-083.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンッ! ~花代~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Hanayo~" }, "546": { "pid": 546, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1419094795763, "wxid": "PR-084", name: "コード・ピルルク (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Code Piruluk (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-084.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "・・・・・・オープン ~ピルルク~", cardText_en: "――Open. ~Piruluk~" }, "547": { "pid": 547, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1419094796530, "wxid": "PR-085", name: "闘娘 緑姫 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-085.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~緑姫~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Midoriko~" }, "548": { "pid": 548, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1419094798561, "wxid": "PR-086", name: "閻魔 ウリス (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-086.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~ウリス~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Ulith~" }, "549": { "pid": 549, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1419094799830, "wxid": "PR-087", name: "エルドラ=マーク0 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=0式 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Eldora=Mark 0 (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-087.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンっす! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンっす! ~エルドラ~", cardText_en: "Hey open! ~Eldora~" }, "550": { "pid": 550, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1419094800644, "wxid": "PR-088", name: "遊月・零 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "游月·零 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-088.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンっ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンっ! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Yuzuki~" }, "551": { "pid": 551, cid: 346, "timestamp": 1419094708820, "wxid": "PR-089", name: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "月零/少女 伊绪奈 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Iona, Zero/Maiden (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "ゼロメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-089.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン…… ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン…… ~イオナ~", cardText_en: "Open...... ~Iona~" }, "552": { "pid": 552, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1419094710263, "wxid": "PR-090", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-090.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープン! ~アン~", cardText_en: "Open! ~Anne~" }, "553": { "pid": 553, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1419094711574, "wxid": "PR-091", name: "ミルルン・ノット (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节 (アミューズメント専用景品)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought (アミューズメント専用景品)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-091.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンプン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "オープンプン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_en: " Openpen! ~Mirurun~" }, "554": { "pid": 554, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419094712583, "wxid": "PR-092", name: "サーバント O (WIXOSS大運動会優勝景品)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O (WIXOSS大運動会優勝景品)", name_en: "Servant O (WIXOSS大運動会優勝景品)", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-092.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "これからも私を使い続けてね。 ~サーバントO~", cardText_zh_CN: "これからも私を使い続けてね。 ~サーバントO~", cardText_en: "Continue to use me in the future. ~Servant O~" }, "555": { "pid": 555, cid: 305, "timestamp": 1419094715606, "wxid": "PR-093", name: "羅植 カーノ (分島花音「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 花音 (分島花音「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Kano, Natural Plant (分島花音「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラショクカーノ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-093.jpg", "illust": "分島花音", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "終焉の音、巻きこむ喧噪。", cardText_zh_CN: "終焉の音、巻きこむ喧噪。", cardText_en: "The sound of demise, the great noise envelopes." }, "556": { "pid": 556, cid: 494, "timestamp": 1419094719849, "wxid": "PR-094", name: "ATTRACTION (コンプティーク11月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "吸引 (コンプティーク11月号 付録)", name_en: "ATTRACTION (コンプティーク11月号 付録)", "kana": "アトラクション", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-094.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いやはや、私を呼び出してくれるなんて恐縮ですわー! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "いやはや、私を呼び出してくれるなんて恐縮ですわー! ~エルドラ~", cardText_en: "Oh my, I greatly appreciate you calling for me! ~Eldora~" }, "557": { "pid": 557, cid: 223, "timestamp": 1419094722798, "wxid": "PR-095", name: "豊潤 (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "丰润 (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", name_en: "Abundance (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", "kana": "ホウジュン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-095.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "にょきにょき育て~♪私のかわいい若葉達♪", cardText_zh_CN: "にょきにょき育て~♪私のかわいい若葉達♪", cardText_en: "Spring up and grow~♪ My cute new leaves♪" }, "558": { "pid": 558, cid: 558, "timestamp": 1419094725551, "wxid": "PR-096", name: "アイギス・シールド (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "庇护之盾 (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", name_en: "Aegis Shield (ビッグガンガン11月号 付録)", "kana": "アイギスシールド", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-096.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今度こそ君を守ろう…これは僕の贖罪の終末。", cardText_zh_CN: "今度こそ君を守ろう…これは僕の贖罪の終末。", cardText_en: "This time for sure, I will protect you... that is my final atonement.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンであるかぎり、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。(この効果が解決したあとに場に出たシグニは、この効果の影響を受けない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "若是在对战对手的回合,直到回合结束为止,你的所有SIGNI的力量+5000。(这个效果处理之后出场的SIGNI,不受这个效果影响。)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "As long as it is your opponent's turn, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power. (SIGNI that enter the field after this effect has resolved, are not affected this effect.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) return; this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "559": { "pid": 559, cid: 305, "timestamp": 1419094727599, "wxid": "PR-097", name: "羅植 カーノ (animelo mix 「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 ダウンロード特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 花音 (animelo mix 「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 ダウンロード特典)", name_en: "Kano, Natural Plant (animelo mix 「world’s end, girl’s rondo」 ダウンロード特典)", "kana": "ラショクカーノ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-097.jpg", "illust": "分島花音", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "元に戻る、君の終焉。", cardText_zh_CN: "元に戻る、君の終焉。", cardText_en: "Return to the origin, your demise." }, "560": { "pid": 560, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419094731634, "wxid": "PR-099", name: "噴流する知識 (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识 (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "フンリュウスルチシキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-099.jpg", "illust": "クマハシリ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッチリでーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーす!!", cardText_zh_CN: "バッチリでーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーす!!", cardText_en: "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's perfect!" }, "561": { "pid": 561, cid: 534, "timestamp": 1419094734616, "wxid": "PR-101", name: "ロック・ユー (ウルトラジャンプ12月号 付録)", name_zh_CN: "将你缚锁 (ウルトラジャンプ12月号 付録)", name_en: "Lock You (ウルトラジャンプ12月号 付録)", "kana": "ロックユー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-101.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたのお願い、一緒に叶えましょう…?", cardText_zh_CN: "あなたのお願い、一緒に叶えましょう…?", cardText_en: "Your wish, shall we grant it together...?" }, "562": { "pid": 562, cid: 104, "timestamp": 1419094737605, "wxid": "SP01-001", name: "満月の巫女 タマ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "满月之巫女 玉依姬 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Full Moon Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "マンゲツノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-001.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "563": { "pid": 563, cid: 105, "timestamp": 1419094750565, "wxid": "SP01-002", name: "弦月の巫女 タマ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "弦月之巫女 玉依姬 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Gibbous Moon Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ゲンゲツノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-002.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "564": { "pid": 564, cid: 106, "timestamp": 1419094753554, "wxid": "SP01-003", name: "半月の巫女 タマ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "半月之巫女 玉依姬 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Half Moon Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ハンゲツノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-003.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "565": { "pid": 565, cid: 107, "timestamp": 1419094754357, "wxid": "SP01-004", name: "三日月の巫女 タマ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "三日月之巫女 玉依姬 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Crescent Moon Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミカヅキノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-004.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "566": { "pid": 566, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1419094758571, "wxid": "SP01-005", name: "新月の巫女 タマ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "567": { "pid": 567, cid: 109, "timestamp": 1419094761556, "wxid": "SP01-006", name: "ロココ・バウンダリー (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "洛可可界线 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Rococo Boundary (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ロココバウンダリー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-006.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "にゃー!!", cardText_zh_CN: "にゃー!!", cardText_en: "Nya!!" }, "568": { "pid": 568, cid: 110, "timestamp": 1419094765247, "wxid": "SP01-007", name: "エイボン (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "艾本之书 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Avon (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "エイボン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-007.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいでーッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "おいでーッ!", cardText_en: "Come here!" }, "569": { "pid": 569, cid: 111, "timestamp": 1419094771381, "wxid": "SP01-008", name: "バロック・ディフェンス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "巴洛克防御 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Baroque Defense (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "バロックディフェンス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-008.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うん、にゃー!", cardText_zh_CN: "うん、にゃー!", cardText_en: "Nyeah!" }, "570": { "pid": 570, cid: 570, "timestamp": 1419094772212, "wxid": "SP01-009", name: "スピリット・サルベージ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "精神营救 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Spirit Salvage (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "スピリットサルベージ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-009.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そーれッ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "そーれッ! ~タマ~", cardText_en: "There! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグトラッシュから《スピリット・サルベージ》以外のアーツ1枚をルリグデッキに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的LRIG废弃区将《精神营救》以外的1张技艺卡加入LRIG卡组里。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add one ARTS other than \"Spirit Salvage\" from your LRIG Trash to your LRIG Deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.cid !== 570); // <スピリット・サルベージ> },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.lrigDeck); }); }); } } }, "571": { "pid": 571, cid: 571, "timestamp": 1419094773013, "wxid": "SP01-010", name: "モダン・バウンダリー (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "现代界线 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Modern Boundary (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "モダンバウンダリー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-010.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマね、少しずつわかってきたかもしれない。 ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "タマね、少しずつわかってきたかもしれない。 ~タマ~", cardText_en: "Tama thinks she's starting to understand a little. ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "数字一つを宣言する。その後、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中に宣言した数字と同じレベルのシグニがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この効果で公開したカードを、好きな順番でデッキの上に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "宣言一个数字。之后,从你的卡组顶公开3张卡片,那些卡中有和宣言数字相同等级的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。将因这个效果公开的卡片按你喜欢的顺序放回卡组顶。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Declare a number. Then, reveal the top three cards of your deck. If there is a SIGNI with the same level as the declared number, return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. Return the cards revealed by this effect to the top of your deck in any order." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === num); },this); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!flag) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); }); }); } } }, "572": { "pid": 572, cid: 112, "timestamp": 1419094774049, "wxid": "SP01-011", name: "甲冑 ローメイル (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "甲胄 皇家铠 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Romail, Helmet Armor (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "カッチュウローメイル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-011.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、あなたは何者なの? ~ローメイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "タマ、あなたは何者なの? ~ローメイル~", cardText_en: "Tama, just who are you? ~Romail~" }, "573": { "pid": 573, cid: 113, "timestamp": 1419094774853, "wxid": "SP01-012", name: "大剣 カリバン (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "大剑 石中剑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Caliburn, Greatsword (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "タイケンカリバン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-012.jpg", "illust": "ベーコン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この剣、あんたに授けるよ! ~カリバン~", cardText_zh_CN: "この剣、あんたに授けるよ! ~カリバン~", cardText_en: "This sword, I'll grant it to you! ~Caliburn~" }, "574": { "pid": 574, cid: 114, "timestamp": 1419094776552, "wxid": "SP01-013", name: "篭手 トレット (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "笼手 铁拳 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Trett, Gauntlet (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "コテトレット", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-013.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモン!ローメイル、はよ! ~トレット~", cardText_zh_CN: "カモン!ローメイル、はよ! ~トレット~", cardText_en: "Come on! Romail, hey! ~Trett~" }, "575": { "pid": 575, cid: 115, "timestamp": 1419094782618, "wxid": "SP01-014", name: "中剣 フランベル (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "中剑 焰形剑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Flamber, Medium Sword (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "チュウケンフランベル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-014.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほーれ!タマちゃんプレゼント! ~フランベル~", cardText_zh_CN: "ほーれ!タマちゃんプレゼント! ~フランベル~", cardText_en: "Here you go! Tama-chan, present! ~Flamber~" }, "576": { "pid": 576, cid: 116, "timestamp": 1419094785557, "wxid": "SP01-015", name: "小剣 ククリ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "小剑 库克力 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Kukri, Small Sword (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ショウケンククリ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-015.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あんたならできるよ!一刀両断ッ! ~ククリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "あんたならできるよ!一刀両断ッ! ~ククリ~", cardText_en: "You can do it! Ittou Ryoudan! ~Kukri~" }, "577": { "pid": 577, cid: 117, "timestamp": 1419094789540, "wxid": "SP01-016", name: "小弓 ボーニャ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "小弓 箭矢 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Bonya, Small Bow (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ショウキュウボーニャ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-016.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、折れないね! ~ボーニャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "もう、折れないね! ~ボーニャ~", cardText_en: "They won't break, huh! " }, "578": { "pid": 578, cid: 118, "timestamp": 1419094791847, "wxid": "SP01-017", name: "ゲット・バイブル (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "获得圣经 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Get Bible (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ゲットバイブル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-017.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほら、便利だったでしょ?", cardText_zh_CN: "ほら、便利だったでしょ?", cardText_en: "Look, convenient isn't it?" }, "579": { "pid": 579, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419094793570, "wxid": "SP01-018", name: "サーバント D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-018.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "護りの時。", cardText_zh_CN: "護りの時。", cardText_en: "Time of protection." }, "580": { "pid": 580, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419094796578, "wxid": "SP01-019", name: "サーバント O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-019.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "まさに守護霊。", cardText_zh_CN: "まさに守護霊。", cardText_en: "Just like a guardian spirit." }, "581": { "pid": 581, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419094799562, "wxid": "SP01-020", name: "噴流する知識 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "フンリュウスルチシキ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP01/SP01-020.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルリグの真実は如何に。", cardText_zh_CN: "ルリグの真実は如何に。", cardText_en: "What is the truth of the LRIG?" }, "582": { "pid": 582, cid: 582, "timestamp": 1419094802563, "wxid": "SP02-001", name: "遊月・肆 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "游月•肆 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Four (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ユヅキヨン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-001.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "放たれる炎は、こんなにも儚い。", cardText_zh_CN: "放たれる炎は、こんなにも儚い。", cardText_en: "A flickering flame is just as fleeting.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《羅石 ヴォルカノ》があるかぎり、あなたのターンの間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有《罗石 火山石》,我方回合中,我方所有精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have a \"Volcano, Natural Stone\" on the field, during your turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player) return false; return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 130; // WD02-009 <羅石 ヴォルカノ> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "583": { "pid": 583, cid: 583, "timestamp": 1419094807455, "wxid": "SP02-002", name: "遊月・参 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "游月•叁 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Three (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ユヅキサン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-002.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "584": { "pid": 584, cid: 584, "timestamp": 1419094808579, "wxid": "SP02-003", name: "遊月・爾 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "游月•贰 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Two (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ユヅキニ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-003.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "585": { "pid": 585, cid: 585, "timestamp": 1419094811566, "wxid": "SP02-004", name: "遊月・壱 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "游月•壹 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Yuzuki-One (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ユヅキイチ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-004.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "586": { "pid": 586, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1419094813715, "wxid": "SP02-005", name: "遊月・零 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "游月•零 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、いくよ…! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "さあ、いくよ…! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "Alright, here we go! ~Yuzuki~" }, "587": { "pid": 587, cid: 127, "timestamp": 1419094815557, "wxid": "SP02-006", name: "飛火夏虫 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "飞火夏虫 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Firefly Sparks (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ヒカカチュウ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-006.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飛んで火にいる夏の虫ってね! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "飛んで火にいる夏の虫ってね! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "Like summer bugs in the leaping fire! ~Yuzuki~" }, "588": { "pid": 588, cid: 128, "timestamp": 1419094816396, "wxid": "SP02-007", name: "背炎之陣 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "背炎之阵 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Back Against the Flame (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ハイエンノジン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-007.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、戻れないんだよ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "もう、戻れないんだよ! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "There's no going back now! ~Yuzuki~" }, "589": { "pid": 589, cid: 129, "timestamp": 1419094838318, "wxid": "SP02-008", name: "焼石炎 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "烧石炎 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Burning Stone Flame (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シャクセキエン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-008.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まっすぐで、何が…。 ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "まっすぐで、何が…。 ~遊月~", cardText_en: "Ahead, there's something... ~Yuzuki~" }, "590": { "pid": 590, cid: 590, "timestamp": 1419094840554, "wxid": "SP02-009", name: "一覇二鳥 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "一霸二鸟 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "One Rule, Two Birds (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "イッパニチョウ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-009.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごめんッ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "ごめんッ! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "I'm sorry! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。このターン、対戦相手はレベル1のシグニで【ガード】ができない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得【双重击溃】的能力。这个回合中,对战对手不能用等级1的SIGNI【防御】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets [Double Crush]. This turn, your opponent cannot guard with level 1 SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.lrig,'doubleCrash',true); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'guardLimit',1); } } }, "591": { "pid": 591, cid: 591, "timestamp": 1419094841461, "wxid": "SP02-010", name: "炎志貫徹 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "炎志贯彻 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "See Through the Fiery Ambition (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "エンシカンテツ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-010.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よっと! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "よっと! ~遊月~", cardText_en: "There! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは、その正面のシグニのパワーが12000以上であるかぎり、【アサシン】を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你所有的SIGNI只要它正前方的SIGNI的力量在12000以上,那只SIGNI获得【暗杀者】的能力。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, all of your SIGNI get [Assassin] as long as the power of the SIGNI in front of it is 12000 or more." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { var opposingSigni = signi.getOpposingSigni(); if (opposingSigni && (opposingSigni.power >= 12000)) { set(signi,'assassin',true); } },this); } }); } } }, "592": { "pid": 592, cid: 130, "timestamp": 1419094842564, "wxid": "SP02-011", name: "羅石 ヴォルカノ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 火山石 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Volcano, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキヴォルカノ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-011.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "遊月さん、よろしくねー! ~ヴォルカノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "遊月さん、よろしくねー! ~ヴォルカノ~", cardText_en: "I'm in your care, Yuzuki-san! ~Volcano~" }, "593": { "pid": 593, cid: 131, "timestamp": 1419094844162, "wxid": "SP02-012", name: "羅石 シルバン (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 白银 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Silvan, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキシルバン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-012.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "変幻自在の美脚で、貫いてあげるよ! ~シルバン~", cardText_zh_CN: "変幻自在の美脚で、貫いてあげるよ! ~シルバン~", cardText_en: "With these beautiful phantasmagoric legs, I'll pierce them for you! ~Silvan~" }, "594": { "pid": 594, cid: 132, "timestamp": 1419094847090, "wxid": "SP02-013", name: "羅石 ガーネット (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 石榴石 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Garnet, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキガーネット", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-013.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "個性的である必要性…? ~ガーネット~", cardText_zh_CN: "個性的である必要性…? ~ガーネット~", cardText_en: "The necessity to have individuals...? ~Garnet~" }, "595": { "pid": 595, cid: 133, "timestamp": 1419094848046, "wxid": "SP02-014", name: "羅石 ブロンダ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 铜 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Bronda, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキブロンダ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-014.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "想像以上の硬さで、踏み潰してあげる。 ~ブロンダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "想像以上の硬さで、踏み潰してあげる。 ~ブロンダ~", cardText_en: "With this unimaginable firmness, I'll trample them for you. ~Bronda~" }, "596": { "pid": 596, cid: 134, "timestamp": 1419094852442, "wxid": "SP02-015", name: "羅石 アイロン (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 铁 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Iron, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキアイロン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-015.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "熱かったでしょ。 ~アイロン~", cardText_zh_CN: "熱かったでしょ。 ~アイロン~", cardText_en: "It was hot, right. ~Iron~" }, "597": { "pid": 597, cid: 135, "timestamp": 1419094875119, "wxid": "SP02-016", name: "羅石 アメジスト (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 紫水晶 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Amethyst, Natural Stone (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラセキアメジスト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-016.jpg", "illust": "由利 真珠郎", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "遣ってみて、どうだった? ~アメジスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "遣ってみて、どうだった? ~アメジスト~", cardText_en: "Please try it, how is it? ~Amethyst~" }, "598": { "pid": 598, cid: 136, "timestamp": 1419094876330, "wxid": "SP02-017", name: "轟音の火柱 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "轰音火柱 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Roaring Fire Pillar (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ゴウオンノヒバシラ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-017.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "エナ、炸裂!", cardText_zh_CN: "エナ、炸裂!", cardText_en: "Ener, explode!" }, "599": { "pid": 599, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1419094877861, "wxid": "SP02-018", name: "サーバント D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-018.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "くらくらり", cardText_zh_CN: "くらくらり", cardText_en: "Dizzy" }, "600": { "pid": 600, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1419094879003, "wxid": "SP02-019", name: "サーバント O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-019.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ふわふわり", cardText_zh_CN: "ふわふわり", cardText_en: "Fluffy" }, "601": { "pid": 601, cid: 103, "timestamp": 1419094893511, "wxid": "SP02-020", name: "噴流する知識 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "喷流的知识 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Jetting Knowledge (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "フンリュウスルチシキ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP02/SP02-020.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そこに描かれていたのは違う物語。", cardText_zh_CN: "そこに描かれていたのは違う物語。", cardText_en: "What was described there is a different story." }, "618": { "pid": 618, cid: 618, "timestamp": 1431349834655, "wxid": "WX05-002", name: "花代・伍", name_zh_CN: "花代・伍", name_en: "Hanayo-Five", "kana": "ハナヨゴ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-002.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう一度だけ、炎を私に。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Just once more, burn for me. ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《花代》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《花代》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Hanayo》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('花代') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このルリグはあなたのルリグトラッシュにあるすべてのルリグの【起動能力】の能力を持つ。", "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG持有位于你的LRIG废弃区中的所有LRIG的【起】能力。", "【常】:你所有的SIGNI获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This LRIG has the [Action] abilities of all of your LRIGs in your LRIG Trash.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'LRIG') { card.actionEffects.forEach(function (eff) { var actionEffect = Object.create(eff); actionEffect.source = this; add(this,'actionEffects',actionEffect); },this); } },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'doubleCrash',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:対戦相手のシグニを、パワーの合計が30000以下になるように好きな数バニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:将对战对手的任意只力量合计30000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: Banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI whose total power is 30000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.power) <= 30000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.power; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } }] }, "619": { "pid": 619, cid: 619, "timestamp": 1431349836027, "wxid": "WX05-003", name: "コード・ピルルク ACRO", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可•ACRO", name_en: "Code Piruluk ACRO", "kana": "コードピルルクアクロ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-003.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輪廻で見た数々の願いで、ピルルクは少しの希望を見出した。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Having seen wishes again and again in the infinite cycle, Piruluk discovered just a bit of hope.", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《ピルルク》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《皮璐璐可》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Piruluk》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('ピルルク') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このルリグはあなたのルリグトラッシュにあるすべてのルリグの【起動能力】の能力を持つ。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG持有位于你的LRIG废弃区中的所有LRIG的【起】能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This LRIG has the [Action] abilities of all of your LRIGs in your LRIG Trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'LRIG') { card.actionEffects.forEach(function (eff) { var actionEffect = Object.create(eff); actionEffect.source = this; add(this,'actionEffects',actionEffect); },this); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手は手札をすべて捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手舍弃全部手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Your opponent discards their entire hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.hands; this.player.opponent.discardCards(cards); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:あなたの手札が6枚より少ない場合、その差の分だけカードを引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:你的手牌比6张少的场合,你抽到6张为止。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: If your hand has less than 6 cards, draw cards equal to the difference." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var count = 6 - this.player.hands.length; if (count <= 0) return; this.player.draw(count); } }] }, "620": { "pid": 620, cid: 620, "timestamp": 1431349837323, "wxid": "WX05-005", name: "黒点の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "黑点之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sunspot Miko", "kana": "コクテンノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-005.jpg", "illust": "いとうのいぢ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなタマを、見ないでね。 ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please, don't look at Tama like this. ~Tama~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたのトラッシュに黒のカードが10枚以上ある' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的废弃区中的黑色卡有10张以上' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your trash has 10 or more black cards.' ], growCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return (cards.length >= 10); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:エナゾーン以外のすべてのシグニは黒になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:能量区以外的所有SIGNI变为黑色。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Except for the Ener Zone, all SIGNI become black." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.game.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.zone.name === 'EnerZone') return; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; set(card,'color','black'); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】あなたのエナゾーンから黒のカード1枚をトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。", "【起動能力】エクシード5:対戦相手の、ルリグとすべてのシグニをダウンする。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】黑1+从你的能量区将1张黑色卡放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。", "【起】超越5:将对战对手的LRIG和所有SIGNI横置。这个能力的使用时点为【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] Put a black card from your Ener Zone into the trash: Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash.", "[Action] Exceed 5: Down your opponent's LRIG and all of their SIGNI. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')); },this); var multiEner = this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.multiEner && !card.hasColor('black'); },this); if (multiEner) return (cards.length >= 1); return (cards.length >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } },{ attackPhase: true, costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.lrig,this.player.opponent.signis); this.game.downCards(cards); } }] }, "621": { "pid": 621, cid: 621, "timestamp": 1431349838517, "wxid": "WX05-010", name: "エルドラ=マークⅤ", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=Ⅴ式", name_en: "Eldora=Mark V", "kana": "エルドラマークファイブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-010.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いやー、ほんと最高のコンビっすね。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Myy, truly the greatest of pairs no? ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《エルドラ》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《艾尔德拉》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Eldora》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('エルドラ') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのすべてのライフクロスを見て、その中から好きな枚数をトラッシュに置き、その枚数と同じ枚数のカードをデッキの上からライフクロスに加える。その後、あなたのすべてのライフクロスを見て、好きな順番で並び替える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看你所有的生命护甲,将其中任意张放置到废弃区,从卡组顶将同样数量的卡加入生命护甲。之后,查看你所有的生命护甲,按你喜欢的顺序排列。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at all of your Life Cloth, put any number from among them into the trash, and add that many cards from the top of your deck to Life Cloth. Then, look at all of your Life Cloth, and rearrange them in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards; if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (cards_A) { this.game.trashCards(cards_A); var cards_B = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(cards_A.length); this.game.moveCards(cards_B,this.player.lifeClothZone); }).callback(this,function () { cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards; if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.lifeClothZone.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード2:あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。そうした場合、手札を1枚ライフクロスに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2:将你的1张生命护甲击溃。这样做了的场合,从手牌将1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2: Crush one of your Life Cloth. If you do, add one card from your hand to Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); } }] }, "622": { "pid": 622, cid: 622, "timestamp": 1431349839820, "wxid": "WX05-013", name: "侵犯されし神判 アン・フィフス", name_zh_CN: "被侵犯的神判 安=Fifth", name_en: "Anne Fifth, Violating God Seal", "kana": "シンパンサレシシンパンアンフィフス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-013.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "永遠に、お休みなさい! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Good night, forever! ~Anne~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《アン》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《安》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Anne》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('アン') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから<美巧>のシグニを3枚まで手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将至多3张<美巧>SIGNI卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add up to three SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手のアタックしているシグニ1体の攻撃を一度無効にする。この能力は対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックした時にしか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード3:あなたの手札をすべて公開する。この方法でそれぞれがカード名の異なる<美巧>のシグニが8枚以上公開された場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニを手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2:将对战对手的1只正在进行攻击的SIGNI的攻击无效化1次。这个能力只能在对战对手的SIGNI进行攻击时使用。", "【起】超越3:将你的手牌全部公开。通过这个方法公开的不同名的<美巧>SIGNI卡有8张以上的场合,将对战对手所有的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2: Disable one of your opponent's SIGNI's attacks. This ability can only be used when your opponent's SIGNI attacks.", "[Action] Exceed 3: Reveal your entire hand. If you revealed eight or more SIGNI with different card names this way, return all of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ onAttack: true, attackPhase: true, mainPhase: true, costExceed: 2, useCondition: function (arg) { return (arg.event.card.type === 'SIGNI'); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg,arg) { arg.event.prevented = true; } },{ costExceed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.slice(); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.opponent.informCards(cards); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var cids = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('美巧')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); if (cids.length >= 8) { return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); } }); } }] }, "623": { "pid": 623, cid: 623, "timestamp": 1431349841021, "wxid": "WX05-014", name: "十人十色", name_zh_CN: "十人十色", name_en: "Different Strokes", "kana": "ミラーミラージュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-014.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カラフルビーム!いろいろガード!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Colorful Beam! All Color Guard!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのすべての<美巧>のシグニは対戦相手のスペルと対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。(このアーツの解決後に場に出たシグニにもこの効果は影響を与える)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你所有的<美巧>SIGNI不受对战对手的魔法和对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。(在处理了这张技艺卡的效果之后才出场的SIGNI也会受到这个效果的影响)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, all of your SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI and your opponent's spells. (This effect also affects SIGNI that come into play after this ARTS's resolution)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); cards.forEach(function (card) { add(card,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || ((card.type !== 'SPELL') && (card.type !== 'SIGNI')); }); },this); } }); } } }, "624": { "pid": 624, cid: 624, "timestamp": 1431349842343, "wxid": "WX05-016", name: "エンドホール", name_zh_CN: "终结之洞", name_en: "End Hole", "kana": "エンドホール", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-016.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 5, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おしまい。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The end. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用するためのコストに【白】【赤】【青】【緑】【黒】すべてが支払われている場合、このターンを終了する。(効果やルールによってターンが終了した時点で、チェックゾーンのカードはトラッシュに置かれ、ターンプレイヤーは手札を6枚になるように捨てて、「このターン」「ターン終了時まで」といった効果は終了する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "为这张技艺卡的费用支付了白1红1蓝1绿1黑1的场合,结束这个回合。(在因效果、规则等结束回合的时点,将检查区的卡放置到废弃区,回合玩家将手牌舍弃到不超过6张,「这个回合中」「直到回合结束时为止」一类的效果终止)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If you paid [White] [Red] [Blue] [Green] [Black] for this ARTS's cost, end the turn. (At the time the turn ends due to an effect or rules, cards in the check zone are put into the trash, the turn player discards so that they have six cards in their hand, and \"this turn\" and \"until end of turn\" effects end.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var colors = []; var multiEner = 0; costArg.enerColors.forEach(function (color) { if (color === 'multi') { multiEner++; return; } if (color === 'colorless') return; if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); },this); if ((colors.length + multiEner) < 5) return; this.game.setData(this.game,'endThisTurn',true); } } }, "625": { "pid": 625, cid: 625, "timestamp": 1431349843310, "wxid": "WX05-017", name: "ラッキーガード", name_zh_CN: "幸运防卫", name_en: "Lucky Guard", "kana": "ラッキーガード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-017.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アンラッキー!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Unlucky!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は「バニッシュされない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI获得「不会被驱逐。」的状态。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your SIGNI gets \"Cannot be banished\"." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotBeBanished',true); }); } } }, "626": { "pid": 626, cid: 626, "timestamp": 1431349844413, "wxid": "WX05-020", name: "羅輝石 ダイヤブライド", name_zh_CN: "罗辉石 钻辉新娘", name_en: "Diabride, Natural Pyroxene", "kana": "ラキセキダイヤブライド", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-020.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大いなる思い出の輝き。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The brilliance of great memories.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが1ターンにライフクロスを合計2枚以上クラッシュしたとき、このシグニをアップする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。", "【常時能力】:あなたの<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ1体が対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けたとき、対戦相手にダメージを与える。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(対戦相手のライフクロスがない場合、あなたはゲームに勝利する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI在1回合中将合计2张以上的生命护甲击溃时,将这只SIGNI竖置。这个效果1个回合只能发动1次。", "【常】:你的1只<矿石>或者<宝石>的SIGNI受到对战对手的技艺卡的效果影响时,给与对战对手1点伤害。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(对战对手没有生命护甲的场合,你获得游戏胜利)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI has crushed two or more Life Cloth in one turn, up this SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn.", "[Constant]: When one of your or SIGNI is affected by the effects of your opponent's ARTS, damage your opponent. This effect can only be triggered once per turn. (If your opponent has no Life Cloth, you win the game.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '626-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (event.source !== this) return false; var count = this.game.getData(this,'crashCount') || 0; if (count >= 2) return false; count++; this.game.setData(this,'crashCount',count); return (count === 2); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '626-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); // var triggerZone = this.game.getData(this,'triggerZone'); if (flag) return false; if (event.source.player === this.player) return false; if (event.source.type !== 'ARTS') return false; // this.game.setData(this,'triggerZone',this.zone); return true; }, condition: function () { var flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); if (flag) return false; // var triggerZone = this.game.getData(this,'triggerZone'); // if (!triggerZone) return false; // if (!triggerZone.faceup) return true; // 非公开领域 // return (triggerZone === this.zone); return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this,'flag',true); return this.player.opponent.damageAsyn(); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')) { add(signi,'onAffect',effect); }; },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '対戦相手にダメージを与える。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '给与对战对手1点伤害。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'Damage your opponent' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、追加で対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。你的生命护甲在2张以下的场合,追加将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. If you have two or less Life Cloth, additionally, crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000).callback(this,function () { if (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2) { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }).callback(this,function () { // if (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2) { // return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); // } // }); } } }, "627": { "pid": 627, cid: 627, "timestamp": 1431349845646, "wxid": "WX05-021", name: "幻竜姫 ムシュフシュ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 怒蛇", name_en: "Mušḫuššu, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメムシュフシュ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-021.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サイキョーよ私!サイキョー! ~ムシュフシュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The best, that's me! The best! ~Mušḫuššu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの効果によって対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚がトラッシュに置かれるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+4000する。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーが20000以上であるかぎり、【ダブルクラッシュ】と「このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:因你的效果每将对战对手的1张卡从能量区放置到废弃区,直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI的力量就+4000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI的力量在20000以上,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】和「这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。」的能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time one of your opponent's cards in the Ener Zone is put into the trash by your effect, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +4000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI's power is 20000 or more, it gets [Double Crush] and \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI.\"" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '627-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source || (source.player !== this.player)) return false; return (event.oldZone === this.player.opponent.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',4000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ condition: function () { return this.power >= 20000; }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '627-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, condition: function () { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); set(this,'doubleCrash',true); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, banish one of your opponent\'s SIGNI.' ], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【赤】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】红3:将对战对手1只力量在12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Red] [Red]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 12000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<龍獣>のシグニの場合、カードを2枚引く。それが<龍獣>のシグニではない場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你的卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,抽2张卡;不是<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a SIGNI, draw two cards. If it is not a SIGNI, draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); var count = flag? 2 : 1; this.player.draw(count); }); } } }, "628": { "pid": 628, cid: 628, "timestamp": 1431349846960, "wxid": "WX05-022", name: "コードラブハート C・M・R", name_zh_CN: "爱心代号 C・M・R", name_en: "Code Love Heart CMR", "kana": "コードラブハートカメラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-022.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シャッターチャンス!逃さないわ! ~C・M・R~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Shutter Chance! I won't let it escape! ~CMR~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手は自分のターンの間、グロウフェイズとドローフェイズ以外でカードを引いたりカードを手札に加えることができない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手在自己的回合期间,除成长阶段和抽卡阶段以外,不能抽卡,也不能将卡加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, other than their grow phase and draw phase, your opponent cannot draw cards or add cards to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) && (this.game.phase.status !== 'growPhase') && (this.game.phase.status !== 'drawPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'addCardToHandBanned',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたの手札をすべて捨てる:この方法で手札を2枚以上捨てた場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】舍弃你的所有手牌:通过这个方法舍弃的手牌有2张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。这个能力1个回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard your entire hand: If you discarded two or more cards from your hand this way, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.slice(); this.game.trashCards(cards); return cards; }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var cards = costArg.others; if (cards.length >= 2) { cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只LRIG横置,并将它冻结。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze your opponent's LRIG." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lrig; card.down(); card.freeze(); } } }, "629": { "pid": 629, cid: 629, "timestamp": 1431349848151, "wxid": "WX05-023", name: "羅原 U", name_zh_CN: "罗原 铀", name_en: "Uranium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンウラン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-023.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うつらうららか、その明るさならナンバーワン。 ~U~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Reflecting brightly, if it's that brilliance, I'm number one. ~U~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはアタックできない。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはこのシグニの下にあるカード1枚につき+2000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI不能攻击。", "【常】:这只SIGNI的下方每存在1张卡,这只SIGNI的力量就+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI cannot attack.", "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +2000 power for each card under this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotAttack',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); var value = cards.length*2000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから《羅原 U》以外の<原子>のシグニ3枚をこのシグニの下に重ねて置く。そうしない場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将《罗原 铀》以外的3张<原子>SIGNI卡重叠放置到这只SIGNI的下方。如果不这样做的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put three SIGNI other than《Uranium, Natural Source》from your trash under this SIGNI. If you do not, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid !== 629) && (card.hasClass('原子')); },this); if (cards.length < 3) { this.trash(); return; } return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return this.trash(); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.zone); if (cards.length !== 3) return; }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:このシグニの下からカード1枚を公開し手札に加える。その後、このシグニの下にカードが無い場合、このシグニと対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:从这只SIGNI的下方将1张卡公开,将其加入手牌。之后,这只SIGNI的下方没有卡片的场合,将这只SIGNI和对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal a card under this SIGNI and add it to your hand. Then, if there are no cards under this SIGNI, banish this SIGNI and one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { cards = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); if (cards.length) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { cards = [this]; if (card) cards.push(card); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからスペル1枚と<原子>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张魔法卡和1张<原子>SIGNI卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add one spell and one SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } } }, "630": { "pid": 630, cid: 630, "timestamp": 1431349849421, "wxid": "WX05-024", name: "幻獣神 ライアン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽神 狮王", name_en: "Lion, Phantom Beast Deity", "kana": "ゲンジュウシンライアン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-024.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いわゆる、ゴッド!百獣王! ~ライアン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The so-called GOD! King of all the animals! ~Lion~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の効果によって、シグニのパワーは増減しない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのパワー15000以上のすべてのシグニは、対戦相手のスペルや対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的效果不能使SIGNI的力量增减。", "【常】:你所有的力量在15000以上的SIGNI不会受到对战对手的魔法和对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The power of SIGNI cannot increase or decrease by your opponent's effect.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with power 15000 or more are unaffected by the effect of your opponent's SIGNI or spells." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'powerChangeBanned',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.power >= 15000) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || ((card.type !== 'SPELL') && (card.type !== 'SIGNI')); }); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置き、対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区,将对战对手1只力量10000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone, and banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "631": { "pid": 631, cid: 631, "timestamp": 1431349850595, "wxid": "WX05-025", name: "高尚たる一筆 スイボク", name_zh_CN: "高尚的一笔 水墨", name_en: "Suiboku, Single Stroke Worthy of Nobility", "kana": "コウショウタルイッピツスイボク", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-025.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見たかこれぞ伝統の一撃! ~スイボク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "See it, it's this, it's a traditional hit! ~Suiboku~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<美功>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、【緑】【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、そのシグニをエナゾーンからあなたの場に出す。", "【常時能力】:あなたが対戦相手のルリグの攻撃を【ガード】するか、対戦相手のシグニの攻撃を効果によって無効にしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你每有1只<美巧>SIGNI被驱逐时,你就可以支付绿1白1。这样做了的场合,从能量区让那只SIGNI出场。", "【常】:你将对战对手的LRIG的攻击无效化,或将对战对手的SIGNI的攻击用效果无效化时,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time one of your SIGNI is banished, you may pay Green White. If you do, put that SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field.", "[Constant]: When you [Guard] your opponent's LRIG's attack, or when you disable your opponent's SIGNI's attack by an effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '631-const-0', costGreen: 1, costWhite: 1, condition: function (event) { var card = event.card; if (card.zone !== this.player.enerZone) return false; return card.canSummon(); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var card = event.card; if (card.zone !== this.player.enerZone) return; return card.summonAsyn(); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('美巧')) { add(signi,'onBanish',effect); } },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '631-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPrevented',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。このターン、次にルリグかシグニがアタックしたとき、その攻撃を一度無効にする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。这个回合中,下次SIGNI或LRIG攻击时,将那次攻击无效化。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This turn, when the next LRIG or SIGNI attacks, disable that attack." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); this.game.setData(this.game,'preventNextAttack',true); } } }, "632": { "pid": 632, cid: 632, "timestamp": 1431349851917, "wxid": "WX05-027", name: "堕落の才女 ルシファル", name_zh_CN: "堕落才女 路西法", name_en: "Luciferl, Fallen Talented Woman", "kana": "ダラクノサイジョルシファル", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-027.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "堕ちたねー。 ~ルシファル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Fallen hmm. ~Luciferl~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュするたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI每将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃,直到回合结束时为止,就让对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time this SIGNI crushes one of your opponent's Life Cloth, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '632-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.source === this); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】【黒】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<悪魔>のシグニを2体まで場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】黑3:从你的废弃区让至多2张等级3以下的<恶魔>SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black] [Black] [Black]: Put into play up to two level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「すべての<天使>のシグニをバニッシュする。」「あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加えるか場に出す。」", "すべての<天使>のシグニをバニッシュする。", "あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加えるか場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。「将所有的<天使>SIGNI驱逐。」「从你的废弃区将1张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌或者让其出场。」", "将所有的<天使>SIGNI驱逐。", "从你的废弃区将1张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌或者让其出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one. \"Banish all SIGNI.\" \"Put into play or add to your hand one SIGNI from your trash.\"", "Banish all SIGNI.", "Put into play or add to your hand one SIGNI from your trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '632-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } },{ source: this, description: '632-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { var cards; if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } else { cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "633": { "pid": 633, cid: 633, "timestamp": 1431349854047, "wxid": "WX05-028", name: "遅起の花咲 アフロディテ", name_zh_CN: "晚起的花开 阿弗洛狄忒", name_en: "Aphrodite, Flower Bloom of Late Beginnings", "kana": "オソオキノハナサキアフロディテ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-028.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を起こすのは誰?超眠い。 ~アフロディテ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The one who woke me, who is it? Super-tired. ~Aphrodite~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニの正面の対戦相手のシグニがアタックしたとき、【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは+3000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが手札以外から場に出たとき、【白】【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI的正面的SIGNI攻击时,你可以支付白1。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI的力量+3000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI从手牌以外的地方出场时,你可以支付白2。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When a SIGNI in front of this SIGNI attacks, you may pay [White]. If you do, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI comes into play from other than your hand, you may pay [White] [White]. If you do, put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '633-const-0', condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(opposingSigni,'onAttack',effect); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '633-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone !== this.player.handZone) && (!event.isCharm) && (event.newZone.name === 'SigniZone'); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onEnterField',effect); } }] }, "634": { "pid": 634, cid: 634, "timestamp": 1431349855701, "wxid": "WX05-032", name: "弩砲 アヴェンジャー", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 复仇者机炮", name_en: "Avenger, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウアヴェンジャー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-032.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドガガガガガガ! ~アヴェンジャー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Babababababang! ~Avenger~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを3枚捨てる:対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。この効果でクラッシュされたカードのライフバーストは発動しない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃1张<武器>SIGNI卡:将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "【起】从手牌舍弃3张<武器>SIGNI卡:将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。通过这个效果击溃的卡片的生命迸发不能发动。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard one SIGNI from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less.", "[Action] Discard three SIGNI from your hand: Crush one of your opponent's Life Cloth. The Life Burst of the card crushed by this effect is not triggered." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } },{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return cards.length >= 3; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1,{tag: 'dontTriggerBurst'}); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "635": { "pid": 635, cid: 635, "timestamp": 1431349856730, "wxid": "WX05-033", name: "羅石 ペリドット", name_zh_CN: "罗石 橄榄石", name_en: "Peridot, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキペリドット", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-033.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サファイ、ルビル、ねえ、私たちが友達よ。 ~ペリドット~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sapphi, Rubyl, hey, we're friends you know. ~Peridot~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場に《羅石 サファイ》と《羅石 ルビル》がある場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上有《罗石 蓝宝石》和《罗石 红宝石》的场合,将对战对手的1只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have 《Sapphi, Natural Stone》 and 《Rubyl, Natural Stone》 on the field, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 71; // <羅石 サファイ> }) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 66; // <羅石 ルビル> }); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000,1,1); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "636": { "pid": 636, cid: 636, "timestamp": 1431349857800, "wxid": "WX05-038", name: "SPIRAL", name_zh_CN: "螺旋", name_en: "SPIRAL", "kana": "スパイラル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-038.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やーんもう、トルネーッド! ~カーミラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Aaah jeeze, tornado! ~Carmilla~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場に《幻水姫 スパイラル・カーミラ》がある場合、このカードを使用するためのコストは【青】になる。\nあなたの手札が4枚以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上有《幻水姬 丝派拉尔•卡米拉》的场合,这张卡的使用费用变成蓝1。\n你的手牌有4张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "If you have a《Spiral Carmilla, Water Phantom Princess》on the field, the cost to use this card becomes [Blue].\nIf you have four or more cards in your hand, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.cid === 180); // <幻水姫 スパイラル・カーミラ> },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (flag) { obj.costBlue -= 1; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; } return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { if (this.player.hands.length < 4) return []; return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、手札から《幻水姫 スパイラル・カーミラ》1枚を公開してもよい。そうした場合、追加でカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡。之后,你可以从手牌将1张《幻水姬 丝派拉尔•卡米拉》公开。这样做了的场合,追加抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card. Then, you may reveal one《Spiral Carmilla, Water Phantom Princess》from your hand. If you do, draw one additional card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === 180); // <幻水姫 スパイラル・カーミラ> },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.player.opponent.informCards([card]); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(1); }); }); } } }, "637": { "pid": 637, cid: 637, "timestamp": 1431349859093, "wxid": "WX05-044", name: "コードアンチ マズフェイス", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 火星脸", name_en: "Code Anti Marsface", "kana": "コードアンチマズフェイス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-044.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "マーズ、スラッシュ! ~マズフェイス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mars Slash! ~Marsface~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】あなたの他の<古代兵器>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。", "【起動能力】【ダウン】あなたの他の<古代兵器>のシグニ2体を場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-10000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置+将你的1只其他的<古代兵器>SIGNI驱逐:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-7000。", "【起】横置+将你的2只其他的<古代兵器>SIGNI送去废弃区:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手所有的SIGNI的力量-10000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Banish one of your other SIGNI: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power.", "[Action] Down Put two of your other SIGNI on the field into the trash: Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -10000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return (cards.length >= 1); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } },{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return (cards.length >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',-10000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "638": { "pid": 638, cid: 638, "timestamp": 1431349860181, "wxid": "WX05-045", name: "ファイナル・ディストラクション", name_zh_CN: "终极毁灭", name_en: "Final Destruction", "kana": "ファイナルディストラクション", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-045.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バトルしたかったんでしょう? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You wanted to battle didn't you? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。」を得る。\n" + "ターン終了時に、あなたは手札をすべて捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得「【起】横置:将对战对手所有的SIGNI驱逐。」。\n" + "回合结束时,你舍弃所有的手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets \"[Action] Down: Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI.\"\n" + "At the end of this turn, discard your hand." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = { source: this.player.lrig, description: '638-attached-0', costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } } this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'actionEffects',effect); this.game.setData(this.player,'trashAllHandsWhenTurnEnd',true); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '【起】横置:将对战对手所有的SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ '[Action] Down: Banish all of your opponent\'s SIGNI.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの手札をすべて捨てる。そうした場合、すべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:舍弃你的所有手牌。这样做了的场合,将所有的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard your hand. If you do, banish all SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.trashCards(this.player.hands); var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "639": { "pid": 639, cid: 639, "timestamp": 1431349861359, "wxid": "WX05-047", name: "大剣 レヴァテイン", name_zh_CN: "大剑 灾魔剑", name_en: "Lævateinn, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンレヴァテイン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 6000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-047.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "爆砕の剣力、赤く光る!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Blasting swordplay, shine red!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のレベル4のシグニとバトルしたとき、その対戦相手のシグニをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI和对战对手的等级4的SIGNI战斗时,将对战对手的那只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI battles your opponent's level 4 SIGNI, banish that opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '639-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var opposingSigni = event.opposingSigni; // 攻击 if (event.card !== this) { opposingSigni = event.card; // 被攻击 } return (opposingSigni.level === 4); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var opposingSigni = event.opposingSigni; if (event.card !== this) { opposingSigni = event.card; } return opposingSigni.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onBattle',effect); } }] }, "640": { "pid": 640, cid: 640, "timestamp": 1431349862530, "wxid": "WX05-052", name: "ゲット・アルマンダル", name_zh_CN: "获得奥尔曼德尔之书", name_en: "Get Almandal", "kana": "ゲットアルマンダル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-052.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここにきて、その知識は止まらない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come here, that knowledge will not stop.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまでを選ぶ。\n" + "「あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」\n" + "「あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で白の場合、あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。\n" + "「从你的卡组里探寻1张等级2以下的白色SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。」\n" + "「你的LRIG等级在4以上并且是白色的场合,从你的卡组里探寻1张SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to two of these two effects.\n" + "\"Search your deck for a level 2 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.\"\n" + "\"If your LRIG is white and level 4 or more, search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.\"" ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '640-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ source: this, description: '640-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 4) return; if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('white')) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }]; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (effects) { return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で白の場合、あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组里探寻1张等级2以下的白色SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。", "你的LRIG等级在4以上并且是白色的场合,从你的卡组里探寻1张SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for a level 2 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.", "If your LRIG is white and level 4 or more, search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ] }, "641": { "pid": 641, cid: 641, "timestamp": 1431349863706, "wxid": "WX05-059", name: "延命の選択", name_zh_CN: "延命的选择", name_en: "Life-Extending Selection", "kana": "エンメイノセンタク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-059.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選びな。両方?欲深いねえ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Choose. Both? Greedy aren't you.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまでを選ぶ。\n" + "「対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」\n" + "「あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で赤の場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。\n" + "「将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」\n" + "「你的LRIG等级在4以上且是红色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Chose up to two of these two effects. \n" + "\"Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less.\"\n" + "\"If your LRIG is red and level 4 or more, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.\"" ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '641-attached-0', getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 3000; },this); } },{ source: this, description: '641-attached-1', getTargets: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 4 || (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('red'))) return []; return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); } }]; var targetObjs = []; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2).callback(this,function (effs) { if (effs.length !== 2) { effects = effs; // 先选3000以下的,避免选错. } return this.player.opponent.showEffectsAsyn(effects).callback(this,function () { return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { var cards = effect.getTargets.call(this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { targetObjs.push({ card: card, getTargets: effect.getTargets }); }); },this); }) }).callback(this,function () { return targetObjs; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targetObjs) { var cards = []; targetObjs.forEach(function (targetObj) { var card = targetObj.card; if (inArr(card,targetObj.getTargets.call(this))) { cards.push(card); } },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で赤の場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "你的LRIG等级在4以上且是红色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less.", "If your LRIG is red and level 4 or more, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ] }, "642": { "pid": 642, cid: 642, "timestamp": 1431349864967, "wxid": "WX05-063", name: "羅原 Ac", name_zh_CN: "罗源 锕", name_en: "Actinium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンアクチニウム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-063.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飛距離ならナンバーワン! ~Ac~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's going the distance I'm number one! ~Ac~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグがレベル4以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG的等级在4以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is level 4 or more, this SIGNI's power becomes 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.lrig.level >= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "643": { "pid": 643, cid: 643, "timestamp": 1431349866562, "wxid": "WX05-067", name: "伝統の近似値 マキエ", name_zh_CN: "传统的近似值 莳绘", name_en: "Maki-e, Approximation of Tradition", "kana": "デントウノキンジチマキエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-067.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "黒がこれほど似合う緑も私くらいよ。 ~マキエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Black fits me just as much as green. ~Maki-e~" }, "644": { "pid": 644, cid: 644, "timestamp": 1431349867799, "wxid": "WX05-068", name: "方法論の対立 コラ", name_zh_CN: "方法论的对立 拼贴", name_en: "Colla, Opposing Methodology", "kana": "ホウホウロンノタイリツコラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-068.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それコラよ。 ~コラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "That is Colla. ~Colla~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<美巧>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニをすべて手札に加える。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<美巧>SIGNI卡:从你的卡组顶公开2张卡。将其中的<美巧>SIGNI卡加入手牌。剩余的卡按你喜欢的顺序放置到卡组底。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one SIGNI from your hand: Reveal the top two cards of your deck. Add to your hand all SIGNI from among them. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var cards_A = []; var cards_B = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('美巧')) { cards_A.push(card); } else { cards_B.push(card); } },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_A,this.player.handZone); var len = cards_B.length; if (!len) return; this.player.informCards(cards_B); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_B,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "645": { "pid": 645, cid: 645, "timestamp": 1431349868939, "wxid": "WX05-070", name: "度量ある明暗 アメコ", name_zh_CN: "有度量的明暗 美漫", name_en: "Ameco, Generous Light and Dark", "kana": "ドリョウアルメイアンアメコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-070.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "BAKURETSU!SAKURETSU! ~アメコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "EXPLODING! EXPLOSIONS! ~Ameco~" }, "646": { "pid": 646, cid: 646, "timestamp": 1431349870320, "wxid": "WX05-071", name: "画一の条件 オリガミ", name_zh_CN: "均匀的条件 折纸", name_en: "Origami, Uniform Requirements", "kana": "カクイツノジョウケンオリガミ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-071.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "伝統の鏡ですわ、なんでも魅せられてしまうのです。 ~オリガミ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's a traditional mirror, I heard it's enchanting. ~Origami~" }, "647": { "pid": 647, cid: 647, "timestamp": 1431349871362, "wxid": "WX05-075", name: "コードアンチ アラハバキ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 荒吐神", name_en: "Code Anti Arahabaki", "kana": "コードアンチアラハバキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-075.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わからないかな、もう運命とか超えてんだ! ~アラハバキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Do you understand I wonder, we've already exceeded destiny! ~Arahabaki~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<古代兵器>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以上の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<古代兵器>SIGNI卡:从你的废弃区让1张等级3以上的<古代兵器>SIGNI卡出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Put 1 level 3 or more SIGNI onto the field from your trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('古代兵器') && (card.level >= 3) && card.canSummon()); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "648": { "pid": 648, cid: 648, "timestamp": 1431349872425, "wxid": "PR-100", name: "アイドル・ディフェンス (カードゲーマーvol.19 付録)", name_zh_CN: "偶像防御 (カードゲーマーvol.19 付録)", name_en: "Idol Defense (カードゲーマーvol.19 付録)", "kana": "アイドルディフェンス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-100.jpg", "illust": "繭咲 悠", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一見クール、本当は熱い♥を持っています。 ~川上愛美~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I might seem cool, but the truth is I have a hot ❤︎. ~Kawakami Manami~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、対戦相手がアーツまたはスペルを使用していた場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【白×1】【無×4】になる。両方を使用していた場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【白×0】になる。\n" + "いずれか1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「このターン、対戦相手のシグニアタックステップをスキップする。」\n" + "「このターン、対戦相手のルリグアタックステップをスキップする。」", "このターン、対戦相手のシグニアタックステップをスキップする。", "このターン、対戦相手のルリグアタックステップをスキップする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,对战对手使用了技艺或者魔法的场合,这张卡的使用费用变为【白1】【无4】。技艺和魔法均使用了的场合,这张卡的使用费用变为【无0】\n" + "选择其中一项。\n" + "「这个回合中,跳过对战对手的SIGNI攻击步骤。」\n" + "「这个回合中,跳过对战对手的LRIG攻击步骤。」", "这个回合中,跳过对战对手的SIGNI攻击步骤。", "这个回合中,跳过对战对手的LRIG攻击步骤。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, if your opponent used an ARTS or spell, the cost for using this ARTS becomes [White1] [Colorless4]. If they used both, the cost for using this ARTS becomes [White0].\n" + "Choose one.\n" + "\"Skip your opponent's SIGNI attack step.\"\n" + "\"Skip your opponent's LRIG attack step.\"", "Skip your opponent's SIGNI attack step.", "Skip your opponent's LRIG attack step." ], costChange: function () { var flagSpellUsed = this.game.getData(this.player.opponent,'flagSpellUsed'); var flagArtsUsed = this.game.getData(this.player.opponent,'flagArtsUsed'); var count = 0; if (flagSpellUsed) count++; if (flagArtsUsed) count++; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (count === 1) { obj.costColorless -= 3; } else if (count === 2) { obj.costWhite -= 1; obj.costColorless -= 7; } if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'skipSigniAttackStep',true); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'skipLrigAttackStep',true); } }] }, "649": { "pid": 649, cid: 649, "timestamp": 1431349874103, "wxid": "WX05-001", name: "創世の巫女 マユ", name_zh_CN: "创世之巫女 茧", name_en: "Mayu, Genesis Miko", "kana": "ソウセイノミコマユ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-001.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "タマ", "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は、受け入れる。最後の選択を…。 ~マユ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I accept. The final selection.... ~Mayu~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたのルリグデッキから<タマ>または<イオナ>のルリグ1枚を公開し、それをあなたの場のルリグの下に置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】 从你的LRIG卡组将1张<小玉>或<伊绪奈>LRIG卡公开,将其放置到你场上的LRIG最下方。' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Reveal one or LRIG from your LRIG Deck, and put it under your LRIG on the field.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タマ') || card.hasClass('イオナ')); },this); }, growActionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タマ') || card.hasClass('イオナ')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true }); }); }); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのルリグトラッシュからすべてのルリグをこのカードの下に置き、すべての白と黒のアーツをルリグデッキに戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的LRIG废弃区将所有的LRIG卡放置到这张卡的最下方,并将所有的白色和黑色技艺卡返回LRIG卡组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: From your LRIG Trash, put all LRIGs under this card, and return all white and black ARTS to your LRIG Deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true }); cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('black'))); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigDeck); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニは能力を失う。", "【起動能力】エクシード5:あなたのエナゾーンからすべてのカードをトラッシュに置き、あなたの手札をすべて捨てる。あなたはこのターンの次に、追加の1ターンを得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手所有的SIGNI失去能力。", "【起】超越5:从你的能量区将所有的卡放置到废弃区,并将你的所有手牌舍弃。你在这个回合之后,再追加1个回合。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI lose their abilities.", "[Action] Exceed 5: Put all cards from your Ener Zone into the trash, and discard your hand. After this turn, you get an additional turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'abilityLost',true); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } },{ costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.enerZone.cards,this.player.hands); this.game.trashCards(cards); this.game.setData(this.player,'additionalTurn',true); } }] }, "650": { "pid": 650, cid: 650, "timestamp": 1431349875982, "wxid": "WX05-004", name: "五型緑姫", name_zh_CN: "五型绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Type Five", "kana": "ゴガタミドリコ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-004.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、僕は、君のルリグでよかった。 ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ahh, for me to have been your LRIG, I'm glad. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《緑姫》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《绿姬》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Midoriko》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('緑姫') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このルリグはあなたのルリグトラッシュにあるすべてのルリグの【起動能力】の能力を持つ。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG持有位于你的LRIG废弃区中的所有LRIG的【起】能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This LRIG has the [Action] abilities of all of your LRIGs in your LRIG Trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'LRIG') { card.actionEffects.forEach(function (eff) { var actionEffect = Object.create(eff); actionEffect.source = this; add(this,'actionEffects',actionEffect); },this); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のエナゾーンからすべての、白、赤、青、緑、黒のカードをトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:所有的玩家将自己能量区中所有的白色、红色、蓝色、绿色、黑色卡放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: Each player puts all white, blue, black, red, and green cards from their Ener Zone into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.enerZone.cards,this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards).filter(function (card) { return (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }] }, "651": { "pid": 651, cid: 651, "timestamp": 1431349877515, "wxid": "WX05-006", name: "虚無の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "虚无阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Nihilism", "kana": "キョムノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "colorless", "level": 5, "limit": 1024, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-006.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえ、めちゃくちゃにしたいでしょぉ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hey, you want to go wild, don't you? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色が3種類以上' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的能量区中的卡片的颜色有3种类以上' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) There are three or more colors among cards in your Ener Zone.' ], growCondition: function () { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; if (inArr(card.color,colors)) return; colors.push(card.color); }); return (colors.length >= 3); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるすべてのカードは【マルチエナ】を持つ。", "【常時能力】:あなたのアーツとスペルの限定条件は無視される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中的所有卡片持有【万花色】的能力。", "【常】:无视你的技艺卡和魔法卡上的限定条件。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All cards in your Ener Zone have [Multi Ener].", "[Constant]: The limiting conditions of your ARTS and spells are ignored." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { set(card,'multiEner',true); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'ignoreLimitingOfArtsAndSpell',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:あなたの手札を1枚選ぶ。対戦相手は【白】【赤】【青】【緑】【黒】【無】から1つを宣言する。そのカードを公開し、それが宣言されたアイコンを持つカードではない場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:选择你的1张手牌。对战对手从白色、红色、蓝色、绿色、黑色、无色中宣言1个颜色。将那张卡公开,那张卡不持有所宣言的颜色的图标的场合,将对战对手的所有SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: Choose one card from your hand. Your opponent declares one from [White] [Red] [Blue] [Green] [Black] [Colorless]. Reveal that card, and if it is a card that does not have the declared icon, put all of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 5, useCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; var colorsToSelect = ['white','red','blue','green','black','colorless']; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showColorsAsyn([color]); }).callback(this,function () { // if (color === this.game.getOriginalValue(card,'color')) return; if (color === card.color) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); }); } }], }, "652": { "pid": 652, cid: 652, "timestamp": 1431349878975, "wxid": "WX05-007", name: "ラスト・セレクト", name_zh_CN: "最后的抉择", name_en: "Last Select", "kana": "ラストセレクト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ/イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-007.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "光への憧れを、解き放つ…!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The longing for light, release it...!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグの下からカード4枚をルリグトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的LRIG下方将4张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put four cards under your LRIG into the LRIG Trash. If you do, put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); if (cards.length < 4) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,4,4).callback(this,function (cards) { if (this.game.trashCards(cards).length !== 4) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); }); } } }, "653": { "pid": 653, cid: 653, "timestamp": 1431349880003, "wxid": "WX05-008", name: "遊月・伍", name_zh_CN: "游月•伍", name_en: "Yuzuki-Five", "kana": "ユヅキゴ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-008.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえ、るう子さ、私たちはきっと幸せになれるよね。 ~ユヅキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "we can surely become happy, right? ", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《遊月》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《游月》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Yuzuki》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('遊月') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンからカードを3枚までトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从对战对手的能量区将至多3张卡放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put up to three cards from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:あなたの手札から赤のスペル1枚をコストを支払わずに使用する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:从对战对手的能量区将1张卡放置到废弃区。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越2:从你的手牌不支付费用而使用1张红色魔法卡。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Put one card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 2: You may use one red spell from your hand without paying its cost." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } },{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.spellBanned? [] : this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('red')) && card.canUse('spell',true); }); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true); }); } }] }, "654": { "pid": 654, cid: 654, "timestamp": 1431349881220, "wxid": "WX05-009", name: "一燭即発", name_zh_CN: "一烛即发", name_en: "Lit Situation", "kana": "イッショクソクハツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-009.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "龍の力、しかとその目に!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The power of a dragon, you shall certainly see it!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのアップ状態の<龍獣>のシグニ1体をダウンする。そうした場合、パワーが、この方法でダウンしたシグニのパワー以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只竖置状态的<龙兽>SIGNI横置。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只力量在那只通过这个方法横置的SIGNI的力量以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Down one of your upped SIGNI. If you did, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI whose power is less than or equal to the power of the SIGNI downed this way." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.down()) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= card.power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); } } }, "655": { "pid": 655, cid: 655, "timestamp": 1431349882532, "wxid": "WX05-011", name: "ミルルン・ティコ", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・第谷", name_en: "Mirurun Tico", "kana": "ミルルンティコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-011.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来でまってるるーん! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The future is waiting-run! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《ミルルン》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《米璐璐恩》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Mirurun》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('ミルルン') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手はスペルを使用できない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手不能使用魔法卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent cannot use spells." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'spellBanned',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚見る。その中から好きな枚数を好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手のトラッシュからスペル1枚を、あなたの手札にあるかのようにコストを支払わずに限定条件を無視して使用してもよい。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:查看你卡组顶的5张卡。从中将任意张卡按你喜欢的顺序放置到卡组底,剩余的卡按你喜欢的顺序放置到卡组顶。", "【起】超越2:你可以从对战对手的废弃区选择1张魔法卡视为你的手牌,不支付费用并无视限定条件来使用它。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Look at the top five cards of your deck. Put any number of them on the bottom of your deck in any order, then put the rest on top of your deck in any order.", "[Action] Exceed 2: You may use one spell from your opponent's trash as if it were in your hand without paying its cost and ignoring its limiting conditions." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,0,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_A) { var cards_B = cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_A); },this); this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards_A); len = cards_B.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_B,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); } },{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.spellBanned) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (!card.useCondition || card.useCondition()); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true); }); } }], }, "656": { "pid": 656, cid: 656, "timestamp": 1431349883861, "wxid": "WX05-012", name: "フォーチューン・ファイブ", name_zh_CN: "好运五", name_en: "Fortune Five", "kana": "フォーチューンファイブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-012.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "眩い光が放つ、有用すぎるものども。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Emitting that dazzling light, even after it has exceeded its usefulness.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中のそれぞれ名前の異なる<原子>のシグニの枚数を数える。その後、それが3枚以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし凍結する。それが4枚以上の場合、カードを1枚引く。それが5枚の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、公開したカードを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。(条件を満たした効果をすべて発動できる)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶公开5张卡。计算其中不同名字的<原子>SIGNI的张数。之后,那是3张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置并冻结。那是4张以上的场合,抽1张卡。那是5张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。之后,将公开的卡按你喜欢的顺序放置到卡组底。(满足条件的话,所有的效果都可以发动)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal the top five cards of your deck. Count the number of SIGNI with different names in it. Then, if there are three or more, down and freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI. If there are four or more, draw a card. If there are five, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, put all of the revealed cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. (You can activate all of the effects that you have met the conditions for.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var cids = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('原子') && !inArr(card.cid,cids)) { cids.push(card.cid); } },this); var count = cids.length; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (count >= 3) { cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); } }).callback(this,function () { if (count >= 4) { this.player.draw(1); } if (count >= 5) { cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); }); } } }, "657": { "pid": 657, cid: 657, "timestamp": 1431349885055, "wxid": "WX05-015", name: "ヘイト・インプレス", name_zh_CN: "厌恶之印", name_en: "Hate Impress", "kana": "ヘイトインプレス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-015.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっ…", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Yah....", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーをこの方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニのレベル1につき、-2000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束时为止,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的SIGNI的等级每有1,就将对战对手的所有的SIGNI的力量-2000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put one of your SIGNI on the field into the trash. If you do, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -2000 power for each 1 level of the SIGNI put into the trash this way." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; var value = card.level * -2000; this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',value); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "658": { "pid": 658, cid: 658, "timestamp": 1431349886080, "wxid": "WX05-018", name: "原槍 アークエナジェ", name_zh_CN: "原枪 高阶源能枪", name_en: "Arc Energe, Original Spear", "kana": "ゲンソウアークエナジェ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-018.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "始めの少女の本当の願い。満たされず。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The first girl's true wish. Unfulfilled.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手は自分のエナフェイズをスキップする。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《原槍 エナジェ》があるかぎり、対戦相手のシグニがバニッシュされる場合、エナゾーンに置かれる代わりにトラッシュに置かれる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手跳过他自己的充能阶段。", "【常】:只要你的场上有《原枪 源能枪》,对战对手的SIGNI被驱逐的场合,从将其放置到能量区改为放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent skips their ener phase.", "[Constant]: As long as you have《Energe, Original Spear》on the field, when your opponent's SIGNI is banished, put it into the trash instead of the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'skipEnerPhase',true); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.cid === 27); // <原槍 エナジェ> },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'banishTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】【白】【白】:あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニを2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】白3:从你的卡组里探寻至多2张<武装>SIGNI卡,让其出场。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White] [White] [White]: Search your deck for up to 2 SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 card, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "659": { "pid": 659, cid: 659, "timestamp": 1431349887394, "wxid": "WX05-019", name: "コードラビリンス ルーブル", name_zh_CN: "迷牢代号 卢浮宫", name_en: "Code Labyrinth Louvre", "kana": "コードラビリンスルーブル", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-019.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我、最高にして最大の知識なり。 ~ルーブル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I shall be the greatest collection of knowledge. ~Louvre~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニの正面のシグニは能力を失う。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手の場に能力の無いシグニが2体以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+3000される。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体が場からデッキに移動したとき、あなたのデッキから<迷宮>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI正前方的SIGNI失去能力。", "【常】:只要对战对手的场上的无能力的SIGNI有2只以上,这只SIGNI 的力量+3000。", "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI从场上移动到卡组时,从你的卡组里探寻1张<迷宫>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The SIGNI in front of this SIGNI loses its abilities.", "[Constant]: As long as your opponent has two or more SIGNI with no abilities, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.", "[Constant]: When one of your opponent's SIGNI is put into the deck from the field, search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add,control) { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; set(opposingSigni,'abilityLost',true); // 重注册 set(opposingSigni,'_CodeLabyrinthLouvre',this); control.reregister = (opposingSigni['_CodeLabyrinthLouvre'] !== this); } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.hasAbility(); },this); return (cards.length >= 2); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',3000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '659-const-2', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.isSigni) && (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.mainDeck); }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの次のターン、対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニは能力を失う。あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你的下一个回合中,对战对手场上的所有SIGNI失去能力。你抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During your next turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI lose their abilities. Draw a card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'abilityLost',true); },this); } }); this.player.draw(1); } } }, "660": { "pid": 660, cid: 660, "timestamp": 1431349888533, "wxid": "WX05-026", name: "コードアンシエンツ ネクロノミコ", name_zh_CN: "群集古兵代号 死灵之书", name_en: "Code Ancients Necronomico", "kana": "コードアンシエンツネクロノミコ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-026.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そのとおりだったんだね?ゲイン。 ~ネクロノミコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's just like that, isn't it? Gain. ~Necronomico~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚が場に出たとき、あなたのトラッシュからカード1枚を手札に加える。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:1张<古代兵器>SIGNI卡从你的废弃区出场时,从你的废弃区将1张卡加入手牌。这个效果1回合只能使用1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When an SIGNI comes into play from your trash, add 1 card from your trash to your hand. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '660-const-0', // once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var flag = false; if (event.card === this) { this.game.setData(this,'flag',false); } else { flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); } if (flag) return false; return (event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone) && (event.card.hasClass('古代兵器')); }, condition: function () { var flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); if (flag) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this,'flag',true); var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルし、あなたのトラッシュからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张SIGNI卡放置到废弃区。之后,将卡组洗切,从你的废弃区将1张卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck, and add one card from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,1,false,this.player.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); this.player.shuffle(); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); }); }); } } }, "661": { "pid": 661, cid: 661, "timestamp": 1431349889845, "wxid": "WX05-029", name: "極槍 ゲイヴォルグ", name_zh_CN: "极枪 千棘刺之枪", name_en: "Gaevolg, Ultimate Spear", "kana": "キョクソウゲイヴォルグ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-029.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "デッドエンド、オーヴァードライブ! ~ゲイヴォルグ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "DEAD END, OVERDRIVE! ~Gaevolg~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。この能力はこのシグニのパワーが12000以上の場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】白1+横置:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。这个能力只能在这只SIGNI的力量为12000以上的场合才可以使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [Down]: Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash. This ability can only be used if this SIGNI's power is 12000 or more." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return (this.power >= 12000); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }], }, "662": { "pid": 662, cid: 662, "timestamp": 1431349891841, "wxid": "WX05-030", name: "ゲット・グリモア", name_zh_CN: "获得魔典", name_en: "Get Grimoire", "kana": "ゲットグリモア", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-030.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "宝剣たちよ、私に力を!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Treasured swords, grant your power to me!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "手札から<アーム>のシグニ1枚を公開する。この方法で公開したシグニと同じ名前のシグニを3枚まであなたのデッキから探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从手牌公开1只<武装>SIGNI卡。从你的卡组里探寻至多3张与通过这个方法公开的卡同名的SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal one SIGNI from your hand. Search your deck for up to three SIGNI with the same name as the SIGNI revealed this way, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var filter; if (!card) { filter = function () { return false; } } else { filter = function (c) { return (c.cid === card.cid); } } return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,3); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から<アーム>のシグニを1枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニを2枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从手牌舍弃1张<武装>的SIGNI卡。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组里探寻至多2张<武装>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard an SIGNI from your hand. If you do, search your deck for up to two SIGNI and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,2); }); } } }, "663": { "pid": 663, cid: 663, "timestamp": 1431349893014, "wxid": "WX05-031", name: "幻竜 ゴッドラ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 神龙", name_en: "Goddra, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウゴッドラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-031.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いわゆる、ゴッド!神竜よ! ~ゴッドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The so-called GOD! The God Dragon! ~Goddra~" }, "664": { "pid": 664, cid: 664, "timestamp": 1431349894214, "wxid": "WX05-034", name: "至宝の欠片", name_zh_CN: "珍宝的碎片", name_en: "Most Treasured Fragment", "kana": "シホウノカケラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-034.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "美しすぎる弩級の一撃!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The attack of the most exceedingly beautiful dreadnought!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたのライフクロス1枚につき、【無×1】増える。\nターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<鉱石>と<宝石>のシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的生命护甲每存在1张,这个魔法的使用费用就增加无1。\n直到回合结束时为止,你所有的<矿石>和<宝石>SIGNI获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this spell is increased by [Colorless] for each of your Life Cloth.\nUntil end of turn, all of your or SIGNI gain [Double Crush]." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless += cards.length; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'doubleCrash',true); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:このターンと次のターン、あなたのシグニゾーンの中央にあるシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:这个回合和下一个回合中,位于你的SIGNI区中央的SIGNI获得【双重击溃】的能力。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During this turn and the next turn, the SIGNI in the middle of your SIGNI Zone gets [Double Crush]." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var card = this.player.signiZones[1].getActualCards()[0]; if (card) { set(card,'doubleCrash',true); } } }); this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var card = this.player.signiZones[1].getActualCards()[0]; if (card) { set(card,'doubleCrash',true); } } }); } } }, "665": { "pid": 665, cid: 665, "timestamp": 1431349895551, "wxid": "WX05-035", name: "羅原 Rn", name_zh_CN: "罗原 氡", name_en: "Radon, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンラドン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-035.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's radiance, I'm number one!" }, "666": { "pid": 666, cid: 666, "timestamp": 1431349896831, "wxid": "WX05-036", name: "幻水 ジンベイ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 鲸鲨", name_en: "Jinbei, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイジンベイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-036.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すごく大きいです。 ~ジンベイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's really big. ~Jinbei~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたのすべての<水獣>のシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的攻击阶段开始时,将你所有的<水兽>SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your attack phase, up all of your SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '666-const-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); return this.game.upCardsAsyn(cards); } }); add(this.player,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたのアップ状態の<水獣>のシグニ3体をダウンする:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将你的3只竖置状态的<水兽>SIGNI横置:抽2张卡。之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down three of your upped SIGNI: Draw two cards. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('水獣')); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, costAsyn: function () { this.game.downCards(this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。その後、対戦相手の手札を2枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你舍弃1张手牌。之后,不查看对战对手的手牌而选择2张,将其舍弃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard one card from your hand. Then, choose two cards from your opponent's hand without looking and discard them." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(2); }); } } }, "667": { "pid": 667, cid: 667, "timestamp": 1431349898119, "wxid": "WX05-037", name: "コードアート S・P・K", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 S・P・K", name_en: "Code Art SPK", "kana": "コードアートスピーカー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-037.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "騒音がいい?静かさがいい? ~S・P・K~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Is loud fine? Is quiet fine? ~SPK~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。その後、対戦相手のすべてのシグニが凍結状態である場合、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。之后,如果对战对手所有的SIGNI处于冻结状态的场合,对战对手舍弃他自己的1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Freeze one of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, if all of your opponent's SIGNI are frozen, your opponent discards a card from their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); if (flag) { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }); } }] }, "668": { "pid": 668, cid: 668, "timestamp": 1431349899170, "wxid": "WX05-039", name: "制限された表現 ドット", name_zh_CN: "受限的表现 像素", name_en: "Dot, Limited Expression", "kana": "セイゲンサレタヒョウゲンドット", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-039.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トントンギガギガ ~ドット~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ton ton giga giga ~Dot~" }, "669": { "pid": 669, cid: 669, "timestamp": 1431349900216, "wxid": "WX05-040", name: "羅稙 サクラ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 樱", name_en: "Sakura, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクサクラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-040.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "花の歌を、うたいましょう。 ~サクラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The song of flowers, let's sing it. ~Sakura~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズの間、対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのアップ状態のシグニ1体が効果によってダウンしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。(コストの支払いおよびアタックによるダウンは効果に含まれない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的主要阶段期间,你每将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐,就从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。", "【常】:你的竖置状态的SIGNI因效果变为横置时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。(效果不包括由于支付费用或由于攻击而导致的横置)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your main phase, each time one of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: When one of your upped SIGNI is downed by an ability, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. (Downing by the payment of a cost or by attacking is not treated as an effect)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) && (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '669-const-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '669-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, // condition: function () { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; // return true; // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'onDown',effect); },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。その後、あなたのエナゾーンからカードを1枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。之后,从你的能量区将至多1张卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. Then, add up to one card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "670": { "pid": 670, cid: 670, "timestamp": 1431349901395, "wxid": "WX05-041", name: "幻獣 ライノ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 犀牛", name_en: "Rhino, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウライノ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-041.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おちゃのこサイサイッ! ~ライノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Piece of cake! ~Rhino~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、あなたの<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニ1体は【ランサー】を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:直到回合结束时为止,你的1只<空兽>或<地兽>SIGNI获得【枪兵】的能力。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: Until end of turn, one of your or SIGNI gets [Lancer]." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'lancer',true); }); } }] }, "671": { "pid": 671, cid: 671, "timestamp": 1431349903401, "wxid": "WX05-042", name: "増武", name_zh_CN: "增武", name_en: "Increasing Force", "kana": "ゾウブ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-042.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いわゆる、これ…なに? ~ライアン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The so-called... what is this? ~Lion~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのメインフェイズの間、あなたのアップ状態の<植物>のシグニ1体がダウンしたとき、それがこのターンで3回目である場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュし、あなたのエナゾーンからカードを1枚手札に加え、あなたはカードを1枚引く。このカードの効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你的主要阶段期间,你的1只竖置状态的<植物>SIGNI被横置时,并且那是这回合中第3次横置的场合,将对战对的1只SIGNI驱逐,从自己的能量区将1张卡加入手牌,再抽1张卡。这张卡的效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, during your Main Phase, when one of your upped SIGNI becomes downed, if it is the third time this turn, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI, add a card from your Ener Zone to your hand, and draw a card. The effect of this card can only be used once per turn." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var player = this.player; // 注: 被mlln抢夺 this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) && (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '671-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { // var flag = this.game.getData(this.player,'増武Flag'); // if (flag) return false; // if (!event.card.hasClass('植物')) return; var count = this.game.getData(player,'増武Count'); return (count === 3); }, // condition: function () { // return !this.game.getData(player,'増武Flag'); // }, actionAsyn: function () { // this.game.setData(player,'増武Flag',true); var cards = player.opponent.signis; return player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { cards = player.enerZone.cards; return player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(player.handZone); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { player.draw(1); }); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('植物')) { add(signi,'onDown',effect); } },this); } }); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュし、あなたのエナゾーンからカードを1枚手札に加え、あなたはカードを1枚引く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '将对战对的1只SIGNI驱逐,从自己的能量区将1张卡加入手牌,再抽1张卡。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'Banish one of your opponent\'s SIGNI, add a card from your Ener Zone to your hand, and draw a card.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。その後、あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下の場合、追加であなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。之后,你的能量区的卡在4张以下的场合,追加将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. Then, if there are four or less cards in your Ener Zone, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length <= 4) { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } } }, "672": { "pid": 672, cid: 672, "timestamp": 1431349904601, "wxid": "WX05-043", name: "フィア=ヴァイアル", name_zh_CN: "Vier=药剂瓶", name_en: "Vier=Vial", "kana": "フィアヴァイアル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-043.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パンドラボックスが、あいてしまう。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Pandora's Box shall open." }, "673": { "pid": 673, cid: 673, "timestamp": 1431349905642, "wxid": "WX05-046", name: "コードメイズ サグファミ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 圣家堂", name_en: "Code Maze Sagfami", "kana": "コードメイズサグファミ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-046.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えへへ、みえちゃった? ~サグファミ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ehehe, I've been found? ~Sagfami~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<迷宮>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直してもよい。その後、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃1张<迷宫>SIGNI卡:你可以将对战对手场上的所有SIGNI按你喜欢的方式重新配置。之后,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one SIGNI from your hand: You may rearrange the position of your opponent's SIGNI in any way you like. Then, draw a card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.rearrangeOpponentSignisAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "674": { "pid": 674, cid: 674, "timestamp": 1431349906809, "wxid": "WX05-048", name: "コードメイズ メトロン", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 大都会", name_en: "Code Maze Metron", "kana": "コードメイズメトロン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-048.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "迷い込んだあなたへ、明日をあげるわ。 ~メトロン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For you who have lost your way, I shall give you tomorrow. ~Metaron~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<迷宮>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有3只<迷宫>SIGNI,你所有的SIGNI的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "675": { "pid": 675, cid: 675, "timestamp": 1431349907875, "wxid": "WX05-049", name: "中槍 ブルナク", name_zh_CN: "中枪 轰击五星", name_en: "Brionac, Medium Spear", "kana": "チュウソウブルナク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-049.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "格好いい名前ね、私? ~ブルナク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's a nice name isn't it? ~Brionac~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【白】【無】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキから<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニを合計2枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】白2无1+将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:从你的卡组里探寻合计至多2张<武装>或<武器>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [White] [Colorless] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Search your deck for up to two or SIGNI, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, costColorless: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,2); } }] }, "676": { "pid": 676, cid: 676, "timestamp": 1431349909220, "wxid": "WX05-050", name: "コードメイズ ミッシェル", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 米歇尔", name_en: "Code Maze Michel", "kana": "コードメイズミッシェル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-050.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "小さく見える?あんた愚かね。 ~ミッシェル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You can only see a little? You're really foolish huh? ~Michel~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【白】【白】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体をデッキに戻す。その後、対戦相手は自分のデッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】白3+将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:将对战对手1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回卡组。之后,对战对手将他自己的卡组洗切。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [White] [White] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Return one of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to the deck. Then, your opponent shuffles their deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 3, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 3); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.mainDeck); card.player.shuffle(); }); } }], }, "677": { "pid": 677, cid: 677, "timestamp": 1431349910306, "wxid": "WX05-051", name: "小剣 エンゲツ", name_zh_CN: "小剑 炎月", name_en: "Engetsu, Small Sword", "kana": "ショウケンエンゲツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-051.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモン、ブルナク! ~エンゲツ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come on, Brionac! ~Engetsu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《中槍 ブルナク》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付白1。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组里探寻1张《中枪 轰击五星》,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [White]. If you do, search your deck for one《Brionac, Medium Spear》, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '677-const-0', costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 675; // <中槍 ブルナク> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "678": { "pid": 678, cid: 678, "timestamp": 1431349911398, "wxid": "WX05-053", name: "幻竜 エインガナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 艾因加纳", name_en: "Eingana, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウエインガナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-053.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "虹をつかさどる龍、その足元には幸福が宿るという。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The dragon which rules over the rainbow, it is said under its foot dwells happiness." }, "679": { "pid": 679, cid: 679, "timestamp": 1431349912450, "wxid": "WX05-054", name: "幻竜 リントブルム", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 林德虫", name_en: "Lintwurm, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウリントブルム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-054.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝かしき王族の末裔ここに。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The descendents of the bright royalty are here.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<龍獣>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你其他的所有<龙兽>SIGNI的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('龍獣')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<龍獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张<龙兽>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "680": { "pid": 680, cid: 680, "timestamp": 1431349913525, "wxid": "WX05-055", name: "幻竜 カンニャ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 汉龙", name_en: "Kannya, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウカンニャ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-055.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "にゃー。 ~カンニャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Nya. ~Kannya~" }, "681": { "pid": 681, cid: 681, "timestamp": 1431349914716, "wxid": "WX05-056", name: "幻竜 コモド", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 幼龙", name_en: "Komodo, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウコモド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-056.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コモね、すーぐおーきくなるんだよ。ほんとだよ? ~コモド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "So like, Komo will become reaaally biiiig you know. It's true you know? ~Komodo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグがレベル4以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG的等级在4以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is level 4 or more, this SIGNI's power is 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.level >= 4; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "682": { "pid": 682, cid: 682, "timestamp": 1431349916207, "wxid": "WX05-057", name: "幻竜 クエレプ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 库耶列布什", name_en: "Cuélep, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウクエレプ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-057.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "当然のごとくいかつくなった私だけど、ほんとはかわいい感じが良かったんだ。えーっと、かわいい?そうかな。いったい誰がこんな姿を望んだんだろうね?ルリグ?なにそれ。 ~クエレプ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Naturally I became stern however, it would have been nice if it was a cute feeling. Ehhhh, cute? I guess so. Who the heck would desire this form anyways? LRIG? What's that? ~Cuélep~" }, "683": { "pid": 683, cid: 683, "timestamp": 1431349917528, "wxid": "WX05-058", name: "幻竜 トカゲ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 蜥蜴", name_en: "Tokage, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウトカゲ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-058.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これでもドラゴンさ。なーんてね。 ~トカゲ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Even so I'm a dragon. Juuust kidding. ~Tokage~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にある他のすべての<龍獣>のシグニのレベル1につき、このシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你场上的其他的所有<龙兽>SIGNI等级每有1级,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: For each level of all of your other SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var count = 0; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('龍獣')) { count += signi.level; } },this); if (!count) return; add(this,'power',1000*count); } }] }, "684": { "pid": 684, cid: 684, "timestamp": 1431349918610, "wxid": "WX05-060", name: "羅原 Mn", name_zh_CN: "罗原 锰", name_en: "Manganese, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンマンガン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-060.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "意志の固さならナンバーワン! ~Mn~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If the purpose is hardness I'm number one! ~Mn~" }, "685": { "pid": 685, cid: 685, "timestamp": 1431349919668, "wxid": "WX05-061", name: "羅原 Th", name_zh_CN: "罗原 钍", name_en: "Thorium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲントリウム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-061.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "涼しさならナンバーワン。 ~Th~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's coolness I'm number one. ~Th~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<原子>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から<原子>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张<原子>的SIGNI卡:公开你卡组顶的5张卡。将其中1张<原子>的SIGNI卡加入手牌。剩余的卡按自己喜欢的顺序放置到卡组底。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one SIGNI from your hand: Reveal the top five cards of your deck. Add one SIGNI from among them to your hand. Then, put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var cards_A = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "686": { "pid": 686, cid: 686, "timestamp": 1431349920761, "wxid": "WX05-062", name: "羅原 Ti", name_zh_CN: "罗原 钛", name_en: "Titanium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンチタン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-062.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "硬さならナンバーワン。 ~Ti~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's toughness I'm number one. ~Ti~" }, "687": { "pid": 687, cid: 687, "timestamp": 1431349921744, "wxid": "WX05-064", name: "羅原 S", name_zh_CN: "罗原 硫", name_en: "Sulfur, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンイオウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-064.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "純白さならナンバーワン! ~S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's pure whiteness I'm number one! ~S~" }, "688": { "pid": 688, cid: 688, "timestamp": 1431349922807, "wxid": "WX05-065", name: "羅原 Cr", name_zh_CN: "罗原 铬", name_en: "Chromium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンクロム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-065.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無垢さならナンバーワン。 ~Cr~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's purity I'm number one. ", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にある他のすべての<原子>のシグニのレベル1につき、このシグニのパワーを+1000する。(他にレベル2とレベル3のシグニがある場合、このシグニのパワーは+5000される)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你场上的其他的所有<原子>SIGNI等级每有1级,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。(存在其他的等级2和等级3的SIGNI的场合,这只SIGNI的力量+5000)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: For each level of all of your other SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +1000 power. (If you have level 2 and a level 3 SIGNI, this SIGNI gets +5000 power)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var count = 0; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('原子')) { count += signi.level; } },this); if (!count) return; add(this,'power',1000*count); } }] }, "689": { "pid": 689, cid: 689, "timestamp": 1431349923890, "wxid": "WX05-066", name: "RAINY", name_zh_CN: "雨天", name_en: "RAINY", "kana": "レイニー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-066.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "雨雨フレフレ私のためにー!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Rain rain pour pour for me!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまでを選ぶ。\n" + "「対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。」\n" + "「あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で青の場合、あなたはカードを3枚引き、その後、手札を1枚捨てる。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。\n" + "「对战对手舍弃1张手牌。」\n" + "「你的LRIG等级在4以上且是蓝色的场合,抽3张卡。之后,舍弃1张手牌。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Chose up to two of these two effects.\n" + "\"Your opponent discards a card from their hand.\"\n" + "\"If your LRIG is blue and level 4 or more, draw three cards, then discard one card from your hand.\"" ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '689-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } },{ source: this, description: '689-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 4) return; if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('blue')) return; this.player.draw(3); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }]; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (effects) { return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。", "あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で青の場合、あなたはカードを3枚引き、その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对战对手舍弃1张手牌。", "你的LRIG等级在4以上且是蓝色的场合,抽3张卡。之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent discards a card from their hand.", "If your LRIG is blue and level 4 or more, draw three cards, then discard one card from your hand." ] }, "690": { "pid": 690, cid: 690, "timestamp": 1431349924964, "wxid": "WX05-069", name: "鮮明な名宴 ポップ", name_zh_CN: "鲜明的名宴 波普", name_en: "Pop, Vividly Famous Party", "kana": "センメイナメイエンポップ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-069.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "原色の炸裂で、最新の世界へ案内するわ。 ~ポップ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "By a burst of the primary colors, I shall guide you to a new world. ~Pop~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグがレベル4以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG的等级在4以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is level 4 or more, this SIGNI's power becomes 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.lrig.level >= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }] }, "691": { "pid": 691, cid: 691, "timestamp": 1431349926556, "wxid": "WX05-072", name: "落書の是認 クレヨン", name_zh_CN: "涂鸦的认可 蜡笔", name_en: "Crayon, Endorsement of Graffiti", "kana": "ラクガキノゼニンクレヨン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-072.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "描き描かれ、美巧は強くなるのです! ~クレヨン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "To draw and to be drawn, Beautiful Techniques will become strong! ~Crayon~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にある他のすべての<美巧>のシグニのレベル1につき、このシグニのパワーを+1000する。(他にレベル2とレベル3のシグニがある場合、このシグニのパワーは+5000される)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你场上的其他的所有<美巧>SIGNI等级每有1级,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。(存在其他的等级2和等级3的SIGNI的场合,这只SIGNI的力量+5000)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: For each level of all of your other SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI gets +1000 power. (If you have level 2 and a level 3 SIGNI, this SIGNI gets +5000 power)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var count = 0; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('美巧')) { count += signi.level; } },this); if (!count) return; add(this,'power',1000*count); } }] }, "692": { "pid": 692, cid: 692, "timestamp": 1431349927611, "wxid": "WX05-073", name: "咆哮", name_zh_CN: "咆哮", name_en: "Howl", "kana": "ホウコウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-073.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うおぉああ!どれゃああ!わー!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Rooooar! How's thaaat! Raawr!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまでを選ぶ。\n" + "「ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。」\n" + "「あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で緑の場合、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。\n" + "「直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI的力量+2000。」\n" + "「你的LRIG等级在4以上且是绿色的场合,直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI的力量+5000。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Chose up to two of these two effects. \n" + "\"Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.\"\n" + "\"If your LRIG is green and level 4 or higher, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power.\"" ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '692-attached-0', action: function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); },this); } },{ source: this, description: '692-attached-1', action: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 4) return; if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('green')) return; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); } }]; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (effects) { this.game.frameStart(); effects.forEach(function (effect) { effect.action.call(this); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で緑の場合、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI的力量+2000。", "你的LRIG等级在4以上且是绿色的场合,直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI的力量+5000。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.", "If your LRIG is green and level 4 or higher, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power." ] }, "693": { "pid": 693, cid: 693, "timestamp": 1431349928735, "wxid": "WX05-074", name: "ドライ=スポアー", name_zh_CN: "Drei=孢子", name_en: "Drei=Spore", "kana": "ドライスポアー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-074.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "奉仕するよッ!胞子だけにねッ! ~スポアー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's a service! It's spore! ~Spore~" }, "694": { "pid": 694, cid: 694, "timestamp": 1431349929888, "wxid": "WX05-076", name: "魅惑の魔道 ロキ", name_zh_CN: "魅惑魔导 洛基", name_en: "Loki, Bewitching Magic", "kana": "ミワクノマドウロキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-076.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぼくって美しいだろ? ~ロキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm beautiful aren't I? ~Loki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべての<悪魔>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你其他的所有<恶魔>SIGNI的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('悪魔')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张<恶魔>SIGNI卡,将其公开并加入手牌。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "695": { "pid": 695, cid: 695, "timestamp": 1431349931000, "wxid": "WX05-077", name: "ツヴァイ=コブラ", name_zh_CN: "Zwei=眼镜蛇", name_en: "Zwei=Cobra", "kana": "ツヴァイコブラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-077.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほおら、すぐ回る。コロッと逝くの。 ~コブラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "See, now turn around. You'll fall right through." }, "696": { "pid": 696, cid: 696, "timestamp": 1431349932231, "wxid": "WX05-078", name: "堕楽の一目 アーリマン", name_zh_CN: "堕乐独眼 阿里曼", name_en: "Ahriman, Fallen Glance", "kana": "ダラクノヒトメアーリマン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-078.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ありまー!かわいそー。 ~アーリマン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ahrima! How pitiful. ~Ahriman~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】あなたの【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置+将你的1张【魅饰】卡放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Put one of your [Charm] into the trash: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }] }, "697": { "pid": 697, cid: 697, "timestamp": 1431349934950, "wxid": "WX05-079", name: "アイン=ガス", name_zh_CN: "Eins=瓦斯", name_en: "Ein=Gas", "kana": "アインガス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-079.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "多い輪廻ね。これが終わったら、どうなるのかしら。 ~ガス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Many endless cycles huh. If this all ends, I wonder what will happen. ~Gas~" }, "698": { "pid": 698, cid: 698, "timestamp": 1431349935899, "wxid": "WX05-080", name: "使命の怠惰 ヘカーテ", name_zh_CN: "使命怠惰 赫卡忒", name_en: "Hecate, Sloth of Mission", "kana": "シメイノタイダヘカーテ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-080.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひとこと言ってくれればよかったのに。 ~ヘカーテ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Even though just a few words would have been nice. ~Hecate~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:このシグニをあなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:这只SIGNI成为你的1只<恶魔>SIGNI的【魅饰】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: Put this SIGNI as [Charm] under one of your SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔') && !signi.charm && (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.charmTo(card); }); } }], }, "699": { "pid": 699, cid: 699, "timestamp": 1431349937363, "wxid": "WX05-081", name: "リバイブ・フレア", name_zh_CN: "重振的闪光", name_en: "Revive Flare", "kana": "リバイブフレア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX05/WX05-081.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "轟音、火柱、悪魔は黒い炎を放つ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Thunderous roar, blazing pillar, the Devils fire the black flames.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまでを選ぶ。\n" + "「あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」\n" + "「あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で黒の場合、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。\n" + "「从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区让1张等级2以下的黑色SIGNI卡出场。」\n" + "「你的LRIG等级在4以上且是黑色的场合,从你的废弃区让1张黑色SIGNI卡出场。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Chose up to two of these two effects.\n" + "\"Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, put 1 level 2 or less black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\"\n" + "\"If your LRIG is black and level 4 or more, put 1 black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\"" ], spellEffect : [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '699-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon()); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } },{ source: this, description: '699-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 4) return; if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon()); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }]; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (effects) { return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", "あなたのルリグがレベル4以上で黒の場合、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区让1张等级2以下的黑色SIGNI卡出场。", "你的LRIG等级在4以上且是黑色的场合,从你的废弃区让1张黑色SIGNI卡出场。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, put 1 level 2 or less black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "If your LRIG is black and level 4 or more, put 1 black SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ] }, "700": { "pid": 700, cid: 244, "timestamp": 1431349938578, "wxid": "PR-025", name: "再三再四 (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年1-2月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "再三再四 (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年1-2月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Over and Over Again (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年1-2月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "ウェイクアップ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-025.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "また私の役に立てるんだから、張り切ってお願いしますっ!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I can still be helpful, so please show some spirit!" }, "701": { "pid": 701, cid: 701, "timestamp": 1431349998501, "wxid": "PR-102", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・デッドナイト (「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第1巻 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆・午夜 (「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第1巻 付録)", name_en: "Remember Dead Night, Star-Reading Miko (「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第1巻 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバデッドナイト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-102.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゆっくり、休んでくださいね。 ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please rest peacefully, okay? ~Remember~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '《グロウ》あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《リメンバ》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《忆》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Remember》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('リメンバ') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の凍結状態であるシグニは能力を失う。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的冻结状态的SIGNI失去能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's frozen SIGNI lose their abilities." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.frozen) { set(signi,'abilityLost',true); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。すでにそのシグニが凍結状態である場合、凍結する代わりにバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体につき、あなたはカードを1枚引く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。那只SIGNI已经是冻结状态的场合,改为将其驱逐。", "【起】超越2:对战对手的冻结状态的SIGNI每有1只,你就抽1张卡。这个能力每个回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If that SIGNI is already frozen, banish it instead of freezing it.", "[Action] Exceed 2: For each of your opponent's frozen SIGNI, draw 1 card. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (card.frozen) { return card.banishAsyn(); } card.freeze(); }); } },{ once: true, costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); this.player.draw(cards.length); } }] }, "702": { "pid": 702, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1431349999845, "wxid": "PR-103", name: "ステコ (「WIXOSS -Hobbystation Best selector Tryout」景品)", name_zh_CN: "ステコ (「WIXOSS -Hobbystation Best selector Tryout」景品)", name_en: "Suteko (「WIXOSS -Hobbystation Best selector Tryout」景品)", "kana": "ステコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-103.jpg", "illust": "長月みそか", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ホヴィクロスパーティってよむー! ~ステコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's read Hobby Cross Party! ~Suteko~" }, "703": { "pid": 703, cid: 703, "timestamp": 1431350000937, "wxid": "PR-105", name: "大剣 デュランダ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_zh_CN: "大剑 迪朗达尔 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_en: "Duranda, Greatsword (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", "kana": "タイケンデュランダ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-105.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は様々な場所で傭兵をしてきた。色々な色に染まるのは容易だよ。 ~デュランダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I have come from being a mercenary of many places. Being dyed by many different colors is simple. ~Duranda~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にあるシグニ3体がそれぞれ共通の色を持たないかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になり、対戦相手の効果を受けない。 (無色は色に含まれないので、場のシグニが白、無色、無色の場合、この能力は発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上的3只SIGNI持有的颜色各不相同,这只SIGNI的力量变成15000,并且不会受到对方效果的影响。(因为无色不包含任何颜色,你场上的SIGNI为白色、无色、无色的场合,这个能力也适用)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI on the field that do not share a common color, this SIGNI's power is 15000, and it is unaffected by your opponent's effects. (Since colorless is not a color, if your SIGNI on the field are white, colorless, and colorless, this ability is active)" ], constEffects: [{ // condition: function () { // var signis = this.player.signis; // if (signis.length !== 3) return false; // var color = ''; // for (var i = 0; i < signis.length; i++) { // var c = signis[i].color; // if (c === 'colorless') continue; // if (!color) { // color = c; // continue; // } // if (c === color) return false; // } // return true; // }, condition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; if (signis.length !== 3) return false; var colors = []; for (var i = 0; i < signis.length; i++) { var color = signis[i].color; if (color === 'colorless') continue; if (inArr(color,colors)) return false; colors.push(color); } return true; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张等级3以下的SIGNI,公开并加入手牌,之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for up to one level 3 or less SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "704": { "pid": 704, cid: 704, "timestamp": 1431350002778, "wxid": "PR-106", name: "羅石 ルリル (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 琉璃 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_en: "Ruriru, Natural Stone (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", "kana": "ラセキルリル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-106.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "赤の他人……じゃないなら、お邪魔します! ~ルリル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A complete stranger... or rather maybe not, pardon the intrusion! ~Ruriru~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが赤のカードではない場合、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡不是红色的场合,把这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is not a red card, put this SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return (!card.hasColor('red')); },this); if (flag) { this.trash(); } }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "705": { "pid": 705, cid: 705, "timestamp": 1431350004092, "wxid": "PR-107", name: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_zh_CN: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_en: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", "kana": "クリスタルシール", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-107.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "手袋をおすすめするわ……。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I recommend gloves... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,随机选择对方一张手牌,并舍弃。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, choose a card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); }); } } }, "706": { "pid": 706, cid: 706, "timestamp": 1431350005303, "wxid": "PR-108", name: "犠牲 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_zh_CN: "牺牲 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_en: "Sacrifice (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", "kana": "ギセイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-108.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "強い者は欲良く狙われる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A strong person aims with greed often.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对手1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your SIGNI. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power < 12000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "707": { "pid": 707, cid: 707, "timestamp": 1431350006505, "wxid": "PR-109", name: "好色の罪人 ベルフェーゴ (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_zh_CN: "好色的罪人 贝尔芬格 (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", name_en: "Belphego, Lustful Sinner (WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol4)", "kana": "コウショクノザイニンベルフェーゴ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-109.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ、今日も悪魔ちゃん達を口説き落として、墜として、落とすわよー。 ~ベルフェーゴ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well, even today, I'll persuade the Devils to fall and fall. ~Belphego~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组里探寻1张<恶魔>SIGNI卡放置到废弃区。之后,将卡组洗切。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for one SIGNI and put it into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,1,false,this.player.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); this.player.shuffle(); }); }); } }], }, "708": { "pid": 708, cid: 703, "timestamp": 1431350007725, "wxid": "PR-110", name: "大剣 デュランダ (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_zh_CN: "大剑 迪朗达尔 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_en: "Duranda, Greatsword (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", "kana": "タイケンデュランダ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-110.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は様々な場所で傭兵をしてきた。色々な色に染まるのは容易だよ。 ~デュランダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I have come from being a mercenary of many places. Being dyed by many different colors is simple. ~Duranda~" }, "709": { "pid": 709, cid: 704, "timestamp": 1431350008901, "wxid": "PR-111", name: "羅石 ルリル (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 琉璃 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_en: "Ruriru, Natural Stone (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", "kana": "ラセキルリル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-111.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "赤の他人……じゃないなら、お邪魔します! ~ルリル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A complete stranger... or rather maybe not, pardon the intrusion! ~Ruriru~" }, "710": { "pid": 710, cid: 705, "timestamp": 1431350011131, "wxid": "PR-112", name: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_zh_CN: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_en: "CRYSTAL SEAL (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", "kana": "クリスタルシール", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-112.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "手袋をおすすめするわ……。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I recommend gloves... ~Piruluk~" }, "711": { "pid": 711, cid: 706, "timestamp": 1431350012362, "wxid": "PR-113", name: "犠牲 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_zh_CN: "牺牲 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_en: "Sacrifice (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", "kana": "ギセイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-113.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "強い者は欲良く狙われる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A strong person aims with greed often." }, "712": { "pid": 712, cid: 707, "timestamp": 1431350013529, "wxid": "PR-114", name: "好色の罪人 ベルフェーゴ (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_zh_CN: "好色的罪人 贝尔芬格 (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", name_en: "Belphego, Lustful Sinner (WIXOSSポイント引換 vol4)", "kana": "コウショクノザイニンベルフェーゴ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-114.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ、今日も悪魔ちゃん達を口説き落として、墜として、落とすわよー。 ~ベルフェーゴ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well, even today, I'll persuade the Devils to fall and fall. ~Belphego~" }, "713": { "pid": 713, cid: 400, "timestamp": 1431350014727, "wxid": "PR-115", name: "アンシエント・サプライズ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 一部店舗購入特典)", name_zh_CN: "远古惊叹 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 一部店舗購入特典)", name_en: "Ancient Surprise (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 一部店舗購入特典)", "kana": "アンシエントサプライズ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-115.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その存在が、私を強くする ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Its presence strengthens me. ~Iona~" }, "714": { "pid": 714, cid: 51, "timestamp": 1431350015888, "wxid": "PR-116", name: "サーバント Q (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_en: "Servant Q (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", "kana": "サーバントキャトル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-116.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "これからは、私を使ってくれますか…? ~サーバントQ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Will you use me from now on...? ~Servant Q~" }, "715": { "pid": 715, cid: 100, "timestamp": 1431350017226, "wxid": "PR-117", name: "サーバント T (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_en: "Servant T (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", "kana": "サーバントトロワ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-117.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "さぁ、ここで私を使いなよ。 ~サーバントT~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Alright, use me here. ~Servant T~" }, "716": { "pid": 716, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350018658, "wxid": "PR-118", name: "サーバント D (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", name_en: "Servant D (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」上位賞)", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-118.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ここは私に任せなさい! ~サーバントD~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Leave this here to me! ~Servant D~" }, "717": { "pid": 717, cid: 256, "timestamp": 1431350019756, "wxid": "SP03-001", name: "獄卒の閻魔 ウリス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "狱卒阎魔 乌莉丝 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ulith, Jailer Enma (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ゴクソツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-001.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "後悔させてあげるわ! ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I shall make you regret this! ~Ulith~" }, "718": { "pid": 718, cid: 257, "timestamp": 1431350020882, "wxid": "SP03-002", name: "阿鼻の閻魔 ウリス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "阿鼻阎魔 乌莉丝 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Eternal Hell (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "アビノエンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-002.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あと少しでおしまいよ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Just a little more and it will be over. ~Ulith~" }, "719": { "pid": 719, cid: 258, "timestamp": 1431350021886, "wxid": "SP03-003", name: "衆合の閻魔 ウリス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "众合阎魔 乌莉丝 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Crushing Hell (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シュゴウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-003.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みて、この槍。きれいでしょう? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Look, this spear, isn't it lovely? ~Ulith~" }, "720": { "pid": 720, cid: 259, "timestamp": 1431350022968, "wxid": "SP03-004", name: "灼熱の閻魔 ウリス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "灼热阎魔 乌莉丝 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ulith, Burning Eye Enma (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シャクネツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-004.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいわぁ、こうでなくちゃ。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's fine, even without such a thing. ~Ulith~" }, "721": { "pid": 721, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1431350023991, "wxid": "SP03-005", name: "閻魔 ウリス (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バトル、したかったんでしょう? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You wanted to battle, didn't you? ~Ulith~" }, "722": { "pid": 722, cid: 261, "timestamp": 1431350025055, "wxid": "SP03-006", name: "モーメント・パニッシュ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "片刻处刑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Moment Punish (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "モーメントパニッシュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-006.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "気が付けば、もう戻れない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you realized by now, you can't even return." }, "723": { "pid": 723, cid: 262, "timestamp": 1431350026794, "wxid": "SP03-007", name: "エターナル・パニッシュ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "永恒处刑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Eternal Punish (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "エターナルパニッシュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-007.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、いないの?早いわね。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Already gone? You're an easy one, huh?" }, "724": { "pid": 724, cid: 263, "timestamp": 1431350027877, "wxid": "SP03-008", name: "グレイブ・アウト (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "出墓 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Grave Out (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "グレイブアウト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-008.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 5, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふふ。何度でも使ってあげる。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Fufu. I'll let you use it as many times as you want. ~Ulith~" }, "725": { "pid": 725, cid: 725, "timestamp": 1431350029043, "wxid": "SP03-009", name: "グレイブ・ガット (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "墓地肠线 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Grave Gut (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "グレイブガット", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-009.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こっち側は温かいわよ? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This side is warm you know? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "どちらか1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。」\n" + "「手札をすべて捨てる。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。」", "あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", "手札をすべて捨てる。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "选择其中一项。\n" + "「从你的废弃区将至多2张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌。」\n" + "「舍弃所有手牌。之后,从你的废弃区将至多2张<恶魔>SIGNI出场。」", "从你的废弃区将至多2张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌。", "舍弃所有手牌。之后,从你的废弃区将至多2张<恶魔>SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one of these.\n" + "\"Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\"\n" + "\"Discard your hand. Then, put up to 2 SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\"", "Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Discard your hand. Then, put up to 2 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.trashCards(this.player.hands); var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } }] }, "726": { "pid": 726, cid: 726, "timestamp": 1431350030338, "wxid": "SP03-010", name: "サウザンド・パニッシュ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "千年处刑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Thousand Punish (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サウザンドパニッシュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-010.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "終わりね。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The end hm? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } } }, "727": { "pid": 727, cid: 264, "timestamp": 1431350031654, "wxid": "SP03-011", name: "堕落の砲女 メツム (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 缅茨姆 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Metsum, Fallen Cannon Girl (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョメツム", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-011.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "目をつぶって。一気に堕とすよ。 ~メツム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Close your eyes. I'll corrupt you immediately. ~Metsum~" }, "728": { "pid": 728, cid: 265, "timestamp": 1431350033818, "wxid": "SP03-012", name: "廃悪の象徴 ベルゼ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "废恶象征 别西卜 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Belze, Symbol of Wasteful Evil (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ハイアクノショウチョウベルゼ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-012.jpg", "illust": "コト", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "エッヘン!切れ味知りたい? ~ベルゼ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ahem! You wanna learn how sharp? ~Belze~" }, "729": { "pid": 729, cid: 266, "timestamp": 1431350034898, "wxid": "SP03-013", name: "堕落の砲女 キャリ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 迦利 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Carry, Fallen Cannon Girl (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョキャリ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-013.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "奪うって、楽しいだけにゃ! ~キャリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Stealing, that's just fun nya! ~Carry~" }, "730": { "pid": 730, cid: 267, "timestamp": 1431350036071, "wxid": "SP03-014", name: "背徳の象徴 コスモ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "背德象征 科思莫 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Cosmo, Symbol of Immorality (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ハイトクノショウチョウコスモ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-014.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あら、ウリスさん?帰っていいんですかねぇ。 ~コスモ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ah, Ulith-san? Is it fine to go home? ~Cosmo~" }, "731": { "pid": 731, cid: 268, "timestamp": 1431350037283, "wxid": "SP03-015", name: "小悪の象徴 コオニ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "小恶象征 小鬼 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Kooni, Symbol of Lesser Sin (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "コアクノショウチョウコオニ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-015.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "かわいいだって?やめてよ。 ~コオニ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm cute? Please stop that. ~Kooni~" }, "732": { "pid": 732, cid: 269, "timestamp": 1431350038322, "wxid": "SP03-016", name: "堕落の砲女 サキュ (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮女 魅魔 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Succu, Fallen Cannon Girl (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョサキュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-016.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんにちは!一緒に消えましょ!マジで! ~サキュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Good afternoon! Let's disappear together! ~Succu~" }, "733": { "pid": 733, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350039464, "wxid": "SP03-017", name: "サーバント D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant D (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-017.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "無はどんな闇にも迎合しない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Nothingness also goes well with darkness." }, "734": { "pid": 734, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1431350040525, "wxid": "SP03-018", name: "サーバント O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant O (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-018.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "失われたものは、黒の少女に収斂する。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "That which is lost, converges to the Girl of Black." }, "735": { "pid": 735, cid: 272, "timestamp": 1431350041469, "wxid": "SP03-019", name: "ホール・ダーク (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "完全漆黑 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Hole Dark (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ホールダーク", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-019.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "だめっ!力が抜けていく…", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's hopeless! My power is growing weak..." }, "736": { "pid": 736, cid: 237, "timestamp": 1431350042562, "wxid": "SP03-020", name: "想起する祝福 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "回想的祝福 (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Recalled Blessing (「selector infected WIXOSS」 BOX3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ソウキスルシュクフク", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP03/SP03-020.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "失われた事物にさえ、ウィクロス因子は力を与えた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For all which is lost, the WIXOSS factors grant power." }, "737": { "pid": 737, cid: 737, "timestamp": 1431350043713, "wxid": "PR-120", name: "レインボーアート (カードゲーマーvol.20 付録)", name_zh_CN: "彩虹艺术 (カードゲーマーvol.20 付録)", name_en: "Rainbow Art (カードゲーマーvol.20 付録)", "kana": "レインボーアート", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-120.jpg", "illust": "フジヤマタカシ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きれいなにじもあわときえるの ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Will these beautiful rainbows also disappear like bubbles ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚とスペル1枚を手札に加える。その後、この方法で手札に加えたカード1枚につき、そのカードに含まれる色1つを選択する。\n" + "選択した色に赤を含む場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" + "緑を含む場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニを1体バニッシュする。" + "青を含む場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI卡和魔法卡加入手牌。之后,通过这个方法加入手牌的卡每有一张,就选择一个那张卡所持有的颜色。\n" + "选择的颜色包含红色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" + "包含绿色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" + "包含蓝色的场合,你抽一张卡" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add one SIGNI and one spell from your trash to your hand. Then, for each card added to your hand this way, choose one color among those cards.\n" + "If red was a chosen color, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. " + "If green was a chosen color, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more. " + "If blue was a chosen color, draw a card." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var colors = []; var cards_add = []; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards_add.push(card); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards_add.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_add); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.frameStart(); cards_add.forEach(function (card) { if (card.moveTo(card.player.handZone)) { colors.push(card.color); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); // red if (!inArr('red',colors)) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { // green if (!inArr('green',colors)) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { // blue if (!inArr('blue',colors)) return; this.player.draw(1); }); } } }, "738": { "pid": 738, cid: 738, "timestamp": 1431350044919, "wxid": "PR-055", name: "ネクスト・レディ (WIXOSSカード大全Ⅱ 付録)", name_zh_CN: "Next Ready (WIXOSSカード大全Ⅱ 付録)", name_en: "Next Ready (WIXOSSカード大全Ⅱ 付録)", "kana": "ネクストレディ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-055.jpg", "illust": "湯浅彬", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無色、すべてがこれから始まる色。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Colorless, the color where everything begins.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグの下からカードを好きな枚数ルリグトラッシュに置く。" + "その後、以下の4つからルリグトラッシュに置いたカード1枚につき、1つまで選ぶ。\n" + "「ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失う。」\n" + "「カードを1枚引く。」\n" + "「あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。」\n" + "「すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを4枚トラッシュに置く。」" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的LRIG下方的任意张卡放到LRIG废弃区。" + "之后,你每放置了一张卡,就从下面4个效果中选择1个发动。\n" + "「直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力。」\n" + "「抽1张卡。」\n" + "「将你卡组顶1张卡加入能量区。」\n" + "「所有玩家将自己卡组顶4张卡放置到废弃区。」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of cards from under your LRIG into the LRIG Trash. " + "Then, for each card you put into the LRIG Trash, choose one of the following four.\n" + "\"Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities.\"\n" + "\"Draw one card.\"\n" + "\"Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"\n" + "\"All players put the top four cards of their deck into the trash.\"" ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ priority: 0, source: this, description: '738-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); }); } },{ priority: 1, source: this, description: '738-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ priority: 2, source: this, description: '738-attached-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } },{ priority: 3, source: this, description: '738-attached-3', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(4),this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(4)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }]; var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); var len = Math.min(cards.length,effects.length); if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,len,len).callback(this,function (effects) { effects.sort(function (a,b) { return (a.priority - b.priority); }); return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); },this); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失う。", "カードを1枚引く。", "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを4枚トラッシュに置く。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力。", "抽1张卡。", "将你卡组顶1张卡加入能量区。", "所有玩家将自己卡组顶4张卡放置到废弃区。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities.", "Draw one card.", "Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "All players put the top four cards of their deck into the trash." ] }, "739": { "pid": 739, cid: 739, "timestamp": 1431350046058, "wxid": "PR-098", name: "ジェラシー・ゲイズ「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", name_zh_CN: "嫉妒凝视「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", name_en: "Jealousy Gaze「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", "kana": "ジェラシーゲイズ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-098.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "強い人は嫌い…私を置いていってしまうもの。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I hate strong people... they leave me behind.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "次の対戦相手のターン、対戦相手はパワー12000以上のシグニを手札から場に出すことができない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "下一次对战对手的回合中,对战对手不能从手牌将力量12000以上的SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's next turn, your opponent cannot play SIGNI with 12000 power or more from their hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.player.opponent.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'summonPowerLimit',12000); } }); } } }, "740": { "pid": 740, cid: 740, "timestamp": 1431350047410, "wxid": "PR-104", name: "スペル・サルベージ (WIXOSSアートマテリアルⅡ 付録)", name_zh_CN: "魔法营救 (WIXOSSアートマテリアルⅡ 付録)", name_en: "Spell Salvage (WIXOSSアートマテリアルⅡ 付録)", "kana": "スペルサルベージ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-104.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえもういちどだけとりかえしたいの ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hey I just want to recover it one more time ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから、あなたのルリグと同じ色のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将1张与我方LRIG同色的魔法卡加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "From your trash, add one spell with the same color as your LRIG to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.lrig)) && (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "741": { "pid": 741, cid: 437, "timestamp": 1431350048641, "wxid": "PR-119", name: "ドーピング (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "兴奋剂 (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Doping (ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ドーピング", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-119.jpg", "illust": "ペットアミノボトル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "「加隈さんならできます!」「久野ちゃんならできるよ!」", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "\"You can do it, Kakuma-san!\" \"You can do it, Kuno-chan!\"" }, "742": { "pid": 742, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1431350049711, "wxid": "PR-123", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ タマヨリヒメ(「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬(「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-123.jpg", "illust": "ちか", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいしかった! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It was delicious! ~Tama~" }, "743": { "pid": 743, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1431350050819, "wxid": "PR-124", name: "花代・零(「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零(「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero(「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-124.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そんなに、おいしくないと思うけどね・・・。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I don't think it's that tasty you know... ~Hanayo~" }, "744": { "pid": 744, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1431350052611, "wxid": "PR-125", name: "コード・ピルルク (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Code Piruluk (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-125.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・・・・はい。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "――Here. ~Piruluk~" }, "745": { "pid": 745, cid: 242, "timestamp": 1431350054551, "wxid": "PR-126", name: "闘娘 緑姫 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "斗娘 绿姬 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Midoriko, Combat Girl (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "トウキミドリコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-126.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなので、いいかな・・・・・・? ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Is it fine, like this...? ~Midoriko~" }, "746": { "pid": 746, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1431350056143, "wxid": "PR-127", name: "閻魔 ウリス (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-127.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何が入っているかしらね・・・・・・? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I wonder if there's anything inside...? ~Ulith~" }, "747": { "pid": 747, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1431350057195, "wxid": "PR-128", name: "エルドラ=マーク0 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=0式 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Eldora=Mark 0 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-128.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どっすか、これうまくできたと思うんすけどね~ ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "What to do, I think I made this very well~. ~Eldora~" }, "748": { "pid": 748, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1431350058391, "wxid": "PR-129", name: "遊月・零 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "游月·零 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-129.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "しっかりエナチャージっとね! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Properly Ener Charge alright! ~Yuzuki~" }, "749": { "pid": 749, cid: 346, "timestamp": 1431350059808, "wxid": "PR-130", name: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "月零/少女 伊绪奈 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Iona, Zero/Maiden (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "ゼロメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-130.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、あなたの願いは何? ~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "So, what is your wish? ~Iona~" }, "750": { "pid": 750, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1431350060913, "wxid": "PR-131", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-131.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お相手、してくれるかしら? ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Your partner, shall I accompany you? ~Anne~" }, "751": { "pid": 751, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1431350062922, "wxid": "PR-132", name: "ミルルン・ノット (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-132.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "え~、欲しいの?どうしよっかる~ん? ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Eeh, you want it? What to do~lun? ~Mirurun~" }, "752": { "pid": 752, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1431350064439, "wxid": "PR-133", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Umuru=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-133.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ん・・・。ほれ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mm, look. ~Umuru~" }, "753": { "pid": 753, cid: 405, "timestamp": 1431350065625, "wxid": "PR-134", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆 (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", name_en: "Remember, Star-Reading Miko (「史上最大のチョコレート争奪戦」景品)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-134.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "リメンバ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今日のラッキーアイテムですよ! ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's today's lucky item! ~Remember~" }, "754": { "pid": 754, cid: 436, "timestamp": 1431350066820, "wxid": "PR-135", name: "オーバーサルベージ「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", name_zh_CN: "过度营救「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", name_en: "Oversalvage「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第1巻 付録", "kana": "オーバーサルベージ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-135.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飛沫の命を与えられし者達よ、再度玉砕なさい。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Those I have given a splash of life, go forth to your honorable deaths again." }, "755": { "pid": 755, cid: 571, "timestamp": 1431350067995, "wxid": "PR-136", name: "モダン・バウンダリー (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 一部店舗購入特典)", name_zh_CN: "现代界线 (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 一部店舗購入特典)", name_en: "Modern Boundary (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 一部店舗購入特典)", "kana": "モダンバウンダリー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-136.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマは、るうのお願いをかなえなくちゃいけない…! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "There! Fuuuu! ~Tama~" }, "756": { "pid": 756, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1431350069210, "wxid": "PR-137", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ タマヨリヒメ (分島花音「ツキナミ」 店舗特典)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬 (分島花音「ツキナミ」 店舗特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko (分島花音「ツキナミ」 店舗特典)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-137.jpg", "illust": "作画:坂井久太 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "音楽!タマ、楽しいー!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Music! Tama, fuuun! ~Tama~" }, "757": { "pid": 757, cid: 757, "timestamp": 1431350070707, "wxid": "WX06-001", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=フィーラ", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=FYRA", name_en: "Tawil=Fyra, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルフィーラ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-001.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんなどうなったのかだれかおしえて~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whatever happens to anyone, please tell someone ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての<天使>のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有<天使>SIGNI力量+1000" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('天使')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】×0:あなたのトラッシュから<天使>のシグニ7枚をデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】【白×0】:あなたのトラッシュから名前の異なる<天使>のシグニ7枚をデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:从你的废弃区将7只<天使>SIGNI放置到卡组的最下方。这样做了的场合,将对手1只SIGNI驱逐。之后,洗切卡组。这个能力每回合只能使用一次。", "【起】:从你的废弃区将卡名各不同的7只<天使>SIGNI放置到卡组的最下方。这样做了的场合,将对手一只SIGNI废弃。之后,洗切卡组。这个能力每回合只能使用一次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White]0: Put 7 SIGNI from your trash at the bottom of your deck. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, shuffle your deck. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] [White]0: Put 7 SIGNI with different names from your trash at the bottom of your deck. If you do, put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ // once: true, useCondition: function () { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_ProlongedOfLife_1')) return false; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); return (cards.length >= 7); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.player,'_ProlongedOfLife_1',true); var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); if (cards.length < 7) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,7,7,true).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length < 7) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { this.player.shuffle(); }); }); }); } },{ // once: true, useCondition: function () { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_ProlongedOfLife_2')) return false; var cids = []; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('天使') && !inArr(card.cid,cids)) { cids.push(card.cid); return true; } return false; },this); return (cards.length >= 7); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.player,'_ProlongedOfLife_2',true); var cids = []; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('天使') && !inArr(card.cid,cids)) { cids.push(card.cid); return true; } return false; },this); if (cards.length < 7) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,7,7,true).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length < 7) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { this.player.shuffle(); }); }); }); } }] }, "758": { "pid": 758, cid: 758, "timestamp": 1431350072786, "wxid": "WX06-004", name: "ドント・エスケープ", name_zh_CN: "不许逃", name_en: "Don't Escape", "kana": "ドントエスケープ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-004.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピンチなら 封じてみよう クリスタル", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you're in a pinch / try to seal it all away / with this crystal", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。あなたのルリグが青で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、代わりに対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。你的LRIG是蓝色,并且你的生命护甲在2枚以下的场合,改为将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI横置。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Down one of your opponent's SIGNI. If your LRIG is blue and you have two or less Life Cloth, down two of your opponent's SIGNI instead." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.lrig.hasColor('blue')) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); if (!flag) { return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); } else { return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.downCards(cards); }); } } } }, "759": { "pid": 759, cid: 759, "timestamp": 1431350073995, "wxid": "WX06-007", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=TRE", name_en: "Tawil=Tre, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルトレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-007.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえしらないこのねがいのもちぬし ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hey don't you know the owner of this wish ~Tawil~" }, "760": { "pid": 760, cid: 760, "timestamp": 1431350075536, "wxid": "WX06-008", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=トヴォ", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=TVA", name_en: "Tawil=Två, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルトヴォ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-008.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひきさかれたおおいなるきもち ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The pleasant feeling of breaking off a large piece ~Tawil~" }, "761": { "pid": 761, cid: 761, "timestamp": 1431350076643, "wxid": "WX06-009", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=エット", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=ETT", name_en: "Tawil=Ett, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルエット", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-009.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あんまりみないで ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please stop looking so much ~Tawil~" }, "762": { "pid": 762, cid: 762, "timestamp": 1431350077842, "wxid": "WX06-010", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=NOLL", name_en: "Tawil=Noll, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルノル", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-010.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おーぷん ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Open ~Tawil~" }, "763": { "pid": 763, cid: 763, "timestamp": 1431350079259, "wxid": "WX06-011", name: "シャボン・サモン", name_zh_CN: "虹彩・召唤", name_en: "Soap Summon", "kana": "シャボンサモン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-011.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるでシャボン玉が現れるがごとく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It is as if soap bubbles simply appeared.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」\n" + "「あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」", "あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2个效果中选择1个。\n" + "「从你的卡组中探寻1只<天使>SIGNI,公开之后加入手牌,之后洗切卡组。」\n" + "「从你的手牌中将1只<天使>SIGNI出场。」", "从你的卡组中探寻1只<天使>SIGNI,公开之后加入手牌,之后洗切卡组。", "从你的手牌中将1只<天使>SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one of these two effects.\n" + "\"Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.\"\n" + "\"Put into play one SIGNI from your hand.\"", "Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Put into play one SIGNI from your hand." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "764": { "pid": 764, cid: 764, "timestamp": 1431350080532, "wxid": "WX06-014", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=フェム", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=FEM", name_en: "Umuru=Fem, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルフェム", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-014.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どれ、窮極の門でも開こうかのぉ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Now, it is possible for us to open even the ultimate gate. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '【グロウ】あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《ウムル》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《乌姆尔》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Umuru》in its card name.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('ウムル') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:数字1つを宣言する。あなたのデッキの上からカードを宣言した数字に等しい枚数トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:宣言1个数字。从你的卡组顶将与你所宣言的数字相同枚数的卡片送入废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Declare a number. Put cards equal to the declared number from the top of your deck into the trash. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var max = this.player.mainDeck.cards.length; return this.player.declareAsyn(0,max).callback(this,function (num) { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(num); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのトラッシュから《古代兵器》のシグニ5枚を好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:从你的废弃区将5只<古代兵器>SIGNI按喜欢的顺序放置到卡组最下方。这样做了的场合,将对手1只SIGNI驱逐。这个能力一回合只能使用一次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Put five SIGNI from your trash at the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI. This effect can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); }); if (cards.length < 5) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,5,5,true).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length !== 5) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); }); } }], }, "765": { "pid": 765, cid: 740, "timestamp": 1431350081856, "wxid": "WX06-015", name: "スペル・サルベージ", name_zh_CN: "魔法营救", name_en: "Spell Salvage", "kana": "スペルサルベージ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-015.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう一丁!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Just another serving!" }, "766": { "pid": 766, cid: 766, "timestamp": 1431350083138, "wxid": "WX06-016", name: "聖墓の神姉 ムンカルン", name_zh_CN: "圣墓的神姐 孟凯尔", name_en: "Munkarun, Elder Sister Deity of the Holy Tomb", "kana": "セイボノシンシムンカルン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-016.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ナキールンとは生の世界でも死の世界でも一緒だ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Nakirun, it's all the same whether it is the world of the living or the world of the dead.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたの場にある他の<天使>のシグニ1体につき+1000される。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手の効果によってこのシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的场上每有一只其他的<天使>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量+1000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI因对战对手的效果从场上离开时,从你的卡组中探寻1只等级3以下的<天使>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切卡组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each other SIGNI you have on the field.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field by the effect of the opponent, search your deck for one level 3 or less SIGNI and put it into play. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); var value = cards.length * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '766-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.isSigni) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; return source.player === this.player.opponent; }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからそれぞれ同じレベルの<天使>のシグニ2枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻等级相同的2只<天使>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for two SIGNI of the same level, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var counts = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; this.player.mainDeck.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('天使')) return; counts[card.level] += 1; },this); var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && (counts[card.level] >= 2); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; var level = card.level; filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && (card.level === level); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "767": { "pid": 767, cid: 767, "timestamp": 1431350084333, "wxid": "WX06-018", name: "弩炎 フレイスロ大佐", name_zh_CN: "弩炎 弗雷斯科大佐", name_en: "Colonel Flathro, Crossbow Flame", "kana": "ドエンフレイスロタイサ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-018.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "汚物浄化!! ~フレイスロ大佐~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Garbage cleanup! ~Colonel Flathro~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置かれた<ウェポン>のシグニの枚数が1枚の場合、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。2枚の場合、対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。3枚の場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,以这个方法放置到废弃区的<武器>SIGNI有1只的场合,将对战对手的力量3000以下的一只SIGNI驱逐。2只的场合,将对战对手的力量8000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。3只的场合,将对战对手的力量15000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, put the top three cards of your deck into the trash. Then, if one SIGNI was put into the trash this way, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less. If there were two, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less. If there were three, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '767-const-0', // triggerCondition: function () { // return this.player.signis.length; // }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); var count = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this).length; var power = 0; if (count === 1) power = 3000; else if (count === 2) power = 8000; else if (count === 3) power = 15000; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); if (!power) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(power); // @banishSigniAsyn // cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= power; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:パワーが「あなたのトラッシュにある<ウェポン>のシグニの枚数×3000」以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将力量在「你的废弃区中<武器>SIGNI的张数×3000」以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with \"number of SIGNI in your trash × 3000\" power or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this).length; if (!count) return; var power = count*3000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "768": { "pid": 768, cid: 768, "timestamp": 1431350085724, "wxid": "WX06-021", name: "フィア=ダイオ姫", name_zh_CN: "Vier=戴奧辛姬", name_en: "Vier=Dio Princess", "kana": "フィアダイオキ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-021.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "毒煙の独演会ほど虚しい事はない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "There is nothing as lifeless as a performance of poison fumes.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他の<毒牙>のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的其他的一只<毒牙>SIGNI出场时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever your other SIGNI comes into play, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '768-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (this.isUp) return false; return (event.card !== this) && (event.card.hasClass('毒牙')); }, condition: function () { if (this.isUp) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:直到回合结束时为止。将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-3000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-3000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをそのシグニのレベル1につき、-3000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI,其等级每有1,力量-3000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power for each 1 level it has." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var value = -3000 * card.level; if (!value) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } } }, "769": { "pid": 769, cid: 769, "timestamp": 1431350086890, "wxid": "WX06-023", name: "聖墓の神妹 ナキールン", name_zh_CN: "圣墓的神妹 奈吉尔", name_en: "Nakirun, Younger Sister Deity of the Holy Tomb", "kana": "セイボノシンマイナキールン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-023.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ムンカルンとは正の世界でも偽の世界でも一緒だ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Munkarun, it's all the same whether it is the world of truths or the world of falsehoods.", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキから《聖墓の神妹 ナキールン》以外の<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:从你的卡组中探寻一张《圣墓的神妹 奈吉尔》以外的<天使>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: Search your deck for one SIGNI other than \"Nakirun, Younger Sister Deity of the Holy Tomb\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 769) && card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "770": { "pid": 770, cid: 770, "timestamp": 1431350087936, "wxid": "WX06-024", name: "シャボン・サドゥン", name_zh_CN: "虹彩・横置", name_en: "Soap Sudden", "kana": "シャボンサドゥン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-024.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 4, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるでシャボン玉が消えるがごとく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<天使>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。このスペルを使用するためのコストは、この方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【無】コストが2減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<天使>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的无色费用-2。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, down any number of your upped SIGNI. The cost for using this spell, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [Colorless].\n" + "Put one of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= count; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costColorless -= 2; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= count; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.trashAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。あなたの場に<天使>のシグニがある場合、ダウンする代わりにトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的一只SIGNI横置。你的场上有<天使>SIGNI的场合,改为将那只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down one of your opponent's SIGNI. If you have an SIGNI on the field, put it into the trash instead of downing it." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); if (flag) { return card.trashAsyn(); // 注意这里异步! } else { card.down(); } }); } } }, "771": { "pid": 771, cid: 771, "timestamp": 1431350089144, "wxid": "WX06-031", name: "TRICK OR TREAT", name_zh_CN: "TRICK OR TREAT", name_en: "TRICK OR TREAT", "kana": "トリックオアトリート", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-031.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トレット、それはシャンプーハットではないわ。 ~S・M・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Trett, that is not a shampoo hat. ~SMP~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。「カードを2枚引く。」「対戦相手は手札を2枚捨てる。」", "カードを2枚引く。", "対戦相手は手札を2枚捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。「抽2张卡。」「对战对手舍弃2张手牌。」", "抽2张卡。", "对战对手舍弃2张手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose one of these two effects.\"Draw two cards.\" \"Your opponent discards two cards.\"", "Draw two cards.", "Your opponent discards two cards." ], spellEffect : [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(2); } }] }, "772": { "pid": 772, cid: 772, "timestamp": 1431350090986, "wxid": "WX06-032", name: "幻獣 クロニャン", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 黑猫", name_en: "Kuronyan, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウクロニャン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-032.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クロニャを中心に、ニャニャニャ!~クロニャン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Kuronya takes center stage, nya nya nya! ~Kuronyan~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが緑で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】你的LRIG是绿色,并且只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将一张卡放置到能量区」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is green, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('green')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '772-attached-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将一张卡放置到能量区-3000' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ] }, "773": { "pid": 773, cid: 773, "timestamp": 1431350092184, "wxid": "WX06-034", name: "一投", name_zh_CN: "一投", name_en: "One Throw", "kana": "イットウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-034.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "悪・速・投!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "DEMON. SPEED. PITCH!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にパワー20000以上のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上有力量20000以上的SIGNI存在的场合才能使用这张卡。\n将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have a power 20000 or more SIGNI on the field.\nBanish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.power >= 20000); },this); }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "774": { "pid": 774, cid: 774, "timestamp": 1431350093416, "wxid": "WX06-CB01", name: "羅石 キュア", name_zh_CN: "罗石 Cyua", name_en: "Cyua, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキキュア", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-CB01.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "夢の待つ場所へ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The Place Awaits for Dreams.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的力量3000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may put this SIGNI from the field into the trash. If you do, banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '774-const-0', // triggerCondition: function () { // return this.player.signis.length; // }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.trash(); return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 3000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "775": { "pid": 775, cid: 775, "timestamp": 1431350094945, "wxid": "WX06-CB02", name: "コードアート T・A・P", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 T・A・P", name_en: "Code Art TAP", "kana": "コードアートタパサキ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-CB02.jpg", "illust": "原案:赤﨑千夏 illustアカバネ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "とりあえずタッパーにいれた ~T・A・Pの呟き~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For now, I put it in the tupper. ~TAP's tweet~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の手札が0枚であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的手牌为0张,这只SIGNI的力量变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent's hand has zero cards, this SIGNI's power is 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return !this.player.opponent.hands.length; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の手札を見る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看对战对手的手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at your opponent's hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.hands); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手の手札を見て1枚選び、捨てさせる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:查看对战对手的手牌,选择其中一张舍弃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Look at your opponent's hand, choose one card from it, and discard it." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.hands; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.player.opponent.discardCards([card]); }); } } }, "776": { "pid": 776, cid: 776, "timestamp": 1431350096323, "wxid": "WX06-CB03", name: "羅植 カヤッパ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 爱衣牙膏", name_en: "Kayappa, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクカヤッパ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-CB03.jpg", "illust": "原案:茅野愛衣 illustアカバネ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はわわわ、予防です!~カヤッパ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hawawawa, it's a precaution! ~Kayappa~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターン終了時に、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合结束时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。这样做的场合,从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the end of your opponent's turn, you may put this SIGNI into the trash. If you do, put the top two cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '776-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.trash(); this.player.enerCharge(2); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "777": { "pid": 777, cid: 777, "timestamp": 1431350097646, "wxid": "WX06-CB04", name: "コードアンチ ドロンジョ", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 多龙芝", name_en: "Code Anti Doronjo", "kana": "コードアンチドロンジョ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-CB04.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドロンボーがいる限りこの世にヤッターマンは栄えない! ~ドロンジョ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "As long as Doronbo are here, Yatterman will not disappear from this world! ~Doronjo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。(パワーが0以下のシグニはバニッシュされる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '777-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "778": { "pid": 778, cid: 778, "timestamp": 1431350098839, "wxid": "SP06-001", name: "ミルルン・ゼプト (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・仄普托 (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mirurun Zepto (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミルルンゼプト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-001.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんな違ってみんないい! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Everyone's different everyone's good! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にそれぞれ名前の異なる<原子>のシグニが3体があるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニパワーを" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有3只名字各不相同<原子>SIGNI,你的所有SIGNI力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have three SIGNI with different names on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cids = []; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('原子')) return; if (inArr(signi.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(signi.cid); },this); return (cids.length === 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "779": { "pid": 779, cid: 422, "timestamp": 1431350099998, "wxid": "SP06-002", name: "ミルルン・フェムト(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・飞(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mirurun Femto(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミルルンフェムト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-002.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "へぇ、キャハハ! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hee, kyahaha! ~Mirurun~" }, "780": { "pid": 780, cid: 423, "timestamp": 1431350101181, "wxid": "SP06-003", name: "ミルルン・ピコ (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・皮 (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mirurun Pico (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミルルンピコ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-003.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "正解かなぁ~? ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Is it the right answer I wonder~? ~Mirurun~" }, "781": { "pid": 781, cid: 424, "timestamp": 1431350102392, "wxid": "SP06-004", name: "ミルルン・ナノ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・纳(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mirurun Nano(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミルルンナノ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-004.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "狙い撃っち~! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Aim, firee~! ~Mirurun~" }, "782": { "pid": 782, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1431350103553, "wxid": "SP06-005", name: "ミルルン・ノット(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よろしくね~チュッチュッ ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm in your care~chuu chuu ~Mirurun~" }, "783": { "pid": 783, cid: 146, "timestamp": 1431350104652, "wxid": "SP06-006", name: "ドント・ムーブ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "不可行动(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Don't Move(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ドントムーブ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-006.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "縛るん! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bind-lun! ~Mirurun~" }, "784": { "pid": 784, cid: 656, "timestamp": 1431350105904, "wxid": "SP06-007", name: "フォーチューン・ファイブ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "好运五(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Fortune Five(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "フォーチューンファイブ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-007.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "眩い光が放つ、有用すぎるものども。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Firing off a pretty light, you are truly too useful." }, "785": { "pid": 785, cid: 425, "timestamp": 1431350107324, "wxid": "SP06-008", name: "マインド・マインズ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "精神・头脑(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Mind Mines(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "マインドマインズ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-008.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラキララキラキラッキー", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Twinkle twinkle luckyyy" }, "786": { "pid": 786, cid: 786, "timestamp": 1431350108936, "wxid": "SP06-009", name: "ケミカル・フラッシュ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "化学反应(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Chemical Flash(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ケミカルフラッシュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-009.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "He、F、Cl、私に力をちょうだーい! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "He, F, Cl, give your powers to mee! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュからそれぞれ名前の異なる<原子>のシグニを好きな数デッキの一番下に置く。その後、対戦相手のシグニを、レベルの合計がこの方法でデッキの一番下に置いたシグニの数以下になるようにバニッシュする。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的废弃区将任意张名字各不相同的<原子>SIGNI按任意顺序放置到卡组底。之后,将对战对手等级合计在通过这个方法放置到卡组底的SIGNI的数量以下的SIGNI驱逐。之后,洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of SIGNI with different names from your trash at the bottom of your deck. Then, banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI whose total level is less than or equal to the number of SIGNI put at the bottom of the deck this way. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cids = []; var cards = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; if (card.hasClass('原子')) { cards.push(card); cids.push(card.cid); } },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,0,cards.length,true).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck); this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.level) <= len; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.level; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); }); }); } } }, "787": { "pid": 787, cid: 787, "timestamp": 1431350110923, "wxid": "SP06-010", name: "ウェルカム・ドロー(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "欢迎抽卡(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Welcome Draw(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ウェルカムドロー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-010.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ようこそ!私の可愛いNeさん♪ ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Welcome! My cute Ne-san♪ ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "カードを3枚引く。その後、手札を2枚捨てる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽3张卡。之后,舍弃2张手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw three cards. Then, discard two cards from your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(3); return this.player.discardAsyn(2); } } }, "788": { "pid": 788, cid: 788, "timestamp": 1431350112211, "wxid": "SP06-011", name: "羅原 Ni(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 镍(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Nickel, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンニッケル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-011.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "煌びやかさならナンバーワン!~Ni~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's gaudiness, I'm number one! ~Ni~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに、それぞれ名前の異なる<原子>のシグニが7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての<原子>のシグニは対戦相手のスペルの効果を受けない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中名字各不相同的<原子>SIGNI有7张以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【常】:你的所有<原子>SIGNI不会受到对方的魔法效果影响。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are seven or more SIGNI with different names in your trash, this SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's spells.", ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cids = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('原子')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); return (cids.length >= 7); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('原子')) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (source) { return (source.player === this.player) || (source.type !== 'SPELL'); }); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】:対戦相手のトラッシュからスペル1枚を対戦相手のデッキの一番上に置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(蓝):将对战对手的废弃区里的1张魔法卡放置到对战对手的卡组顶。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue]: Put one spell from your opponent's trash on top of the opponent's deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.mainDeck); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽2张卡。之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw two cards. Then, discard one card from your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "789": { "pid": 789, cid: 684, "timestamp": 1431350113486, "wxid": "SP06-012", name: "羅原 Mn(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 锰(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Manganese, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンマンガン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-012.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "意志は固いけど、甘いものの誘惑には弱いのよ。~Mn~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My will is strong but, I'm weak to the temptations of sweets. ~Mn~" }, "790": { "pid": 790, cid: 685, "timestamp": 1431350115018, "wxid": "SP06-013", name: "羅原 Th(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 钍(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Thorium, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲントリウム", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-013.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "涼しい方が好きだけど、アツアツのラーメンには目がないのよ。 ~Th~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I like coolness but, I'm extremely fond of piping hot ramen. ~Th~" }, "791": { "pid": 791, cid: 686, "timestamp": 1431350116818, "wxid": "SP06-014", name: "羅原 Ti(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 钛(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Titanium, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンチタン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-014.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "硬いけど、ふわふわなぬいぐるみが好きよ。~Ti~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm tough but, I love fluffy stuffed toys. ~Ti~" }, "792": { "pid": 792, cid: 489, "timestamp": 1431350117803, "wxid": "SP06-015", name: "羅原 F(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 F(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Fluorine, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンフッソ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-015.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "純白だけど、真っ黒なイカスミパスタが好きなの。 ~F~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm pure white but, I love pitch black squid ink pasta. ~F~" }, "793": { "pid": 793, cid: 687, "timestamp": 1431350119512, "wxid": "SP06-016", name: "羅原 S(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 硫(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Sulfur, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンイオウ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-016.jpg", "illust": "篠", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "純白だけど、イタズラ好きなのよっ! ~S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm pure white but, I love mischief! ~S~" }, "794": { "pid": 794, cid: 491, "timestamp": 1431350120777, "wxid": "SP06-017", name: "羅原 Cl(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "罗原 Cl(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Chlorine, Natural Source(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラゲンエンソ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-017.jpg", "illust": "晴瀬ひろき", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝かしいけど、真っ暗な押入れで寝るのが好きなの。 ~Cl~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm shiny but, I love sleeping in a pitch dark closet. ~Cl~" }, "795": { "pid": 795, cid: 51, "timestamp": 1431350122144, "wxid": "SP06-018", name: "サーバント Q(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant Q(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントキャトル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-018.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "守りは固いけど、押しには弱いのよ。~サーバントQ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My defense is tough, but I'm weak to pressure. ~Servant Q~" }, "796": { "pid": 796, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1431350123323, "wxid": "SP06-019", name: "サーバント O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-019.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "守りは固いけど、攻めは弱いのよ。~サーバントO2~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My defense is strong but, my attack is weak. ~Servant O2~" }, "797": { "pid": 797, cid: 52, "timestamp": 1431350124418, "wxid": "SP06-020", name: "包括する知識(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "统括的知识(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Encompassing Knowledge(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX1 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ホウカツスルチシキ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP06/SP06-020.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スイヘイリーベーボクノフネ♪~引用:黒猫化学書~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How He Lives Beggars Belief, Constantly Nicking Old Foreign Necklaces♪ ~Reference: Black Cat Chemistry Book~" }, "798": { "pid": 798, cid: 217, "timestamp": 1431350125378, "wxid": "PR-148", name: "SEARCHER (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年3-4月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "SEARCHER (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年3-4月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "SEARCHER (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年3-4月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "サーチャー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-148.jpg", "illust": "QP:flapper", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おめでとう。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Congratulations. ~Piruluk~" }, "799": { "pid": 799, cid: 799, "timestamp": 1431350126542, "wxid": "WX06-002", name: "ピンチ・ディフェンス", name_zh_CN: "危机防御", name_en: "Pinch Defense", "kana": "ピンチディフェンス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-002.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピンチなら 掲げてみよう 多き盾", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you're in a pinch / try to put up your defense / with these many shields", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。あなたのルリグが白で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、代わりにターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体とシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG获得「不能攻击」状态。你的LRIG是白色,并且你的生命护甲在2枚以下的场合,改为直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG和1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」状态。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's LRIGs gets \"Cannot attack\". If your LRIG is white, and you have two or less Life Cloth, instead, until end of turn, one of your opponent's LRIGs and one of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"Cannot attack\"." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = [this.player.opponent.lrig]; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }).callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('white')) return; if (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length > 2) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); }); } } }, "800": { "pid": 800, cid: 800, "timestamp": 1431350127846, "wxid": "WX06-003", name: "火福糾縄", name_zh_CN: "火福纠绳", name_en: "Interwoven Fire and Fortune", "kana": "カフクキュウジョウ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-003.jpg", "illust": "由利真珠朗", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピンチなら 焼いてみようか 薔薇の鞭", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you're in a pinch / shall we burn it all to ash / with this whip of rose", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのルリグが赤で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、代わりに対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的力量8000以下的一只SIGNI驱逐。你的LRIG是红色,并且你的生命护甲在2枚以下的场合,改为将对战对手至多2只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less. If your LRIG is red, and you have two or less Life Cloth, instead banish up to two of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.lrig.hasColor('red')) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); if (!flag) { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } else { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000,0,2); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { // return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); // }); } } } }, "801": { "pid": 801, cid: 801, "timestamp": 1431350129223, "wxid": "WX06-005", name: "雲散霧消", name_zh_CN: "云消雾散", name_en: "Vanish Like Mist", "kana": "ラブハリケーン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-005.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピンチなら 扇いでみよう 大団扇", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you're in a pinch / try to fan it all away / like a giant fan", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのルリグが緑で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、代わりに対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的力量15000以上的1只SIGNI驱逐。你的LRIG是绿色,并且你的生命护甲在2枚以下的场合,改为将对战对手的至多2只力量10000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more. If your LRIG is green, and you have two or less Life Cloth, instead banish up to two of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.lrig.hasColor('green')) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); if (!flag) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } else { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } } }, "802": { "pid": 802, cid: 802, "timestamp": 1431350130542, "wxid": "WX06-006", name: "アンシエント・ゲート", name_zh_CN: "远古之门", name_en: "Ancient Gate", "kana": "アンシエントゲート", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-006.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピンチなら 開いてみよう 異次元を", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If you're in a pinch / try to open it to all / that strange dimension", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。あなたのルリグが黒で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、代わりにターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体までのパワーをそれぞれ-15000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。你的LRIG是黑色,并且你的生命护甲在2枚以下的场合,改为直到回合结束为止,对战对手的至多两只SIGNI力量各自-15000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -12000 power. If your LRIG is black, and you have two or less Life Cloth, instead, until end of turn, up to two of your opponent's SIGNI get -15000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; var flag = (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); if (!flag) { return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }); } else { return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-15000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } } }, "803": { "pid": 803, cid: 803, "timestamp": 1431350132354, "wxid": "WX06-012", name: "ミルルン・アト", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・阿托", name_en: "Mirurun Atto", "kana": "ミルルンアト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-012.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うゎあ、こっわーい。~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Woww, scaaryy. ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このターン、あなたが次にスペルを使用する場合、それを使用ための【青】コストが1減る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这个回合中,你下一次使用的魔法卡的费用减去蓝1." ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: This turn, the next time you use a spell, decrease its use cost by 1 [Blue]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd,this.player.onUseSpell], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costBlue',-1); } },this); } }); } }] }, "804": { "pid": 804, cid: 804, "timestamp": 1431350133648, "wxid": "WX06-013", name: "後悔の公開 アン=サード", name_zh_CN: "后悔的公开 安=Third", name_en: "Anne=Third, Public Repentance", "kana": "コウカイノコウカイアンサード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-013.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたは、楽しめそうね。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You seem to be able to enjoy this huh. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上か一番下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:公开的卡组顶2张卡。将其中1只<美巧>SIGNI加入手牌。剩余的卡按照你喜欢的顺序放置再卡组的最上方或者最下方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top two cards of your deck. Add to your hand one SIGNI from among them. Put the rest on the top or bottom of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (cards_add.length === 1) return cards_add[0]; return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards_add); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); removeFromArr(card,cards); }).callback(this,function () { if (!cards.length) return; var text = ''; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['PUT_TO_TOP','PUT_TO_BOTTOM']).callback(this,function (t) { text = t; var len = cards.length; if (len === 1) return cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true); }).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { if (text === 'PUT_TO_TOP') { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); } else { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards_deck); } }); }); }); } }] }, "805": { "pid": 805, cid: 805, "timestamp": 1431350135218, "wxid": "WX06-017", name: "極拳 ニャローブ", name_zh_CN: "极拳 猫咪手套", name_en: "Nyarobu, Ultimate Fist", "kana": "キョクケンニャローブ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-017.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うつニャし、うつニャし!!~ニャローブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bamya, bamya! ~Nyarobu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたの場にある他の<アーム>のシグニ1体につき+1000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされたとき、シグニ1体をアップするかダウンする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的的场上每有1只其他<武装>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。", "【常】:你的1只<武装>SIGNI被驱逐时,将1只SIGNI竖置或者横置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each of your other SIGNI on the field.", "[Constant]: When one of your SIGNI is banished, up or down one SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); var value = cards.length * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '805-const-1', // triggerCondition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (card.isUp) { card.down(); } else { return card.upAsyn(); } }); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('アーム')) { add(signi,'onBanish',effect); } }); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからカード名に《拳》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】白1:从你的卡组中探寻1只卡名带有《拳》的SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] White: Search your deck for one SIGNI with \"Fist\" in its name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('拳') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的一只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return one of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "806": { "pid": 806, cid: 806, "timestamp": 1431350136532, "wxid": "WX06-019", name: "幻水 シロナクジ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 蓝鲸", name_en: "Shironakuji, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイシロナクジ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-019.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "デカーいよ!説明必要?~シロナクジ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's huge! Need explanation? ~Shironakuji~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他の<水獣>のシグニが対戦相手の効果によって場を離れる場合、代わりにターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを-6000してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的其他<水兽>SIGNI因对战对手的效果从场上离开的场合,可以作为代替,直到回合结束时为止,将这只SIGNI的力量-6000." ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your other SIGNI leaves the field by your opponent's effect, instead, until end of turn, you may have this SIGNI get -6000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣')) { add(signi,'protectingShironakujis',this); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から好きな枚数の<水獣>のシグニを公開する。ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法で公開したシグニ1枚につき、-3000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:公开任意张手牌中的<水兽>SIGNI。直到回合结束为止,以这个方法公开的SIGNI每有1,对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal any number of SIGNI from your hand. Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power for each SIGNI that was revealed this way." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('水獣'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var value = cards.length * -3000; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!value) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); }); }); } } }, "807": { "pid": 807, cid: 807, "timestamp": 1431350137869, "wxid": "WX06-020", name: "羅植 ラフレレ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 大王花", name_en: "Rafflele, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクラフレレ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-020.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "聴覚より、視覚より、嗅覚で魅了ね。 ~ラフレレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "More than hearing, more than sight, smelling is much more fascinating right? ~Rafflele~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは対戦相手の場にあるシグニ1体につき+4000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】对战对手的场上每有1只SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量+4000." ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +4000 power for each of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var value = this.player.opponent.signis.length * 4000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場にある【ライフバースト】を持つ他の<植物>のシグニ1体につき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上每有1只其他的带有【※】标记的<植物>SIGNI,从你的卡组顶将一张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: For each of your other SIGNI with Life Burst, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('植物') && signi.hasBurst(); },this).length; this.player.enerCharge(count); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 2]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "808": { "pid": 808, cid: 808, "timestamp": 1431350138838, "wxid": "WX06-022", name: "大槍 トライデ", name_zh_CN: "大枪 三叉戟", name_en: "Tride, Greatspear", "kana": "タイソウトライデ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-022.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、正義は廻るの。~トライデ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I stand center as justice surrounds me. ~Tride~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが白で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になり、「このシグニは対戦相手の効果によってはバニッシュされない。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的LRIG是白色,并且只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI的力量变为10000,且获得「这只SIGNI不会被对战对手的效果驱逐」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is white, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI's power is 10000, and gets \"This SIGNI cannot be banished by your opponent's effects.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('white')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); set(this,'canNotBeBanishedByEffect',true); } }] }, "809": { "pid": 809, cid: 809, "timestamp": 1431350139885, "wxid": "WX06-025", name: "ラッキー・スリー", name_zh_CN: "幸运三", name_en: "Lucky Three", "kana": "ラッキースリー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-025.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今日のラッキーナンバーは、3ですね!~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Today's lucky number is 3! ~Remember~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからそれぞれレベルの異なる無色以外のシグニ3枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻等级各不相同的无色以外的3只SIGNI,公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to three non-colorless SIGNI with different levels, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var levels = []; var cards_add = []; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color !== 'colorless') && !inArr(card.level,levels); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SEEK',cards,0,1,false,this.player.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) { done = true; return; } levels.push(card.level); cards_add.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_add.length !== 3) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_add).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.player.shuffle(); }); }); } } }, "810": { "pid": 810, cid: 810, "timestamp": 1431350140889, "wxid": "WX06-026", name: "羅石 カクセン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 角闪石", name_en: "Kakusen, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキカクセン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-026.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、光は廻るの。~カクセン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I stand center as light surrounds me. ~Kakusen~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが赤で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG是红色,并且这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「双重击溃」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is red, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('red')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } }] }, "811": { "pid": 811, cid: 811, "timestamp": 1431350141900, "wxid": "WX06-027", name: "幻竜 ブラザウス", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 腕龙", name_en: "Brazaus, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウブラザウス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-027.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何か食わせろー ~ブラザウスの上の頭~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Give me something to eattt ~Brazaus's Top Head~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<龍獣>のシグニ1枚を捨てる:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが4枚以下の場合にしか使用できない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌舍弃一张<龙兽>SIGNI:将对战对手的力量8000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。这个能力只能在对战对手的能量区的卡有4张以下的场合使用。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard one SIGNI from your hand: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less. This ability can only be used if there are four or less cards in your opponent's Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { if (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length > 4) return false; return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャ―ジ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "812": { "pid": 812, cid: 812, "timestamp": 1431350142950, "wxid": "WX06-028", name: "炎機の歯車", name_zh_CN: "炎机的齿轮", name_en: "Gear of the Flame Machine", "kana": "エンキノハグルマ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-028.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひいーてひいーてドンドンドン!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Puuull, puuull, bang bang bang!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたのライフクロスが対戦相手より少ない場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手の、パワー12000以下のシグニ1体とパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张卡只能在你的生命护甲比对战对手少的场合使用。\n" + "将对战对手的力量12000以下的1只SIGNI和力量10000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have less Life Cloth than your opponent.\n" + "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less and one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], useCondition: function () { return (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length < this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards.length); }, spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<怀疑的恸哭> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var cards_A = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_A).callback(this,function (targetA) { targets.push(targetA); var cards_B = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= 12000) && !inArr(signi,targets); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_B); }).callback(this,function (targetB) { targets.push(targetB); return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; var cards = []; if (inArr(targetA,this.player.opponent.signis)) { if (targetA.power <= 10000) { cards.push(targetA); } } if (inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) { if (targetB.power <= 12000) { cards.push(targetB); } } return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを2枚引く。その後、あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽2张卡。之后,将你的一枚生命护甲击溃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw two cards. Then, crush one of your Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.crashAsyn(1); } } }, "813": { "pid": 813, cid: 813, "timestamp": 1431350144228, "wxid": "WX06-029", name: "コードアート O・S・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 O·S·S", name_en: "Code Art OSS", "kana": "コードアートオシロスコープ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-029.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、電気は廻るの。~O・S・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I stand center as electricity surrounds me. ~OSS~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが青で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】你的LRIG是蓝色,并且只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,对战对手舍弃1张手牌」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is blue, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, your opponent discards a card from their hand.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('blue')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '813-attached-0', // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,对战对手舍弃1张手牌。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, your opponent discards a card from their hand.' ] }, "814": { "pid": 814, cid: 814, "timestamp": 1431350145302, "wxid": "WX06-030", name: "羅原 Ar", name_zh_CN: "罗源 Ar", name_en: "Argon, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンアルゴン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-030.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お金持ちナンバーワン!~Ar~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The number one richest! ~Argon~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからコストの合計が0のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张费用合计为0的魔法卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add one spell with total cost 0 from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) === 0); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中检索1张魔法卡公开之后加入手牌。这之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "815": { "pid": 815, cid: 815, "timestamp": 1431350146405, "wxid": "WX06-033", name: "反復する独自性 グリッド", name_zh_CN: "反复的独立性 网格", name_en: "Grid, Repeating Originality", "kana": "ハンプクスルドクジセイグリッド", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-033.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "四角で囲うと…ほら、別の絵が出てきた。~グリッド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Enclose it in squares and... look, a different picture came out. ~Grid~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このターン、あなたの効果によってあなたのデッキの上から特定の値の枚数のカードを公開する場合、代わりに1枚多く公開してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这个回合,通过你的效果公开你卡组顶特定枚数卡片的场合,作为代替可以多公开一张。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: This turn, if you would reveal a number of cards from the top of your deck, you may reveal that many plus one instead." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player,'additionalRevealCount',1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<美巧>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中检索1只美巧SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。这之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for one SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "816": { "pid": 816, cid: 816, "timestamp": 1431350147511, "wxid": "WX06-035", name: "三首の連打 ケルべルン", name_zh_CN: "三首连打 地狱三头犬", name_en: "Cerberun, Three-Headed Barrage", "kana": "ミツクビノレンダケルベルン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-035.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、最期は廻るの。~ケルベルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I stand center as your final moment surrounds me. ~Cerberun~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが黒で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的LRIG是黑色,并且只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is black, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '816-attached-0', triggerCondition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, condition: function () { // if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return this.player.opponent.signis.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-3000); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, one of your opponent\'s SIGNI gets -3000 power' ] }, "817": { "pid": 817, cid: 817, "timestamp": 1431350148575, "wxid": "WX06-036", name: "コードアンチ ゴルスペ ", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 黄金飞行器", name_en: "Code Anti Golspe", "kana": "コードアンチゴルスペ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-036.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カードに乗って飛んでけ!私の思い!~ゴルスペ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Get on the card and fly away! My passion!", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】あなたのルリグデッキから黒のアーツ1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く:あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】将你的LRIG卡组中的1张黑色的技艺卡放置到LRIG废弃区:将你废弃区的1只<古代兵器>SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Put one black ARTS from your LRIG Deck into your LRIG Trash: Put one SIGNI into play from your trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], }, "818": { "pid": 818, cid: 818, "timestamp": 1431350149581, "wxid": "WX06-037", name: "インヘイリング・ホール", name_zh_CN: "吸入之洞", name_en: "Inhaling Hole", "kana": "インヘイリングホール", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-037.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トレット、この状況で欠伸は不正解よ。 ~ローメイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Trett, yawning in this situation is a bad idea. ~Romail~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをそのシグニのレベル1につき、-3000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI,其等级每有1,力量-3000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power for each 1 level it has." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { var value = -3000 * target.level; if (!value) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',value); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, one of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } } }, "819": { "pid": 819, cid: 819, "timestamp": 1431350150748, "wxid": "WX06-038", name: "大拳 メリサ", name_zh_CN: "大拳 指虎扣", name_en: "Merisa, Large Fist", "kana": "タイケンメリサ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-038.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パワフルなアタシの拳を受けて見ろ! ~メリサ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Try and receive my powerful fist! ~Merisa~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<アーム>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<武装>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "820": { "pid": 820, cid: 820, "timestamp": 1431350151827, "wxid": "WX06-039", name: "中拳 グローバ", name_zh_CN: "中拳 拳击手套", name_en: "Glova, Medium Fist", "kana": "チュウケングローバ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-039.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ンッン~♪名言よ!「拳は銃よりも強し!」 ~グローバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Yesyes~♪ The famous saying! \"The fist is mightier than the gun!\" ~Glova~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<アーム>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<武装>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "821": { "pid": 821, cid: 821, "timestamp": 1431350152923, "wxid": "WX06-040", name: "小拳 フィング", name_zh_CN: "小拳 格斗护手", name_en: "Fingu, Small Fist", "kana": "ショウケンフィング", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-040.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "チャンス!そこに正拳突きよ! ~フィング~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "CHANCE! Pierce it, True Fist! ~Fingu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<アーム>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<武装>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "822": { "pid": 822, cid: 822, "timestamp": 1431350154514, "wxid": "WX06-041", name: "羅石 カコウガ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 花岗岩", name_en: "Kakouga, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキカコウガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-041.jpg", "illust": "薔薇塩BOY", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新使い魔が増えて良かったわね。妹達。~カコウガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Good thing there's more familiars, huh. My younger sisters. ~Kakouga~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "823": { "pid": 823, cid: 823, "timestamp": 1431350156090, "wxid": "WX06-042", name: "羅石 セリクガ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 闪绿岩", name_en: "Serikuga, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキセリクガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-042.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "精一杯これから育てるつもりよ。~セリクガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "After this I intend to raise you with all my might. ~Serikuga~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "824": { "pid": 824, cid: 824, "timestamp": 1431350157295, "wxid": "WX06-043", name: "羅石 ハレイガ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 辉长岩", name_en: "Hareiga, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキハレイガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-043.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "頑張ろうね!お姉ちゃん!~ハレイガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Let's keep at it alright! Older sister! ~Hareiga~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "825": { "pid": 825, cid: 825, "timestamp": 1431350158499, "wxid": "WX06-044", name: "コードアート A・C・D", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 A·C·D", name_en: "Code Art ACD", "kana": "コードアートエアーコンディショナー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-044.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クールな私様がやってクール♪ ~A・C・D~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My cool self has come to chill♪ ~ACD~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<电机>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "826": { "pid": 826, cid: 826, "timestamp": 1431350159777, "wxid": "WX06-045", name: "コードアート H・M・F", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 H·M·F", name_en: "Code Art HMF", "kana": "コードアートヒュミディフィア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-045.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "調子狂うわ!お姉ちゃんのギャグ聞くと。 ~H・M・F~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The mood is maddening! Listening to my sister's gags. ~HMF~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<电机>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "827": { "pid": 827, cid: 827, "timestamp": 1431350161650, "wxid": "WX06-046", name: "コードアート D・M・F", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D·M·F", name_en: "Code Art DMF", "kana": "コードアートデヒュミディフィア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-046.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "う~ん、私は面白いと思うわよ? ~D・M・F~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hmm, I think it's interesting you know? ~DMF~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<電機>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<电机>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "828": { "pid": 828, cid: 828, "timestamp": 1431350162942, "wxid": "WX06-047", name: "幻獣 カンルル", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 袋鼠", name_en: "Kanruru, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウカンルル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-047.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "勇気を出して、懐に飛び込んでごらん? ~カンルル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Be brave and try to jump forth into my bosoms? ~Kanruru~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "829": { "pid": 829, cid: 829, "timestamp": 1431350164258, "wxid": "WX06-048", name: "幻獣 コモリグ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 树袋熊", name_en: "Komorig, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコモリグ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-048.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "退屈させないね、お姉ちゃんの隠し腕は。~コモリグ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You don't leave me bored do you, my older sister's hidden arm. ~Komorig~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "830": { "pid": 830, cid: 830, "timestamp": 1431350165439, "wxid": "WX06-049", name: "幻獣 ウォンバ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 袋熊", name_en: "Womba, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウウォンバ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-049.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "類を見ない角度から打ってくるものね。~ウォンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll hit from unique angles. ~Womba~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "831": { "pid": 831, cid: 831, "timestamp": 1431350166632, "wxid": "WX06-050", name: "悪魔の乗り手 サレオス", name_zh_CN: "恶魔骑士 塞列欧斯", name_en: "Saleos, Devil Rider", "kana": "アクマノノリテ サレオス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-050.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁレッツゴー!魔空散歩よ!~サレオス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well then let's gooo! Demon Sky Walk! ~Saleos~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<悪魔>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "832": { "pid": 832, cid: 832, "timestamp": 1431350167688, "wxid": "WX06-051", name: "悪魔の乗り手 サロス", name_zh_CN: "恶魔骑士 塞罗司", name_en: "Saros, Devil Rider", "kana": "アクマノノリテ サロス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-051.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃんが空なら、私は水中よ!~サロス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If big sis's the sky, I'm underwater! ~Saros~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<悪魔>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "833": { "pid": 833, cid: 833, "timestamp": 1431350168780, "wxid": "WX06-052", name: "悪魔の乗り手 ザエボス", name_zh_CN: "恶魔骑士 札列欧斯", name_en: "Zaebos, Devil Rider", "kana": "アノマノノリテ ザエボス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX06/WX06-052.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "水中なら私も連れてってー!~ザエボス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "If it's underwater, take me too! ~Zaebos~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<悪魔>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上有其他的<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "834": { "pid": 834, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1431350169865, "wxid": "PR-150", name: "札引かもね", name_zh_CN: "札引かもね", name_en: "Kamone Fudahiki", "kana": "フダヒキカモネ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-150.jpg", "illust": "湯島ましゆ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばとるっ!ばとるかも!~かもね~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "835": { "pid": 835, cid: 835, "timestamp": 1431350171140, "wxid": "WD08-001", name: "混沌の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ", name_zh_CN: "混沌之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA", name_en: "Umr=Fyra, Wielder of the Key of Chaos", "kana": "コントンノカギヌシウムルフィーラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-001.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁて、我が鍵を少しだけ解放しようか。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well then, shall I release my locks just a little? ~Umr~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにあるシグニ1枚の【起動能力】の能力は、ターン終了時まで、次に使用するためのコストが《黒×0》になる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:在你的废弃区的1张SIGNI的【起】能力,直到回合结束,下次的使用费用为0黑。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: The [Action] ability of 1 SIGNI in your trash, until end of turn, costs [Black]0 the next time it is used." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; return card.actionEffects.some(function (effect) { return effect.activatedInTrashZone; },this); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.setData(card,'zeroActionCostInTrash',true); // 注: // player.canUseActionEffect // player.handleActionEffectAsyn // card.moveTo }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】《黒×0》:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。这个能力一回合只能使用一次。", "【起】横置:将你的废弃区的1只SIGNI出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black0]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] [Down]: Put 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], actionEffects: [{ // <太古永生者 塔维尔=FYRA> BUG // once: true, useCondition: function () { return !this.game.getData(this.player,'_WielderOfTheKeyOfChaos'); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); this.game.setData(this.player,'_WielderOfTheKeyOfChaos',true); } },{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "836": { "pid": 836, cid: 836, "timestamp": 1431350172301, "wxid": "WD08-002", name: "混沌の鍵主 ウムル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "混沌之键主 乌姆尔=TRE", name_en: "Umr=Tre, Wielder of the Key of Chaos", "kana": "コントンノカギヌシウムルトレ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-002.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワシの舞い、見るか?~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My dance, might you watch? ~Umuru~" }, "837": { "pid": 837, cid: 837, "timestamp": 1431350173926, "wxid": "WD08-003", name: "混沌の鍵主 ウムル=トヴォ", name_zh_CN: "混沌之键主 乌姆尔=TVA", name_en: "Umr=Två, Wielder of the Key of Chaos", "kana": "コントンノカギヌシウムルトヴォ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-003.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どの鍵で戦ってやろうかのぉ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Which key shall I fight with I wonder. ~Umr~" }, "838": { "pid": 838, cid: 838, "timestamp": 1431350175205, "wxid": "WD08-004", name: "混沌の鍵主 ウムル=エット", name_zh_CN: "混沌之键主 乌姆尔=ETT", name_en: "Umr=Ett, Wielder of the Key of Chaos", "kana": "コントンノカギヌシウムルエット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-004.jpg", "illust": "madopen", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我が鍵は斧にもなるのじゃ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My key is capable of becoming an axe as well. ~Umr~" }, "839": { "pid": 839, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1431350176423, "wxid": "WD08-005", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL", name_en: "Umr=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-005.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いくか、我が主よ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Shall we go, my master. ~Umr~" }, "840": { "pid": 840, cid: 400, "timestamp": 1431350177852, "wxid": "WD08-006", name: "アンシエント・サプライズ", name_zh_CN: "远古惊叹", name_en: "Ancient Surprise", "kana": "アンシエントサプライズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-006.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我が古文書の下に力を!古きものどもよ!~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Olden ones! Grant me your powers by my archives! ~Umr~" }, "841": { "pid": 841, cid: 841, "timestamp": 1431350179125, "wxid": "WD08-007", name: "アンシエント・ディガー", name_zh_CN: "远古挖掘", name_en: "Ancient Digger", "kana": "アンシエントディガー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-007.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我が鍵の下に出でよ、古きものどもよ! ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Olden ones, under my key, come! ~Umr~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的废弃区的1只<古代兵器>SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put 1 SIGNI onto the field from your trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "842": { "pid": 842, cid: 842, "timestamp": 1431350180310, "wxid": "WD08-008", name: "アンシエント・リターン", name_zh_CN: "远古报恩", name_en: "Ancient Return", "kana": "アンシエントリターン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-008.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我が鍵の光に集え、古きものどもよ! ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Olden ones, to the light of my key, assemble! ~Umr~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。この方法でトラッシュに置いたカードの中に、共通するクラスを含むカードが3枚以上ある場合、そのクラス1つを選択する。その後、あなたのトラッシュから選択したクラスを持つシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶将5张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡当中,有3张相同类别的场合,选择那一个类别。之后,从你的废弃区将持有所选择类别的至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 5 cards of your deck into the trash. When the cards are put into the trash this way, if 3 or more from among them share a common class, choose that class. Then, add up to 2 SIGNI of the chosen class from your trash to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 注意 <大剣 レヴァテイン> 和 侍从 var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); var countMap = {}; var classes = []; var add = function (cls) { if (cls in countMap) { countMap[cls]++; if (countMap[cls] === 3) classes.push(cls); } else { countMap[cls] = 1; } } cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; var classes = card.classes; if (!classes.length) return; if (classes.length === 1) { return add(classes[0]); } for (var i = 1; i < classes.length; i++) { add(classes[i]); } },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); if (!classes.length) return; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (classes.length === 1) return classes[0]; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CLASS',classes,'class'); }).callback(this,function (cls) { if (!cls) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass(cls); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } } }, "843": { "pid": 843, cid: 843, "timestamp": 1431350181499, "wxid": "WD08-009", name: "コードアンチ ネッシー", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 尼斯湖水怪", name_en: "Code Anti Nessie", "kana": "コードアンチネッシー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-009.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新聞に載り、餌付けもされてもうたか・・・。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Appearing in the newspapers, and I made the mistake of feeding it... ~Umr~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1体が場に出るたび、あなたは【黒】【黒】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当你的1只SIGNI从你的废弃区出场时,你可以支付2黑,这样做了的场合,将对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI enters the field from the trash, you may pay [Black] [Black]. If you did, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '843-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, costBlack: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【黒】【無】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。このシグニをあなたのデッキの一番下に置く。この能力はこのシグニがトラッシュにある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】黑2无1:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-8000。这只SIGNI放置到你卡组底。这个能力只能在这张卡在废弃区的场合才能发动。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] [Black] [Colorless]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power. Put this SIGNI at the bottom of your deck. This ability can only be used if this SIGNI is in your trash." ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInTrashZone: true, costBlack: 2, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); }).callback(this,function () { this.moveTo(this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } } }, "844": { "pid": 844, cid: 226, "timestamp": 1431350183226, "wxid": "WD08-010", name: "コードアンチ ネビュラ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 内布拉", name_en: "Code Anti Nebra", "kana": "コードアンチネビュラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-010.jpg", "illust": "-", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "天気を教えてくりゃれ。ほんの100年前でいいぞ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Do give me the honor of knowing of the weather. Just 100 years before shall be fine. ~Umr~" }, "845": { "pid": 845, cid: 845, "timestamp": 1431350185029, "wxid": "WD08-011", name: "コードアンチ アシレン", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 水晶镜片", name_en: "Code Anti Assylen", "kana": "コードアンチアシレン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-011.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どれ、ワシの未来を占ってもらおうかの。ほんの100年後でいいぞ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Now, shall you predict my future? Just 100 years after shall be fine. ~Umr~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからそれぞれレベルの異なる<古代兵器>のシグニ4枚をデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将4张等级各不相同的<古代兵器>SIGNI放到卡组底,这样做了的场合,抽一张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Return 4 SIGNI with different levels in your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { // 先判断是否有4张等级不同. var levels = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('古代兵器')) return; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return; levels.push(card.level); },this); if (levels.length < 4) return; levels.length = 0; var cards_deck = []; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器') && !inArr(card.level,levels); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; levels.push(card.level); cards_deck.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_deck).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.game.moveCards(cards_deck,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length !== 4) return; this.player.draw(1); }); }); } }] }, "846": { "pid": 846, cid: 320, "timestamp": 1431350186202, "wxid": "WD08-012", name: "コードアンチ アステカ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 阿兹特克", name_en: "Code Anti Aztec", "kana": "コードアンチアステカ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-012.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "「第五の太陽の時代」がつい昨日のように思えるの。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "\"The Fifth Age of the Sun\" feels as if it was just yesterday. ~Umr~" }, "847": { "pid": 847, cid: 847, "timestamp": 1431350187613, "wxid": "WD08-013", name: "コードアンチ カブレラ", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 伊卡黑石", name_en: "Code Anti Cabrera", "kana": "コードアンチカブレラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-013.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その3本の鎖、解き放ってやろうぞ? ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Those 3 chains, shall I release them? ~Umr~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<古代兵器>のシグニが3枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中有3张以上<古代兵器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 3 or more SIGNI in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "848": { "pid": 848, cid: 230, "timestamp": 1431350189938, "wxid": "WD08-014", name: "コードアンチ テキサハンマ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 德州铁锤", name_en: "Code Anti Texahammer", "kana": "コードアンチテキサハンマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-014.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほんの1億4千万年前の最新式ハンマーじゃ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A hammer of the latest style from just 140,000,000 years ago. ~Umr~" }, "849": { "pid": 849, cid: 849, "timestamp": 1431350192615, "wxid": "WD08-015", name: "コードアンチ ヴォイニ", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 伏尼契手稿", name_en: "Code Anti Voyni", "kana": "コードアンチヴォイニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-015.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふむ。読めんわ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hm. I shall not read. ~Umr~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。この方法で<古代兵器>のシグニが3枚トラッシュに置かれた場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:将你卡组顶的3张卡放置到废弃区,通过这个方法把3张<古代兵器>SIGNI放置到废弃区的场合,抽一张卡。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. If 3 SIGNI were put into the trash this way, draw 1 card." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); if (cards.length !== 3) return; var flag = cards.every(function (card) { return card.hasClass('古代兵器'); },this); if (flag) this.player.draw(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "850": { "pid": 850, cid: 100, "timestamp": 1431350194966, "wxid": "WD08-016", name: "サーバント T", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T", name_en: "Servant T", "kana": "サーバントトロワ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-016.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "古来より我らを守護してくれたのじゃ。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Since time immemorial, it has protected us. ~Umr~" }, "851": { "pid": 851, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350196026, "wxid": "WD08-017", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-017.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "文明すら護るか。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Even if it is only civilizations, you will protect it. ~Umr~" }, "852": { "pid": 852, cid: 852, "timestamp": 1431350197634, "wxid": "WD08-018", name: "グレイブ・ペイン", name_zh_CN: "墓地之殇", name_en: "Grave Pain", "kana": "グレイブペイン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD08/WD08-018.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我らと一緒になろうぞ?  ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Shall we come together? ~Umr~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキを上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,将你卡组顶的5张卡放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, put the top 5 cards of your deck into the trash." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (succ) { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }) } } }, "853": { "pid": 853, cid: 853, "timestamp": 1431350201539, "wxid": "PR-151", name: "ハロー・エフェクト (カードゲーマーvol.21 付録)", name_zh_CN: "光环效应 (カードゲーマーvol.21 付録)", name_en: "Halo Effect (カードゲーマーvol.21 付録)", "kana": "ハローエフェクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-151.jpg", "illust": "久野元気 原案:瀬戸麻沙美", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 6, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "失うほどに、差し込む光輪。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A halo which shines until it is lost.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用するためのコストは、あなたのルリグトラッシュにあるアーツ1枚につき、【無】コストが2減る。\n対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的LRIG废弃区中每有一张技艺卡,这张技艺的使用费用就减无2。\n将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this ARTS, for each ARTS in your LRIG Trash, is reduced by 2 [Colorless].\nBanish one of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 2*cards.length; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "854": { "pid": 854, cid: 854, "timestamp": 1431350203922, "wxid": "SP07-001", name: "天啓の天恵 アン=フォース (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "启示的天惠 安=FORTH (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Anne=Fourth, Blessing of Revelation (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "テンケイノテンケイアンフォース", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-001.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごきげんよう。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Nice to meet you. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:《天啓の天恵 アン=フォース》のグロウコストとして【白】を支払う際に、代わりにあなたのエナゾーンから<美巧>のシグニ1枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。", "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての<美巧>のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当你支付此卡的白色成长费用时,作为代替,你可以将一张<美巧>SIGNI从能量区放置到废弃区。", "【常】:你的所有<美巧>SIGNI力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you pay [White] in the grow cost of \"Anne=Fourth, Blessing of Revelation\", you may put 1 from your Ener Zone into the trash instead.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'useBikouAsWhiteCost',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('美巧')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "855": { "pid": 855, cid: 427, "timestamp": 1431350209904, "wxid": "SP07-002", name: "信託する神託 アン=サード(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "委托的神谕 安=THIRD(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Anne=Third, Trusting Oracle(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シンタクスルシンタクアンサード", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-002.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この勝負、頂くわ! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "856": { "pid": 856, cid: 428, "timestamp": 1431350211531, "wxid": "SP07-003", name: "過知の価値 アン=セカンド(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "过知的价值 安=SECOND(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Anne=Second, Value of Excess Knowledge(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "カチノカチアンセカンド", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-003.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんな痛みなんて、文緒に比べれば。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "857": { "pid": 857, cid: 429, "timestamp": 1431350214079, "wxid": "SP07-004", name: "想像の創造 アン=ファースト(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "想象的创造 安=FIRST(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Anne=First, Creation of the Imagination(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ソウゾウノソウゾウアンファースト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-004.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いざっ! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "858": { "pid": 858, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1431350215336, "wxid": "SP07-005", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-005.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "始めましょう、オープン。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "859": { "pid": 859, cid: 245, "timestamp": 1431350217519, "wxid": "SP07-006", name: "付和雷同(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "付和雷同(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Follow Blindly(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ビッグウェーブ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-006.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大きいほど、損することもあるのよ! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "860": { "pid": 860, cid: 430, "timestamp": 1431350220195, "wxid": "SP07-007", name: "千載一遇(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "千载一遇(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Golden Opportunity(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "アンサーチェック", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-007.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フィナーレよ。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Finale. ~Anne~" }, "861": { "pid": 861, cid: 623, "timestamp": 1431350224513, "wxid": "SP07-008", name: "十人十色(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "十人十色(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Different Strokes(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミラーミラージュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-008.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "極彩の世界へ案内するわ! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "862": { "pid": 862, cid: 862, "timestamp": 1431350226545, "wxid": "SP07-009", name: "天佑神助(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "天佑神助(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Divine Grace(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ヒーリングウインド", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-009.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おやすみなさい。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Good night. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。その後、あなたの手札から<美巧>のシグニを2枚捨ててよい。そうした場合、このカードをあなたのルリグデッキに戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方卡组顶1张卡加入生命护甲。之后,你可以从手牌丢弃2张<美巧>SIGNI。这样做了的场合,将此卡返回你的LRIG卡组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth. Then, you may discard 2 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, return this card to your LRIG Deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function (costArg,control) { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (card) card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length !== 2) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); control.backToDeck = true; }); } } }, "863": { "pid": 863, cid: 863, "timestamp": 1431350229918, "wxid": "SP07-010", name: "天罰覿面(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "天罚觌面(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Swift Divine Punishment(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "リベンジチャンス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-010.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これで…どうかしら!! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニのうち、最も大きいパワーを持つすべてのシグニを手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方场上的力量最大的所有SIGNI返回对方手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Of your opponent's SIGNI, return all SIGNI with the greatest power to their hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var power = -9999999; var cards = []; this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.power > power) { power = signi.power; cards = [signi]; } else if (signi.power === power) { cards.push(signi); } },this); return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "864": { "pid": 864, cid: 864, "timestamp": 1431350231447, "wxid": "SP07-011", name: "不思議な童話 メルへ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "不思议的童话 梅尔(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Marche, Mysterious Fairytale(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "フシギナドウワメルヘ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-011.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "不思議な世界へようこそ! ~メルへ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたは【白】を支払う際に、代わりにあなたのエナゾーンから<美巧>のシグニ1枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当你支付【白】的场合,可以作为代替,从你的能量区将1张<美巧>SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever you pay [White], you may put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash instead." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'useBikouAsWhiteCost',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたの<美巧>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、この方法でバニッシュしたシグニよりレベルが1つ大きいシグニ1枚をあなたのデッキから探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(绿):将你的1只<美巧>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从卡组探寻1张比通过这个方法驱逐的SIGNI等级高1级的SIGNI并将其出场。之后,洗切卡组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI whose level is 1 more than the SIGNI banished in this way and put it onto the field. Then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (c) { return (c.type === 'SIGNI') && (c.level === card.level + 1); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【白】:対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿)(白):将对战对手的1只力量15000以上的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [White]: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 2]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "865": { "pid": 865, cid: 643, "timestamp": 1431350232987, "wxid": "SP07-012", name: "伝統の近似値 マキエ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "传统的近似值 莳绘(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Maki-e, Approximation of Tradition(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "デントウノキンジチマキエ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-012.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "金色がこれほど似合う緑も私くらいよ。 ~マキエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "866": { "pid": 866, cid: 644, "timestamp": 1431350234378, "wxid": "SP07-013", name: "方法論の対立 コラ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "方法论的对立 拼贴(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Colla, Opposing Methodology(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ホウホウロンノタイリツコラ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-013.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "また騙されたのね。それコラよ。 ~コラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "867": { "pid": 867, cid: 645, "timestamp": 1431350235788, "wxid": "SP07-014", name: "度量ある明暗 アメコ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "有度量的明暗 美漫(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Ameco, Generous Light and Dark(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ドリョウアルメイアンアメコ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-014.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "BAKURETSU!SAKURETSU!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "868": { "pid": 868, cid: 499, "timestamp": 1431350237834, "wxid": "SP07-015", name: "未解決の逸脱 シュレリス(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "未能解决的偏差 超现实(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Surrelis, Unresolved Deviation(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ミカイケツノイツダツシュレリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-015.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この光もきっと、理解に程遠い。 ~シュレリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "869": { "pid": 869, cid: 646, "timestamp": 1431350239973, "wxid": "SP07-016", name: "画一の条件 オリガミ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "均匀的条件 折纸(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Origami, Uniform Requirements(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "カクイツノジョウケンオリガミ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-016.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "伝統の紙ですわ、なんでも作れてしまうのです。 ~オリガミ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "870": { "pid": 870, cid: 502, "timestamp": 1431350241649, "wxid": "SP07-017", name: "無害の一致 ピュリ(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "无害的一致 纯粹(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Puri, Innocuous Match(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ムガイノイッチピュリ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-017.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新しい冒険…したいんんだけど! ~ピュリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "871": { "pid": 871, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350243120, "wxid": "SP07-018", name: "サーバント D(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant D(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-018.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "技法の護り。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "872": { "pid": 872, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1431350244351, "wxid": "SP07-019", name: "サーバント O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Servant O2(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-019.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "表現の護り。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "873": { "pid": 873, cid: 52, "timestamp": 1431350245657, "wxid": "SP07-020", name: "包括する知識(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "统括的知识(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Encompassing Knowledge(「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ホウカツスルチシキ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP07/SP07-020.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お勉強の時間ね。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "874": { "pid": 874, cid: 874, "timestamp": 1431350247481, "wxid": "PR-138", name: "純朴の光輝 アグライア(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_zh_CN: "淳朴的光辉 阿格莱亚(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_en: "Aglaea, Innocent Brightness(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", "kana": "ジュンボクノコウキアグライア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-138.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あっ!みつけたよ、光! ~アグライア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ah! I found it, light! ~Aglaea~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。この方法で<天使>のシグニが3枚公開された場合、その中から1枚を手札に加える。その後、残りのカードを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:展示我方牌组顶3张牌。如果将三张<天使>精灵牌展示,其中一张加入手牌。之后,将剩下的牌以任意顺序放回牌组顶。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If 3 SIGNI were revealed in this way, add one of them to your hand. Then, return the rest to the top of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards_deck; return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_deck = cards; var cards_tmp = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); if (cards_tmp.length === 3) { return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards_deck.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_deck,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "875": { "pid": 875, cid: 875, "timestamp": 1431350249604, "wxid": "PR-139", name: "龍炎の昇拳(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_zh_CN: "龙炎的升拳(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_en: "Rising Fist of the Flame Dragon(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", "kana": "リュウエンノショウケン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-139.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "撃ち落とすよ!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll knock you down! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n"+ "「あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、パワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」\n"+ "「あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のエナゾーンにある【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。」", "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、パワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のエナゾーンにある【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "选择其中1项。\n"+ "「破坏我方1只精灵。之后破坏1只力量8000以下的精灵。」\n"+ "「破坏我方1只精灵。之后从对方能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区」", "破坏我方1只精灵。之后破坏1只力量8000以下的精灵。", "破坏我方1只精灵。之后从对方能量区将1张持有【万花色】的卡牌放置到废弃区" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n"+ "\"Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 SIGNI with power 8000 or less.\"\n"+ "\"Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, put 1 card with [Multi Ener] in your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash.\"", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 SIGNI with power 8000 or less.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, put 1 card with [Multi Ener] in your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], spellEffect : [{ // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); // 注意: 可以驱逐己方的 SIGNI . var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); var oSignis = signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== targetA) && (signi.power <= 8000); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; // 注意: 可以驱逐己方的 SIGNI . var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); if (!inArr(targetB,signis)) return; if (targetB.power > 8000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([targetB]); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; // targetB 条件 if (!targetB) return; if (!targetB.multiEner) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards)) return; return targetB.trash(); }); } }] }, "876": { "pid": 876, cid: 876, "timestamp": 1431350254788, "wxid": "PR-140", name: "コードアート D・T・P(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D・T・P(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_en: "Code Art DTP(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", "kana": "コードアートデスクトップパソコン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-140.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大きいけど、スピードが違うのよ。 ~D・T・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's bigger, but the speed is different. ~DTP~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に凍結状態のシグニがある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:如果对方场上有冻结状态的精灵,抽一张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your opponent has a frozen SIGNI on the field, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); if (flag) this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "877": { "pid": 877, cid: 877, "timestamp": 1431350256641, "wxid": "PR-141", name: "羅植 ツバキ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山茶(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_en: "Tsubaki, Natural Plant(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", "kana": "ラショクツバキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-141.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "髪は女の命デス! ~ツバキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A woman's hair is her life! ~Tsubaki~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのトラッシュから無色のカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(绿)将此牌从场上放置到废弃区:从我方废弃区将1张无色的卡牌加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Add 1 colorless card from your trash to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('colorless')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "878": { "pid": 878, cid: 878, "timestamp": 1431350258352, "wxid": "PR-142", name: "トーチュン・ウィップ(WIXOSSPARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_zh_CN: "拷问之鞭(WIXOSSPARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", name_en: "Torchen Whip(WIXOSSPARTY参加賞selectors pack vol5)", "kana": "トーチュンウィップ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-142.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飴より鞭が嬉しいのでしょう。~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You'd be much happier with a whip than candy, right? ~Iona~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n"+ "「あなたの白のシグニ1体ををバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」\n"+ "「あなたの黒のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。」", "あなたの白のシグニ1体ををバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの黒のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n"+ "「破坏我方1只白色精灵。之后从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。」\n"+ "「破坏我方1只黑色精灵。之后直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-7000。」", "破坏我方1只白色精灵。之后从我方牌组中找1张白色精灵牌,展示后加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。", "破坏我方1只黑色精灵。之后直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-7000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n"+ "「Banish 1 of your white SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.」\n"+ "「Banish 1 of your black SIGNI. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power.」", "Banish 1 of your white SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your black SIGNI. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], spellEffect : [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('white')); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } },{ // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('black')); },this); var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,targetB,'power',-7000); }); } }] }, "879": { "pid": 879, cid: 590, "timestamp": 1431350259757, "wxid": "PR-157", name: "一覇二鳥 (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 一部店舗購入特典)", name_zh_CN: "一霸二鸟 (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 一部店舗購入特典)", name_en: "One Rule, Two Birds (「selector spread WIXOSS」 BOX2 一部店舗購入特典)", "kana": "イッパニチョウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-157.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "だから、目を背けちゃいけないんだ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "880": { // "pid": 880, // cid: 880, // "timestamp": 1431350261882, // "wxid": "PR-164", // name: "infected WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_zh_CN: "infected WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_en: "infected WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // "kana": "インフェクテッドウィクロス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-164.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<タマ>・<花代>・<ピルルク>・<緑子>・<ウリス>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。」とはどういうことですか?", // "a": "このカードは、レベル0のルリグとしてルリグデッキに入れて、<タマ><花代><ピルルク><緑子><ウリス>いずれかのルリグのレベル0として使用することが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "お互いにこのカードを使用していた場合、対戦開始時にルリグを宣言する手順はどのようになりますか?", // "a": "このような場合、先行プレイヤー側から先にルリグタイプを宣言し、次に後攻プレイヤーがルリグタイプを宣言します。両者の宣言が完了した後、先行プレイヤーのターンを開始します。" // }, // { // "q": "このカードを使用している場合、ゲーム開始時に、対戦相手のレベル0ルリグを見た上で、宣言するルリグタイプを決める事が出来るのですか?", // "a": "はい、対戦相手のルリグタイプを見た上で、ルリグタイプを選択することが可能となっております。" // }, // { // "q": "このカードを表向きにした際に<花代>を選択し、その後<花代>のルリグタイプを持たない<ユヅキ>のルリグにグロウさせる事は可能ですか?", // "a": "いいえ、<花代>を選択した場合、<花代>のルリグタイプを持たないルリグへグロウさせることは出来ません。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "-" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "881": { "pid": 881, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1431350263527, "wxid": "PR-168", name: "アン(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_zh_CN: "安(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_en: "Anne(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", "kana": "アン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-168.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "882": { "pid": 882, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1431350264626, "wxid": "PR-169", name: "ミルルン(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_en: "Mirurun(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", "kana": "ミルルン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-169.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "883": { "pid": 883, cid: 883, "timestamp": 1431350265700, "wxid": "PR-152", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・ヌーベル(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・驽维乐(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_en: "Sashe Nouvelle, Eternal Messenger(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェヌーベル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-152.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Open! ~Sashe~" }, "884": { "pid": 884, cid: 884, "timestamp": 1431350267087, "wxid": "PR-153", name: "レゾナンス・マーチ(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_zh_CN: "共鸣・进军(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_en: "Resonance March(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", "kana": "レゾナンスマーチ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-153.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、行きましょう。今がチャンスです! ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come on, let's go. Now's our chance! ~Sashe~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグデッキからレゾナを2枚まで出現条件を無視して場に出す。この方法で場に出たレゾナの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。\n" + "ターン終了時に、それらをルリグデッキに戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方分身卡组至多2张共鸣牌无视条件出场。这个方法出场的共鸣的【出】的效果不能发动。\n" + "回合结束时,将那些牌放回分身卡组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put up to 2 Resona from your LRIG Deck onto the field ignoring their play conditions. The [On-Play] abilities of Resona that are put onto the field this way do not trigger.\n" + "At the end of the turn, return them to the LRIG Deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.resona && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } // 不可选,不触发【出】 return card.summonAsyn(false,true).callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); }); } } }, "885": { "pid": 885, cid: 885, "timestamp": 1431350268975, "wxid": "PR-154", name: "白羅星 ネプチューン(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 海王星(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", name_en: "Neptune, White Natural Star(ウィクロスマガジンvol.1付録)", "kana": "ハクラセイネプチューン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-154.jpg", "illust": "瀬菜モナコ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "小さな星々の瞬きに導かれて。 ~ネプチューン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 レゾナではないレベル2以下の<宇宙>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 将两只等级2以下的非共鸣<宇宙>精灵放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your level 2 or less non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 2) && !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからレベル1のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の次のメインフェイズの間、対戦相手のルリグのリミットは1減る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方牌组中找1张等级1的精灵牌并让其出场。之后洗切牌组。", "【出】:对方下回合的主要阶段中,对方的分身的界限减1。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 level 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck.", "[On-Play]: During your opponent's next main phase, the limit of your opponent's LRIG is reduced by 1." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.level === 1; }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var player = this.player; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: player.opponent.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: [player.opponent.onTurnEnd], condition: function () { return (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this.player.opponent.lrig,'limit',-1); } }); } }] }, "886": { "pid": 886, cid: 625, "timestamp": 1431350270320, "wxid": "PR-155", name: "ラッキーガード(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.3 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "幸运防卫(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.3 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Lucky Guard(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.3 初回限定特典)", "kana": "ラッキ―ガード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-155.jpg", "illust": "タカラトミー", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょっとわからないですね…", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "887": { // "pid": 887, // cid: 887, // "timestamp": 1431350272135, // "wxid": "PR-158", // name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_zh_CN: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_en: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-158.jpg", // "illust": "柚希きひろ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「レベル」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのレベルを表しています。あなたはグロウフェイズに、グロウコストを支払うことで自分のルリグデッキからルリグ1枚を、あなたの場にあるルリグに重ねることができます(この行為をグロウと呼びます。)このとき、ルリグのレベルを上げる場合は1レベルずつしか上げることが出来ません。(*同じレベルまたは小さいレベルのルリグを重ねることは出来ます。*ルリグタイプが違うルリグは重ねることが出来ません)また、メインフェイズにシグニを配置するとき、あなたが配置できるシグニはあなたのルリグのレベル以下のシグニしか配置できません。" // }, // { // "q": "「リミット」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのリミットを表しています。あなたがメインフェイズにシグニを配置するにあたり、配置後のシグニのレベルの合計がルリグのリミットを超えてしまう場合は、このシグニを配置することは出来ません。" // }, // { // "q": "「グロウコスト」とはなんですか?", // "a": "ルリグカードの左下に記載された、グロウフェイズにルリグのレベルをアップさせる(これをグロウと呼びます)ために必要なエナ数のことです。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "タマ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "なにこれ、とってもおいしー! ~タマ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "888": { // "pid": 888, // cid: 888, // "timestamp": 1431350273723, // "wxid": "PR-159", // name: "花代・零 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_zh_CN: "花代・零 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_en: "花代・零 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-159.jpg", // "illust": "安藤周記", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「レベル」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのレベルを表しています。あなたはグロウフェイズに、グロウコストを支払うことで自分のルリグデッキからルリグ1枚を、あなたの場にあるルリグに重ねることができます(この行為をグロウと呼びます。)このとき、ルリグのレベルを上げる場合は1レベルずつしか上げることが出来ません。(*同じレベルまたは小さいレベルのルリグを重ねることは出来ます。*ルリグタイプが違うルリグは重ねることが出来ません)また、メインフェイズにシグニを配置するとき、あなたが配置できるシグニはあなたのルリグのレベル以下のシグニしか配置できません。" // }, // { // "q": "「リミット」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのリミットを表しています。あなたがメインフェイズにシグニを配置するにあたり、配置後のシグニのレベルの合計がルリグのリミットを超えてしまう場合は、このシグニを配置することは出来ません。" // }, // { // "q": "「グロウコスト」とはなんですか?", // "a": "ルリグカードの左下に記載された、グロウフェイズにルリグのレベルをアップさせる(これをグロウと呼びます)ために必要なエナ数のことです。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "花代" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "ルリグでも、お腹を満たすのはいい気分なのね。 ~花代~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "889": { // "pid": 889, // cid: 889, // "timestamp": 1431350275094, // "wxid": "PR-160", // name: "コード・ピルルク(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_zh_CN: "コード・ピルルク(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_en: "コード・ピルルク(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // "kana": "コードピルルク", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-160.jpg", // "illust": "紅緒", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「レベル」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのレベルを表しています。あなたはグロウフェイズに、グロウコストを支払うことで自分のルリグデッキからルリグ1枚を、あなたの場にあるルリグに重ねることができます(この行為をグロウと呼びます。)このとき、ルリグのレベルを上げる場合は1レベルずつしか上げることが出来ません。(*同じレベルまたは小さいレベルのルリグを重ねることは出来ます。*ルリグタイプが違うルリグは重ねることが出来ません)また、メインフェイズにシグニを配置するとき、あなたが配置できるシグニはあなたのルリグのレベル以下のシグニしか配置できません。" // }, // { // "q": "「リミット」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのリミットを表しています。あなたがメインフェイズにシグニを配置するにあたり、配置後のシグニのレベルの合計がルリグのリミットを超えてしまう場合は、このシグニを配置することは出来ません。" // }, // { // "q": "「グロウコスト」とはなんですか?", // "a": "ルリグカードの左下に記載された、グロウフェイズにルリグのレベルをアップさせる(これをグロウと呼びます)ために必要なエナ数のことです。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "ピルルク" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "・・・持ち帰り。 ~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "890": { // "pid": 890, // cid: 890, // "timestamp": 1431350278533, // "wxid": "PR-161", // name: "闘娘 緑姫 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_zh_CN: "闘娘 緑姫 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_en: "闘娘 緑姫 (すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // "kana": "トウキミドリコ", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-161.jpg", // "illust": "エムド", // "classes": [ // "緑子" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "うんまーい!僕何杯でもいけちゃうね! ~緑姫~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "891": { // "pid": 891, // cid: 891, // "timestamp": 1431350279731, // "wxid": "PR-162", // name: "閻魔 ウリス(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_zh_CN: "閻魔 ウリス(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // name_en: "閻魔 ウリス(すき家コラボキャンペーン)", // "kana": "エンマウリス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-162.jpg", // "illust": "hitoto*", // "classes": [ // "ウリス" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "あら、ほしかったの…?どうぞ。 ~ウリス~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "892": { "pid": 892, cid: 892, "timestamp": 1431350283114, "wxid": "WD09-001", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・プレンヌ", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・普兰", name_en: "Sashe Pleine, Eternal Messenger", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェプレンヌ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-001.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "戦います。あなたの笑顔のために。 ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I shall use it. For the sake of your smile. ~Sashe~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナが場に出たとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的共鸣SIGNI出场时,从卡组顶把1张卡加入能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your Resona enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '892-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】横置:从你的卡组探寻1只<宇宙>SIGNI加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "893": { "pid": 893, cid: 893, "timestamp": 1431350284752, "wxid": "WD09-002", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・モティエ", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・莫提耶", name_en: "Sashe Moitié, Eternal Messenger", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェモティエ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-002.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わたしのすべてを、捧げます! ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I dedicate all of myself! ~Sashe~" }, "894": { "pid": 894, cid: 894, "timestamp": 1431350285982, "wxid": "WD09-003", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・カルティエ", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・卡铁耶", name_en: "Sashe Quartier, Eternal Messenger", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェモティエ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-003.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どんな未来も、支えてあげたい。 ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whatever future you choose, I want to support it. ~Sashe~" }, "895": { "pid": 895, cid: 895, "timestamp": 1431350287267, "wxid": "WD09-004", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・クロワス", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・克鲁瓦", name_en: "Sashe Crois, Eternal Messenger", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャ サシ・クロワス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-004.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サシェ。それが私の名前です。 ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sashe, that is my name. ~Sashe~" }, "896": { "pid": 896, cid: 883, "timestamp": 1431350289754, "wxid": "WD09-005", name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・ヌーベル", name_zh_CN: "悠久的使者 莎榭・驽维乐", name_en: "Sashe Nouvelle, Eternal Messenger", "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェヌーベル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-005.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Open! ~Sashe~" }, "897": { "pid": 897, cid: 897, "timestamp": 1431350291844, "wxid": "WD09-006", name: "ロマネ・ディフェンス", name_zh_CN: "罗马防御", name_en: "Romane Defense", "kana": "ロマネディフェンス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-006.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ポンッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Pop!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。その後、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」状态。之后,你舍弃1张手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"Cannot attack.\" Then, discard 1 card from your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }); } } }, "898": { "pid": 898, cid: 898, "timestamp": 1431350293137, "wxid": "WD09-007", name: "白羅星 マーキュリー", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 水星", name_en: "Mercury, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイマーキュリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-007.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "共鳴によって、あなたに導かれた。 ~マーキュリー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "By resonance, I was led to you. ~Mercury~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 レゾナではないのシグニ3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 将3只非共鸣的<宇宙>SIGNI从你的场上放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 3 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); }; var count = 3; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "899": { "pid": 899, cid: 899, "timestamp": 1431350295046, "wxid": "WD09-008", name: "白羅星 ビーナス", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 金星", name_en: "Venus, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイビーナス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-008.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "共鳴が、アタシを呼んだの。 ~ビーナス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The resonance, called to me. ~Venus~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 レゾナではない<宇宙>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 将2只非共鸣的<宇宙>SIGNI从你的场上放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Return 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 2); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }] }, "900": { "pid": 900, cid: 900, "timestamp": 1431350297415, "wxid": "WD09-009", name: "羅星 ベガ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 织女星", name_en: "Vega, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイベガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-009.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ずっと待ってるわ。 ~ベガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I've waited long. ~Vega~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣单位,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have a Resona on the field, this SIGNI's power is 15000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从你的牌组中探寻1只等级2以下的白色SIGNI并将其出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less white SIGNI and put it into play. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "901": { "pid": 901, cid: 901, "timestamp": 1431350298871, "wxid": "WD09-010", name: "羅星 ベテルギウス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 参宿四", name_en: "Betelgeuse, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイベテルギウス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-010.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うっひゃー!!燃えてきた、燃えてきたよー! ~ベテルギウス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whoahah!! It's burning, it's burning! ~Betelgeuse~" }, "902": { "pid": 902, cid: 902, "timestamp": 1431350301673, "wxid": "WD09-011", name: "羅星 アルタイル", name_zh_CN: "罗星 牛郎星", name_en: "Altair, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルタイル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-011.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ずっと待ってたわ。 ~アルタイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You've been waiting. ~Altair~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキから《羅星 ベガ》を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从你的牌组中探寻1张《罗星 织女星》公开后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 \"Vega, Natural Star\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 900; // <羅星 ベガ> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "903": { "pid": 903, cid: 903, "timestamp": 1431350303083, "wxid": "WD09-012", name: "羅星 シリウス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 天狼星", name_en: "Sirius, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイシリウス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-012.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よいやさ!!さあこれから行きましょう! ~シリウス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Evening!! Well then, let's go! ~Sirius~" }, "904": { "pid": 904, cid: 904, "timestamp": 1431350304412, "wxid": "WD09-013", name: "羅星 デネブ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 天津四", name_en: "Deneb, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイデネブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-013.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私だって、愛してよ。~デネブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Even I love you. ~Deneb~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】数字1つを宣言する。その後、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開し、それが宣言した数字と同じレベルを持つシグニである場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:宣言1个数字。之后,将你牌组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡持有与宣言的数字相同的等级的场合,将其加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Declare 1 number. Then, reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a SIGNI with the same level as the declared number, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.level === num; },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "905": { "pid": 905, cid: 905, "timestamp": 1431350305995, "wxid": "WD09-014", name: "羅星 プロキオン", name_zh_CN: "罗星 南河三", name_en: "Procyon, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイプロキオン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-014.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オフコース!私を待ってて大冒険! ~プロキオン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Of course! A big adventure is waiting for me! ~Procyon~" }, "906": { "pid": 906, cid: 906, "timestamp": 1431350308073, "wxid": "WD09-015", name: "羅星 ポラリス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 勾陈一", name_en: "Polaris, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイポラリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-015.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "星の耀き、光の導き。さあ、行きましょう。 ~ポラリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The brilliance of a star, the guidance of the light. Well then, let's go. ~Polaris~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】数字1つを宣言する。その後、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開し、それが宣言した数字と同じレベルを持つシグニである場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:宣言1个数字。之后,将你牌组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡持有与宣言的数字相同的等级的场合,将其加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Declare 1 number. Then, reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a SIGNI with the same level as the declared number, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.level === num; },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "907": { "pid": 907, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350310019, "wxid": "WD09-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "数多の星に見守られて。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please watch over the many stars." }, "908": { "pid": 908, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1431350311186, "wxid": "WD09-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "幾星霜を待ち続けた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "We continued to wait many months and years." }, "909": { "pid": 909, cid: 909, "timestamp": 1431350312204, "wxid": "WD09-018", name: "ゲット・トゥインクル", name_zh_CN: "摘星", name_en: "Get Twinkle", "kana": "ゲットトゥインクル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD09/WD09-018.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここに書いてある、うーん、違うね。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、あなたの場にレゾナがある場合、追加でレベル3以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的牌组中探寻1张等级3以下的白色SIGNI公开后加入手牌。之后,你的场上存在共鸣单位的场合,追加探寻1张等级3以下的白色SIGNI公开后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 level 3 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, if you have a Resona on the field, search your deck for 1 level 3 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); if (flag) { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }) } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的牌组中探寻1张白色的SIGNI公开后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "910": { "pid": 910, cid: 910, "timestamp": 1431350313759, "wxid": "WD10-001", name: "勇猛果敢 タマヨリヒメ之肆", name_zh_CN: "勇猛果敢 玉依姬之肆", name_en: "Four of Tamayorihime, Brave and Bold", "kana": "ユウモウカカンタマヨリヒメノヨン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-001.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、楽しいー! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama, having fun! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、あなたのクロス状態のシグニのパワーを+5000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合中,你的CROSS状态的SIGNI力量+5000。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,可以抽一张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, your crossed SIGNI get +5000 power.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI become [Heaven], you may draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossed) { add(signi,'power',5000); }; },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '910-const-1', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }] }, "911": { "pid": 911, cid: 911, "timestamp": 1431350315968, "wxid": "WD10-002", name: "弾末音 タマヨリヒメ之参", name_zh_CN: "弹末音 玉依姬之叁", name_en: "Three of Tamayorihime, Bullet's Final Sound", "kana": "ダンマツオンタマヨリヒメノサン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-002.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ずばばばばー! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Babababang! ~Tama~" }, "912": { "pid": 912, cid: 912, "timestamp": 1431350317435, "wxid": "WD10-003", name: "轟轟 タマヨリヒメ之弐", name_zh_CN: "轰轰 玉依姬之贰", name_en: "Two of Tamayorihime, the Roaring", "kana": "ゴウゴウタマヨリヒメノニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-003.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "熱い!燃えてる! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hot! Burning! ~Tama~" }, "913": { "pid": 913, cid: 913, "timestamp": 1431350318762, "wxid": "WD10-004", name: "焔 タマヨリヒメ之壱", name_zh_CN: "焰 玉依姬之壹", name_en: "One of Tamayorihime, the Flame", "kana": "ホムラタマヨリヒメノイチ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-004.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きゃはー! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Kyahaa! ~Tama~" }, "914": { "pid": 914, cid: 914, "timestamp": 1431350320999, "wxid": "WD10-005", name: "タマヨリヒメ之零", name_zh_CN: "玉依姬之零", name_en: "Zero of Tamayorihime", "kana": "タマヨリヒメノゼロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-005.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンッ! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Openn! ~Tama~" }, "915": { "pid": 915, cid: 915, "timestamp": 1431350325504, "wxid": "WD10-006", name: "縦横無塵", name_zh_CN: "纵横无尘", name_en: "Dust-Free in All Directions", "kana": "ジュウオウムジン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-006.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 4, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "暁の向こう、新たな武器を手に!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Beyond the dawn, you will obtain a new weapon!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用する際、あなたの手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを2枚まで捨ててもよい。このアーツを使用するためのコストは、この方法で捨てたシグニ1枚につき、【赤】コストが2、【無】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张技艺卡时,可以从你的手牌将至多2张<武器>SIGNI舍弃。通过这个方法舍弃的SIGNI每有1,这张技艺卡的使用费用就减少红2无1。\n" + "将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this ARTS, you may discard up to two SIGNI from your hand. The cost for using this ARTS, for each SIGNI that was discarded in this way, is reduced by 2 [Red] and 1 [Colorless].\n" + "Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); var count = Math.min(2,cards.length); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= count * 2; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; obj.costColorless -= count; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 2) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costRed -= 2; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; obj.costColorless -= 1; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; } var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); var count = cards.length; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= count * 2; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; obj.costColorless -= count; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 12000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "916": { "pid": 916, cid: 916, "timestamp": 1431350326713, "wxid": "WD10-007", name: "未来永業", name_zh_CN: "未来永业", name_en: "Eternal Karma", "kana": "ミライエイゴウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-007.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ね、どうかな? ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "What about this? ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを2枚まで捨てる。その後、対戦相手のシグニを、この方法で捨てたシグニの枚数と同じ数だけバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的手牌中将至多2张<武器>SIGNI舍弃。之后,将通过这个方法舍弃的张数的对战对手的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard up to 2 SIGNI from your hand. Then, for each SIGNI discarded in this way, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); var signis = this.player.opponent.signis; var count = Math.min(cards.length,signis.length); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(signis,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); } } }, "917": { "pid": 917, cid: 917, "timestamp": 1431350328066, "wxid": "WD10-008", name: "クロスロード", name_zh_CN: "交错装填", name_en: "Crossroad", "kana": "クロスロード", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-008.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そなえあればうれいなし!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Prepare for anything and you need nothing!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから【クロス】を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI,公开之后加入手牌,之后洗切卡组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "918": { "pid": 918, cid: 918, "timestamp": 1431350330014, "wxid": "WD10-009", name: "弩砲  ヘッケラ", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 赫克勒", name_en: "Heckler, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウヘッケラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-009.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "力を貸すわ。コック。 ~ヘッケラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I shall lend you my powers, Koch. ~Heckler~", crossRight: 920, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたは【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,你可以支付红1。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的一张生命护甲击溃。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], you may pay Red. If you do, crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '918-const-1', costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:パワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "919": { "pid": 919, cid: 475, "timestamp": 1431350331877, "wxid": "WD10-010", name: "轟砲 ドラスト", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 龙袭炮", name_en: "Drasto, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウドラスト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-010.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ノンストップ特攻は一人でするもの! ~ドラスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm going to attack non-stop! ~Drasto~" }, "920": { "pid": 920, cid: 920, "timestamp": 1431350333070, "wxid": "WD10-011", name: "轟砲 コック", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 科勒", name_en: "Koch, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウコック", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-011.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一人で出来るわ。ヘッケラ。 ~コック~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With the two of us, we can. Heckler. ~Koch~", crossLeft: 918, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "921": { "pid": 921, cid: 921, "timestamp": 1431350335245, "wxid": "WD10-013", name: "爆砲 スタン", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 筒状手榴弹", name_en: "Stun, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウスタン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-013.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は左。あなたは? ~スタン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm left. What about you? ~Stun~", crossLeft: 923, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "922": { "pid": 922, cid: 480, "timestamp": 1431350338495, "wxid": "WD10-014", name: "小砲 デリン", name_zh_CN: "小炮 小手枪", name_en: "Derrin, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウデリン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-014.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "隠密行動は一人でするもの! ~デリン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For concealed carry it's me, the most suitable! ~Derrin~" }, "923": { "pid": 923, cid: 923, "timestamp": 1431350340005, "wxid": "WD10-015", name: "小砲 グレネド", name_zh_CN: "小炮 球状手榴弹", name_en: "Grenade, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウグレネド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-015.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は右。あなたは? ~グレネド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm right. What about you? ~Grenade~", crossRight: 921, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将对战对手的1只力量2000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 5000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '923-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(2000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 2000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "924": { "pid": 924, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1431350341227, "wxid": "WD10-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "弾がジャムらないように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please bullets, don't jam." }, "925": { "pid": 925, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1431350342380, "wxid": "WD10-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "流れ弾に当たらないように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "926": { "pid": 926, cid: 926, "timestamp": 1431350343668, "wxid": "WD10-018", name: "運命の重複", name_zh_CN: "命运的交叠", name_en: "Overlap of Fate", "kana": "ウンメイノチョウフク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD10/WD10-018.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今クロスする、新しい伝説!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Now Cross, a new tradition!", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、代わりに対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,改为将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less. If you have Crossed SIGNI on the field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less instead." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); var power = flag? 10000 : 3000; return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから【クロス】を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI,公开之后加入手牌,之后洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for a SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "940": { "pid": 940, cid: 940, "timestamp": 1437201457031, "wxid": "PR-173", name: "コードアート I・Z・R・H", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 I・Z・R・H", name_en: "Code Art IZRH", "kana": "コードアートイズルハ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-173.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この異郷で、私の刃が護るは貴女か……", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "In this strange land, the one who my sword shall protect, is it you......", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:破坏对方1只冻结状态的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:各プレイヤーのターン終了時、対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:双方的回合结束时,将对方1只精灵冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the end of each player's turn, freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '940-const-0', condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; }); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "941": { "pid": 941, cid: 941, "timestamp": 1437201459081, "wxid": "WX07-001", name: "博愛の使者 サシェ・プレンヌ", name_zh_CN: "博爱的使者 莎榭・普兰", name_en: "Sashe Pleine, Benevolent Messenger", "kana": "ハクアイノシシャサシェプレンヌ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-001.jpg", "illust": "QP:flapper", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の力を、思い知ってみてね。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My power, try and realize it, okay? ~Sashe~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合中,你的1只共鸣单位出场时,可以支付白1。这样做了的场合,将对战对手1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, each time 1 of your Resonas enters the field, you may pay [White]. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '941-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】あなたのレゾナ1体を場からルリグトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【白】将你的一只共鸣单位从场上放置到LRIG废弃区:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] Put 1 of your Resonas from the field into the LRIG Trash: Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lrigTrashZone); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "942": { "pid": 942, cid: 942, "timestamp": 1437201461259, "wxid": "WX07-002", name: "合炎奇炎 タマヨリヒメ之肆", name_zh_CN: "合炎奇炎 玉依姬之四", name_en: "Four of Tamayorihime, Strangely United Flames", "kana": "アイエンキエンタマヨリヒメノヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-002.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "二つで一つ。生まれるいのち。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A life is born, two becoming one.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI出场时,直到回合结束时为止,将1只SIGNI的力量+2000。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets +2000 power.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is [Heaven], until end of turn, one SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '942-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',2000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '942-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【ダウン】:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】【横置】:将对战对手的1只力量在12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。这个能力只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Down]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 12000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }] }, "943": { "pid": 943, cid: 943, "timestamp": 1437201463633, "wxid": "WX07-003", name: "ミルルン・ユニオン", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・合", name_en: "Mirurun Union", "kana": "ミルルンユニオン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-003.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みるるるるる~!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mirururururu~! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、カードを1枚引いてもよい。そうした場合、手札を1枚捨てる。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたのトラッシュからスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI出场时,可以抽一张卡。这样做了的场合,舍弃一张手牌。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将你的废弃区的一张魔法卡加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever your SIGNI with Cross comes into play, you may draw 1 card. If you do, discard 1 card from your hand.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is [Heaven], add 1 spell from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '943-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.draw(1); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '943-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:カードを2枚引く。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:抽2张卡。这个能力只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Draw 2 cards. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "944": { "pid": 944, cid: 944, "timestamp": 1437201465952, "wxid": "WX07-004", name: "四結獣娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四型结兽娘 绿子", name_en: "Midoriko, Fourth Connecting Beast Girl", "kana": "シケツジュウキ ミドリコ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-004.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "僕を見て、こんなに強くなったんだ!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Look at me, I became so strong! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ランサー】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI出场时,直到回合结束时为止,你的所有SIGNI的力量+2000。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【枪兵】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI become [Heaven], until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '944-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '944-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'lancer',true); }); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。这个能力只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone. This ability can only be used if you have Crossed SIGNI on the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }] }, "945": { "pid": 945, cid: 945, "timestamp": 1437201469188, "wxid": "WX07-005", name: "罪門の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "罪门阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of the Sin Gate", "kana": "ザイモンノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-005.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あら、またお会いしたわね?くそったれさん。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Oh my, it seems we have met again, have we? Scum. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたか対戦相手のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI出场时,直到回合结束时为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-2000。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,从你或对战对手的卡组顶将5枚卡放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is [Heaven], you or your opponent put the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '945-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '945-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTextAsyn('PLAYER',['SELF','OPPONENT']).callback(this,function (text) { var cards; if (text === 'SELF') { cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); } else { cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); } this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】【横置】:直到回合结束时为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-10000。这个能力只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] [Down]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } }] }, "946": { "pid": 946, cid: 946, "timestamp": 1437201478327, "wxid": "WX07-006", name: "白羅星 サタン", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 土星", name_en: "Saturn, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイサタン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-006.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どっせーい!~サタン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sattuuurn! ~Saturn~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レベルの合計が7以上になるようにレゾナではない<宇宙>のシグニ3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 将你等级合计7以上的3只非共鸣单位的<宇宙>SIGNI从你的场上放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 3 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash whose total level is 7 or more' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var total = 0; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { total += signi.level; },this); if (total < 7) return null; var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); }; var count = 3; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手はシグニを2体までしか場に出すことができない。(すでに場に3体ある場合は2体になるようにシグニをトラッシュに置く)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手至多只能让2只SIGNI出场。(场上已经有3只SIGNI的场合,直到变为2只为止将SIGNI放置到废弃区)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent can only have up to 2 SIGNI on the field. (If your opponent already has 3 SIGNI on the field, that player puts SIGNI into the trash until they have 2 SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'twoSignisLimit',true); } }] }, "947": { "pid": 947, cid: 947, "timestamp": 1437201480847, "wxid": "WX07-007", name: "博愛の使者 サシェ・モティエ", name_zh_CN: "博爱的使者 莎夏・摩缇", name_en: "Sashe Moitié, Benevolent Messenger", "kana": "ハクアイノシシャサシェモティエ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-007.jpg", "illust": "ピスケ", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キラキラ光る、夜空の星へ。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The stars of the night sky are sparkling. ~Sashe~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのレゾナのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有的共鸣单位的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your Resonas get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.resona) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }] }, "948": { "pid": 948, cid: 948, "timestamp": 1437201492406, "wxid": "WX07-008", name: "レス・ホープ", name_zh_CN: "被响应的希望", name_en: "Res Hope", "kana": "レスホープ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-008.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふしぎなちからきっとわたしは~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A strange power, surely I will... ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失う。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,使对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); }); } } }, "949": { "pid": 949, cid: 949, "timestamp": 1437201494597, "wxid": "WX07-009", name: "白羅星 ジュピタ", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 木星", name_en: "Jupiter, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイジュピタ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-009.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、ほらみて。あなたたちを足場に私は輝くの。~ジュピタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ahh, see look. Become my foothold and I'll shine for you. ~Jupiter~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 レゾナではない白のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 将你2只非共鸣单位的白色SIGNI从你的场上放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your non-Resona white SIGNI into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && (signi.hasColor('white')); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニを出すために同じ名前のシグニ2体をトラッシュに置いていた場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。", "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニは能力を失う。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:因为此SIGNI出场而放置到废弃区的2只SIGNI的卡名相同的场合,将你卡组顶的2枚卡放置到能量区。", "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的所有SIGNI失去能力。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you put 2 SIGNI with the same name into the trash to play this SIGNI, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI lose their abilities." ], startUpEffects: [{ triggerCondition: function (event) { var signis = event.resonaArg; if (!signis) return false; if (signis.length !== 2) return false; if (signis[0].cid !== signis[1].cid) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { this.player.enerCharge(2); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'abilityLost',true); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "950": { "pid": 950, cid: 950, "timestamp": 1437201498332, "wxid": "WX07-010", name: "十字炎 タマヨリヒメ之参", name_zh_CN: "十字炎 玉依姬之三", name_en: "Three of Tamayorihime, Cross Flame", "kana": "ジュウジエンタマヨリヒメノサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-010.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマね、まだまだいけるよ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama can still keep going! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI的力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "951": { "pid": 951, cid: 951, "timestamp": 1437201501004, "wxid": "WX07-011", name: "炎固一徹", name_zh_CN: "炎固一徹", name_en: "Flaming Stubbornness", "kana": "エンコイッテツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-011.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "悪!即!断!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Instant! Evil! Decapitation!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【暗杀】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); }); } } }, "952": { "pid": 952, cid: 952, "timestamp": 1437201503622, "wxid": "WX07-012", name: "一致爆結", name_zh_CN: "一致爆结", name_en: "Explosive Solidarity", "kana": "イッチバッケツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-012.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たまとゆかいななかまたち", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama and her happy friends", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此卡只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。\n" + "将对战对手的力量在10000以下的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "953": { "pid": 953, cid: 953, "timestamp": 1437201510644, "wxid": "WX07-013", name: "ミルルン・ミクロ", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・微", name_en: "Mirurun Micro", "kana": "ミルルンミクロ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-013.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミルルンアロー!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mirurun Arrow! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI的力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "954": { "pid": 954, cid: 954, "timestamp": 1437201513286, "wxid": "WX07-014", name: "クロス・スクランブル", name_zh_CN: "混乱交织", name_en: "Cross Scramble", "kana": "クロススクランブル", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-014.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うーん、ここをこうやって、できたるーん!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hmm, if I do it here like this, I can do it-lun! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。その後、あなたはそのスペルをトラッシュから、あなたの手札にあるかのようにコストを支払わずに限定条件を無視して使用してもよい。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此卡只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。\n" + "取消一个魔法的效果。这之后,可以将那张魔法从废弃区中,像在你手牌中一样不支付COST无视限定条件使用。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Cancel the effect of 1 spell. You may use that spell from your opponent's trash as if it were in your hand without paying its cost and ignoring its limiting conditions." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return '_crossScramble'; // 见 Player.prototype.handleSpellAsyn } } }, "955": { "pid": 955, cid: 955, "timestamp": 1437201516024, "wxid": "WX07-015", name: "ピーピング・チョイス", name_zh_CN: "窥视・选择", name_en: "Peeping Choice", "kana": "ピーピングチョイス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-015.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来は見てから奪う、絶対だね!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Because I see the future, I snatch it away, that is absolute!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の手札を見る。その後、あなたはその中から無色以外のカード1枚を選び、捨てさせる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看对战对手的手牌。这之后,你从其中选择一张无色以外的卡,丢弃。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at your opponent's hand. Then, choose 1 non-colorless card from among them, and discard it." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var hands = this.player.opponent.hands; if (!hands.length) return; var cards = hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,1,false,hands).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; this.player.opponent.discardCards(cards); }); } } }, "956": { "pid": 956, cid: 956, "timestamp": 1437201518836, "wxid": "WX07-016", name: "三型応援娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三型应援娘 绿子", name_en: "Midoriko, Supportive Girl Type Three", "kana": "サンガタオウエンキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-016.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これで、芽吹いた木々も成長を進めるよ。~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With this, every budding tree will be able to grow to adulthood. ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI的力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "957": { "pid": 957, cid: 957, "timestamp": 1437201522165, "wxid": "WX07-017", name: "台風一過", name_zh_CN: "台风一过", name_en: "Calm After the Typhoon", "kana": "ミラクルスピン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-017.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あふれ出なさい!大地の力!~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come forth and overflow! Power of the earth! ~Anne~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "すべてのプレイヤーは、自分の手札とエナゾーンにあるカードと場にあるシグニをすべてトラッシュに置く。その後、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のトラッシュからシグニを3枚まで場に出す。その後、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のトラッシュからシグニを3枚まで手札に加える。その後、対戦相手は自分のトラッシュからカードを3枚までエナゾーンに置く。(あなたからカードを選択し両者が同時に移動させる。発動した能力はこのアーツの解決後に、あなたから好きな順番で解決する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "所有的玩家,将自己的手牌和能量区中的所有卡以及场上的SIGNI全部放置到废弃区。这之后,所有的玩家从自己的废弃区将至多3只SIGNI出场。这之后,所有的玩家从自己的废弃区将至多3张SIGNI加入手牌。这之后,对战对手从自己的废弃区将至多3枚卡放置到能量区。(从你开始选择卡且双方同时移动卡。发动的卡片能力在这张技艺解决之后,从你开始按照喜欢的顺序解决。)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "All players puts all of their cards in their hand and Ener Zone and all of their SIGNI on the field into the trash. Then, all players put up to 3 SIGNI from their trash onto the field. Then, all players add up to 3 SIGNI from their trash to their hand. Then, your opponent puts up to 3 cards from their trash into the Ener Zone. (Both players move their selected cards at the same time. When the resolution of this ARTS's abilities triggers, it may be resolved in any order.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 数据对象: 玩家,要出场的卡,要加入手牌的卡. var objs = [{ player: this.player, cards_summon: [], cards_add: [] },{ player: this.player.opponent, cards_summon: [], cards_add: [] }]; // 1. 所有的玩家,将自己的手牌和能量区中的所有卡以及场上的SIGNI全部放置到废弃区。 var cards = concat(this.player.hands, this.player.opponent.hands, this.player.enerZone.cards, this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards, this.player.signis, this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { // 2. 这之后,所有的玩家从自己的废弃区将至多3只SIGNI出场。 // 2-1. 双方选择要出场的 SIGNI . return Callback.forEach(objs,function (obj) { var player = obj.player; var done = false; // 由于不受XX效果影响,或受派蒙,蓝鲸保护,此时场上可能仍有 SIGNI . var signis = player.signis.slice(); return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,obj.cards_summon) && card.canSummonWith(signis); },this); return player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } signis.push(card); obj.cards_summon.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(obj.cards_summon); }); },this); }).callback(this,function () { // 2-2. 双方选择召唤区. 然后同时出场. this.game.frameStart(); return Callback.forEach(objs,function (obj) { var player = obj.player; return Callback.forEach(obj.cards_summon,function (card) { return player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return card.summonAsyn(); }); },this); },this); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.frameEnd(); // 3. 这之后,所有的玩家从自己的废弃区将至多3张SIGNI加入手牌。 return Callback.forEach(objs,function (obj) { var player = obj.player; var cards = player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { obj.cards_add = cards; return player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(obj.cards_add); }); },this).callback(this,function () { this.game.packOutputs(function () { this.game.frameStart(); objs.forEach(function (obj) { obj.cards_add.forEach(function (card) { card.moveTo(obj.player.handZone); },this); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); },this); }); }).callback(this,function () { // 4. 这之后,对战对手从自己的废弃区将至多3枚卡放置到能量区。 var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.opponent.enerZone); }); }); } } }, "958": { "pid": 958, cid: 958, "timestamp": 1437201525987, "wxid": "WX07-018", name: "一期一会", name_zh_CN: "一期一会", name_en: "One Time, One Meeting", "kana": "クロスウェーブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-018.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "僕を手伝ってくれるのかい?~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Shall I help you? ", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此卡只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。\n" + "将对战对手的力量在10000以上的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "959": { "pid": 959, cid: 959, "timestamp": 1437201532114, "wxid": "WX07-019", name: "煉獄の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "炼狱阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Purgatory", "kana": "レンゴクノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-019.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何かの運命を信じるほど、愚かじゃないわ。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "To be believing in something like fate, how stupid. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI的力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "960": { "pid": 960, cid: 960, "timestamp": 1437201534782, "wxid": "WX07-020", name: "ブラッド・ダンス", name_zh_CN: "鲜血之舞", name_en: "Blood Dance", "kana": "ブラッドダンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-020.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "踊りましょう、次の輪廻まで。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Let us dance, until the next samsara. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此卡只有在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合才能使用。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-10000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } } }, "961": { "pid": 961, cid: 961, "timestamp": 1437201547103, "wxid": "WX07-021", name: "アトラク・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "魅惑之罪", name_en: "Attrac Punish", "kana": "アトラクパニッシュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-021.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うそ、またなの…!?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "No way, not again...!?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの【チャーム】を好きな数トラッシュに置く。ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法でトラッシュに置いた【チャーム】1枚につき、-8000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你任意张的【魅饰】放置到废弃区。直到回合结束时为止,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的【魅饰】每有1张,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI的力量-8000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of your [Charm] into the trash. Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power for each [Charm] put into the trash in this way." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zones) { if (!zones.length) return; var charms = zones.map(function (zone) { return zone.cards[0].charm; },this); this.game.trashCards(charms); var value = charms.length * -8000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); }); } } }, "962": { "pid": 962, cid: 962, "timestamp": 1437201552167, "wxid": "WX07-022", name: "エクスクルード", name_zh_CN: "除外", name_en: "Exclude", "kana": "エクスクルード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-022.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バイバイ、もうこないでね。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bye-bye, don't come again, okay.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるカードを3枚までゲームから除外する。(除外されたカードはこのゲーム中に使用できない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的废弃区中的至多3张卡从游戏中除外。(被除外的卡在这次游戏中无法使用)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Exclude up to 3 cards from your opponent's trash from the game. (Excluded cards cannot be used in the game.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.excludeCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "963": { "pid": 963, cid: 963, "timestamp": 1437201558311, "wxid": "WX07-023", name: "羅星姫 ミルキィウェイ", name_zh_CN: "罗星姬 银河", name_en: "Milky Way, Natural Star Princess", "kana": "ラセイキミルキィウェイ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-023.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえねえ、教えて、あなたはどこから生まれてきたの?~ミルキィウェイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hey, hey, tell me, where were you born from? ~Milky Way~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】【白】:あなたの場にレゾナがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのレゾナ1体は「このシグニは対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けない。」を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】【白】:你的场上有共鸣单位的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。", "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,你的1只共鸣单位获得「这只SIGNI不受对战对手技艺效果的影响。」。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White] [White]: If you have a Resona on the field, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.", "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your Resonas gets \"This SIGNI is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's ARTS.\"" ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }; // 注意常时效果的效果源! this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(card,card,'effectFilters',filter); // return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンする。」「あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」", "対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンする。", "あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。「将对战对手的1只LRIG横置。」「从你的卡组中检索1只<宇宙>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌或使其出场。之后,洗切卡组。」", "将对战对手的1只LRIG横置。", "从你的卡组中检索1只<宇宙>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌或使其出场。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one. 「Down 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.」「Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and put it onto the field or add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.」", "Down 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.", "Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and put it onto the field or add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '963-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.lrig.down(); } },{ source: this, description: '963-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "964": { "pid": 964, cid: 964, "timestamp": 1437201563001, "wxid": "WX07-024", name: "メテオ・アドバンテージ", name_zh_CN: "卓越流星", name_en: "Meteo Advantage", "kana": "メテオアドバンテージ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-024.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 8, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドッスンメテオン!~サタン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bam, Meteor! ~Saturn~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<宇宙>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストはこの方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【白】コストが2減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置き、あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<宇宙>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的白色费用-2。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区,从你的卡组中检索1只<宇宙>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may down any number of your upped SIGNI. If you do, the cost for using this spell, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [White].\n" + "Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash. Then, search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costWhite -= count; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costWhite -= 2; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costWhite -= count; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.trashAsyn().callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中检索1张卡公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 card, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "965": { "pid": 965, cid: 965, "timestamp": 1437201567103, "wxid": "WX07-025", name: "弩砲 ファイヤレイジ", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 火焰之怒", name_en: "Firerage, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウファイヤレイジ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-025.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いくよ、マスケッタ!~ファイヤレイジ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "We're going, Musketta! ~Firerage~", crossLeft: 977, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたは【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,你可以支付红1。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], you may pay [Red]. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '965-const-1', costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 15000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的力量在10000以下的一只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 10000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } } }, "966": { "pid": 966, cid: 966, "timestamp": 1437201571145, "wxid": "WX07-026", name: "大火の轢断", name_zh_CN: "大火的碾压", name_en: "Fissure of Conflagration", "kana": "タイカノレキダン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-026.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 9, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、すーぱーうにゃむにゃあ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<ウェポン>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストはこの方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【赤】コストが2減る。\n" + "対戦相手のライフクロスを2枚までクラッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<武器>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的红色费用-2。\n" + "将对战对手的至多2张生命护甲击溃。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may down any number of your upped SIGNI. If you do, the cost for using this spell, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [Red].\n" + "Crush up to 2 of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= count; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costRed -= 2; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= count; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectNumberAsyn('CRASH',0,2,2).callback(this,function (num) { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(num); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを、パワーの合計が8000以下になるように好きな数バニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将任意数量的力量合计在8000以下的对战对手的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI whose total power is 8000 or less." ], burstEffect: { // 复制自<弩炮 狙击枪> actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.power) <= 8000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.power; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } } }, "967": { "pid": 967, cid: 967, "timestamp": 1437201576229, "wxid": "WX07-027", name: "羅原 H", name_zh_CN: "罗源 H", name_en: "Hydrogen, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンスイソ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-027.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いろいろ一番、ナンバーワン!~H~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "All kinds of first, number one! ~H~", crossLeft: 980, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたのトラッシュから<原子>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,从你的废弃区将1只<原子>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '967-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】【青】【青】:シグニ1体をバニッシュする。手札から<原子>のシグニ1枚を捨てることで、この能力を使用するための【青】コストを支払ってもよい。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【蓝3】:将1只SIGNI驱逐。可以从手牌舍弃1张<原子>SIGNI,作为使用此能力所支付的【蓝1】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue] [Blue] [Blue]: Banish 1 SIGNI. By discarding SIGNI from your hand, you may pay [Blue] for the cost of using this ability." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 3, // 复制并修改自<纵横无尘> costChange: function () { var player = this.source.player; var cards = player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); var count = cards.length; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue -= count; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var player = this.source.player; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= player.hands.length) { if (player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costBlue -= 1; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; } var cards = player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); return player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { player.game.trashCards(cards); var count = cards.length; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue -= count; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの場の<原子>のシグニ1体につき、シグニ1体までをバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你的场上每有1只<原子>SIGNI,就将至多1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:For each of your SIGNI on the field, banish 1 SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this).length; if (!count) return; var cards = (this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "968": { "pid": 968, cid: 968, "timestamp": 1437201582338, "wxid": "WX07-028", name: "JACKPOT", name_zh_CN: "JACKPOT", name_en: "JACKPOT", "kana": "ジャックポット", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-028.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 7, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんなおいでるーん!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Everyone come-ruun! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<原子>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、このカードを使用するためのコストはこの方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【青】コストが2減る。\n" + "あなたのデッキから<原子>のシグニを3枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<原子>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的蓝色费用-2。\n" + "从你的卡组中检索至多3只<原子>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may down any number of your upped SIGNI. If you do, the cost for using this card, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [Blue].\n" + "Search your deck for up to 3 SIGNI, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue -= count; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costBlue -= 2; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue -= count; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function (target) { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,3); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。「カードを1枚引く。」「手札から<原子>のシグニを3枚捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。」", "カードを1枚引く。", "手札から<原子>のシグニを3枚捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。「抽一张卡。」「从手牌舍弃3只<原子>SIGNI。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI驱逐。」", "抽一张卡。", "从手牌舍弃3只<原子>SIGNI。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1 of these effects. 「Draw 1 card.」「Discard 3 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, banish up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI.」", "Draw 1 card.", "Discard 3 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, banish up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '968-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '968-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "969": { "pid": 969, cid: 969, "timestamp": 1437201587396, "wxid": "WX07-029", name: "幻獣 ウサ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 兔兔", name_en: "Usa, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウウサ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-029.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "物語が始まるわ、私が勝つの。~ウサ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The story begins, I will win. ~Usa~", crossLeft: 983, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを2倍にする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI的力量翻倍。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], until end of turn, double the power of all of your SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '969-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',signi.power); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】:あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿】:从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。这个能力一回合只能使用一次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green]: Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー8000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量8000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 8000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "970": { "pid": 970, cid: 970, "timestamp": 1437216366608, "wxid": "WX07-030", name: "穿孔", name_zh_CN: "穿孔", name_en: "Perforation", "kana": "センコウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-030.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 4, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えーい、ままよ!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "There, like that! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストはこの方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【緑】コストが2減る。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ランサー】を得る。その後、対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<空兽>或<地兽>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的绿色费用-2。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【枪兵】。之后,将对战对手的力量在12000以上的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may down any number of your upped or SIGNI. If you do, the cost for using this spell, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [Green].\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Lancer]. Then, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costGreen -= count; if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costGreen -= 2; if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costGreen -= count; if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 12000; },this); // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,targetA,'lancer',true); if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power < 12000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロスが3枚以下の場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你的生命护甲在3张以下的场合,从你卡组顶将一张卡加入生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:If you have 3 or less Life Cloth, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 3); if (!flag) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } }, "971": { "pid": 971, cid: 971, "timestamp": 1437201628242, "wxid": "WX07-031", name: "破滅の右像 ウンギョウ", name_zh_CN: "破灭的右像 吽", name_en: "Ungyou, Right Image of Destruction", "kana": "ハメツノウゾウウンギョウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-031.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうよこれ、私らサイキョじゃね?~ウンギョウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How's that, ain't we the best? ~Ungyou~", crossRight: 986, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたの【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたの【チャーム】の付いているシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,你可以将1张你的【魅饰】放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束时为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-8000。", "【常】:你的付有【魅饰】的SIGNI的力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], you may put 1 of your [Charm] into the trash. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI marked with a [Charm] get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '971-const-1', costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.charm) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。あなたのシグニに【チャーム】が付いている場合、代わりに-20000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI的力量-10000。你的SIGNI付有【魅饰】的场合,改为-20000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power. If 1 of your SIGNI has a [Charm], it gets -20000 power instead." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); var value = flag? -20000 : -10000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } } }, "972": { "pid": 972, cid: 972, "timestamp": 1437201629654, "wxid": "WX07-032", name: "デス・パレード", name_zh_CN: "死亡游行", name_en: "Death Parade", "kana": "デスパレード", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-032.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 11, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トンッとね。大逆転私の番よ。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A tap huh. Time for my great reversal. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたのアップ状態の<悪魔>のシグニを好きな数ダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストはこの方法でダウンしたシグニ1体につき、【黒】コストが2減る。\n" + "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を場に出し、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚をライフクロスに加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以将你任意数量的竖置的<恶魔>SIGNI横置。通过这个方法横置的SIGNI每有1只,使用这张魔法卡所需要的黑色费用-2。\n" + "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对战对手1只SIGNI驱逐。之后,从你的废弃区将1只<恶魔>SIGNI出场,从你的废弃区将1只<恶魔>SIGNI加入生命护甲。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may down any number of your upped SIGNI. If you do, the cost for using this spell, for each SIGNI that was downed in this way, is reduced by 2 [Black].\n" + "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. After that, put 1 SIGNI onto the field from your trash, and add 1 SIGNI from your trash to Life Cloth." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('悪魔')); },this); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlack -= count; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var min = 0; while (min <= 3) { if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) break; min++; obj.costBlack -= 2; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; } var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('悪魔')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DOWN',cards,min).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); var count = cards.length*2; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlack -= count; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<硝烟> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis; var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; return targetB.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "973": { "pid": 973, cid: 973, "timestamp": 1437201637066, "wxid": "WX07-033", name: "羅星 アルファード", name_zh_CN: "罗星 星宿一", name_en: "Alphard, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルファード", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-033.jpg", "illust": "芥川", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まぶしいわ。新しい命が生まれるのね。~アルファード~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How dazzling. A new life has been born, hm? ~Alphard~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたは、自分でこのシグニを場からトラッシュに置くことができない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がバニッシュされたとき、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、バニッシュされた《羅星 アルファード》以外のそのシグニ1体をエナゾーンから場に出す。", "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをダウン状態でトラッシュから場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你不能自己将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。", "【常】:你的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将那只被驱逐的卡名是《罗星 星宿一》以外的SIGNI从能量区出场。", "【常】:你的1只共鸣单位出场时,可以支付白1。这样做了的场合,这只SIGNI以横置状态从废弃区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: You cannot put this SIGNI from the field into the trash yourself.", "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI is banished, you may banish this SIGNI. If you do, put the banished SIGNI other than \"Alphard, Natural Star\" from your Ener Zone onto the field.", "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your Resonas enters the field, you may pay [White]. If you do, put this SIGNI onto the field from your trash as downed." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeTrashedBySelf',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '973-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis) && !this.canNotBeBanished; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis) && !this.canNotBeBanished; }, costAsyn: function () { return this.banishAsyn(); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { if (event.card.cid === 973) return; if (event.card.zone !== event.card.player.enerZone) return; if (!event.card.canSummon()) return; return event.card.summonAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniBanished',effect); } },{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '973-const-2', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.card.resona) return false; return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return; return this.summonAsyn(false,false,true); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "974": { "pid": 974, cid: 974, "timestamp": 1437201643589, "wxid": "WX07-034", name: "羅星 アルフェカ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 α星", name_en: "Alphecca, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルフェカ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-034.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おかんむりってね。~アルフェカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A bad mood, huh. ~Alphecca~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】【白】:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白2】:将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White] [White]: Return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "975": { "pid": 975, cid: 975, "timestamp": 1437201650036, "wxid": "WX07-035", name: "羅星 ミモザ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 弥摩萨", name_en: "Mimosa, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイミモザ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-035.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "モザモザ!ミモザモザ!もざ?~ミモザ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mosamosa! Mimosamosa! Mosa? ~Mimosa~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の《羅星 ミモザ》以外の<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从你的卡组中检索1张等级3以下的《罗星 弥摩萨》以外的<宇宙>SIGNI公开之后加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Search your deck for a level 3 or less SIGNI other than \"Mimosa, Natural Star\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.cid !== 975) && card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "976": { "pid": 976, cid: 976, "timestamp": 1437201659132, "wxid": "WX07-036", name: "弩炎 フレイスロ少佐", name_zh_CN: "弩炎 弗雷斯科少佐", name_en: "Major Flathro, Crossbow Flame", "kana": "ドエンフレイスロショウサ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-036.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "1・2・3、ファイヤー!うわー!~フレイスロ少佐~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "1, 2, 3, fire! Woaaaah! ~Major Flathro~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にある<ウェポン>のシグニが効果によって対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:因你场上的<武器>SIGNI的效果使对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI on the field banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI by an effect, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '976-const-0', triggerCondition: function () { var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; if (source.player !== this.player) return false; if (!inArr(source,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!source.hasClass('ウェポン')) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }] }, "977": { "pid": 977, cid: 977, "timestamp": 1437201666343, "wxid": "WX07-037", name: "轟砲 マスケッタ", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 马斯柯德", name_en: "Musketta, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウマスケッタ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-037.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こいよ、レイジ!~マスケッタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come, Rage! ~Musketta~", crossRight: 965, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。', '対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。', '将对战对手的1只力量在5000以下的SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'Until end of turn, this SIGNI\'s power is 15000.', 'Banish 1 of your opponent\'s SIGNI with power 5000 or less.' ], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。」\n" + "「対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:选择以下两项的其中一项。\n" + "「直到回合结束时为止,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。」\n" + "「将对战对手的1只力量在5000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "\"Until end of turn, this SIGNI's power is 15000.\"\n" + "\"Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less.\"" ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '977-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'power',15000); } },{ source: this, description: '977-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }], }, "978": { "pid": 978, cid: 978, "timestamp": 1437201673082, "wxid": "WX07-038", name: "爆砲 ガンソード", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 枪与剑", name_en: "Gunsword, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウガンソード", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-038.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "詰め込み過ぎたわ!~ガンソード~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You crammed in too much! ~Gunsword~", crossRight: 998, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '978-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "979": { "pid": 979, cid: 979, "timestamp": 1437201679122, "wxid": "WX07-039", name: "羅原 Uuo", name_zh_CN: "罗源 Uuo", name_en: "Ununoctium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンウンウンオクチウム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-039.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見つかった。最も重いんだってさ。~Uuo~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I've found it. The greatest heaviness. ~Ununoctium~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、【青】【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このシグニの正面にあったシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付【蓝2】。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI正对面的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Blue] [Blue]. If you do, banish 1 SIGNI in front of this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '979-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.opposingSigni) return false; if (!inArr(event.opposingSigni,event.opposingSigni.player.signis)) return false; return true; }, condition: function (event) { if (!event.opposingSigni) return false; if (!inArr(event.opposingSigni,event.opposingSigni.player.signis)) return false; return true; }, costBlue: 2, actionAsyn: function (event) { return event.opposingSigni.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】【青】:あなたの場にある<原子>のシグニ3体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【蓝2】:将你场上的3只<原子>SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,将对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue] [Blue]: Banish 3 of your SIGNI on the field. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }) } }], }, "980": { "pid": 980, cid: 980, "timestamp": 1437201686294, "wxid": "WX07-040", name: "羅原 O", name_zh_CN: "罗源 O", name_en: "Oxygen, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンサンソ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-040.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "知名度ナンバーワン!~O~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The most familiar number one! ~O~", crossRight: 967, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "981": { "pid": 981, cid: 981, "timestamp": 1437201696210, "wxid": "WX07-041", name: "羅原 N", name_zh_CN: "罗源 N", name_en: "Nitrogen, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンチッソ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-041.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これが、つながるってことね!冷たさならナンバーワン!~N~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This is connected, huh! If it's coldness, I'm number one! ~N~", crossRight: 1003, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '981-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "982": { "pid": 982, cid: 982, "timestamp": 1437201702063, "wxid": "WX07-042", name: "幻獣 ラクダ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 骆驼", name_en: "Rakuda, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウラクダ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-042.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あっちー、だりー!勘弁してー!~ラクダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Going here and there! Give me a break! ~Rakuda~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ランサー】によって対戦相手のライフクロスをクラッシュしたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的SIGNI通过【枪兵】击溃对战对手的生命护甲时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When one of your SIGNI crushes your opponent's Life Cloth with [Lancer], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '982-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.lancer; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを-5000する:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量-5000:直到回合为止,这只SIGNI获得【枪兵】,这个能力一回合只能使用一次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets -5000 power: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Lancer]. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costCondition: function () { return true; }, costAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',-5000,{asCost: true}); return Callback.immediately(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'lancer',true); } }], }, "983": { "pid": 983, cid: 983, "timestamp": 1437201727202, "wxid": "WX07-043", name: "幻獣 カメ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 龟龟", name_en: "Kame, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウカメ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-043.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "物語が終わったわ、私が勝ったの。~カメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The story has ended, I have won. ~Kame~", crossRight: 969, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "984": { "pid": 984, cid: 984, "timestamp": 1437201734361, "wxid": "WX07-044", name: "幻獣 チータ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 猎豹", name_en: "Cheetah, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウチータ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-044.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "チータ、楽しい!ね、ヒョー!~チータ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Cheetah's having fun! Right, Hyou? ~Cheetah~", crossRight: 1009, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '984-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "985": { "pid": 985, cid: 985, "timestamp": 1437201740074, "wxid": "WX07-045", name: "明滅の罪雅 ダエワ", name_zh_CN: "明灭的罪雅 提婆", name_en: "Daewa, Flickering Sinful Elegance", "kana": "メイメツノザイガダエワ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-045.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "デスですわ。デス。~ダエワ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's death. It is. ~Daewa~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】あなたの【チャーム】を好きな数トラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法でトラッシュに置いた【チャーム】1枚につき、-7000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】将你任意数量的【魅饰】卡放置到废弃区:直到回合结束为止,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的【魅饰】卡每有1张,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI的力量-7000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Put any number of your [Charm] into the trash: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power for each [Charm] put into the trash this way." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length; }, costAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones,1).callback(this,function (zones) { var cards = zones.map(function (zone) { return zone.cards[0].charm; },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); return cards; }); }, actionAsyn: function (event,costArg) { var value = costArg.others.length * -7000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【ダウン】:あなたのトラッシュからカードを3枚まであなたの好きな数の<悪魔>のシグニの【チャーム】にする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】【横置】:将你废弃区至多3张卡成为你<恶魔>SIGNI的【魅饰】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] [Down]: Put up to 3 cards from your trash under your SIGNI as [Charm]." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm && signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); if (!signis.length) return done = true; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('CHARM_CARD',cards).callback(this,function (charm) { if (!charm) return done = true; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { charm.charmTo(signi); }); }); }); } }] }, "986": { "pid": 986, cid: 986, "timestamp": 1437201746092, "wxid": "WX07-046", name: "破戒の左像 アギョウ", name_zh_CN: "破戒的左像 阿", name_en: "Agyou, Left Image of Transgression", "kana": "ハカイノサゾウアギョウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-046.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ギャハハハ、そんとおりじゃね?ウンギョウ!~アギョウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Gyahahaha, ain't that right? Ungyou! ~Agyou~", crossLeft: 971, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをこのシグニの【チャーム】にする。その後、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将你卡组最上方的1张卡成为这只SIGNI的【魅饰】。之后,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck under this SIGNI as [Charm]. Then, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (card && !this.charm) { card.charmTo(this); } var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }], }, "987": { "pid": 987, cid: 987, "timestamp": 1437201756176, "wxid": "WX07-047", name: "堕落の左罪 ファウスト", name_zh_CN: "堕落的左罪 浮士德", name_en: "Faust, Fallen Left Sin", "kana": "ダラクノサザイファウスト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-047.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、あなたと一緒に。行きたいの。~ファウスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come, don't you want to go too? ~Faust~", crossLeft: 1015, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '984-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "988": { "pid": 988, cid: 988, "timestamp": 1437201762069, "wxid": "WX07-048", name: "羅星 アルマク", name_zh_CN: "罗星 天大将军一", name_en: "Almach, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルマク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-048.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一等星を目指して、走り抜けましょう。~アルマク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Let us aim to become first-magnitude stars. ~Almach~" }, "989": { "pid": 989, cid: 989, "timestamp": 1437201768163, "wxid": "WX07-049", name: "羅星 レグルス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 轩辕十四", name_en: "Regulus, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイレグルス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-049.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごおおおおおおおお!~レグルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Roaaaaaaaaar! ~Regulus~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<宇宙>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<宇宙>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "990": { "pid": 990, cid: 990, "timestamp": 1437201777516, "wxid": "WX07-050", name: "羅星 アルヘナ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 井宿三", name_en: "Alhena, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルヘナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-050.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピルルルル!もしもし、来てくれるかな?~アルヘナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Pirurururu! Hello, won't you come? ~Alhena~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<宇宙>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのルリグデッキからレベル3以下の白のレゾナ1枚をその出現条件を無視して場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのレゾナを場からルリグデッキに戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从你的手牌舍弃1张<宇宙>SIGNI:从你的LRIG卡组里将1张等级3以下的白色的共鸣单位无视出现条件出场。回合结束时,将那只共鸣单位从场上返回LRIG卡组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Put 1 level 3 or less white Resona from your LRIG Deck onto the field, ignoring its play condition. At the end of the turn, return that Resona from the field to the LRIG Deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasColor('white')) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "991": { "pid": 991, cid: 991, "timestamp": 1437201784126, "wxid": "WX07-051", name: "羅星 アクトゥルス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 大角星", name_en: "Arcturus, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアクトゥルス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-051.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "強欲たるは罰せられるべき。~アクトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The greedy ought to be punished. ~Arcturus~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<宇宙>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<宇宙>SIGNI,你的所有SIGNI力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } }] }, "992": { "pid": 992, cid: 992, "timestamp": 1437201791223, "wxid": "WX07-052", name: "羅星 ハダル", name_zh_CN: "罗星 马腹一", name_en: "Hadar, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイハダル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-052.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ葵", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんな集まって、新しい名前をもらうんだ。~ハダル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Everyone please gather, I shall give you new names. ~Hadar~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<宇宙>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<宇宙>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "993": { "pid": 993, cid: 993, "timestamp": 1437201798240, "wxid": "WX07-053", name: "羅星 スピカ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 角宿一", name_en: "Spica, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイスピカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-053.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スピカは、誰かを探してるんだ。~スピカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Spica is searching for someone. ~Spica~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《羅星 アクトゥルス》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以支付【白】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组里探寻1张《罗星 大角星》公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [White]. If you do, search your deck for 1《Arcturus, Natural Star》, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '993-const-0', costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 991; // <罗星 大角星> }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "994": { "pid": 994, cid: 994, "timestamp": 1437201806529, "wxid": "WX07-054", name: "羅星 アンタレス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 星宿二", name_en: "Antares, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアンタレス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-054.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんな集まって、素敵な名前をもらうんだ。~アンタレス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Everyone please gather, I will give you lovely names. ~Antares~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<宇宙>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<宇宙>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "995": { "pid": 995, cid: 995, "timestamp": 1437201812376, "wxid": "WX07-055", name: "ゲット・アウト", name_zh_CN: "Get Out", name_en: "Get Out", "kana": "ゲットアウト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-055.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……。~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "....... ~Remember~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニを2体まで手札に戻す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手至多2只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Return up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return inArr(card,card.player.signis); },this); return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "996": { "pid": 996, cid: 996, "timestamp": 1437201824320, "wxid": "WX07-056", name: "轟砲 カラニコ", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 卡拉尼科", name_en: "Kalaniko, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウカラニコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-056.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これほどまでに使われたものは、私ぐらいじゃないかしら。~カラニコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I wonder if it's just me, to be used as much as this. ~Kalaniko~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<ウェポン>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<武器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "997": { "pid": 997, cid: 997, "timestamp": 1437201831268, "wxid": "WX07-057", name: "爆砲 ウージ", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 UZI", name_en: "Uzi, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウウージ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-057.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "細かくやっちゃう?~ウージ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Do it finely? ~Uzi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<ウェポン>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<武器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "998": { "pid": 998, cid: 998, "timestamp": 1437201837524, "wxid": "WX07-058", name: "盾砲 シールドミサイル", name_zh_CN: "盾炮 盾与导弹", name_en: "Shield Missile, Shield Gun", "kana": "ジュンホウシールドミサイル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-058.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、あふれ出てるわ!~シールドミサイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Jeeze, it's overflowing out! ~Shield Missile~", crossLeft: 978, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "999": { "pid": 999, cid: 999, "timestamp": 1437201847640, "wxid": "WX07-059", name: "小砲 グロック", name_zh_CN: "小炮 格洛克", name_en: "Glock, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウグロック", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-059.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰だって、小さくなりたくないんだ。~グロック~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Who said that, I didn't want to be small. ~Glock~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<ウェポン>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<武器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1000": { "pid": 1000, cid: 1000, "timestamp": 1437217576637, "wxid": "WX07-060", name: "絶対の炎武", name_zh_CN: "绝对的炎武", name_en: "Absolute Flame War", "kana": "ゼッタイノエンブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-060.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "でやっ!~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hi-ya! ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手1只力量2000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 2000; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "1001": { "pid": 1001, cid: 1001, "timestamp": 1437200745985, "wxid": "WX07-061", name: "羅原 Uus", name_zh_CN: "罗源 Uus", name_en: "Ununseptium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンウンウンセプチウム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-061.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰にも見つからないように、ひっそりと生きたかった。~Uus~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I wanted to live quietly, undiscovered by anyone. ~Ununseptium~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<原子>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<原子>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1002": { "pid": 1002, cid: 1002, "timestamp": 1437200753219, "wxid": "WX07-062", name: "羅原 Uup", name_zh_CN: "罗源 Uup", name_en: "Ununpentium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンウンウンペンチウム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-062.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰かに見つけられた喜びを知った!~Uup~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I know the happiness of being discovered by someone! ~Uup~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<原子>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<原子>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1003": { "pid": 1003, cid: 1003, "timestamp": 1437200762258, "wxid": "WX07-063", name: "羅原 C", name_zh_CN: "罗源 C", name_en: "Carbon, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンタンソ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-063.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "熱血レッド!ナンバーワン!~C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hot-blooded Red! Number one! ~C~", crossLeft: 981, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1004": { "pid": 1004, cid: 1004, "timestamp": 1437200767997, "wxid": "WX07-064", name: "羅原 Uut", name_zh_CN: "罗源 Uut", name_en: "Ununtrium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンウンウントリウム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-064.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "誰も見つけてくれなくていいよ。~Uut~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It'd be fine if no one discovered me. ~Uut~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<原子>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<原子>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('原子'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1005": { "pid": 1005, cid: 1005, "timestamp": 1437200777356, "wxid": "WX07-065", name: "FREEZE THROUGH", name_zh_CN: "FREEZE THROUGH", name_en: "FREEZE THROUGH", "kana": "フリーズスルー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-065.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 5, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "出番…これだけっすか…!?~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My turn... that's it!? ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストは対戦相手の場にある凍結状態のシグニ1体につき、【青】コストが1減る。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたの場にあるすべてのシグニは「このシグニの正面のシグニが凍結状態であるかぎり、【アサシン】を持つ。」を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,对战对手的场地上每有1只冻结状态的SIGNI,此卡的蓝色费用减1。\n" + "直到回合结束为止,你场上的所有SIGNI获得「只要这只SIGNI对面的SIGNI处于冻结状态,即获得【暗杀者】」" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each of your opponent's frozen SIGNI on the field, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 1 [Blue].\n" + "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI on the field get \"As long as the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI is frozen, this SIGNI has [Assassin].\"" ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue -= cards.length; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: signi, destroyTimming: [signi.onLeaveField2,this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], condition: function () { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return false; return opposingSigni.frozen; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'assassin',true); } }); },this); } } }, "1006": { "pid": 1006, cid: 1006, "timestamp": 1437200784759, "wxid": "WX07-066", name: "CROSS RUSH", name_zh_CN: "CROSS RUSH", name_en: "CROSS RUSH", "kana": "クロスラッシュ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-066.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃん、これ、やり過ぎじゃない!?~H・M・F~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sister, isn't this overdoing it!? ~HMF~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对战对手舍弃1张手牌。你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,你抽1张卡。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. If you have crossed SIGNI on the field, you draw 1 card." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (flag) this.player.draw(1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから《クロス》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张持有《CROSS》标记的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1007": { "pid": 1007, cid: 1007, "timestamp": 1437200793182, "wxid": "WX07-067", name: "幻獣 ハイエナ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 鬣狗", name_en: "Hyena, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウハイエナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-067.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この砂漠じゃね、私は無敵ですわ。他では微妙ですわ。~ハイエナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It ain't the desert, I'm invincible. Everything else is delicate. ~Hyena~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<空兽>或<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1008": { "pid": 1008, cid: 1008, "timestamp": 1437200802430, "wxid": "WX07-068", name: "幻獣 ハゲタカ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 秃鹰", name_en: "Hagetaka, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウハゲタカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-068.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "イメージ通り。~ハゲタカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Just as I imagined. ~Hagetaka~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<空兽>或<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1009": { "pid": 1009, cid: 1009, "timestamp": 1437200808185, "wxid": "WX07-069", name: "幻獣 ヒョウ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 豹", name_en: "Hyou, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウヒョウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-069.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "チータ、たのしいね!せいっ!~ヒョウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Cheetah, isn't it fun! Hey! ~Hyou~", crossLeft: 984, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1010": { "pid": 1010, cid: 1010, "timestamp": 1437200816508, "wxid": "WX07-070", name: "幻獣 ハリネズ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 刺猬", name_en: "Harinezu, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウハリネズ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-070.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "リズムにのって、ネズネズいこう!~ハリネズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Get on the rhythm and do the mouse! ~Harinezu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<空兽>或<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1011": { "pid": 1011, cid: 1011, "timestamp": 1437200823198, "wxid": "WX07-071", name: "統一", name_zh_CN: "统一", name_en: "Unification", "kana": "トウイツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-071.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一閃の時をまつのよ。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I wait for this moment. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から緑のカードをすべてエナゾーンに置き、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "公开你卡组顶的五张卡。将其中绿色的卡全部放置到能量区,剩下的放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Put all green cards from among them into the Ener Zone, and put the rest into the trash." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_A = []; var cards_B = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('green')) { cards_A.push(card); } else { cards_B.push(card); } },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_A,this.player.enerZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_B); }); } } }, "1012": { "pid": 1012, cid: 1012, "timestamp": 1437200831754, "wxid": "WX07-072", name: "爆打", name_zh_CN: "爆打", name_en: "Explosive Strike", "kana": "バクダ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-072.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それ、ワンツーワンツー!~カンルル&コモリグ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "There, one-two one-two! ~Kanruru & Komorig~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+5000する。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、ターン終了時まで、そのシグニは追加で【ランサー】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,将1只SIGNI的力量+5000。你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,直到回合结束为止,那只SIGNI追加获得【枪兵】。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets +5000 power. If you have crossed SIGNI on the field, until end of turn, that SIGNI also gets [Lancer]." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',5000); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (flag) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,target,'lancer',true); } } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから《クロス》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张持有《CROSS》标记的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1013": { "pid": 1013, cid: 1013, "timestamp": 1437200838195, "wxid": "WX07-073", name: "崩落の裕女 ドゥルジ", name_zh_CN: "崩落的裕女 维罗尼卡", name_en: "Druj, Abundant Woman of Collapse", "kana": "ホウラクノユウジョドゥルジ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-073.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あくまでも、信じてくれるかしら。~ドゥルジ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Will you believe me to the very end, I wonder. ~Druj~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<悪魔>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1014": { "pid": 1014, cid: 1014, "timestamp": 1437200846614, "wxid": "WX07-074", name: "崩落の夢女 アパオシャ", name_zh_CN: "崩落的梦女 旱魃", name_en: "Apaosha, Dream Woman of Collapse", "kana": "ホウラクノムジョアパオシャ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-074.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "パシャパシャ。~アパオシャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Splash. ~Apaosha~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<悪魔>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1015": { "pid": 1015, cid: 1015, "timestamp": 1437200859394, "wxid": "WX07-075", name: "堕落の右罪 フェレス", name_zh_CN: "堕落的右罪 梅菲斯特", name_en: "Pheles, Fallen Right Sin", "kana": "ダラクノウザイフェレス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-075.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたに導かれて、私はここにいるから。~フェレス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "To guide you, I am here. ~Pheles~", crossRight: 987, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1016": { "pid": 1016, cid: 1016, "timestamp": 1437200870208, "wxid": "WX07-076", name: "落第の呼称 アジダハ", name_zh_CN: "落第的呼称 三首毒龙", name_en: "Azidaha, Designation of Failure", "kana": "ラクダイノコショウアジダハ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-076.jpg", "illust": "よこえ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "絶対的な悪はこんな姿だったのよ。~アジダハ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The most absolute evil appears in this form. ~Azidaha~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<悪魔>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你场上有合计3只<恶魔>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1017": { "pid": 1017, cid: 1017, "timestamp": 1437200875230, "wxid": "WX07-077", name: "デス・ライク・デス", name_zh_CN: "死亡喜欢死亡", name_en: "Death Like Death", "kana": "デスライクデス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-077.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なんじゃ、まだいたのか。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "What's that, you are still here? ~Umr~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの手札を1枚捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "舍弃1张手牌。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, dontCheckTarget: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (!target) return; if (!this.player.hands.length) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr(target,target.player.signis)) return; return target.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "1018": { "pid": 1018, cid: 1018, "timestamp": 1437200882614, "wxid": "WX07-078", name: "デッド・クロス", name_zh_CN: "死亡交织", name_en: "Dead Cross", "kana": "デッドクロス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-078.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "え、その、私は…?~ザエボス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Uh, uhm, me...? ~Zaebos~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、代わりに、ターン終了時まで対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,改为直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power. If you have crossed SIGNI on the field, instead, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −10000 power." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); var value = flag? -10000 : -3000; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',value); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから《クロス》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组里探寻1张持有《CROSS》标记的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1019": { "pid": 1019, cid: 51, "timestamp": 1437200892096, "wxid": "WX07-079", name: "サーバント Q", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q", name_en: "Servant Q", "kana": "サーバントキャトル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-079.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "エナには色がついた。少女たちの願いに合わせた色。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The Ener has taken color. The color of the young girl's wishes joined together." }, "1020": { "pid": 1020, cid: 100, "timestamp": 1437200902321, "wxid": "WX07-080", name: "サーバント T", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T", name_en: "Servant T", "kana": "サーバントトロワ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-080.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "エナを生み出せる少女は、始めの少女の消滅と共に、あちこちに現れた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The girl who brought forth Ener, and the girl of beginnings's extinction, together they appeared here and there." }, "1021": { "pid": 1021, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1437200909128, "wxid": "WX07-081", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-081.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "少女の願いが強いほど、叶えるのに必要なWIXOSS因子は多い。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The stronger the girl's wish, the more WIXOSS Factors it needs to be granted." }, "1022": { "pid": 1022, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1437200915815, "wxid": "WX07-082", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX07/WX07-082.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "エナとWIXOSS因子が結合されて、少しずつ世界は変わっていく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ener and WIXOSS Factor were being combined, little by little, the world began to change." }, "1023": { "pid": 1023, cid: 1023, "timestamp": 1437200925865, "wxid": "SP10-007", name: "幻水 ハイギョ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 肺鱼", name_en: "Haigyo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイハイギョ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-007.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、いらっしゃい。そして、おやすみなさい。~ハイギョ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come, welcome. And then, good night. ~Haigyo~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から【ライフバースト】を持つカードを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから好きなカードを1枚探す。その後、あなたのデッキをシャッフルし、そのカードをデッキの一番上に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张持有【※】的卡舍弃:从你的卡组探寻1张卡,之后洗切牌组并把那张卡放置到卡组最上方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card with [Life Burst] from your hand: Search your deck for 1 card of your choice. Shuffle your deck, and put that card on top of your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasBurst(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasBurst(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.cards; if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SEEK',cards).callback(this,function (card) { this.player.shuffle(); if (card) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop([card]); } }); } }] }, "1024": { "pid": 1024, cid: 1024, "timestamp": 1437200936218, "wxid": "SP10-008", name: "DYNAMITE", name_zh_CN: "DYNAMITE", name_en: "DYNAMITE", "kana": "ダイナマイト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-008.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今週のドッキリDYNAMITEっすね!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This week's surprise is DYNAMITE! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚見る。その中から1枚をチェックゾーンに置き、残りを手札に加える。この方法でチェックゾーン置いたカードのライフバーストを発動し、その後、そのカードをあなたのトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看你卡组顶的2张卡。将其中的1张放置到检查区,剩下的加入手牌。通过这个方法放置到检查区的卡的生命迸发发动,之后将那张卡放置到你的废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put 1 of them into your Check Zone and add the rest to your hand. The Life Burst of the card put into the Check Zone this way is activated, and then, put that card into your trash." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('PUT_TO_CHECK_ZONE',cards).callback(this,function (card) { card.moveTo(this.player.checkZone); removeFromArr(card,cards); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); return Callback.forEach(card.onBurst.effects,function (effect) { return effect.triggerAndHandleAsyn({crossLifeCloth: false}); },this).callback(this,function () { card.trash(); }); }); } } }, "1025": { "pid": 1025, cid: 1025, "timestamp": 1437200946240, "wxid": "SP10-006", name: "幻水姫 ナマコズ", name_zh_CN: "幻水姬 海参", name_en: "Namakozu, Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンスイヒメナマコズ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 18000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-006.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "「行くわよ!ヌメヌメ攻撃!」「なんてこった!」~ナマコズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "\"Go! Slimy attack!\" \"Oh no!\" ~Namakozu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのライフクロス1枚につき、-2000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロスが0枚であるかぎり、このシグニはバニッシュされない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的生命护甲每有1张,这只SIGNI的力量就-2000。", "【常】:只要你的生命护甲为0张,这只SIGNI就不会被驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets -2000 power for each of your Life Cloth.", "[Constant]: As long as there are 0 cards in your Life Cloth, this SIGNI can't be banished." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var value = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length * -2000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ condition: function () { return !this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのライフクロスの一番上を見る。その後、それをクラッシュしてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看你最上方的生命护甲。之后,你可以将它击溃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your Life Cloth. You may crush it." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; this.player.informCards([card]); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('CRASH',[card]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.crashAsyn(1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのライフクロスが0枚の場合、デッキの1番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你的生命护甲为0张的场合,将卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。你抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:If you have 0 Life Cloth, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth. You draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length) { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (card) { card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } } this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1026": { "pid": 1026, cid: 1026, "timestamp": 1437200957695, "wxid": "SP10-005", name: "背徳の強奪", name_zh_CN: "背德的强夺", name_en: "Immoral Plunder", "kana": "ハイトクノゴウダツ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-005.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょっとだけ、痛いかもね。~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It might hurt just a little. ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのデッキの1番上のカードをあなたのエナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从对战对手的能量区中将1张卡放置到废弃区。之后,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到你的能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put 1 card in your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash. Then, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return null; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return card; }); }); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { if (card && !inArr(card,this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards)) return; if (card) card.trash(); this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1027": { "pid": 1027, cid: 1027, "timestamp": 1437200964300, "wxid": "SP10-004", name: "幻竜 ヴィーヴル", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 双足飞龙", name_en: "Vouivre, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウヴィーヴル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-004.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "頭の宝石がチャームポイントだよ!~ヴィーヴル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The gem on my head is my charm point! ~Vouivre~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンから、対戦相手のルリグと同じ色を持たないカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从对战对手的能量区中,将1张不持有对战对手的LRIG的颜色的卡放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: From your opponent's Ener Zone, put 1 card that does not have the same color as your opponent's LRIG into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return true; return !card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.opponent.lrig); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }], }, "1028": { "pid": 1028, cid: 1028, "timestamp": 1437200970436, "wxid": "SP10-003", name: "幻竜姫 スヴァローグ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 火神", name_en: "Svarog, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメスヴァローグ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-003.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キミ、溜まりすぎ!食べてあげるよ♪~スヴァローグ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You collected too much! I'll eat it for you~♪ ~Svarog~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは、あなたのエナゾーンに白か青か緑か黒のカードがあるかぎり+2000される。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンにカード1枚が置かれたとき、そこに8枚以上のカードがある場合、あなたはそこからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたと対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードの合計が7枚以下の場合、パワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的能量区中有白色或蓝色或绿色或黑色的卡,这只SIGNI的力量就+2000。", "【常】:当1张卡被放置到对战对手的能量区时,能量区的卡有8张以上的场合,你将其中1张卡放置到废弃区。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你和对战对手能量区中的卡合计7张以下的场合,将1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +2000 power as long as there is a white, blue, green, or black card in your Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: When a card is placed in your opponent's Ener Zone, if there are 8 or more cards, put 1 card from there into trash.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if the total number of cards in your and your opponent's Ener Zone is 7 or less, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (inArr(card.color,['white','blue','green','black'])) },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',2000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1028-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.enerZone) && (event.oldZone !== this.player.opponent.enerZone); }, condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length >= 8); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1028-const-2', condition: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.enerZone.cards, this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards); return (cards.length <= 7); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 12000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のエナゾーンから、カード1枚と【マルチエナ】を持つカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从对战对手的能量区中,将1张卡和1张持有【万花色】的卡放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:From your opponent's Ener Zone, put 1 card with [Multi Ener] and 1 card into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.slice(); var cards_trash = []; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) { cards_trash.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); if (!card.multiEner) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.multiEner; },this); } } return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards_trash.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); } } }, "1029": { "pid": 1029, cid: 1029, "timestamp": 1437200978304, "wxid": "SP10-002", name: "バースト・ラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "Burst Rush", // 注意效果描述中出现. name_en: "Burst Rush", "kana": "バーストラッシュ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-002.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バーストキッスは甘酸っぱくないっすよ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Burst Kiss isn't bittersweet! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのライフバーストが発動した場合、代わりにそのライフバーストは二度発動する。その後、このターンの間、あなたは《バースト・ラッシュ》を使用できない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你的生命迸发发动的场合,改为那个生命迸发发动两次。之后,这个回合期间,你不能使用《Burst Rush》。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, when your Life Burst triggers, the Life Burst is activated twice instead. Then, during this turn, you cannot use \"Burst Rush\"." ], useCondition: function () { return !this.game.getData(this.player,'canNotUseBurstRush'); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'burstTwice',true); this.game.setData(this.player,'canNotUseBurstRush',true); } } }, "1030": { "pid": 1030, cid: 1030, "timestamp": 1437200986176, "wxid": "SP10-001", name: "四面楚火", name_zh_CN: "四面楚火", name_en: "Surrounded by Fire", "kana": "シメンソカ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/SP10/SP10-001.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この業火で、灰になりな!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Burn in hellfire, become ash! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードは対戦相手のルリグがレベル4以上の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手のエナゾーンからカードを合計7枚までトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张卡只能在对战对手的LRIG等级在4以上的场合使用。\n" + "从对战对手的能量区中将至多7张卡放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if your opponent's LRIG is level 4 or more.\n" + "Put up to 7 cards from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], useCondition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.lrig.level >= 4); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,7).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } } }, "1033": { "pid": 1033, cid: 874, "timestamp": 1437201014260, "wxid": "PR-143", name: "純朴の光輝 アグライア(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "淳朴的光辉 阿格莱亚(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_en: "Aglaea, Innocent Brightness(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", "kana": "ジュンボクノコウキアグライア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-143.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こっちのほうがキラキラしてるね。 ~アグライア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's sparkling over there. ~Aglaea~" }, "1034": { "pid": 1034, cid: 875, "timestamp": 1437201019137, "wxid": "PR-144", name: "龍炎の昇拳(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "龙炎的升拳(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_en: "Rising Fist of the Flame Dragon(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", "kana": "リュウエンノショウケン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-144.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "→↓?。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "→↓?。" }, "1035": { "pid": 1035, cid: 876, "timestamp": 1437201027080, "wxid": "PR-145", name: "コードアート D・T・P(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D・T・P(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_en: "Code Art DTP(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", "kana": "コードアートデスクトップパソコン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-145.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっぱ性能よね。 ~D・T・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "As expected, I have performance don't I? ~DTP~" }, "1036": { "pid": 1036, cid: 877, "timestamp": 1437201038216, "wxid": "PR-146", name: "羅植 ツバキ(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山茶(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_en: "Tsubaki, Natural Plant(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", "kana": "ラショクツバキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-146.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ツバキは、もっときれいになりたいデス! ~ツバキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tsubaki wants to become even more beautiful! ~Tsubaki~" }, "1037": { "pid": 1037, cid: 878, "timestamp": 1437201047693, "wxid": "PR-147", name: "トーチュン・ウィップ(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_zh_CN: "拷问之鞭(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", name_en: "Torchen Whip(WIXOSSポイント引換 2015年 4-6月度)", "kana": "トーチュンウィップ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-147.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もっと欲しい?ならおしまい。~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You want more? In that case, it ends here. ~Iona~" }, "1038": { "pid": 1038, cid: 1038, "timestamp": 1437201054198, "wxid": "WX08-003", name: "連結した廉潔 アン=フォース", name_zh_CN: "连结的廉洁 安=Fourth", name_en: "Anne=Fourth, Connected Integrity ", "kana": "レンケツシタレンケツアンフォース", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-003.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ようこそこの季節に、ごきげんよう。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Welcome to this season, how are you? ~Anne~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからカード1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方持有【CROSS】的1只精灵出场时,可以支付(绿)。若如此做,从牌组找一张牌放置到能量区。", "【常】:我方精灵达成HEAVEN时,将我方牌组上方的2张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI with [Cross] enters the field, you may pay [Green]. If you do, search your deck for 1 card and put it into your Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is [Heaven], put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1038-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1038-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(白)(横置):将对方的1只精灵返回手牌。这个效果只有当场上达成CROSS时才可以使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [Down]: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1039": { "pid": 1039, cid: 1039, "timestamp": 1437201061255, "wxid": "WX08-004", name: "ミュウ=フラップ", name_zh_CN: "缪=展翅", name_en: "Myuu=Flap", "kana": "ミュウフラップ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-004.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえ、でていってよ。ねえ……! ~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Hey, get out of here. Hey...! ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方回合中,我方每有1只【RESONA】精灵出场,直到回合结束时为止,对手1只精灵力量-7000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, each time 1 of your Resonas enters the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1039-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体を場からルリグトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将我方1只【RESONA】精灵从场上放置到分身废弃区:破坏对方一只精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 1 of your Resonas from the field into the LRIG Trash: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lrigTrashZone); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1040": { "pid": 1040, cid: 1040, "timestamp": 1437201069549, "wxid": "WX08-005", name: "白羅星 ウラヌス", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 天王星", name_en: "Uranus, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイウラヌス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-005.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ウリウリ、わたしのお通りよ! ~ウラヌス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Uri uri, this is my way! ~Uranus~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナ1体をあなたの場からルリグトラッシュに置き、レゾナではないレベル3以上のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出現条件] 【主要阶段】将1只【RESONA】精灵从我方场上放置到分身废弃区,并将1只等级3以上的非【RESONA】精灵放置到废弃区。" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your Resonas on the field into the LRIG Trash, and 1 of your level 3 or more non-Resona SIGNI on the field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); var cards_B = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.resona && (signi.level >= 3) && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; var card; var cards; if (cards_A.length === 1) { card = cards_A[0]; cards = cards_B; } else { card = cards_B[0]; cards = cards_A; } cards = cards.filter(function (c) { var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== card) && (signi !== c); }); return this.canSummonWith(signis); },this); if (!cards.length) return null; if (cards.length === 1) { cards.push(card); return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { trash.call(this,cards); }); }; } else { return function () { return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (c) { cards = [card,c]; trash.call(this,cards); }); } } function trash (cards) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.resona) card.moveTo(card.player.lrigTrashZone); else card.moveTo(card.player.trashZone); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:エナゾーン以外のすべてのカードは白になる。", "【常時能力】:このシグニは対戦相手の白のカードの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:能量区以外的所有牌变为白色。", "【常】:此精灵不受对手白色牌效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Except for the Ener Zone, all cards become white.", "[Constant]: This SIGNI is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's white cards." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.game.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.zone.name === 'EnerZone') return; set(card,'color','white'); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var filter = function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (!card.hasColor('white')); }; add(this,'effectFilters',filter); } }] }, "1041": { "pid": 1041, cid: 1041, "timestamp": 1437201076391, "wxid": "WX08-016", name: "収斂する修練 アン=サード", name_zh_CN: "收敛的修炼 安=Third", name_en: "Anne=Third, Converging Exercise", "kana": "シュウレンスルシュウレンアンサード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-016.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、つながりましょう。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well then, let it be connected. ~Anne~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有持有【CROSS】的精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "1042": { "pid": 1042, cid: 1042, "timestamp": 1437201085372, "wxid": "WX08-018", name: "恐悦至極", name_zh_CN: "恐悦至极", name_en: "Most Humbly Pleased", "kana": "アイアンハート", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-018.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まさに 鉄 壁 !", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For certain IRON WALL!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<美巧>のシグニは「バニッシュされない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张牌在我方场上达成CROSS时才可以使用。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有的<美巧>精灵获得【无法被破坏】的效果。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get \"Cannot be banished.\"" ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('美巧')) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'canNotBeBanished',true); },this); } } }, "1043": { "pid": 1043, cid: 1043, "timestamp": 1437201092227, "wxid": "WX08-029", name: "音階の右律 トオン", name_zh_CN: "音阶的右律 G", name_en: "To'on, Right Rhythm of the Scale ", "kana": "オンカイノウリツトオン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-029.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "高音域は私の物。 ~トオン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "~トオン~ The soprano is mine. ~To'on~", crossRight: 1047, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加えてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:此牌达成【HEAVEN】时,可以从能量区将1张牌加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], you may add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1043-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは「バニッシュされない。」を得る。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(緑):直到回合结束时为止,牌获得【无法被破坏】的效果。此能力使用阶段为【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets \"Cannot be banished.\" This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:このターン、あなたはダメージを受けない" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:这个回合内,我方不会受到伤害。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:This turn, you can't be damaged." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'wontBeDamaged',true); } } }, "1044": { "pid": 1044, cid: 1044, "timestamp": 1437201099234, "wxid": "WX08-030", name: "滅精", name_zh_CN: "灭精", name_en: "Destruction Spirit ", "kana": "メッセイ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-030.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 6, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 6, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "本当の共鳴をお見せしますわ! ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "~アン~ I will show you true resonance! ~Anne~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<美巧>のシグニ1体につき、【緑】コストが1減り、あなたのエナゾーンにある<美巧>のシグニ1枚につき、【白】コストが1減る。(コストはその増減が決まった後で支払う)\n" + "対戦相手のすべてのシグニを手札に戻す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<美巧>精灵,使用此牌的(绿)费用减1,我方能量区每有1张<美巧>精灵牌,使用此牌的(白)费用减1。\n" + "将对方所有精灵返回手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell is reduced by 1 Green for each SIGNI you have on the field, and by 1 White for each SIGNI you have in your Ener Zone. (The cost is paid after increases or decreases are determined.)\n" + "Return all of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('美巧')) { obj.costGreen -= 1; } },this); this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('美巧')) { obj.costWhite -= 1; } },this); if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:【Ener Charge 2】" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "1045": { "pid": 1045, cid: 1045, "timestamp": 1437201106252, "wxid": "WX08-036", name: "羅石 スピネル", name_zh_CN: "罗石 尖晶石", name_en: "Spinel, Natural Stone ", "kana": "ラセキスピネル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-036.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルビーと間違えた?いいえ、似せたのよ。私達が。 ~スピネル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Mistaken for rubies? No, we're imitating. We are. ~Spinel~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのトラッシュから<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ合計5枚を好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。その後、この効果でトラッシュに置かれた<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを合わせた枚数以下のレベルを持つシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):将我方废弃区5只<宝石>或<矿石>精灵牌按照喜欢的顺序放回牌组底。若如此做,将对方1只力量10000以下的精灵破坏。", "【起】(红)将此牌放置到废弃区:将我方牌组顶5张牌放置到废弃区。这之后,将对方1只等级不高于放置到废弃区的<宝石>或<矿石>精灵数之和的精灵破坏。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put 5 or SIGNI from your trash at the bottom of your deck in any order. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.", "[Action] [Red]: Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Put the top 5 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, banish 1 SIGNI whose level is equal to or less than the number of or SIGNI that were put into the trash this way." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); if (cards.length < 5) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,5,5,true).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length !== 5) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); } },{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); var level = 0; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')) { level++; } },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= level; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1046": { "pid": 1046, cid: 1046, "timestamp": 1437201114220, "wxid": "WX08-042", name: "美しき弦奏 コントラ", name_zh_CN: "美妙的旋奏 低音提琴", name_en: "Contra, Beautiful Symphony", "kana": "ウツクシキゲンソウコントラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-042.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "五感に響く弦の音。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The sound of strings that rings the five senses.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがエナゾーンにあるかぎり、あなたは【白】を支払う際に、代わりにあなたのエナゾーンからこのシグニをトラッシュに置いてもよい。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がエナゾーンから場に出るたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。(このシグニがエナゾーンから場に出たときも、この能力は発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此牌在能量区,我方需要支付(白)时,可以选择通过将此牌放置到废弃区代替(白)。", "【常】:我方1只精灵牌从能量区出场时,将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。<此牌从能量区出场时,这个效果效果也可以发动>。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is in the Ener Zone, whenever you would pay [White], you may put this SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash instead.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field from your Ener Zone, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. (This ability triggers even when this SIGNI enters the field from the Ener Zone)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.enerZone); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'trashAsWhiteCost',true); } },{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1046-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis) && (event.card !== this)) return false; return event.oldZone === this.player.enerZone; }, // condition: function () { // return inArr(this,this.player.signis); // }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1047": { "pid": 1047, cid: 1047, "timestamp": 1437201120222, "wxid": "WX08-043", name: "音階の左巧 ヘオン", name_zh_CN: "音阶的左巧 G", name_en: "Heon, Left Technique of the Scale ", "kana": "オンカイノサコウヘオン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-043.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "低音域に潜むわよ! ~ヘオン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The bass is mine. ~Heon~", crossLeft: 1043, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニ1枚をエナゾーンに置くか手札に加える。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将我方牌组顶2张牌公开。将其中1张<美巧>精灵牌放置到能量区或加入手牌,余下的牌按喜欢的顺序放回牌组底。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 SIGNI from among them to your hand or put it into your Ener Zone. Put the rest on the bottom of the deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards_add).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); var texts = ['ADD_TO_HAND','PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE'] return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',texts).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); } card.moveTo(card.player.enerZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); } }], }, "1048": { "pid": 1048, cid: 1048, "timestamp": 1437201129098, "wxid": "WX08-044", name: "奏演の音左 フルート", name_zh_CN: "演奏的左音 长笛", name_en: "Flute, Left Sound of the Musical Performance", "kana": "ソウエンノオンサフルート", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-044.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "左耳が幸せでしょ? ~フルート~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1051, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '984-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1049": { "pid": 1049, cid: 1049, "timestamp": 1437201134260, "wxid": "WX08-066", name: "BEAUTIFUL", name_zh_CN: "BEAUTIFUL", name_en: "BEAUTIFUL ", "kana": "ビューティフル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-066.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "女子力アップでパワーアップ! ~F・M&D・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Girl's power, power up! ~FM & DP~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンし、それらを凍結する。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。(凍結されたシグニは次の自分のアップフェイズにアップしない)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方至多2只精灵横置并冻结。如果我方场上达成CROSS,再抽1张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Down and freeze up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI. If you have crossed SIGNI on the field, you draw 1 card." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2); }, actionAsyn: function (cards) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!inArr(card,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (flag) { this.player.draw(1); } } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからCrossを持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组找1张持有【CROSS】的精灵牌,展示后加入手牌,之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1050": { "pid": 1050, cid: 1050, "timestamp": 1437201142139, "wxid": "WX08-070", name: "弦階の魅惑 バイオリ", name_zh_CN: "弦阶的魅惑 小提琴", name_en: "Violi, Captivation of the String Scale", "kana": "ゲンカイノミワクバイオリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-070.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "耳に響く弦の音。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The sound of strings which ring the ears.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<美巧>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当我方场上有3只<美巧>精灵时,此精灵力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1051": { "pid": 1051, cid: 1051, "timestamp": 1437201149260, "wxid": "WX08-071", name: "奏演の右音 クラリネ", name_zh_CN: "演奏的右音 单簧管", name_en: "Clarine, Right Sound of the Musical Performance", "kana": "ソウエンノウオンクラリネ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-071.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "右耳が幸せでしょ? ~クラリネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Is your right ear not happy? ~Clarine~", crossRight: 1048, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1052": { "pid": 1052, cid: 1052, "timestamp": 1437201159495, "wxid": "WD11-001", name: "ミュウ=イマゴ", name_zh_CN: "缪=成虫", name_en: "Myuu=Imago", "kana": "ミュウイマゴ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-001.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "消えて、お願い……私の前から。 ~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Disappear please, away before me. ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方每出场一只共鸣,将我方牌顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your Resonas enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1052-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのトラッシュから<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):从我方废弃区将1张<凶虫>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1053": { "pid": 1053, cid: 1053, "timestamp": 1437201165339, "wxid": "WD11-002", name: "ミュウ=イマジ", name_zh_CN: "缪=羽化", name_en: "Myuu=Emerge", "kana": "ミュウイマジ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-002.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうして。教えて……答えて。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Why, tell me... answer me. ~Myuu~" }, "1054": { "pid": 1054, cid: 1054, "timestamp": 1437201171584, "wxid": "WD11-003", name: "ミュウ=プーパ", name_zh_CN: "缪=蛹", name_en: "Myuu=Pupa", "kana": "ミュウプーパ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-003.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここは、とっても寒い……。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's... very cold here. ~Myuu~" }, "1055": { "pid": 1055, cid: 1055, "timestamp": 1437201182203, "wxid": "WD11-004", name: "ミュウ=ラーバ", name_zh_CN: "缪=幼虫", name_en: "Myuu=Larva", "kana": "ミュウラーバ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-004.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミュウ……それしか、私も知らない。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Myuu... that is all I know. ~Myuu~" }, "1056": { "pid": 1056, cid: 1056, "timestamp": 1437201189352, "wxid": "WD11-005", name: "ミュウ=ハッチ", name_zh_CN: "缪=孵化", name_en: "Myuu=Hatch", "kana": "ミュウハッチ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-005.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン……ですか?~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Open... right? ~Myuu~" }, "1057": { "pid": 1057, cid: 1057, "timestamp": 1437201195178, "wxid": "WD11-006", name: "マカロン・バグズ", name_zh_CN: "马卡虫", name_en: "Macaron Bugs", "kana": "マカロンバグズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-006.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "しもべ、たち?~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My... servants? ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "手札から<凶蟲>のシグニを好きな数捨てる。ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを、この方法で捨てたシグニのレベルを合計した数だけ-2000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从手牌舍弃任意张牌名不同的<凶虫>精灵牌。直到回合结束时为止,对方一只精灵力量-2000×舍弃的精灵牌的合计等级。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard any number of SIGNI from your hand. Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power for each level in the total level of the SIGNI discarded in this way." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cids = []; var cards = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('凶蟲')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cards.push(card); cids.push(card.cid); },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var value = 0; cards.forEach(function (card) { value += card.level; },this); value *= -2000; if (!value) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); }); } } }, "1058": { "pid": 1058, cid: 1058, "timestamp": 1437201202150, "wxid": "WD11-007", name: "黒幻蟲 ムカデス", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 蜈蚣", name_en: "Mukadesu, Black Phantom Insect", "kana": "コクゲンチュウムカデス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-007.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キキキ。ここは気持ちがいい場所だね!~ムカデス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Kikiki, this spot feels good doesn't it! ~Mukadesu~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出场条件] 【主要阶段】将两只非共鸣<凶虫>精灵放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを、このレゾナの出現条件でトラッシュに置いたシグニのレベルを合計した数だけ-2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对方一只精灵力量-2000×这只共鸣出场时放置到废弃区的精灵的等级之和。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power for each level in the total level of the SIGNI put into the trash for this SIGNI's play condition. " ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function (event) { var signis = event.resonaArg; if (!signis || !signis.length) return; var value = 0; signis.forEach(function (signi) { value += signi.level; },this); value *= -2000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }] }, "1059": { "pid": 1059, cid: 1059, "timestamp": 1437201212249, "wxid": "WD11-008", name: "黒幻蟲 ヤスデス", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 千足虫", name_en: "Yasudesu, Black Phantom Insect", "kana": "コクゲンチュウヤスデス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-008.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、どうして。来たくなかった。~ヤスデス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Jeeze, why. They didn't come. ~Yasudesu~", // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ '<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚をあなたの手札から捨てる」', '<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く」', 'レゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く」' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '从手牌舍弃1张<凶虫>精灵牌', '从能量区将一张<凶虫>精灵牌放置到废弃区', '将1只非共鸣<凶虫>精灵放置到废弃区' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand.', 'Put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash.', 'Put 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash.' ], // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】以下の3つから2つを選ぶ\n' + '「<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚をあなたの手札から捨てる」\n' + '「<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く」\n' + '「レゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く」' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出场条件] 【主要阶段】从以下3项中选择2项\n' + '「从手牌舍弃1张<凶虫>精灵牌」\n' + '「从能量区将一张<凶虫>精灵牌放置到废弃区」\n' + '「将1只非共鸣<凶虫>精灵放置到废弃区」' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Choose 2 of the following 3.\n' + '「Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand.」\n' + '「Put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash.」\n' + '「Put 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash.」' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var effects = []; // 1. 从手牌舍弃1张<凶虫>精灵牌 var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); if (cards_A.length) { effects.push({ source: this, description: '1059-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectAsyn('DISCARD',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }); } // 2. 从能量区将一张<凶虫>精灵牌放置到废弃区 var cards_B = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); if (cards_B.length) { effects.push({ source: this, description: '1059-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectAsyn('DISCARD',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }); } // 3. 将1只非共鸣<凶虫>精灵放置到废弃区 var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); }; var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); // 若只选1,2不满足界限 if (!this.canSummon()) { if (!actionAsyn) return null; if (!effects.length) return null; return function () { return actionAsyn().callback(this,function () { return this.player.selectAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(effect.source); }); }); } } if (actionAsyn) { effects.push({ source: this, description: '1059-attached-2', actionAsyn: actionAsyn }); } if (effects.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects,2,2,true).callback(this,function (effects) { return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(effect.source); },this); }); } }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:破坏对方1只等级2以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1060": { "pid": 1060, cid: 1060, "timestamp": 1437201223540, "wxid": "WD11-009", name: "幻蟲 クロハ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 黑凤蝶", name_en: "Kuroha, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウクロハ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-009.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これ以上に美しく、これよりもっと美麗な生き方を。~クロハ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This is beauty, a more gorgeous brilliance than anything else. ~Kuroha~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:如果我方场上有共鸣,此牌力量变为15000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have a Resona on the field, this SIGNI's power is 15000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区让1张等级2以下的黑色精灵牌出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Put 1 level 2 or less black SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && (card.level <= 2) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } } }, "1061": { "pid": 1061, cid: 1061, "timestamp": 1437201230741, "wxid": "WD11-010", name: "幻蟲 S・アント", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 兵蚁", name_en: "Soldier Ant, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウソルジャーアント", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-010.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ズンタッ。ズンタッ。悪い子どこさ?~S・アント~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Zuntaa. Zuntaa. Where is that bad girl? ~S. Ant~" }, "1062": { "pid": 1062, cid: 1062, "timestamp": 1437201238263, "wxid": "WD11-011", name: "幻蟲 キアハ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 金凤蝶", name_en: "Kiaha, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウキアハ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-011.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何よりも知りたかった、空の温かさ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I wanted to know more than anything about the sky's warmth.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュから《幻蟲 キアハ》以外の黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区将1张<幻虫 金凤蝶>以外的黑色精灵牌加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Add 1 black SIGNI other than \"Kiaha, Phantom Insect\" from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid !== 1062) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1063": { "pid": 1063, cid: 1063, "timestamp": 1437201249569, "wxid": "WD11-012", name: "幻蟲 W・アント", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 工蚁", name_en: "Work Ant, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウワークアント", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-012.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "セッセ、セッセ、働くたのしー!~W・アント~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sesse, sesse, working is funnn! ~W. Ant~" }, "1064": { "pid": 1064, cid: 1064, "timestamp": 1437201255276, "wxid": "WD11-013", name: "幻蟲 モンチョウ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 纹黄蝶", name_en: "Monchou, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウモンチョウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-013.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私よ。小さいころに見なかった?~モンチョウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-1000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-1000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-1000); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此卡离开精灵区时,直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1064-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-1000); }); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }] }, "1065": { "pid": 1065, cid: 1065, "timestamp": 1437201263268, "wxid": "WD11-014", name: "幻蟲 C・アント", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 幼蚁", name_en: "Child Ant, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウチャイルドアント", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-014.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わっちょい、わっちょい、これな~に?~C・アント~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Wacchoi, wacchoi, what's thiiis? ~C. Ant~" }, "1066": { "pid": 1066, cid: 1066, "timestamp": 1437201269238, "wxid": "WD11-015", name: "幻蟲 モンシロ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 纹白蝶", name_en: "Monshiro, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウモンシロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-015.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私よ。小さいころに助けなかった?~モンシロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It is me. Didn't you help me as a child? ~Monshiro~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此卡离开精灵区时,直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1066-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-1000); }); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }] }, "1067": { "pid": 1067, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1437201276359, "wxid": "WD11-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "悪い虫がつかないように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please bugs, don't be bad." }, "1068": { "pid": 1068, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1437201284635, "wxid": "WD11-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-016.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "虫食いされないように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please, don't be bug-eaten." }, "1069": { "pid": 1069, cid: 1069, "timestamp": 1437201292271, "wxid": "WD11-018", name: "ゲット・インセクト", name_zh_CN: "捕获・昆虫", name_en: "Get Insect", "kana": "ゲットインセクト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WD11/WD11-018.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "思い出に、どうぞ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。その後、あなたの場にレゾナがある場合、追加であなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌。之后,如果我方场上有共鸣,再从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand. Then, if you have a Resona on the field, add 1 additional black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return null; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return card; }); }); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { if (!inArr(card,this.player.trashZone.cards)) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将1张黑色精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "1073": { "pid": 1073, cid: 1073, "timestamp": 1437201332102, "wxid": "WX08-001", name: "金蘭之契 花代・肆", name_zh_CN: "金兰之契 花代・肆", name_en: "Hanayo-Four, Golden Orchid Pledge", "kana": "キンランノチギリハナヨヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-001.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "That's right, even I had a wish. ~Hanayo~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、あなたは【赤】【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、このルリグをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方持有【CROSS】的1只精灵出场时,可以支付(红)(红),若如此做,直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵获得【暗杀】能力。", "【常】:我方精灵达成HEAVEN时,将此分身竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, you may pay [Red] [Red]. If you did, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Assassin].", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is [Heaven], up this LRIG." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1073-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, costRed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1073-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】【ダウン】:対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(红)(横置):破坏对方1张生命护甲。这个效果只有当场上达成CROSS时才可以使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] [Down]: Crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } }] }, "1074": { "pid": 1074, cid: 1074, "timestamp": 1437201353684, "wxid": "WX08-009", name: "共炎雅 花代・参", name_zh_CN: "共炎雅 花代・叁", name_en: "Hanayo-Three, Combined Flaming Elegance", "kana": "キョウエンガハナヨサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-009.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほら、今クロスする世界があるわ! ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方持有【CROSS】的精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "1075": { "pid": 1075, cid: 1075, "timestamp": 1437201364096, "wxid": "WX08-010", name: "不灯不屈", name_zh_CN: "不灯不屈", name_en: "Tenacity", "kana": "フトウフクツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-010.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ユヅキィィィック!! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス2枚をクラッシュする。その後、この方法でクラッシュしたライフクロス1枚につき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この方法でクラッシュされたカードのライフバーストは発動しない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "击溃我方2张生命护甲。之后,通过这个效果每击溃1张生命护甲,破坏对方1只精灵。此效果击溃的生命护甲不能发动生命爆发。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Crush 2 of your Life Cloth. Then, for each Life Cloth crushed in this way, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. The Life Burst of the cards crushed in this way do not trigger." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = Math.min(2,this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length); if (!count) return; var arg = {tag: 'dontTriggerBurst'}; return this.player.crashAsyn(count,arg).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); } } }, "1076": { "pid": 1076, cid: 1076, "timestamp": 1437201374314, "wxid": "WX08-022", name: "ペイ・チャージング", name_zh_CN: "有偿充能", name_en: "Pay Charging ", "kana": "ペイチャージング", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-022.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゥンまああ~いっのじゃっ! ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's DEEE~LICIOUSSS! ~Umr~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの手札を1枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "舍弃1张手牌。若如此做,将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.hands.length) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); }); } } }, "1077": { "pid": 1077, cid: 1077, "timestamp": 1437201380585, "wxid": "WX08-024", name: "羅石 サンスト", name_zh_CN: "罗石 日长石", name_en: "Sunst, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキサンスト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-024.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "情熱的な太陽のパワーをあなたに! ~サンスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " For you, the power of the passionate sun! ~Sunst~", crossRight: 1080, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【アサシン】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束时为止,此精灵获得【暗杀】能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1077-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'assassin',true); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを合計3枚捨てる:あなたと対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。", ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃3张<矿石>或<宝石>精灵:击溃你和对方1张生命护甲", ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 3 or from your hand: Crush 1 of your Life Cloth and 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth.", ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニのうち、最も小さいパワーを持つシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方力量最低的1只精灵破坏。(复数存在,选择1只破坏)" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Of your opponent's SIGNI, banish 1 of them with the lowest power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var power = Infinity; var cards = []; this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.power < power) { power = signi.power; cards = [signi]; } else if (signi.power === power) { cards.push(signi); } },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "1078": { "pid": 1078, cid: 1078, "timestamp": 1437201388521, "wxid": "WX08-026", name: "絢爛の轢断", name_zh_CN: "绚烂的碾压", name_en: "Gorgeous Fissure", "kana": "ケンランノレキダン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-026.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 5, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "綺麗ね。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Pretty, isn't it. ~Hanayo~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたのライフクロス1枚につき、【赤】コストが1増え、あなたの場にある<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ1体につき、【赤】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュし、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方每有1枚生命护甲,使用此牌的(红)费用加1,我方场上每有1只<矿石>或<宝石>精灵,费用此牌的(红)费用减1。\n" + "将对方1只力量12000以下的精灵破坏,并将对方1枚生命护甲破坏" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell is increased by 1 [Red] for each of your Life Cloth and reduced by 1 [Red] for each of your and SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less, then crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards; obj.costRed += cards.length; this.player.signis.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')) { obj.costRed -= 1; } },this); if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 12000; },this); }, dontCheckTarget: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (!target) return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); if (!inArr(target,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (target.power > 12000) return; return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを1枚捨てる。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从手牌舍弃1只<宝石>或<矿石>精灵牌,若如此做,破坏对方1只精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard 1 or SIGNI from your hand. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); } } }, "1079": { "pid": 1079, cid: 1079, "timestamp": 1437201395384, "wxid": "WX08-035", name: "弩砲 トーピード", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 鱼雷", name_en: "Torpedo, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウトーピード", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-035.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あぁ、胸が爆爆するよ! ~トーピード~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ah, my chest is exploding! ~Torpedo~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたの場にある【クロス】を持つシグニ1体につき、+2000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたは【赤】【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上每有1只持有【CROSS】的精灵,此精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:我方精灵达成【HEAVEN】时,可以选择支付(红)(红)。若如此做,将此精灵竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +2000 power for each of your SIGNI with Cross on the field.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI become [Heaven], you may pay [Red] [Red]. If you do, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.crossIcon; },this); var value = cards.length * 2000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1079-const-1', costRed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.up(1); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }] }, "1080": { "pid": 1080, cid: 1080, "timestamp": 1437201403389, "wxid": "WX08-037", name: "羅石 ムンスト", name_zh_CN: "罗石 月长石", name_en: "Moonst, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキムンスト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-037.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "神秘的な月のパワーをあなたに…。 ~ムンスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " For you, the power of the mysterious moon... ~Moonst~", crossLeft: 1077, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "「対戦相手のパワー3000以下のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。」", "「ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。」" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "「将对方所有力量低于3000的精灵破坏。」", "「直到回合结束时为止,此精灵力量变为15000。」" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "「Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less.」", "「Until end of turn, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000.」" ], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「対戦相手のパワー3000以下のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。」\n" + "「ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。」" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:从下面2个效果中选择1个发动:\n" + "「将对方所有力量低于3000的精灵破坏。」\n" + "「直到回合结束时为止,此精灵力量变为15000。」" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Choose 1 of the following 2.。\n" + "「Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less.」\n" + "「Until end of turn, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000.」" ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1080-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= 3000); },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } },{ source: this, description: '1080-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'power',15000); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }] }, "1081": { "pid": 1081, cid: 1081, "timestamp": 1437201410013, "wxid": "WX08-038", name: "羅石 タイアイ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 虎眼石", name_en: "Tieye, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキタイアイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-038.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドォウラァァァァア!! ~タイアイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Roaaaaaaar!! ~Tieye~", crossLeft: 1082, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1081-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1082": { "pid": 1082, cid: 1082, "timestamp": 1437201417038, "wxid": "WX08-059", name: "羅石 キャッチャイ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 猫眼石", name_en: "Cateye, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキキャッチャイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-059.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "五月蠅いニャア。 ~キャッチャイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Annyoing. ~Cateye~", crossRight: 1081, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1088": { "pid": 1088, cid: 1088, "timestamp": 1437201449035, "wxid": "PR-178", name: "幻蟲 ヘイケ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 平家萤(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_en: "Heike, Phantom Insect(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", "kana": "ゲンチュウヘイケ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-178.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "追ってきて。~ヘイケ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Follow me. ~Heike~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:【チャーム】1枚が場からいずれかのトラッシュに置かれるたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-4000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当1张【魅饰】卡从场上放置到任一方的废弃区时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-4000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time a [Charm] is put into the trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −4000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1088-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.isCharm) return false; if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.newZone === event.card.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-4000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } }] }, "1089": { "pid": 1089, cid: 1089, "timestamp": 1437201456070, "wxid": "PR-177", name: "激奏(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_zh_CN: "激奏(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_en: "Extravaganza(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", "kana": "ゲキソウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-177.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の演奏に聞き惚れなさい!~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Listen and be awed to my music! ~Anne~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを4枚公開する。その中から<美巧>のシグニ1枚を手札に加えるかエナゾーンに置く。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,将你卡组顶的4张卡公开,从中将1张<美巧>SIGNI加入手牌或放置到能量区,剩下的卡按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 1 SIGNI from among them into your hand or Ener Zone. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.player.revealAsyn(4).callback(this,function (cards) { var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); var texts = ['ADD_TO_HAND','PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE']; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',texts).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); } else { card.moveTo(card.player.enerZone); } }); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); }); } } }, "1090": { "pid": 1090, cid: 1090, "timestamp": 1437201465570, "wxid": "PR-176", name: "MAGIC HAND(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_zh_CN: "魔术手(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_en: "MAGIC HAND(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", "kana": "マジックハンド", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-176.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "取ってくるーん!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll bring it-run! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《MAGIC HAND》以外のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张《魔术手》以外的魔法卡,公开并加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for a spell other than \"MAGIC HAND\", reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 1090) && (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1091": { "pid": 1091, cid: 1091, "timestamp": 1437201472737, "wxid": "PR-175", name: "轟炎 フレイスロ大尉(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_zh_CN: "轰炎 弗雷斯科大尉(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_en: "Captain Flathro, Roaring Flame(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", "kana": "ゴウエンフレイスロタイイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-175.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大佐、少佐、この隙にお願いします! ~フレイスロ大尉~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Colonel, Major, give me this opportunity! ~Captain Flathro~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:0から5までの数字1つを宣言する。あなたのデッキの上からカードを宣言した数字に等しい枚数トラッシュに置く。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置かれたカードがすべて<ウェポン>のシグニである場合、宣言した数字に等しいレベルを持つシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:宣言1个0到5之间的数字。从你的卡组顶将所宣言的数量的卡放置到废弃区。这之后,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡全部为<武器>SIGNI的场合,将与所宣言的数字等级相同的1只SIGNI驱逐。。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Declare a number from 0 to 5. Put cards from the top of your deck into the trash equal to the declared number. Then, if all of the cards that were put into the trash this way are SIGNI, banish 1 SIGNI whose level is equal to the declared number." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(0,5).callback(this,function (num) { if (!num) return; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(num); this.game.trashCards(cards); var flag = cards.every(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); if (!flag) return; cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === num); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); } }] }, "1092": { "pid": 1092, cid: 1092, "timestamp": 1437201479349, "wxid": "PR-174", name: "スター・フェスティバル(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_zh_CN: "七夕(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", name_en: "Star Festival(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol6)", "kana": "スターフェスティバル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-174.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それは、刹那のできごとでした。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It happened in that moment.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「レゾナではないあなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」\n" + "「あなたのレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。」", "レゾナではないあなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "「将你的1只非共鸣单位的SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张<宇宙>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。」\n" + "「将你的1只共鸣SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。」", "将你的1只非共鸣单位的SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张<宇宙>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。", "将你的1只共鸣SIGNI驱逐,这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。", ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "「Banish 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.」\n" + "「Banish 1 of your Resonas. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand.」", "Banish 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your Resonas. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand.", ], spellEffect: [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.resona; }); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } },{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona; }); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }); } }] }, "1093": { "pid": 1093, cid: 400, "timestamp": 1437201486256, "wxid": "PR-185", name: "アンシエント・サプライズ(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年7-8月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "远古惊叹(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年7-8月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Ancient Surprise(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年7-8月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "アンシエントサプライズ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-185.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "称えよう、古の言の葉によって! ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "By the ancient words, come to me! ~Umr~" }, "1094": { "pid": 1094, cid: 1088, "timestamp": 1437201492988, "wxid": "PR-183", name: "幻蟲 ヘイケ(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 平家萤(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_en: "Heike, Phantom Insect(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", "kana": "ゲンチュウヘイケ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-183.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こっちのお水は甘いね。~ヘイケ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The water here sure is sweet. ~Heike~" }, "1095": { "pid": 1095, cid: 1089, "timestamp": 1437201499973, "wxid": "PR-182", name: "激奏(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_zh_CN: "激奏(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_en: "Extravaganza(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", "kana": "ゲキソウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-182.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の激奏に酔いしれなさい!~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Drown away in my extravaganza! ~Anne~" }, "1096": { "pid": 1096, cid: 1090, "timestamp": 1437201509409, "wxid": "PR-181", name: "MAGIC HAND(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_zh_CN: "魔术手(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_en: "MAGIC HAND(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", "kana": "マジックハンド", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-181.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "GETだるーん!~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I got it-run! ~Mirurun~" }, "1097": { "pid": 1097, cid: 1091, "timestamp": 1437201515338, "wxid": "PR-180", name: "轟炎 フレイスロ大尉(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_zh_CN: "轰炎 弗雷斯科大尉(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_en: "Captain Flathro, Roaring Flame(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", "kana": "ゴウエンフレイスロタイイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-180.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大佐、少佐、ここは私が引き受けました! ~フレイスロ大尉~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Colonel, Major, leave this place to me! ~Captain Flathro~" }, "1098": { "pid": 1098, cid: 1092, "timestamp": 1437201522190, "wxid": "PR-179", name: "スター・フェスティバル(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_zh_CN: "七夕(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", name_en: "Star Festival(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol6)", "kana": "スターフェスティバル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-179.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この刹那が永遠だったらいいのに。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It would have been nice if this moment lasted forever." }, "1099": { "pid": 1099, cid: 1099, "timestamp": 1437201527338, "wxid": "WX08-006", name: "黒幻蟲 アラクネ・パイダ", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 阿刺克涅・蜘蛛", name_en: "Arachne Pider, Black Phantom Insect", "kana": "コクゲンチュウアラクネパイダ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-006.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ネットリトアソンデアゲルワヨ? ~アラクネ・パイダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】将2只非【RESONA】的<凶虫>精灵从我方场上放置到废弃区。" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、対戦相手は自分のデッキの一番上のカードをそのシグニの【チャーム】にする。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手は【チャーム】が付いているシグニの【起動能力】の能力を使用できない。", "【常時能力】:各ターンのアタックフェイズ開始時、対戦相手は【チャーム】が付いている自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方的1只精灵出场时,对方将牌组顶1张牌作为那只精灵的【魅饰】。", "【常】:对方有【魅饰】的精灵不能发动【起】效果。", "【常】:每个回合的攻击阶段开始时,对方将自己一只有【魅饰】的精灵破坏。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your opponent's SIGNI enters the field, your opponent puts the top card of their deck as [Charm] under that SIGNI.", "[Constant]: Your opponent cannot use the [Action] abilities of SIGNI marked with a [Charm].", "[Constant]: At the start of the attack phase of each turn, your opponent banishes 1 of their SIGNI marked with a [Charm]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1099-const-0', actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!inArr(event.card,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.charmTo(event.card); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'charmedActionEffectBanned',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1099-const-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }] }, "1100": { "pid": 1100, cid: 1100, "timestamp": 1437201532034, "wxid": "WX08-007", name: "リバース・モード", name_zh_CN: "返航", name_en: "Reverse Mode", "kana": "リバースモード", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-007.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるでシャボン玉が風に運ばれるがごとく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's as if the bubbles were carried away by the wind.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場からレベル3以下のシグニを3体まで手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方场上等级3以下的最多3只精灵返回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Return up to 3 of your level 3 or less SIGNI from the field to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "1101": { "pid": 1101, cid: 1101, "timestamp": 1437201606000, "wxid": "WX08-019", name: "ミュウ=イサリス", name_zh_CN: "缪=蝶蛹", name_en: "Myuu=Ysalis", "kana": "ミュウイサリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-019.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を、どうしたいの……~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのレゾナのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有【RESONA】精灵力量+2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your Resonas get +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.resona) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } }] }, "1102": { "pid": 1102, cid: 1102, "timestamp": 1437201610207, "wxid": "WX08-021", name: "黒幻蟲 サソリス", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 蝎", name_en: "Sasoris, Black Phantom Insect", "kana": "コクゲンチュウサソリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-021.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お注射の時間ですよ、ってね。ククク。 ~サソリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's injection time--- just kidding. ~Sasoris~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】<凶蟲>のシグニ2枚をあなたの手札から捨てる" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从手牌舍弃2张<凶虫>的精灵牌。" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Discard 2 SIGNI from your hand" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:対戦相手のシグニゾーン1つを指定する。このターンと次のターンの間、指定されたシグニゾーンにあるシグニのパワーを-7000する。(このシグニが場を離れてもこの効果は継続する)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出現時能力】:指定对方的1个精灵区域。这个回合与下个回合,在被指定区域的精灵的力量-7000。(这个精灵离场时,效果依然持续)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Choose 1 of your opponent's SIGNI Zones. During this turn and the next turn, the SIGNI in that SIGNI Zone gets -7000 power. (This effect continues even if this SIGNI leaves the field.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.opponent.signiZones; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, continuous: true, // 注: 发动后失去能力亦起作用. destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { set(zone,'powerDown',true); var card = zone.getActualCards()[0]; if (!card) return; add(card,'power',-7000); } }); this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, continuous: true, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { set(zone,'powerDown',true); var card = zone.getActualCards()[0]; if (!card) return; add(card,'power',-7000); } }); }); } }] }, "1103": { "pid": 1103, cid: 1103, "timestamp": 1437201614151, "wxid": "WX08-031", name: "大幻蟲 ヘラカブト", name_zh_CN: "大幻虫 长戟大兜虫", name_en: "Herakabuto, Great Phantom Insect", "kana": "ダイゲンチュウヘラカブト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-031.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アタシより強い奴、出てこーい! ~ヘラカブト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " A servant stronger than I, come out! ~Herakabuto~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを、対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】1枚につき、-2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方场上每有1枚【魅饰】,对方所有精灵力量减2000。", "【常】:我方1只【RESONA】精灵出场时,直到回合结束时为止,对方所有有【魅饰】的精灵力量减5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power for each [Charm] your opponent has on the field.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your Resonas enters the field, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] get -5000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); var value = cards.length * -2000; if (!value) return; this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',value); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1103-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.charm) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',-5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がある場合、追加であなたのトラッシュからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方废弃区将1张<凶虫>精灵牌加入手牌。对方场上有【魅饰】的场合,追加从废弃区将1张牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand. If your opponent has a [Charm] on the field, additionally, add 1 card from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } } }, "1104": { "pid": 1104, cid: 1104, "timestamp": 1437201618119, "wxid": "WX08-032", name: "ワーム・ホール", name_zh_CN: "蠕虫之穴", name_en: "Worm Hole", "kana": "ワームホール", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-032.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 9, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……行って…… ~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "... go... ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<凶蟲>のシグニ1体か対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】1枚につき(黒)減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。このターンと次のターンの間、対戦相手はそのシグニがあったシグニゾーンにシグニを新たに配置することができない。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "我方场上每有1只<凶虫>精灵或对方场上每有一只精灵有【魅饰】,使用此魔法的(黑)费用减1。\n" + "破坏对方1只精灵。且这个回合和下一回合中,对方被破坏精灵破坏前所处的精灵区域不能配置新的精灵" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell, for each of your SIGNI on the field and each [Charm] your opponent has on the field, is reduced by 1 [Black].\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. During this turn and the next turn, your opponent cannot put SIGNI into that SIGNI's SIGNI Zone." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('凶蟲')) { obj.costBlack -= 1; } },this); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.charm) { obj.costBlack -= 1; } },this); if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { var zone = target.zone; return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,zone,'disabled',true); this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, fixed: true, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { set(zone,'disabled',true); } }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。それに【チャーム】が付いている場合、代わりに-15000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量减8000,如果该精灵有【魅饰】,则减15000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -8000 power. If there is a [Charm], it gets -15000 power instead." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var value = card.charm? -15000 : -8000; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } } }, "1105": { "pid": 1105, cid: 1105, "timestamp": 1437201622165, "wxid": "WX08-045", name: "幻蟲 ノコクワ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 锯锹形虫", name_en: "Nokokuwa, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウノコクワ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-045.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あのカブトには痛い目あわされてるからね! ~ノコクワ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "All the pain is in my helmet! ~Nokokuwa~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【ダウン】:【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(黑)(横置):破坏对方1只有【魅饰】的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] [Down]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm]." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1106": { "pid": 1106, cid: 1106, "timestamp": 1437201626410, "wxid": "WX08-046", name: "幻蟲 タマムシ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 吉丁虫", name_en: "Tamamushi, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウタマムシ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-046.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コガネより私の方がキレイでしょ? ~タマムシ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Aren't I prettier than Kogane? ~Tamamushi~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードを対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以将对方牌组顶1张牌作为对方1只精灵的【魅饰】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may put the top card of your opponent's deck as a [Charm] under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体につき、自分のデッキの上からカード1枚を、それらの【チャーム】にする。」\n" + "「ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。」", "「対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体につき、自分のデッキの上からカード1枚を、それらの【チャーム】にする。」", "「ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。」" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从下面效果中选择1项发动。\n" + "「对方场上每有1只精灵,对方就将牌组顶上1张牌作为精灵的【魅饰】。」\n" + "「直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。」", "「对方场上每有1只精灵,对方就将牌组顶上1张牌作为精灵的【魅饰】。」", "「直到回合结束时为止,对方1只精灵力量-5000。」" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose one.\n" + "「For each of your opponent's SIGNI, put the top card of your opponent's deck under it as [Charm].」\n" + "「Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power.」", "「For each of your opponent's SIGNI, put the top card of your opponent's deck under it as [Charm].」", "「Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power.」" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1106-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1106-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1107": { "pid": 1107, cid: 1107, "timestamp": 1437201632200, "wxid": "WX08-047", name: "幻蟲 コガネ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 金龟子", name_en: "Kogane, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウコガネ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-047.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマムシよりボクの方がキレイだよね! ~コガネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " I'm prettier than Tamamushi, right! ~Kogane~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】(横置):直到回合结束时为止,将对方1只有【魅饰】的精灵力量-8000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with [Charm] gets -8000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); }); } }] }, "1108": { "pid": 1108, cid: 1108, "timestamp": 1437201636878, "wxid": "WX08-078", name: "幻蟲 ミンミン", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 鸣鸣蝉", name_en: "Minmin, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウミンミン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-078.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "長く長く、私はこの日を待ちわびた。 ~ミンミン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Long, so long, I've grown tired of waiting for this day. ~Minmin~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、対戦相手のトラッシュのカード1枚を対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此精灵离场时,可以将对方废弃区的1枚牌作为对方精灵的【魅饰】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, you may put a card from your opponent's trash as a [Charm] under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1108-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!cards.length || !signis.length) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.charmTo(signi); }); }); }); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }] }, "1109": { "pid": 1109, cid: 1109, "timestamp": 1437201640732, "wxid": "WX08-079", name: "幻蟲 ショウリョウ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 中华剑角蝗", name_en: "Shouryou, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウショウリョウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-079.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッタバッタと切り刻むわよ。 ~ショウリョウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<凶蟲>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<凶虫>精灵时,此精灵力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1110": { "pid": 1110, cid: 1110, "timestamp": 1437201644883, "wxid": "WX08-080", name: "幻蟲 ツクツク", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 寒蝉", name_en: "Tsukutsuku, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウツクツク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-080.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "眠りの間に私は、未来を見てたの。 ~ツクツク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "While I was sleeping, I saw the future. ~Tsukutsuku~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、対戦相手のトラッシュのカード1枚を対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此精灵离场时,可以将对方废弃区的1枚牌作为对方精灵的【魅饰】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, you may put a card from your opponent's trash as a [Charm] under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1110-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!cards.length || !signis.length) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.charmTo(signi); }); }); }); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }] }, "1111": { "pid": 1111, cid: 1111, "timestamp": 1437201651095, "wxid": "PR-195", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・ミッドナイト(「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第2巻 付録)", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆·子夜(「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第2巻 付録)", name_en: "Remember Midnight, Star-Reading Miko(「selector infected WIXOSS-peeping analyze-」第2巻 付録)", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバミッドナイト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-195.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私がこのままで終わると思ったんですか。清衣ちゃん…? ~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Did you think this was the end, Kiyoi-chan...? ~Remember~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。", "【常】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的一只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI出场时,将对战对手的一只SIGNI冻结。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。", "【常】:你的SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. This ability can only be triggered once per turn.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI become [Heaven], draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1111-const-0', once: true, optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, condition: function (event) { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1111-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手は自分の凍結状態のシグニ1体につき、手札を1枚捨てる。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:对战对手每有1只冻结状态的SIGNI,就舍弃1张手牌。这个能力只能在你的场上有CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand for each of their frozen SIGNI. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); var count = cards.length; if (!count) return; return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(count); } }] }, "1112": { "pid": 1112, cid: 1112, "timestamp": 1437201662328, "wxid": "PR-186", name: "導きし者 タウィル=フィーラ(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", name_zh_CN: "指引者 塔维尔=FYRA(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", name_en: "Tawil=Fyra, the Guide(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", "kana": "ミチビキシモノタウィルフィーラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-186.jpg", "illust": "うさくん", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すこしわたしのなかになにかが。~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Something inside me seems to have changed a little. ~Tawil~" }, "1113": { "pid": 1113, cid: 1113, "timestamp": 1437201674512, "wxid": "PR-187", name: "虚心の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", name_zh_CN: "虚心之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", name_en: "Umr=Fyra, Wielder of the Key of Impartiality(コロコロアニキ第3号付録)", "kana": "キョシンノカギヌシウムルフィーラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-187.jpg", "illust": "うさくん", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "鍵よ、ワシは純白とは縁遠いかの。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "O key, is pure whiteness beyond my means? ~Umr~" }, "1114": { "pid": 1114, cid: 1114, "timestamp": 1437201678439, "wxid": "WX08-012", name: "コード ピルルク・Θ", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可・Θ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Theta", "kana": "コードピルルクシータ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-012.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……涼しい。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " ... cool. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方持有【CROSS】的精灵力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI with Cross get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.crossIcon) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }] }, "1115": { "pid": 1115, cid: 1115, "timestamp": 1437201684992, "wxid": "WX08-013", name: "ロブ・ムーブ", name_zh_CN: "抢先行动", name_en: "Rob Move", "kana": "ロブムーブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-013.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えーん、最新式なのに、こんなアナログなやり方なの?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Huh? Even though there are new ways, you're still going to use analog?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手のすべてのシグニをダウンし、凍結する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只能当我方场上达成【CROSS】状态时才可以使用。\n" + "将对方所有精灵横置并冻结。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Down and freeze all of your opponent's SIGNI." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { signi.down(); signi.freeze(); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "1116": { "pid": 1116, cid: 1116, "timestamp": 1437201689630, "wxid": "WX08-027", name: "コードアート H・I", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 H・I", name_en: "Code Art HI", "kana": "コードアートヘアアイロン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-027.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふんわり巻き髪で女子力アップ! ~H・I~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With fluffy hair, girl power up! ~HI~", crossRight: 1119, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵的力量变为15000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成【HEAVEN】时,将对方1只冻结状态的精灵破坏。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 15000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI is [Heaven], banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1116-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌舍弃1张<电机>精灵:将对方1只精灵冻结。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のすべてのシグニをダウンする。その後、対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方所有精灵横置。这之后,将对方1只精灵冻结。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down all of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; this.game.downCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } } }, "1117": { "pid": 1117, cid: 1117, "timestamp": 1437201694854, "wxid": "WX08-028", name: "RECKLESS", name_zh_CN: "RECKLESS", name_en: "RECKLESS ", "kana": "レックレス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-028.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 7, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "『トクシタナー』~トレットロボ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "\"We sure made profit\" ~Tlet Robo~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<電機>のシグニ1体か対戦相手の場にある凍結状態のシグニ1体につき、【青】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、カードを3枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用此魔法时,我方场上每有1只<电机>精灵或对方场上每有1只冻结状态的精灵,费用减蓝(1)。\n" + "将对方1只冻结状态的精灵破坏。这之后,抽3张牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell is reduced by 1 Blue for each of your SIGNI and for each of your opponent's frozen SIGNI.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI. Then, you draw 3 cards." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('電機')) { obj.costBlue -= 1; } },this); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.frozen) { obj.costBlue -= 1; } },this); if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); }, dontCheckTarget: true, actionAsyn: function (card) { if (!card) { this.player.draw(3); return; } if (!inArr(card,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(3); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。あなたの場に<電機>のシグニがある場合、代わりにバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只精灵横置并冻结。当我方场上有<电机>精灵时,改为将对方1只精灵破坏。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If you have an SIGNI on the field, banish it instead." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); if (flag) { return card.banishAsyn(); } card.freeze(); }); } } }, "1118": { "pid": 1118, cid: 1118, "timestamp": 1437201699817, "wxid": "WX08-039", name: "コードアート M・M", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 M・M", name_en: "Code Art MM ", "kana": "コードアートマッスルマシーン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-039.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キレイなクビレで女子力アップ! ~M・M~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With a beautiful waist, girl power up! ~MM~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の凍結状態ではないシグニ1体が凍結したとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:将对方1只非冻结状态的精灵冻结时,对方选择1张手牌舍弃。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's non-frozen SIGNI is frozen, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. This ability can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1118-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (event.frozen) return; return !this.game.getData(this,'triggered'); }, condition: function () { return !this.game.getData(this,'triggered'); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this,'triggered',true); return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniFreezed',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】【ダウン】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【蓝(1)】【横置】:将对方1只精灵破坏。此效果只能当对方手牌为0时才可以使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue] [Down]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. This ability can only be used if your opponent has 0 cards in their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return !this.player.opponent.hands.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1119": { "pid": 1119, cid: 1119, "timestamp": 1437201703472, "wxid": "WX08-040", name: "コードアート D・Y", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D・Y", name_en: "Code Art DY", "kana": "コードアートドライヤー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-040.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サラサラヘアーで女子力アップ! ~D・Y~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1116, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:对方丢弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "1120": { "pid": 1120, cid: 1120, "timestamp": 1437201707077, "wxid": "WX08-041", name: "コードアート F・M", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 F・M", name_en: "Code Art FM ", "kana": "コードアートフェイシャルマッサージャー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-041.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ツヤツヤ美顔で女子力アップ! ~F・M~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With a bright beautiful face, girl power up! ~FM~", crossLeft: 1121, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1120-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1121": { "pid": 1121, cid: 1121, "timestamp": 1437201711201, "wxid": "WX08-065", name: "コードアート D・P", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D・P", name_en: "Code Art DP", "kana": "コードアートディペレイター", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-065.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ツルツル脱毛で女子力アップ! ~D・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With a smooth hair removal, girl power up! ~DP~", crossRight: 1120, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1122": { "pid": 1122, cid: 1122, "timestamp": 1437201715480, "wxid": "WX08-067", name: "PEEPING DECIDE", name_zh_CN: "窥视裁决", name_en: "PEEPING DECIDE", "kana": "ピーピングディサイド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-067.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミルルン探偵団しゅっつどうル~ン! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Mirurun Detective Team, deploy-lun! ~Mirurun~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "数字1つを宣言する。その後、対戦相手の手札を見て、宣言した数字と同じレベルのシグニ1枚を選び、捨てさせる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "宣言1个数字。这之后,查看对方手牌,选择1只与宣言数字相同等级的精灵舍弃。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Declare 1 number. Then, look at your opponent's hand, choose 1 SIGNI with the same level as the declared number, and discard it." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { var hands = this.player.opponent.hands; if (!hands.length) return; var cards = hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === num); },this); if (!cards.length) { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(hands); } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,1,1,false,hands).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.opponent.discardCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "1123": { "pid": 1123, cid: 1123, "timestamp": 1437201723105, "wxid": "WX08-002", name: "コード ピルルク・Z", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可・Z", name_en: "Code Piruluk Zeta", "kana": "コードピルルクゼータ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-002.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……つながるって、こういうことね。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Connecting together is like this, huh. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの【クロス】を持つシグニ1体が場に出るたび、あなたは【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、カードを1枚引く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方持有【CROSS】的1只精灵出场时,我方可以选择支付蓝(1),若如此做,抽1张牌。", "【常】:我方精灵达成HEAVEN时,将对方1只分身横置并冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI with Cross enters the field, you may pay [Blue]. If you do, draw 1 card.", "[Constant]: When your SIGNI become [Heaven], down and freeze 1 of your opponent's LRIGs." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1123-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.crossIcon; }, costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1123-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = [this.player.opponent.lrig]; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手は手札を2枚捨てる。この能力はあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:对方丢弃2张手牌。这个效果只有当场上达成CROSS时才可以使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Your opponent discards 2 cards from their hand. This ability can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(2); } }] }, "1124": { "pid": 1124, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1437201729720, "wxid": "WX08-082", name: "サーバント Q2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2", name_en: "Servant Q2", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-082.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "願いに答えは無く、純粋な争いに解決は見いだせない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With no answers to the wishes, a resolution to the true conflict cannot be found." }, "1125": { "pid": 1125, cid: 234, "timestamp": 1437201736577, "wxid": "WX08-083", name: "サーバント T2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T2", name_en: "Servant T2", "kana": "サーバントティーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-083.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "平和への祈りは、白きエナを生み出す。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The prayer for peace brought forth white Ener." }, "1126": { "pid": 1126, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1437201740087, "wxid": "WX08-084", name: "サーバント D2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2", name_en: "Servant D2", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-084.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "成長の欲求を願う少女は緑のエナが。破壊の衝動は黒きエナを。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1127": { "pid": 1127, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1437201743212, "wxid": "WX08-085", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツ―", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-085.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "立身出世を願う少女には赤きエナが。英知の向上を願う少女には青いエナが。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1128": { "pid": 1128, cid: 1128, "timestamp": 1437201746398, "wxid": "WX08-008", name: "白羅星 マーズ", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 火星", name_en: "Mars, White Natural Star ", "kana": "ハクラセイマーズ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-008.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "マーズ・リズミック! ~マーズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mars Rhythmic! ~Mars~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<宇宙>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将2只非RESONA的<宇宙>精灵从场上放置到废弃区。" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方牌组找1只精灵出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1129": { "pid": 1129, cid: 1129, "timestamp": 1437201749792, "wxid": "WX08-011", name: "火翼連理", name_zh_CN: "火翼连理", name_en: "Fiery Harmony", "kana": "ヒヨクレンリ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-011.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "宝石ほど固く、つながりましょう。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合にしか使用できない\n" + "対戦相手のクロス状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只有当我方达成【CROSS】状态才可以使用。\n" + "将对方达成【CROSS】状态的一只精灵破坏。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have crossed SIGNI on the field.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's crossed SIGNI." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "1130": { "pid": 1130, cid: 1130, "timestamp": 1437201753991, "wxid": "WX08-014", name: "ドント・グロウ", name_zh_CN: "无法成长", name_en: "Don't Grow", "kana": "ドントグロウ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-014.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "小さい子はここで遊んでてくださいねー!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードは対戦相手のルリグがレベル4以上の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "次のターンの間、対戦相手はグロウできない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只能当对方分身等级为4级以上时才可以使用\n" + "下回合中,对方分身无法成长。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if your opponent's LRIG is level 4 or more.\n" + "During the next turn, your opponent can't grow." ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.opponent.lrig.level >= 4; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'canNotGrow',true); } }); } } }, "1131": { "pid": 1131, cid: 1131, "timestamp": 1437201757137, "wxid": "WX08-015", name: "ハンマー・チャンス", name_zh_CN: "锤子・机遇", name_en: "Hammer Chance", "kana": "ハンマーチャンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-015.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カーン!こっから第2ラウンドっすねー。~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたのライフクロスが0枚の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚ライフクロスに加える。このゲームの間、あなたは《ハンマー・チャンス》を使用できない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌只能当我方生命护甲为0时才可以使用。\n" + "将我方牌组顶2张牌加入生命护甲。此牌每局游戏期间,只能使用一次。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if you have 0 Life Cloth.\n" + "Add the top 2 cards of your deck to Life Cloth. During this game, you can't use \"Hammer Chance\"." ], useCondition: function () { if (this.player._HammerChance) return false; return !this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player._HammerChance = true; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lifeClothZone); } } }, "1132": { "pid": 1132, cid: 1132, "timestamp": 1437201761045, "wxid": "WX08-017", name: "日進月歩", name_zh_CN: "日进月步", name_en: "Rapid Advance ", "kana": "ワールドパワー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-017.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "回る舞わるマワル。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。その後、ターン終了時まで、あなたのパワー30000以上のすべてのシグニは「このシグニは対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+5000。这之后,直到回合结束时为止,我方力量30000以上的所有精灵获得【直到回合结束时为止,此精灵不受对方技艺影响】效果。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power. Then, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI with 30000 power or more gain \"This SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's ARTS.\"" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); this.game.frameStart(); var filter = function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.power < 30000) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'effectFilters',filter); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "1133": { "pid": 1133, cid: 1133, "timestamp": 1437201765037, "wxid": "WX08-020", name: "グレイブ・カース", name_zh_CN: "墓地诅咒", name_en: "Grave Curse", "kana": "グレイブカース", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-020.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "削れる精神、崩れる石版", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は自分のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。あなたのルリグが黒の場合、代わりにカードを10枚トラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对方将牌组顶5张牌放置到废弃区。我方分身为黑色的场合,效果改为对方将牌组顶10张牌放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Your opponent puts the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash. If your LRIG is black, your opponent puts the top 10 cards into the trash instead." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')); var count = flag? 10 : 5; var cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(count); this.game.trashCards(cards); } } }, "1134": { "pid": 1134, cid: 1134, "timestamp": 1437201771376, "wxid": "WX08-023", name: "羅星姫 フォウト", name_zh_CN: "罗星姬 北落师门", name_en: "Fout, Natural Star Princess ", "kana": "ラセイキフォウト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-023.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝かしい宇宙遊泳へようこそ。 ~フォウト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたの手札から<宇宙>のシグニを2枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをエナゾーンから場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此精灵被破坏时,我方可以选择从手牌丢弃2张<宇宙>精灵。若如此做,此精灵从能量区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may discard 2 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, put this SIGNI from the Ener Zone onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1134-const-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.zone !== this.player.enerZone) return; if (!this.canSummon()) return; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length < 2) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:対戦相手のトラッシュにあるカード1枚をゲームから除外する。", ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白(1)】:将对方废弃区的1张牌除外。", ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] White: Exclude 1 card in your opponent's trash from the game.", ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.exclude(); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【ダウン】:あなたのルリグトラッシュからレゾナ1枚をルリグデッキに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【白(1)】【横置】:将我方分身废弃区的1张RESONA精灵加入分身牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [Down]: Add 1 Resona from your LRIG Trash to your LRIG Deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.resona; },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.lrigDeck); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:我方牌组探寻1张<宇宙>精灵,公开后加入手牌或出场。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and put it onto the field or in your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1135": { "pid": 1135, cid: 1135, "timestamp": 1437201779337, "wxid": "WX08-025", name: "罠砲 タイマーボム", name_zh_CN: "陷阱炮 定时炸弹", name_en: "Timerbomb, Trap Gun", "kana": "ビンホウタイマーボム", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-025.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "来ましたわっ!あと、10秒! ~タイマーボム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's here! Just 10 more seconds! ~Timerbomb~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはあなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがないかぎり、新たに場に出すことができない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのクロス状態のシグニ1体が場を離れたとき、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。", "【常時能力】:あなたの赤のシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手にダメージを与える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方达成【CROSS】状态时,此牌才可以出场。", "【常】:我方达成【CROSS】状态的1只精灵离场时,将此牌从场上放置到废弃区。", "【常】:我方红色的精灵达成Heaven时,给予对方一次伤害。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have no crossed SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI can't be put onto the field.", "[Constant]: When 1 of your crossed SIGNI leaves the field, put this SIGNI into the trash.", "[Constant]: When your red SIGNI become [Heaven], damage your opponent." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var condition = function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); }; add(this,'summonConditions',condition); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1135-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isCrossed; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.trash(); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniLeaveField',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1135-const-2', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.hasColor('red')); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.damageAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、デッキの一番上を公開し、それが【クロス】を持つシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。这之后,展示我方卡组顶的一张牌,如果那张牌是持有CROSS的精灵牌,把它加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card. Then, reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI with Cross, add it to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.crossIcon; },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } } }, "1136": { "pid": 1136, cid: 1136, "timestamp": 1437201786489, "wxid": "WX08-033", name: "羅星 カペラ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 恒星", name_en: "Capella, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイカペラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-033.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すぐに宇宙馬車を手配しまっす! ~カペラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有RESONA精灵时,此精灵力量变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have a Resona on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }] }, "1137": { "pid": 1137, cid: 1137, "timestamp": 1437201798837, "wxid": "WX08-034", name: "羅星 ディアデム", name_zh_CN: "罗星 东上将", name_en: "Diadem, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイディアデム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-034.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あらあら、私の可愛いワンちゃん\nニャンちゃんどうしたの? ~ディアデム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの場に《羅星 アルシャ》と《羅星 コロカロ》がある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌进行攻击时,我方场上<罗星 轩辕四>和<罗星 常陈一>同时在场时,将对方场上1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if you have an《Alscha, Natural Star》and a《Cor Caro, Natural Star》on the field, put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1137-const-0', condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 1141; // 《羅星 アルシャ》 },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.cid === 1139; // 《羅星 コロカロ》 },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1138": { "pid": 1138, cid: 1138, "timestamp": 1437201812752, "wxid": "WX08-048", name: "羅星 グライド", name_zh_CN: "罗星 鹤二", name_en: "Gruid, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイグライド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-048.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "昔は宇宙遊泳、一緒に行ってたものね…。 ~グライド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<宇宙>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有其他<宇宙>精灵在场时,此精灵力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "1139": { "pid": 1139, cid: 1139, "timestamp": 1437201817871, "wxid": "WX08-049", name: "羅星 コロカロ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 常陈一", name_en: "Cor Caro, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイコロカロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-049.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "またちょっかい出してくる…クゥン。 ~コロカロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《羅星 アルシャ》または《羅星 ディアデム》があるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有<罗星 东上将>或<罗星 轩辕四>时,此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have an《Alscha, Natural Star》or a《Diadem, Natural Star》on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.cid === 1141) || (signi.cid === 1137); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキから《羅星 ディアデム》を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白(1)】:从我方牌组探寻1张<罗星 东上将>公开后加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1《Diadem, Natural Star》, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1137; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1140": { "pid": 1140, cid: 1140, "timestamp": 1437201827041, "wxid": "WX08-050", name: "羅星 サダルメ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 危宿一", name_en: "Sadalme, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイサダルメ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-050.jpg", "illust": "みさ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふふん、実は帽子が本体よ! ~サダルメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<宇宙>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有其他<宇宙>精灵在场时,此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1141": { "pid": 1141, cid: 1141, "timestamp": 1437201832361, "wxid": "WX08-051", name: "羅星 アルシャ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 轩辕四", name_en: "Alscha, Natural Star ", "kana": "ラセイアルシャ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-051.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コロカロ、また遊ぼうニャン。~アルシャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に《羅星 コロカロ》または《羅星 ディアデム》があるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有<罗星 东上将>或<罗星 常陈一>时,此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long you have a《Cor Caro, Natural Star》or a《Diadem, Natural Star》on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.cid === 1139) || (signi.cid === 1137); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキから《羅星 コロカロ》を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白(1)】:从我方牌组探寻1张<罗星 常陈一>公开后加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1《Cor Caro, Natural Star》, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. " ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1139; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1142": { "pid": 1142, cid: 1142, "timestamp": 1437201836216, "wxid": "WX08-052", name: "羅星 スロキン", name_zh_CN: "罗星 瓠瓜一", name_en: "Sulocin, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイスロキン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-052.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "青色を見ると、海を思い出すんだ…。 ~スロキン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<宇宙>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有其他<宇宙>精灵在场时,此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have another SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1143": { "pid": 1143, cid: 1143, "timestamp": 1437201843049, "wxid": "WX08-053", name: "ホワイト・アウト", name_zh_CN: "白色放逐", name_en: "White Out", "kana": "ホワイトアウト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-053.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "消えてくれないかな。 ~ハイティ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのアップ状態のレゾナ1体をダウンする。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将我方1只竖置的RESONA精灵横置。若如此做,将对方1只精灵放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Down 1 of your upped Resonas. If you do, put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.resona; },this); var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (inArr(targetA,this.player.signis) && targetA.isUp) { if (!targetA.down()) return; if (inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) { return targetB.trashAsyn(); } } } } }, "1144": { "pid": 1144, cid: 1144, "timestamp": 1437201849122, "wxid": "WX08-054", name: "羅石 クリソコ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 凤凰石", name_en: "Chrysoco, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキクリソコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-054.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "母なる大地のパワーをあなたに。 ~クリソコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<宝石>或<矿石>精灵时,此精灵力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1145": { "pid": 1145, cid: 1145, "timestamp": 1437201856218, "wxid": "WX08-055", name: "轟砲 プラスボム", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 脉冲炸弹", name_en: "Plasbomb, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウプラスボム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-055.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "赤にする?青にする?それとも両方? ~プラスボム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から【クロス】を持つシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【从手牌舍弃1张持有【CROSS】的精灵】:将对方1只力量8000以下的精灵破坏。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI with Cross from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.crossIcon; },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.crossIcon; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 8000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], }, "1146": { "pid": 1146, cid: 1146, "timestamp": 1437201864314, "wxid": "WX08-056", name: "羅石 クリソベ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 金绿宝石", name_en: "Chrysobe, Natural Stone ", "kana": "ラセキクリソベ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-056.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "在るがままのパワーをあなたに。 ~クリソベ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<宝石>或<矿石>精灵时,此精灵力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1147": { "pid": 1147, cid: 1147, "timestamp": 1437201869871, "wxid": "WX08-057", name: "爆砲 マイン", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 地雷", name_en: "Mine, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウマイン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-057.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "BOMB・爆・ボンボンッ! ~マイン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から【クロス】を持つシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】【从手牌舍弃1张持有【CROSS】的精灵】:破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Discard 1 SIGNI with Cross from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.crossIcon; },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.crossIcon; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); // @banishSigniAsyn // var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 7000; // },this); // return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // return card.banishAsyn(); // }); } }], }, "1148": { "pid": 1148, cid: 1148, "timestamp": 1437201875556, "wxid": "WX08-058", name: "羅石 クリソプ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 绿玉髓", name_en: "Chrysop, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキクリソプ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-058.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "才能開花のパワーをあなたに。 ~クリソプ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニが合計3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<宝石>或<矿石>精灵时,此精灵力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1149": { "pid": 1149, cid: 1149, "timestamp": 1437201881001, "wxid": "WX08-060", name: "相愛の調律", name_zh_CN: "相爱的调律", name_en: "Tuning of Mutual Love", "kana": "ソウアイノチョウリツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-060.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "宝石は絆よ。~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对方1只力量5000以下的精灵破坏。我方场上达成【CROSS】状态的场合,直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵获得【双重击溃】效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less. If you have a crossed SIGNI on the field, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= 5000); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; targets.push(card); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (!flag) return; cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; targets.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (targetA) { if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetA.power > 5000) return; } return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!targetA) return; return targetA.banishAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.signis)) return; var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (!flag) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,targetB,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから【クロス】を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中检索1张持有【CROSS】的精灵并加入手牌,之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1150": { "pid": 1150, cid: 1150, "timestamp": 1437201885660, "wxid": "WX08-061", name: "旋嵐の双撃", name_zh_CN: "旋岚的双击", name_en: "Twin Attack of the Revolving Storm", "kana": "センランノソウゲキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-061.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "旋・嵐・双・撃! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: " Revolving—Storm—Twin—Attack! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたの【ダブルクラッシュ】を持つシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。(【アサシン】を持つシグニがアタックする場合、正面にシグニがないかのように対戦相手にダメージを与える)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方1只拥有【双重击溃】的精灵获得【暗杀】效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI with [Double Crush] gains [Assassin]. (If a SIGNI with [Assassin] attacks, it deals damage to the opponent as if there was no SIGNI in front of it)" ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.doubleCrash; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); } } }, "1151": { "pid": 1151, cid: 1151, "timestamp": 1437201887960, "wxid": "WX08-062", name: "コードアート M・X", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 M・X", name_en: "Code Art MX ", "kana": "コードアートミキサー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-062.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "朝食作りで女子力アップ! ~M・X~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<電機>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<电机>精灵时,此精灵力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1152": { "pid": 1152, cid: 1152, "timestamp": 1437201893324, "wxid": "WX08-063", name: "コードアート S・Z", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S・Z", name_en: "Code Art SZ", "kana": "コードアートスムージー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-063.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドリンク作りで女子力アップ! ~S・Z~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<電機>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<电机>精灵时,此精灵力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1153": { "pid": 1153, cid: 1153, "timestamp": 1437201898347, "wxid": "WX08-064", name: "コードアート W・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 W・S", name_en: "Code Art WS", "kana": "コードアートウィスク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-064.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お菓子作りで女子力アップ! ~W・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<電機>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは6000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<电机>精灵时,此精灵力量变为6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 6000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',6000); } }] }, "1154": { "pid": 1154, cid: 1154, "timestamp": 1437201903249, "wxid": "WX08-068", name: "弦階の疑惑 ラダブラ", name_zh_CN: "弦阶的疑惑 倍大提琴", name_en: "Radabura, Suspicion of the String Scale", "kana": "ゲンカイノギワクラダブラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-068.jpg", "illust": "ヤマグチトモ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "心臓に響く弦の音。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<美巧>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当我方场上有3只<美巧>精灵时,此精灵力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1155": { "pid": 1155, cid: 1155, "timestamp": 1437201906968, "wxid": "WX08-069", name: "弦階の誘惑 ヴィオラ", name_zh_CN: "弦阶的诱惑 中提琴", name_en: "Viola, Temptation of the String Scale", "kana": "ゲンカイノユウワクヴィオラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-069.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "心に響く弦の音。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<美巧>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当我方场上有3只<美巧>精灵时,此精灵力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1156": { "pid": 1156, cid: 1156, "timestamp": 1437201912986, "wxid": "WX08-072", name: "解決", name_zh_CN: "解决", name_en: "Resolution", "kana": "カイケツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-072.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これにて 解 決 !", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからカード1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、追加であなたのデッキからカード1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组探寻1张牌,并放置到能量区。我方达成【CROSS】状态的场合,追加从牌组探寻1张牌并放置到能量区。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 card and put it into the Ener Zone. If you have crossed SIGNI on the field, search your deck for 1 card and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function () { return true; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (!flag) return; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから【クロス】を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中检索1张持有【CROSS】的精灵并加入手牌,之后洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1157": { "pid": 1157, cid: 1157, "timestamp": 1437201917980, "wxid": "WX08-073", name: "突進", name_zh_CN: "突进", name_en: "Rush", "kana": "トッシン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-073.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "僕自身が槍になることだ! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロスをクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '此精灵破坏对方1枚生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent\'s Life Cloth, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ], // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたの【ランサー】を持つシグニ1体のパワーを+10000し、そのシグニは「このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロスをクラッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。」を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方1只拥有【枪兵】效果的精灵力量加10000,这个精灵获得【此精灵破坏对方1枚生命护甲时,将我方牌组顶2张牌放置到能量区】效果。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI with [Lancer] gets +10000 power and \"When this SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"" ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.lancer; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: card, description: '1157-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',10000); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } } }, "1158": { "pid": 1158, cid: 1158, "timestamp": 1437201923326, "wxid": "WX08-074", name: "幻蟲 Q・アント", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 蚁后", name_en: "Queen Ant, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウクイーンアント", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-074.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "砂糖が無ければ、お菓子を食べればいいじゃない? ~Q・アント~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1159": { "pid": 1159, cid: 1159, "timestamp": 1437201927768, "wxid": "WX08-075", name: "幻蟲 トノサマ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 东亚飞蝗", name_en: "Tonosama, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウトノサマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-075.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッタバッタと私にひれ伏しなさい。 ~トノサマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<凶蟲>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは14000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<凶虫>精灵时,此精灵力量变为14000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 14000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',14000); } }] }, "1160": { "pid": 1160, cid: 1160, "timestamp": 1437201933076, "wxid": "WX08-076", name: "幻蟲 クマゼ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 熊蝉", name_en: "Kumaze, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウクマゼ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-076.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "短い命をありがとう。 ~クマゼ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<凶蟲>のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【从手牌舍弃1张<凶虫>精灵】:直到回合结束时为止,对方1只有【魅饰】的精灵力量-10000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] gets -10000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1161": { "pid": 1161, cid: 1161, "timestamp": 1437201935996, "wxid": "WX08-077", name: "幻蟲 クルマバ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 车飞蝗", name_en: "Kurumaba, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウクルマバ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-077.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バッタバッタと薙ぎ倒していくぜ! ~クルマバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に<凶蟲>のシグニが3体あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは9000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方场上有3只<凶虫>精灵时,此精灵力量变为9000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 3 SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power is 9000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',9000); } }] }, "1162": { "pid": 1162, cid: 1162, "timestamp": 1437201939670, "wxid": "WX08-081", name: "デッド・メイク", name_zh_CN: "死亡制药厂", name_en: "Dead Make", "kana": "デッドメイク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/WX08/WX08-081.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あとはこれを入れれば完成かしらね…。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体につき、自分のデッキの上からカード1枚を、それらの【チャーム】にする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对面方场上每有1只精灵,将对方牌组顶1张牌作为场上精灵的【魅饰】。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "For each of your opponent's SIGNI, your opponent puts the top card of their deck under it as [Charm]." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); }); } } }, "1163": { "pid": 1163, cid: 917, "timestamp": 1437201946285, "wxid": "PR-211", name: "クロスロード(WIXOSS CUP 予選リーグ参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "交错装填(WIXOSS CUP 予選リーグ参加賞)", name_en: "Crossroad(WIXOSS CUP 予選リーグ参加賞)", "kana": "クロスロード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/images/card/PR/PR-211.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "交錯の先、女神が微笑むのは…。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1164": { "pid": 1164, cid: 397, "timestamp": 1451226591375, "wxid": "PR-202", name: "エルドラ×マーク0(オリジナルレベル0大会参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉0(オリジナルレベル0大会参加賞)", name_en: "Eldora×Mark 0(オリジナルレベル0大会参加賞)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-202.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いやー、これこそ「生き甲斐」っすわ。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1165": { "pid": 1165, cid: 1165, "timestamp": 1451226592507, "wxid": "PR-201", name: "狂乱する博奕(カードゲーマーvol.23 付録)", name_zh_CN: "疯狂的博弈(カードゲーマーvol.23 付録)", name_en: "Furious Gambling(カードゲーマーvol.23 付録)", "kana": "キョウランスルバクエキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-201.jpg", "illust": "らむ屋", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はい大当たり。私にとってね。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Yes, the grand prize. I'll be taking that, okay? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの手札を1枚選ぶ。対戦相手は【白】【赤】【青】【緑】【黒】【無】から1つと、シグニまたはスペルから1つを宣言する。その後、そのカードを公開する。そのカードが宣言されたアイコンとカードの種類のどちらも持たない場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。どちらかを持つ場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。どちらも持つ場合、あなたは手札をすべて捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "选择你的1张手牌。对战对手从【白】【红】【蓝】【绿】【黑】【无】中选择一项,再从SIGNI或魔法中宣言一项。之后,将那张卡公开。那张卡不持有所宣言的图标以及类型的场合,将对战对手的所有SIGNI放置到废弃区。持有其中一项的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。两者均持有的场合,你舍弃所有手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 card from your hand. Your opponent chooses 1 from [White][Red][Blue][Green][Black][Colorless] and declares 1 of either SIGNI or spell. If the card does not have both the declared icon and the declared card type, put all of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash. If the card has either, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If the card has both, discard all cards from your hand." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; if (!cards.length) return; var count = 0; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { var colors = ['white','red','blue','green','black','colorless']; return this.player.opponent.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colors,'color').callback(this,function (color) { var types = ['SIGNI','SPELL']; return this.player.opponent.selectTextAsyn('CARD_TYPE',types,'cardType').callback(this,function (type) { // if (color === this.game.getOriginalValue(card,'color')) count++; if (color === card.color) count++; if (type === card.type) count++; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showColorsAsyn([color]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showCardTypesAsyn([type]); }); }); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (count === 0) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); } else if (count === 1) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } else { var cards = this.player.hands; this.game.trashCards(cards); } }); } } }, "1166": { "pid": 1166, cid: 883, "timestamp": 1451226593811, "wxid": "PR-210", name: "RiRi(トレカの洞窟CARD WORLD AKIBA イベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "RiRi(トレカの洞窟CARD WORLD AKIBA イベント景品)", name_en: "RiRi(トレカの洞窟CARD WORLD AKIBA イベント景品)", "kana": "リリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-210.jpg", "illust": "AxelGraphicWorks", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トレカの洞窟を、よろしくね! ~RiRi~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1167": { "pid": 1167, cid: 1167, "timestamp": 1451226595026, "wxid": "PR-204", name: "アーク・ディストラクト(劇場版selector前売り特典1)", name_zh_CN: "弧光·毁灭(劇場版selector前売り特典1)", name_en: "Arc Destruct(劇場版selector前売り特典1)", "kana": "アークディストラクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-204.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "指し示した剣先が、未来への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたのルリグがレベル4以下の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「このルリグがアタックしたとき、このターンに《アーク・ディストラクト》以外のアーツを使用していない場合、このルリグの下からカードを2枚ルリグトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、このルリグをアップする。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张卡只能在你的LRIG等级在4以下的场合使用。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得「当这只LRIG攻击时,这个回合没有使用除《弧光·毁灭》以外的技艺的场合,可以将这只LRIG下面的2张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。这样做了的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。」。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if your LRIG is level 4 or less.\n" + "Until end of turn, your LRIG gains \"When this LRIG attacks, if you did not use any ARTS other than《Arc Destruct》this turn, you may put 2 cards under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. If you do, up this LRIG.\"" ], useCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.level <= 4; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this.player.lrig, description: '1167-attached-0', optional: true, condition: function () { if (this.player.lrigZone.cards.length <= 2) return false; return !this.game.getData(this.player,'flagArcDestruct'); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length !== 2) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.upAsyn(); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'onAttack',effect); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このルリグがアタックしたとき、このターンに《アーク・ディストラクト》以外のアーツを使用していない場合、このルリグの下からカードを2枚ルリグトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、このルリグをアップする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当这只LRIG攻击时,这个回合没有使用除《弧光·毁灭》以外的技艺的场合,可以将这只LRIG下面的2张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。这样做了的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this LRIG attacks, if you did not use any ARTS other than《Arc Destruct》this turn, you may put 2 cards under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. If you do, up this LRIG.' ] }, "1168": { "pid": 1168, cid: 1168, "timestamp": 1451226596410, "wxid": "PR-208", name: "グレイブ・ラッシュ(ウィクロスマガジンvol.2付録)", name_zh_CN: "墓地冲刺(ウィクロスマガジンvol.2付録)", name_en: "Grave Rush(ウィクロスマガジンvol.2付録)", "kana": " ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-208.jpg", "illust": "代官山ゑびす", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いや。近づかないで。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、このアーツは追加で使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。\n" + "あなたの場にシグニがない場合、あなたのトラッシュからシグニ3枚を能力を失った状態で場に出す。ターン終了時に、それらを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的生命护甲在2张以下的场合,这张技艺追加【攻击阶段】使用时点。\n" + "你的场上没有SIGNI的场合,从你的废弃区将3张SIGNI以失去能力的状态出场。回合结束时,将它们从场上放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "As long as you have 2 or less Life Cloth, this ARTS also has Use Timing [Attack Phase].\n" + "If you have no SIGNI on the field, put 3 SIGNI from the trash onto the field. Those SIGNI lose their abilities. At the end of the turn, put them from the field into the trash." ], useCondition: function () { if (this.game.phase.status === 'artsStep') { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2; } return true; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.signis.length) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; // this.game.addConstEffect({ // source: this, // 潜在bug: "不受己方ARTS影响" // destroyTimming: [card.onLeaveField], // action: function (set,add) { // set(card,'abilityLost',true); // } // }); return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); // 潜在bug: "不受己方ARTS影响" }); }); }); } } }, "1169": { "pid": 1169, cid: 1169, "timestamp": 1451226597702, "wxid": "WX09-002", name: "アール・バウンダリー", name_zh_CN: "艺术界限", name_en: "Art Boundary", "kana": "アールバウンダリー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-002.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴女が思うほど、私はおとなしくないわ。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは【白】【白】【白】になる。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合中,这张卡的使用费用变为【白】【白】【白】。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost for using this card becomes [White] [White] [White].\n" + "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costWhite += 1; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "1170": { "pid": 1170, cid: 1170, "timestamp": 1451226598756, "wxid": "WX09-015", name: "極剣 ムラクモ", name_zh_CN: "极剑 天丛云剣", name_en: "Murakumo, Ultimate Sword", "kana": "キョクケンムラクモ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-015.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これより上もなく、これより下もない。語るべきは途方もない物語。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、カード名に《剣》を含むあなたのアップ状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、このシグニの正面にあるシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,可以将你的1只竖置状态的名字含有《剑》的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI对面的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may banish 1 of your upped SIGNI with \"Sword\" in its card name. If you do, return 1 SIGNI in front of this SIGNI to its owner's hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1170-const-0', condition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var opposingSigni = event.card.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return false; var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.name.indexOf('剣') !== -1); },this); if (!cards.length) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var opposingSigni = event.card.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.name.indexOf('剣') !== -1); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return opposingSigni.bounceAsyn(); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからカード名に《剣》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:从你的卡组中探寻1张名字含有《剑》的SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Sword\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('剣') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから白のカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张白色卡,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 white card, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1171": { "pid": 1171, cid: 1171, "timestamp": 1451226599900, "wxid": "WX09-023", name: "大剣 ハバキリ", name_zh_CN: "大剑 天羽羽斩", name_en: "Habakiri, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンハバキリ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-023.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ハバキリ、羽ばたきます!~ハバキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたの場に<アーム>のシグニが3体ある場合、あなたのデッキから白のカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:你的场上有3只<武装>SIGNI的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张白卡,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: If you have 3 SIGNI on the field, search your deck for 1 white card, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.signis.length < 3) return; var flag = this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<武装>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1172": { "pid": 1172, cid: 1172, "timestamp": 1451226601858, "wxid": "WX09-038", name: "中剣 ライキリ", name_zh_CN: "中剑 雷切", name_en: "Raikiri, Medium Sword", "kana": "チュウケンライキリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-038.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "天雷、君を穿つ!~ライキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<アーム>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<武装>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的白色SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 3 or lower white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1173": { "pid": 1173, cid: 1173, "timestamp": 1451226603251, "wxid": "WX09-039", name: "小剣 コテツ", name_zh_CN: "小剑 虎彻", name_en: "Kotetsu, Small Sword", "kana": "ショウケンコテツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-039.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちいとばかり、呪われちった。~コテツ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<アーム>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<武装>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级2以下的白色SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1174": { "pid": 1174, cid: 1174, "timestamp": 1451226604606, "wxid": "WX09-041", name: "ゲット・ブリリアント", name_zh_CN: "获得光辉", name_en: "Get Brilliant", "kana": "ゲットブリリアント", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-041.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うっひょー、これ大当たりじゃね?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。あなたの場に白のシグニが3体あり、それらが共通するクラスを持つ場合、追加で白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻1张白色SIGNI公开并加入手牌。你的场上有3只白色SIGNI,且它们持有共同的类别的场合,追加探寻1张白色SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. If you have 3 white SIGNI on the field, if they have a common class, search your deck for 1 additional white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = (this.player.signis.length === 3); if (flag) { var classes = this.player.signis[0].getClasses(); flag = this.player.signis.slice(1).every(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasColor('white')) return false; return signi.getClasses().every(function (cls) { return inArr(cls,classes); },this); },this); } var count = flag? 2 : 1; var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,count); } } }, "1175": { "pid": 1175, cid: 648, "timestamp": 1451226605912, "wxid": "WX09-Re02", name: "アイドル・ディフェンス", name_zh_CN: "偶像防御", name_en: "Idol Defense", "kana": "アイドルディフェンス", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re02.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "次は、私の番ですね!~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1176": { "pid": 1176, cid: 396, "timestamp": 1451226607135, "wxid": "WX09-Re03", name: "ゼノ・マルチプル", name_zh_CN: "杰诺·多重", name_en: "Xeno Multiple", "kana": "ゼノマルチプル", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re03.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "白き霹靂、未来を写す。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1177": { "pid": 1177, cid: 386, "timestamp": 1451226608978, "wxid": "WX09-Re09", name: "ゲット・インデックス", name_zh_CN: "获得目录", name_en: "Get Index", "kana": "ゲットインデックス", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re09.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、とりあえずこれでいいの?~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1178": { "pid": 1178, cid: 762, "timestamp": 1451226610323, "wxid": "PR-233", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル(3人チームバトル戦景品)", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=NOLL(3人チームバトル戦景品)", name_en: "Tawil=Noll, Prolonged of Life(3人チームバトル戦景品)", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルノル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-233.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "つたえたいこのきもち", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1179": { "pid": 1179, cid: 396, "timestamp": 1451226611452, "wxid": "PR-224", name: "ゼノ・マルチプル (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "杰诺·多重 (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Xeno Multiple (WIXOSS PARTY 2015年9-10月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "ゼノマルチプル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-224.jpg", "illust": "コトヤマ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いらっしゃーせー ~サヤ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1180": { "pid": 1180, cid: 1180, "timestamp": 1451226612446, "wxid": "WX09-052", name: "羅植 ユウガオ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 葫芦", name_en: "Yuugao, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクユウガオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-052.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あとはアサガオ、よろしく。~ユウガオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1181, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1181": { "pid": 1181, cid: 1181, "timestamp": 1451226613612, "wxid": "WX09-033", name: "羅植 アサガオ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 牵牛", name_en: "Asagao, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクアサガオ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-033.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あとはユウガオ、よろしく。~アサガオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1180, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニがしたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1181-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1182": { "pid": 1182, cid: 1182, "timestamp": 1451226614825, "wxid": "WX09-031", name: "羅植 キク", name_zh_CN: "罗植 菊", name_en: "Kiku, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクキク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-031.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "花びらが一つ開くたびに、高貴な気持ちが育っていったの。~キク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場に<植物>のシグニが3体ある場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上有3只<植物>SIGNI的场合,从你的卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have 3 SIGNI on the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = false; if (this.player.signis.length >= 3) { flag = this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('植物'); },this); } if (!flag) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<植物>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<植物>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1183": { "pid": 1183, cid: 1183, "timestamp": 1451226616321, "wxid": "WX09-019", name: "羅植姫 アキナナ", name_zh_CN: "罗植姬 秋之七草", name_en: "Akinana, Natural Plant Princess", "kana": "ラショクヒメアキナナ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-019.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "7つの草花も、意志を持ったら”うれしい”って思うの。~アキナナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのエナゾーンにあるカード1枚につき+2000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニは自身のパワーが14000以上であるかぎり対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けず、18000以上であるかぎり【ランサー】と「このシグニがライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。」を得る。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーが20000以上になったとき、これをトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区每有1张卡,这只SIGNI的力量就+2000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI的力量在14000以上,此卡不受对战对手的技艺效果影响。力量在18000以上,获得【枪兵】和「这只SIGNI将1张生命护甲击溃时,将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI驱逐。」", "【常】:这只SIGNI的力量在20000以上时,将这张卡放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +2000 power for each card in your Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI's power is 14000 or more, it is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's ARTS, and as long as it is 18000 or more, this SIGNI gets [Lancer] and \"When this SIGNI crushes 1 Life Cloth, banish up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI.\"", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI's power becomes 20000 or more, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var count = 2000 * this.player.enerZone.cards.length; if (!count) return; add(this,'power',count); } },{ action: function (set,add) { if (this.power >= 14000) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }); } if (this.power >= 18000) { set(this,'lancer',true); var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1183-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1183-const-2', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (this.power < 20000) return false; return true; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.trashAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onPowerUpdate',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI将1张生命护甲击溃时,将对战对手的2只SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI crushes 1 Life Cloth, banish up to 2 of your opponent\'s SIGNI.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1184": { "pid": 1184, cid: 1184, "timestamp": 1451226617514, "wxid": "WX09-005", name: "森羅万象", name_zh_CN: "森罗万象", name_en: "All of Nature", "kana": "オールオアナッシング", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-005.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあさあさあッ!ドデカイ災厄のジカンだよォ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは【緑】【緑】【緑】になる。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー15000以上のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合中,这张卡的使用费用变为【绿】【绿】【绿】。\n" + "将对战对手的力量15000以上的所有SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost for using this card becomes [Green] [Green] [Green].\n" + "Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more." ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costGreen += 2; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, "1185": { "pid": 1185, cid: 389, "timestamp": 1451226618682, "wxid": "WX09-Re17", name: "羅植 ローザリ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 玫瑰", name_en: "Rosary, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクローザリ", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re17.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほら、魅了する相手が増えたでしょう?~ローザリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1186": { "pid": 1186, cid: 1186, "timestamp": 1451226619829, "wxid": "PR-207", name: "三剣(WIXOSSカード大全Ⅲ 付録)", name_zh_CN: "三剑(WIXOSSカード大全Ⅲ 付録)", name_en: "Three Swords(WIXOSSカード大全Ⅲ 付録)", "kana": "サンケン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-207.jpg", "illust": "皐月メイ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモ~ン!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come o~n! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。あなたはこのターン、アーツとスペルを使用できない。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到能量区。你在这个回合中,不能使用技艺或魔法卡。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone. This turn, you can't use ARTS or spells." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(3); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'artsBanned',true); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'spellBanned',true); } } }, "1187": { "pid": 1187, cid: 1187, "timestamp": 1451226620710, "wxid": "WX09-016", name: "混沌の豊穣 シュブニグラ", name_zh_CN: "混沌的丰穰 莎布•尼古拉丝", name_en: "Shub-Niggura, Fertility of Chaos", "kana": "コントンノホウジョウシュブニグラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-016.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えぇヨグソトス、狂気の宴を始めましょ。~シュブニグラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1188, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのダウン状態のすべてのシグニは対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的横置状态的所有SIGNI不受对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将对战对手的力量10000以下的所有SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your downed SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], put all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.isUp) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.type !== 'SIGNI') || (card.player !== this.player.opponent); }); } },this); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1187-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから白または黒のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的牌组探寻1张白色或者黑色的SIGNI,公开后加入手牌或出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 white or black SIGNI, and put it onto the field or add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('black'))) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1188": { "pid": 1188, cid: 1188, "timestamp": 1451226621807, "wxid": "WX09-020", name: "コードアンチ ヨグソトス", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 犹格•索托斯", name_en: " Code Anti Yog-Sothoth", "kana": "コードアンチヨグソトス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-020.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁシュブニグラ、禁じられた極門を開こうか。~ヨグソトス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1187, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから効果によってカード1枚がデッキに移動するたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-10000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1张卡因效果从废弃区移动到牌组时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的所有SIGNI力量-10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time a card is put from your trash into the deck by an effect, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get −10000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1188-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return (event.newZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone) && this.game.getEffectSource(); }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1188-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニ1枚を、手札に加えるか場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区中将1张白色或者黑色的SIGNI加入手牌或出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put 1 white or black SIGNI from your trash onto the field or add it to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('black'))); },this); return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } else { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); } } }, "1189": { "pid": 1189, cid: 1189, "timestamp": 1451226623020, "wxid": "WX09-036", name: "コードアンチ ニャルラト", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 奈亚拉托提普", name_en: "Code Anti Nyarlatho", "kana": "コードアンチニャルラト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-036.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつもニコニコしてればいい気になって…。\nまだ9996勝9999敗でしょ。~ニャルラト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1190, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1189-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1190": { "pid": 1190, cid: 1190, "timestamp": 1451226624121, "wxid": "WX09-056", name: "コードアンチ クトガ", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 克图格亚", name_en: "Code Anti Cthogha", "kana": "コードアンチクトガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-056.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャルラト!今日こそ記念すべき10000勝目を迎えてやるわ!~クトガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1189, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1191": { "pid": 1191, cid: 1191, "timestamp": 1451226625207, "wxid": "WX09-021", name: "フィア=ヴィックス", name_zh_CN: "VIER=维克斯", name_en: "Vier=VX", "kana": "フィアヴィックス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-021.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "世界が少しずつ枯れているんだ、僕は、どうしたら…~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニのパワーが対戦相手の効果によって+(プラス)される場合、代わりに-(マイナス)される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的SIGNI的力量因对战对手的效果而增加的场合,改为减少。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When the power of your opponent's SIGNI is + (plus) by your opponent's effect, it is − (minus) instead." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'_VierVX',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニのレベル1につき、-2000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从你的场上将1只<毒牙>SIGNI放置到废弃区:直到回合结束为止,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的SIGNI等级每有1,就将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 1 SIGNI from your field into the trash: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power for each 1 level of the SIGNI put into the trash in this way." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return card; }); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var costCard = costArg.others; if (!costCard) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var value = -2000 * costCard.level; if (!value) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を手札に加え、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-8000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张<毒牙>SIGNI加入手牌,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-8000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand, and until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −8000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); }); }); } } }, "1192": { "pid": 1192, cid: 1192, "timestamp": 1451226626263, "wxid": "WX09-001", name: "開かれし極門 ウトゥルス", name_zh_CN: "开启的极门 乌特乌尔斯", name_en: "Ut'ulls, the Opened Ultimate Gate", "kana": "ヒラカレシゴクモンウトゥルス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-001.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル", "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "断罪ノ刻、其ノ知ヲ集イ破戒セリ。~ウトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[グロウ]あなたのルリグデッキから<タウィル>または<ウムル>のルリグ1枚をあなたの場のルリグの下に置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】 从你的LRIG卡组将1张<塔维尔>或<乌姆尔>LRIG卡公开,将其放置到你场上的LRIG最下方。' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Put 1 or LRIG from your LRIG Deck under your LRIG on the field' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タウィル') || card.hasClass('ウムル')); },this); }, growActionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タウィル') || card.hasClass('ウムル')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true }); }); }); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニを合計2枚まで手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将合计2张白色或黑色的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add up to 2 white or black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return ((card.hasColor('white')) || (card.hasColor('black'))) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:あなたのすべてのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<天使>または<古代兵器>のシグニを合計3枚まで場に出す。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:将你所有的SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区将合计3张<天使>或<古代兵器>SIGNI出场。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: Put all of your SIGNI on the field into the trash. Then, put up to 3 or SIGNI from your trash onto the field. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costExceed: 5, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') || card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }); } }] }, "1193": { "pid": 1193, cid: 1113, "timestamp": 1451226627444, "wxid": "WX09-009", name: "虚心の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ", name_zh_CN: "虚心之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA", name_en: "Umr=Fyra, Wielder of the Key of Impartiality", "kana": "キョシンノカギヌシウムルフィーラ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-009.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "此処は静かじゃのう。まるで、扉が開くのを待っているかのようじゃ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1194": { "pid": 1194, cid: 1112, "timestamp": 1451226628397, "wxid": "WX09-007", name: "導きし者 タウィル=フィーラ", name_zh_CN: "指引者 塔维尔=FYRA", name_en: "Tawil=Fyra, the Guide", "kana": "ミチビキシモノタウィルフィーラ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-007.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ これではなたれるのね~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1195": { "pid": 1195, cid: 1195, "timestamp": 1451226629537, "wxid": "WX09-006", name: "グレイブ・アウェイク", name_zh_CN: "墓穴苏醒", name_en: "Grave Awake", "kana": "グレイブアウェイク", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-006.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一歩ずつ…真実に近づく、あなたはもう、戻れない。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "One step at a time... we approach the truth. You can't turn back. ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは【黒】【黒】【黒】になる。\n" + "あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合中,这张卡的使用费用变为【黑】【黑】【黑】。\n" + "从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost to use this card becomes [Black] [Black] [Black].\n" + "Put 1 of your SIGNI from the trash onto the field." ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlack += 2; obj.costColorless -= 1; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "1196": { "pid": 1196, cid: 1196, "timestamp": 1451226630667, "wxid": "WX09-037", name: "ウトゥルス・ゲート", name_zh_CN: "乌特乌尔斯之门", name_en: "Ut'ulls Gate", "kana": "ウトゥルスゲート", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル/ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-037.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "禍因、泡沫ト也リ、浄化ヲ辿ル ~ウトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグがレベル5以上の場合、このカードを使用するためのコストは【無】コストが2減る。\n" + "あなたのルリグより低いレベルを持つ対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置き、あなたのトラッシュからあなたのルリグより低いレベルを持つシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的LRIG等级5以上的场合,这张卡的使用费用减少【无2】。\n" + "将对战对手的1只等级比你的LRIG低的SIGNI放置到废弃区,从你的废弃区将1张等级比你的LRIG低的SIGNI出场。。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "If your LRIG is level 5 or more, the cost to use this card is decreased by 2 [Colorless].\n" + "Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI whose level is lower than your LRIG's into the trash, then put 1 SIGNI whose level is lower than your LRIG's from your trash onto the field." ], costChange: function () { if (this.player.lrig.level < 5) return this; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= 2; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function() { var targets = []; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level < this.player.lrig.level; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { targets.push(card); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level < this.player.lrig.level) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { targets.push(card); if (card) return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var target = targets[0]; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level < this.player.lrig.level; },this); if (target) { if (!inArr(target,cards)) return; target.trash(); } target = targets[1]; if (!target) return; return target.summonAsyn(); } } }, "1197": { "pid": 1197, cid: 1197, "timestamp": 1451226631826, "wxid": "WX09-003", name: "疾風怒蕩", name_zh_CN: "疾风怒荡", name_en: "Melting Turmoil", "kana": "シップウドトウ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-003.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一発アウトォ♪ゴキゲンいっちゃう? ~ララ・ルー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは【赤】【赤】【赤】【赤】になる。\n" + "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ2体をバニッシュする。(1体のシグニだけに使用することはできない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合中,这张卡的使用费用变为【红】【红】【红】【红】。\n" + "将对战对手的2只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。(不能只驱逐1只)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost to use this card becomes [Red] [Red] [Red] [Red]." + "Banish 2 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. (Cannot be used on 1 SIGNI.)" ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed += 1; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 10000; },this); if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "1198": { "pid": 1198, cid: 1198, "timestamp": 1451226632910, "wxid": "WX09-004", name: "スリリング・ドロー", name_zh_CN: "雷霆抽卡", name_en: "Thrilling Draw", "kana": "スリリングドロー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-004.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ええっと、これでいいんだっけ。セイッ!~ソウイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは【青】【青】【青】になる。\n" + "カードを3枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合中,这张卡的使用费用变为【蓝】【蓝】【蓝】。\n" + "抽3张卡。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost for using this card becomes [Blue] [Blue] [Blue].\n" + "Draw 3 cards." ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlue += 2; obj.costColorless -= 2; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; } return this; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(3); } } }, "1199": { "pid": 1199, cid: 1199, "timestamp": 1451226636126, "wxid": "WX09-008", name: "導きし者 タウィル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "指引者 塔维尔=TRE", name_en: "Tawil=Tre, the Guide", "kana": "ミチビキシモノタウィルトレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-008.jpg", "illust": "かにゃぴぃ", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もうすこしなの~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的<天使>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 level 3 or less SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1200": { "pid": 1200, cid: 1200, "timestamp": 1451226714878, "wxid": "WX09-010", name: "白鎧亜 ロートレット", name_zh_CN: "白铠亚 皇家铁拳", name_en: "Rotlet, White Sub-Armor", "kana": "ハクガイアロートレット", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-010.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ローメイル要素が邪魔だな~。~ロートレット~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 《甲冑 ローメイル》1体と《篭手 トレット》1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 从你的场上将1只《甲胄 皇家铠》和1只《笼手 铁拳》放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your "Romail, Helmet Armor" and 1 of your "Tlet, Gauntlet" from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 112); // <甲冑 ローメイル> },this); var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 114); // <笼手 铁拳> },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+1000する。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのデッキから《篭手 トレット》1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有SIGNI力量+1000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,从你的卡组中探寻1张《笼手 铁拳》出场。之后,洗切牌组。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get +1000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, search your deck for 1 \"Tlet, Gauntlet\" and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',1000); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1200-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 114; // <笼手 铁拳> }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからカード1枚を探して手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张卡加入手牌。之后,洗切卡组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 card and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1,0,true); } }] }, "1201": { "pid": 1201, cid: 1201, "timestamp": 1451226715846, "wxid": "WX09-011", name: "赤爆忍 カクヤ", name_zh_CN: "赤爆忍 加隈绫音", name_en: "Kakuya, Red Explosive Perseverance", "kana": "アカバクニンカクヤ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-011.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンドンカッカドドンノドン!~カクヤ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 《手剣 カクマル》1体と《手弾 アヤボン》1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 从你的场上将1只《手剑 加隈丸》和1只《手弹 绫音爆弹》放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your "Kakumaru, Hand Sword" and 1 of your "Ayabon, Hand Grenade" from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 296); // <手剑 加隈丸> },this); var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 299); // <手弹 绫音爆弹> },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニの正面にあるシグニ1体がバニッシュされたとき、あなたは【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをアップする。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI正面的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付【红】。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Red]. If you do, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1201-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.opposingSigni === this; }, condition: function () { return !this.isUp; }, costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】【赤】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。あなたのルリグがレベル4以上の場合、この【出現時能力】の能力を発動するためのコストは【赤】コストが2減る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】【红】:直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。你的LRIG等级4以上的场合,这个【出】能力的发动费用减少【红】2。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red] [Red]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]. If your LRIG is level 4 or more, the cost to activate this [On-Play] is decreased by 2 [Red]." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 2, costChange: function () { if (this.source.player.lrig.level < 4) return this; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= 2; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }] }, "1202": { "pid": 1202, cid: 1202, "timestamp": 1451226716860, "wxid": "WX09-012", name: "ブルーコードハート V・@・C", name_zh_CN: "蓝色核心代号 V・@・C", name_en: "Blue Code Heart V@C", "kana": "ブルーコードハートバットキューム", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-012.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アッという間に吸い込むなう! ~V・@・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】 《コードハート V・A・C》1体とレゾナではない<電機>のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 从你的场上将1只《核心代号 V·A·C》和1只<电机>SIGNI放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your "Code Heart VAC" and 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 31); // <核心代号 V·A·C> },this); var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); if (!cards_A.length || (cards_B.length < 2)) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards_B); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたが青のスペル1枚を使用したとき、シグニ1体をアップする。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你使用1张蓝色的魔法卡时,将1只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever you use a blue spell, up 1 SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1202-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasColor('blue'); }, condition: function () { return concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).some(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからコストの合計が3以下の青のスペル1枚をコストを支払わずに使用してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以从你的废弃区选择1张费用合计3以下的蓝色魔法卡不支付费用而使用它。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may use 1 blue spell with total cost 3 or less from your trash without paying its cost." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue')) && (card.getTotalEnerCost() <= 3) && card.canUse('spell',true); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true); }); } }] }, "1203": { "pid": 1203, cid: 1203, "timestamp": 1451226718084, "wxid": "WX09-013", name: "緑幻獣 モモ", name_zh_CN: "绿幻兽 桃太郎", name_en: "Momo, Green Phantom Beast", "kana": "リョクゲンジュウモモ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-013.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴女に呼ばれたから、いざ参らん。~モモ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】《幻獣 ハチ》1体と《幻獣 モンキ》1体と《幻獣 キジ》1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 从你的场上将1只《幻兽 八公》、1只《幻兽 猴》和1只《幻兽 雉鸡》放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your "Hachi, Phantom Beast", 1 of your "Monkey, Phantom Beast", and 1 of your "Kiji, Phantom Beast" from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 196); // <幻兽 八公> },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 221); // <幻兽 猴> },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 195); // <幻兽 雉鸡> },this); if (!flag) return null; return function () { this.game.trashCards(this.player.signis); return Callback.immediately(); }; // var signis = this.player.signis; // var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 196); // <幻兽 八公> // },this); // var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 195); // <幻兽 雉鸡> // },this); // if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; // return function () { // var cards = []; // return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // cards.push(card); // return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { // if (!card) return; // cards.push(card); // this.game.trashCards(cards); // }); // }); // }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはアタックフェイズの間、バニッシュされない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在攻击阶段,这只SIGNI不会被驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During the attack phase, this SIGNI can't be banished." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.phase.isAttackPhase(); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从卡组顶将3张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(3); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿】:直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【枪兵】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Green: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Lancer]." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'lancer',true); } }] }, "1204": { "pid": 1204, cid: 1204, "timestamp": 1451226719251, "wxid": "WX09-014", name: "黒魔姫 アンナ・スタンレー", name_zh_CN: "黑魔姬 安娜•斯坦蕾", name_en: "Anna Stanley, Black Demonic Princess", "kana": "クロマキアンナスタンレー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-014.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "心地のいい場所だったわ。~アンナ・スタンレー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】 《悪魔姫 アンナ・ミラージュ》1体とレゾナではない<悪魔>のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '[出现条件] 【主要阶段】 从你的场上将1只《恶魔姬 安娜·蜃影》和1只<恶魔>SIGNI放置到废弃区' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 of your "Anna Mirage, Devil Princess" and 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash' ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && (signi.cid === 182); // <恶魔姬 安娜·蜃影> },this); var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); if (!cards_A.length || (cards_B.length < 2)) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards_B); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、そのシグニより低いレベルを持つ対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、そのシグニと同じレベルを持つ対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "(このシグニが場に出たりバニッシュされたときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<恶魔>SIGNI出场时,将对战对手的1只等级比那只SIGNI低的SIGNI驱逐。", "【常】:你的1只<恶魔>SIGNI被驱逐时,将对战对手的1只等级和那只SIGNI相同的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "(这只SIGNI出场或被驱逐时也可以发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with a lower level than that SIGNI.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI is banished, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with the same level as that SIGNI.\n" + "(These effects also trigger whenever this SIGNI enters the field or is banished)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1204-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.card.hasClass('悪魔'); }, condition: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level < event.card.level); },this); return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level < event.card.level); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1204-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasClass('悪魔'); }, condition: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === event.card.level); },this); return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === event.card.level); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }] }, "1205": { "pid": 1205, cid: 1205, "timestamp": 1451226720343, "wxid": "WX09-017", name: "羅輝石 マラカイト", name_zh_CN: "罗辉石 孔雀石", name_en: "Malachite, Natural Pyroxene", "kana": "ラキセキマラカイト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-017.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "美しき哉。~マラカイト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<鉱石>のシグニが5枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になり、【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<宝石>のシグニが5枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは対戦相手の、アーツ以外の効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中<矿石>SIGNI在5张以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000,获得【双重击溃】。", "【常】:只要你的废弃区中<宝石>SIGNI在5张以上,这只SIGNI不受对战对手的,技艺以外的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 5 or more SIGNI in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000, and it gets [Double Crush].", "[Constant]: As long as there are 5 or more SIGNI in your trash, this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects other than ARTS." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石'); },this); return cards.length >= 5; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return cards.length >= 5; }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return !((card.player === this.player.opponent) && (card.type !== 'ARTS')); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:パワーが「あなたのトラッシュにある<鉱石>と<宝石>のシグニを合計した枚数×3000」以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量在「你的废弃区的<矿石>和<宝石>SIGNI合计数量x3000」以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with \"the number of and SIGNI in your trash × 3000\" power or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this).length; var power = 3000 * count; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "1206": { "pid": 1206, cid: 1206, "timestamp": 1451226721587, "wxid": "WX09-018", name: "コードハート A・M・S", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 A・M・S", name_en: "Code Heart AMS", "kana": "コードハートオートマッサージャー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-018.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オイデヨーオイデーモミモミしてあげるよー! ~A・M・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルが5枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になり、対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このターンにあなたがスペルを3回以上使用していた場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中魔法卡在5张以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000,不受对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,这个回合你使用了3次以上魔法卡的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have 5 or more spells in your trash, this SIGNI's power is 15000, and it is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if you used 3 or more spells this turn, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; },this); return cards.length >= 5; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return !((card.player === this.player.opponent) && (card.type === 'SIGNI')); }); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1206-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { var count = this.game.getData(this.player,'CodeHeartAMS') || 0; return (count >= 3); }, condition: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:このターン、あなたが次にスペルを使用する場合、それを使用するための【無】コストが2減る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:这个回合中,你下次使用魔法卡的场合,使用费用减少【无2】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: This turn, the next time you use a spell, the cost for using it is decreased by 2 Colorless." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd,this.player.onUseSpell], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costColorless',-2); } },this); } }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからスペルを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张魔法卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 spells from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }, }, "1207": { "pid": 1207, cid: 1207, "timestamp": 1451226722545, "wxid": "WX09-022", name: "原槍 ラナジェ", name_zh_CN: "原枪 小原枪", name_en: "Ranerge, Original Spear", "kana": "ゲンソウラナジェ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-022.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうせ叶わぬ願いなら、いっそ怨念として残せばいいじゃないか。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《エナジェ》を含むカードがあるかぎり、対戦相手のシグニがこのシグニによってバニッシュされる場合、エナゾーンに置かれる代わりにトラッシュに置かれる。(バトルによるバニッシュを含む)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在名字含有《源能枪》的卡,对战对手的SIGNI被这只SIGNI驱逐的场合,从将其放置到能量区改为放置到废弃区。(包括因战斗驱逐的场合)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a card with \"Energe\" in its name in your trash, whenever your opponent's SIGNI is banished by this SIGNI, it is put into the trash instead of the Ener Zone. (Banishing by battle is included)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('エナジェ') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this.player.opponent,'_RanergeOriginalSpear',this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】【赤】【青】【緑】【黒】:対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【白】【红】【蓝】【绿】【黑】:将对战对手的2只SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White] [Red] [Blue] [Green] [Black]: Banish 2 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costRed: 1, costBlue: 1, costGreen: 1, costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); } }], }, "1208": { "pid": 1208, cid: 1208, "timestamp": 1451226723619, "wxid": "WX09-024", name: "天左の書記 メタトロン", name_zh_CN: "天左之书记 梅塔特隆", name_en: "Metatron, Secretary of Heaven's Left", "kana": "テンサノショキメタトロン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-024.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サンダルちゃん、クロス、しちゃおうか。~メタトロン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1218, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1208-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1209": { "pid": 1209, cid: 1209, "timestamp": 1451226724635, "wxid": "WX09-025", name: "羅石 カルコ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 三方硼砂", name_en: "Chalco, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキカルコ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-025.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これだけ輝いてんだから、そんくらいの対価は必要でしょ。~カルコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:あなたの場に<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニが合計3体ある場合、対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:你的场上有<矿石>或<宝石>SIGNI合计3只的场合,将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: If you have 3 or SIGNI on the field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<矿石>或<宝石>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 or SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1210": { "pid": 1210, cid: 1210, "timestamp": 1451226725632, "wxid": "WX09-026", name: "幻竜 アンキロ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 甲龙", name_en: "Ankylo, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウアンキロ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-026.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "グガァ(このおしりにかなうわけないでしょ)~アンキロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1220, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1210-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1211": { "pid": 1211, cid: 1211, "timestamp": 1451226726602, "wxid": "WX09-027", name: "羅石 オリハルティア", name_zh_CN: "罗石 金铜", name_en: "Orichalcia, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキオリハルティア", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-027.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見て、お姉さま。私、少しだけあなたに…近づきました?~オリハルティア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にある《羅石 オリハルティア》以外のシグニの「対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」は「対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你场上的除《罗石 金铜》以外的SIGNI的「将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」能力变为「将对战对手的1只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The \"banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less\" effects of your SIGNI on the field other than \"Orichalcia, Natural Stone\" become \"banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less\"." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.cid === 1211) return; set(signi,'_OrichalciaNaturalStone',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《アダマスフィア》を含むシグニがある場合、対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区中存在名字含有《金刚珠玉》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a SIGNI with \"Adamasphere\" in its card name in your trash, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('アダマスフィア') !== -1); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000,1,1); // 由于没有COST,必选 } }], }, "1212": { "pid": 1212, cid: 1212, "timestamp": 1451226727649, "wxid": "WX09-028", name: "コードアート C・L", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 C・L", name_en: "Code Art CL", "kana": "コードアートクリーナー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-028.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああそう。君のことは無駄にしないよ。~C・L~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手があなたのシグニの効果によって手札を1枚捨てるたび、あなたは【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手因你的SIGNI的效果舍弃1张手牌的时,你可以支付【蓝】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]:When your opponent discards a card from their hand by the effect of one of your SIGNI, you may pay [Blue]. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1212-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return; return (source.player === this.player) && (source.type === 'SIGNI'); }, costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onDiscard',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《V・A・C》を含むカードがある場合、あなたのトラッシュからスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区中存在名字含有《V·A·C》的卡的场合,从你的废弃区将1张魔法卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have a card with \"VAC\" in its card name in the trash, add 1 spell from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('V・A・C') !== -1); },this); if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1213": { "pid": 1213, cid: 1213, "timestamp": 1451226728756, "wxid": "WX09-029", name: "コードアート S・M・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 S・M・S", name_en: "Code Art SMS", "kana": "コードアートショルダーマッサージャー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-029.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "モミモミ、モミモミ。揉まれるのは好きじゃないモザ…~ミモザ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:あなたの場に<電機>のシグニが3体ある場合、対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【蓝】:你的场上有3只<电机>SIGNI的场合,不查看而选择对战对手的1张手牌,把它舍弃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: If you have 3 SIGNI on the field, choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = false; if (this.player.signis.length >= 3) { flag = this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); } if (!flag) return; this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<電機>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<电机>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1214": { "pid": 1214, cid: 1214, "timestamp": 1451226729961, "wxid": "WX09-030", name: "幻水 リセボン", name_zh_CN: "幻水 刺豚", name_en: "Risebon, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイリセボン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-030.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "怒ると怖いよ!ぷくーっ! ~リセボン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1224, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:此精灵达成HEAVEN时,抽1张牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], draw 1 card" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1214-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1215": { "pid": 1215, cid: 1215, "timestamp": 1451226731393, "wxid": "WX09-032", name: "幻獣 コサキ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 小御先", name_en: "Kosaki, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウコサキ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-032.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねえちゃ、ちとかりるな!~コサキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたは【緑】【緑】【緑】または【緑】【緑】を支払う際に、代わりにあなたのエナゾーンからカード名に《オサキ》を含むカード1枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。(この能力で【無】を支払うことは置き換えられない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你支付【绿】【绿】【绿】或者【绿】【绿】的时候,作为代替你可以从能量区将1张名字含有《御先狐》的卡放置到废弃区。(这个能力不能代替支付【无】)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever you pay [Green] [Green] [Green] or [Green] [Green], you may instead put 1 card with \"Osaki\" in its name from your Ener Zone into the trash. (You cannot use this ability to pay Colorless.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.name.indexOf('オサキ') === -1) return; set(card,'_KosakiPhantomBeast',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのエナゾーンからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿】:从你的能量区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1216": { "pid": 1216, cid: 1216, "timestamp": 1451226732545, "wxid": "WX09-034", name: "コードアンチ ロポリス", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 卫城", name_en: "Code Anti Ropolis", "kana": "コードアンチロポリス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-034.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えへへへ、おっきいほうが好きなんでしょぉ!~ロポリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にカード名に《パルテノ》または《パルベック》を含むシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+5000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《パルテノ》または《パルベック》を含むシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+5000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが20000以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在名字含有《帕特农》或《巴勒贝克》的SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量+5000。", "【常】:只要你的废弃区存在名字含有《帕特农》或《巴勒贝克》的SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量+5000。", "【常】:当这只SIGNI攻击时,这只SIGNI的力量在20000以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a SIGNI with \"Partheno\" or \"Palbek\" in its name on your field, this SIGNI gets +5000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as there is a SIGNI with \"Partheno\" or \"Palbek\" in its name in your trash, this SIGNI gets +5000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI has 20000 power or more, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('パルテノ') !== -1) || (card.name.indexOf('パルベック') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',5000); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('パルテノ') !== -1) || (card.name.indexOf('パルベック') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',5000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1216-const-2', triggerCondition: function () { return this.power >= 20000; }, condition: function () { return this.power >= 20000; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1217": { "pid": 1217, cid: 1217, "timestamp": 1451226733630, "wxid": "WX09-035", name: "ドライ=ソマナ", name_zh_CN: "DERI=梭曼", name_en: "Drei=Somana", "kana": "ドライソマナ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-035.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うん、ここまで悪くなったのは、自分のせいだからね?~ソマナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたの場に<毒牙>のシグニが3体ある場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【黑】:你的场上存在3只<毒牙>SIGNI的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: If you have 3 SIGNI on the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = false; if (this.player.signis.length >= 3) { flag = this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); } if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<毒牙>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1218": { "pid": 1218, cid: 1218, "timestamp": 1451226734640, "wxid": "WX09-040", name: "天右の書記 サンダルフォン", name_zh_CN: "天右之书记 圣德芬", name_en: "Sandalphon, Secretary of Heaven's Right", "kana": "テンウノショキサンダルフォン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-040.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そうね、ついでにヘブンしちゃうかもね。~サンダルフォン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1208, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1219": { "pid": 1219, cid: 1219, "timestamp": 1451226735834, "wxid": "WX09-042", name: "羅石 ボーナイ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 斑铜", name_en: "Borni, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキボーナイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-042.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょいとお邪魔だね。~ボーナイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー6000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<矿石>或<宝石>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量6000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 or SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 6000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(6000); } }] }, "1220": { "pid": 1220, cid: 1220, "timestamp": 1451226736731, "wxid": "WX09-043", name: "幻竜 パキケロ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 厚头龙", name_en: "Pachycero, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウパキケロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-043.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ガグゥア!(わたしのあたまではねかえしてあげるわ)~パキケロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1210, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1221": { "pid": 1221, cid: 1221, "timestamp": 1451226737831, "wxid": "WX09-044", name: "羅石 キャルコ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 黄铜", name_en: "Kyalco, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキキャルコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-044.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うーん、ちょっと輝きが弱いわね。~キャルコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<矿石>或<宝石>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 or SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }], }, "1222": { "pid": 1222, cid: 1222, "timestamp": 1451226738962, "wxid": "WX09-045", name: "三炎の宝石", name_zh_CN: "三炎宝石", name_en: "Gem of Three Flames", "kana": "サンエンノホウセキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-045.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "10000カラットの一撃!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたの場に赤のシグニが3体あり、それらが共通するクラスを持つ場合、代わりに対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。你的场上存在3只红色的SIGNI,且它们只有共同的类别的场合,作为代替将对战对手的1只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less. If you have 3 red SIGNI on the field, if they have a common class, instead banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { // 复制并修改自<获得光辉> var flag = (this.player.signis.length === 3); if (flag) { var classes = this.player.signis[0].getClasses(); flag = this.player.signis.slice(1).every(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasColor('red')) return false; return signi.getClasses().every(function (cls) { return inArr(cls,classes); },this); },this); } var power = flag? 15000 : 8000; return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } } }, "1223": { "pid": 1223, cid: 1223, "timestamp": 1451226740351, "wxid": "WX09-046", name: "コードアート H・M・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 H・M・S", name_en: "Code Art HMS", "kana": "コードアートハンドマッサージャー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-046.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "挫いた手首を、もんであげるね。~H・M・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<电机>SIGNI舍弃:对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "1224": { "pid": 1224, cid: 1224, "timestamp": 1451226741724, "wxid": "WX09-047", name: "幻水 ウニ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 海胆", name_en: "Uni, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイウニ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-047.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クリちゃうよ。~ウニ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1214, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1225": { "pid": 1225, cid: 1225, "timestamp": 1451226743064, "wxid": "WX09-048", name: "コードアート F・M・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 F・M・S", name_en: "Code Art FMS", "kana": "コードアートフットマッサージャー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-048.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一歩目は私にどうぞ。~F・M・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<电机>SIGNI舍弃:对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "1226": { "pid": 1226, cid: 1226, "timestamp": 1451226744078, "wxid": "WX09-049", name: "THREE SWITCH", name_zh_CN: "THREE SWITCH", name_en: "THREE SWITCH", "kana": "スリースイッチ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-049.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょっとまって、わかんなくなってきた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを3枚引く。あなたの場に青のシグニが3体あり、それらが共通するクラスを持つ場合、代わりにカードを4枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽3张卡。你的场上存在3只蓝色的SIGNI,且它们只有共同的类别的场合,作为代替抽4张卡。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw 3 cards. If you have 3 blue SIGNI on the field, if they have a common class, draw 4 cards instead." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自<获得光辉> var flag = (this.player.signis.length === 3); if (flag) { var classes = this.player.signis[0].getClasses(); flag = this.player.signis.slice(1).every(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasColor('blue')) return false; return signi.getClasses().every(function (cls) { return inArr(cls,classes); },this); },this); } var count = flag? 4 : 3; this.player.draw(count); } } }, "1227": { "pid": 1227, cid: 1227, "timestamp": 1451226745421, "wxid": "WX09-050", name: "羅植 コスモス", name_zh_CN: "罗植 波斯菊", name_en: "Cosmos, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクコスモス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-050.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こうね、ほら種をまくようにさ。~コスモス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<植物>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<植物>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "1228": { "pid": 1228, cid: 1228, "timestamp": 1451226746804, "wxid": "WX09-051", name: "羅植 ヒガンバナ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 彼岸花", name_en: "Higanbana, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクヒガンバナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-051.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一時期、私も好きなことがあったわ。一時期ってどれくらいか知らないけど。~ヒガンバナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<植物>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<植物>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "1229": { "pid": 1229, cid: 1229, "timestamp": 1451226747951, "wxid": "WX09-053", name: "多幸", name_zh_CN: "多幸", name_en: "Euphoria", "kana": "タコウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-053.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "らぶらぶらぶ", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000する。あなたの場に緑のシグニが3体あり、それらが共通するクラスを持つ場合、ターン終了時まで、それらは追加で「このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。」を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你所有的SIGNI力量+5000。你的场上存在3只绿色的SIGNI,且它们只有共同的类别的场合,直到回合结束为止,追加获得「当这只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。」。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +5000 power. If you have 3 green SIGNI on the field, if they have a common class, until end of turn, those SIGNI also get \"When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"" ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自<获得光辉> var flag = (this.player.signis.length === 3); if (flag) { var classes = this.player.signis[0].getClasses(); flag = this.player.signis.slice(1).every(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasColor('green')) return false; return signi.getClasses().every(function (cls) { return inArr(cls,classes); },this); },this); } this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); if (!flag) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: signi, description: '1229-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'onAttack',effect); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当这只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.' ] }, "1230": { "pid": 1230, cid: 1230, "timestamp": 1451226749052, "wxid": "WX09-054", name: "ツヴァイ=タブネ", name_zh_CN: "ZWEI=塔崩", name_en: "Zwei=Tabune", "kana": "ツヴァイタブネ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-054.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょっとだけ…手遅れかも?~タブネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<毒牙>のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<毒牙>SIGNI舍弃:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -5000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }] }, "1231": { "pid": 1231, cid: 1231, "timestamp": 1451226750075, "wxid": "WX09-055", name: "アイン=ホスグ", name_zh_CN: "EINS=光气", name_en: "Ein=Hosugu", "kana": "アインホスグ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-055.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大丈夫、痛いのは初めだけだから。あとは、痛みなんてないんだよ。~ホスグ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<毒牙>のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<毒牙>SIGNI舍弃:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }] }, "1232": { "pid": 1232, cid: 1232, "timestamp": 1451226751129, "wxid": "WX09-057", name: "バッド・メディスン", name_zh_CN: "恶性治疗", name_en: "Bad Medicine", "kana": "バッドメディスン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-057.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "明日も、明後日も、その次の日も、明日がやってきてしまうような、そんな感じ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。その後、あなたの場に黒のシグニが3体あり、それらが共通するクラスを持つ場合、追加であなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的废弃区将1张黑色的SIGNI加入手牌。之后,你的场上存在3只黑色的SIGNI,且它们持有共同的类别的场合,追加从你的废弃区将1张黑色的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand. Then, if you have 3 black SIGNI on the field, if they have a common class, add 1 additional black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自<获得光辉> var flag = (this.player.signis.length === 3); if (flag) { var classes = this.player.signis[0].getClasses(); flag = this.player.signis.slice(1).every(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasColor('black')) return false; return signi.getClasses().every(function (cls) { return inArr(cls,classes); },this); },this); } var count = flag? 2 : 1; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "1233": { "pid": 1233, cid: 1233, "timestamp": 1451226752226, "wxid": "WX09-CB01", name: "コードアート H・T・R", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 H•T•R", name_en: "Code Art HTR", "kana": "コードアートホタル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-CB01.jpg", "illust": "コトヤマ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "枝垂カンパニーの名にかけて負けるわけにはいかないわね。~ほたる~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたは手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "「あなたはカードを2枚引く。」\n" + "「対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」\n" + "「対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。」" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当这只SIGNI攻击时,你可以从手牌将1张<电机>SIGNI舍弃。这样做了的场合,从以下3项中选择1项。\n" + "「你抽2张卡。」\n" + "「将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI驱逐。」\n" + "「不查看而选择对手1张手牌,将其舍弃。」" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may discard 1 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, choose 1 of the following 3.\n" + "「Draw 2 cards.」\n" + "「Banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI.」\n" + "「Choose a card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it.」" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1233-const-0', costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1233-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } },{ source: this, description: '1233-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1233-attached-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "あなたはカードを2枚引く。", "対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你抽2张卡。", "将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI驱逐。", "不查看而选择对手1张手牌,将其舍弃。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw 2 cards.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI.", "Choose a card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1234": { "pid": 1234, cid: 1234, "timestamp": 1451226753503, "wxid": "WX09-CB02", name: "終末の回旋 チェロン", name_zh_CN: "终末的回旋 大提琴", name_en: "Cellon, Rotation of the End", "kana": "シュウマツノカイセンチェロン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-CB02.jpg", "illust": "分島花音", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "連鎖した運命と、共鳴する間柄。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの《クロス》を持つ<美巧>のシグニは対戦相手の効果によってはバニッシュされない。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の《終末の回旋 チェロン》以外の<美巧>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的持有CROSS标记的<美巧>SIGNI不会被对战对手的效果驱逐。", "【常】:当这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付【绿】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的除《终末的回旋 大提琴》以外的<美巧>SIGNI,加入手牌或出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your SIGNI with >Cross< cannot be banished by your opponent's effects.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Green]. If you do, search your deck for a level 3 or less SIGNI other than \"Cellon, Rotation of the End\", reveal it, and put it onto the field or add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.crossIcon) return; set(signi,'canNotBeBanishedByEffect',true); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1234-const-1', costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.cid !== 1234); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }] }, "1235": { "pid": 1235, cid: 701, "timestamp": 1451226754817, "wxid": "WX09-Re01", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・デッドナイト", name_zh_CN: "星占之巫女 忆・午夜", name_en: "Remember Dead Night, Star-Reading Miko", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバデッドナイト", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re01.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私、約束は守るタイプなんです。~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1236": { "pid": 1236, cid: 558, "timestamp": 1451226756065, "wxid": "WX09-Re04", name: "アイギス・シールド", name_zh_CN: "庇护之盾", name_en: "Aegis Shield", "kana": "アイギスシールド", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re04.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今度こそ…守ってみせるよ。フフッ~ハイティ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1237": { "pid": 1237, cid: 534, "timestamp": 1451226757540, "wxid": "WX09-Re05", name: "ロック・ユー", name_zh_CN: "将你缚锁", name_en: "Lock You", "kana": "ロックユー", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re05.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…私の番。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1238": { "pid": 1238, cid: 409, "timestamp": 1451226758889, "wxid": "WX09-Re06", name: "デス・ブーケトス", name_zh_CN: "死亡婚礼抛花", name_en: "Death Bouquet Toss", "kana": "デスブーケトス", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re06.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おすそ分け…しないわ。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1239": { "pid": 1239, cid: 532, "timestamp": 1451226760251, "wxid": "WX09-Re07", name: "巨弓 ヤエキリ", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 八重弦", name_en: "Yaekiri, Large Bow", "kana": "キョキュウヤエキリ", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re07.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヤエは、パーフェクトですの!~ヤエキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1240": { "pid": 1240, cid: 376, "timestamp": 1451226761538, "wxid": "WX09-Re08", name: "中槍 ハスタル", name_zh_CN: "中枪 古罗马长矛", name_en: "Hastall, Medium Spear", "kana": "チュウソウハスタル", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re08.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうぞ、ごゆっくり。~ハスタル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1241": { "pid": 1241, cid: 377, "timestamp": 1451226762791, "wxid": "WX09-Re10", name: "羅石 ミスリル", name_zh_CN: "罗石 秘银", name_en: "Mithril, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキミスリル", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re10.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もういちど、キラキラしたいでしょ?~ミスリル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1242": { "pid": 1242, cid: 533, "timestamp": 1451226763957, "wxid": "WX09-Re11", name: "羅石 アンモライト", name_zh_CN: "罗石 斑彩石", name_en: "Ammolite, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアンモライト", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re11.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やーん皆さん、割と来てるぅ? ~アンモライト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1243": { "pid": 1243, cid: 408, "timestamp": 1451226765261, "wxid": "WX09-Re12", name: "烈情の割裂", name_zh_CN: "烈情割裂", name_en: "Fracturing Lust", "kana": "レツジョウノカツレツ", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re12.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これでも、くらえっ!! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1244": { "pid": 1244, cid: 387, "timestamp": 1451226766549, "wxid": "WX09-Re13", name: "硝煙の気焔", name_zh_CN: "硝烟气焰", name_en: "Gun Smoke Flame Aura", "kana": "ショウエンノキエン", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re13.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドッゴオオオオン!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1245": { "pid": 1245, cid: 388, "timestamp": 1451226767574, "wxid": "WX09-Re14", name: "コードアート M・G・T", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 M•G•T", name_en: "Code Art MGT", "kana": "コードアートマグネット", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re14.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいですわ、なんだかまた溜まってきました! ~M・G・T~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1246": { "pid": 1246, cid: 378, "timestamp": 1451226768735, "wxid": "WX09-Re15", name: "TREASURE", name_zh_CN: "TREASURE", name_en: "TREASURE", "kana": "トレジャー", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re15.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "姉さん、みつけたみつけた!~カレイラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1247": { "pid": 1247, cid: 535, "timestamp": 1451226769642, "wxid": "WX09-Re16", name: "幻獣 ミャオ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 喵", name_en: "Miao, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウミャオ", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re16.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "にゃははははは!くすぐったいニャア!!~ミャオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1248": { "pid": 1248, cid: 379, "timestamp": 1451226770789, "wxid": "WX09-Re18", name: "増援", name_zh_CN: "增援", name_en: "Reinforcement", "kana": "ゾウエン", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re18.jpg", "illust": "ナダレ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これと、これでワンツーッと!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1249": { "pid": 1249, cid: 518, "timestamp": 1451226771692, "wxid": "WX09-Re19", name: "紅蓮の使者 ミリア", name_zh_CN: "红莲使者 米莉亚", name_en: "Miria, Vermilion Messenger", "kana": "グレンノシシャミリア", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re19.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ねぇ、次の扉はまだかしらぁ? ~ミリア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1250": { "pid": 1250, cid: 390, "timestamp": 1451226772833, "wxid": "WX09-Re20", name: "墓守の小悪 アルマ", name_zh_CN: "守墓小恶 阿尔玛", name_en: "Alma, Lesser Sin of Gravekeepers", "kana": "ハカモリノコアクアルマ", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re20.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お、新しい出口!? ~アルマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1251": { "pid": 1251, cid: 536, "timestamp": 1451226774551, "wxid": "WX09-Re21", name: "デス・バイ・デス", name_zh_CN: "死亡紧接死亡", name_en: "Death by Death", "kana": "デスバイデス", "rarity": "Re", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX09/WX09-Re21.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そうね、これこそが真骨頂だわ。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1252": { "pid": 1252, cid: 1252, "timestamp": 1451226775674, "wxid": "PR-213", name: "小剣 ミカムネ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_zh_CN: "小剑 三日月(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_en: "Mikamune, Small Sword(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", "kana": "ショウケンミカムネ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-213.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "予は天下五剣の1つにして、最も美なる剣であるぞ。~ミカムネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Though I am but one of the Five Swords Under Heaven, I am the most beautiful sword. ~Mikamune~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に白以外のシグニがある場合、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがエナゾーンにあるかぎり、あなたは自分のルリグと同じ色のエナを支払う際に、代わりにあなたのエナゾーンからこのシグニをトラッシュに置いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的场上存在白色以外的SIGNI的场合,这只SIGNI的力量变为5000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI在你的能量区,当你支付与自身LRIG相同颜色的能量时,作为代替可以将这只SIGNI从能量区放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If you have a non-white SIGNI on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is in your Ener Zone, whenever you would pay ener of the same color as your LRIG, you may put this SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash instead." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.hasColor('white'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } },{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return this.zone === this.player.enerZone; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'_MikamuneSmallSword',true); } }] }, "1253": { "pid": 1253, cid: 1253, "timestamp": 1451226776884, "wxid": "PR-214", name: "轟砲 ウルバン(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 乌尔班巨炮(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_en: "Urban, Roaring Gun(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", "kana": "ゴウホウウルバン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-214.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オラオラァ、続け続けェ!~ウルバン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Go go, keep going keep going! ~Urban~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:【ダブルクラッシュ】によって対戦相手のライフクロスが2枚以上クラッシュされたとき、このシグニをアップする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当你通过【双重击溃】将对战对手2张以上的生命护甲击溃时,将这只SIGNI竖置。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 2 or more of your opponent's Life Cloth is crushed by [Double Crush], up this SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1253-const-0', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onDoubleCrashed',effect); } }] }, "1254": { "pid": 1254, cid: 1254, "timestamp": 1451226777984, "wxid": "PR-215", name: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_zh_CN: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_en: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", "kana": "スペードワーク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-215.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キュピーン!分からないということが分かったすよ!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ka-ping! I understand the not-understandable! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから【ライフバースト】を持つ無色以外のカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张持有【※】的无色以外的卡,公开并加入手牌。这之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 non-colorless card with Life Burst, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.slice(); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.color !== 'colorless') && card.burstIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1255": { "pid": 1255, cid: 1255, "timestamp": 1451226779036, "wxid": "PR-216", name: "保湿成分(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_zh_CN: "保湿成分(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_en: "Moisturizer(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", "kana": "テンタクルフォース", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-216.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "くっ、なっ・・・でも力が湧いてくる!?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Gr, ah... it's swelling up!?", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール ―【無】(アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを+3000し、それは「対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニは対戦相手の効果を受けない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响 —【无】(可以追加支付回响费用来使用此卡。这样做了的场合,这张卡追加获得「这张卡返回LRIG卡组。」)\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI力量+3000,并获得「在对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI不受对战对手的效果影响。」。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - Colorless (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets +3000 power and gains \"During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects.\"" ], encore: { costColorless: 1 }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',3000); if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'effectFilters',function (card) { return !(card.player === this.player.opponent); }); }); } } }, "1256": { "pid": 1256, cid: 1256, "timestamp": 1451226780216, "wxid": "PR-217", name: "キャッチ・リリース(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_zh_CN: "捕捉・放生(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", name_en: "Catch Release(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol7)", "kana": "キャッチリリース", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-217.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "・・・ゲット。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "...Get. ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①レゾナではないあなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュから<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "②あなたのレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。", "レゾナではないあなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュから<凶蟲>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "あなたのレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①将你的1只非共鸣单位驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区中将1张<凶虫>SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "②将你的1只共鸣单位驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。", "将你的1只非共鸣单位驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区中将1张<凶虫>SIGNI加入手牌。", "将你的1只共鸣单位驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Banish 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI. If you do, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\n" + "② Banish 1 of your Resonas. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power.", "Banish 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI. If you do, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Banish 1 of your Resonas. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power." ], spellEffect : [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.resona; }); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); }); } },{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona; }); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); }); } }] }, "1257": { "pid": 1257, cid: 897, "timestamp": 1451226781433, "wxid": "PR-232", name: "ロマネ・ディフェンス(『WIXOSS -TWIN WING-』付録)", name_zh_CN: "罗马防御(『WIXOSS -TWIN WING-』付録)", name_en: "Romane Defense(『WIXOSS -TWIN WING-』付録)", "kana": "ロマネディフェンス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-232.jpg", "illust": "明治", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "「いくよ……準備はOK?」「もっちろん!」~チハルン&ミサキチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1258": { "pid": 1258, cid: 1258, "timestamp": 1451226782611, "wxid": "PR-212", name: "コードアンチ メイジ(カードゲーマーvol.24 付録)", name_zh_CN: "古代兵器 法师(カードゲーマーvol.24 付録)", name_en: "Code Anti Mage(カードゲーマーvol.24 付録)", "kana": "コードアンチメイジ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-212.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あ、あの~、死んじゃいましたけど、お金払えば割と簡単に生き返りますよ?~メイジ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】【黒】【無】:あなたのトラッシュからそれぞれレベルの異なる無色ではないシグニ4枚をデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】【黑】【无】:从你的废弃区将4张等级各不相同的无色以外SIGNI放置到卡组最下方。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI从废弃区出场。之后,洗切牌组。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] [Black] [Colorless]: Put 4 non-colorless SIGNI with different levels from your trash at the bottom of your deck. If you do, put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]. (This ability can only be used if this SIGNI is in the trash.)" ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInTrashZone: true, attackPhase: true, costBlack: 2, costColorless: 1, // useCondition: function () { // if (!this.canSummon()) return false; // return true; // }, actionAsyn: function () { var levels = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return; levels.push(card.level); },this); if (levels.length < 4) return; levels.length = 0; var cards_deck = []; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.color !== 'colorless') && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !inArr(card.level,levels); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; levels.push(card.level); cards_deck.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_deck).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.game.moveCards(cards_deck,this.player.mainDeck,{bottom: true}); if (cards.length !== 4) return; if (this.zone !== this.player.trashZone) return; if (!this.canSummon()) return; return this.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.player.shuffle(); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你的卡组顶3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区将1张无色以外的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 non-colorless SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "1259": { "pid": 1259, cid: 1259, "timestamp": 1451226783839, "wxid": "WD12-001", name: "アイヤイ★スペード", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★黑桃", name_en: "Aiyai★Spade", "kana": "アイヤイスペード", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-001.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぶちぶちーって、ぶち壊すっ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll beat you, beat you, beat you good! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当你的1只共鸣单位出场时,从你的卡组顶将一张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your Resonas enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1259-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのエナゾーンから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从你的能量区将1张<游具>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], }, "1260": { "pid": 1260, cid: 1260, "timestamp": 1451226784985, "wxid": "WD12-002", name: "アイヤイ★ハート", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★红心", name_en: "Aiyai★Heart", "kana": "アイヤイハート", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-002.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やばばっ、本気でちゃうかも?~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Oh no, going to get serious? ~Aiyai~" }, "1261": { "pid": 1261, cid: 1261, "timestamp": 1451226786153, "wxid": "WD12-003", name: "アイヤイ★ダイヤ", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★方块", name_en: "Aiyai★Dia", "kana": "アイヤイダイヤ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-003.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "変顔だったら、負けないぞーん!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With a weird face like that, I won't lose! ~Aiyai~" }, "1262": { "pid": 1262, cid: 1262, "timestamp": 1451226787313, "wxid": "WD12-004", name: "アイヤイ★クラブ", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★梅花", name_en: "Aiyai★Club", "kana": "アイヤイクラブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-004.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アイヤイヤーイ♪~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Aiyai yaaai♪ ~Aiyai~" }, "1263": { "pid": 1263, cid: 1263, "timestamp": 1451226788477, "wxid": "WD12-005", name: "アイヤイ★ベット", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★赌博", name_en: "Aiyai★Bet", "kana": "アイヤイベット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-005.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープンするよっ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1264": { "pid": 1264, cid: 1264, "timestamp": 1451226789568, "wxid": "WD12-006", name: "神出鬼没", name_zh_CN: "神出鬼没", name_en: "Elusive", "kana": "レッツゴー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-006.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピョコピョコ出てこい、モグラ達!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用する際、あなたの手札から<遊具>のシグニを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【緑】コストが2減る。\n" + "あなたのエナゾーンから緑のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张技艺卡时,可以从你的手牌将1张<游具>SIGNI舍弃。这样做了的场合,这张技艺卡的使用费用减少绿2。\n" + "从你的能量区将1张绿色的SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "When using this ARTS, you may discard 1 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, the cost for using this ARTS decreases by 2 [Green].\n" + "Put 1 green SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); if (!cards.length) return obj; obj.costGreen -= 2; if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); var optional = this.player.enoughEner(obj); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return obj; card.trash(); obj.costGreen -= 2; if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0; return obj; }); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('green')) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "1265": { "pid": 1265, cid: 1265, "timestamp": 1451226790785, "wxid": "WD12-007", name: "緑肆ノ遊 カラシャ", name_zh_CN: "绿肆游 摩天轮", name_en: "Karasha, Green Fourth Play", "kana": "リョクヨンノユウカラシャ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-007.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "眺めはどうかしら?~カラシャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How is the view? ~Karasha~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<遊具>のシグニ3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将3只非共鸣的<游具>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('遊具'); }; var count = 3; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたのルリグデッキからレベル3以下の<遊具>のレゾナ1体を出現条件を無視して場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当这只SIGNI离场时,从你的LRIG卡组中将1只等级3以下的<游具>共鸣单位无视出场条件出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, put 1 level 3 or less Resona from your LRIG Deck onto the field, ignoring its play condition." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1265-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.resona && (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】×0:あなたのエナゾーンからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿0】:从你的能量区将1只SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green0]: Put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1266": { "pid": 1266, cid: 1266, "timestamp": 1451226792035, "wxid": "WD12-008", name: "緑弐ノ遊 ジェコスタ", name_zh_CN: "绿贰游 云霄飞车", name_en: "Jecoaster, Green Second Play", "kana": "リョク二ノユウジェコスタ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-008.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いや~ん、スリルスリルゥ!~ジェコスタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whee~, Thrill! Thrill! ~Jecoaster~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<遊具>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将2只非共鸣的<游具>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('遊具'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(3); } }] }, "1267": { "pid": 1267, cid: 1267, "timestamp": 1451226793054, "wxid": "WD12-009", name: "肆ノ遊 ジャグジム", name_zh_CN: "肆游 攀爬架", name_en: "Juggym, Fourth Play", "kana": "ヨンノユウジャグジム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-009.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "秘技、ジャグジム殺法!~ジャグジム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Secret Arts, Juggym Assassination! ~Juggym~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体が効果によって場に出るたび、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。(このシグニが効果によって場に出たときも発動する)", "【常時能力】:このシグニがあなたのエナゾーンから手札に移動したとき、あなたは手札からレベル4のシグニ1枚をダウン状態で場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI因效果出场时,你可以支付【绿】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手1只力量15000以上的SIGNI驱逐。(这只SIGNI因效果出场时也发动)", "【常】:这只SIGNI从你的能量区移动到手牌时,你可以从手牌将1只等级4的SIGNI以横置状态出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI is put onto the field by an effect, you may pay [Green]. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more. (This ability also triggers when this SIGNI is put onto the field by an effect)", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is moved from your Ener Zone into your hand, you may put 1 level 4 SIGNI onto the field from your hand downed." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1267-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return !!this.game.getEffectSource(); }, costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000,0,1,true); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1267-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.handZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.level === 4) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(false,false,true); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000,0,1,true); } } }, "1268": { "pid": 1268, cid: 1268, "timestamp": 1451226794164, "wxid": "WD12-010", name: "参ノ遊 クルミド", name_zh_CN: "叁游 胡桃夹子", name_en: "Kurumed, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウクルミド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-010.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ガチガチっとやっちゃうよ!~クルミド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがあなたのエナゾーンから手札に移動したとき、あなたは手札からレベル3のシグニ1枚をダウン状態で場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI从你的能量区移动到手牌时,你可以从手牌将1只等级3的SIGNI以横置状态出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your Ener Zone into your hand, you may put 1 level 3 SIGNI from your hand onto the field downed." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1268-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.handZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.level === 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(false,false,true); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1269": { "pid": 1269, cid: 1269, "timestamp": 1451226795278, "wxid": "WD12-011", name: "参ノ遊 シーソー", name_zh_CN: "叁游 跷跷板", name_en: "Seesaw, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウシーソー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-011.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ギーコギーコ、ガッシャーン!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Uppsy-downsy, uppsy-downsy, cra-sh!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体が効果によって場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニが効果によって場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(这只SIGNI因效果出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is put onto the field by an effect, draw 1 card. This effect can only be triggered once per turn. (This ability is also triggered when this SIGNI is put onto the field by an effect)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1269-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; var flag = false; if (event.card === this) { this.game.setData(this,'flag',false); } else { flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); } if (flag) return false; return !!this.game.getEffectSource(); }, condition: function () { var flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); if (flag) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this,'flag',true); this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1270": { "pid": 1270, cid: 1270, "timestamp": 1451226796520, "wxid": "WD12-012", name: "弍ノ遊 メンコ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 拍纸画", name_en: "Menko, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウメンコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-012.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カードゲームのご先祖…様?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Card games' honourable ances...tors?", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニを手札に戻してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将这只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may return this SIGNI to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1270-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource() || event.attackingSigni; return (card === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.bounceAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1271": { "pid": 1271, cid: 1271, "timestamp": 1451226797766, "wxid": "WD12-013", name: "弍ノ遊 マトリョ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 套娃", name_en: "Matryo, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウマトリョ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-013.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "変身をあと3回も私は残しているわ!~マトリョ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、アップ状態のこのシグニをダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、あなたのエナゾーンからレベル2以下のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将竖置状态的这只SIGNI横置,这样做了的场合,从你的能量区将1只等级2以下的SIGNI出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may down this upped SIGNI. If you do, put a level 2 or less SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1271-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource() || event.attackingSigni; return (card && (card.player === this.player) && (card.type === 'SIGNI')); }, condition: function () { return this.isUp; }, optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.down(); var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 2) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }] }, "1272": { "pid": 1272, cid: 1272, "timestamp": 1451226799103, "wxid": "WD12-014", name: "壱ノ遊 オテダマ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 沙包", name_en: "Otedama, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウオテダマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-014.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "手から心へ。真心を。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Devotion, from hand to heart.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニを手札に戻してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将这只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may return this SIGNI to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1272-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource() || event.attackingSigni; return (card === this); }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.bounceAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1273": { "pid": 1273, cid: 1273, "timestamp": 1451226800245, "wxid": "WD12-015", name: "壱ノ遊 ガチャポ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 扭蛋", name_en: "Gachapo, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウガチャポ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-015.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ガチャガチャ、パカッ!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Gacha gacha, paka!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、アップ状態のこのシグニをダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、あなたのエナゾーンからレベル1以下のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将竖置状态的这只SIGNI横置,这样做了的场合,从你的能量区将1只等级1以下的SIGNI出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may down this upped SIGNI. If you do, put a level 1 or less SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1273-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource() || event.attackingSigni; return (card && (card.player === this.player) && (card.type === 'SIGNI')); }, condition: function () { return this.isUp; }, optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.down(); var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 1) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }] }, "1274": { "pid": 1274, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1451226801331, "wxid": "WD12-016", name: "サーバント D2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2", name_en: "Servant D2", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-016.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ちゃんと大技が決まりますように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1275": { "pid": 1275, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1451226802443, "wxid": "WD12-017", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツ―", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-017.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "事故なく無事にサーカスが終りますように。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1276": { "pid": 1276, cid: 1276, "timestamp": 1451226803906, "wxid": "WD12-018", name: "贈呈", name_zh_CN: "赠呈", name_en: "Presentation", "kana": "ゾウテイ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD12/WD12-018.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ムフッ♪ムフフフフッ♪", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。その後、あなたの場にレゾナがある場合、追加であなたのエナゾーンからシグニを1枚まで手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的能量区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。之后,你的场上有共鸣单位的场合,追加从你的能量区将至多1张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand. Then, if you have a Resona on the field, add 1 additional SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); var count = flag? 2 : 1; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SIGNI'; },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。その後、あなたのエナゾーンからシグニを1枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。之后,从你的能量区将至多1张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. Then, add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(1); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SIGNI'; },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, // "1277": { // "pid": 1277, // cid: 1277, // "timestamp": 1451226805118, // "wxid": "SP11-011", // name: "デス・コロッサオ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "デス・コロッサオ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "デス・コロッサオ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "デスコロッサオ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "ウムル", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-011.jpg", // "illust": "松本エイト", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "手札やエナゾーンにあるシグニをトラッシュに置くことは出来ますか?", // "a": "いいえ、トラッシュに置くことが出来るのは、シグニゾーンに置かれたシグニのみです。エナゾーンや手札にあるシグニをトラッシュに置くことは出来ません。" // }, // { // "q": "このアーツを使用したときに、シグニをトラッシュに置かないことを選択できますか?", // "a": "はい、できます。その場合、アーツが使用される以外は何も起こりません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 3, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】", // "あなたのすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置いても良い。この方法でそれぞれがレベルの異なる3体のシグニがトラッシュに置かれた場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "たまにはこういうのもよいじゃろうよ。~ウムル~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1278": { // "pid": 1278, // cid: 1278, // "timestamp": 1451226806233, // "wxid": "SP11-012", // name: "ブラッディ・スラッシュ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "ブラッディ・スラッシュ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "ブラッディ・スラッシュ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ブラッディスラッシュ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-012.jpg", // "illust": "コウサク", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "《贖罪の対火》を使用し、対戦相手のシグニを選択した後、対戦相手が《ブラッディ・スラッシュ》を使用し、選択したシグニをトラッシュに置きました。《贖罪の対火》によってルリグにダブルクラッシュを付与することは出来ますか?", // "a": "出来ません。この場合、《贖罪の対火》は立ち消えとなります。効果は終了し、そのままトラッシュに置かれます。" // }, // { // "q": "《堕絡》の使用に対し、【スペルカットイン】《ブラッディ・スラッシュ》で、選択した自身のシグニがバニッシュされました。この場合、対戦相手のシグニをバニッシュすることは出来ますか?", // "a": "いいえ、《堕絡》の解決時に選択した自身のシグニが場に居ない場合は何も起こりません。" // }, // { // "q": "《幻獣神 オサキ》が場にある状態で緑のスペルを使用したプレイヤーに対して《ブラッディ・スラッシュ》を使用し、《幻獣神 オサキ》をバニッシュしました。《幻獣神 オサキ》の常時能力は解決されますか?", // "a": "解決されません。常時能力能力が発動したとしても、解決時に発動させたシグニが場を離れた場合、その常時能力は解決されません。" // }, // { // "q": "《ブラッディ・スラッシュ》の使用を宣言し、自身のシグニをトラッシュに置き、相手の《フィア=リカブト》をバニッシュしました。この場合、対戦相手は《フィア=リカブト》常時能力によってエナを加えることが出来るのですか?", // "a": "いいえ、あなたのシグニがトラッシュに置かれたことによって《フィア=リカブト》常時能力は発動条件を満たしますが、《ブラッディ・スラッシュ》の解決が終了し、《フィア=リカブト》常時能力が実際に解決するタイミングにおいては《フィア=リカブト》は発動条件を満たした場所とは異なる場所に移動している(エナゾーンに置かれている)ため、結果として不発となり、エナを加える事は出来ません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 2, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】【スペルカットイン】", // "あなたのシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "アハハハハハハ!! ~ウリス~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1279": { // "pid": 1279, // cid: 1279, // "timestamp": 1451226807391, // "wxid": "SP11-008", // name: "天罰覿面(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "天罰覿面(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "天罰覿面(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "リベンジチャンス", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-008.jpg", // "illust": "アカバネ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「対戦相手のシグニのうち、最も大きいパワーを持つ全てのシグニを手札に戻す」とはどういうことですか?", // "a": "《天罰覿面》の解決時に、対戦相手の場にあるシグニのパワーを比較し、それらの中で「最も大きいパワーを持つシグニ」を対戦相手の手札に戻す事が出来ます。「最も大きいパワーを持つシグニ」が複数体いた場合、それらを全て手札に戻すことが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "「最も大きいパワーを持つシグニ」が複数ある場合、それらのうち1体のみを手札に戻す事は出来ますか?", // "a": "いいえ、出来ません。カードに記載された効果は、可能な限り解決させる必要があります。《天罰覿面》の場合、「最も大きいパワーを持つ全ての」と記載されていることから、該当するシグニを全て戻す必要があります。" // }, // { // "q": "《天罰覿面》によって参照されるパワーは、シグニのカードに記載された値ですか?それとも何れかの効果によって修正や変更を受けた後の値ですか?", // "a": "《天罰覿面》解決時における、修正・変更後の値を参照します。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 1, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 1, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】", // "対戦相手のシグニのうち、最も大きいパワーを持つすべてのシグニを手札に戻す。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "ええ、幸せのおすそ分けよ。~アン~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1280": { // "pid": 1280, // cid: 1280, // "timestamp": 1451226808543, // "wxid": "SP11-009", // name: "再三再四(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "再三再四(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "再三再四(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ウェイクアップ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-009.jpg", // "illust": "蟹丹", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "コストとして支払われたカードを選んで手札に加えることは出来ますか?", // "a": "出来ません。エナゾーンにあるカードの選択は、コストの支払いが終了した後に行われます。コストとして支払われたカードはトラッシュにあるため選ぶことは出来ません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 1, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのエナゾーンからカードを2枚まで手札に加える。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "目が覚めたら、最高のプレゼントを!~緑姫~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1281": { // "pid": 1281, // cid: 1281, // "timestamp": 1451226809818, // "wxid": "SP11-010", // name: "ダーク・マター(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "ダーク・マター(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "ダーク・マター(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ダークマター", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "イオナ", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-010.jpg", // "illust": "keypot", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "相手、もしくは自身の場にあるシグニが1体も居ない状況で使用することは出来ますか?", // "a": "はい、場の状況に関わらず、アタックフェイズのアーツ使用タイミングであれば《ダーク・マター》を使用することが可能です。" // }, // { // "q": "対戦相手の場にある《先駆の大天使 アークゲイン》を《ダーク・マター》でトラッシュに置かせることは可能ですか?", // "a": "トラッシュに置くシグニの選択は対戦相手が行いますが、一連の効果を含めて《ダーク・マター》によるものとして扱われます。よって《先駆の大天使 アークゲイン》の常時能力により、対戦相手の<天使>のシグニをトラッシュに置かせることは出来ず、自身のシグニをトラッシュに置き、ライフクロスを1枚加えるのみとなります。" // }, // { // "q": "《ダーク・マター》でトラッシュするシグニを選ぶ順番はどちらのプレイヤーからですか?", // "a": "まず、ターンプレイヤーが先にトラッシュに置くシグニを選択します(この時、対戦相手には選択したシグニを伝える必要があります)。次に、非ターンプレイヤーがトラッシュに置くシグニを選択します。両者の選択が終了した後、選択したシグニを両者同時にトラッシュに置きます。" // }, // { // "q": "自ターンアタックフェイズに自身の場に《フィア=リカブト》が一体いる状態でアーツ《ダーク・マター》を使用し、相手のシグニ一体と自身の《フィア=リカブト》をトラッシュに置いた場合、《フィア=リカブト》下段常時能力はどのように処理されますか?", // "a": "ご質問の場合、《フィア=リカブト》と相手のシグニは同時にトラッシュに置かれますが、シグニが移動したことによって発動条件を満たす常時能力は、移動する直前の状態を参照して発動の有無が判定されます。結果として《フィア=リカブト》下段常時能力はトラッシュで発動条件を満たし、トラッシュで解決され、1枚エナを加える事が出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "《ノー・ゲイン》を使用したターンに対戦相手に《ダーク・マター》を使用された場合、シグニをトラッシュに置く効果は無効化できますか。", // "a": "はい、シグニの選択はプレイヤーが行いますが、トラッシュに置かれること自体は《ダーク・マター》の効果として扱われます。《ノー・ゲイン》を使用することで自身のシグニをトラッシュに置く事を防ぐ事が出来ます。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 3, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】", // "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。その後、あなたの場にシグニがない場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "はい、ダークマター。~イオナ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1282": { // "pid": 1282, // cid: 1282, // "timestamp": 1451226810901, // "wxid": "SP11-005", // name: "ドント・ムーブ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "ドント・ムーブ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "ドント・ムーブ(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ドントムーブ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-005.jpg", // "illust": "bomi", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】とはなんですか?", // "a": "このカードが使用可能なタイミングを表しています。このカードは、自分もしくは相手ターンのアタックフェイズ中の“アーツ使用ステップ”に使用することが可能です" // }, // { // "q": "対戦相手のシグニが1体しかいなくても、使用する事は出来ますか?", // "a": "出来ます。テキストに“2体まで”とあるので相手の場にシグニが1体しか居なくても使用できます。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 3, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】", // "対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "……それと、それ。頂戴。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1283": { // "pid": 1283, // cid: 1283, // "timestamp": 1451226812017, // "wxid": "SP11-006", // name: "ウェルカム・ドロー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "ウェルカム・ドロー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "ウェルカム・ドロー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ウェルカムドロー", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-006.jpg", // "illust": "安藤周記", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "デッキの枚数が2枚以下の状態で使用した場合でも「手札を2枚捨てる」は行わなくてはいけませんか?", // "a": "はい、効果は可能な限り解決させる必要があり、このような場合でも「手札を2枚捨てる」は行わなくてはいけません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 1, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】", // "カードを3枚引く。その後、手札を2枚捨てる。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "星といっしょにお邪魔する~ん。~ミルルン~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1284": { // "pid": 1284, // cid: 1284, // "timestamp": 1451226813143, // "wxid": "SP11-007", // name: "サプライズ・ウィズ・ミー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "サプライズ・ウィズ・ミー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "サプライズ・ウィズ・ミー(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "サプライズウィズミー", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "エルドラ", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-007.jpg", // "illust": "ふーみ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "ライフクロスの枚数が3枚以下の場合でも使用出来ますか?", // "a": "はい、可能です。「4枚まで」あるので、3枚以下の状態でも使用することが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "好きな順番で戻した際に《エルドラ=マークⅣ´》の下段常時能力を使用することは出来ますか?", // "a": "いいえ、戻しただけで、ライフクロスに加えているわけではないため、下段常時能力は発動しません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】", // "あなたのライフクロスの上からカードを4枚まで見る。その後、それらを好きな順番で戻す。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "いやー!ほんといいんすか?私で? ~エルドラ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1285": { // "pid": 1285, // cid: 1285, // "timestamp": 1451226814273, // "wxid": "SP11-002", // name: "シャボン・サモン(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "シャボン・サモン(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "シャボン・サモン(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "シャボンサモン", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "タウィル", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-002.jpg", // "illust": "トリダモノ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "2つ目のモードによって場に出した<天使>のシグニの出現時能力を使用することは可能ですか?", // "a": "はい、可能です。" // }, // { // "q": "1つ目のモードを選択したがデッキを探した結果<天使>のシグニが無い、もしくは目的のシグニがデッキに無かった場合、2つ目のモードを使用することは可能ですか?", // "a": "いいえ、モードの選択は使用を宣言した際に行い、解決時に選び直すことは出来ません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 1, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】", // "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。", // "「あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。」", // "「あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。」" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "きれいね~タウィル~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1286": { // "pid": 1286, // cid: 1286, // "timestamp": 1451226815256, // "wxid": "SP11-003", // name: "背炎之陣(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "背炎之陣(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "背炎之陣(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "ハイエンノジン", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "花代", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-003.jpg", // "illust": "mado*pen", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「花代限定」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このカードの限定条件を表しています。指定されたルリグタイプが場になければ、場に出したり使用することができません。" // }, // { // "q": "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】とはなんですか?", // "a": "このカードが使用可能なタイミングを表しています。このカードは、自分のターンのメインフェイズにのみ使用することが可能です。" // }, // { // "q": "手札が2枚以下の時に、手札を全て捨てることで《背炎之陣》を使用することは出来ますか", // "a": "手札が3枚未満の状態であっても使用を宣言し、エナを支払うことは可能です。しかし解決時に“手札を3枚捨てる”を実行出来ない場合、何も起こらずに《背炎之陣》の効果は終了します。" // }, // { // "q": "バニッシュされたシグニはどうなりますか?またこの際ライフバーストは発動しますか?", // "a": "バニッシュされたシグニはエナゾーンに行きます。ライフバーストは発動しません。ライフバーストはライフクロスがクラッシュされた時のみ発動します。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 2, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】", // "手札を3枚捨てる。そうした場合、すべてのシグニをバニッシュする。(あなたのシグニも含まれる)" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "みんな、いい夢を見てるわ。~花代~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1287": { // "pid": 1287, // cid: 1287, // "timestamp": 1451226816404, // "wxid": "SP11-004", // name: "一燭即発(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "一燭即発(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "一燭即発(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "イッショクソクハツ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-004.jpg", // "illust": "かざあな", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "《一燭即発》でダウンさせる自身の<龍獣>及びバニッシュする対戦相手のシグニは、それぞれどのタイミングで選択すればよいのですか?", // "a": "《一燭即発》の使用を宣言し、コストを支払った後に、ダウンさせる<龍獣>とバニッシュする対戦相手のシグニを選択します。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 1, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】", // "あなたのアップ状態の<龍獣>のシグニ1体をダウンする。そうした場合、パワーが、この方法でダウンしたシグニのパワー以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "へへ、似合うかな?~遊月~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1288": { // "pid": 1288, // cid: 1288, // "timestamp": 1451226817550, // "wxid": "SP11-001", // name: "バロック・ディフェンス(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_zh_CN: "バロック・ディフェンス(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // name_en: "バロック・ディフェンス(セレクターズパックvol.クリスマス)", // "kana": "バロックディフェンス", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP11/SP11-001.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】とはなんですか?", // "a": "このカードが使用可能なタイミングを表しています。このカードは、自分もしくは相手ターンのアタックフェイズ中の“アーツ使用ステップ”に使用することが可能です。" // }, // { // "q": "《バロック・ディフェンス》をルールを変更する効果として扱い、《先駆の大天使 アークゲイン》や《ノー・ゲイン》を使用したルリグに対して使用し、攻撃させないことは出来ますか?", // "a": "いいえ、《バロック・ディフェンス》は対戦相手のシグニやルリグに対して「アタック出来ない」という状態を付与する効果であり、ルールを変更する効果としては扱われません。《先駆の大天使 アークゲイン》や《ノー・ゲイン》を使用した状態のルリグの攻撃を止めることは出来ません。" // } // ], // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 2, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】", // "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "めりーっクリスマス! ~タマ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1289": { "pid": 1289, cid: 1289, "timestamp": 1451226818659, "wxid": "WX10-001", name: "炎・タマヨリヒメ・伍", name_zh_CN: "炎·玉依姬·伍", name_en: "Tamayorihime Five, the Flame", "kana": "エンタマヨリヒメゴ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-001.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ほのお!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Flame! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[グロウ]あなたの場のルリグがカード名に《タマ》を含む' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【成长】你的场上的LRIG的卡名含有《小玉》' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Your LRIG on the field contains《Tama》in its card name' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrig.name.indexOf('タマ') !== -1; }, // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1(白のカード):対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード1(赤のカード):対戦相手のパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード2(白と赤のカード):あなたのデッキから<アーム>と<ウェポン>のシグニを1枚ずつ探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1(白色卡):将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越1(红色卡):将对战对手的1只力量15000以下的SIGNI驱逐。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越2(白色和红色卡):从你的卡组中分别探寻1张<武装>和<武器>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1 (white card): Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 1 (red card): Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or less. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 2 (white and red card): Search your deck for 1 and 1 SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return cards.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY_EXCEED',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash({isExceedCost: true}); }); }, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('red')); },this); return cards.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('red')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY_EXCEED',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash({isExceedCost: true}); }); }, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000); } },{ costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); var white = false; var red = false; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('white')) return white = true; if (card.hasColor('red')) return red = true; },this); return white && red; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY_EXCEED',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash({isExceedCost: true}); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('red')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY_EXCEED',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash({isExceedCost: true}); }); }); }, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1) }); } }] }, "1290": { "pid": 1290, cid: 1290, "timestamp": 1451226819862, "wxid": "WX10-004", name: "チェイン・Wキャノン", name_zh_CN: "锁链·双重加农炮", name_en: "Chain W Cannon", "kana": "チェインダブルキャノン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-004.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、しゅほうはっしゃ、する!!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "【チェイン【白】【赤】】(このターン、あなたが次にアーツを使用する場合、それを使用するためのコストは【白】コストが1、【赤】コストが1減る)\n" + "以下の3つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。\n" + "②対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "③ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。", "対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【连锁【白】【红】】(这个回合,你下次使用技艺的场合,其使用费用减少【白1】【红1】)\n" + "从以下3项中选择至多2项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。\n" + "②将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "③直到回合结束为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。", "将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "直到回合结束为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [White] [Red] (This turn, the next time you use an ARTS, the cost to use it is reduced by 1 [White] and 1 [Red])\n" + "Choose up to 2 of these 3 effects.\n" + "①Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\"\n" + "②Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.\n" + "③Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush].", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\"", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], chain: { costWhite: 1, costRed: 1 }, getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }] }, "1291": { "pid": 1291, cid: 1291, "timestamp": 1451226821036, "wxid": "WX10-010", name: "火銃舞 タマヨリヒメ之参", name_zh_CN: "火铳舞 玉依姬之叁", name_en: "Three of Tamayorihime, Fiery Gun Dance", "kana": "ヒジュウブタマヨリヒメノサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-010.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、じゅうといっしょに、おどる!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama, together with the ordnance, will dance!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードの上にグロウするためのコストは【赤】コストが1、【白】コストが1減る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:在这张卡上成长的LRIG的成长费用减少【红1】【白1】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to grow on this card is reduced by 1 [Red], and 1 [White]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { add(this.player,'reducedGrowCostRed',1); add(this.player,'reducedGrowCostWhite',1); } }] }, "1292": { "pid": 1292, cid: 1292, "timestamp": 1451226822919, "wxid": "WX10-029", name: "極剣 ロクケイ", name_zh_CN: "极剑 6KH", name_en: "Rokukei, Ultimate Sword", "kana": "キョクケンロクケイ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-029.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁさぁ戻った戻ったー、ロクケイ様のお通りだ!~ロクケイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたの場にある<ウェポン>のシグニ1体につき+5000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、パワーがこのシグニのパワーの半分以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的场上每有1只<武器>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就+5000。", "【常】:这只SINGI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量在这只SIGNI一半以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +5000 power for each of your SIGNI on your field.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power equal to half this SIGNI's power or less to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); var value = cards.length * 5000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1292-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= this.power/2); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:あなたのデッキから<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:从你的卡组探寻1张<武器>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1293": { "pid": 1293, cid: 1293, "timestamp": 1451226824146, "wxid": "WX10-031", name: "炎斬の巨刀", name_zh_CN: "炎斩的巨刃", name_en: "Flame Cut of the Greatsword", "kana": "エンザンノキョトウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-031.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "でやあああああ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場に<アーム>と<ウェポン>のシグニがある場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストは【白】コストが1、【赤】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻し、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上存在<武装>和<武器>SIGNI的场合,这张魔法卡的使用费用减少【白】【红】。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "If there is a and a SIGNI on your field, the cost for using this spell is reduced by 1 [White] and 1 [Red].\n" + "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand and banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('アーム'); }) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); }); if (flag) { obj.costWhite -= 1; obj.costRed -= 1; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; } return obj; }, spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<怀疑的恸哭> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.slice(); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (targetA) { targets.push(targetA); removeFromArr(targetA,cards); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards); }).callback(this,function (targetB) { targets.push(targetB); return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (targetA && !inArr(targetA,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (targetA) return targetA.bounceAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:手札を1枚捨てる。それが<アーム>のシグニの場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。<ウェポン>のシグニの場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:舍弃1张手牌。那张卡是<武装>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。是<武器>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard 1 card from your hand. If it is an SIGNI, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. If it is a SIGNI, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!card.hasClass('アーム')) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BOUNCE',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (!card.hasClass('ウェポン')) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); }); }) } } }, "1294": { "pid": 1294, cid: 1294, "timestamp": 1451226825377, "wxid": "WX10-041", name: "弩砲 ホイワス", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 惠氏螺纹炮", name_en: "Hoiwas, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウホイワス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-041.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ラン&バン!~ホイワス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Run & Gun! ~Hoiwas~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中から<アーム>のシグニ1枚と<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。この方法でシグニを1枚も手札に加えていない場合、このシグニをダウンする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的2张卡公开。从中把1张<武装>SIGNI和1张<武器>SIGNI加入手牌,剩下的卡按任意顺序放回卡组顶。没有通过这个方法将SIGNI加入手牌的场合,将这只SIGNI横置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 SIGNI and 1 SIGNI form among them to your hand, and put the rest on top of your deck in any order. If you did not add any SIGNI to your hand this way, down this SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = []; var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); cards_add.push(card); }).callback(this,function () { targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); cards_add.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_add,'ADD_TO_HAND'); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (!cards_add.length) { this.down(); } }); }); } }] }, "1295": { "pid": 1295, cid: 1295, "timestamp": 1451226826478, "wxid": "WX10-062", name: "轟砲 アムスト", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 臂炮", name_en: "Amst, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウアムスト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-062.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "完成度高けーぞ、この武器!~アムスト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場に他の<ウェポン>と<アーム>のシグニがある場合、対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上有其他的<武器>和<武装>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have another and SIGNI on the field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('アーム'); }) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('ウェポン'); }); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量5000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); } } }, "1296": { "pid": 1296, cid: 1296, "timestamp": 1451226827479, "wxid": "WX10-065", name: "小砲 ブドー", name_zh_CN: "小炮 霰弹", name_en: "Budo, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウブドー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-065.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぶどういる?爆発するけど。~ブドー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Grapes? They explode though. ~Budo~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にシグニが3体ある場合、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上有3只SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your opponent has 3 SIGNI on the field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.opponent.signis.length !== 3) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1297": { "pid": 1297, cid: 1252, "timestamp": 1451226828686, "wxid": "PR-218", name: "小剣 ミカムネ(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_zh_CN: "小剑 三日月(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_en: "Mikamune, Small Sword(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", "kana": "ショウケンミカムネ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-218.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "古きよき、とはよくいったもの。~ミカムネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1298": { "pid": 1298, cid: 1253, "timestamp": 1451226829879, "wxid": "PR-219", name: "轟砲 ウルバン(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 乌尔班巨炮(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_en: "Urban, Roaring Gun(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", "kana": "ゴウホウウルバン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-219.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オラオラァ、連打連打ァ!~ウルバン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1299": { "pid": 1299, cid: 1254, "timestamp": 1451226830986, "wxid": "PR-220", name: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_zh_CN: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_en: "SPADE WORK(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", "kana": "スペードワーク", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-220.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あれをこうして、それをこうすれば…あれれ?~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1300": { "pid": 1300, cid: 1255, "timestamp": 1451226992355, "wxid": "PR-221", name: "保湿成分(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_zh_CN: "保湿成分(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_en: "Moisturizer(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", "kana": "テンタクルフォース", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-221.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何なの、この味わったことのない…。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1301": { "pid": 1301, cid: 1256, "timestamp": 1451226994425, "wxid": "PR-222", name: "キャッチ・リリース(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_zh_CN: "捕捉・放生(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", name_en: "Catch Release(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol7)", "kana": "キャッチリリース", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-222.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…バイバイ。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1302": { "pid": 1302, cid: 304, "timestamp": 1451226996136, "wxid": "PR-237", name: "幻獣 ベイア(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年11-12月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 熊(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年11-12月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Beiar, Phantom Beast(WIXOSS PARTY 2015年11-12月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "ゲンジュウベイア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-237.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おめでとうだよ。~ベイア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1303": { "pid": 1303, cid: 1303, "timestamp": 1451226997889, "wxid": "WX10-013", name: "エルドラ×マークIII+", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×代号III+", name_en: "Eldora×Mark III+", "kana": "エルドラマークスリープラス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-013.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "危ないところはピコッといくもんすよ。~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】×0:ターン終了時まで、あなたの<水獣>のシグニ1体のパワーを+1000する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:直到回合结束为止,你的1只<水兽>SIGNI力量+1000。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue0]: Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets +1000 power. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',1000); }); } }] }, "1304": { "pid": 1304, cid: 1304, "timestamp": 1451226999514, "wxid": "WX10-043", name: "幻水 シャチ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 虎鲸", name_en: "Shachi, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイシャチ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-043.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我、海の王也! ~シャチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】あなたのアップ状態の<水獣>のシグニ1体をダウンする:カードを2枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将你竖置状态的1只<水兽>SIGNI横置:抽2张卡。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Down 1 of your upped SIGNI: Draw 2 cards." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('DOWN',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "1305": { "pid": 1305, cid: 1305, "timestamp": 1451227001056, "wxid": "WX10-044", name: "幻水 ピラルク", name_zh_CN: "幻水 巨骨舌鱼", name_en: " Pirarucu, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイピラルク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-044.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "エルドラ様。あなたにも使えるように、ほら!  ~ピラルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:カードを1枚引く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:抽1张卡。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Draw 1 card." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "1306": { "pid": 1306, cid: 1306, "timestamp": 1451227002565, "wxid": "WX10-045", name: "COOLING OFF", name_zh_CN: "COOLING OFF", name_en: "COOLING OFF", "kana": "クーリングオフ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-045.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっぱアレ返してよかったっすねー。 ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Good thing that was returned, right? ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<水獣>のシグニ1体につき、【無】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番上に置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上每有1只<水兽>SIGNI,这张魔法卡的使用费用就减少【无1】。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到卡组顶。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this spell for each of your SIGNI is reduced by 1 [Colorless].\n" + "Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI at the top of the deck." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('水獣'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= cards.length; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([target]); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<水獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<水兽>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('水獣'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1307": { "pid": 1307, cid: 1307, "timestamp": 1451227004119, "wxid": "WX10-070", name: "幻水 ベルーガ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 白鲸", name_en: "Beluga, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイベルーガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-070.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あら。もう少しで見えそうね。 ~ベルーガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Oh my. It appears a little bit more it seems. ~Beluga~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のデッキの一番上または対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,查看对战对手卡组或生命护甲最上方的1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, look at the top card of your opponent's deck or the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1307-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_ZONE',['MAIN_DECK','LIFE_CLOTH']).callback(this,function (text) { var zone = (text === 'MAIN_DECK')? this.player.opponent.mainDeck : this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone; var cards = zone.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1308": { "pid": 1308, cid: 1308, "timestamp": 1451227005514, "wxid": "WX10-071", name: "幻水 イルカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 海豚", name_en: "Iruka, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイイルカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-071.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんな輪っかも作れちゃうんだよー。すごいしょ! ~イルカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I can also do this kind of loop-! Cool right! ~Iruka~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のデッキの一番上を見る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,查看对战对手卡组最上方的1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, look at the top card of your opponent's deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1308-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1309": { "pid": 1309, cid: 1309, "timestamp": 1451227007091, "wxid": "WX10-006", name: "緑肆ノ遊 メリゴラン", name_zh_CN: "绿肆游 旋转木马", name_en: "Merrygoron, Green Fourth Play", "kana": "リョクヨンノユウメリゴラン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-006.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "白馬に乗って優雅な旅を。~メリゴラン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "An elegant journey on a white horse. ~Merrygoron~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<遊具>のシグニ3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将3只非共鸣的<游具>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('遊具'); }; var count = 3; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加えてもよい。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのエナゾーンからカードを2枚まで手札に加えてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,可以从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。", "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以从你的能量区将至多2张卡加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may add up to 2 cards from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1309-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1309-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }] }, "1310": { "pid": 1310, cid: 1310, "timestamp": 1451227008969, "wxid": "WX10-017", name: "アイヤイ★レイズ", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★轮辐", name_en: "Aiyai★Rays", "kana": "アイヤイレイズ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-017.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アーいやイッ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A~iyai-! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体が効果によって場に出たとき、あなたのデッキから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI因效果出场时,从你的卡组中探寻1张<游具>SIGNI,将其放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI is put onto the field by an effect, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck. This ability can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1310-const-0', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return !!this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1311": { "pid": 1311, cid: 1311, "timestamp": 1451227010661, "wxid": "WX10-018", name: "暴風警報", name_zh_CN: "暴风警报", name_en: "Storm Warning", "kana": "コーティング゛ファン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-018.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヒラリ。もひとつおまけにヒラリ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Effortlessly. Once again, above that, Effortlessly.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、対戦相手のシグニ1体またはルリグ1体がアタックしたとき、そのアタックがこのターン一度目か二度目の場合、その攻撃を無効にする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,对战对手的1只SIGNI或LRIG攻击时,那次攻击是那个回合的第一或第二次攻击的场合,将那次攻击无效化。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, whenever 1 of your opponent's SIGNI or 1 of your opponent's LRIGs attacks, if it was the first or second attack this turn, disable the attack." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'_stormWarning',true); } } }, "1312": { "pid": 1312, cid: 1312, "timestamp": 1451227012310, "wxid": "WX10-020", name: "緑参ノ遊 スプライド", name_zh_CN: "绿叁游 水滑梯", name_en: "Spride, Green Third Play", "kana": "リョクサンノユウスプライド", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-020.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんな、合羽の準備はいい!?~スプライド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Everyone, raincoats ready? ~Spride~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【アタックフェイズ】<遊具>のシグニ2枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【攻击阶段】将2张<游具>SIGNI从能量区放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Attack Phase] Put 2 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'attackPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、ルリグデッキに戻る代わりにルリグトラッシュに置かれる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,不返回LRIG卡组而放置到LRIG废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, put it into the LRIG Trash instead of returning it to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'resonaBanishToTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】×0:あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿】x0:从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green0]: Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1313": { "pid": 1313, cid: 1313, "timestamp": 1451227013078, "wxid": "WX10-048", name: "参ノ遊 キセカエ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 换装娃娃", name_en: "Kisekae, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウキセカエ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-048.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "(だれかをまつ)~キセカエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "(Waiting for someone) ~Kisekae~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。その後、この効果でこのシグニをバニッシュしていた場合、あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。之后,通过这个效果将这只SIGNI驱逐了的场合,从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may banish this SIGNI. Then, if you banished this SIGNI with this effect, add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1313-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource() || event.attackingSigni; return (card === this); }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。 ②あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。", "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。 ②从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。", "将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。", "从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. ② Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1313-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1313-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1314": { "pid": 1314, cid: 1314, "timestamp": 1451227014628, "wxid": "WX10-078", name: "参ノ遊 ナワトビ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 跳绳", name_en: "Nawatobi, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウナワトビ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-078.jpg", "illust": "エイチ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "体も心もぴょんぴょんするの!~ナワトビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Both your body and heart will go a-hoppity skippety jump! ~Nawatobi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がダウン状態で場に出るたび、そのシグニをアップする。(このシグニがダウン状態で場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI以横置状态出场时,将那只SIGNI竖置。(这只SIGNI以横置状态出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI enters the field downed, up that SIGNI. (This is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field downed)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1314-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return !event.isUp; }, condition: function (event) { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return event.card.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1315": { "pid": 1315, cid: 1315, "timestamp": 1451227016063, "wxid": "WX10-080", name: "弐ノ遊 ナゲナワ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 投绳圈", name_en: "Nagenawa, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウナゲナワ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-080.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぐるんぐるん!捕まえた!~ナゲナワ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whirly-whirl! Gotcha! ~Nagenawa~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出たとき、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只其他SIGNI因效果出场时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your other SIGNI enters the field by an effect, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1315-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!this.game.getEffectSource()) return false; return (event.card !== this); }, condition: function () { if (this.isUp) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1316": { "pid": 1316, cid: 1316, "timestamp": 1451227017865, "wxid": "WX10-083", name: "壱ノ遊 アヤトリ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 翻花绳", name_en: "Ayatori, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウアヤトリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-083.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヨーヨーちゃんと一緒にはい!タワー!~アヤトリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Together here with cradle! Tower! ~Ayatori~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出たとき、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只其他SIGNI因效果出场时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your other SIGNI enters the field by an effect, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1316-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!this.game.getEffectSource()) return false; return (event.card !== this); }, condition: function () { if (this.isUp) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1317": { "pid": 1317, cid: 1317, "timestamp": 1451227019507, "wxid": "WX10-084", name: "壱ノ遊 ウンテイ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 云梯", name_en: "Untei, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウウンテイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-084.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "体で反動をつけるのがコツだよ!~ウンテイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The trick's to put some recoil in the body! ~Untei~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場に出たとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI因效果出场时,将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field by an effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!event.source) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "1318": { "pid": 1318, cid: 1318, "timestamp": 1451227021069, "wxid": "WX10-003", name: "アイヤイ★JOKER", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★JOKER", name_en: "Aiyai★JOKER", "kana": "アイヤイジョーカー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-003.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まあだ壊れてなかったんだ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You weren't broken after all! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がダウン状態で場に出るたび、あなたは【緑】【無】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、そのシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的SIGNI以横置状态出场时,你可以支付【绿】【无】。这样做了的场合,将那只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field downed, you may pay [Green] [Colorless]. If you do, up that SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1318-const-0', costGreen: 1, costColorless: 1, triggerCondition: function (event) { return !event.isUp; }, condition: function (event) { return !event.card.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return event.card.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<游具>SIGNI,将其放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのエナゾーンからシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从你的能量区将1只SIGNI出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1319": { "pid": 1319, cid: 1319, "timestamp": 1451227022653, "wxid": "WX10-034", name: "肆ノ遊姫 ベイゴマ", name_zh_CN: "肆游姬 陀螺", name_en: "Beigoma, Fourth Play Princess", "kana": "ヨンノユウキベイゴマ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-034.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "3、2、1、でシュートだよ!~ベイゴマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "3, 2, 1, shoot!", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの他のシグニを2体までバニッシュしてもよい。その後、この効果でバニッシュしたシグニと同じ数だけエナゾーンからカードを手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当这只SIGNI攻击时,可以将至多2只你的其他SIGNI驱逐。之后,将与这个效果驱逐的SIGNI数量相同的卡从能量区加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may banish up to 2 of your other SIGNI. Then, add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand for each SIGNI banished this way." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1319-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('BANISH',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; len = Math.min(len,cards.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,len,len).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ2】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充2】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 2]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } } }, "1320": { "pid": 1320, cid: 1320, "timestamp": 1451227024179, "wxid": "WX10-035", name: "光輝", name_zh_CN: "光辉", name_en: "Luster", "kana": "コウキ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-035.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ドンドンパフパフ♪パレードパレード♪", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Crash-bang Powder-puff♪Parade Parade♪", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのシグニ1体がアタックするたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你的SIGNI攻击时,将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, whenever 1 of your SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var player = this.player; // 注: 被mlln抢夺 this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: signi, description: '1320-spell-0', actionAsyn: function () { player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(signi,'onAttack',effect); },this); } }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの場にあるシグニの数に1を加えた枚数のカードをデッキの上からエナゾーンに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从卡组顶将你场上的SIGNI数量加1张卡放置到能量区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top 1 plus the number of SIGNI on your field cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.signis.length + 1; this.player.enerCharge(count); } } }, "1321": { "pid": 1321, cid: 1321, "timestamp": 1451227025911, "wxid": "WX10-085", name: "呼声", name_zh_CN: "呼声", name_en: "Call", "kana": "ヨビゴエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-085.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アーアアァー!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A-aahh-! ~Midoriko~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から緑のシグニを2枚まで手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的卡组顶5张卡公开。将其中至多2张绿色的SIGNI加入手牌,剩下的放置到废弃区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Add up to 2 green SIGNI from among them to your hand and the rest into the trash." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { var cards = cards_deck.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('green')) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards_add) { var cards_trash = cards_deck.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_add); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); }); } } }, // "1322": { // "pid": 1322, // cid: 1322, // "timestamp": 1451227027420, // "wxid": "PR-239", // name: "ころん(ウィクコンカップ参加賞)", // name_zh_CN: "ころん(ウィクコンカップ参加賞)", // name_en: "ころん(ウィクコンカップ参加賞)", // "kana": "コロン", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-239.jpg", // "illust": "桜もよん", // "classes": [ // "エルドラ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "“ころん”といっしょにウィクロスしませんか? ~ころん~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1323": { "pid": 1323, cid: 1323, "timestamp": 1451227029811, "wxid": "WX10-098", name: "サーバント T3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T3", name_en: "Servant T3", "kana": "サーバントティースリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-098.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "緑の願い主は、争いを好まなかったが、標的にされた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The primary wish of the one of green, not desiring conflict, was made a target of.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1324": { "pid": 1324, cid: 1324, "timestamp": 1451227031229, "wxid": "WX10-099", name: "サーバント D3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D3", name_en: "Servant D3", "kana": "サーバントディースリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-099.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "主に赤に分類される願いには、多くの軍事的支援があった。\n主に青に分類される願いには、多くの政治的支援があった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For the wishes classified primarily red, many supported military affairs. For the wishes classified primarily blue, many supported political affairs.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1325": { "pid": 1325, cid: 1325, "timestamp": 1451227032725, "wxid": "WX10-100", name: "サーバント O3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O3", name_en: "Servant O3", "kana": "サーバントオースリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-100.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "少女たちの願いは大体純朴だったが、そこに目を付ける大人もいた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The little girls' wishes were quite naive, but in their eyes you could see maturity.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1326": { "pid": 1326, cid: 1326, "timestamp": 1451227034182, "wxid": "WX10-095", name: "幻蟲 ミツバチ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 蜜蜂", name_en: "Mitsubachi, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウミツバチ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-095.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これしゅきなのぉ!~ミツバチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Thish ish my hobby! ~Mitsuhachi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只共鸣单位出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your Resonas enters the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1326-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-1000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1327": { "pid": 1327, cid: 1327, "timestamp": 1451227035882, "wxid": "WX10-096", name: "バイオレンス・ジェラシー", name_zh_CN: "暴力嫉妒", name_en: "Violence Jealousy", "kana": "バイオレンスジェラシー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-096.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "心地よいわぁ。~アルフォウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Feels goo-d. ~Alfou", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的废弃区将1张黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); }, targetCovered: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { target.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } }, // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたの場にある【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置く:あなたのトラッシュからこのカードを手札に加える。(この能力はこのスペルがトラッシュにある場合にしか使用できない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将你场上的1张【魅饰】放置到废弃区:从你的废弃区将这张卡加入手牌。(这个能力只能在这张卡在废弃区的场合使用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 1 [Charm] from your field into the trash: Add this card from your trash to your hand. (This ability can only be used if this spell is in the trash)" ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInTrashZone: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.getCharms().length; }, costAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); var zones = this.player.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } }] }, "1328": { "pid": 1328, cid: 1328, "timestamp": 1451227037375, "wxid": "WX10-097", name: "サーバント Q3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q3", name_en: "Servant Q3", "kana": "サーバントキュースリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-097.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "黒と白の願いは特性上、衝突が避けられなかった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "As black and white wishes had their special qualities, conflict was inevitable.", // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1329": { "pid": 1329, cid: 1329, "timestamp": 1451227038908, "wxid": "WX10-092", name: "コードアンチ ハンマフェイク", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 赝品铁锤", name_en: "Code Anti Hammerfake", "kana": "コードアンチハンマフェイク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-092.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まあ、真実はどっちでもいいじゃないか。~ハンマフェイク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well, ain't the truth good whichever way it goes. ~Hammerfake~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌从牌组放置到废弃区时,此牌可以从废弃区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your deck, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1329-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return this.canSummon() && (event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.canSummon() && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1330": { "pid": 1330, cid: 1330, "timestamp": 1451227040700, "wxid": "WX10-093", name: "破戒の韋駄 スカンダ", name_zh_CN: "破戒的韦驮 室建陀", name_en: "Skanda, Skanda of Transgression", "kana": "ハカイノイダスカンダ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-093.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうだい!こいつぁ綺麗だろう!あげないよ。~スカンダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How's that! This un's pretty! I ain't giving it. ~Skanda~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをこのシグニの【チャーム】にする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:让我方牌组顶1张牌成为这张牌的【魅饰】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck under this SIGNI as [Charm]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (this.charm) return; card.charmTo(this); } }] }, "1331": { "pid": 1331, cid: 1331, "timestamp": 1451227042746, "wxid": "WX10-094", name: "幻蟲 ハナマキリ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 花螳螂", name_en: "Hanamakiri, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウハナマキリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-094.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はなはな。~ハナマキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Flowers Flowers ~Hanamakiri~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对方场上有【魅饰】的场合,你抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your opponent has a [Charm] on the field, you draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1332": { "pid": 1332, cid: 1332, "timestamp": 1451227044185, "wxid": "WX10-088", name: "幻蟲 ジガバチ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 细腰蜂", name_en: "Jigabachi, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウジガバチ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-088.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "チェリーワーム君には刺激が強いかもね?~ジガバチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Probably a strong stimulus to Mister Cherry Worm, right? ~Jigabachi~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】×0:対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【黑0】:将对战对手场上的1张【魅饰】放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区将1张等级2以下的黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black0]: Put 1 of your opponent's [Charm] on the field into the trash. If you do, add 1 level 2 or less black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.opponent.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); if (!zones.length) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; if (!card.trash()) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && (card.level <= 2); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } }], }, "1333": { "pid": 1333, cid: 1333, "timestamp": 1451227045593, "wxid": "WX10-089", name: "破戒の歓喜 ガネシャ", name_zh_CN: "破戒的欢喜 伽那", name_en: "Ganesha, Joy of Transgression", "kana": "ハカイノカンキガネシャ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-089.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "しょうがねーしゃ。~ガネーシャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Can't be helped. ~Ganesha~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをこのシグニの【チャーム】にする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:让我方牌组顶1张牌成为这张牌的【魅饰】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck under this SIGNI as [Charm]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (this.charm) return; card.charmTo(this); } }] }, "1334": { "pid": 1334, cid: 1334, "timestamp": 1451227047249, "wxid": "WX10-090", name: "幻蟲 アシナガ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 黄蜂", name_en: "Ashinaga, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウアシナガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-090.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見よ、この美脚!~アシナガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Behold, these shapely legs! ~Ashinaga~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只共鸣单位出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your Resonas enters the field, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1334-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1335": { "pid": 1335, cid: 1335, "timestamp": 1451227048996, "wxid": "WX10-091", name: "幻蟲 ボクマキリ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 拳螳螂", name_en: "Bokumakiri, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウボクマキリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-091.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うつべし、さすべし!~ボクマキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がある場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对方场上有【魅饰】的场合,将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your opponent has a [Charm] on the field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1336": { "pid": 1336, cid: 1336, "timestamp": 1451227050423, "wxid": "WX10-086", name: "幻蟲 カレマキリ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 枯叶螳螂", name_en: "Karemakiri, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウカレマキリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-086.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カッハァ!カッキルゥ!~カレマキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:レゾナの出現条件のために、このシグニが場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:由于共鸣单位的出现条件将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from the field into the trash for the play condition of a Resona, draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1336-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!this.player.inResonaAction) return false; if (event.oldZone.name !== 'SigniZone') return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1337": { "pid": 1337, cid: 1337, "timestamp": 1451227051903, "wxid": "WX10-087", name: "破戒の水辺 パルヴァ", name_zh_CN: "破戒的水边 帕尔瓦蒂", name_en: "Parva, Waterside of Transgression", "kana": "ハカイノミズベパルヴァ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-087.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴女が私の旦那様?~パルヴァ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The lady is milord? ~Parva~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:从你的废弃区将1张黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card: Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1338": { "pid": 1338, cid: 1338, "timestamp": 1451227053270, "wxid": "WX10-082", name: "壱ノ遊 ケンダマ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 剑玉", name_en: "Kendama, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウケンダマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-082.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あの音がいいんだよね。~ケンダマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Isn't that a nice sound? ~Kendama~" }, "1339": { "pid": 1339, cid: 1339, "timestamp": 1451227056066, "wxid": "WX10-079", name: "弐ノ遊 シガボス", name_zh_CN: "贰游 雪茄盒", name_en: "Shigabosu, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウシガボス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-079.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ジャン!(決まったでしょこれ。)~シガボス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This! (Probably got this right.) ~Shigabosu~" }, "1340": { "pid": 1340, cid: 1340, "timestamp": 1451227057737, "wxid": "WX10-081", name: "弐ノ遊 ブランコ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 秋千", name_en: "Buranko, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウブランコ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-081.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "勢いよく飛び出たら、後は、どーんよ!~ブランコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You jump off as hard as you can, then, bam! ~Buranko~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場に出たとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI因效果出场时,将你卡组最上方的卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field by an effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!event.source) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "1341": { "pid": 1341, cid: 1341, "timestamp": 1451227059495, "wxid": "WX10-074", name: "肆ノ遊 ツナヒキ", name_zh_CN: "肆游 拔河", name_en: "Tsunahiki, Fourth Play", "kana": "ヨンノユウツナヒキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-074.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オーエス!オーエス!~ツナヒキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "One-Two! One-Two! ~Tsunahiki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がダウン状態で場に出るたび、そのシグニをアップする。(このシグニがダウン状態で場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI以横置状态出场时,将那只SIGNI竖置。(这只SIGNI以横置状态出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI enters the field downed, up that SIGNI. (This is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field downed)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1341-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return !event.isUp; }, condition: function (event) { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return event.card.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1342": { "pid": 1342, cid: 1342, "timestamp": 1451227061706, "wxid": "WX10-075", name: "参ノ遊 サラマワ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 顶碗", name_en: "Saramawa, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウサラマワ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-075.jpg", "illust": "由利真珠郎", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつもより多く回っておりまーす。~サラマワ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I have even more spinning than usual. ~Saramawa~" }, "1343": { "pid": 1343, cid: 1343, "timestamp": 1451227063126, "wxid": "WX10-076", name: "参ノ遊 オハジキ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 玻璃弹珠", name_en: "Ohajiki, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウオハジキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-076.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "また1つゲットだわ。~オハジキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I got yet another one. ~Ohajiki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:レゾナの出現条件のために、このシグニが場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:由于共鸣单位的出现条件将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from the field into the trash for the play condition of a Resona, draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1343-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!this.player.inResonaAction) return false; if (event.oldZone.name !== 'SigniZone') return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1344": { "pid": 1344, cid: 1344, "timestamp": 1451227064618, "wxid": "WX10-077", name: "幻獣 ハシビロ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 鲸头鹳", name_en: "Hashibiro, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウハシビロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-077.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "魚を食べて、元気2倍!~ハシビロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Eat fish, and double vitality! ~Hashibiro~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体のパワーを2倍にする。(そのシグニのパワーと同じ値だけパワーを+(プラス)する)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,你的1只SIGNI的力量变为2倍。(即加上那只SIGNI的力量。)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, double the power of 1 of your SIGNI. (+ (plus) its power by the same amount as the power of the SIGNI)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var value = card.power; if (!value) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], }, "1345": { "pid": 1345, cid: 1345, "timestamp": 1451227066132, "wxid": "WX10-072", name: "幻水 ナフシュ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 刀鲚", name_en: "Nafushu, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイナフシュ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-072.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さて、どうして欲しいのかしら。 ~ナフシュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Well then, I wonder why you want it. ~Nafushu~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手はライフクロス1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手はデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:对战对手将1张生命护甲放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Your opponent puts 1 of their Life Cloth into the trash. If they did, your opponent adds the top card of their deck to Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1346": { "pid": 1346, cid: 1346, "timestamp": 1451227067680, "wxid": "WX10-073", name: "EAT STAR", name_zh_CN: "EAT STAR", name_en: "EAT STAR", "kana": "イートスター", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-073.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャー♪(この歯ごたえ、癖になるるん♪)", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Nya♪ (This crunch, addicting-run♪)", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたが次にスペルを使用する場合、それを使用するための【無】コストが2減る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合中,你下次使用魔法卡的场合,使用费用减少【无2】。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, the next time you use a spell, the cost for using it is decreased by 2 [Colorless]." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var player = this.player; // 注: 被mlln抢夺 this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd,this.player.onUseSpell], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(player.hands,player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costColorless',-2); } },this); } }); } } }, "1347": { "pid": 1347, cid: 1347, "timestamp": 1451227069356, "wxid": "WX10-066", name: "降星の炎岩", name_zh_CN: "降星的炎岩", name_en: "Flame Rock of the Descending Star", "kana": "コウセイノエンガン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-066.jpg", "illust": "okera", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "岩岩、降れ降れ、隕石のようにー。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Rocks rocks, fall fall, like meteorites.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只共鸣单位驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's Resonas." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "どちらか1つを選ぶ。\n①対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n②対戦相手のレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。", "対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "対戦相手のレゾナ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。\n①将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n②将对战对手的1只共鸣单位驱逐。", "将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "将对战对手的1只共鸣单位驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1.\n① Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.\n② Banish 1 of your opponent's Resonas.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's Resonas." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1347-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); } },{ source: this, description: '1347-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1348": { "pid": 1348, cid: 1348, "timestamp": 1451227070819, "wxid": "WX10-067", name: "コードアート W・G・M", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 W・G・M", name_en: "Code Art WGM", "kana": "コードアートウェイティングマシーン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-067.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "レディに聞いちゃダメよ。~W・G・M~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's rude to eavesdrop on a lady. ~WGM~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルが3枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区存在3张以上的魔法卡,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 3 or more spells in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】×0:あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【蓝0】:从你的卡组中探寻1张魔法卡放置到废弃区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue0]: Search your deck for 1 spell and put it into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], }, "1349": { "pid": 1349, cid: 1349, "timestamp": 1451227072381, "wxid": "WX10-068", name: "幻水 ジュゴン", name_zh_CN: "幻水 儒艮", name_en: "Dugong, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイジュゴン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-068.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "楽しい楽しいクイズの時間だゴン! ~ジュゴン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's fun fun quiz time-gon! ~Dugong~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが青で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、カード名1つを宣言する。対戦相手はデッキの一番上を公開する。それが宣言されたカードである場合、あなたはカードを2枚引く。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的LRIG是蓝色,并且只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,宣言1个卡名。将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是所宣言的卡的场合,你抽2张卡。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is blue, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, declare 1 card name. Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck. If it is the declared card, you draw 2 cards.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('blue')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1349-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; return this.player.declareCardIdAsyn().callback(this,function (pid) { var cid = CardInfo[pid].cid; return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }).callback(this,function () { if (card.cid !== cid) return; this.player.draw(2); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、カード名1つを宣言する。対戦相手はデッキの一番上を公開する。それが宣言されたカードである場合、あなたはカードを2枚引く。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,宣言1个卡名。将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是所宣言的卡的场合,你抽2张卡。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, declare 1 card name. Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck. If it is the declared card, you draw 2 cards.' ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引き、対戦相手のデッキの一番上と対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡,查看对战对手卡组和生命护甲最上方的1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card, and you look at the top card of your opponent's deck and the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); var cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "1350": { "pid": 1350, cid: 1350, "timestamp": 1451227074042, "wxid": "WX10-069", name: "幻水 エレノズ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 象鼻鱼", name_en: "Erenozu, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイエレノズ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-069.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コポコポ、あの藻をはがしていい? ~エレノズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bloop bloop, could ya remove that algae? ~Erenozu~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手はライフクロス1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手はデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:对战对手将1张生命护甲放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Your opponent puts 1 of their Life Cloth into the trash. If they did, your opponent adds the top card of their deck to Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1351": { "pid": 1351, cid: 1351, "timestamp": 1451227075839, "wxid": "WX10-063", name: "爆砲 ナポレホウ", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 拿破仑炮", name_en: "Napolehou, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウナポレホウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-063.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "勝利は、わが迅速果敢な発射にあり!~ナポレホウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Victory, lies in our swift fearless discharge! ~Napolehou~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが赤で、このシグニがシグニゾーンの中央にあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のパワー1000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG是红色,并且这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量1000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is red, as long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gains \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 1000 or less.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('red')) return false; var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1351-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(1000); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のパワー1000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量1000以下的SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent\'s SIGNI with power 1000 or less.' ] }, "1352": { "pid": 1352, cid: 1352, "timestamp": 1451227077640, "wxid": "WX10-064", name: "幻竜 サバアナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 草原巨蜥", name_en: "Sabaana, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウサバアナ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-064.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "冒険の時間だ!~サバアナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's adventure time! ~Sabaana~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが2枚以下であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的能量区中存在的卡片数量在2张以下,这只SIGNI的力量就变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 2 or less cards in your opponent's Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length <= 2); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }] }, "1353": { "pid": 1353, cid: 1353, "timestamp": 1451227079066, "wxid": "WX10-061", name: "羅石 ファイゲート", name_zh_CN: "罗石 火玛瑙", name_en: "Figate, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキファイゲート", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-061.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ウォォォリャー!~ファイゲート~\nキャラ被ったァァ!!~タイアイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のすべてのレベル3のシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你其他的所有等级3的SIGNI的力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your other level 3 SIGNI get +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi !== this) && (signi.level === 3)) { add(signi,'power',3000); } },this); } }] }, "1354": { "pid": 1354, cid: 1354, "timestamp": 1451227080468, "wxid": "WX10-059", name: "小剣 エムファイブ", name_zh_CN: "小剑 M5式铳剑", name_en: "M Five, Small Sword", "kana": "ショウケンエムファイブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-059.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ジャキーン!オレの左腕どうよ。~エムファイブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hi-yah! How's my left arm. ~M Five~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<ウェポン>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是<武器>SIGNI的场合,把它加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } }] }, "1355": { "pid": 1355, cid: 1355, "timestamp": 1451227081990, "wxid": "WX10-060", name: "クロス・バウンス", name_zh_CN: "交错反弹", name_en: "Cross Bounce", "kana": "クロスバウンス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-060.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるでシャボン玉が弾けるがごとく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "《クロス》を持つ対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with >Cross< to their hand." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.crossIcon; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.bounceAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "1356": { "pid": 1356, cid: 1356, "timestamp": 1451227083599, "wxid": "WX10-058", name: "羅星 タンサーワン", name_zh_CN: "罗星 探查者一号", name_en: "Tansar One, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイタンサーワン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-058.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミッション1:探査計画を立てます!~タンサーワン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mission 1: Set up an exploration plan! ~Tansar One~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣单位,这只SIGNI的力量就变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a Resona on your field, this SIGNI's power is 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】×0:ターン終了時まで、このシグニのレベルは3になる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的等级变为3。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White0]: Until end of turn, this card's level is 3." ], actionEffects: [{ useCondition: function () { return (this.level !== 3); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'level',3); } }] }, "1357": { "pid": 1357, cid: 1357, "timestamp": 1451227085298, "wxid": "WX10-055", name: "羅星 タンサースリー", name_zh_CN: "罗星 探查者三号", name_en: "Tansar Three, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイタンサースリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-055.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミッション3:未知の物質を確保します!~タンサースリー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mission 3: Securing an unknown substance! ~Tansar Three~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:レゾナの出現条件のために、このシグニが場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:由于共鸣单位的出现条件将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from the field into the trash for the play condition of a Resona, draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1357-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!this.player.inResonaAction) return false; if (event.oldZone.name !== 'SigniZone') return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1358": { "pid": 1358, cid: 1358, "timestamp": 1451227086693, "wxid": "WX10-056", name: "羅星 タンサーツー", name_zh_CN: "罗星 探查者二号", name_en: "Tansar Two, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイタンサーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-056.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミッション2:探査フィールドまで向かいます!~タンサーツー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Mission 2: Onwards to the exploration field! ~Tansar Two~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣单位,这只SIGNI的力量就变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a Resona on your field, this SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白】×0:ターン終了時まで、このシグニのレベルは4になる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的等级变为4。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White0]: Until end of turn, this card's level is 4." ], actionEffects: [{ useCondition: function () { return (this.level !== 4); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'level',4); } }] }, "1359": { "pid": 1359, cid: 1359, "timestamp": 1451227088822, "wxid": "WX10-057", name: "中剣 サンジュー", name_zh_CN: "中剑 三十年式铳剑", name_en: "Sanju, Medium Sword", "kana": "チュウケンサンジュー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-057.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "行け、我が銃剣。~サンジュー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Go, my bayonet. ~Sanju~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<アーム>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<武装>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的<武装>或<武器>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。", "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<武器>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 3 or less or SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "[Action] Down Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')) && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); } }] }, "1360": { "pid": 1360, cid: 1360, "timestamp": 1451227090352, "wxid": "WX10-052", name: "サーバント Y", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Y", name_en: "Servant Y", "kana": "サーバントワイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 11000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-052.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "せいなるせかい、創造。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Holy World, Creation.", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから【ガード】(アイコン)を持つシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张持有【防御】标记的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add 1 SIGNI with [Guard] from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.guardFlag; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札からそれぞれ名前の異なる<精元>のシグニを4枚捨てる:無色ではないすべてのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌将4张名字各不相同的<精元>SIGNI舍弃:将所有不是无色的SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 4 SIGNI with different names from your hand: Put all non-colorless SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cids = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('精元')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); return (cids.length >= 4); }, costAsyn: function () { var cids = []; var cards_trash = []; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('精元') && !inArr(card.cid,cids); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cids.push(card.cid); cards_trash.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return (signi.color !== 'colorless'); },this); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから【ガード】(アイコン)を持つシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张持有【防御】标记的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 SIGNI with [Guard] from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.guardFlag; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "1361": { "pid": 1361, cid: 1361, "timestamp": 1451227091841, "wxid": "WX10-053", name: "集結する守護", name_zh_CN: "集结的守护", name_en: "Gathering Protection", "kana": "シュウケツスルシュゴ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-053.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シグニは少女の想像の域を出ない。ただ、少女の想像は底知れない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "SIGNI do not go outside the realm of a little girl's imagination. However, a little girl's imagination may not be the bottom of it.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にあるカード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニ1体につき、【無】コストが2減る。\n" + "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのトラッシュからカード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。\n" + "②ターン終了時まで、カード名に《サーバント》を含むあなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000し、それらは【ランサー】を得る。", "あなたのトラッシュからカード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", "ターン終了時まで、カード名に《サーバント》を含むあなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+5000し、それらは【ランサー】を得る。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上每有1只卡名含有《侍从》的SIGNI,这张魔法卡的使用费用就减少【无2】。\n" + "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①从你的废弃区将至多2张卡名含有《侍从》的SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "②到回合结束时为止,你的所有卡名含有《侍从》的SIGNI的力量+5000,并获得【枪兵】。", "从你的废弃区将至多2张卡名含有《侍从》的SIGNI加入手牌。", "到回合结束时为止,你的所有卡名含有《侍从》的SIGNI的力量+5000,并获得【枪兵】。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell is reduced by 2 [Colorless] for each of your SIGNI with〈Servant〉in its card name on your field.\n" + "Choose 1 from the following 2.\n" + "①Add up to 2 SIGNI with〈Servant〉in their card name from your trash to your hand.\n" + "②Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI with〈Servant〉in their card name get +5000 power and gain [Lancer].", "Add up to 2 SIGNI with〈Servant〉in their card name from your trash to your hand.", "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI with〈Servant〉in their card name get +5000 power and gain [Lancer]." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('サーバント') !== -1); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= cards.length * 2; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: [{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('サーバント') !== -1); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { this.game.moveCards(targets,this.player.handZone); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi.name.indexOf('サーバント') === -1)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',5000); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'lancer',true); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "1362": { "pid": 1362, cid: 1362, "timestamp": 1451227093424, "wxid": "WX10-054", name: "大剣 ヌアードゥ", name_zh_CN: "大剑 塔努瓦", name_en: "Nuadu, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンヌアードゥ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-054.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クララスに続けぇ!~ヌアードゥ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Claras shall lead the way-! ~Nuadu~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての赤のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に赤のシグニがある場合、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方所有红色精灵力量+2000。", "【常】:如果我方场上有红色精灵,此牌力量变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your red SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a red SIGNI on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('red')) { add(signi,'power',2000); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('red')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }] }, "1363": { "pid": 1363, cid: 1363, "timestamp": 1451227094856, "wxid": "WX10-049", name: "幻蟲 オオマキリ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 大刀螳螂", name_en: "Oomakiri, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウオオマキリ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-049.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "鎌の使い方は斬るだけにあらず。~オオマキリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】レゾナではないあなたの他の<凶蟲>のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのトラッシュからスペル1枚を手札に加える。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】将你的1只其他非共鸣<凶虫>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:从你的废弃区将1张魔法卡加入手牌。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black] Put 1 of your other non-Resona SIGNI from the field into the trash: Add 1 spell from your trash to your hand. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costBlack: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('凶蟲') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('凶蟲') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return card; }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1364": { "pid": 1364, cid: 1364, "timestamp": 1451227096419, "wxid": "WX10-050", name: "コードアンチ エレチェア", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 电椅", name_en: "Code Anti Elechair", "kana": "コードアンチエレチェア", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-050.jpg", "illust": "I☆LA", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "痺れるような膝枕はどう?~エレチェア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How about a numbing lap-rest? ~Elechair~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニがトラッシュから場に出たとき、対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,对战对手将自己的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field from the trash, your opponent banishes 1 of their SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish one of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 2); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } } }, "1365": { "pid": 1365, cid: 1365, "timestamp": 1451227098161, "wxid": "WX10-051", name: "クローズ・ゾーン", name_zh_CN: "封锁区域", name_en: "Close Zone", "kana": "クローズゾーン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-051.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おぬしの席、ないからのぉ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Thou hast no place, methinks. ~Umr~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "シグニゾーン1つを指定する。次のターンの間、対戦相手は指定されたシグニゾーンにシグニを新たに配置することができない。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "指定1个SIGNI区。下个回合中,对战对手不能在所指定的SIGNI区上配置新的SIGNI。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 SIGNI Zone. During the next turn, your opponent cannot put SIGNI into the chosen SIGNI Zone." ], spellEffect: { // getTargets: function () { // return this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { // return signi.power <= 5000; // },this); // }, actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.opponent.signiZones; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, fixed: true, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], action: function (set,add) { set(zone,'disabled',true); } }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -7000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } } }, "1366": { "pid": 1366, cid: 1366, "timestamp": 1451227100063, "wxid": "WX10-046", name: "肆ノ遊 ヨーヨー", name_zh_CN: "肆游 悠悠球", name_en: "Yoyo, Fourth Play", "kana": "ヨンノユウヨーヨー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-046.jpg", "illust": "かにゃぴい", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ダブルスピン!~ヨーヨー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Double Spin! ~Yoyo~" }, "1367": { "pid": 1367, cid: 1367, "timestamp": 1451227101573, "wxid": "WX10-047", name: "幻獣 フラミー", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 佛拉米", name_en: "Furami, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウフラミー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-047.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "群れ群れですわ!~フラミー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にパワー50000以上のシグニがあるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在力量50000以上的SIGNI,你的所有SIGNI获得【枪兵】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a SIGNI with 50000 or more power on your field, all of your SIGNI gain [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.power >= 50000); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'lancer',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+10000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,1只SIGNI力量+10000" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 SIGNI gets +10000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',10000); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+10000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿】:直到回合结束为止,你的所有SIGNI力量+10000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +10000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',10000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:次のターンの間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:下个回合中,你的所有SIGNI力量+10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During your next turn, all of your SIGNI get +10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'power',10000); },this); } }); } } }, "1368": { "pid": 1368, cid: 1368, "timestamp": 1451227103653, "wxid": "WX10-042", name: "幻竜 グリアナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 绿鬣蜥", name_en: "Guriana, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウグリアナ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-042.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "イィハハ!ギッチギチにしてやんよ?~グリアナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるカードが3枚以下であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的能量区中存在的卡片数量在3张以下,这只SIGNI的力量就变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 3 or less cards in your opponent's Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.length <= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:対戦相手のエナゾーンから、対戦相手のルリグと同じ色を持たないカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从对战对手的能量区中,将1张不持有对战对手的LRIG的颜色的卡放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: From your opponent's Ener Zone, put 1 card that does not have the same color as your opponent's LRIG into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return true; return !card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.opponent.lrig); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }] }, "1369": { "pid": 1369, cid: 1369, "timestamp": 1451227105199, "wxid": "WX10-040", name: "レゾナンス", name_zh_CN: "共鸣", name_en: "Resonance", "kana": "レゾナンス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-040.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "指輪の力をここに。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The power of the ring shall be here. ~Sashe~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグデッキからレゾナ1枚を出現条件を無視して場に出す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的LRIG卡组将1张共鸣单位无视出现条件出场。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put 1 Resona from your LRIG Deck onto the field, ignoring its play condition." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function (target) { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.resona && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "1370": { "pid": 1370, cid: 1370, "timestamp": 1451227106709, "wxid": "WX10-037", name: "破戒の轟牙 シヴァ", name_zh_CN: "破戒的轰牙 湿婆", name_en: "Shiva, Roaring Fang of Transgression", "kana": "ハカイノゴウガシヴァ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-037.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああもう、やり直し!!~シヴァ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ah enough, redoing!! ~Shiva~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が0枚であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは18000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的手牌为0张,这只SIGNI的力量就变为18000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your hand has 0 cards, this SIGNI's power is 18000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return !this.player.hands.length; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',18000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。この能力はあなたの手札が0枚の場合にしか使用できない。", "【起動能力】あなたの手札をすべて捨てる:この方法であなたがカードを4枚以上捨てた場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。这个能力只能在你的手牌为0张的场合使用。", "【起】舍弃你所有的手牌:通过这个方法舍弃的手牌在4张以上的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -10000 power. This ability can only be used if you have 0 cards in your hand.", "[Action] Discard your entire hand: If you discarded 4 or more cards, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, useCondition: function () { return !this.player.hands.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); }); } },{ useCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costCondition: function () { return true; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.slice(); this.game.trashCards(cards); return Callback.immediately(cards); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var cards = costArg.others; if (cards.length < 4) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの手札をすべて捨てる。その後、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニを3枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:舍弃你所有的手牌。之后,从你的废弃区将至多3张黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard your entire hand. Then, add up to 3 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } } }, "1371": { "pid": 1371, cid: 1371, "timestamp": 1451227108484, "wxid": "WX10-038", name: "極剣 クララス", name_zh_CN: "极剑 克拉乌·索拉斯", name_en: "Claras, Ultimate Sword", "kana": "キョクケンクララス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-038.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "光の剣よ…赤き友に力を…~クララス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sword of Light... lend my scarlet comrades power... ~Claras~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべての赤のシグニのパワーを15000にする。", "【常時能力】:あなたの場に赤のシグニがある場合、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你所有的红色SIGNI的力量变为15000。", "【常】:你的场上存在红色SIGNI的场合,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The power of all of your red SIGNI become 15000.", "[Constant]: As long as you have a red SIGNI on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasColor('red')) { set(signi,'power',15000); } },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('red')); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } }] }, "1372": { "pid": 1372, cid: 1372, "timestamp": 1451227110146, "wxid": "WX10-039", name: "大剣 ハチキュー", name_zh_CN: "大剑 89式多用途铳剑", name_en: "Hachikyu, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンハチキュー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-039.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フン、いくら囲まれようとも!~ハチキュー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<アーム>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから<アーム>または<ウェポン>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "【出現時能力】手札から<ウェポン>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张<武装>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张<武装>或<武器>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。", "【出】从手牌将1张<武器>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 or SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasClass('アーム') || card.hasClass('ウェポン')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } },{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('ウェポン'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); } }] }, "1373": { "pid": 1373, cid: 1373, "timestamp": 1451227111692, "wxid": "WX10-033", name: "コードハート S・W・T", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 S・W・T", name_en: "Code Heart SWT", "kana": "コードハートスマートウォッチ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-033.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "S・M・P、いうこと聞くわ。~S・W・T~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、代わりにあなたの手札からスペル1枚を捨ててもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,作为代替,可以从你的手牌将1张魔法卡舍弃。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, you may discard 1 spell from your hand instead." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // set(this,'discardSpellInsteadOfBanish',true); var protection = { source: this, description: '1373-const-0', condition: function (card) { var spells = card.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; },this); return spells.length; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { var spells = card.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; },this); return card.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',spells).callback(this,function (spell) { if (!spell) return; spell.trash(); }); } }; add(this,'banishProtections',protection); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札からスペルを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张魔法卡舍弃:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 spell from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札からスペルを2枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌将2张魔法卡舍弃:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 2 spells from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase].", ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return (cards.length >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中からスペルをすべて手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你的卡组顶5张卡公开。将其中所有的魔法卡加入手牌,剩下的按任意顺序放回卡组底。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Add all spells from among them to your hand, and put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = []; var cards_deck = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') cards_add.push(card); else cards_deck.push(card); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); var len = cards_deck.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_deck,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); } } }, "1374": { "pid": 1374, cid: 1374, "timestamp": 1451227113552, "wxid": "WX10-036", name: "大幻蟲 ヴェスパ", name_zh_CN: "大幻虫 胡蜂", name_en: "Vesper, Great Phantom Insect", "kana": "ダイゲンチュウヴェスパ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-036.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "グサー!あなたは堕ちた!~ヴェスパ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのレベルは対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】1枚につき、1減る。(このシグニは場に出るまでレベル4である)", "【常時能力】:このシグニよりレベルの高いシグニがこの正面にあるかぎり、このシグニは【アサシン】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手场上每存在1张【魅饰】,这只SIGNI的等级就减1。(这只SIGNI出场前为等级4)", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI的正面存在比这只SIGNI等级高的SIGNI,这只SIGNI获得【暗杀者】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The level of this SIGNI is reduced by 1 for each of your opponent's [Charm] on the field. (This SIGNI enters the field as a level 4)", "[Constant]: As long as the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI has a higher level than it, this SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var charms = this.player.opponent.getCharms(); var count = charms.length; if (!count) return; add(this,'level',-count); } },{ condition: function () { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return false; return (opposingSigni.level > this.level); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'assassin',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:次のターンの間、あなたのシグニゾーンの中央にあるシグニは、その正面のシグニに【チャーム】がついているかぎり【アサシン】を得る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:下个回合中,你的SIGNI区域的中央列上的SIGNI,只要它正面的SIGNI附有【魅饰】就获得【暗杀者】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During the next turn, the SIGNI in the middle of your SIGNI Zone gets [Assassin] as long as the SIGNI in front of it is marked with a [Charm]." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var zone = this.player.signiZones[1]; var card = zone.getActualCards()[0]; if (!inArr(card,this.player.signis)) return; var opposingSigni = card.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni || !opposingSigni.charm) return; set(card,'assassin',true); } }); } } }, "1375": { "pid": 1375, cid: 1375, "timestamp": 1451227114998, "wxid": "WX10-030", name: "羅石 イリスアゲート", name_zh_CN: "罗石 虹膜玛瑙", name_en: "Iris Agate, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラキセキイリスアゲート", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-030.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "虹は何度でも現れるわ。~イリスアゲート~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The rainbow appears again and again. ~Iris Agate~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。", "【常時能力】:あなたがスペル1枚を使用するたび、このシグニをアップする。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合结束时,你舍弃1张手牌。", "【常】:你使用1张魔法卡时,将这只SIGNI竖置。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, discard 1 card from your hand.", "[Constant]: Whenever you use 1 spell, up this SIGNI.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1375-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1375-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。", "【起動能力】【赤】【ダウン】:パワーがこのシグニのパワー以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。", "【起】【红】【横置】:将对战对手的1只力量在这只SIGNI以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush].", "[Action] [Red] [Down]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power equal to or less than this SIGNI's power." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } },{ costRed: 1, costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= this.power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、デッキの一番上を公開し、それが<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡。之后,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那只卡是<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI的场合,将其加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card. Then, reveal the top card of your deck, and if it's an or SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } } }, "1376": { "pid": 1376, cid: 1376, "timestamp": 1451227116928, "wxid": "WX10-032", name: "幻水姫 アロワナ", name_zh_CN: "幻水姬 红龙鱼", name_en: "Arowana, Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンスイヒメアロワナ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-032.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "押してダメなら引いてみろす。うす。 ~アロワナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの手札が7枚以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番上に戻す。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你的手牌在7张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI放回卡组顶。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if your hand is 7 or more, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to the top of their deck.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1376-const-0', condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length >= 7); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【青】×0:対戦相手は自分のデッキの一番上を公開する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:对战对手将自己卡组顶的1张卡公开。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Blue0]: Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck." ], actionEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.revealAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放回卡组顶。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to the top of their deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]); }); } } }, "1377": { "pid": 1377, cid: 1377, "timestamp": 1451227119037, "wxid": "WX10-027", name: "リング・ドロー", name_zh_CN: "圆环抽卡", name_en: "Ring Draw", "kana": "リングドロー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-027.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これが、指輪の力なの!?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "カードを1枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽1张卡。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw 1 card." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出たとき、あなたは【無】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このカードをあなたのルリグトラッシュからルリグデッキに戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只共鸣单位出场时,你可以支付【无】。这样做了的场合,将这张卡从LRIG废弃区返回LRIG卡组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your Resonas enters the field, you may pay [Colorless]. If you do, return this card from the LRIG Trash to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1377-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (this.zone !== this.player.lrigTrashZone) return false; return event.card.resona; }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.lrigTrashZone); }, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.moveTo(this.player.lrigDeck); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1378": { "pid": 1378, cid: 1378, "timestamp": 1451227121119, "wxid": "WX10-028", name: "羅星姫 タンサーフォー", name_zh_CN: "罗星姬 探查者四号", name_en: "Tansar Four, Natural Star Princess", "kana": "ラセイキタンサーフォー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-028.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミッション4:それを無事に、持ち帰る!~タンサーフォー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのレゾナ1体が場に出るたび、このシグニをアップする。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュするたび、あなたは【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、レゾナ1体をアップする。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只共鸣单位出场时,将这只SIGNI竖置。", "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,你可以支付【白】。这样做了的场合,将1只共鸣单位竖置。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your Resonas enters the field, up this SIGNI.", "[Constant]: Each time this SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, you may pay [White]. If you do, up 1 of your Resonas.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1378-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.resona; }, condition: function () { return !this.isUp }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1378-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.resona && !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】レゾナではないあなたの他のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:この方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニと同じレベルを持つ対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将你的1只其他的非共鸣单位从场上放置到废弃区:将与通过这个方法放置到废弃区的SIGNI等级相同的对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Put 1 of your other non-Resona SIGNI into the trash: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with the same level as the SIGNI put into the trash this way to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && !signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && !signi.resona && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return -1; var level = card.level; card.trash(); return level; }); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var level = costArg.others; if (level < 0) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level === level; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのルリグデッキからレゾナ1枚を出現条件を無視して場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的LRIG卡组将1张共鸣单位无视出现条件出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put 1 Resona from your LRIG Deck onto the field, ignoring its play condition." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.resona && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } } }, "1379": { "pid": 1379, cid: 1379, "timestamp": 1451227122814, "wxid": "WX10-025", name: "ファイブ・レインボー", name_zh_CN: "五色彩虹", name_en: "Five Rainbow", "kana": "ファイブレインボー", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-025.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よいしょ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Goody.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色から最大5色までを選ぶ。その後、\n" + "白を選んだ場合、シグニ1体を手札に戻す。\n" + "赤を選んだ場合、パワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "青を選んだ場合、カードを2枚引く。\n" + "緑を選んだ場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。\n" + "黒を選んだ場合、ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的能量区中的卡片的颜色中选择最多5种颜色。之后,\n" + "选择了白色的场合,将1只SIGNI返回手牌。\n" + "选择了红色的场合,将1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "选择了蓝色的场合,抽2张卡。\n" + "选择了绿色的场合,从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。\n" + "选择了黑色的场合,直到回合结束为止,1只SIGNI力量-12000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose colors from cards in your Ener Zone, up to a maximum of 5 colors. Then,\n" + "if you chose white, return 1 SIGNI to the hand.\n" + "If you chose red, banish 1 SIGNI with power 12000 or less.\n" + "If you chose blue, draw 2 cards.\n" + "If you chose green, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\n" + "If you chose black, until end of turn, 1 SIGNI gets -12000 power." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var colors = []; var colorsToSelect = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors(true).forEach(function (color) { if (inArr(color,colorsToSelect)) return; colorsToSelect.push(color); }); },this); if (!colorsToSelect.length) return; var count = Math.min(5,colorsToSelect.length); colorsToSelect.push('SELECT_DONE'); return Callback.loop(this,count,function () { if (!colorsToSelect.length) return; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { if (color === 'SELECT_DONE') { colorsToSelect.length = 0; return; } colors.push(color); removeFromArr(color,colorsToSelect); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showColorsAsyn(colors); }).callback(this,function () { // white if (!inArr('white',colors)) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BOUNCE',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { // red if (!inArr('red',colors)) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= 12000); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { // blue if (!inArr('blue',colors)) return; this.player.draw(2); }).callback(this,function () { // green if (!inArr('green',colors)) return; this.player.enerCharge(2); }).callback(this,function () { // black if (!inArr('black',colors)) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }); }); } } }, "1380": { "pid": 1380, cid: 1380, "timestamp": 1451227124274, "wxid": "WX10-026", name: "ペナルティ・チャンス", name_zh_CN: "惩戒机会", name_en: "Penalty Chance", "kana": "ペナルティチャンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-026.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴女、なんていったかしらね。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたの手札が0枚の場合、カードを2枚引く。\n" + "②あなたの場にシグニがない場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。\n" + "③このターンが効果によって追加されたターンである場合、このアタックフェイズを終了する。", "あなたの手札が0枚の場合、カードを2枚引く。", "あなたの場にシグニがない場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。", "このターンが効果によって追加されたターンである場合、このアタックフェイズを終了する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下3项中选择1项。\n" + "①你的手牌为0张的场合,抽2张卡。\n" + "②你的场上没有SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。\n" + "③这个回合是由于效果而追加的回合的场合,结束这个攻击阶段。", "你的手牌为0张的场合,抽2张卡。", "你的场上没有SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。", "这个回合是由于效果而追加的回合的场合,结束这个攻击阶段。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 from the following 3.\n" + "① If your hand has 0 cards, draw 2 cards.\n" + "② If there is no SIGNI on your field, down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.\n" + "③ If this turn is a turn that was added by an effect, end the attack phase.", "If your hand has 0 cards, draw 2 cards.", "If there is no SIGNI on your field, down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "If this turn is a turn that was added by an effect, end the attack phase." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; this.player.draw(2); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.signis.length) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.game.phase.additionalTurn) return; this.game.setData(this.game,'endAttackPhase',true); } }] }, "1381": { "pid": 1381, cid: 1381, "timestamp": 1451227125756, "wxid": "WX10-022", name: "ウトゥルス・チェイン", name_zh_CN: "乌特乌尔斯·锁链", name_en: "Ut'ulls Chain", "kana": "ウトゥルスチェイン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-022.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "咆哮穿ツ、此ガ総テヲ葬ル音頭!~ウトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "【チェイン【黒】【白】】(このターン、あなたが次にアーツを使用する場合、それを使用するためのコストは【黒】コストが1、【白】コストが1減る)\n" + "以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。\n" + "②ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。\n" + "③あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニを合計2枚まで手札に加える。", "対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。", "あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニを合計2枚まで手札に加える。", ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【连锁【黑】【白】】(这个回合,你下次使用技艺的场合,其使用费用减少【黑1】【白1】)\n" + "从以下3项中选择1项。\n" + "①将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。\n" + "②直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。\n" + "③从你的废弃区中将合计至多2张白色或者黑色的SIGNI加入手牌", "将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。", "从你的废弃区中将合计至多2张白色或者黑色的SIGNI加入手牌", ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [Black] [White] (This turn, the next time you use an ARTS, the cost to use it is reduced by 1 [Black] and 1 [White])\n" + "Choose 1 from the following 3.\n" + "①Return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand.\n" + "②Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -12000 power.\n" + "③Add up to 2 white or black SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -12000 power.", "Add up to 2 white or black SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", ], chain: { costBlack: 1, costWhite: 1 }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && ((card.hasColor('black')) || (card.hasColor('white'))); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }] }, "1382": { "pid": 1382, cid: 1382, "timestamp": 1451227127305, "wxid": "WX10-023", name: "ブラック・コフィン", name_zh_CN: "漆黑之棺", name_en: "Black Coffin", "kana": "ブラックコフィン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-023.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…黒棺よ…。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "...Black Coffin... ~Myuu~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのトラッシュから、あなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "②対戦相手のトラッシュにあるスペル1枚をゲームから除外する。このゲームの間、対戦相手はそのスペルと同じ名前のカードを使用できない。(カットインされたスペルはこの効果の影響を受けない)", "あなたのトラッシュから、あなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるスペル1枚をゲームから除外する。このゲームの間、対戦相手はそのスペルと同じ名前のカードを使用できない。(カットインされたスペルはこの効果の影響を受けない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①从你的废弃区中将1张与你的LRIG颜色相同的SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "②将对战对手的废弃区中的1张魔法卡从游戏中除外。这局游戏中,对战对手不能使用与那张魔法卡同名的卡。(被切入的魔法不受这个效果影响)", "从你的废弃区中将1张与你的LRIG颜色相同的SIGNI加入手牌。", "将对战对手的废弃区中的1张魔法卡从游戏中除外。这局游戏中,对战对手不能使用与那张魔法卡同名的卡。(被切入的魔法不受这个效果影响)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 from the following 2.\n" + "①From your trash, add 1 SIGNI of the same color as your LRIG to your hand.\n" + "②Exclude 1 spell from your opponent's trash from the game. During this game, your opponent can't use cards with the same name as that spell. (The spell that got cut-in is not affected by this effect)", "From your trash, add 1 SIGNI of the same color as your LRIG to your hand.", "Exclude 1 spell from your opponent's trash from the game. During this game, your opponent can't use cards with the same name as that spell. (The spell that got cut-in is not affected by this effect)" ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color !== 'colorless') && (card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.lrig)); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.game.excludeCards([card]); this.player.opponent.bannedCards.push(card.cid); }); }); } }] }, "1383": { "pid": 1383, cid: 1383, "timestamp": 1451227128847, "wxid": "WX10-024", name: "黒幻蟲 クマムス", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 水熊虫", name_en: "Kumamusu, Black Phantom Insect", "kana": "コクゲンチュウクマムス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-024.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なんだよぅ、もっと寝させてよぅ。~クマムス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【アタックフェイズ】<凶蟲>のシグニ2枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【攻击阶段】将2张<凶虫>SIGNI从能量区放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Attack Phase] Put 2 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'attackPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、ルリグデッキに戻る代わりにルリグトラッシュに置かれる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,不返回LRIG卡组而放置到LRIG废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, it is put into the LRIG Trash instead of returning to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'resonaBanishToTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードを対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にする。このターン、対戦相手が【無】【無】【無】を支払わないかぎりそのシグニはアタックできない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手卡组最上方的1张卡成为对战对手的1只SIGNI的【魅饰】。这个回合中,对战对手不支付【无】【无】【无】那只SIGNI就不能攻击。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your opponent's deck under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI as [Charm]. This turn, that SIGNI can't attack as long as your opponent doesn't pay [Colorless] [Colorless] [Colorless]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); // 大天使之类的抗性吃这个效果,暂时把效果源设置为目标凑合凑合. this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'attackCostColorless',3,{forced: true}); }); } }], }, "1384": { "pid": 1384, cid: 1384, "timestamp": 1451227130588, "wxid": "WX10-019", name: "緑参ノ遊 カップ", name_zh_CN: "绿叁游 旋转杯", name_en: "Cup, Green Third Play", "kana": "リョクサンノユウカップ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-019.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "立ち乗りは危険ですよー。~カップ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Standing while riding is dangerous, ya know. ~Cup~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<遊具>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将2只非共鸣的<游具>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('遊具'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<游具>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1385": { "pid": 1385, cid: 1385, "timestamp": 1451227132798, "wxid": "WX10-021", name: "ミュウ=イクロ", name_zh_CN: "缪=羽现", name_en: "Myuu=Icro", "kana": "ミュウイクロ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-021.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…もう、もどらなくていい。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を見る。それがレベル3以下の<凶蟲>のシグニの場合、それを場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看你卡组顶1张卡。那张卡是等级3以下的<凶虫>SIGNI的场合,可以将其出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a level 3 or less SIGNI, you may put it onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasClass('凶蟲'))) { this.player.informCards([card]); return card.summonOptionalAsyn(); } return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }] }, "1386": { "pid": 1386, cid: 1386, "timestamp": 1451227134580, "wxid": "WX10-015", name: "フラッシュ・バック", name_zh_CN: "星跃闪回", name_en: "Flash Back", "kana": "フラッシュバック", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-015.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スーパーエルドラタイムっすよ!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's Super Eldora Time! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロスの一番上を見る。それをトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。\n" + "対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。それをトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看你最上方的生命护甲。可以将其放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将你卡组最上方的卡加入生命护甲。\n" + "查看对战对手最上方的生命护甲。可以将其放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手卡组最上方的卡加入生命护甲。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at the top card of your Life Cloth. You may put it into the trash. If you do, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth.\n" + "Look at the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth. You may put it into the trash. If you do, add the top card of your opponent's deck to Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; this.player.informCards([card]); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[card]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); }); }).callback(this,function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; this.player.informCards([card]); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[card]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたか対戦相手のライフバーストが発動したとき、あなたは【青】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このカードをルリグトラッシュからルリグデッキに戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你或对战对手的生命迸发发动时,你可以支付【蓝】。这样做了的场合,将这张卡从LRIG废弃区返回LRIG卡组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your or your opponent's Life Burst is triggered, you may pay Blue. If you do, return this card from the LRIG Trash to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1386-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.zone === this.player.lrigTrashZone); }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.lrigTrashZone); }, costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.moveTo(this.player.lrigDeck); } }); add(this.player,'onBurstTriggered',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onBurstTriggered',effect); } }] }, "1387": { "pid": 1387, cid: 1387, "timestamp": 1451227136295, "wxid": "WX10-016", name: "早期な爽気 アン=フォース", name_zh_CN: "早期的爽气 安=FORTH", name_en: "Anne=Fourth, Early Clear Air", "kana": "ソウキナソウキアンフォース", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-016.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "爽やかな風をどうぞ。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please accept this invigorating breeze. ~Anne~" }, "1388": { "pid": 1388, cid: 1388, "timestamp": 1451227138440, "wxid": "WX10-014", name: "ワースト・コンディション", name_zh_CN: "最恶情况", name_en: "Worst Condition", "kana": "ワーストコンディション", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-014.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "最悪な雷をどうぞ…。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Please accept a most devastating thunderbolt... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードは対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニを2体までバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张卡只能在对方的手牌为0张的场合使用。\n" + "将对战对手至多2只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if your opponent's hand has 0 cards in it.\n" + "Banish up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], useCondition: function () { return !this.player.opponent.hands.length; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(null,0,2); } } }, "1389": { "pid": 1389, cid: 1389, "timestamp": 1451227140033, "wxid": "WX10-011", name: "駆馬炎鞭", name_zh_CN: "驱马炎鞭", name_en: "Horse-Driving Flame Whip", "kana": "クバエンベン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-011.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "挟みむち!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたのルリグがレベル3以上の場合にしか使用できない。\n" + "このゲームの間、あなたのルリグは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得て、あなたはグロウできない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这张卡只能在你的LRIG等级为3以上的场合使用。\n" + "这局游戏中,你的LRIG获得【双重击溃】,你不能进行成长。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This card can only be used if your LRIG is level 3 or more.\n" + "During this game, your LRIG gains [Double Crush], and you can't grow." ], useCondition: function () { return (this.player.lrig.level >= 3); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [], fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.lrig,'doubleCrash',true); set(this.player,'canNotGrow',true); } }); } } }, "1390": { "pid": 1390, cid: 1390, "timestamp": 1451227141810, "wxid": "WX10-012", name: "ミルルン・ミリ", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩·毫", name_en: "Mirurun Milli", "kana": "ミルルンミリ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-012.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…重症ぅ~。~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "...Really si-ck~. ~Mirurun~" }, "1391": { "pid": 1391, cid: 1391, "timestamp": 1451227143187, "wxid": "WX10-009", name: "縛魔炎 花代・参 ", name_zh_CN: "缚魔炎 花代·叁", name_en: "Hanayo-Three, Binding Magic Flame", "kana": "バクマエンハナヨサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 9, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-009.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "防御なんか捨ててかかって来な!!~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのグロウフェイズをスキップする。", "【常時能力】:あなたがスペル1枚を使用するたび、このルリグをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:跳过你的成长阶段。", "【常】:你使用1张魔法卡时,将这只LRIG竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Skip your grow phase.", "[Constant]: Whenever you use 1 spell, up this LRIG." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'skipGrowPhase',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1391-const-1', condition: function () { return !this.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:数字1つを宣言する。このターン、対戦相手は宣言された数字と同じレベルのシグニで【ガード】ができない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:宣言1个数字。这个回合中,对战对手不能用等级与所宣言的数字相同的持有【防御】标记的SIGNI防御。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Declare 1 number. This turn, your opponent can't guard with SIGNI with the same level as the declared number." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'guardBannedLevels',num); }); } }] }, "1392": { "pid": 1392, cid: 1392, "timestamp": 1451227145083, "wxid": "WX10-008", name: "白羅星 プルート", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 冥王星", name_en: "Pluto, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイプルート", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-008.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "囲め!我が衛星剣達よ!~プルート~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Enclose! My satellite swords! ~Pluto~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【アタックフェイズ】<宇宙>のシグニ3枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く", ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【攻击阶段】将3张<宇宙>SIGNI从能量区放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Attack Phase] Put 3 SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'attackPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、ルリグデッキに戻る代わりにルリグトラッシュに置かれる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,不返回LRIG卡组而放置到LRIG废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, it is put into the LRIG Trash instead of returning to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'resonaBanishToTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"can't attack\"." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } }] }, "1393": { "pid": 1393, cid: 1393, "timestamp": 1451227146683, "wxid": "WX10-007", name: "祈願の使者 サシェ・モティエ", name_zh_CN: "祈愿的使者 莎榭·莫提耶", name_en: "Sashe Moitié, Praying Messenger", "kana": "キガンノシシャサシェモティエ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-007.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、戻れないかもしれないけど。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を見る。それがレベル3以下の<宇宙>のシグニの場合、それを場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看你卡组顶1张卡。那张卡是等级3以下的<宇宙>SIGNI的场合,可以将其出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at the top card of your deck. If it is a level 3 or less SIGNI, you may put it onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if ((card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && (card.hasClass('宇宙'))) { this.player.informCards([card]); return card.summonOptionalAsyn(); } return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }] }, "1394": { "pid": 1394, cid: 1394, "timestamp": 1451227148160, "wxid": "WX10-005", name: "龍滅連鎖", name_zh_CN: "龙灭连锁", name_en: "Dragon Extinguishing Chain", "kana": "リュウメツレンサ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-005.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "チェインドラゴン!!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Chain Dragon!! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "【チェイン【赤】【緑】】(このターン、あなたが次にアーツを使用する場合、それを使用するためのコストは【赤】コストが1、【緑】コストが1減る)\n" + "以下の3つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "②対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンのカードが4枚になるように、エナゾーンからカードをトラッシュに置く。\n" + "③あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。", "対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンのカードが4枚になるように、エナゾーンからカードをトラッシュに置く。", "あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。", ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【连锁【红】【绿】】(这个回合,你下次使用技艺的场合,其使用费用减少【红1】【绿1】)\n" + "从以下3项中选择至多2项。\n" + "①将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "②对战对手从能量区将卡片放置到废弃区,直到对战对手的能量区剩余4张卡。\n" + "③将你卡组最上方的卡加入生命护甲。", "将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "对战对手从能量区将卡片放置到废弃区,直到对战对手的能量区剩余4张卡。", "将你卡组最上方的卡加入生命护甲。", ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [Red] [Green] (This turn, the next time you use an ARTS, the cost to use it is reduced by 1 [Red] and 1 [Green])\n" + "Choose up to 2 of these 3 effects.\n" + "①Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.\n" + "②Your opponent puts cards in their Ener Zone into their trash until they have 4 cards in their Ener Zone.\n" + "③Add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.", "Your opponent puts cards in their Ener Zone into their trash until they have 4 cards in their Ener Zone.", "Add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth.", ], chain: { costRed: 1, costGreen: 1 }, getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; var n = cards.length - 4; if (n <= 0) return; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); } }] }, "1395": { "pid": 1395, cid: 1395, "timestamp": 1451227150041, "wxid": "WX10-002", name: "エルドラ×マークIVSUPER", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉×代号IV-SUPER", name_en: "Eldora×Mark IV SUPER", "kana": "エルドラマークフォースーパー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX10/WX10-002.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そろそろ本気、出していくっすよ!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が5枚以上あるかぎり、あなたの<水獣>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。", "【常時能力】:このルリグがアタックしたとき、あなたは手札を1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。その後、それをトラッシュに置いて対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加えてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的手牌在5张以上,你的<水兽>SIGNI力量+2000。", "【常】:这只LRIG攻击时,你可以舍弃1张手牌。这样做了的场合,查看对战对手最上方的生命护甲。之后,可以将其放置到废弃区,并将对战对手卡组最上方的卡加入生命护甲。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 5 or more cards in your hand, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power.", "[Constant]: When this LRIG attacks, you may discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, look at the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth. Then, you may put it into the trash and put the top card of your opponent's deck into their Life Cloth." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length >= 5); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('水獣')) return; add(signi,'power',2000); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1395-const-1', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.hands.length) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; this.player.informCards([card]); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[card]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.lifeClothZone); }); }) } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1396": { "pid": 1396, cid: 1396, "timestamp": 1458750769759, "wxid": "PR-240", name: "幻獣 アカズキン(カードゲーマーvol.25付録)", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 小红帽(カードゲーマーvol.25付録)", name_en: "Akazukin, Phantom Beast(カードゲーマーvol.25付録)", "kana": "ゲンジュウアカズキン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-240.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おばぁちゃんパァーンチ!~アカズキン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Granny Punch! ~Akazukin~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのレベルはあなたのエナゾーンあるカード5枚につき+1され、このシグニのパワーはこのシグニのレベル1につき+3000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニはレベルが4以上であるかぎり、「このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニの正面のシグニをバニッシュする。」を得、レベルが5以上であるかぎり、「このシグニは対戦相手の効果を受けない。」を得る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズ開始時、あなたのデッキの上からカードを1枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中每有5张卡,这只SIGNI的等级就+1。这只SIGNI的等级每有1,力量就+3000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI只要等级在4以上,就获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,将这只SIGNI对面的SIGNI驱逐。」,只要等级在5以上,就获得「这只SIGNI不受对方效果影响。」。", "【常】:你的主要阶段开始时,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1 level for each 5 cards in your Ener Zone, and this SIGNI gets +3000 power for each 1 level it has.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is level 4 or more, it gains \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI.\" As long as it is level 5 or more, it gains \"This SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects.\"", "[Constant]: When your main phase starts, put the top 1 card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var count = Math.floor(this.player.enerZone.cards.length / 5); add(this,'level',count); var power = 3000 * this.level; add(this,'power',power); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect; if (this.level >= 4) { effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1396-attached-0', condition: function () { return this.getOpposingSigni(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } if (this.level >= 5) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player); }); } } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1396-const-2', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onMainPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニの正面のシグニをバニッシュする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,将这只SIGNI对面的SIGNI驱逐。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, banish the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI.' ] }, "1397": { "pid": 1397, cid: 1397, "timestamp": 1458750770722, "wxid": "PR-206", name: "宿業の花嫁 アルフォウ(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", name_zh_CN: "宿夜之新娘 阿尔芙(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", name_en: "Alfou, Bride of Karma(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", "kana": "シュクゴウノハナヨメアルフォウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-206.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [ "アルフォウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…ゆらぎ?~アルフォウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "...Yuragi? ~Alfou~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このルリグが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュするたび、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,所有玩家将自己卡组最上方的5张卡放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time this LRIG crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, all players put the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1397-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(5)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }] }, "1398": { "pid": 1398, cid: 1398, "timestamp": 1458750771573, "wxid": "PR-205", name: "簒奪の花嫁 アルフォウ(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", name_zh_CN: "篡夺之新娘 阿尔芙(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", name_en: "Alfou, Bride of Usurpation(「selector infected WIXOSS-Re/verse- 」第2巻 付録)", "kana": "サンダツノハナヨメアルフォウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 6, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-205.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [ "アルフォウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あと少しで、あなたは私だけのもの…~アルフォウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたがリフレッシュしたとき、それがこのターンであなたの最初のリフレッシュである場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你进行卡组重构时,那次重构是这个回合中你的首次重构的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you refresh, if it is your first refresh this turn, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1398-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.rebuildCount === 1); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onRebuild',effect); } }] }, "1399": { "pid": 1399, cid: 1399, "timestamp": 1458750773700, "wxid": "WX11-003", name: "雪月風火 花代・肆", name_zh_CN: "雪月风火 花代·肆", name_en: "Hanayo-Four, Snow, Moon, Wind and Fire", "kana": "セツゲツフウカハナヨヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-003.jpg", "illust": "かわすみ", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、踊りな、歌いな。熱い時間の幕開けだよ。~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】手札から赤のシグニを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、あなたの赤のシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。", "【起動能力】【赤】手札から<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:カードを3枚引く。あなたの次のアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたは手札をすべて捨てる。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】从手牌将1张红色的SIGNI舍弃:直到回合结束为止,你的1只红色SIGNI获得【暗杀】。", "【起】【红】从手牌将1张<矿石>或<宝石>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "【起】超越2:抽3张卡。你下次的攻击阶段开始时,将你的全部手牌舍弃。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] Discard 1 red SIGNI from your hand: Until end of turn, 1 of your red SIGNI gets [Assassin].", "[Action] [Red] Discard 1 or SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Draw 3 cards. At the beginning of your next attack phase, discard your entire hand. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('red')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('red')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasColor('red')); }); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); }); } },{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); } },{ costExceed: 2, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(3); this.player.discardOnAttackPhase = true; } }] }, "1400": { "pid": 1400, cid: 1400, "timestamp": 1458750776207, "wxid": "WX11-005", name: "四型貫女 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "四型贯女 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Piercing Woman Type Four", "kana": "シガタカンニョミドリコ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-005.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あふれ出るこの力、そうだね。君たちがくれたんだ。~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンからカードを3枚まで手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的能量区中将至多3张卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add up to 3 cards from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越2:直到回合结束为止,你的所有SIGNI获得【枪兵】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get [Lancer]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } },{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'lancer',true); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }] }, "1401": { "pid": 1401, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1458750948581, "wxid": "PR-244", name: "閻魔 ウリス(コミックマーケット89献血応援イベント)", name_zh_CN: "阎魔 乌莉丝(コミックマーケット89献血応援イベント)", name_en: "Ulith, Enma(コミックマーケット89献血応援イベント)", "kana": "エンマウリス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-244.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいことしましょ?~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1402": { "pid": 1402, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1458750951723, "wxid": "PR-271", name: "サーバント D2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_en: "Servant D2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-271.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は護る。理由は要らない。 ~サーバントD2~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I protect. I don't need a reason to. ~Servant D2~" }, "1403": { "pid": 1403, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1458750954797, "wxid": "PR-272", name: "サーバント O2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_en: "Servant O2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-272.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたのために、護るんだから! ~サーバントO2~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For you, I protect! ~Servant O2~" }, "1404": { "pid": 1404, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1458750958107, "wxid": "PR-269", name: "サーバント Q2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_en: "Servant Q2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-269.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "願いのために、あなたを護る。 ~サーバントQ2~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "For your wish, we will protect you. ~Servant Q2~" }, "1405": { "pid": 1405, cid: 234, "timestamp": 1458750961197, "wxid": "PR-270", name: "サーバント T2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_en: "Servant T2(WIXOSSイベント景品)", "kana": "サーバントティーツー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-270.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "護る理由?勝つためよ。 ~サーバントT2~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "My reason for protecting you? To win. ~Servant T2~" }, "1406": { "pid": 1406, cid: 1406, "timestamp": 1458750964588, "wxid": "WX11-034", name: "大幻蟲 ナナホシ", name_zh_CN: "大幻虫 七星瓢虫", name_en: "Nanahoshi, Great Phantom Insect", "kana": "ダイゲンチュウナナホシ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-034.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "次なるデザートを見つけに、レッツゴー!~ナナホシ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "To find the next dessert, let's go! ~Nanahoshi~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】があるかぎり、このシグニはバニッシュされない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的场上存在【魅饰】,这只SIGNI就不会被驱逐。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a [Charm] on your opponent's field, this SIGNI can't be banished." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】《黒×0》:ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを場にある【チャーム】1枚につき、-3000する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:直到回合结束为止,场上每有1张【魅饰】,就将同1只SIGNI的力量-3000。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black0]: Until end of turn, 1 SIGNI gets -3000 power for each [Charm] on the field. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); var count = cards.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this).length; var value = -3000 * count; if (!value) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードを対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にしてもよい。その後、ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-8000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:可以将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡作为对战对手的1只SIGNI的【魅饰】。之后,直到回合结束为止,对战对手所有附着了【魅饰】的SIGNI力量-8000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:You may put the top card of your opponent's deck as [Charm] under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, until end of turn, each of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] get -8000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); var charm = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!charm) return; charm.charmTo(card); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.charm) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',-8000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "1407": { "pid": 1407, cid: 1407, "timestamp": 1458750968045, "wxid": "WX11-049", name: "幻蟲 キイロテン", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 科氏素瓢虫", name_en: "Kiiroten, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウキイロテン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-049.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ペロペロ。うどん粉病菌最高~!~キイロテン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Lick lick. Powdery mildew is the best~! ~Kiiroten~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にあるすべての【チャーム】をトラッシュに置く。", ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手场上的所有【魅饰】放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put all [Charm] on your opponent's field into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = []; this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.charm) cards.push(signi.charm); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】×0:このシグニをトラッシュから場に出す。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、対戦相手の場に【チャーム】が3枚ある場合にしか使用できない。(この能力は、このシグニがトラッシュにある場合にしか使用できない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】:将这只SIGNI从废弃区出场。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,只能在对战对手的场上存在3张【魅饰】的场合使用。(这个能力只有在这只SIGNI在废弃区的场合才能使用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Black0: Put this SIGNI from the trash onto the field. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used if there are 3 [Charm] on your opponent's field. (This ability can only be used if this SIGNI is in the trash.)" ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, activatedInTrashZone: true, useCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.opponent.signis; if (signis.length < 3) return; return signis.every(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonAsyn(); } }] }, "1408": { "pid": 1408, cid: 1408, "timestamp": 1458750971103, "wxid": "WX11-082", name: "幻蟲 ハイテン", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 十八星瓢虫", name_en: "Haiten, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウハイテン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-082.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スーパームシくん人形がいるからへっちゃらよ。~ハイテン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只附着了【魅饰】的SIGNI力量-5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] gets -5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-5000); }); } }] }, "1409": { "pid": 1409, cid: 1409, "timestamp": 1458750974179, "wxid": "WX11-087", name: "幻蟲 ヒメアテン", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 赤星瓢虫", name_en: "Himeaten, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウヒメアテン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-087.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちいちゃいからってなめるなー。~ヒメアテン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只附着了【魅饰】的SIGNI力量-3000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] gets -3000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-3000); }); } }] }, "1410": { "pid": 1410, cid: 1410, "timestamp": 1458750977367, "wxid": "PR-242", name: "一蓮托生(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_zh_CN: "一莲托生(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_en: "Common Destiny(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", "kana": "アウトオブチョイス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-242.jpg", "illust": "月上クロニカ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶか選ばれるか選ぶよーっ!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Eeny Meeny Miny Mo! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのデッキからカードを2枚まで探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたのエナゾーンから対戦相手の選んだシグニ1枚を場に出す。(ルールや効果によって場に出すことのできないシグニが選ばれた場合、何も起きない)", "あなたのデッキからカードを2枚まで探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのエナゾーンから対戦相手の選んだシグニ1枚を場に出す。(ルールや効果によって場に出すことのできないシグニが選ばれた場合、何も起きない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①从你的卡组中探寻至多2张卡放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。\n" + "②将1张对战对手选择的你的能量区中的SIGNI出场。(选择了由于规则或者效果不能出场的SIGNI的场合,什么也不发生)", "从你的卡组中探寻至多2张卡放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。", "将1张对战对手选择的你的能量区中的SIGNI出场。(选择了由于规则或者效果不能出场的SIGNI的场合,什么也不发生)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 from the following 2.\n" + "①Search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "②Put 1 SIGNI of your opponent's choice from your Ener Zone onto the field. (If a SIGNI that cannot be put onto the field by a rule or an effect is chosen, nothing happens)", "Search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Put 1 SIGNI of your opponent's choice from your Ener Zone onto the field. (If a SIGNI that cannot be put onto the field by a rule or an effect is chosen, nothing happens)" ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function () { return true; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { if (!card.canSummon()) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }) }); } }] }, "1411": { "pid": 1411, cid: 1411, "timestamp": 1458750980479, "wxid": "WX11-001", name: "永遠の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "永远的巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Eternal Miko", "kana": "エイエンノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-001.jpg", "illust": "いとうのいぢ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こうやって、タマは…誰かを救えた? ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "In this way, who was Tama... able to save? ~Tama~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキから<アーム>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1只<武装>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越2:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG获得「不能攻击」。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's LRIGs gets \"can't attack.\" This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 2, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ costExceed: 2, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lrig; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); } }] }, "1412": { "pid": 1412, cid: 1412, "timestamp": 1458750983805, "wxid": "WX11-002", name: "純白の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "纯白的巫女 小雪", name_en: "Yuki, Pure White Miko", "kana": "ジュンパクノミコユキ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-002.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああ、タマ。あなたはきっとこんな気持ちだったのね。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ah, Tama. You must have felt this way that time! ~Yuki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:場にあるシグニ1体があなたの効果によって他のシグニゾーンに移動したとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:场上的1只SIGNI因你的效果移动到其他SIGNI区时,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。这个效果1回合只能使用1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When SIGNI on the field are moved to another SIGNI Zone by your effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1412-const-0', triggerCondition: function () { var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; if (source.player !== this.player) return false; if (this.game.getData(this,'flag')) return false; this.game.setData(this,'flag',true); return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'onChangeSigniZone',effect); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直す。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキに戻し、対戦相手は自分のデッキをシャッフルする。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将对战对手场上的所有SIGNI按任意方式重新配置。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】和【攻击阶段】。", "【起】超越2:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回卡组。对战对手洗切自己的牌组。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: You may rearrange all of your opponent's SIGNI on the field as you like. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase].", "[Action] Exceed 2: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to the deck, and your opponent shuffles their deck. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, attackPhase: true, mainPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.rearrangeOpponentSignisAsyn(); } },{ costExceed: 2, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.shuffle(); }); }); } }] }, "1413": { "pid": 1413, cid: 1413, "timestamp": 1458750986930, "wxid": "WX11-004", name: "コード・ピルルク Λ", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 Λ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Lambda", "kana": "コードピルルクラムダ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-004.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…その世界の向こうで、永遠にお眠り。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "... On the other side of the world, Eternal Slumber. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:カードを1枚引く。その後、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:抽1张卡。之后,对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Draw a card. Then, your opponent discards a card from their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:カードを2枚引く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード3:対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:抽2张卡。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越3:将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置并冻结。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Draw 2 cards. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 3: Down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, and freeze it. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } },{ costExceed: 3, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); } }] }, "1414": { "pid": 1414, cid: 1414, "timestamp": 1458750990003, "wxid": "WX11-006", name: "焦熱の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "焦热的阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Scorching Enma", "kana": "ショウネツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-006.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…ねえ、あなたが終わるとき、どんな音が鳴るのかしら?~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "... Hey, on the time of your demise, I wonder what sound you shall cry out? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからカードを3枚まで探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻至多3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for up to 3 cards and put them into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return true; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,3).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:<悪魔>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、カードを2枚引く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたの手札からカードを1枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将1只<恶魔>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,抽2张卡。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越1:从你的手牌中舍弃1张卡。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区中将1只<恶魔>SIGNI出场。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Banish 1 SIGNI. If you do, draw 2 cards. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 1: Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, put 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; this.player.draw(2); }); }); } },{ costExceed: 1, attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.hands.length) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } }] }, "1415": { "pid": 1415, cid: 1415, "timestamp": 1458750993277, "wxid": "WX11-007", name: "神妙の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "神妙的巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Meek Miko", "kana": "シンミョウノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-007.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たま、てつだう! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama, helping! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのシグニ1体をアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,将你的1只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, up 1 of your SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1415-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1416": { "pid": 1416, cid: 1416, "timestamp": 1458750996322, "wxid": "WX11-008", name: "未練の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "未练的巫女 小雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Regret", "kana": "ミレンノミコユキ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-008.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ええ、すてきね。 ~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Yes, this is nice. ~Yuki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,将对战对手的所有SIGNI按任意顺序重新配置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, you may rearrange all of your opponent's SIGNI on the field as you like." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1416-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.rearrangeOpponentSignisAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1417": { "pid": 1417, cid: 1417, "timestamp": 1458750999382, "wxid": "WX11-009", name: "愛縛の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "爱缚的巫女 小雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Binding Love", "kana": "アイバクノミコユキ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-009.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "望んだ時間が、報われた。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The time I wished for was worth it. ~Yuki~" }, "1418": { "pid": 1418, cid: 1418, "timestamp": 1458751002471, "wxid": "WX11-010", name: "再来の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "再来的巫女 小雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Reincarnation", "kana": "サイライノミコユキ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-010.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴女と居れて、気持ちいいわ。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I got to remain as a noblelady. It feels good. ~Yuki~" }, "1419": { "pid": 1419, cid: 1419, "timestamp": 1458751005613, "wxid": "WX11-011", name: "サモン・ラビリンス", name_zh_CN: "迷牢召唤", name_en: "Summon Labyrinth", "kana": "サモンラビリンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-011.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ありのまま、見せてあげるわ。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll show it to you, in its original form. ~Yuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。あなたのルリグが<イオナ>の場合、代わりにレベル4以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻1只等级2以下的白色SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。你的LRIG为<伊绪奈>的场合,改为探寻1只等级4以下的白色SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less white SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck. If your LRIG is , instead search your deck for 1 level 4 or less white SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var level = this.player.lrig.hasClass('イオナ')? 4 : 2; var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= level) && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1420": { "pid": 1420, cid: 1420, "timestamp": 1458751008651, "wxid": "WX11-012", name: "ビザント・ディフェンス", name_zh_CN: "拜占庭防御", name_en: "Byzant Defense", "kana": "ビザントディフェンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-012.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "びざんとっ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Byzanto! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「あなたが【無】【無】【無】を支払わないかぎりアタックできない。」を得る。あなたのルリグが<タマ>の場合、代わりにターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は「あなたが【無】【無】【無】【無】を支払わないかぎりアタックできない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「你不支付【无】【无】【无】就不能攻击。」。你的LRIG为<小玉>的场合,改为直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI获得「你不支付【无】【无】【无】【无】就不能攻击。」。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"can't attack unless you pay [Colorless]x3.\" If your LRIG is , instead until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets \"can't attack unless you pay [Colorless]x4.\"" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.player.lrig.hasClass('タマ')? 4 : 3; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'attackCostColorless',count); }); } } }, "1421": { "pid": 1421, cid: 1421, "timestamp": 1458751011747, "wxid": "WX11-013", name: "白羅星 エリス", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 阋神星", name_en: "Eris, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイエリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-013.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "へなちょこさん。~エリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【アタックフェイズ】<宇宙>のシグニ2枚をあなたの手札から捨てる" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【攻击阶段】从你的手牌中将2张<宇宙>SIGNI舍弃" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Attack Phase] Discard 2 SIGNI from your hand" ], resonaPhase: 'attackPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、ルリグデッキに戻る代わりにルリグトラッシュに置かれる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,不返回LRIG卡组而放置到LRIG废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, it is put into the LRIG Trash instead of returning to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'resonaBanishToTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI gets \"can't attack\"." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } }] }, "1422": { "pid": 1422, cid: 1422, "timestamp": 1458751015124, "wxid": "WX11-014", name: "純恋火 花代・参", name_zh_CN: "纯恋火 花代·叁", name_en: "Hanayo-Three, Pure Love Fire", "kana": "ジュンレンカハナヨサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-014.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいものを食べさせてあげるわ。~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,直到回合结束为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1422-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1423": { "pid": 1423, cid: 1423, "timestamp": 1458751018224, "wxid": "WX11-015", name: "絶体絶滅", name_zh_CN: "绝体绝灭", name_en: "Absolute Extinction", "kana": "ゼッタイゼツメツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-015.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "窮鼠シグニを噛むってね!~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのルリグが<花代>の場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【赤】コストが1減る。\n" + "あなたは手札をすべて捨てる。その後、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたがこの方法で手札を3枚以上捨てた場合、追加で対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的LRIG为<花代>的场合,这个技艺的使用费用减少【红1】。\n" + "舍弃你的所有手牌。之后,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。你通过这个方法将3张以上的手牌舍弃了的场合,追加将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If your LRIG is , the cost to use this ARTS is reduced by 1 [Red].\n" + "Discard your entire hand. Then, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If you discarded 3 or more cards from your hand in this way, additionally banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (this.player.lrig.hasClass('花代')) { obj.costRed -= 1; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; } return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; var len = cards.length; this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { if (len >= 3) return this.banishSigniAsyn(); }); } } }, "1424": { "pid": 1424, cid: 1424, "timestamp": 1458751021459, "wxid": "WX11-016", name: "コード・ピルルク Δ", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 Δ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Delta", "kana": "コードピルルクデルタ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-016.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…もう一歩。最後の時まで。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "... Once more. Until the final moment. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1424-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1425": { "pid": 1425, cid: 1425, "timestamp": 1458751039493, "wxid": "WX11-017", name: "ブルー・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "湛蓝惩罚", name_en: "Blue Punish", "kana": "ブルーパニッシュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-017.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ファンタスティックな4本の氷柱…。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Fantastic 4 pillars of icicles... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。あなたのルリグが<ピルルク>の場合、代わりに3つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①コストの合計が5以下のスペル1つの効果を打ち消す。\n" + "②対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。\n" + "③対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。\n" + "④カードを1枚引く。", "コストの合計が5以下のスペル1つの効果を打ち消す。", "対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。", "対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。", "カードを1枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下4项中选择至多2项。你的LRIG为<皮璐璐可>的场合,改为选择至多3项。\n" + "①将费用合计5以下的1个魔法效果取消。\n" + "②将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。\n" + "③不查看对战对手的手牌,选择1张舍弃。\n" + "④抽1张卡。", "将费用合计5以下的1个魔法效果取消。", "将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。", "不查看对战对手的手牌,选择1张舍弃。", "抽1张卡。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 2 of these 4. If your LRIG is , choose up to 3 instead.\n" + "①Cancel the effect of 1 spell with total cost 5 or less.\n" + "②Down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.\n" + "③Choose a card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it.\n" + "④Draw 1 card.", "Cancel the effect of 1 spell with total cost 5 or less.", "Down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Choose a card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it.", "Draw 1 card." ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return this.player.lrig.hasClass('ピルルク')? 3 : 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function (costArg,control) { var spell = this.game.spellToCutIn; if (!spell) return; if (spell.getTotalEnerCost(true) <= 5) { control.rtn = true; } } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "1426": { "pid": 1426, cid: 1426, "timestamp": 1458751044151, "wxid": "WX11-018", name: "チェイン・B&B", name_zh_CN: "链锁·B&B", name_en: "Chain Blue and Black", "kana": "チェインブルーアンドブラック", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-018.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "本当はこんな色ね。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "チェイン-【青】【黒】\n" + "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。\n" + "②あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "③対戦相手の手札と、対戦相手のデッキの一番上を見る。\n" + "④あなたはカードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。", "あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "対戦相手の手札と、対戦相手のデッキの一番上を見る。", "あなたはカードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "连锁【蓝】【黑】\n" + "以下4项中选择至多2项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。\n" + "②从你的废弃区将1张无色以外的SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "③查看对战对手的手牌和对战对手卡组最上方的卡。\n" + "④你抽2张卡,之后,舍弃1张手牌。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。", "从你的废弃区将1张无色以外的SIGNI加入手牌。", "查看对战对手的手牌和对战对手卡组最上方的卡。", "你抽2张卡,之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [Blue] [Black]\n" + "Choose 2 or less of the following 4.\n" + "①Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power.\n" + "②Add 1 non-colorless SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\n" + "③Look at your opponent's hand, and the top card of your opponent's deck.\n" + "④Draw 2 cards. Then, discard 1 card from your hand.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -3000 power.", "Add 1 non-colorless SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Look at your opponent's hand, and the top card of your opponent's deck.", "Draw 2 cards. Then, discard 1 card from your hand." ], chain: { costBlue: 1, costBlack: 1 }, getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-3000); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color !== 'colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.hands).callback(this,function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(1)); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "1427": { "pid": 1427, cid: 1427, "timestamp": 1458751047477, "wxid": "WX11-019", name: "三型播種娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三型播种娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Sowing Girl Type Three", "kana": "サンガタハシュキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-019.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "じゃーん! ~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1427-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1428": { "pid": 1428, cid: 1428, "timestamp": 1458751053446, "wxid": "WX11-021", name: "多元描写", name_zh_CN: "多元描写", name_en: "Pluralism Depiction", "kana": "スプラッシュトーン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-021.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "塗り潰して差し上げますわ。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "チェイン-【緑】【白】\n" + "以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。\n" + "②このターン、あなたライフクロスが対戦相手の効果によってクラッシュされていた場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。\n" + "③あなたのデッキからレベル2以下のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。そのシグニの【出】能力は発動しない。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。", "このターン、あなたライフクロスが対戦相手の効果によってクラッシュされていた場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。", "あなたのデッキからレベル2以下のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。そのシグニの【出】能力は発動しない。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "连锁【绿】【白】\n" + "从以下3项中选择1项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG获得「不能攻击」。\n" + "②这个回合,你的生命护甲曾经因对战对手的效果被击溃的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。\n" + "③从你的卡组中探寻1只等级2以下的SIGNI出场。那只SIGNI的【出】能力不发动。之后,洗切牌组。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG获得「不能攻击」。", "这个回合,你的生命护甲因对战对手的效果被击溃时,将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。", "从你的卡组中探寻1只等级2以下的SIGNI出场。那只SIGNI的【出】能力不发动。之后,洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [Green] [White]\n" + "Choose 1 of the following 3.\n" + "①Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's LRIGs gets \"can't attack.\"\n" + "②This turn, if your Life Cloth was crushed by your opponent's effect, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth.\n" + "③Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less SIGNI and put it onto the field. That SIGNI's [On-Play] ability is not triggered. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's LRIGs gets \"can't attack.\"", "This turn, if your Life Cloth was crushed by your opponent's effect, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth.", "Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less SIGNI and put it onto the field. That SIGNI's [On-Play] ability is not triggered. Then, shuffle your deck." ], chain: { costGreen: 1, costWhite: 1 }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lrig; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.game.getData(this.player,'_PluralismDepiction')) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 2); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1,true); } }] }, "1429": { "pid": 1429, cid: 1429, "timestamp": 1458751058447, "wxid": "WX11-022", name: "三途の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "三途的阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Three Paths Enma", "kana": "サンズノエンマウリス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-022.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあ、慄く選択を。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,从你的废弃区将1张黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1429-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1430": { "pid": 1430, cid: 1430, "timestamp": 1458751064474, "wxid": "WX11-023", name: "フォーカラー・マイアズマ", name_zh_CN: "四色瘴气", name_en: "Four Color Miasma", "kana": "フォーカラーマイアズマ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-023.jpg", "illust": "じんてつ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どの瘴気がお好み?~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "In what position would you like to sleep? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。あなたのルリグが<ウリス>の場合、代わりに3つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。\n" + "②あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下のシグニ1枚を場に出す。\n" + "③あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "④すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを7枚トラッシュに置く。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。", "あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", "あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを7枚トラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下4项中选择至多2项。你的LRIG为<乌莉丝>的场合,改为选择至多3项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。\n" + "②从你的废弃区将1张等级3以下的SIGNI出场。\n" + "③从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "④所有玩家将自己卡组最上方的7张卡放置到废弃区。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。", "从你的废弃区将1张等级3以下的SIGNI出场。", "从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。", "所有玩家将自己卡组最上方的7张卡放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 2 of these 4. If your LRIG is , choose 3 instead.\n" + "①Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -12000 power.\n" + "②Put 1 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\n" + "③Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\n" + "④Both players put the top 7 cards of their deck into the trash.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -12000 power.", "Put 1 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Both players put the top 7 cards of their deck into the trash." ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return this.player.lrig.hasClass('ウリス')? 3 : 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(7), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(7)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }] }, "1431": { "pid": 1431, cid: 1431, "timestamp": 1458751069475, "wxid": "WX11-024", name: "リフレッシュ・エンド", name_zh_CN: "终止刷新", name_en: "Refresh End", "kana": "リフレッシュエンド", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-024.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タァーンッ、エンドォォォ!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Turn-, Ennnnd!", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、対戦相手が次にリフレッシュをした場合、このターンを終了する。(効果やルールによってターンが終了した時点で、チェックゾーンのカードはトラッシュに置かれ、ターンプレイヤーは手札を6枚になるように捨てて、「このターン」「ターン終了時まで」といった効果は終了する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合,对战对手下次卡组重构的场合,终止那个回合。(在因效果、规则等结束回合的时点,将检查区的卡放置到废弃区,回合玩家将手牌舍弃到不超过6张,「这个回合中」「直到回合结束时为止」一类的效果终止)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, when your opponent refreshes, end the turn. (At the time the turn ends due to an effect or rules, cards in the check zone are put into the trash, the turn player discards so that they have six cards in their hand, and \"this turn\" and \"until end of turn\" effects end.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1431-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.game,'endThisTurn',true); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'onRebuild',effect); } } }, "1432": { "pid": 1432, cid: 1432, "timestamp": 1458751074432, "wxid": "WX11-025", name: "コードラビリンス ピシャトー", name_zh_CN: "迷牢代号 比萨斜塔", name_en: "Code Labyrinth Pishato", "kana": "コードラビリンスピシャトー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-025.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "へいこうかんかく?何それ、おいしいの?~ピシャトー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A sense of balance? Does that taste good? ~Pishato~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたは【白】【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<迷宮>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、アップ状態のこのシグニをダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、あなたの場にあるすべてのシグニを配置し直す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI离场时,你可以支付【白】【白】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张<迷宫>SIGNI出场。之后洗切牌组。", "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,可以将竖置状态的这只SIGNI横置。这样做了的场合,重新配置你场上的所有SIGNI。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI leaves the field, you may pay [White] [White]. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck.", "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may down this upped SIGNI. If you do, rearrange all of your SIGNI on the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1432-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1432-const-1', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.type === 'SIGNI'); }, condition: function () { return this.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.down(); return this.player.rearrangeSignisAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<迷宮>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルし、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组探寻1张<迷宫>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck, and down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }); } } }, "1433": { "pid": 1433, cid: 1433, "timestamp": 1458751079458, "wxid": "WX11-026", name: "聖火の祭壇 ヘスチア", name_zh_CN: "圣火的祭坛 赫斯提亚", name_en: "Hestia, Altar of Sacred Fire", "kana": "セイカノサイダンヘスチア", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-026.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "聖火はまた蘇るの。~ヘスチア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The sacred flame shall be revived once again. ~Hestia~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロス1枚がクラッシュされたとき、このシグニをあなたのトラッシュから場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1张生命护甲被击溃时,可以将这只SIGNI从你的废弃区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your Life Cloth is crushed, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1433-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone) && this.canSummon(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのライフクロスが1枚以下の場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から<天使>のシグニを2枚まで場に出し、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的生命护甲在1张以下的场合,从你的卡组顶将3张卡公开。从中将至多2张<天使>SIGNI出场,剩下的卡按任意顺序返回卡组顶。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have 1 or less Life Cloth, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Put up to 2 SIGNI from among them onto the field, and the rest on top of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length > 1) return; return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } removeFromArr(card,cards); return card.summonAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<天使>SIGNI,公开并加入手牌或出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand or put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1434": { "pid": 1434, cid: 1434, "timestamp": 1458751085457, "wxid": "WX11-027", name: "羅輝石 ゴルドオラ", name_zh_CN: "罗辉石 金光水晶", name_en: "Goldaura, Natural Pyroxene", "kana": "ラキセキゴルドオラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-027.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゴージャス&ゴールデン!~ゴルドオラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Gorgeous & Golden! ~Goldora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのシグニは対戦相手のライフバーストの効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズの間、対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的所有SIGNI不受对战对手的生命迸发的效果影响。", "【常】:你的主要回合期间,对战对手的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,你的1只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's Life Burst.", "[Constant]: During your main phase, each time 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { var effect = this.game.effectManager.currentEffect; return !((card.player === this.player.opponent) && effect && effect.isBurst); }); },this); } },{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) && (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1434-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.doubleCrash; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'doubleCrash',true); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI的场合,把它加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an or SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<鉱石>のシグニ1枚と<宝石>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张<矿石>SIGNI和1张<宝石>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 SIGNI and 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards_add = []; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (target) { if (target) cards_add.push(target); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('宝石') && (card !== target); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (target) { if (target) cards_add.push(target); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_add).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } } }, "1435": { "pid": 1435, cid: 1435, "timestamp": 1458751091470, "wxid": "WX11-028", name: "弩砲 ゴルドガン", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 黄金枪", name_en: "Goldgun, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウゴルドガン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-028.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゴールドガンを持つ女、とは私のことよ。~ゴルドガン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The woman with the gold gun, that's my thing. ~Goldgun~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<ウェポン>のシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュするたび、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的<武器>SIGNI将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time your SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1435-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var source = event.source; if (!source) return false; return (source.player === this.player) && (source.hasClass('ウェポン')); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置かれたカードの中に、共通するレベルを持つシグニが2枚以上ある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡中,持有共同等级的SIGNI在2张以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, among the cards that were put into the trash this way, if there are 2 or more SIGNI with a common level, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var levels = []; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); var flag = cards.some(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return true; levels.push(card.level); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }] }, "1436": { "pid": 1436, cid: 1436, "timestamp": 1458751097484, "wxid": "WX11-029", name: "コードハート M・P・P", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 M・P・P", name_en: "Code Heart MPP", "kana": "コードハートモーションピクチャープロジェクター", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-029.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "2016:02:13:公開!~M・P・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Released on February 13, 2016! ~MPP~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからスペルを3枚までこのカードの下に重ねて置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将至多3张魔法卡叠放到这张卡的下方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put up to 3 spells from your trash under this card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.zone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がバニッシュされる場合、代わりにこのシグニの下からスペル2枚をトラッシュに置いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,作为代替,可以将从这只SIGNI下方将2张魔法卡放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI is banished, you may put 2 spells from under this SIGNI into the trash instead." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var protection = { source: this, description: '1436-const-0', condition: function (card) { if (!inArr(this,card.player.signis)) return false; var spells = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); return (spells.length >= 2); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { var spells = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); return card.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',spells,2,2).callback(this,function (spells) { this.game.trashCards(spells); }); } }; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { // add(signi,'protectingMpps',this); add(signi,'banishProtections',protection); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このカードの下からスペル1枚をトラッシュに置く:スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。この能力は使用タイミング【スペルカットイン】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从这张卡的下方将1张魔法卡放置到废弃区:将1个魔法效果取消。这个能力持有使用时点【魔法切入】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 1 spell from under this SIGNI into the trash: Cancel the effect of 1 spell. This ability has Use Timing [Spell Cut-In]." ], actionEffects: [{ spellCutIn: true, costCondition: function () { var spells = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); return spells.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var spells = this.zone.cards.slice(1).filter(function (card) { return (card !== this.charm); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',spells).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return true; } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたの手札からスペルを好きな枚数捨てる。その後、この方法で捨てたスペル1枚につき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的手牌将任意张魔法卡舍弃。之后,通过这个方法舍弃的魔法卡每有1张,就对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Discard any number of spells from your hand. For each spell discarded this way, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var count = cards.length; if (!count) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }) } } }, "1437": { "pid": 1437, cid: 1437, "timestamp": 1458751102477, "wxid": "WX11-030", name: "幻水姫 グレホザメ", name_zh_CN: "幻水姬 大白鲨", name_en: "Gurehozame, Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンスイヒメグレホザメ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-030.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "大型船呼べば?逃げられればね。~グレホザメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Call a big ship? That is, if you can escape. ~Gurehozame~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたか対戦相手のライフバーストが発動するたび、カードを1枚引く。", "【常時能力】:アタックフェイズの間にあなたがカードを1枚以上引いたとき、このターンのアタックフェイズの間にあなたが引いたカードの枚数までの数のシグニを、アップするかダウンする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你或对战对手的生命迸发发动时,抽1张卡。", "【常】:攻击阶段期间你抽1张以上的卡时,将至多「这个攻击阶段期间你抽卡的张数」张SIGNI竖置或横置。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time your or your opponent's Life Burst is triggered, draw 1 card.", "[Constant]: When you draw 1 or more cards during the attack phase, up or down a number of SIGNI up to the number of cards you have drawn during this turn's attack phase. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1437-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onBurstTriggered',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onBurstTriggered',effect); } },{ condition: function () { return this.game.phase.isAttackPhase(); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1437-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { var flag = this.game.getData(this,'flag'); if (flag) return false; this.game.setData(this,'flag',true); return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.game.getData(this.player,'attackPhaseDrawCount') || 0; if (!count) return; var signis = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis); if (!signis.length) return; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['UP','DOWN']).callback(this,function (text) { signis = signis.filter(function (signi) { return (text === 'UP')? !signi.isUp : signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(signis,0,count).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; if (text === 'UP') { return this.game.upCardsAsyn(cards); } this.game.downCards(cards); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onDraw',effect); } }] }, "1438": { "pid": 1438, cid: 1438, "timestamp": 1458751108339, "wxid": "WX11-031", name: "幻獣神 ウルティム", name_zh_CN: "幻兽神 超机熊", name_en: "Ultim, Phantom Beast Deity", "kana": "ゲンジュウシンウルティム", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-031.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ、もう一回!~ウルティム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come, one more time! ~Ultim~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このターン、あなたの<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニが対戦相手のシグニを合計3体バニッシュしていた場合、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,这个回合,你的<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI将对战对手合计3只SIGNI驱逐了的场合,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, if your or SIGNI banished a total of 3 of your opponent's SIGNI this turn, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1438-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, condition: function () { if (this.isUp) return false; return (this.game.getData(this.player,'_UltimPhantomBeastDeity') === 3); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:次のターンの間、あなたの中央のシグニゾーンにあるシグニのパワーは+5000され、それは【ランサー】を得る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:下个回合中,你的SIGNI区域的中央列上的SIGNI力量+5000,并获得【枪兵】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:During the next turn, the SIGNI in your middle SIGNI Zone gets +5000 power and gains [Lancer]." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var zone = this.player.signiZones[1]; var card = zone.getActualCards()[0]; if (!inArr(card,this.player.signis)) return; add(card,'power',5000); set(card,'lancer',true); } }); } } }, "1439": { "pid": 1439, cid: 1439, "timestamp": 1458751113457, "wxid": "WX11-032", name: "羅植姫 スノロップ", name_zh_CN: "罗植姬 雪花莲", name_en: "Snorop, Natural Plant Princess", "kana": "ラショクヒメスノロップ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-032.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そして世界の全てが私の友達なの。~スノロップ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはあなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色を追加で持つ。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは自身の持つ色の種類1つにつき+4000され、このシグニは自身と同じ色を含む対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターン終了時に、このシグニのパワーが20000で、あなたのライフクロスが2枚以下の場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI追加持有你的能量区的卡的颜色。", "【常】:这只SIGNI自身持有的颜色每有1,力量就+4000,这只SIGNI不受对持有与自身同样颜色的战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。", "【常】:对战对手的回合结束时,这只SIGNI的力量为20000且你的生命护甲在2张以下的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI additionally has the colors of cards in your Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +4000 power for each of its colors, and this SIGNI is unaffected by the effects of SIGNI with the same color as it.", "[Constant]: At the end of your opponent's turn, if this SIGNI has power 20000 and if you have 2 or less Life Cloth, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'_SnoropNaturalPlantPrincess',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var colors = this.getColors(); var value = colors.length * 4000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { if (card.player !== this.player.opponent) return true; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return true; var sameColor = colors.some(function (color) { return card.hasColor(color); },this); return !sameColor; }); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1439-const-2', // triggerCondition: function (event) { // return (this.power === 20000) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); // }, condition: function () { return (this.power === 20000) && (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length <= 2); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからカードを2枚までエナゾーンに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张卡放置到能量区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put up to 2 cards from your trash into the Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } } }, "1440": { "pid": 1440, cid: 1440, "timestamp": 1458751119498, "wxid": "WX11-033", name: "弱者の必滅 ディアボロス", name_zh_CN: "弱者的必灭 迪亚波罗斯", name_en: "Diabolos, Mortality of the Weak", "kana": "ジャクシャノヒツメツディアボロス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-033.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "弱者狩りを始めようぜ!666よぅ!~ディアボロス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'll be the first to start hunting the weak! Hey, 666! ~Diabolos~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1440-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたは手札を2枚捨てる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你将2张手牌舍弃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Discard 2 cards from your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(2); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のレベルを-1する。(レベルは0未満にはならない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI等级-1。(等级不能变为小于0)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1 level. (Its level can't be 0 or less.)" ], actionEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'level',-1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを、レベルの合計が3以下になるように好きな数バニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手等级合计3以下的任意数量的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI with total level 3 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自<弩炮 狙击枪> var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.level) <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.level; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } } }, "1441": { "pid": 1441, cid: 1441, "timestamp": 1458751124475, "wxid": "WX11-035", name: "極鎚 ミョルニル", name_zh_CN: "极锤 雷神之锤", name_en: "Mjolnir, Ultimate Hammer", "kana": "キョクツチミョルニル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-035.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一振りでバリバリ!~ミョルニル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Destroyed in one swing! ~Mjolnir~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体が場を離れるたび、あなたの手札からそのシグニよりレベルの低いシグニ1枚を場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<武装>SIGNI离场时,可以从你的手牌将1张等级比那只SIGNI低的SIGNI出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI leaves the field, you may put 1 SIGNI whose level is lower than that SIGNI's onto the field from your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('アーム')) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1441-const-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level < event.card.level) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(signi,'onLeaveField',effect); },this); } }] }, "1442": { "pid": 1442, cid: 1442, "timestamp": 1458751130461, "wxid": "WX11-036", name: "コードメイズ ゴジュウ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 五重塔", name_en: "Code Maze Gojuu", "kana": "コードメイズゴジュウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-036.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "とっても有名人なのよ。~ゴジュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニはアップ状態であるかぎり対戦相手の効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:場にあるこのシグニが効果によって他のシグニゾーンに移動したとき、あなたは【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,只要这只SIGNI处于竖置状态就不会受对战对手的效果影响。", "【常】:场上的这只SIGNI因效果移动至其他SIGNI区时,你可以支付【白】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects as long as it is upped.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI on the field is moved to another SIGNI Zone by an effect, you may pay [White]. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player.opponent) return false; return this.isUp; }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return !(card.player === this.player.opponent); }); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1442-const-1', costWhite: 1, triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onChangeSigniZone',effect); } }] }, "1443": { "pid": 1443, cid: 1443, "timestamp": 1458751135449, "wxid": "WX11-037", name: "運命の左糸 クロト", name_zh_CN: "命运的左丝 克罗索", name_en: "Clotho, Left Thread of Fate", "kana": "ウンメイノヒダリイトクロト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-037.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "自分で紡いでこその!~クロト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Only when you spin it yourself! ~Clotho~", crossLeft: 1460, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:カード名1つを宣言する。あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から宣言したカード1枚を手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:宣言1个卡名。公开你卡组顶的5张卡。从中将1张所宣言的卡加入手牌,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Declare 1 card name. Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Put 1 card with the declared card name from among them to your hand. Put the rest under the bottom of the deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareCardIdAsyn().callback(this,function (pid) { var cid = CardInfo[pid].cid; return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards) { var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === cid); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',targets).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたは【白】【白】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのルリグトラッシュから白のアーツ1枚をルリグデッキに加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,你可以支付【白】【白】。这样做了的场合,从你的LRIG废弃区将1张白色的技艺放置到你的LRIG卡组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], you may pay [White] [White]. If you do, add 1 white ARTS from your LRIG Trash to your LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1443-const-0', costWhite: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && (card.hasColor('white')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigDeck); }); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。①抽1张卡。②【能量填充1】", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1443-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1443-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1444": { "pid": 1444, cid: 1444, "timestamp": 1458751141476, "wxid": "WX11-038", name: "コードメイズ キンカク", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 金阁", name_en: "Code Maze Kinkaku", "kana": "コードメイズキンカク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-038.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっぱ金箔でしょ!~キンカク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's gotta be gold leaf! ~Kinkaku~", crossRight: 1461, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、あなたのすべての<迷宮>のシグニをアップする。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが《ヘブンアイコン》したとき、次のターンのメインフェイズの間、対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニは能力を失い、新たに得られない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合结束时,将你的所有<迷宫>SIGNI竖置。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,下个回合的主要阶段中,对战对手场上的所有SIGNI失去能力,不能获得新能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, up all of your SIGNI.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes Heaven Heaven, during the main phase of the next turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI on the field loses their abilities, and cannot gain new ones." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1444-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); return this.game.upCardsAsyn(cards); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1444-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, continuous: true, condition: function () { return (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase'); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'abilityLost',true); set(signi,'canNotGainAbility',true,{forced: true}); },this); } }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1444-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1444-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1445": { "pid": 1445, cid: 1445, "timestamp": 1458751147428, "wxid": "WX11-039", name: "ラビリンス・ロマンス", name_zh_CN: "浪漫迷宫", name_en: "Labyrinth Romance", "kana": "ラビリンスロマンス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-039.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 6, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "恋は迷宮。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Love is a labyrinth.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたの場にある<迷宮>のシグニ1体につき、【白】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のすべてのシグニをデッキに戻し、対戦相手は自分のデッキをシャッフルする。その後、対戦相手は自分の手札からシグニを3枚まで場に出す。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上每有1只<迷宫>SIGNI,这张魔法卡的使用费用就减少【白1】\n" + "将对战对手的所有SIGNI返回卡组,对战对手将自己的卡组洗切。之后,对战对手从自己的手牌将至多3张SIGNI出场。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this spell is reduced by 1 [White] for each SIGNI on your field.\n" + "Return all of your opponent's SIGNI to their deck, and your opponent shuffles their deck. Then, your opponent puts up to 3 SIGNI from their hand onto the field." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costWhite -= cards.length; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.shuffle(); var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = this.player.opponent.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.opponent.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキに戻し、対戦相手は自分のデッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回卡组,对战对手将自己的卡组洗切。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their deck, and your opponent shuffles their deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.shuffle(); }); }); } } }, "1446": { "pid": 1446, cid: 1446, "timestamp": 1458751152479, "wxid": "WX11-040", name: "カンフー・キック", name_zh_CN: "功夫・飞踢", name_en: "Kung Fu Kick", "kana": "カンフーキック", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-040.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なかまと、いっしょに、ぶっこむ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With friends, together, strike! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから白のシグニを2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻至多2张白色SIGNI出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for up to 2 white SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white')); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); } } }, "1447": { "pid": 1447, cid: 1447, "timestamp": 1458751157465, "wxid": "WX11-041", name: "羅石 オロオラ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 虹彩水晶", name_en: "Auroaura, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキオロオラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-041.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "天使のクリスタル、よ。~オロオラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "An angel of crystal. ~Auroaura~", crossLeft: 1470, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚トラッシュに置く。この方法で<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニが合計2枚トラッシュに置かれた場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的2张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法将合计2张<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI放置到废弃区的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the trash. If 2 or SIGNI were put into the trash this way, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); this.game.trashCards(cards); if (cards.length !== 2) return; if (cards.some(function (card) { return !(card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); })) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、パワーが「あなたのトラッシュにある<鉱石>と<宝石>のシグニを合わせた枚数×1000」以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将对战对手的1只力量在「你废弃区中的<矿石>和<宝石>SIGNI数量×1000」以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with \"the number of and SIGNI in your trash × 1000\" power or less." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1447-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石')); },this); var power = cards.length * 1000; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。①抽1张卡。②【能量填充1】", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1447-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1447-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1448": { "pid": 1448, cid: 1448, "timestamp": 1458751163465, "wxid": "WX11-042", name: "西部の銃声", name_zh_CN: "西部的枪声", name_en: "Western Gunshot", "kana": "セイブノジュウセイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-042.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 5, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "動くな!もう撃ったけど!~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手にダメージを与える。(対戦相手のライフクロスが1枚以上ある場合、ライフクロス1枚をクラッシュし、0枚の場合、あなたはゲームに勝利する)" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "给予对战对手伤害。(对战对手的生命护甲1张以上的场合,将1张生命护甲击溃,0张的场合,你获得游戏胜利)" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Damage your opponent. (If your opponent has 1 or more Life Cloth, crush 1 Life Cloth, and if they have 0, you win the game.)" ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.damageAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたは《赤》《赤》を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你可以支付【红】【红】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:You may pay [Red] [Red]. If you do, crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { costRed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); } } }, "1449": { "pid": 1449, cid: 1449, "timestamp": 1458751169460, "wxid": "WX11-043", name: "コードアート M・K・E", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 M・K・E", name_en: "Code Art MKE", "kana": "コードアートマイク", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-043.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私が全体の音を録音します!~M・K・E~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I am recording all sounds! ~MKE~", crossRight: 1475, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからコストの合計が4以上のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张卡费用合计4以上的魔法卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 spell with total cost 4 or more, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) >= 4); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたの手札から青のスペル1枚を使用してもよい。それを使用するための【青】コストは2減る。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,你可以从手牌选择1张蓝色的魔法卡使用。那张魔法卡的使用费用减少【蓝2】。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], you may use 1 blue spell from your hand. The cost to use it is decreased by 2 [Blue]. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1449-const-0', optional: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var spells = []; var objs = []; this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if ((card.type !== 'SPELL') || (!card.hasColor('blue'))) return; var obj = Object.create(card); obj.costBlue -= 2; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; if (!obj.canUse()) return; spells.push(card); objs.push(obj); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',spells).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var idx = spells.indexOf(card); var obj = objs[idx]; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,false,obj); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1449-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1449-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1450": { "pid": 1450, cid: 1450, "timestamp": 1458751175522, "wxid": "WX11-044", name: "SHOOTING", name_zh_CN: "SHOOTING", name_en: "SHOOTING", "kana": "シューティング", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-044.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "作戦No.758開始。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Operation No. 758 start. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたの手札からスペルを3枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストは【青】コストが3減る。\n" + "対戦相手は手札を3枚捨てる。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以从你的手牌将3张魔法卡舍弃。这样做了的场合,使用这张魔法卡所需要的【蓝】费用-3。\n" + "对战对手舍弃3张手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may discard 3 spells from your hand. If you do, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 3 [Blue].\n" + "Your opponent discards 3 cards from their hand." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card !== this); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (cards.length < 3) return obj; obj.costBlue -= 3; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return Callback.immediately(obj); var min = 3; if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { min = 0; } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards,min,3).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length < 3) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); obj.costBlue -= 3; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; }).callback(this,function () { return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(3); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手はカードを2枚捨てるか、または無色のカードを1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:对战对手舍弃2张卡,或者舍弃1张无色卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Your opponent discards 2 cards, or 1 colorless card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var hands = this.player.opponent.hands.slice(); if (!hands.length) return; if (hands.length === 1) { this.game.trashCards(hands); return; } var cards_trash = []; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',hands,1,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; if (cards_trash.length !== 1) return; var card = cards_trash[0]; if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; removeFromArr(card,hands); return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('DISCARD',hands).callback(this,function (card) { cards_trash.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); } } }, "1451": { "pid": 1451, cid: 1451, "timestamp": 1458751179490, "wxid": "WX11-045", name: "肆ノ遊 タコアゲ", name_zh_CN: "肆之游 风筝", name_en: "Takoage, Fourth Play", "kana": "ヨンノユウタコアゲ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-045.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "絶対、ヒモ離さないでね。絶対だからね!~タコアゲ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Don't let go of the string no matter what. No matter what, you hear! ~Takoage~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場に出たとき、あなたのシグニ1体をアップする。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが効果によってバニッシュされたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI因效果出场时,将你的1只SIGNI竖置。", "【常】:这只SIGNI因效果被驱逐时,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI enters the field by an effect, up 1 of your SIGNI.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished by an effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1451-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.source; }, condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onEnterField',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1451-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①あなたのエナゾーンからシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。②【エナチャージ1】", "あなたのエナゾーンからシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①从你的能量区中将至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。 ②【能量填充1】。", "从你的能量区中将至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Add up to 2 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Add up to 2 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1451-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1451-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1452": { "pid": 1452, cid: 1452, "timestamp": 1458751185486, "wxid": "WX11-046", name: "幻獣 アクティルフ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 雪狼", name_en: "Actilf, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウアクティルフ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-046.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルールなんて、私の爪でへし折る!~アクティルフ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Rules and such, break to my claws! ~Actilif~", crossLeft: 1480, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、あなたの<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニ1体のパワーを+5000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束为止,你的1只<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI力量+5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until the end of your turn, 1 of your or SIGNI gets +5000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',5000); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、そのシグニのパワー以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。之后,将对战对手的1只力量在那只SIGNI以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], banish 1 of your SIGNI. Then, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power equal to or less than that SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1452-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var power = card.power; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power <= power); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1452-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1452-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1453": { "pid": 1453, cid: 1453, "timestamp": 1458751191477, "wxid": "WX11-047", name: "冒険", name_zh_CN: "冒险", name_en: "Adventure", "kana": "ボウケン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-047.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 3, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "迫りくる敵と狡猾な罠!財宝をゲットできるのか!?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからカードを5枚まで探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻至多5张卡放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 5 cards and put them into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function () { return true; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,5).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } } }, "1454": { "pid": 1454, cid: 1454, "timestamp": 1458751196546, "wxid": "WX11-048", name: "呪われし数字 666", name_zh_CN: "被诅咒的数字 666", name_en: "666, the Cursed Number", "kana": "ノロワレシスウジスリーシックス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-048.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この額がうずいちゃうよ。ディアボロス。~666~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このターン、あなたのシグニの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这个回合,你的SIGNI的【出】能力不发动。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: This turn, your SIGNI's [On-Play] abilities do not trigger." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'signiStartUpBanned',true); } }], }, "1455": { "pid": 1455, cid: 1455, "timestamp": 1458751202497, "wxid": "WX11-050", name: "復讐の右魔 アレークト", name_zh_CN: "复仇的右魔 阿勒克图", name_en: "Alecto, Right Devil of Vengeance", "kana": "フクシュウノウマアレークト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-050.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私をキレさせた奴に行うことよ。~アレークト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1488, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のレベルを-1する。(レベルは0未満にはならない)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI等级-1。(等级不能变为小于0)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets -1 level. (Its level can't be less than 0.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'level',-1); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが【ヘブン】したとき、対戦相手のレベル1以下のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,将对战对手的等级1以下的所有SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], banish all of your opponent's level 1 or less SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1455-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 1); },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1455-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1455-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1456": { "pid": 1456, cid: 1456, "timestamp": 1458751207481, "wxid": "WX11-051", name: "レベル・ダウン", name_zh_CN: "等级下降", name_en: "Level Down", "kana": "レベルダウン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-051.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貧弱ねぇ。貧相かしら。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You're so insubstantial, I think you're lacking. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュし、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のレベルを1にする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI驱逐,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI等级变为1。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI, and until end of turn, the level of 1 of your opponent's SIGNI becomes 1." ], spellEffect: { // 复制并修改自<怀疑的恸哭> getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var cards_A = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_A).callback(this,function (targetA) { targets.push(targetA); var cards_B = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== targetA); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards_B); }).callback(this,function (targetB) { targets.push(targetB); return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; var cards_A = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); if (targetA && !inArr(targetA,cards_A)) { // 目标丢失 return; } return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!targetA) return; return targetA.banishAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,targetB,'level',1); }); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。②次のターンの間、対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニのレベルは1になる。(場に出たあとでレベルが1になる)", "あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "次のターンの間、対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニのレベルは1になる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①从你的废弃区将1张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌。 ②下个回合中,对战对手场上的所有SIGNI等级变为1。(出场的SIGNI变为等级1)", "从你的废弃区将1张<恶魔>SIGNI加入手牌。", "下个回合中,对战对手场上的所有SIGNI等级变为1。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand. ② During the next turn, the level of all of your opponent's SIGNI become level 1. (SIGNI that enter the field become level 1.)", "Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "During the next turn, the level of all of your opponent's SIGNI become level 1." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1456-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1456-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'level',1); },this); } }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1457": { "pid": 1457, cid: 1457, "timestamp": 1458751214419, "wxid": "WX11-052", name: "サーバント Z", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Z", name_en: "Servant Z", "kana": "サーバントゼット", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 11000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-052.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ルリグは人か帰すべき存在か。議論は絶えない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【無】【無】【無】:あなたのデッキから《サーバント X》1枚と《サーバント Y》1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【无】【无】【无】:从你的卡组探寻1张《侍从 X》和1张《侍从 Y》出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Colorless] [Colorless] [Colorless]: Search your deck for 1 \"Servant X\" and 1 \"Servant Y\" and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costColorless: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 464; // <サーバント X> }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1360; // <サーバント Y> }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたのエナゾーンから名前の異なる<精元>のシグニ8枚をトラッシュに置く:対戦相手の手札とエナゾーンにあるすべてのカードをゲームから除外する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从你的能量区将8张名字各不相同的<精元>SIGNI放置到废弃区:将对战对手的手牌和能量区的所有卡从游戏中除外。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 8 SIGNI with different names from your Ener Zone into the trash: Exclude all cards in your opponent's hand and Ener Zone from the game." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cids = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('精元')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); return (cids.length >= 8); }, costAsyn: function () { var cids = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('精元')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); if (cids.length < 8) return; cids = []; var cards_trash = []; return Callback.loop(this,8,function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('精元') && !inArr(card.cid,cids); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cids.push(card.cid); cards_trash.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.hands, this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards); this.game.excludeCards(cards); } }] }, "1458": { "pid": 1458, cid: 1458, "timestamp": 1458751217433, "wxid": "WX11-053", name: "コードメイズ サピドゥ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 米兰大教堂", name_en: "Code Maze Sapidu", "kana": "コードメイズサピドゥ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-053.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どおも~。~サピドゥ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の場に能力を持たないシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になり、「このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只有对战对手的场上存在不持有能力的SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000,获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI返回手牌。」" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent has a SIGNI with no abilities on the field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000, and gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with 3000 power or less to their hand.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.hasAbility(); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1458-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 3000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI返回手牌。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this SIGNI attacks, return 1 of your opponent\'s SIGNI with 3000 power or less to their hand.' ] }, "1459": { "pid": 1459, cid: 1459, "timestamp": 1458751220489, "wxid": "WX11-054", name: "大爪 アイクロ", name_zh_CN: "大爪 金刚狼铁爪", name_en: "Aikuro, Large Claw", "kana": "タイソウアイクロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-054.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スニャッシュ!~アイクロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出るたび、カードを1枚引く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニが効果によって場に出た時も発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<武装>SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(这只SIGNI因效果出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI enters the field by an effect, draw 1 card. This ability can only be triggered once per turn. (This ability is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field by an effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1459-const-0', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!this.game.getEffectSource()) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1460": { "pid": 1460, cid: 1460, "timestamp": 1458751223583, "wxid": "WX11-055", name: "運命の右糸 ラケシス", name_zh_CN: "命运的右丝 拉克西丝", name_en: "Lachesis, Right Thread of Fate", "kana": "ウンメイノミギイトラケシス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-055.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "運命でしょ。~ラケシス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I think it's fate. ~Lachesis~", crossRight: [1443,1464], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1461": { "pid": 1461, cid: 1461, "timestamp": 1458751228246, "wxid": "WX11-056", name: "コードメイズ ギンカク", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 银阁", name_en: "Code Maze Ginkaku", "kana": "コードメイズギンカク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-056.jpg", "illust": "madopen", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "古き都の象徴と言えば。~ギンカク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Speaking of a symbol of the old capital. ~Ginkaku~ ", crossLeft: [1444,1465], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1462": { "pid": 1462, cid: 1462, "timestamp": 1458751232468, "wxid": "WX11-057", name: "コードメイズ セレドゥ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 罗马竞技场", name_en: "Code Maze Seredu", "kana": "コードメイズセレドゥ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-057.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "浄化してあげましょうか。~セレドゥ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Would you like to be purified? ~Seredu~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失い、新たに得られない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力,不能获得新能力。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities, and cannot gain new ones." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotGainAbility',true,{forced: true}); }); } }] }, "1463": { "pid": 1463, cid: 1463, "timestamp": 1458751238528, "wxid": "WX11-058", name: "中盾 ブメルド", name_zh_CN: "中盾 美队之盾", name_en: "Bumeld, Medium Shield", "kana": "チュウジュンブメルド", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-058.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "シールドは投げるもの!~ブメルド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A shield is something to throw! ~Bumeld~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出るたび、カードを1枚引く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニが効果によって場に出た時も発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<武装>SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(这只SIGNI因效果出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI enters the field by an effect, draw 1 card. This ability can only be triggered once per turn. (This ability is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field by an effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1463-const-0', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!this.game.getEffectSource()) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1464": { "pid": 1464, cid: 1464, "timestamp": 1458751244491, "wxid": "WX11-059", name: "運命の左糸 アトロポス", name_zh_CN: "命运的左丝 阿特洛波斯", name_en: "Atropos, Left Thread of Fate", "kana": "ウンメイノヒダリイトアトロポス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-059.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "自分で切り開いてこその!~アトロポス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Only when you cut it open yourself! ~Atropos~", crossLeft: 1460, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<天使>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是<天使>SIGNI的场合,把它加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } }] }, "1465": { "pid": 1465, cid: 1465, "timestamp": 1458751250415, "wxid": "WX11-060", name: "コードメイズ ヒウンカ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 飞云阁", name_en: "Code Maze Hiunka", "kana": "コードメイズヒウンカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-060.jpg", "illust": "madopen", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっぱ渡り船っしょ!~ヒウンカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's gotta be the ferry ship! ~Hiunka~", crossRight: 1461, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<迷宮>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是<迷宫>SIGNI的场合,把它加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } }] }, "1466": { "pid": 1466, cid: 1466, "timestamp": 1458751256523, "wxid": "WX11-061", name: "コードメイズ カンポサ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 庞贝古城", name_en: "Code Maze Camposa", "kana": "コードメイズカンポサ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-061.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まだ来るのは早いわ。~カンポサ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失い、新たに得られない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力,不能获得新能力。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities, and cannot gain new ones." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotGainAbility',true,{forced: true}); }); } }] }, "1467": { "pid": 1467, cid: 1467, "timestamp": 1458751261366, "wxid": "WX11-062", name: "小刃 バットカ", name_zh_CN: "小刃 蝙蝠车", name_en: "Battoka, Small Edge", "kana": "ショウジンバットカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-062.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ズバッとね!~バットカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With a bang! ~Battoka~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出るたび、カードを1枚引く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニが効果によって場に出た時も発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<武装>SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(这只SIGNI因效果出场时也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI enters the field by an effect, draw 1 card. This ability can only be triggered once per turn. (This ability is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field by an effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1467-const-0', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!this.game.getEffectSource()) return false; if (!event.card.hasClass('アーム')) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }] }, "1468": { "pid": 1468, cid: 1468, "timestamp": 1458751266466, "wxid": "WX11-063", name: "轟砲 アラセブ", name_zh_CN: "轰炮 AR7", name_en: "Araseb, Roaring Gun", "kana": "ゴウホウアラセブ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-063.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私達は他のウェポンとは違うのよ。~アラセブ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1468-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }] }, "1469": { "pid": 1469, cid: 1469, "timestamp": 1458751271488, "wxid": "WX11-064", name: "爆砲 エムイク", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 M19", name_en: "M Iku, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウエムイク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-064.jpg", "illust": "北熊", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ターゲットに気づかれないように。~エムイク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hoping to be unnoticed by the target. ~M Iku~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1469-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }] }, "1470": { "pid": 1470, cid: 1470, "timestamp": 1458751276477, "wxid": "WX11-065", name: "羅石 ロズオラ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 玫瑰水晶", name_en: "Roseaura, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキロズオラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-065.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "みんな、カッコいいあだ名ね。~ロズオラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: [1447,1472], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1471": { "pid": 1471, cid: 1471, "timestamp": 1458751282465, "wxid": "WX11-066", name: "小砲 ワニセン", name_zh_CN: "小炮 WA2000", name_en: "Wanisen, Small Gun", "kana": "ショウホウワニセン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-066.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひっそりと敵を撃つのが私達流。~ワニセン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Silently shooting the enemy is our style. ~Wanisen~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,将对战对手的1只力量2000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1471-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(2000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }] }, "1472": { "pid": 1472, cid: 1472, "timestamp": 1458751287482, "wxid": "WX11-067", name: "羅石 アクアオラ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 水光水晶", name_en: "Aquaaura, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアクアオラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-067.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アトランティスの遺産…。~アクアオラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Descended from Atlantis... ~Aquaaura~", crossLeft: 1470, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }] }, "1473": { "pid": 1473, cid: 1473, "timestamp": 1458751293499, "wxid": "WX11-068", name: "幻水 ハタハタ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 叉牙鱼", name_en: "Hatahata, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイハタハタ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-068.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "別名、カミナリウオよ。知ってた?~ハタハタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:カードを2枚引く。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。(使用タイミングを持つ能力は、そのタイミングでしか使用できない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:抽2张卡。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。(持有使用时点的能力,只能在那个时点使用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Draw 2 cards. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]. (An ability with a Use Timing can only be used during that timing.)" ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "1474": { "pid": 1474, cid: 1474, "timestamp": 1458751298481, "wxid": "WX11-069", name: "幻水 カンブリ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 冬鰤鱼", name_en: "Kanburi, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイカンブリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-069.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今の私、一番ノッてるよ!~カンブリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:カードを2枚引く。その後、手札を1枚捨てる。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。(使用タイミングを持つ能力は、そのタイミングでしか使用できない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:抽2张卡。之后,舍弃1张手牌。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。(持有使用时点的能力,只能在那个时点使用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Draw 2 cards. Then, discard 1 card from your hand. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]. (An ability with a Use Timing can only be used during that timing.)" ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }] }, "1475": { "pid": 1475, cid: 1475, "timestamp": 1458751303481, "wxid": "WX11-070", name: "コードアート C・M・C", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 C・M・C", name_en: "Code Art CMC", "kana": "コードアートカムコーダー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-070.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私が映像を撮ります。そして!~C・M・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I am recording video. And cut! ~CMC~", crossLeft: [1449,1477], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1476": { "pid": 1476, cid: 1476, "timestamp": 1458751309497, "wxid": "WX11-071", name: "幻水 ワカサギ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 西太公鱼", name_en: "Wakasagi, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイワカサギ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-071.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "氷の下で待ってるよ。~ワカサギ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:カードを1枚引く。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。(使用タイミングを持つ能力は、そのタイミングでしか使用できない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:抽1张卡。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。(持有使用时点的能力,只能在那个时点使用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Draw 1 cards. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]. (An ability with a Use Timing can only be used during that timing.)" ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "1477": { "pid": 1477, cid: 1477, "timestamp": 1458751314545, "wxid": "WX11-072", name: "コードアート V・R・C", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 V・R・C", name_en: "Code Art VRC", "kana": "コードアートボイスレコーダー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-072.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私が役者さんの声を録音します!~V・R・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I record the actors' voices! ~VRC~", crossRight: 1475, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:このターン、あなたが次にスペルを使用する場合、それを使用するための【青】コストが1減る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:这个回合,你下一次使用魔法卡的场合,那张卡的使用费用减少【蓝】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: This turn, the next time you use a spell, the cost for using it is reduced by 1 [Blue]." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd,this.player.onUseSpell], action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'SPELL') { add(card,'costBlue',-1); } },this); } }); } }] }, "1478": { "pid": 1478, cid: 1478, "timestamp": 1458751320486, "wxid": "WX11-073", name: "参ノ遊 ハゴイタ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 羽子板", name_en: "Hagoita, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウハゴイタ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-073.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "負けた方が顔に落書きだよ!~ハゴイタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Whoever loses gets scribbles on their face! ~Hagoita~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你可以支付【绿】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张SIGNI放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may pay Green. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1478-const-0', costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1479": { "pid": 1479, cid: 1479, "timestamp": 1458751325456, "wxid": "WX11-074", name: "羅植 スズビラ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 小盼草", name_en: "Suzubira, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクスズビラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-074.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色んな種族と友達になりたいんだ。~スズビラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:白、赤、青、黒から2つを選ぶ。あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中から選んだ色1つにつき、その色を持つシグニ1枚を手札に加えるかエナゾーンに置く。残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从白、红、蓝、黑中选择2项。将你卡组顶的2张卡公开。其中被选择的颜色每有1种,就将1张持有那个颜色的SIGNI加入手牌或放置到能量区。剩下的牌按任意顺序放回卡组顶。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Choose 2 from white, red, blue, and black. Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. For each color you chose among them, add a SIGNI with that color to your hand or put it into the Ener Zone. Put the rest on top of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var colors = []; var colorsToSelect = ['white','red','blue','black']; var cards_add = []; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { colors.push(color); removeFromArr(color,colorsToSelect); return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { colors.push(color); return this.player.opponent.showColorsAsyn(colors).callback(this,function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2); }); }); }).callback(this,function (cards) { return Callback.forEach(colors,function (color) { var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor(color)) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !inArr(card,cards_add); },this); if (targets.length <= 1) { cards_add = cards_add.concat(targets); return; } return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',targets).callback(this,function (card) { cards_add.push(card); }); },this).callback(this,function () { var texts = ['ADD_TO_HAND','PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE']; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',texts).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); } else { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.enerZone); } cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_add); },this); if (cards.length <= 1) return; var len = cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); }); }); }); }); } }] }, "1480": { "pid": 1480, cid: 1480, "timestamp": 1458751331482, "wxid": "WX11-075", name: "幻獣 アクティックス", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 北极狐", name_en: "Actics, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウアクティックス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-075.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それが北極流なのさ。~アクティックス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "That is the Polar Style, you know! ~Actics~", crossRight: [1452,1483], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1481": { "pid": 1481, cid: 1481, "timestamp": 1458751337479, "wxid": "WX11-076", name: "弐ノ遊 フクワラ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 福笑", name_en: "Fukuwara, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウフクワラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-076.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どんな顔も創れますわよ。~フクワラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I can make all sorts of faces. ~Fukuwara~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field by an effect, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!event.source) return; this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "1482": { "pid": 1482, cid: 1482, "timestamp": 1458751343450, "wxid": "WX11-077", name: "羅植 サザンカ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山茶花", name_en: "Sasanqua, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクサザンカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-077.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色んな考えと友達になりたいんだ。~サザンカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I want to become friends with various ideals. ~Sasanqua~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:白、赤、青、黒から1つを選ぶ。あなたのデッキの一番上を公開し、それが選んだ色と同じ色を持つシグニである場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从白、红、蓝、黑中选择1项。将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是持有被选择的颜色的SIGNI的场合,将它加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Choose 1 from white, red, blue, or black. Reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a SIGNI with the same color as the chosen color, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var colorsToSelect = ['white','red','blue','black']; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { return this.player.opponent.showColorsAsyn([color]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasColor(color); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); }); } }] }, "1483": { "pid": 1483, cid: 1483, "timestamp": 1458751348462, "wxid": "WX11-078", name: "幻獣 アクティヘア", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 北极熊", name_en: "Actihair, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウアクティヘア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-078.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "凍った魚もそのままガリガリ。~アクティヘア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Frozen fish is also crunchy as it is. ~Actihair~", crossLeft: 1480, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "1484": { "pid": 1484, cid: 1484, "timestamp": 1458751353494, "wxid": "WX11-079", name: "壱ノ遊 カルタ", name_zh_CN: "壹游 歌牌", name_en: "Karuta, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウカルタ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-079.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "「モンキも木から落ちる」~カルタ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "「And the monkey fell from the tree as well.」 ~Karuta~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI因效果出场时,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field by an effect, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function (event) { if (!event.source) return; this.player.draw(1); } }] }, "1485": { "pid": 1485, cid: 1485, "timestamp": 1458751358451, "wxid": "WX11-080", name: "羅植 シクラメン", name_zh_CN: "罗植 仙客来", name_en: "Cyclamen, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクシクラメン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-080.jpg", "illust": "misairu/日本工学院専門学校", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色んな色と友達になりたいんだ。~シクラメン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I want to become friends with various colors. ~Cyclamen~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:白、赤、青、黒から1つを選ぶ。あなたのデッキの一番上を公開し、それが選んだ色と同じ色を持つシグニである場合、それをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从白、红、蓝、黑中选择1项。将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是持有被选择的颜色的SIGNI的场合,将它放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Choose 1 from white, red, blue, and black. Reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a SIGNI of the same color as the chosen color, put it into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var colorsToSelect = ['white','red','blue','black']; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colorsToSelect).callback(this,function (color) { return this.player.opponent.showColorsAsyn([color]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasColor(color) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); }); } }] }, "1486": { "pid": 1486, cid: 1486, "timestamp": 1458751363464, "wxid": "WX11-081", name: "引き連れし魔象 ニンバルフ", name_zh_CN: "接连不断的魔象 汉尼拔", name_en: "Ninbaruf, Accompanying Devil Elephant", "kana": "ヒキツレシマゾウニンバルフ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-081.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "象が襲ってきたゾー!~ニンバルフ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The elephant came attacking-! ~Ninbaruf~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの他のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将只你的1其他的SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put another 1 of your SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1487": { "pid": 1487, cid: 1487, "timestamp": 1458751368719, "wxid": "WX11-083", name: "妖しき蒼火 メドギラ", name_zh_CN: "妖异的苍火 千眼怪", name_en: "Medogira, Mysterious Blue Fire", "kana": "アヤシキソウカメドギラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-083.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "蒼い火…見惚れちゃうでしょ。~メドギラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの他のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将只你的1其他的SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put another 1 of your SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1488": { "pid": 1488, cid: 1488, "timestamp": 1458751373464, "wxid": "WX11-084", name: "復讐の左魔 ティシポネ", name_zh_CN: "复仇的左魔 提希丰", name_en: "Tisiphone, Left Devil of Vengeance", "kana": "フクシュウノサマティシポネ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-084.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたにとって復讐とは。~ティシポネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: [1455,1490], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power is 8000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }] }, "1489": { "pid": 1489, cid: 1489, "timestamp": 1458751378450, "wxid": "WX11-085", name: "13回目の金曜 ホッケーマスク", name_zh_CN: "黑色星期五 冰球面具", name_en: "Hockeymask, the 13th Friday", "kana": "ジュウサンカイメノキンヨウホッケーマスク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-085.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今週の金曜日は今年何回目?~ホッケーマスク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "How many times would Friday be this year? ~Hockeymask~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの他のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将只你的1其他的SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put another 1 of your SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1490": { "pid": 1490, cid: 1490, "timestamp": 1458751383459, "wxid": "WX11-086", name: "復讐の右魔 メガイラ", name_zh_CN: "复仇的右魔 墨纪拉", name_en: "Megaera, Right Devil of Vengeance", "kana": "フクシュウノウマメガイラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-086.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "悪事を働く者に行うものね。~メガイラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This is something a criminal should be doing. ~Megaera~", crossRight: 1488, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:此精灵力量变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【クロス出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS出】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ cross: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); } }] }, "1491": { "pid": 1491, cid: 1491, "timestamp": 1458751388475, "wxid": "WX11-020", name: "因果応報", name_zh_CN: "因果报应", name_en: "Retribution", "kana": "スーパーノヴァ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX11/WX11-020.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 6, "costColorless": 12, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "湧き出ろぉおお!おおおおお!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用するためのコストはあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、【無】コストが2減る。\n" + "対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるすべての、白、赤、青、緑、黒のカードと対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。あなたのルリグが<緑子>の場合、追加で対戦相手のエナゾーンにあるすべてのカードをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的LRIG等级每有1,这张技艺的使用费用就减【无2】。\n" + "将对战对手能量区中所有的白色、红色、蓝色、绿色、黑色的卡和对战对手场上所有的SIGNI放置到废弃区。你的LRIG为<绿子>的场合,追加将对战对手能量区中所有的卡放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this ARTS, for each 1 of your LRIG's levels, is reduced by 2 [Colorless].\n" + "Put all white, red, blue, green, and black cards in your opponent's Ener Zone and all of your opponent's SIGNI on the field into the trash. If your LRIG is , additionally put all cards in your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless -= this.player.lrig.level * 2; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.slice(); if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('緑子')) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return inArr(card.color,['white','red','blue','green','black']) },this); } cards = cards.concat(this.player.opponent.signis); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); } } }, // "1492": { // "pid": 1492, // cid: 1492, // "timestamp": 1458751394461, // "wxid": "SP12-008", // name: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "ゼロ/メイデン イオナ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "ゼロメイデンイオナ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-008.jpg", // "illust": "bomi", // "classes": [ // "イオナ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "どうぞ、あなたへ。~イオナ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1493": { // "pid": 1493, // cid: 1493, // "timestamp": 1458751399552, // "wxid": "SP12-007", // name: "遊月・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "遊月・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "遊月・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-007.jpg", // "illust": "猫囃子", // "classes": [ // "遊月" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "今年もどうぞッと!~遊月~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1494": { // "pid": 1494, // cid: 1494, // "timestamp": 1458751404464, // "wxid": "SP12-006", // name: "エルドラ×マーク0(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "エルドラ×マーク0(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "エルドラ×マーク0(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-006.jpg", // "illust": "モレシャン", // "classes": [ // "エルドラ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめっとさんすよ!~エルドラ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1495": { // "pid": 1495, // cid: 1495, // "timestamp": 1458751410480, // "wxid": "SP12-005", // name: "閻魔 ウリス(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "閻魔 ウリス(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "閻魔 ウリス(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "エンマウリス", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-005.jpg", // "illust": "hitoto*", // "classes": [ // "ウリス" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "それでこそ、私のセレクターよ。~ウリス~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1496": { // "pid": 1496, // cid: 1496, // "timestamp": 1458751415449, // "wxid": "SP12-004", // name: "闘娘 緑姫(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "闘娘 緑姫(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "闘娘 緑姫(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "トウキミドリコ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-004.jpg", // "illust": "コウサク", // "classes": [ // "緑子" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでとう、ございます。~緑姫~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1497": { // "pid": 1497, // cid: 1497, // "timestamp": 1458751420461, // "wxid": "SP12-003", // name: "コード・ピルルク(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "コード・ピルルク(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "コード・ピルルク(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "コードピルルク", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-003.jpg", // "illust": "ぶんたん", // "classes": [ // "ピルルク" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "……はい。おめでとう。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1498": { // "pid": 1498, // cid: 1498, // "timestamp": 1458751425531, // "wxid": "SP12-002", // name: "花代・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "花代・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "花代・零(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-002.jpg", // "illust": "エムド", // "classes": [ // "花代" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでとう…!~花代~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1499": { // "pid": 1499, // cid: 1499, // "timestamp": 1458751430485, // "wxid": "SP12-001", // name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_zh_CN: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // name_en: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.1)", // "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-001.jpg", // "illust": "ちか", // "classes": [ // "タマ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでと!~タマ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1500": { "pid": 1500, cid: 1500, "timestamp": 1458751436485, "wxid": "PR-245", name: "シャボン・サクシード(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_zh_CN: "虹彩・成就(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_en: "Soap Succeed(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", "kana": "シャボンサクシード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-245.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "しあわせはだれにもわからないもの~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Happiness cannot be understood by anyone ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<天使>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只<天使>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张<天使>SIGNI公开,并加入手牌或出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI, and put it onto the field or add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); }); } }, }, "1501": { "pid": 1501, cid: 1501, "timestamp": 1458751597998, "wxid": "PR-246", name: "幻竜 アパト(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 雷龙(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_en: "Apato, Phantom Dragon(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", "kana": "ゲンリュウアパト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-246.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "へ?そこにいたの?~アパト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Eh? You were there? ~Apato~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<龍獣>のシグニが5枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中<龙兽>SIGNI在5张以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 5 or more SIGNI in your trash, this SIGNI's power is 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 5); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:パワーが「あなたのトラッシュにある<龍獣>のシグニの枚数×1000」以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只力量「你的废弃区中<龙兽>SIGNI的张数×1000」以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with \"number of SIGNI in your trash × 1000\" power or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); var power = cards.length * 1000; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<龍獣>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから《幻竜 アパト》以外の<龍獣>のシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<龙兽>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组探寻1张《幻龙 雷龙》以外的<龙兽>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI other than《Apato, Phantom Dragon》and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 1501) && card.hasClass('龍獣'); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1502": { "pid": 1502, cid: 1502, "timestamp": 1458751601687, "wxid": "PR-247", name: "コードアート B・B・Q(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 B・B・Q(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_en: "Code Art BBQ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", "kana": "コードアートバーベキューカー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-247.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バトルも料理も、究極スマート!~B・B・Q~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Be it battle or cuisine, the ultimate smart! ~BBQ~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからコストの合計が4以上の青のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张费用合计4以上的蓝色魔法卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add 1 blue spell with total cost 4 or more from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue')) && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) >= 4); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组探寻1张魔法卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1503": { "pid": 1503, cid: 1503, "timestamp": 1458751605756, "wxid": "PR-248", name: "快演(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_zh_CN: "快演(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_en: "Superb Performance(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", "kana": "カイエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-248.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "このくらい、楽勝だよーん!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This much, i~s a cinch! ~Aiyai~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのエナゾーンから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたのシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのエナゾーンから<遊具>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张<游具>SIGNI放置到能量区。之后洗切牌组。\n" + "②将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的能量区将1张<游具>SIGNI加入手牌。", "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻1张<游具>SIGNI放置到能量区。之后洗切牌组。", "将你的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的能量区将1张<游具>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for a SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "② Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for a SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, add 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone to your hand." ], spellEffect: [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); } },{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); }); } }] }, "1504": { "pid": 1504, cid: 1504, "timestamp": 1458751609765, "wxid": "PR-249", name: "チャーム・タクティクス(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_zh_CN: "魅惑战略(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", name_en: "Charm Tactics(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol8)", "kana": "チャームタクティクス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-249.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それ、私のなんだけど?~アリトン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "That, is supposed to be mine? ~Ariton~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール-【無】\n" + "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのデッキの上からカード2枚を、あなたのシグニ2体までの【チャーム】にする。\n" + "②対戦相手のデッキの上からカード2枚を、対戦相手のシグニ2体までの【チャーム】にする。", "あなたのデッキの上からカード2枚を、あなたのシグニ2体までの【チャーム】にする。", "対戦相手のデッキの上からカード2枚を、対戦相手のシグニ2体までの【チャーム】にする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响-【无】\n" + "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①将你卡组顶的2张卡作为你的至多2只SIGNI的【魅饰】。\n" + "②将对战对手卡组顶的2张卡作为对战对手的至多2只SIGNI的【魅饰】。", "将你卡组顶的2张卡作为你的至多2只SIGNI的【魅饰】。", "将对战对手卡组顶的2张卡作为对战对手的至多2只SIGNI的【魅饰】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [Colorless]\n" + "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Put the top 2 cards of your deck under up to 2 of your SIGNI as [Charm].\n" + "② Put the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck under up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI as [Charm].", "Put the top 2 cards of your deck under up to 2 of your SIGNI as [Charm].", "Put the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck under up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI as [Charm]." ], encore: { costColorless: 1, }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (signis) { signis.forEach(function (signi) { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.charmTo(signi); },this); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (signis) { signis.forEach(function (signi) { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.charmTo(signi); },this); }); } }] }, "1505": { "pid": 1505, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1458751613425, "wxid": "PR-243", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-243.jpg", "illust": "ひよこ2号機", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私と共に、優雅な旅を。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1506": { "pid": 1506, cid: 1506, "timestamp": 1458751616531, "wxid": "PR-241", name: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_zh_CN: "恋慕之巫女 雪(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Falling in Love(ウィクロスマガジンvol.3 付録)", "kana": "レンボノミコユキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-241.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私達が変われたのだから、繭も変われる。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1507": { "pid": 1507, cid: 1507, "timestamp": 1458751619837, "wxid": "PR-166", name: "comics WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", name_zh_CN: "comics WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", name_en: "comics WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", "kana": "コミックスウィクロス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-166.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ/めきめき", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "アルフォウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ 'ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<リメンバ>または<アルフォウ>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '游戏开始时,将这只LRIG翻至正面的时候,从<小忆>或者<阿尔芙>中选择1项。这只LRIG持有被选择的LRIG类别。' ], extraTexts_en: [ 'When you start the game, when you have this LRIG face up, choose 1 from or . This LRIG has the selected LRIG type.' ], }, "1508": { "pid": 1508, cid: 1504, "timestamp": 1458751624001, "wxid": "PR-254", name: "チャーム・タクティクス(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_zh_CN: "魅惑战略(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_en: "Charm Tactics(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", "kana": "チャームタクティクス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-254.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ハ?~アラクネ・パイダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1509": { "pid": 1509, cid: 1503, "timestamp": 1458751628210, "wxid": "PR-253", name: "快演(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_zh_CN: "快演(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_en: "Superb Performance(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", "kana": "カイエン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-253.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こっから大技きめちゃうぞー!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1510": { "pid": 1510, cid: 1502, "timestamp": 1458751632221, "wxid": "PR-252", name: "コードアート B・B・Q(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 B・B・Q(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_en: "Code Art BBQ(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", "kana": "コードアートバーベキューカー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-252.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何でも作れるよーっ!はいどうぞ!~B・B・Q~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1511": { "pid": 1511, cid: 1501, "timestamp": 1458751635876, "wxid": "PR-251", name: "幻竜 アパト(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 雷龙(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_en: "Apato, Phantom Dragon(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", "kana": "ゲンリュウアパト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-251.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よいしょっ!ヒップドロップ!~アパト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1512": { "pid": 1512, cid: 1500, "timestamp": 1458751639534, "wxid": "PR-250", name: "シャボン・サクシード(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_zh_CN: "虹彩・成就(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", name_en: "Soap Succeed(WIXOSSポイント引換 vol8)", "kana": "シャボンサクシード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-250.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなただけにだいきちをあげる~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1513": { "pid": 1513, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1458751643214, "wxid": "PR-282", name: "各務原あづみ(X(クロス)カードキャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "各务原安昙(X(クロス)カードキャンペーン)", name_en: "Azumi Kagamihara(X(クロス)カードキャンペーン)", "kana": "カガミハラアヅミ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-282.jpg", "illust": "藤真拓哉", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "リゲル……?どこに行ったの?ここは……?~各務原あづみ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "1514": { // "pid": 1514, // cid: 1514, // "timestamp": 1458751647234, // "wxid": "SP13-001A", // name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 超吉)", // name_zh_CN: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 超吉)", // name_en: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 超吉)", // "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-001A.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // "classes": [ // "タマ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "すごいすごい!~タマ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1515": { // "pid": 1515, // cid: 1515, // "timestamp": 1458751651005, // "wxid": "SP13-001B", // name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-001B.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // "classes": [ // "タマ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "いいとし!~タマ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1516": { // "pid": 1516, // cid: 1516, // "timestamp": 1458751654711, // "wxid": "SP13-002A", // name: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "レンボノミコユキ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-002A.jpg", // "illust": "希", // "classes": [ // "イオナ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "今年もきっと、共に戦えますよう\nに。~ユキ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1517": { // "pid": 1517, // cid: 1517, // "timestamp": 1458751658352, // "wxid": "SP13-002B", // name: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 末吉)", // name_zh_CN: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 末吉)", // name_en: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 末吉)", // "kana": "レンボノミコユキ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-002B.jpg", // "illust": "希", // "classes": [ // "イオナ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "この季節を忘れないように。~\nユキ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1518": { // "pid": 1518, // cid: 1518, // "timestamp": 1458751662122, // "wxid": "SP13-003A", // name: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-003A.jpg", // "illust": "エムド", // "classes": [ // "花代" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "ふふ、いい年になりそうね。~花代~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1519": { // "pid": 1519, // cid: 1519, // "timestamp": 1458751665715, // "wxid": "SP13-003B", // name: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 中吉)", // name_zh_CN: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 中吉)", // name_en: "花代・零(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 中吉)", // "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "red", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-003B.jpg", // "illust": "エムド", // "classes": [ // "花代" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "どうなるかは自分次第ってことね。~花代~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1520": { // "pid": 1520, // cid: 1520, // "timestamp": 1458751669169, // "wxid": "SP13-004A", // name: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "コードピルルク", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-004A.jpg", // "illust": "安藤周記", // "classes": [ // "ピルルク" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "……私が大吉なんてね。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1521": { // "pid": 1521, // cid: 1521, // "timestamp": 1458751672628, // "wxid": "SP13-004B", // name: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 凶)", // name_zh_CN: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 凶)", // name_en: "コード・ピルルク(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 凶)", // "kana": "コードピルルク", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-004B.jpg", // "illust": "安藤周記", // "classes": [ // "ピルルク" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "……たくさん引いても意味がないわ。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1522": { // "pid": 1522, // cid: 1522, // "timestamp": 1458751676069, // "wxid": "SP13-005A", // name: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "トウキミドリコ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-005A.jpg", // "illust": "アリオ", // "classes": [ // "緑子" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "どうかな?今年のお守りに。~緑姫~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1523": { // "pid": 1523, // cid: 1523, // "timestamp": 1458751679612, // "wxid": "SP13-005B", // name: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 小吉)", // name_zh_CN: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 小吉)", // name_en: "闘娘 緑姫(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 小吉)", // "kana": "トウキミドリコ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-005B.jpg", // "illust": "アリオ", // "classes": [ // "緑子" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "うん、まあ今年もいいことあるよ。~緑姫~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1524": { // "pid": 1524, // cid: 1524, // "timestamp": 1458751683069, // "wxid": "SP13-006A", // name: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_zh_CN: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // name_en: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大吉)", // "kana": "エンマウリス", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-006A.jpg", // "illust": "ぶんたん", // "classes": [ // "ウリス" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "ふん。~ウリス~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1525": { // "pid": 1525, // cid: 1525, // "timestamp": 1458751686924, // "wxid": "SP13-006B", // name: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大凶)", // name_zh_CN: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大凶)", // name_en: "閻魔 ウリス(セレクターズパック 新春おみくじVer. 大凶)", // "kana": "エンマウリス", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP13/SP13-006B.jpg", // "illust": "ぶんたん", // "classes": [ // "ウリス" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "もうおしまいね。~ウリス~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1526": { "pid": 1526, cid: 1526, "timestamp": 1458751691044, "wxid": "PR-238", name: "ディストラクト・アウト(劇場版selector前売り特典3)", name_zh_CN: "毁灭殆尽(劇場版selector前売り特典3)", name_en: "Destruct Out(劇場版selector前売り特典3)", "kana": "ディストラクトアウト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-238.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "行き先の無い剣先は、絶望への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sword-points with no destination are the signposts of despair.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「このルリグがアタックしたとき、このターンに《ディストラクト・アウト》以外のアーツを使用していない場合、このルリグの下からカードを好きな枚数ルリグトラッシュに置く。この方法でルリグトラッシュに置かれたカード1枚につき、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのデッキが0枚の場合、このルリグをアップする。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得「当这只LRIG攻击时,这个回合没有使用除《毁灭殆尽》以外的技艺的场合,将这只LRIG下面的任意数量张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。通过这个方法放置到LRIG废弃区的卡每有1张,所有玩家就将自己卡组顶5张卡放置到废弃。之后,你的卡组为0张的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。」。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets \"When this LRIG attacks, if you did not use any ARTS other than《Destruct Out》this turn, you may put any number of cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. For each card put into the LRIG Trash this way, all players put the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash. Then, if your deck has 0 cards, up this LRIG.\"" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this.player.lrig, description: '1526-attached-0', condition: function () { return !this.game.getData(this.player,'flagDestructOut'); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var count = cards.length * 5; this.game.frameStart(); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(count), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(count)); this.game.trashCards(cards); this.game.frameEnd(); if (this.player.mainDeck.cards.length) return; return this.upAsyn(); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'onAttack',effect); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ 'このルリグがアタックしたとき、このターンに《ディストラクト・アウト》以外のアーツを使用していない場合、このルリグの下からカードを好きな枚数ルリグトラッシュに置く。この方法でルリグトラッシュに置かれたカード1枚につき、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのデッキが0枚の場合、このルリグをアップする。' ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ '当这只LRIG攻击时,这个回合没有使用除《毁灭殆尽》以外的技艺的场合,将这只LRIG下面的任意数量张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。通过这个方法放置到LRIG废弃区的卡每有1张,所有玩家就将自己卡组顶5张卡放置到废弃。之后,你的卡组为0张的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。' ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ 'When this LRIG attacks, if you did not use any ARTS other than《Destruct Out》this turn, you may put any number of cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. For each card put into the LRIG Trash this way, all players put the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash. Then, if your deck has 0 cards, up this LRIG.' ] }, "1527": { "pid": 1527, cid: 1527, "timestamp": 1458751695187, "wxid": "PR-255", name: "コードアート †A・L・C・A†(カードゲーマーvol.26 付録)", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 †A・L・C・A†(カードゲーマーvol.26 付録)", name_en: "Code Art †ALCA†(カードゲーマーvol.26 付録)", "kana": "コードアートフォールンアリシア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-255.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう…バッカじゃないの!~†A・L・C・A†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<電機>のシグニを1枚捨てる:以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体のパワーを-2000する。\n" + "②あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュからあなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "③あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュから黒のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张<电机>SIGNI舍弃:从以下3项选择1项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的2只SIGNI力量-2000。\n" + "②将你卡组顶的2张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从废弃区将1张与你的LRIG颜色相同的SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "③将你卡组顶的3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从废弃区将1张黑色魔法卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Choose 1 from the following 3.\n" + "① Until end of turn, 2 of your opponent's SIGNI get -2000 power.\n" + "② Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 SIGNI with the same color as your LRIG from your trash to your hand.\n" + "③ Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 black spell from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1527-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); },this); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1527-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); this.game.trashCards(cards); if (this.player.lrig.hasColor('colorless')) return; cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.lrig)); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1527-attached-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体のパワーを-2000する。", "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュからあなたのルリグと同じ色のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、トラッシュから黒のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的2只SIGNI力量-2000。", "将你卡组顶的2张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从废弃区将1张与你的LRIG颜色相同的SIGNI加入手牌。", "将你卡组顶的3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从废弃区将1张黑色魔法卡加入手牌。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, 2 of your opponent's SIGNI get -2000 power.", "Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 SIGNI with the same color as your LRIG from your trash to your hand.", "Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 black spell from your trash to your hand." ] }, "1528": { "pid": 1528, cid: 762, "timestamp": 1458751699151, "wxid": "PR-278", name: "ららみ(カードラボ主催WIXOSSイベント特典)", name_zh_CN: "拉拉米(カードラボ主催WIXOSSイベント特典)", name_en: "Rarami(カードラボ主催WIXOSSイベント特典)", "kana": "ララミ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-278.jpg", "illust": "十月十日", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ららみとバトルモアモアトゥギャザーしよう!~ららみ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1529": { "pid": 1529, cid: 1263, "timestamp": 1458751702848, "wxid": "PR-281", name: "アイヤイ★ベット(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★赌博(WIXOSSイベント景品)", name_en: "Aiyai★Bet(WIXOSSイベント景品)", "kana": "アイヤイベット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-281.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン!!!~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1530": { "pid": 1530, cid: 1530, "timestamp": 1458751706223, "wxid": "PR-277", name: "ビクトリアン・バウンダリー(ウィクロススタートブック付録)", name_zh_CN: "维多利亚界限(ウィクロススタートブック付録)", name_en: "Victorian Boundary(ウィクロススタートブック付録)", "kana": "ビクトリアンバウンダリー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-277.jpg", "illust": "武藤此史", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、なんどでも戻すよっ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Tama, returning it as many times as needed-! ~Tama~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―【白】【無】\n" + "(アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "レベルがあなたのルリグのレベル以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响―【白】【无】\n" + "(可以追加支付回响费用来使用此卡。这样做了的场合,这张卡追加获得「这张卡返回LRIG卡组。」)\n" + "将对战对手的1只等级在你的LRIG等级以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [White] [Colorless]\n" + "(You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with level equal to or less than your LRIG's level to their hand." ], encore: { costWhite: 1, costColorless: 1 }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= this.player.lrig.level; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "1531": { "pid": 1531, cid: 1531, "timestamp": 1458751709862, "wxid": "PR-256", name: "燐廻転生(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_zh_CN: "燐回转生(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_en: "Phosphorescent Samsara(劇場版selector来場特典)", "kana": "リンネテンセイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-256.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "紅く燃裂く剣先に、情熱への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Red searing sword-points are the signposts of passion.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「このルリグがアタックしたとき、このルリグの下からカードを好きな枚数ルリグトラッシュに置く。その後、この方法で2枚以上のカードをルリグトラッシュに置いていた場合、数字2つを宣言する。このターン、対戦相手は宣言された数字と同じレベルのシグニで【ガード】ができない。4枚以上の場合、ターン終了時まで、このルリグは【トリプルクラッシュ】を得る。5枚以上の場合、このルリグをアップする。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得「当这只LRIG攻击时,将这只LRIG下面的任意数量张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。之后,通过这个方法将2张以上的卡牌放置到LRIG废弃区的场合,宣言2个数字。这个回合,对战对手不能用与所宣言的数字等级相同的SIGNI进行【防御】。4张以上的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只LRIG获得【三重击溃】。5张以上的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。」。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets \"When this LRIG attacks, put any number of cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. Then, if 2 or more cards were put into the LRIG Trash this way, declare 2 numbers. This turn, your opponent can't [Guard] with SIGNI with the same level as the declared numbers. If there were 4 or more cards, until end of turn, this LRIG gets [Triple Crush]. If there were 5 or more cards, up this LRIG.\"" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this.player.lrig, description: '1531-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var len = cards.length; this.game.trashCards(cards); if (len < 2) return; return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'guardBannedLevels',num); return this.player.declareAsyn(1,5).callback(this,function (num) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'guardBannedLevels',num); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (len >= 4) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'tripleCrash',true); } if (len >= 5) { return this.upAsyn(); } }); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.lrig,'onAttack',effect); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このルリグがアタックしたとき、このルリグの下からカードを好きな枚数ルリグトラッシュに置く。その後、この方法で2枚以上のカードをルリグトラッシュに置いていた場合、数字2つを宣言する。このターン、対戦相手は宣言された数字と同じレベルのシグニで【ガード】ができない。4枚以上の場合、ターン終了時まで、このルリグは【トリプルクラッシュ】を得る。5枚以上の場合、このルリグをアップする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "当这只LRIG攻击时,将这只LRIG下面的任意数量张卡放置到LRIG废弃区。之后,通过这个方法将2张以上的卡牌放置到LRIG废弃区的场合,宣言2个数字。这个回合,对战对手不能用与所宣言的数字等级相同的SIGNI进行【防御】。4张以上的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只LRIG获得【三重击溃】。5张以上的场合,将这只LRIG竖置。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "When this LRIG attacks, put any number of cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash. Then, if 2 or more cards were put into the LRIG Trash this way, declare 2 numbers. This turn, your opponent can't [Guard] with SIGNI with the same level as the declared numbers. If there were 4 or more cards, until end of turn, this LRIG gets [Triple Crush]. If there were 5 or more cards, up this LRIG." ] }, "1532": { "pid": 1532, cid: 1532, "timestamp": 1458751714302, "wxid": "PR-257", name: "ディストラクト・スルー(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_zh_CN: "毁灭穿刺(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_en: "Destruct Through(劇場版selector来場特典)", "kana": "ディストラクトスルー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-257.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "煌めく蒼き剣先も、再会への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Glittering blue sword-points are the signposts of reunion.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード1:カードを1枚引く。」\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。」\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード2:カード名1つを宣言する。その後、対戦相手の手札を見て、宣言したカードをすべて捨てさせる。」\n" + "を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得\n" + "「【起】超越1:抽1张卡。」\n" + "「【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。」\n" + "「【起】超越2:宣言1个卡名。之后,查看对战对手的手牌,将被宣言的卡全部舍弃。」" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 1: Draw 1 card.」\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 1: Freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.」\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 2: Declare a card name. Then, look at your opponent's hand and discard all cards with that name.」" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var lrig = this.player.lrig; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1532-attached-0', costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1532-attached-1', costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1532-attached-2', costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareCardIdAsyn().callback(this,function (pid) { var cid = CardInfo[pid].cid; var hands = this.player.opponent.hands; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(hands).callback(this,function () { var cards = hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === cid); },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:カードを1枚引く。", "【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:カード名1つを宣言する。その後、対戦相手の手札を見て、宣言したカードをすべて捨てさせる。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:抽1张卡。", "【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。", "【起】超越2:宣言1个卡名。之后,查看对战对手的手牌,将被宣言的卡全部舍弃。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Draw 1 card.", "[Action] Exceed 1: Freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Declare a card name. Then, look at your opponent's hand and discard all cards with that name." ] }, "1533": { "pid": 1533, cid: 1533, "timestamp": 1458751717974, "wxid": "PR-258", name: "紆余曲折(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_zh_CN: "纡余曲折(劇場版selector来場特典)", name_en: "Twists and Turns(劇場版selector来場特典)", "kana": "ハートディストラクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-258.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "芽吹く翠の剣先へ、友情への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Budding green sword-points are the signposts of friendship.", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える」\n" + "「【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。」\n" + "を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,你的LRIG获得\n" + "「【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。」\n" + "「【起】超越1:从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。」\n" + "「【起】超越1:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。」" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 1: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more.」\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 1: Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand.」\n" + "「[Action] Exceed 1: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.」" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var lrig = this.player.lrig; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1533-attached-0', costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000,0,1,true); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1533-attached-1', costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1533-attached-2', costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのエナゾーンからカード1枚を手札に加える", "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。", "【起】超越1:从你的能量区将1张卡加入手牌。", "【起】超越1:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more.", "[Action] Exceed 1: Add 1 card from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "[Action] Exceed 1: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ] }, "1534": { "pid": 1534, cid: 1534, "timestamp": 1458751722012, "wxid": "SP15-003", name: "セレクター(来場者特典 ピルルクver.)", name_zh_CN: "选择者(来場者特典 ピルルクver.)", name_en: "Selector(来場者特典 ピルルクver.)", "kana": "セレクター", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-003.jpg", "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻1张持有你的LRIG类型的限定条件的卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for a card whose limiting condition has the LRIG type of your LRIG, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.limitings.some(function (limiting) { return inArr(limiting,card.player.lrig.classes); },this); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1535": { "pid": 1535, cid: 1534, "timestamp": 1458751724998, "wxid": "SP15-007", name: "セレクター(来場者特典 遊月ver.)", name_zh_CN: "选择者(来場者特典 遊月ver.)", name_en: "Selector(来場者特典 遊月ver.)", "kana": "セレクター", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-007.jpg", "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1536": { "pid": 1536, cid: 1534, "timestamp": 1458751728447, "wxid": "SP15-008", name: "セレクター(来場者特典 イオナver.)", name_zh_CN: "选择者(来場者特典 イオナver.)", name_en: "Selector(来場者特典 イオナver.)", "kana": "セレクター", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-008.jpg", "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1537": { "pid": 1537, cid: 1534, "timestamp": 1458751731571, "wxid": "SP15-001", name: "セレクター(来場者特典 タマver.)", name_zh_CN: "选择者(来場者特典 タマver.)", name_en: "Selector(来場者特典 タマver.)", "kana": "セレクター", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-001.jpg", "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1538": { "pid": 1538, cid: 1234, "timestamp": 1458751734914, "wxid": "PR-283", name: "終末の回旋 チェロン(分島花音「Love your enemies」一部店舗特典)", name_zh_CN: "终末的回旋 大提琴(分島花音「Love your enemies」一部店舗特典)", name_en: "Cellon, Rotation of the End(分島花音「Love your enemies」一部店舗特典)", "kana": "シュウマツノカイセンチェロン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-283.jpg", "illust": "分島花音", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "目移りする感情と、誰かとの最後。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1539": { "pid": 1539, cid: 28, "timestamp": 1458751738291, "wxid": "WD13-024", name: "アーク・オーラ", name_zh_CN: "弧光·圣气", name_en: "Arc Aura", "kana": "アークオーラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-024.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 5, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマいくよ! アーク・オーラ!~るう子~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1540": { "pid": 1540, cid: 386, "timestamp": 1458751742028, "wxid": "WD13-025", name: "ゲット・インデックス", name_zh_CN: "获得目录", name_en: "Get Index", "kana": "ゲットインデックス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-025.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おおいなる発展に少しの犠牲はつきもの。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1541": { "pid": 1541, cid: 1541, "timestamp": 1458751745770, "wxid": "WD13-016", name: "鉄拳 アークトレット", name_zh_CN: "铁拳 高阶手甲", name_en: "Arc Tlet, Iron Fist", "kana": "テッケンアークトレット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-016.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモン!全部!~アークトレット~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come on! Everything! ~Arc Tlet~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(白):从我方牌组中找1张<天使>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<天使>または<アーム>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张<天使>或<武装>精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 or SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') || card.hasClass('アーム'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1542": { "pid": 1542, cid: 37, "timestamp": 1458751749492, "wxid": "WD13-017", name: "忘得ぬ幻想 ヴァルキリー", name_zh_CN: "无法忘却的幻想 瓦尔基里", name_en: "Valkyrie, Unforgettable Fantasy", "kana": "ワスレエヌゲンソウヴァルキリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-017.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今日も角笛の調子はばっちりね!~ヴァルキリー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1543": { "pid": 1543, cid: 56, "timestamp": 1458751753300, "wxid": "WD13-018", name: "中盾 スクエア", name_zh_CN: "中盾 斯克威尔", name_en: "Square, Medium Shield", "kana": "チュウジュンスクエア", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-018.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "守りの構え、はッ!~スクエア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1544": { "pid": 1544, cid: 58, "timestamp": 1458751757082, "wxid": "WD13-019", name: "やり直しの対話 ミカエル", name_zh_CN: "重新开始的对话 米迦勒", name_en: "Michael, Voice of Reconciliation", "kana": "ヤリナオシノタイワミカエル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-019.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ミカエルにとってもハニエルは大切な天使だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1545": { "pid": 1545, cid: 60, "timestamp": 1458751760889, "wxid": "WD13-020", name: "小盾 ラウンド", name_zh_CN: "小盾 圆", name_en: "Round, Small Shield", "kana": "ショウジュンラウンド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-020.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "盾デコったの、キレイでしょ!~ラウンド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1546": { "pid": 1546, cid: 61, "timestamp": 1458751764588, "wxid": "WD13-021", name: "探求の思想 ハニエル", name_zh_CN: "探求的思想 汉尼尔", name_en: "Haniel, Thoughts of Seeking", "kana": "タンキュウノシソウハニエル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-021.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ハニエルにとってもミカエルは大切な天使だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1547": { "pid": 1547, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1458751768007, "wxid": "WD13-022", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-022.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "あなたには、選びたい人がいますか?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1548": { "pid": 1548, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1458751771734, "wxid": "WD13-023", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-023.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "あなたには、護りたい人はいますか?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1549": { "pid": 1549, cid: 658, "timestamp": 1458751775072, "wxid": "WD13-011", name: "原槍 アークエナジェ", name_zh_CN: "原枪 高阶源能枪", name_en: "Arc Energe, Original Spear", "kana": "ゲンソウアークエナジェ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-011.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少女たちは願う。純粋に、純粋に。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1550": { "pid": 1550, cid: 27, "timestamp": 1458751779365, "wxid": "WD13-012", name: "原槍 エナジェ", name_zh_CN: "原枪 源能枪", name_en: "Energe, Original Spear", "kana": "ゲンソウエナジェ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-012.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "紡がれる物語、その現在は、どの現実か。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1551": { "pid": 1551, cid: 178, "timestamp": 1458751783349, "wxid": "WD13-013", name: "先駆の大天使 アークゲイン", name_zh_CN: "先驱的大天使 大天使该隐", name_en: "Arcgain, Archangel of Pioneering", "kana": "センクノダイテンシアークゲイン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-013.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "強さの証よ。~アークゲイン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1552": { "pid": 1552, cid: 1552, "timestamp": 1458751787589, "wxid": "WD13-014", name: "天使の加護 オーディン", name_zh_CN: "天使的加护 奥丁", name_en: "Odin, Divine Protection of Angels", "kana": "テンシノカゴオーディン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-014.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "天使達よ、我々を護りたまえ!~オーディン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニのパワーは15000になる。", "【常時能力】:あなたの手札にある<天使>のシグニは《ガードアイコン》を持つ。(《ガードアイコン》を持つシグニは【ガード】を持つ)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方回合中,此牌力量变为15000。", "【常】:我方手牌中的<天使>精灵牌持有(G)。(持有(G)的精灵获得【防御】的能力)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000.", "[Constant]: Your SIGNI in your hand get [Guard]. (SIGNI with [Guard] get the [Guard] ability.)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.hands.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('天使')) { set(card,'guardFlag',true); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体をダウンする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对方1只分身或1只精灵横置。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI or 1 of your opponent's LRIGs." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.lrig).filter(function (card) { return card.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); } } }, "1553": { "pid": 1553, cid: 36, "timestamp": 1458751791281, "wxid": "WD13-015", name: "巨弓 カタパル", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 抛射", name_en: "Catapaul, Large Bow", "kana": "キョキュウカタパル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-015.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "仲間がいなくても、私がいれば大丈夫よ。~カタパル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1554": { "pid": 1554, cid: 1554, "timestamp": 1458751795106, "wxid": "WD13-003", name: "泡沫の巫女 タマ", name_zh_CN: "泡沫之巫女 小玉", name_en: "Tama, Foam Miko", "kana": "ウタカタノミコタマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-003.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "るう、グロウして。~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Ruu, grow. ~Tama~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードにグロウする際、手札から<アーム>のシグニ1枚と<天使>のシグニ1枚を公開してもよい。そうした場合、このカードにグロウするためのコストは【白】コストが1減る。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:成长为此牌时,可以从手牌中展示1张<武装>精灵牌和1张<天使>精灵牌。若如此做,成长为此牌所需要的(白)费用减1。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you grow into this card, you may reveal 1 SIGNI and 1 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, the cost to grow into this card is reduced by 1 [White]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // See below. } }], costChange: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (!(cards_A.length && cards_B.length)) { return obj; } obj.costWhite -= 1; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('アーム'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var optional = this.player.enoughEner(obj); var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards_A,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return obj; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards_B,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return obj; cards.push(card); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { obj.costWhite -= 1; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }); }); }); }, // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1(このルリグの下からカード1枚をルリグトラッシュに置く):あなたの白のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。あなたのシグニ1体をアップする。この能力は1ターン一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1(从此分身下方将1张牌放置到分身废弃区):将我方1只白色精灵返回手牌。竖置我方1只精灵。此效果1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1 (Put 1 card from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash): Return 1 of your white SIGNI to your hand. Up 1 of your SIGNI. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BOUNCE',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(card.player.handZone); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return !card.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('UP',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); }); } }], }, "1555": { "pid": 1555, cid: 1555, "timestamp": 1458751799158, "wxid": "WD13-004", name: "銀幕の巫女 タマ", name_zh_CN: "银幕之巫女 小玉", name_en: "Tama, Silver Screen Miko", "kana": "ギンマクノミコタマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-004.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "扉は、あるんだ――それは……。~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:从我方牌组中找1张等级3以下的白色精灵牌,将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。 " ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 3 or less white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 3) && card.hasColor('white'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1556": { "pid": 1556, cid: 106, "timestamp": 1458751803531, "wxid": "WD13-005", name: "半月の巫女 タマ", name_zh_CN: "半月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Half Moon Miko", "kana": "ハンゲツノミコタマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-005.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、やっぱりるうと、ずっと……。~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1557": { "pid": 1557, cid: 107, "timestamp": 1458751807237, "wxid": "WD13-006", name: "三日月の巫女 タマ", name_zh_CN: "三日月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Crescent Moon Miko", "kana": "ミカヅキノミコタマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-006.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きゃはーぅ♪ ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1558": { "pid": 1558, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1458751810577, "wxid": "WD13-007", name: "タマ", name_zh_CN: "小玉", name_en: "Tama", "kana": "タマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-007.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これがはじまりの物語。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1559": { "pid": 1559, cid: 571, "timestamp": 1458751813970, "wxid": "WD13-008", name: "モダン・バウンダリー", name_zh_CN: "现代界线", name_en: "Modern Boundary", "kana": "モダンバウンダリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-008.jpg", "illust": "madopen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぱっふう!!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1560": { "pid": 1560, cid: 570, "timestamp": 1458751817908, "wxid": "WD13-009", name: "スピリット・サルベージ", name_zh_CN: "精神营救", name_en: "Spirit Salvage", "kana": "スピリットサルベージ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-009.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "るう、あったよ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1561": { "pid": 1561, cid: 1561, "timestamp": 1458751821898, "wxid": "WD13-010", name: "バインド・ウェポンズ", name_zh_CN: "结合武器", name_en: "Bind Weapons", "kana": "バインドウェポンズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-010.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマをまもる、うぇぽんたち!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①このターン、あなたのライフクロスはダメージ以外によってはクラッシュされない。\n" + "②このターン、対戦相手のルリグとすべてのシグニはそれぞれ一度しかアタックできない。", "このターン、あなたのライフクロスはダメージ以外によってはクラッシュされない。", "このターン、対戦相手のルリグとすべてのシグニはそれぞれ一度しかアタックできない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①本回合中,我方的生命护甲不会被伤害以外的方式击溃。\n" + "②本回合中,对方的分身和所有的精灵各自都只能攻击1次。", "本回合中,我方的生命护甲不会被伤害以外的方式击溃。", "本回合中,对方的分身和所有的精灵各自都只能攻击1次。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 from the following 2.\n" + "①This turn, your Life Cloth can't be crushed other than by damage.\n" + "②This turn, your opponent's LRIG and all of their SIGNI can only attack once each.", "This turn, your Life Cloth can't be crushed other than by damage.", "This turn, your opponent's LRIG and all of their SIGNI can only attack once each." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'wontBeCrashedExceptDamage',true); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'signiAttackCountLimit',1); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'lrigAttackCountLimit',1); } }] }, "1562": { "pid": 1562, cid: 1562, "timestamp": 1458751826373, "wxid": "WD13-001", name: "真名の巫女 マユ", name_zh_CN: "真名之巫女 茧", name_en: "Mayu, True Name Miko", "kana": "マナノミコマユ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-001.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "タマ", "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今ここに、……新たなる世界が誕生する!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Here and now, a new world is born!", // ====================== // 额外文本 // ====================== extraTexts: [ '[グロウ]あなたのルリグデッキから<タマ>または<イオナ>のルリグ1枚を公開し、それをあなたの場のルリグの下に置く' ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ '【GROW】展示我方分身牌组1张<小玉>或<伊绪奈>分身牌,将其放置到我方场上分身的最下方' ], extraTexts_en: [ '(Grow) Reveal 1 or LRIG from your LRIG Deck, and put it under your LRIG on the field.' ], growCondition: function () { return this.player.lrigDeck.cards.some(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タマ') || card.hasClass('イオナ')); },this); }, growActionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && (card.hasClass('タマ') || card.hasClass('イオナ')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true }); }); }); }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのルリグトラッシュからすべてのルリグをこのカードの下に置き、アーツを2枚までルリグデッキに戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从我方分身废弃区将所有的分身牌放置到此牌下方,将最多2张必杀牌返回分身牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: From your LRIG Trash, put all LRIGs under this card, and return up to 2 ARTS to your LRIG Deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigZone,{bottom: true}); cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigDeck); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード2:対戦相手のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。対戦相手はデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。対戦相手はその中からシグニを2枚まで場に出し、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2:将对方所有的精灵放置到废弃区。对方展示自己牌组顶2张牌。对方让其中最多2张精灵牌出场,其余的牌放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2: Put all of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash. Your opponent reveals the top 2 cards of their deck, puts up to 2 SIGNI from them onto the field, and puts the rest into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; var opponent = this.player.opponent; return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return opponent.revealAsyn(2); }).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_summon = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); this.game.frameStart(); var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; return opponent.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards_summon).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } removeFromArr(card,cards); removeFromArr(card,cards_summon); return card.summonAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.frameEnd(); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }] }, "1563": { "pid": 1563, cid: 1563, "timestamp": 1458751830275, "wxid": "WD13-002", name: "愛幸の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "爱幸之巫女 雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Fortunate Love", "kana": "アイコウノミコユキ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD13/WD13-002.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わたし……と?~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "With...... me? ~Yuki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードにグロウする際、手札からシグニを2枚まで公開する。この方法で<迷宮>のシグニを公開した場合、このカードにグロウするためのコストは【白】コストが1減り、<毒牙>の場合、【黒】コストが1減る。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のターンの間、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーはあなたの<迷宮>のシグニ1体につき、+1000される。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーはあなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体につき、-1000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:成长为此牌时,从手牌中展示最多2张精灵牌。以这个方法展示了<迷宫>精灵牌的话,成长为此牌所需要的(白)费用减1,展示了<毒牙>精灵牌的话,成长为此牌所需要的(黑)费用减1。", "【常】:对方回合中,我方每有1只<迷宫>精灵,我方所有精灵的力量+1000。", "【常】:我方回合中,我方每有1只<毒牙>精灵,对方所有精灵的力量-1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you grow into this card, reveal up to 2 SIGNI from your hand. If you reveal a SIGNI in this way, the cost to grow into this card is reduced by 1 [White], and if you reveal a SIGNI, the cost is reduced by 1 [Black].", "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, all of your SIGNI get +1000 power for each of your SIGNI.", "[Constant]: During your turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get -1000 power for each of your SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // See `costChange`. } },{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { var value = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this).length * 1000; if (!value) return; this.player.signis.forEach(function (card) { add(card,'power',value); }); } },{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player; }, action: function (set,add) { var value = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this).length * -1000; if (!value) return; this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (card) { add(card,'power',value); }); } }], costChange: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (cards_A.length) { obj.costWhite -= 1; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; } if (cards_B.length) { obj.costBlack -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; } return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { // 1. 可以不展示 if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('REVEAL',this.player.hands,0,2); } // 2. 必须至少展示其中一种 var cost = Object.create(obj); cost.costWhite -= 1; // 测试迷宫 if (cost.costWhite < 0) cost.costWhite = 0; var cards = []; var cards_tmp = this.player.enoughEner(cost)? cards_A : cards_B; return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards_tmp).callback(this,function (card) { cards.push(card); var cost = Object.create(obj); if (card.hasClass('迷宮')) { cost.costWhite -= 1; if (cost.costWhite < 0) cost.costWhite = 0; cards_tmp = cards_B; } else { cost.costBlack -= 1; if (cost.costBlack < 0) cost.costBlack = 0; cards_tmp = cards_A; } // 只需展示一种 if (this.player.enoughEner(cost)) { cards_tmp = this.player.hands.filter(function (hand) { return (hand !== card); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('REVEAL',cards_tmp); } // 必须展示两种 return this.player.selectAsyn('REVEAL',cards_tmp); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) cards.push(card); return cards; }); }).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); }); if (flag) { obj.costWhite -= 1; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; } var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); }); if (flag) { obj.costBlack -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; } return obj; }); }); } }, "1564": { "pid": 1564, cid: 1325, "timestamp": 1458751834017, "wxid": "WD14-022", name: "サーバント O3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O3", name_en: "Servant O3", "kana": "サーバントオースリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-022.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "あなたには、救いたい人はいますか?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1565": { "pid": 1565, cid: 185, "timestamp": 1458751837392, "wxid": "WD14-023", name: "エニグマ・オーラ", name_zh_CN: "谜言暗气", name_en: "Enigma Aura", "kana": "エニグマオーラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-023.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は……それさえも、奪われてたんだから!!~繭~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1566": { "pid": 1566, cid: 536, "timestamp": 1458751841675, "wxid": "WD14-024", name: "デス・バイ・デス", name_zh_CN: "死亡紧接死亡", name_en: "Death by Death", "kana": "デスバイデス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-024.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アンナフルコースと一緒にこれも召し上がれ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1567": { "pid": 1567, cid: 225, "timestamp": 1458751845319, "wxid": "WD14-016", name: "悪魔の勇武 モリガ", name_zh_CN: "恶魔勇武 摩莉甘", name_en: "Morriga, Devil's Bravery", "kana": "アクマノユウブモリガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-016.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "楽しませてちょうだい。~モリガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1568": { "pid": 1568, cid: 1487, "timestamp": 1458751848957, "wxid": "WD14-017", name: "妖しき蒼火 メドギラ", name_zh_CN: "妖异的苍火 千眼怪", name_en: "Medogira, Mysterious Blue Fire", "kana": "アヤシキソウカメドギラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-017.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "蒼い火が見えるかしら。~メドギラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1569": { "pid": 1569, cid: 832, "timestamp": 1458751852367, "wxid": "WD14-018", name: "悪魔の乗り手 サロス", name_zh_CN: "恶魔骑士 塞罗司", name_en: "Saros, Devil Rider", "kana": "アクマノノリテ サロス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-018.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃん達にもこの景色見せてあげたかったわ。~サロス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1570": { "pid": 1570, cid: 1489, "timestamp": 1458751855725, "wxid": "WD14-019", name: "13回目の金曜 ホッケーマスク", name_zh_CN: "黑色星期五 冰球面具", name_en: "Hockeymask, the 13th Friday", "kana": "ジュウサンカイメノキンヨウホッケーマスク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-019.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "毎週金曜日はドレスアップの日ね。~ホッケーマスク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1571": { "pid": 1571, cid: 201, "timestamp": 1458751859016, "wxid": "WD14-020", name: "大罪の所以 バアル", name_zh_CN: "大罪缘由 巴力", name_en: "Baal, Reason of the Mortal Sin", "kana": "タイザイノユエンバアル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-020.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様♪~バアル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1572": { "pid": 1572, cid: 1324, "timestamp": 1458751862681, "wxid": "WD14-021", name: "サーバント D3", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D3", name_en: "Servant D3", "kana": "サーバントディースリー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-021.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "あなたには、報いたい人はいますか?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1573": { "pid": 1573, cid: 182, "timestamp": 1458751866431, "wxid": "WD14-013", name: "悪魔姫 アンナ・ミラージュ", name_zh_CN: "恶魔姬 安娜·蜃影", name_en: "Anna Mirage, Devil Princess", "kana": "アクマヒメアンナミラージュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-013.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アンナ印のフルコースはいかが?~アンナ・ミラージュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1574": { "pid": 1574, cid: 632, "timestamp": 1458751870450, "wxid": "WD14-014", name: "堕落の才女 ルシファル", name_zh_CN: "堕落才女 路西法", name_en: "Luciferl, Fallen Talented Woman", "kana": "ダラクノサイジョルシファル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-014.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルシフェルパフェも食べていくでしょ?~ルシファル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1575": { "pid": 1575, cid: 1575, "timestamp": 1458751874471, "wxid": "WD14-015", name: "三途の往復 アザゼラ", name_zh_CN: "三途的往返 阿撒兹勒", name_en: "Azazela, Round Trip of the Three Paths", "kana": "サンズノオウフクアザゼラ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-015.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "日帰り三途の川ツアーでも行こうかしら。~アザゼラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I guess we'll just have a one day tour of the Three Paths. ~Azazela~ ", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが効果によって場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、カードを1枚引く。(出現時能力や起動能力にある:の左側はコストで右側は効果である)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌因效果从场上被放置到废弃区时,抽1张牌。(在出场时效果或起动效果中:的左侧是费用,右侧是效果)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from the field by an effect, draw 1 card. (In an on-play ability or action ability, the left side of the : is the cost and the right side is the effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1575-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.isSigni) return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1576": { "pid": 1576, cid: 258, "timestamp": 1458751877914, "wxid": "WD14-004", name: "衆合の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "众合阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Crushing Hell", "kana": "シュゴウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-004.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の、本当の願いは。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1577": { "pid": 1577, cid: 259, "timestamp": 1458751882003, "wxid": "WD14-005", name: "灼熱の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "灼热阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Burning Eye Enma", "kana": "シャクネツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-005.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あの子に、感じたんでしょ?~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1578": { "pid": 1578, cid: 260, "timestamp": 1458751885425, "wxid": "WD14-006", name: "ウリス", name_zh_CN: "乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith", "kana": "ウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-006.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おしまいへの物語。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1579": { "pid": 1579, cid: 1579, "timestamp": 1458751888455, "wxid": "WD14-007", name: "デモン・トゥーム", name_zh_CN: "恶魔墓碑", name_en: "Demon Tomb", "kana": "デモントゥーム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-007.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お休み、あなたの事は一生忘れるわ。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "破坏我方1只<恶魔>精灵。若如此做,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); } } }, "1580": { "pid": 1580, cid: 725, "timestamp": 1458751892440, "wxid": "WD14-008", name: "グレイブ・ガット", name_zh_CN: "墓地肠线", name_en: "Grave Gut", "kana": "グレイブガット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-008.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "クックック、フハハハ、アッハッハァー!~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1581": { "pid": 1581, cid: 1581, "timestamp": 1458751896948, "wxid": "WD14-009", name: "デビル・トゥ・デビル", name_zh_CN: "恶魔朝向恶魔", name_en: "Devil to Devil", "kana": "デビルトゥデビル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-009.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "死なんて単なる通過点なのよ?~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Isn't death simply a waypoint? ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンにある<悪魔>のシグニを好きな数トラッシュに置いてもよい。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニ1枚につき、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "可以从我方能量区将任意数量的<恶魔>精灵牌放置到废弃区。之后,每有1张通过这个方式放置到废弃区的精灵牌,从我方废弃区让1张<恶魔>精灵牌出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash. Then, for each SIGNI you put into the trash this way, put 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,len,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }); } } }, "1582": { "pid": 1582, cid: 1582, "timestamp": 1458751900654, "wxid": "WD14-010", name: "サイレント・クラップ", name_zh_CN: "肃静拍掌", name_en: "Silent Clap", "kana": "サイレントクラップ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-010.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うるさいわね。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール -【黒】\n" + "このターン、あなたのシグニの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "召还—(黑)(使用此牌时可以追加支付召还费用。若如此做,此牌追加获得「此牌返回分身牌组。」的效果)\n" + "本回合中,我方精灵牌的【出】的效果不能发动。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - Black (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "This turn, your SIGNI's [On-Play] abilities don't trigger." ], encore: { costBlack: 1 }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'signiStartUpBanned',true); } } }, "1583": { "pid": 1583, cid: 1583, "timestamp": 1458751904415, "wxid": "WD14-011", name: "弄命の侯爵 アモノウル", name_zh_CN: "弄命的侯爵 鸮之阿蒙", name_en: "Amonowl, Marquis of Toying with Life", "kana": "ロウメイノコウシャクアモノウル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-011.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの命もおいしそうねぇ。~アモノウル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Your life looks delicious too, you know. ~Amonoul~ ", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、あなたのトラッシュからそのシグニより低いレベルを持つシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方每有1只<恶魔>精灵被破坏时,从我方废弃区让1张等级比该精灵低的精灵牌出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI is banished, put 1 SIGNI with a lower level than that SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1583-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasClass('悪魔'); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level < event.card.level) && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの他のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニ1体につき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将我方其他的所有精灵放置到废弃区。之后,每有1只通过这个方式放置到废弃区的精灵,破坏对方1只精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put all of your other SIGNI into the trash. Then, for each SIGNI put into the trash this way, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; return this.banishSigniAsyn(null,0,len); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①あなたの手札を2枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。②あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。", "あなたの手札を2枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。", "あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。①我方舍弃2张手牌。若如此做,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。②从我方废弃区将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。", "我方舍弃2张手牌。若如此做,将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。", "从我方废弃区将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose either 1. ① Discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth. ② Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth.", "Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1583-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length < 2) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length !== 2) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1583-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1584": { "pid": 1584, cid: 1584, "timestamp": 1458751908035, "wxid": "WD14-012", name: "毒蛇の華 アシュタルス", name_zh_CN: "毒蛇之华 阿斯塔罗特", name_en: "Astaruth, Flower of Poisonous Snakes", "kana": "ドクジャノハナアシュタルス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-012.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もっとお供えものを持ってきなさぁい。~アシュタルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Bri~ng more offerings. ~Astaruth~ ", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、エナゾーンからこのシグニを場に出してもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌被破坏时,可以让此牌从能量区出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may put this SIGNI from the Ener Zone onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1584-const-0', optional: true, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.enerZone) && this.canSummon(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札を1枚捨てる。そうしなかった場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:我方舍弃1张手牌。没有这样做的话,将此牌放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You discard 1 card from your hand. If you do not, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) { card.trash(); } else { this.trash(); } }); } }] }, "1585": { "pid": 1585, cid: 1585, "timestamp": 1458751911691, "wxid": "WD14-001", name: "虚幸の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "虚幸阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Empty Fortune", "kana": "キョコウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-001.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんなのッ…最高じゃない…。 ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードにグロウするためのコストは、あなたのトラッシュにある<悪魔>のシグニ6枚につき、【黒】コストが1減る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<悪魔>のシグニが18枚以上ある場合、対戦相手は【ガード】ができない。", "【常時能力】:あなたの《ライフバースト》を持たないすべてのカードは【※】「対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方废弃区中每有6张<恶魔>精灵牌,成长为此牌所需要的(黑)费用减1。", "【常】:如果我方废弃区中<恶魔>精灵牌有18张以上,对方不能【防御】。", "【常】:我方所有不持有【※】的卡牌都持有【※】「破坏对方1只精灵。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost to grow into this card is decreased by 1 Black for each 6 SIGNI in your trash.", "[Constant]: If your trash has 18 or more SIGNI, your opponent can't [Guard].", "[Constant]: All of your cards without 【※】 get 【※】 \"Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.\"" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // See `costChange`. } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return (cards.length >= 18); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'canNotGuard',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.game.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) && !card.burstIcon; },this); cards.forEach(function (card) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: card, description: '1585-attached-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(card,'onBurst',effect); },this); } }], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlack -= Math.floor(cards.length/6); if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return obj; }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【※】対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】破坏对方1只精灵。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], }, "1586": { "pid": 1586, cid: 1586, "timestamp": 1458751915565, "wxid": "WD14-002", name: "無道の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "无道阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Enma of Immorality", "kana": "ムドウノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-002.jpg", "illust": "madopen", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "多くの少女達に、果てのない苦しみの物語を! ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<悪魔>のシグニのパワーを+1000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:我方的<恶魔>精灵牌的力量+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get +1000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('悪魔')) { add(signi,'power',1000); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード2(このルリグの下からカード2枚をルリグトラッシュに置く):あなたのデッキの上からカードを4枚見る。その中からカード1枚を手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2(从此牌下方将2张牌放置到分身废弃区):查看我方牌组顶4张牌。将其中1张牌加入手牌,剩下的牌放置到废弃区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2 (Put 2 cards from under this LRIG into the LRIG Trash): Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 card from among them to your hand, and put the rest into the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(4); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }] }, "1587": { "pid": 1587, cid: 1587, "timestamp": 1458751919612, "wxid": "WD14-003", name: "煉獄の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "炼狱阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Ashen River Enma", "kana": "レンゴクノエンマウリス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD14/WD14-003.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、抑えきれないの……私の、すっごいやつを!~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】(黑):从我方废弃区将1张<恶魔>精灵牌加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { var cards = card? [card] : []; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }); }); } }], }, "1588": { "pid": 1588, cid: 187, "timestamp": 1458751923327, "wxid": "WX12-Re11", name: "宝具 ミカガミ", name_zh_CN: "宝具 御镜", name_en: "Mikagami, Treasured Instrument", "kana": "ホウグミカガミ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re11.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "光るは宝、真実を表す。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1589": { "pid": 1589, cid: 1589, "timestamp": 1458751927025, "wxid": "WX12-026", name: "脛当 レガース", name_zh_CN: "胫当 护腿", name_en: "Leguas, Shin Armor", "kana": "スネアテレガース", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-026.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "カモン!姉ちゃん!(あっ、うつっちゃった。)~レガース~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Come on! Sis! (There, I moved.) ~Leguas~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それがレベル4のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。", "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたの場にカード名に《ローメイル》を含むシグニがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "【出現時能力】手札からカード名に《ローメイル》を含むシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是等级4的SIGNI的场合,将其加入手牌。", "【出】【白】:你的场上存在卡名含有《皇家铠》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。", "【出】从手牌将1张卡名含有《皇家铠》的SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a level 4 SIGNI, add it to your hand.", "[On-Play] [White]: If there is a SIGNI with \"Romail\" in its name on your field, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.", "[On-Play] Discard 1 card with \"Romail\" in its name from your hand: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level === 4) && (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); } },{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('ローメイル') !== -1); },this); if (!flag) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('ローメイル') !== -1); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('ローメイル') !== -1); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1590": { "pid": 1590, cid: 1590, "timestamp": 1458751930740, "wxid": "WX12-019", name: "弩炎 フレイスロ中将", name_zh_CN: "弩炎 火焰喷射中将", name_en: "Flathro Lieutenant General, Crossbow Flame", "kana": "ドエンフレイスロチュウショウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-019.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "汚物滅却!~フレイスロ中将~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Destroy filth! ~Flathro Lieutenant General~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中からカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むすべてのカードを手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的2张卡公开。从中将名字含有《火焰喷射》的所有卡加入手牌,剩余的放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all cards with \"Flathro\" in their card name from among them to your hand, and put the rest into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = []; var cards_trash = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1) { cards_add.push(card); } else { cards_trash.push(card); } },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札からカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むカードを1枚捨てる:パワーが「あなたのトラッシュにあるカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むカードの枚数×2000」以下の対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌将1张卡名含有《火焰喷射》的卡舍弃:将对战对手的1只力量在「你的废弃区中存在的卡名含有《火焰喷射》的卡的数量×2000」以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 1 card with \"Flathro\" in its card name from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with \"number of cards with \"Flathro\" in its card name in your trash × 2000\" power or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var power = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this).length * 2000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= power; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张卡名含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in their card name from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1591": { "pid": 1591, cid: 1591, "timestamp": 1458751935095, "wxid": "WX12-043", name: "轟炎 フレイスロ少尉", name_zh_CN: "轰炎 火焰喷射少尉", name_en: "Flathro Second Lieutenant, Roaring Flame", "kana": "ゴウエンフレイスロショウイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-043.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "用意はいい?トライアングルファイアー!~フレイスロ少尉~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Are you ready? Triangle Fire! ~Flathro Ensign~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに《小炎 フレイスロ兵長》と《爆炎 フレイスロ軍曹》がある場合、対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区存在《小炎 火焰喷射兵长》和《爆炎 火焰喷射军曹》的场合,将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a \"Flathro Lance Corporal, Small Flame\" and a \"Flathro Sergeant, Explosive Flame\" in your trash, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.cid === 1593); },this) && this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.cid === 1592); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000,1,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。②あなたのデッキからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのデッキからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中1项。①将对战对手1只力量5000以下的SINGI驱逐。②从你的卡组中探寻1张卡名含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。", "将对战对手1只力量5000以下的SINGI驱逐。", "从你的卡组中探寻1张卡名含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose either 1. ① Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less. ② Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less.", "Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1591-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); } },{ source: this, description: '1591-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1592": { "pid": 1592, cid: 1592, "timestamp": 1458751938824, "wxid": "WX12-044", name: "爆炎 フレイスロ軍曹", name_zh_CN: "爆炎 火焰喷射军曹", name_en: "Flathro Sergeant, Explosive Flame", "kana": "バクエンフレイスログンソウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-044.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "行くぞ!少尉、兵長!~フレイスロ軍曹~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Let's go! Second Lieutenant, Lance Corporal! ~Flathro Sergeant~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから《轟炎 フレイスロ少尉》を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】舍弃1张手牌:从你的卡组中探寻《轰炎 火焰喷射少尉》公开并加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 card from your hand: Search your deck for a \"Flathro Second Lieutenant, Roaring Flame\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid === 1591); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, "1593": { "pid": 1593, cid: 1593, "timestamp": 1458751942756, "wxid": "WX12-045", name: "小炎 フレイスロ兵長", name_zh_CN: "小炎 火焰喷射兵长", name_en: "Flathro Lance Corporal, Small Flame", "kana": "ショウエンフレイスロヘイチョウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-045.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "行くぜ!少尉、軍曹!~フレイスロ兵長~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Let's go! Second Lieutenant, Sergeant! ~Flathro Lance Corporal~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから《爆炎 フレイスロ軍曹》を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】舍弃1张手牌:从你的卡组中探寻《爆炎 火焰喷射军曹》公开并加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 card from your hand: Search your deck for a \"Flathro Sergeant, Explosive Flame\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid === 1592); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }] }, // "1594": { // "pid": 1594, // cid: 1594, // "timestamp": 1458751946466, // "wxid": "SP12-013", // name: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルノル", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-013.jpg", // "illust": "keypot", // "classes": [ // "タウィル" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでとう ~タウィル~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1595": { // "pid": 1595, // cid: 1595, // "timestamp": 1458751950206, // "wxid": "SP12-014", // name: "悠久の使者 サシェ・ヌーベル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "悠久の使者 サシェ・ヌーベル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "悠久の使者 サシェ・ヌーベル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "ユウキュウノシシャサシェヌーベル", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-014.jpg", // "illust": "単ル", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「レベル」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのレベルを表しています。あなたはグロウフェイズに、グロウコストを支払うことで自分のルリグデッキからルリグ1枚を、あなたの場にあるルリグに重ねることができます(この行為をグロウと呼びます。)このとき、ルリグのレベルを上げる場合は1レベルずつしか上げることが出来ません。(*同じレベルまたは小さいレベルのルリグを重ねることは出来ます。*ルリグタイプが違うルリグは重ねることが出来ません)また、メインフェイズにシグニを配置するとき、あなたが配置できるシグニはあなたのルリグのレベル以下のシグニしか配置できません。" // }, // { // "q": "「リミット」とはなんですか?", // "a": "このルリグのリミットを表しています。あなたがメインフェイズにシグニを配置するにあたり、配置後のシグニのレベルの合計がルリグのリミットを超えてしまう場合は、このシグニを配置することは出来ません。" // }, // { // "q": "「グロウコスト」とはなんですか?", // "a": "ルリグカードの左下に記載された、グロウフェイズにルリグのレベルをアップさせる(これをグロウと呼びます)ために必要なエナ数のことです。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "サシェ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "あなたに、これを差し上げます。~サシェ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1596": { // "pid": 1596, // cid: 1596, // "timestamp": 1458751953863, // "wxid": "SP12-015", // name: "ミュウ=ハッチ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "ミュウ=ハッチ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "ミュウ=ハッチ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "ミュウハッチ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-015.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // "classes": [ // "ミュウ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "……おめでとう。~ミュウ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1597": { // "pid": 1597, // cid: 1263, // "timestamp": 1458751957556, // "wxid": "SP12-016", // name: "アイヤイ★ベット(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★赌博(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "Aiyai★Bet(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "アイヤイベット", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-016.jpg", // "illust": "アカバネ", // "classes": [ // "アイヤイ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでとー!って感じ!~アイヤイ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1598": { // "pid": 1598, // cid: 1598, // "timestamp": 1458751961711, // "wxid": "SP12-009", // name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "green", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-009.jpg", // "illust": "クロサワテツ", // "classes": [ // "アン" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "ふさわしいわね。~アン~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1599": { // "pid": 1599, // cid: 1599, // "timestamp": 1458751965429, // "wxid": "SP12-010", // name: "ミルルン・ノット(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "ミルルン・ノット(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "ミルルン・ノット(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "ミルルンノット", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-010.jpg", // "illust": "mado*pen", // "classes": [ // "ミルルン" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おめでとる~ん! ~ミルルン~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1600": { // "pid": 1600, // cid: 1600, // "timestamp": 1458751969469, // "wxid": "SP12-011", // name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "black", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-011.jpg", // "illust": "keypot", // "classes": [ // "ウムル" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "めでたいの。~ウムル~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1601": { // "pid": 1601, // cid: 1601, // "timestamp": 1466329882661, // "wxid": "SP12-012", // name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_zh_CN: "星占の巫女 リメンバ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // name_en: "星占の巫女 リメンバ(コングラッチュレーションパックvol.2)", // "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバ", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP12/SP12-012.jpg", // "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "ピルルクからリメンバへ、またはリメンバからピルルクへのグロウは可能なのでしょうか?", // "a": "はい、《星占の巫女 リメンバ》を除いた全てのリメンバは、ルリグタイプが<リメンバ/ピルルク>となっております。共通のルリグタイプを持つルリグへのグロウは可能となっておりますので、リメンバ→ピルルク/ピルルク→リメンバといったグロウはそれぞれ可能となっております。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "リメンバ" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "永遠のラッキーアイテムです!~リメンバ~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1602": { // "pid": 1602, // cid: 1602, // "timestamp": 1466329884017, // "wxid": "SP14-001", // name: "コード・ピルルク(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // name_zh_CN: "コード・ピルルク(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // name_en: "コード・ピルルク(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // "kana": "コードピルルク", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP14/SP14-001.jpg", // "illust": "羽音たらく", // "classes": [ // "ピルルク" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "…おつり、はい。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1603": { // "pid": 1603, // cid: 1603, // "timestamp": 1466329885231, // "wxid": "SP14-002", // name: "TRICK OR TREAT(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // name_zh_CN: "TRICK OR TREAT(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // name_en: "TRICK OR TREAT(ローソン劇場版前売り券特典)", // "kana": "トリックオアトリート", // "rarity": "SP", // "cardType": "SPELL", // "color": "blue", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP14/SP14-002.jpg", // "illust": "アリオ", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 1, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。", // "①カードを2枚引く。", // "②対戦相手は手札を2枚捨てる。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "おひとつどうぞ。~ピルルク~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1604": { "pid": 1604, cid: 707, "timestamp": 1466329886480, "wxid": "WX12-Re20", name: "好色の罪人 ベルフェーゴ", name_zh_CN: "好色的罪人 贝尔芬格", name_en: "Belphego, Lustful Sinner", "kana": "コウショクノザイニンベルフェーゴ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re20.jpg", "illust": "芥川", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あははっ、割れたよ。~ベルフェーゴ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1605": { "pid": 1605, cid: 878, "timestamp": 1466329887625, "wxid": "WX12-Re21", name: "トーチュン・ウィップ", name_zh_CN: "拷问之鞭", name_en: "Torchen Whip", "kana": "トーチュンウィップ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re21.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "聞くまでもなく鞭の方が好きなんでしょ。~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1606": { "pid": 1606, cid: 738, "timestamp": 1466329888758, "wxid": "WX12-Re22", name: "ネクスト・レディ", name_zh_CN: "Next Ready", name_en: "Next Ready", "kana": "ネクストレディ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re22.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無色、全ての色の原点にして頂点。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1607": { "pid": 1607, cid: 816, "timestamp": 1466329889998, "wxid": "WX12-Re19", name: "三首の連打 ケルべルン", name_zh_CN: "三首连打 地狱三头犬", name_en: "Cerberun, Three-Headed Barrage", "kana": "ミツクビノレンダケルベルン", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re19.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に牙は廻るの。~ケルベルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1608": { "pid": 1608, cid: 705, "timestamp": 1466329891134, "wxid": "WX12-Re16", name: "CRYSTAL SEAL", name_zh_CN: "CRYSTAL SEAL", name_en: "CRYSTAL SEAL", "kana": "クリスタルシール", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re16.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それも頂戴…。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1609": { "pid": 1609, cid: 877, "timestamp": 1466329892218, "wxid": "WX12-Re17", name: "羅植 ツバキ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山茶", name_en: "Tsubaki, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクツバキ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re17.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "春はやっぱりいい季節デス!~ツバキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1610": { "pid": 1610, cid: 706, "timestamp": 1466329893368, "wxid": "WX12-Re18", name: "犠牲", name_zh_CN: "牺牲", name_en: "Sacrifice", "kana": "ギセイ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re18.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "咲き誇れ!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1611": { "pid": 1611, cid: 703, "timestamp": 1466329894402, "wxid": "WX12-Re09", name: "大剣 デュランダ", name_zh_CN: "大剑 迪朗达尔", name_en: "Duranda, Greatsword", "kana": "タイケンデュランダ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re09.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たまには桜に染まるのもいいだろう。~デュランダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1612": { "pid": 1612, cid: 874, "timestamp": 1466329895735, "wxid": "WX12-Re10", name: "純朴の光輝 アグライア", name_zh_CN: "淳朴的光辉 阿格莱亚", name_en: "Aglaea, Innocent Brightness", "kana": "ジュンボクノコウキアグライア", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re10.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あっ、見つけたよ!春!~アグライア~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1613": { "pid": 1613, cid: 704, "timestamp": 1466329896921, "wxid": "WX12-Re12", name: "羅石 ルリル", name_zh_CN: "罗石 琉璃", name_en: "Ruriru, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキルリル", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re12.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうかな、これ…。~ルリル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1614": { "pid": 1614, cid: 875, "timestamp": 1466329898020, "wxid": "WX12-Re13", name: "龍炎の昇拳", name_zh_CN: "龙炎的升拳", name_en: "Rising Fist of the Flame Dragon", "kana": "リュウエンノショウケン", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re13.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おっと、ここは無敵だよ!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1615": { "pid": 1615, cid: 788, "timestamp": 1466329899184, "wxid": "WX12-Re14", name: "羅原 Ni", name_zh_CN: "罗原 镍", name_en: "Nickel, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンニッケル", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re14.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "鮮麗さならナンバーワン!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1616": { "pid": 1616, cid: 876, "timestamp": 1466329900254, "wxid": "WX12-Re15", name: "コードアート D・T・P", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 D・T・P", name_en: "Code Art DTP", "kana": "コードアートデスクトップパソコン", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re15.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新春モデルよ。~D・T・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1617": { "pid": 1617, cid: 737, "timestamp": 1466329901189, "wxid": "WX12-Re07", name: "レインボーアート", name_zh_CN: "彩虹艺术", name_en: "Rainbow Art", "kana": "レインボーアート", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re07.jpg", "illust": "立羽", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私の筆が虹の根本よ。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1618": { "pid": 1618, cid: 35, "timestamp": 1466329902341, "wxid": "WX12-Re08", name: "祝福の女神 アテナ", name_zh_CN: "祝福女神 雅典娜", name_en: "Athena, Goddess of Blessing", "kana": "シュクフクノメガミアテナ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re08.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "神々しき光、祝福により爛漫と化す。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1619": { "pid": 1619, cid: 787, "timestamp": 1466329903366, "wxid": "WX12-Re03", name: "ウェルカム・ドロー", name_zh_CN: "欢迎抽卡", name_en: "Welcome Draw", "kana": "ウェルカムドロー", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re03.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "Ne、ウェルカムだる~ん。~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1620": { "pid": 1620, cid: 853, "timestamp": 1466329904441, "wxid": "WX12-Re04", name: "ハロー・エフェクト", name_zh_CN: "光环效应", name_en: "Halo Effect", "kana": "ハローエフェクト", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re04.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 6, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "眩しいほどに、差し込む光輪。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1621": { "pid": 1621, cid: 739, "timestamp": 1466329905618, "wxid": "WX12-Re05", name: "ジェラシー・ゲイズ", name_zh_CN: "嫉妒凝视", name_en: "Jealousy Gaze", "kana": "ジェラシーゲイズ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re05.jpg", "illust": "DQN", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "羨ましいわ…あなたが。~アルフォウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1622": { "pid": 1622, cid: 726, "timestamp": 1466329906478, "wxid": "WX12-Re06", name: "サウザンド・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "千年处刑", name_en: "Thousand Punish", "kana": "サウザンドパニッシュ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re06.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "見開け。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1623": { "pid": 1623, cid: 1623, "timestamp": 1466329907602, "wxid": "WX12-055", name: "コードアート †S・C†", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 †S·C†", name_en: "Code Art †SC†", "kana": "コードアートフォールンスカイキャット", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-055.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ビニャーゴッ!~†S・C†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Beepnya go-! ~†SC†~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚トラッシュに置く。この方法でトラッシュに置いたカードの中にスペルがある場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡中含有魔法卡的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the trash. If there is a spell among the cards put into the trash this way, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); this.game.trashCards(cards); var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1624": { "pid": 1624, cid: 1624, "timestamp": 1466329908804, "wxid": "WX12-056", name: "パープル・ステイン", name_zh_CN: "紫色侵染", name_en: "Purple Stain", "kana": "パープルステイン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-056.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "汚しがいがあるわね。~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "You look worth staining. ~Ulith~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストはあなたのトラッシュにある《パープル・ステイン》1枚につき、【無】コストが1減る。(コストはその増減が決まった後で支払う)\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的废弃区中每存在1张《紫色侵染》,这只魔法卡的使用费用就减少【无1】。(COST的支付在其增减确定之后)\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this spell is decreased by 1 [Colorless] for each 1 \"Purple Stain\" in your trash. (The cost is paid after increases or decreases are determined.)\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === 1624); },this); obj.costColorless -= cards.length; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, }, "1625": { "pid": 1625, cid: 1625, "timestamp": 1466329910087, "wxid": "WX12-CB02", name: "幻獣 ぷにとー", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 普妮托", name_en: "Punito, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウプニトー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-CB02.jpg", "illust": "藤真拓哉", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なにが起こるかオ・タ・ノ・シ・ミ☆~ぷにとー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm look-ing for-ward to what's about to happen~☆ ~Punito~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。\n" + "それがレベル1のシグニの場合、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+5000する。\n" + "レベル2の場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。\n" + "レベル3の場合、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。\n" + "レベル4の場合、カードを1枚引く。\n" + "レベル5の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的攻击阶段开始时,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。\n" + "那张卡是等级1的SIGNI的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+5000。\n" + "等级2的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。\n" + "等级3的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【枪兵】。\n" + "等级4的场合,抽1张卡。\n" + "等级5的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your attack phase, reveal the top card of your deck.\n"+ "If it is a level 1 SIGNI, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +5000 power.\n"+ "If it is level 2, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.\n"+ "If it is level 3, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Lancer].\n"+ "If it is level 4, draw a card.\n"+ "If it is level 5, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1625-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { function checkLevel (level) { return cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === level); },this); } if (checkLevel(1)) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',5000); } if (checkLevel(2)) { this.player.enerCharge(1); } if (checkLevel(3)) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'lancer',true); } if (checkLevel(4)) { this.player.draw(1); } if (checkLevel(5)) { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); } }); add(this.player,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }] }, "1626": { "pid": 1626, cid: 778, "timestamp": 1466329911300, "wxid": "WX12-Re01", name: "ミルルン・ゼプト", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・仄普托", name_en: "Mirurun Zepto", "kana": "ミルルンゼプト", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re01.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "満開だる~ん。~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1627": { "pid": 1627, cid: 786, "timestamp": 1466329912471, "wxid": "WX12-Re02", name: "ケミカル・フラッシュ", name_zh_CN: "化学反应", name_en: "Chemical Flash", "kana": "ケミカルフラッシュ", "rarity": "RE", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-Re02.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたたちの力を借りる~ん。~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1628": { "pid": 1628, cid: 1628, "timestamp": 1466329913754, "wxid": "WX12-046", name: "幻水 アオリイカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 莱氏拟乌贼", name_en: "Aorika, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイアオリイカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-046.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "怖いのでソロリソロリと。~アオリイカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Scary, so slowly and quietly, slowly and quietly. ~Aorika~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが青で、あなたの手札が7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは【アサシン】を得る。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、あなたの手札が7枚以上ある場合、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG为蓝色、你的手牌为7张以上,这只SIGNI获得【暗杀者】。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,你的手牌为7张以上的场合,将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If your LRIG is blue, as long as there are 7 or more cards in your hand, this SIGNI gets [Assassin].", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, if you have 7 or more cards in your hand, put this SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.lrig.hasColor('blue')) && (this.player.hands.length >= 7); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'assassin',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1628-const-1', condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length >= 7) && inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.trash(); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1628-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1628-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1629": { "pid": 1629, cid: 1629, "timestamp": 1466329915045, "wxid": "WX12-047", name: "幻水 ヤリイカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 长枪乌贼", name_en: "Yariika, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイヤリイカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-047.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "銛と槍は別物よ。~ヤリイカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A harpoon and a spear are different things. ~Yariika~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、カードを1枚引く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、このターン、このシグニがアタックしていた場合、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,抽1张卡。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,这个回合中这只SIGNI曾经攻击过的场合,你舍弃1张手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, draw a card.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, if this SIGNI attacked this turn, discard 1 card from your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1629-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1629-const-1', condition: function () { return this.fieldTurnData.attackCount > 0; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], }, "1630": { "pid": 1630, cid: 1630, "timestamp": 1466329916284, "wxid": "WX12-048", name: "幻水 ホタルイカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 萤乌贼", name_en: "Hotaruika, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイホタルイカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-048.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そう、私が神だ。~ホタルイカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Indeed, I am a god. ~Hotaruika~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、カードを1枚引く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、このターン、このシグニがアタックしていた場合、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,抽1张卡。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,这个回合中这只SIGNI曾经攻击过的场合,你舍弃1张手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, draw 1 card.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, if this SIGNI attacked this turn, discard 1 card from your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1630-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1630-const-1', condition: function () { return this.fieldTurnData.attackCount > 0; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], }, "1631": { "pid": 1631, cid: 1631, "timestamp": 1466329917433, "wxid": "WX12-049", name: "INSIGHT", name_zh_CN: "INSIGHT", name_en: "INSIGHT", "kana": "インサイト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-049.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来を切り拓く…。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Open up the future... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの場に青の<電機>のシグニがある場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストは【青】コストが1減り、黒の<電機>のシグニがある場合、【黒】コストが1減る。\n" + "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚見る。その中からカード1枚を手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的场上有蓝色的<电机>SIGNI的场合,这张魔法的使用费用减少【蓝1】,有黑色的<电机>SIGNI的场合,减少【黑1】\n" + "查看你卡组顶的3张卡。将其中1张加入手牌,剩余的按任意顺序放置到卡组最下方。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "If there is a blue SIGNI on your field, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 1 [Blue], and if there is a black , it is reduced by 1 [Black].\n" + "Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card from among them to your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') && (signi.color === 'blue'); },this); if (flag) { obj.costBlue -= 1; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; } flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('電機') && (signi.color === 'black'); },this); if (flag) { obj.costBlack -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; } return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); } }, }, "1632": { "pid": 1632, cid: 1632, "timestamp": 1466329918673, "wxid": "WX12-053", name: "コードアート †D・R・S†", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 †D·R·S†", name_en: "Code Art †DRS†", "kana": "コードアートフォールンドレス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-053.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オゼウサマ、イマハドコニ。~†D・R・S†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのトラッシュにあるスペル4枚につき、-3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,你的废弃区中每存在4张魔法卡,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power for every 4 spells in your trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1632-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var spells = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); var value = Math.floor(spells.length/4) * -3000; if (!value) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }] }, "1633": { "pid": 1633, cid: 1633, "timestamp": 1466329920273, "wxid": "WX12-054", name: "コードアート †J・V†", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 †J·V†", name_en: "Code Art †JV†", "kana": "コードアートフォールンジュブナイル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-054.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アンヤク、アンヤクゥ!~†J・V†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Secret maneuvers, secret maneuvers! ~†JV†~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。この方法でトラッシュに置いたカードの中にスペルがある場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡中含有魔法卡的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. If there is a spell among the cards put into the trash this way, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1634": { "pid": 1634, cid: 1634, "timestamp": 1466329921507, "wxid": "WX12-041", name: "コードメイズ エカリーテ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 凯萨琳宫", name_en: "Code Maze Ekarite", "kana": "コードメイズエカリーテ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-041.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっぱ金色でしょ!~エカリーテ~\nいやぁ、わかってるねぇ。~キンカク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It really has to be gold-colored! ~Ekarite~ \nYeah, I know right! ~Kinkaku~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に能力を持たないシグニがある場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上存在不持有能力的SIGNI的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a SIGNI with no abilities on your opponent's field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.hasAbility(); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], }, "1635": { "pid": 1635, cid: 1635, "timestamp": 1466329922654, "wxid": "WX12-042", name: "コードメイズ クレリム", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 克里姆林宫", name_en: "Code Maze Krelim", "kana": "コードメイズクレリム", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-042.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "通さないわ。~クレリム~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Impenetrable. ~Krelim~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に能力を持たないシグニがある場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上存在不持有能力的SIGNI的场合,你抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a SIGNI with no abilities on your opponent's field, you draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return !signi.hasAbility(); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1636": { "pid": 1636, cid: 1636, "timestamp": 1466329923656, "wxid": "WX12-031", name: "羅原 V", name_zh_CN: "罗原 V", name_en: "Vanadium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンバナジウム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-031.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "健康ならナンバーワン!~V~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Being healthy is Number One! ~Vanadium~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズ開始時、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的主要阶段开始时,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your main phase, you may banish this SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1636-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onMainPhaseStart',effect); } }] }, "1637": { "pid": 1637, cid: 1637, "timestamp": 1466329924818, "wxid": "WX12-032", name: "TORNADO", name_zh_CN: "TORNADO", name_en: "TORNADO", "kana": "トルネード", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-032.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アッという間に竜巻なう!~V・@・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Out of nowhere forms a Tornado! ~V@C~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたの手札から青のスペルを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、このスペルを使用するためのコストは【青】コストが2減る。\n" + "あなたの手札の枚数が対戦相手の手札の枚数以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,可以从你的手牌将1张蓝色魔法卡舍弃。这样做了的场合,使用这张魔法卡所需要的【蓝】费用-2。\n" + "你的手牌数在对战对手手牌数以上的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, you may discard 1 blue spell from your hand. If you do, the cost to use this spell is reduced by 2 [Blue].\n" + "If the number of cards in your hand is equal to or greater than the number of cards in your opponent's hand, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.color === 'blue') && (card !== this); },this); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (!cards.length) return obj; obj.costBlue -= 2; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.color === 'blue') && (card !== this); },this); if (!cards.length) return Callback.immediately(obj); var min = 1; if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { min = 0; } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards,min,1).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); obj.costBlue -= 2; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; }).callback(this,function () { return obj; }); }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (!(this.player.hands.length >= this.player.opponent.hands.length)) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }, }, "1638": { "pid": 1638, cid: 1638, "timestamp": 1466329925994, "wxid": "WX12-033", name: "幻獣 ソウリュウ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 苍龙", name_en: "Souryuu, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウソウリュウ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-033.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃん、茶色いのより私と遊ぼうよ~。~ソウリュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にカード名に《セイリュ》を含むシグニがあるかぎり、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを15000にする。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《セイリュ》を含むカードがあるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手の効果によって、あなたのすべての<空獣>と<地獣>のシグニのパワーは増減しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在卡名含有《青龙》的SIGNI,你的所有SIGNI力量变为15000。", "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在卡名含有《青龙》的卡,这只SIGNI获得【枪兵】。", "【常】:你所有的<空兽>和<地兽>SIGNI的力量不会因对战对手的效果增减。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a SIGNI with \"Seiryu\" in its card name on your field, the power of all of your SIGNI become 15000.", "[Constant]: As long as there is a card with \"Seiryu\" in its card name in your trash, this SIGNI gets [Lancer].", "[Constant]: The power of all of your and SIGNI does not increase or decrease due to your opponent's effects." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('セイリュ') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'power',15000); },this); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('セイリュ') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if ((signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣'))) { set(signi,'powerAddProtected',true); } },this); } }] }, "1639": { "pid": 1639, cid: 1639, "timestamp": 1466329927140, "wxid": "WX12-034", name: "参ノ遊 スナバセ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 沙滩玩具", name_en: "Sunabase, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウスナバセ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-034.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今日の晩御飯は、泥団子!~スナバセ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Today's dinner will be, mudballs! ~Sunabase~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが<アイヤイ>でないかぎり、手札にあるこのシグニは【ガード】を失う。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG不是<艾娅伊>,手牌中的这只SIGNI失去【防御】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is not , this SIGNI in your hand loses [Guard]." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('アイヤイ')) && inArr(this,this.player.hands); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'guardFlag',false); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1640": { "pid": 1640, cid: 1640, "timestamp": 1466329928564, "wxid": "WX12-035", name: "懐古の音色 リコダス", name_zh_CN: "怀旧的音色 竖笛", name_en: "Recorders, Tone of Nostalgia", "kana": "カイコノネイロリコダス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-035.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お利口だわ。~リコダス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、あなたは【緑】【緑】【白】を支払い、トラッシュにあるこのシグニをゲームから除外してもよい。そうした場合、そのシグニの攻撃を一度無効にする。(この効果はこのシグニがトラッシュにある場合にしか発動しない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,你可以支付【绿】【绿】【白】并将废弃区中的这张SIGNI卡从游戏中除外。这样做了的场合,将那只SIGNI的攻击无效一次。(这个效果只能在这只SIGNI存在于你的废弃区的场合触发)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may pay [Green] [Green] [White], and exclude this SIGNI in the trash from the game. If you do, disable that SIGNI's attack. (This effect can only be triggered while this SIGNI is in the trash.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1640-const-0', costGreen: 2, costWhite: 1, triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone) && (event.card.type === 'SIGNI'); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { this.exclude(); event.prevented = true; } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1641": { "pid": 1641, cid: 1641, "timestamp": 1466329929734, "wxid": "WX12-036", name: "幻蟲 エイフド", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 蚜虫", name_en: "Aphud, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウエイフド", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-036.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "テン軍団なんて怖くないぞー、おーっ!~エイフド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが<ミュウ>でないかぎり、手札にあるこのシグニは【ガード】を失う。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG不是<缪>,手牌中的这只SIGNI失去【防御】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is not , this SIGNI in your hand loses [Guard]." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('ミュウ')) && inArr(this,this.player.hands); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'guardFlag',false); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1642": { "pid": 1642, cid: 1642, "timestamp": 1466329930912, "wxid": "WX12-037", name: "堕落の砲娘 メツミ", name_zh_CN: "堕落炮娘 缅茨幂", name_en: "Metsumi, Fallen Cannon Daughter", "kana": "ダラクノホウジョウメツミ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-037.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "死滅した形見を武器とする。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "To use dead keepsakes as weapons.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにカードが25枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になり、このシグニはバニッシュされない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在25张以上的卡,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000,且这只SIGNI不会被驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 25 or more cards in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000, and this SIGNI can't be banished." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.trashZone.cards.length >= 25); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); set(this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。この方法でトラッシュに置いたカードの中にカード名に《メツム》を含むカードがある場合、あなたはこの効果を繰り返してもよい。(リフレッシュはこの効果をすべて処理してから行う)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:所有玩家从自己的卡组顶将5张卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法放置到废弃区的卡中存在卡名含有《缅茨姆》的卡的场合,你可以重复这个效果。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: All players put the top 5 cards of their deck into the trash. If a card with \"Metsum\" in its card name was put into the trash by this effect, you may repeat this effect. (Refreshes are done after this effect is processed.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { function loopAsyn() { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(5)); this.game.trashCards(cards); var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('メツム') !== -1); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',[this]).callback(this,function (c) { if (c) return loopAsyn.call(this); }); } return loopAsyn.call(this); } }], }, "1643": { "pid": 1643, cid: 1643, "timestamp": 1466329932127, "wxid": "WX12-038", name: "ツヴァイ=エントラ", name_zh_CN: "ZWEI=黄花曼陀罗", name_en: "Zwei=Entora", "kana": "ツヴァイエントラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-038.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "上から失礼~。~エントラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Excuse me from above~ ~Entora~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:各プレイヤーのターン終了時、このシグニの正面にあるシグニをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:各玩家回合结束时,将这只SIGNI正面的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the end of each player's turn, banish the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1643-const-0', condition: function () { return this.getOpposingSigni(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; return opposingSigni.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); add(this.player.opponent,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1644": { "pid": 1644, cid: 1644, "timestamp": 1466329933322, "wxid": "WX12-039", name: "彷徨変異の小悪 サユラギ", name_zh_CN: "彷徨变异的小恶 小摇", name_en: "Sayuragi, Lesser Sin of Wandering Fluctuation", "kana": "ホウコウヘンイノコアクサユラギ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "アルフォウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-039.jpg", "illust": "めきめき", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おかーしゃん、あのこやっつけちゃっていい?~サユラギ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,所有玩家从自己的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, all players put the top 3 cards of their deck into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1644-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(3)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをすべてのプレイヤーのトラッシュにあるカード4枚につき、-1000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,所有玩家的废弃区中每存在4张卡,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-1000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1000 power for each 4 cards in all players' trashes." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.trashZone.cards,this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards); var value = Math.floor(cards.length/4) * -1000; if (!value) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのルリグが<アルフォウ>の場合、すべてのプレイヤーは自分のデッキの上からカードを10枚トラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:你的LRIG是<阿尔芙>的场合,所有玩家从自己的卡组顶将10张卡放置到废弃区。。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:If your LRIG is , all players put the top 10 cards of their deck into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('アルフォウ')) return; var cards = concat(this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(10), this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(10)); this.game.trashCards(cards); } } }, "1645": { "pid": 1645, cid: 1645, "timestamp": 1466329934604, "wxid": "WX12-040", name: "コードメイズ スパナクラ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 滴血救世主教堂", name_en: "Code Maze Spanacra", "kana": "コードメイズスパナクラ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-040.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "犠牲は避けられないのね。~スパナクラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sacrifices are unavoidable, you know. ~Spanacra~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:対戦相手のレベル3以下の能力を持たないシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:将对战对手的1只等级3以下的不持有能力的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI with no abilities to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 3) && !signi.hasAbility(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "カードを1枚引く。", "対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI返回手牌。", "抽1张卡。", "将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② Return 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI to their hand.", "Draw 1 card.", "Return 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1645-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1645-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 2); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1646": { "pid": 1646, cid: 1646, "timestamp": 1466329935722, "wxid": "WX12-027", name: "笑顔の春姫 サホヒメ", name_zh_CN: "笑颜的春姬 佐保姬", name_en: "Sahohime, Spring Princess of Smiling", "kana": "エガオノハルヒメサホヒメ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-027.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぱんぱかぱ~ん。~サホヒメ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Panpakapa~n. ~Sahohime~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに名前の異なる<天使>のシグニが5枚以上ある場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区中存在5张以上名字各不相同的<天使>SIGNI的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there are 5 or more SIGNI with different names in your trash, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cids = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('天使')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); if (cids.length < 5) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1647": { "pid": 1647, cid: 1647, "timestamp": 1466329937023, "wxid": "WX12-028", name: "幻竜 ヴェロキラ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 伶盗龙", name_en: "Velocira, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウヴェロキラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-028.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごめんね!爪癖が悪くってさぁ。~ヴェロキラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Sorry! Clawing habits are getting rather bad, you see. ~Velocira~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場に他の<龍獣>のシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュするたび、対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在其他的<龙兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,从对战对手的能量区将1张卡放置到废弃区。」" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is another SIGNI on your field, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, put 1 card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1647-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], }, "1648": { "pid": 1648, cid: 1648, "timestamp": 1466329938277, "wxid": "WX12-029", name: "羅石 アクアマリン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 海蓝宝石", name_en: "Aquamarine, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアクアマリン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-029.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精羅", "宝石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "海より広い私の精神。~アクアマリン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニが【起動能力】のコストとして場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(起動能力にある : の左側がコスト、右側が効果)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的SIGNI作为【起】的费用从场上放置到废弃区时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。(起动能力中:左侧为费用,右侧为效果。)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your SIGNI is put from the field into the trash for the cost of an [Action], put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This effect can only be triggered once per turn. (In an on-play ability or action ability, the left side of the : is the cost and the right side is the effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1648-const-0', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!this.player.inActionEffectCost) return false; if (!event.isSigni) return false; return (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1649": { "pid": 1649, cid: 1649, "timestamp": 1466329939506, "wxid": "WX12-030", name: "コードアート P・S・M", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 P·S·M", name_en: "Code Art PSM", "kana": "コードアートペンシルシャープニングマシーン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-030.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ、丸いのはどんどん削っちゃおうねぇ。~P・S・M~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札からスペルを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキから、この方法で捨てたスペルと同じ色のスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张魔法卡舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张与通过这个方法舍弃的魔法卡同色的魔法卡,公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 spell from your hand: Search your deck for 1 spell with the same color as the spell discarded in this way, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return null; card.trash(); return card; }); }, actionAsyn: function (event,costArg) { var spell = costArg.others; if (!spell) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.color === spell.color); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1650": { "pid": 1650, cid: 1650, "timestamp": 1466329940560, "wxid": "WX12-020", name: "幻水姫 ダイホウイカ", name_zh_CN: "幻水姬 大王乌贼", name_en: "Daihouika, Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンスイヒメダイホウイカ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-020.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "通り道が私色に染まるのよ。~ダイホウイカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたはカードを2枚引く。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたは手札を好きな枚数捨ててもよい。その後、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法で捨てた手札1枚につき、-6000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的攻击阶段开始时,你抽2张卡。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,你舍弃1张手牌。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你可以将任意数量的手牌舍弃。之后,直到回合结束为止,通过这个方法舍弃的手牌每有1张,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI的力量-6000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your attack phase, draw 2 cards.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, discard 1 card from your hand.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may discard any number of cards from your hand. Then, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −6000 power for each 1 card that was discarded from your hand in this way." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1650-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }); add(this.player,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1650-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1650-const-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands; if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var value = cards.length * -6000; this.game.trashCards(cards); cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、あなたの手札が4枚以下の場合、追加でカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡。之后,你的手牌在4张以下的场合,追加抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card. Then, if there are 4 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); if (this.player.hands.length <= 4) { this.player.draw(1); } } } }, "1651": { "pid": 1651, cid: 1651, "timestamp": 1466329941854, "wxid": "WX12-022", name: "幻獣 ホーク", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 鹰", name_en: "Hawk, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウホーク", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-022.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "能ある鷹は爪を隠しきれない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A talented hawk can't keep its claws hidden.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはあなたの場にパワー10000以上のシグニがある場合にしか新たに場に出すことができない。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、あなたは【緑】【緑】【緑】【緑】【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手にダメージを与える。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI只能在你的场上存在力量10000以上的SIGNI的场合才能出场。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将你卡组最上方的1张卡放置到能量区。", "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,你可以支付【绿5】。这样做了的场合,给予对战对手伤害。这个效果1回合只能发动一次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI can't be put onto the field unless you have a SIGNI with power 10000 or more on the field.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, you may pay [Green] [Green] [Green] [Green] [Green]. If you do, damage your opponent. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var condition = function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.power >= 10000); },this); }; add(this,'summonConditions',condition); } },{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1651-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1651-const-2', once: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, costGreen: 5, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.damageAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], }, "1652": { "pid": 1652, cid: 1652, "timestamp": 1466329943067, "wxid": "WX12-023", name: "コードアンシエンツ ヘルボロス", name_zh_CN: "群集古兵代号 地狱衔尾蛇", name_en: "Code Ancients Hellboros", "kana": "コードアンシェンツヘルウロボロス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-023.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "地獄スパーク!~ヘルボロス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hell Spark! ~Hellboros~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のトラッシュとルリグトラッシュにあるカードはすべての能力を失い、効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的废弃区和LRIG废弃区中的所有卡失去能力,不受效果影响。", "【常】:你的1只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Cards in your opponent's trash and LRIG Trash lose all abilities, and are unaffected by effects.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field from your trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var that = this; var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards, this.player.opponent.lrigTrashZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { set(card,'abilityLost',true); add(card,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card === that); // 其实受这只SIGNI影响。 }); },this); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1652-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, condition: function () { return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル4以下の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】:从你的废弃区将1张等级4以下的<古代兵器>SIGNI出场。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black]: Put 1 level 4 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 4) && card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1653": { "pid": 1653, cid: 1653, "timestamp": 1466329944310, "wxid": "WX12-024", name: "コードハート †C・C・M†", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 †C·C·M†", name_en: "Code Heart †CCM†", "kana": "コードハートフォールンセンターコミュニケーションモニター", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-024.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ライフ・ウィズ・ミー。~†C・C・M†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Life With Me. ~†CCM†~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、代わりにあなたの他の<電機>のシグニ1体をバニッシュしてもよい。", "【常時能力】:あなたが青または黒のスペルを使用するためのコストは【無】コストが1減る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,可以作为代替将你的1只其他的<电机>SIGNI驱逐。", "【常】:你的蓝色或者黑色魔法的使用费用减少【无1】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, you may banish 1 of your other SIGNI instead.", "[Constant]: The cost to use your blue and black spells is reduced by 1 [Colorless]. " ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var protection = { source: this, description: '1653-const-0', condition: function (card) { if (this.game.getData(this,'_CMM_protecting')) return false; var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('電機') && signi.canBeBanished(); },this); return cards.length; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { this.game.setData(this,'_CMM_protecting',true); var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('電機') && signi.canBeBanished() && !signi.isEffectFiltered(); },this); return card.player.selectAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.game.setData(this,'_CMM_protecting',false); }); }); } }; add(this,'banishProtections',protection); } },{ action: function (set,add) { // 注意checkZone var cards = concat(this.player.hands,this.player.checkZone.cards); cards.forEach(function (card) { if ((card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue') || card.hasColor('black'))) { add(card,'costColorless',-1); } },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】手札から青の<電機>のシグニ1枚と黒の<電機>のシグニ1枚を捨てる:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从手牌将1张蓝色的<电机>SIGNI和1张黑色的<电机>SIGNI舍弃:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。之后,对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Discard 1 blue SIGNI and 1 black SIGNI from your hand: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Then, your opponent discards a card from their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('blue')) && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); return (cards_A.length && cards_B.length); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('blue')) && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('black')) && card.hasClass('電機'); },this); var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚公開する。その中から青のカード1枚までと黒のカード1枚までを手札に加え、残りをトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组顶将5张卡公开。将其中至多1张蓝色的卡和至多1张黑色的卡加入手牌,剩余的放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Add up to 1 blue card and up to 1 black card from among them to your hand, and put the rest into your trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(5).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { var cards_add = []; var cards = cards_deck.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('blue')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards_deck); cards_add.push(card); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = cards_deck.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('black')); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards_deck); cards_add.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); this.game.trashCards(cards_deck); }); }); } } }, "1654": { "pid": 1654, cid: 1654, "timestamp": 1466329945565, "wxid": "WX12-025", name: "羅星 アルケス", name_zh_CN: "罗星 翼宿一", name_en: "Alkes, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイアルケス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-025.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飲みながらディフェンスじゃ。~アルケス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Defending despite drinking. ~Alkes~ ", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグが<サシェ>でないかぎり、手札にあるこのシグニは【ガード】を失う。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG不是<莎榭>,手牌中的这只SIGNI失去【防御】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is not , this SIGNI in your hand loses [Guard]." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('サシェ')) && inArr(this,this.player.hands); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'guardFlag',false); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1655": { "pid": 1655, cid: 1655, "timestamp": 1466329946594, "wxid": "WX12-016", name: "虚心の鍵主 ウムル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "虚心的键主 乌姆尔=TRE", name_en: "Umr=Tre, Wielder of the Key of Impartiality", "kana": "キョシンノカギヌシウムルトレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-016.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うぬか、我が力がほしいのは。 ~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "So thee is the one who seeks my power. ~Umuru~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニを合計2枚まで手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,从你的废弃区将合计至多2张的白色或者黑色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, add up to 2 white or black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1655-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white') || card.hasColor('black')); } return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }] }, "1656": { "pid": 1656, cid: 1656, "timestamp": 1466329947735, "wxid": "WX12-017", name: "ダークアート †M・G・T†", name_zh_CN: "黑暗必杀 †M·G·T†", name_en: "Dark Art †MGT†", "kana": "ダークアートフォールンマグネット", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-017.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "マグネットパワーが、ここに溜まってきたでしょう?~†M・G・T†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Magnet Power's stored up here, no? ~†MGT†~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない青の<電機>のシグニ1体とレゾナではない黒の<電機>のシグニ1体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的场上将1只非共鸣单位的蓝色<电机>SIGNI和1只非共鸣单位的黑色<电机>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 non-Resona blue SIGNI and 1 non-Resona black SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var signis = this.player.signis; var cards_A = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && !signi.resona && (signi.color === 'blue') && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); var cards_B = signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && !signi.resona && (signi.color === 'black') && signi.hasClass('電機'); },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards_B); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたの手札からスペルを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的攻击阶段开始时,你可以从手牌将1张魔法卡舍弃。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置并冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the start of your opponent's attack phase, you may discard 1 spell from your hand. If you do, down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, and freeze it." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1656-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.player.discardCards([card]); var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから青または黒のスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张蓝色或者黑色的魔法卡加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add 1 blue or black spell from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue') || card.hasColor('black')); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,1,1); } }], }, "1657": { "pid": 1657, cid: 1657, "timestamp": 1466329949218, "wxid": "WX12-018", name: "真天使の未来 ガブリエルト", name_zh_CN: "真天使的未来 加百列特", name_en: "Gabrielt, Future of the True Angel", "kana": "シンテンシノミライガブリエルト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-018.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いや、むしろ私自身が福音だったのよ。~ガブリエルト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "No, rather, it was me myself who was the good word. ~Gabrielt~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニは対戦相手の、アーツ以外の効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグトラッシュにアーツが4枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの場に<天使>のシグニが3体ある場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをトラッシュに置く。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI不受对战对手的,技艺卡以外的效果影响。", "【常】:只要你的LRIG废弃区中存在4张以上的技艺卡,这只SIGNI就获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,你的场上存在3只<天使>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手所有的SIGNI放置到废弃区」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects other than ARTS.", "[Constant]: As long as there are 4 or more ARTS in your LRIG Trash, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, if there are 3 SIGNI on your field, put all of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash.\"." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card.type === 'ARTS'); }); } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS'); },this); return (cards.length >= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1657-const-0', condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return (cards.length === 3); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } } }, "1658": { "pid": 1658, cid: 1658, "timestamp": 1466329950462, "wxid": "WX12-013", name: "ドロー・ディソルブ", name_zh_CN: "抽卡溶解", name_en: "Draw Dissolve", "kana": "ドローディソルブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-013.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひくほど凶悪。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用するためのコストはあなたのルリグトラッシュに青のアーツが1枚以上ある場合、【無】コストが1減り、黒のアーツが1枚以上ある場合、【無】コストが1減る。\n" + "あなたのルリグのレベル1につき、カードを1枚引く。その後、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーをあなたの手札1枚につき、-2000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的LRIG废弃区中存在1张以上蓝色技艺卡的场合,这张技艺卡的使用费用减少【无1】。存在黑色技艺卡的场合,减少【无1】。\n" + "你的LRIG等级每有1,就抽1张卡。之后,直到回合结束为止,你的手牌每有1张,就将对战对手的所有SIGNI力量-2000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If there are 1 or more blue ARTS in your LRIG Trash, the cost to use this ARTS is decreased by 1 [Colorless], and if there are 1 or more black ARTS in your LRIG Trash, it is decreased by 1 [Colorless].\n" + "For each of your LRIG's levels, draw 1 card. Then, until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get −2000 power for each card in your hand." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var flag = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && card.hasColor('blue'); },this); if (flag) obj.costColorless -= 1; var flag = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'ARTS') && card.hasColor('black'); },this); if (flag) obj.costColorless -= 1; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(this.player.lrig.level); var value = this.player.hands.length * -2000; if (!value) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; if (!cards.length) return; cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); },this); } } }, "1659": { "pid": 1659, cid: 1659, "timestamp": 1466329951612, "wxid": "WX12-014", name: "アロワナ・パニック", name_zh_CN: "龙鱼恐慌", name_en: "Arowana Panic", "kana": "アロワナパニック", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-014.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アロワナ、力を貸すっす!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Hey Arowana, lend me your power! ~Eldora~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番上に置く。その後、あなたのルリグが<エルドラ>の場合、あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。(ライフバーストはアーツの処理後に発動する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到卡组的最上方。之后,你的LRIG为<艾尔德拉>的场合,可以将你的1张生命护甲击溃。这样做了的场合,将你卡组最上方的卡加入你的生命护甲。(击溃的生命护甲在技艺的处理后发动)。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI on top of their deck. Then, if your LRIG is , you may crush 1 of your Life Cloth. If you do, add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]); }).callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('エルドラ')) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('CRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (c) { if (!c) return; return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); }); } } }, "1660": { "pid": 1660, cid: 1660, "timestamp": 1466329953020, "wxid": "WX12-008", name: "開きし者 タウィル=トレ", name_zh_CN: "开辟者 塔维尔=TRE", name_en: "Tawil=Tre, the Opener", "kana": "ヒラキシモノタウィルトレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-008.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すこしくらいあかるい ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's a little bit bright ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、このターン、対戦相手はシグニを2体までしか場に出すことができない。(すでに場に3体ある場合は2体になるようにシグニをトラッシュに置く)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,这个回合,对战对手至多只能让2只SIGNI出场。(场上已经有3只SIGNI的场合,直到变为2只为止将SIGNI放置到废弃区)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, this turn, your opponent can only have up to 2 SIGNI on the field. (If your opponent already has 3 SIGNI on the field, that player puts SIGNI into the trash until they have 2 SIGNI)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1660-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'twoSignisLimit',true); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], }, "1661": { "pid": 1661, cid: 1661, "timestamp": 1466329954392, "wxid": "WX12-009", name: "クリスタル・ブレイク", name_zh_CN: "水晶破裂", name_en: "Crystal Break", "kana": "クリスタルブレイク", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-009.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの未来はきっと。~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Your future is definitely. ~Remember~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのルリグが<リメンバ>の場合、追加で対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI驱逐。你的LRIG是<小忆>的场合,追加将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI. If your LRIG is , banish another 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('リメンバ')) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.frozen; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); }); }); } } }, "1662": { "pid": 1662, cid: 1662, "timestamp": 1466329955618, "wxid": "WX12-010", name: "ホワイトメイズ ホデサパ", name_zh_CN: "白色迷宫 后黛萨帕", name_en: "White Maze Hodesapa", "kana": "ホワイトメイズホデサパ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-010.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "朽ちてからが本番なのに。~ホデサパ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "But the real deal is when it rots. ~Hodesapa~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】白のシグニ1枚と黒のシグニ1枚をあなたの手札から捨てる" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】从你的手牌中将1张白色SIGNI和1张黑色SIGNI舍弃" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] [Attack Phase] Discard 1 white SIGNI and 1 black SIGNI from your hand" ], resonaPhase: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color === 'white'); },this); if (!cards_A.length) return null; var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.color === 'black'); },this); if (!cards_B.length) return null; return function () { var cards = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards.push(card); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックするたび、ターン終了時まで、そのシグニのパワーを-2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对方精灵可以进行攻击的话,必须进行攻击。", "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,那只SIGNI的力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if able.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, that SIGNI gets −2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1662-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.type === 'SIGNI'); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,event.card,'power',-2000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にあるすべてのシグニを、好きなように配置し直してもよい。あなたはこの方法で他のシグニゾーンに移動したシグニをアップしてもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:可以将对战对手场上的所有SIGNI按任意顺序重新配置。你可以将通过这个方法移动到其他SIGNI区的SIGNI竖置。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: You may rearrange all of your opponent's SIGNI on the field as you like, and you may up SIGNI that were moved to another SIGNI Zone this way." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.rearrangeOpponentSignisAsyn().callback(this,function (signis) { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('UP',[this]).callback(this,function (c) { if (!c) return; return this.game.upCardsAsyn(signis); }); }); } }], }, "1663": { "pid": 1663, cid: 1663, "timestamp": 1466329956911, "wxid": "WX12-011", name: "花咲乱 遊月・参", name_zh_CN: "花咲乱 游月·叁", name_en: "Yuzuki-Three, Flower Bloom Rebellion", "kana": "ハナサキミダレユヅキサン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red/green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-011.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "春が来るっていいね。新しい、出会いがありそうで。~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "It's nice when Spring comes, you know. It's like there shall be a new meeting. ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのグロウフェイズ開始時、あなたは《赤×0》を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、このターン、あなたのルリグの【出現時能力】の能力は発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的成长阶段开始时,你可以支付【红0】。这样做了的场合,这个回合,你的LRIG的【出】能力不发动。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your grow phase, you may pay [Red0]. If you do, this turn, the [On-Play] ability of your LRIG does not trigger." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1663-const-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'lrigStartUpBanned',true); } }); add(this.player,'onGrowPhaseStart',effect); } }], }, "1664": { "pid": 1664, cid: 1664, "timestamp": 1466329958077, "wxid": "WX12-012", name: "コードピルルク・Φ", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Φ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Phi", "kana": "コードピルルクファイ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue/black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-012.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……少しずつ、染まっていく。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Little by little, I become dyed. ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【青】:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。", "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【蓝】:对战对手舍弃1张手牌。", "【出】【黑】:从你的废弃区将1张黑色的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue]: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.", "[On-Play] [Black]: Add 1 black SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } },{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('black'); } return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }], }, "1665": { "pid": 1665, cid: 1665, "timestamp": 1466329959305, "wxid": "WX12-001", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=フェム", name_zh_CN: "永生者 塔维尔=FEM", name_en: "Tawil=Fem, Prolonged of Life", "kana": "ナガエラエシモノタウィルフェム", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-001.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたにあえてよかった ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I'm glad I met you ~Tawil~", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このルリグはこのカードの下にあるすべてのルリグの【起動能力】の能力を持つ。", "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニを2枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、そのアタックしているシグニはこのアタックであなたにダメージを与えない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、トラッシュから<天使>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG持有这张卡下面的所有LRIG的【起】能力。", "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,你可以从手牌将2张<天使>SIGNI舍弃。这样做了的场合,那只正在攻击的SIGNI的攻击不会造成伤害。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,将废弃区中的1只<天使>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This LRIG has the [Action] abilities of all of your LRIGs under this card.", "[Constant]: When your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may discard 2 SIGNI from your hand. If you do, the attacking SIGNI does not damage you in this attack.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.lrigZone.cards.slice(1).forEach(function (card) { if (card.type === 'LRIG') { card.actionEffects.forEach(function (eff) { var actionEffect = Object.create(eff); actionEffect.source = this; add(this,'actionEffects',actionEffect); },this); } },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1665-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.type === 'SIGNI'); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length < 2) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); event.wontBeDamaged = true; }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1665-const-2', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], }, "1666": { "pid": 1666, cid: 1666, "timestamp": 1466329960574, "wxid": "WX12-003", name: "コード・ピルルク VERMILION", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可 VERMILION", name_en: "Code Piruluk VERMILION", "kana": "コードピルルクヴァーミリオン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue/black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-003.jpg", "illust": "タイキ", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "希望への力、それは…。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The power to hope, that is...", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたがスペル1枚を使用したとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你使用1张魔法卡时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI横置并冻结。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you use 1 spell, down 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, and freeze it. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1666-const-0', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキからスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张魔法卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【無】【無】:あなたの手札からコストの合計が2~4の青または黒のスペル1枚を、そのコストを支払って使用する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。(カードの左上に書かれているコストのみを参照する)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【无】【无】:从你的手牌将1张费用合计2~4的蓝色或者黑色的魔法卡支付其费用使用。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。(只参照卡片左上角写着的费用)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Colorless] [Colorless]: You may use 1 blue or black spell with total cost 2–4 from your hand by paying its cost. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]. (Reference only the cost written in the upper left of the card.)" ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, costColorless: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SPELL') return false; if (!card.canUse()) return false; var cost = card.getTotalEnerCost(true); return ((cost >= 2) && (cost <= 4)); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('USE_SPELL',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card); }); } }], }, "1667": { "pid": 1667, cid: 1667, "timestamp": 1466329961781, "wxid": "WX12-005", name: "クトゥル・コール", name_zh_CN: "克托鲁呼唤", name_en: "Cthulhu Call", "kana": "クトゥルコール", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-005.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "明滅ノ後、産マルル世界在ランコトヲ。~ウトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。あなたのルリグが<タウィル>または<ウムル>の場合、代わりに2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。\n" + "②あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のルリグ1体またはシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。", "あなたのトラッシュから白または黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。", ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。你的LRIG为<塔维尔>或者<乌姆尔>的场合,改为选择至多2项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG或者1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。\n" + "②从你的废弃区将1张白色或者黑色的SIGNI出场。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只LRIG或者1只SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。", "从你的废弃区将1张白色或者黑色的SIGNI出场。", ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2. If your LRIG is or , choose 2 instead.\n" + "① Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's LRIG or SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\"\n" + "② Put 1 white or black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's LRIG or SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\"", "Put 1 white or black SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { var lrig = this.player.lrig; return (lrig.hasClass('タウィル') || lrig.hasClass('ウムル'))? 2 : 1; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.signis,this.player.opponent.lrig); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasColor('white') || card.hasColor('black')) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1668": { "pid": 1668, cid: 1668, "timestamp": 1466329962967, "wxid": "WX12-006", name: "緑肆ノ遊 フリーフォール", name_zh_CN: "绿肆游 跳楼机", name_en: "Freefall, Green Fourth Play", "kana": "リョクヨンノユウフリーフォール", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-006.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無重力の彼方へさぁ行くぞ!~フリーフォール~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Now go beyond weightlessness! ~Freefall~", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】合計3枚の<遊具>のシグニをあなたの手札とエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的手牌和能量区将合计3张<游具>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put a total of 3 SIGNI from your hand or Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards_A = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); if ((cards_A.length + cards_B.length) < 3) return null; return function () { var min = Math.max(0,3 - cards_B.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,min,3).callback(this,function (cards_trash) { var count = 3 - cards_trash.length; if (count <= 0) return cards_trash; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { return concat(cards_trash,cards); }); }).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのシグニ1体をアップする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのシグニ1体がアップしたとき、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将你的1只SIGNI竖置。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。", "【常】:你的1只SIGNI竖置时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, up 1 of your SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn.", "[Constant]: When one of your SIGNI is upped, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1668-const-0', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1668-const-1', condition: function () { return !this.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(signi,'onUp',effect); },this); } }], }, "1669": { "pid": 1669, cid: 1669, "timestamp": 1466329964204, "wxid": "WX12-007", name: "感慨の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "感慨的巫女 小雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Deep Emotion", "kana": "カンガイノミコユキ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-007.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんな景色を見られるなんて。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "I can't believe I get to see a sight like this. ~Yuki~" }, "1670": { "pid": 1670, cid: 1670, "timestamp": 1466329965281, "wxid": "WX12-002", name: "紅蓮乙女 遊月・肆", name_zh_CN: "红莲乙女 游月·肆", name_en: "Yuzuki-Four, Vermilion Maiden", "kana": "グレンオトメユヅキヨン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red/green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-002.jpg", "illust": "タイキ", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来への力、それは…。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The power of the future, that is...", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のアタックフェイズ開始時、あなたのライフクロスが3枚以上ある場合、このターン、あなたはゲームに敗北しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的攻击阶段开始时,你的生命护甲在3张以上的场合,这个回合,你不会输掉游戏。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the start of the opponent's attack phase, if you have 3 or more Life Cloth, this turn, you can't lose the game." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1670-const-0', condition: function () { return (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length >= 3); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'wontLoseGame',true); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードをすべてトラッシュに置く。あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你的能量区中所有的卡放置到废弃区。将你的卡组顶最上方的卡加入生命护甲。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put all the cards in your Ener Zone into the trash. Put the top card of your deck into Life Cloth." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; this.game.trashCards(cards); var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【無】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのカードは《ライフバースト》【エナチャージ1】を持つ。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【无】:直到回合结束为止,你的所有卡持有【※】【能量填充1】。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Colorless]: Until end of turn, all of your cards have Life Burst [Ener Charge 1]. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, mainPhase: true, once: true, costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.game.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) && ((card.type === 'SIGNI') || (card.type === 'SPELL')); },this); this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: [this.game.phase.onTurnEnd], fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { cards.forEach(function (card) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: card, description: '1670-attached-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(card,'onBurst',effect); },this); } }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], }, "1671": { "pid": 1671, cid: 1671, "timestamp": 1466329966507, "wxid": "WX12-021", name: "幻竜姫 #スパザウス#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 #超龙#", name_en: "#Spazaus#, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメワイルドスパザウス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-021.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スパザウス様が踏み潰してくれるわァ!~#スパザウス#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "The great Spazaus shall dash it to pieces-! ~#Spazaus#~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中からすべての<龍獣>のシグニをエナゾーンに置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将2张卡公开。从中将所有的<龙兽>SIGNI放置到能量区,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组最上方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Put all SIGNI from among them into the Ener Zone and put the rest on top of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_A = []; var cards_B = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('龍獣')) { cards_A.push(card); } else { cards_B.push(card); } },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_A,this.player.enerZone); var len = cards_B.length; if (len < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_B,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【緑】【赤】【無】:対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。この能力は対戦相手のルリグがレベル4以上の場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿】【红】【无】:从对战对手的能量区将1张卡放置到废弃区。这个能力只能在对战对手的LRIG等级4以上的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green] [Red] [Colorless]: Put 1 card from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash. This ability can only be used if your opponent's LRIG is level 4 or more." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, costRed: 1, costColorless: 1, useCondition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.lrig.level >= 4); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンのカードが7枚になるように、エナゾーンからカードをトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。对战对手从能量区将卡片放置到废弃区直到能量区的卡为7张。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. Your opponent puts cards from their Ener Zone into the trash until there are 7 cards in their Ener Zone." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; var n = cards.length - 7; if (n <= 0) return; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } } }, "1672": { "pid": 1672, cid: 1672, "timestamp": 1466329967565, "wxid": "WX12-051", name: "幻竜 #ステゴケラス#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #剑角龙#", name_en: "#Stegoceras#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドステゴケラス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-051.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "頭突きの構え!~#ステゴケラス#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Headbutt stance! ~#Stegoceras#~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードが3枚以下の場合、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<龍獣>のシグニの場合、それをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的能量区中卡片在3张以下的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,将其放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there are 3 or less cards in your Ener Zone, reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, put it into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length > 3) return; return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('龍獣')); },this); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }], }, "1673": { "pid": 1673, cid: 1673, "timestamp": 1466329968614, "wxid": "WX12-052", name: "幻竜 #ドラコレクス#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #龙王龙#", name_en: "#Dracorex#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドドラコレクス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-052.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちょっと一休み。~#ドラコレクス#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A little rest. ~Dracorex~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにカードがない場合、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<龍獣>のシグニの場合、それをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的能量区中没有卡片的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,将其放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there are no cards in your Ener Zone, reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, put it into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length) return; return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('龍獣')); },this); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }], }, "1674": { "pid": 1674, cid: 1674, "timestamp": 1466329969722, "wxid": "WX12-004", name: "龍導波", name_zh_CN: "龙导波", name_en: "Dragon-Guided Wave", "kana": "リュウドウハ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-004.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "龍!導!波ァ!~ユヅキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Dragon! Guided! Wave! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのルリグが<ユヅキ>で、この方法でクラッシュしたカードが《ライフバースト》を持っていた場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。(ライフバーストはアーツの処理後に発動する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1张生命护甲击溃。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。你的LRIG为<游月>且通过这个方法击溃的生命护甲持有【※】的场合,将你的卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。(生命迸发在技艺处理后发动)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Crush 1 of your Life Cloth. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If your LRIG is , and the card crushed this way had Life Burst, add the top card of your deck to your Life Cloth. (The Life Burst is triggered after this ARTS is resolved.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var burst = card.hasBurst(); return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('ユヅキ')) return; if (!burst) return; var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); }); }); } } }, "1675": { "pid": 1675, cid: 1675, "timestamp": 1466329970709, "wxid": "WX12-015", name: "緑幻竜 #ティラザウス#", name_zh_CN: "绿幻龙 #霸王龙#", name_en: "#Tyrazaus#, Green Phantom Dragon", "kana": "リョクゲンリュウワイルドティラザウス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-015.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "渇ッ枯ッ喝、これぞ緑の力!~ティラザウス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】赤の<龍獣>のシグニ1枚と緑の<龍獣>のシグニ1枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く", ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的能量区将1只红色的<龙兽>SINGI和1张绿色的<龙兽>SINGI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 1 red SIGNI and 1 green SIGNI from your Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { if (!this.canSummon()) return null; var cards_A = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && (card.color === 'red'); },this); var cards_B = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && (card.color === 'green'); },this); if (!cards_A.length || !cards_B.length) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }); }; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが場から離れたとき、あなたのデッキからカード名に《幻竜姫》を含むシグニ1枚を探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI从场上离开时,从你的卡组中探寻1张名字含有《幻龙姬》的SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Phantom Dragon Princess\" in its name and put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1675-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('幻竜姫') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "【出】:将对战对手的1只力量15000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.", "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000,1,1); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(15000,1,1,true); } }], }, "1676": { "pid": 1676, cid: 1676, "timestamp": 1466329971944, "wxid": "WX12-050", name: "幻竜 #イグアノドン#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #禽龙#", name_en: "#Iguanodon#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドイグアノドン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-050.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "可愛いお花ね。~#イグアノドン#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Cute flowers. ~#Iguanodon#~", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<龍獣>のシグニの場合、それをエナゾーンに置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,将其放置到能量区。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, put it into the Ener Zone." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.hasClass('龍獣')); },this); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②【エナチャージ1】", "カードを1枚引く。", "【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。 ②【能量填充1】。", "抽1张卡。", "【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② [Ener Charge 1]", "Draw 1 card.", "[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1676-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1676-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1677": { "pid": 1677, cid: 1677, "timestamp": 1466329973166, "wxid": "WX12-CB01", name: "幻竜 ボルシャック", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 波尔夏克", name_en: "Bolshack, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウボルシャック", "rarity": "コラボ", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 6000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX12/WX12-CB01.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "その怒りに触れたために、ひとつの都市が消滅した。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "A city that touched its anger disappeared.", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのアタックフェイズの間、このシグニのパワーはあなたのトラッシュにある<龍獣>のシグニ1枚につき+1000される。", "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーが12000以上であるかぎり、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのトラッシュに<龍獣>のシグニが10枚以上ある場合、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的攻击阶段期间,你的废弃区中每存在1张<龙兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI的力量在12000以上,这只SIGNI就获得【双重击溃】。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你的废弃区中存在10张以上的<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your attack phase, this SIGNI gets +1000 power for each SIGNI in your trash.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI's power is 12000 or more, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush].", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if you have 10 or more SIGNI in your trash, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return ((this.game.turnPlayer === this.player) && this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()); }, action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); var value = cards.length *= 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ condition: function () { return (this.power >= 12000); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1677-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); if (cards.length < 10) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, // "1678": { // "pid": 1678, // cid: 1678, // "timestamp": 1466329974348, // "wxid": "SP15-004", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 緑子ver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 緑子ver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 緑子ver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-004.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1679": { // "pid": 1679, // cid: 1679, // "timestamp": 1466329975396, // "wxid": "SP15-005", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 ウリス&ハナレver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 ウリス&ハナレver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 ウリス&ハナレver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-005.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1680": { // "pid": 1680, // cid: 1680, // "timestamp": 1466329976496, // "wxid": "SP15-006", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 エルドラver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 エルドラver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 エルドラver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-006.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1681": { // "pid": 1681, // cid: 1681, // "timestamp": 1466329977588, // "wxid": "SP15-009", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 アンver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 アンver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 アンver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-009.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1682": { // "pid": 1682, // cid: 1682, // "timestamp": 1466329978861, // "wxid": "SP15-010", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 ミルルンver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 ミルルンver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 ミルルンver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-010.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1683": { // "pid": 1683, // cid: 1683, // "timestamp": 1466329980049, // "wxid": "SP15-002", // name: "セレクター(来場者特典 花代ver.)", // name_zh_CN: "セレクター(来場者特典 花代ver.)", // name_en: "セレクター(来場者特典 花代ver.)", // "kana": "セレクター", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "ARTS", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP15/SP15-002.jpg", // "illust": "作画:木本 茂樹 仕上げ・背景:J.C.STAFF", // "classes": [], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 1, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "使用タイミング", // "【メインフェイズ】", // "あなたのデッキから、限定条件にあなたのルリグのルリグタイプを持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "少女たちは選び続ける。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1684": { "pid": 1684, cid: 1684, "timestamp": 1466329981086, "wxid": "PR-284", name: "無垢なる宝剣(WIXOSSカード大全III 付録)", name_zh_CN: "无垢的宝剑(WIXOSSカード大全III 付録)", name_en: "Pure Treasured Sword(WIXOSSカード大全III 付録)", "kana": "ムクナルホウケン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-284.jpg", "illust": "シロジ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "白夜極夜、巡ル剣、誰某集ウ破壊衝動。~ウトゥルス", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "On the ultimate white night, encircling swords, united by someone with a desire to destroy.", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用する際、あなたは追加でエナゾーンからカードを2枚以上トラッシュに置く。この方法で白のカードがトラッシュに置かれた場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。\n" + "赤の場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "青の場合、カードを2枚引き、その後手札を1枚捨てる。\n" + "緑の場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "黒の場合、あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张魔法卡时,追加从你的能量区将2张以上的卡放置到废弃区。通过这个方法将白色的卡放置到废弃区的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。\n" + "红色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "蓝色的场合,抽2张卡,之后舍弃1张手牌。\n" + "绿色的场合,将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "黑色的场合,从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this spell, put 2 or more cards from your Ener Zone into the trash. If a white card was put into the trash this way, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand.\n" + "If red, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.\n" + "If blue, draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card from your hand.\n" + "If green, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more.\n" + "If black, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], useCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; var left = this.player.checkEner(cards,this).left; return (left >= 2); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PAY',cards,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); var colors = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { colors = colors.concat(card.getColors()); }); return colors; }); }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function (target,costArg) { var colors = costArg.others; return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!inArr('white',colors)) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr('red',colors)) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr('blue',colors)) return; this.player.draw(2); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr('green',colors)) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000,0,1,true); }).callback(this,function () { if (!inArr('black',colors)) return; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }); }); } }, }, "1685": { "pid": 1685, cid: 1381, "timestamp": 1466329982356, "wxid": "PR-259", name: "ウトゥルス・チェイン(WIXOSSノベライズ-TWIN MEMORIES-付録)", name_zh_CN: "乌特乌尔斯·锁链(WIXOSSノベライズ-TWIN MEMORIES-付録)", name_en: "Ut'ulls Chain(WIXOSSノベライズ-TWIN MEMORIES-付録)", "kana": "ウトゥルスチェイン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-259.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我ガ名ハ、ウトゥルス。イカナル者トテ、我ガ鎖カラ逃レルコト能ハズ。 ~ウトゥルス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1686": { "pid": 1686, cid: 1686, "timestamp": 1466329983639, "wxid": "PR-260", name: "羅石 セキエイ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 石英(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_en: "Sekiei, Natural Stone(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", "kana": "ラセキセキエイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-260.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なんや、自分を守ることはできへんのかぁ? ~セキエイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の無色のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手的1只无色的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Banish 1 of your opponent's colorless SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.color === 'colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1687": { "pid": 1687, cid: 1687, "timestamp": 1466329984902, "wxid": "PR-261", name: "幻竜 #ヤモリ#(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #壁虎#(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_en: "#Yamori#, Phantom Dragon(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドヤモリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-261.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いいんですかねー?倒しちゃって。 ~幻竜 #ヤモリ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからレベル2の<龍獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以支付【绿】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张等级2的<龙兽>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Green]. If you do, search your deck for 1 level 2 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1687-const-0', costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level === 2) && (card.hasClass('龍獣')); } return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1688": { "pid": 1688, cid: 1688, "timestamp": 1466329986133, "wxid": "PR-262", name: "ドライ=ラッカー(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_zh_CN: "DREI=漆料(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", name_en: "Drei=Lacquer(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol9)", "kana": "ドライラッカー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-262.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで。抱きしめてあげるから。 ~ラッカー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニのパワーが0以下になったとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的SIGNI力量变为0以下时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When the power of your opponent's SIGNI is 0 or less, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1688-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (this.game.getData(this,'triggered')) return false; if ((event.oldPower > 0) && (event.power <= 0)) { this.game.setData(this,'triggered',true); return true; } return false; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'onPowerChange',effect); },this); } }], }, "1689": { "pid": 1689, cid: 1686, "timestamp": 1466329987348, "wxid": "PR-263", name: "羅石 セキエイ(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "罗石 石英(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_en: "Sekiei, Natural Stone(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", "kana": "ラセキセキエイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-263.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "無色は始まり、そして裏切りの色やでぇ! ~セキエイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1690": { "pid": 1690, cid: 1687, "timestamp": 1466329988562, "wxid": "PR-264", name: "幻竜 #ヤモリ#(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #壁虎#(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_en: "#Yamori#, Phantom Dragon(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドヤモリ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-264.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "残念。尻尾を切ってもまた生えてくるんすよねー。 ~#ヤモリ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1691": { "pid": 1691, cid: 1688, "timestamp": 1466329989743, "wxid": "PR-265", name: "ドライ=ラッカー(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "DREI=漆料(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", name_en: "Drei=Lacquer(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年4-5月 Ver.)", "kana": "ドライラッカー", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-265.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "かぶれたのね。じゃあこれ塗ってあげる。 ~ラッカー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1692": { "pid": 1692, cid: 1692, "timestamp": 1466329990847, "wxid": "PR-286", name: "バニラ・スクランブル(カードゲーマーvol.27 付録)", name_zh_CN: "平凡登场(カードゲーマーvol.27 付録)", name_en: "Vanilla Scramble(カードゲーマーvol.27 付録)", "kana": "バニラスクランブル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-286.jpg", "illust": "東雲ハル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数は力。持たざる者の逆襲。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから2つまで選ぶ。選んだ数が2つの場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【無2】増える。\n" + "①あなたのデッキから能力を持たないシグニを3枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたの手札から能力を持たないシグニを好きな枚数場に出す。ターン終了時に、それらをトラッシュに置く。", "あなたのデッキから能力を持たないシグニを3枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの手札から能力を持たないシグニを好きな枚数場に出す。ターン終了時に、それらをトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择至多2项。选择的数量为2的场合,这张技艺的使用费用增加【无2】。\n" + "①从你的卡组中探寻至多3张不持有能力的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。\n" + "②从你的手牌将任意张数的不持有能力的SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将它们放置到废弃区。", "从你的卡组中探寻至多3张不持有能力的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。", "从你的手牌将任意张数的不持有能力的SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将它们放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 2 from the following 2. If the amount that you chose is 2, the cost for using this ARTS is increased by [Colorless2].\n" + "①Search your deck for up to 3 SIGNI with no abilities, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "②Put any number of SIGNI with no abilities from your hand onto the field. At the end of the turn, put them into the trash.", "Search your deck for up to 3 SIGNI with no abilities, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Put any number of SIGNI with no abilities from your hand onto the field. At the end of the turn, put them into the trash." ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function (costObj) { var obj = Object.create(costObj); obj.costColorless += 2; if (this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { return 2; } return 1; }, costChangeAfterChoose: function (costObj,effects) { if (effects.length === 2) { costObj.costColorless += 2; } }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !card.hasAbility(); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,3); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var loopAsyn = function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !card.hasAbility() && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { return loopAsyn.call(this); }); }); }; return loopAsyn.call(this); } }] }, "1693": { "pid": 1693, cid: 408, "timestamp": 1466329992101, "wxid": "WD15-024", name: "烈情の割裂", name_zh_CN: "烈情割裂", name_en: "Fracturing Lust", "kana": "レツジョウノカツレツ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-024.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごめんなさいッ!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1694": { "pid": 1694, cid: 454, "timestamp": 1466329993317, "wxid": "WD15-016", name: "幻竜 ティラノ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 暴龙", name_en: "Tyranno, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウティラノ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-016.jpg", "illust": "じんてつ", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "緑の力はいいわよ。~ドラコレクス~\n何だその平和ボケ!~ティラノ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1695": { "pid": 1695, cid: 1368, "timestamp": 1466329994994, "wxid": "WD15-017", name: "幻竜 グリアナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 绿鬣蜥", name_en: "Guriana, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウグリアナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-017.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "welcome to my zone.~グリアナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1696": { "pid": 1696, cid: 1696, "timestamp": 1466329996132, "wxid": "WD15-018", name: "幻竜 ナイルワニ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 尼罗鳄", name_en: "Nile Wani, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウナイルワニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-018.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ナイル川は世界最長なのじゃよ。~ナイルワニ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のエナゾーンに対戦相手のルリグと同じ色を持たないカードがある場合、対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的能量区中存在不持有对战对手的LRIG的颜色的卡的场合,将对战对手的1只力量5000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a card that does not have the same color as your opponent's LRIG in your opponent's Ener Zone, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards.some(function (card) { return !card.hasSameColorWith(this.player.opponent.lrig); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000,1,1); } }], }, "1697": { "pid": 1697, cid: 482, "timestamp": 1466329997537, "wxid": "WD15-019", name: "幻竜 エキドナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 厄喀德那", name_en: "Echidna, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウエキドナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-019.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そら見たことか。焼き焦げじゃ!~エキドナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1698": { "pid": 1698, cid: 1352, "timestamp": 1466329998673, "wxid": "WD15-020", name: "幻竜 サバアナ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 草原巨蜥", name_en: "Sabaana, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウサバアナ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-020.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まだまだ冒険の時間だ!~サバアナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1699": { "pid": 1699, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1466329999611, "wxid": "WD15-021", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-021.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "カロリーの使い過ぎにご用心。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1700": { "pid": 1700, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1466330000761, "wxid": "WD15-022", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-022.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "エナ破壊にご用心。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1701": { "pid": 1701, cid: 1701, "timestamp": 1468055227908, "wxid": "WD15-023", name: "振子の乱舞", name_zh_CN: "振子的乱舞", name_en: "Wild Dance of the Pendulum", "kana": "フリコノランブ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-023.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これが…遊月の拳! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "This is... Yuzuki's fist! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたの場にある<龍獣>のシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、その<龍獣>のシグニよりレベルの低い対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合,你场上的<龙兽>SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,将对战对手的1只等级比那只<龙兽>SIGNI低的SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, when your SIGNI on your field banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with a lower level than that SIGNI." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1701-spell-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var source = event.source; if (!source) return false; if (!inArr(source,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!source.hasClass('龍獣')) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level < event.source.level); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }); } }, }, "1702": { "pid": 1702, cid: 1702, "timestamp": 1468055228483, "wxid": "WD15-006", name: "隠忍火蝶", name_zh_CN: "隐忍火蝶", name_en: "Patience and Fiery Butterflies", "kana": "インニンカチョウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-006.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 6, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "よっ、案外できるもんだね?~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このカードはあなたがこのターンにアーツを使用していた場合、使用できない。\n" + "このアーツを使用するためのコストはあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、【赤】コストが1減る。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<龍獣>のシグニは【アサシン】を得る。このターン、あなたはアーツを使用できない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你在这个回合使用了技艺卡的场合,这张卡不能使用\n" + "你的LRIG等级每有1,这张技艺的使用费用就减【红1】。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,你的所有<龙兽>SIGNI获得【暗杀者】。这个回合,你不能使用技艺。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If you used an ARTS this turn, this card can't be used.\n" + "The cost for using this ARTS is decreased by 1 [Red] for each of your LRIG's levels.\n" + "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get [Assassin]. This turn, you can't use ARTS." ], useCondition: function () { return !this.game.getData(this.player,'flagArtsUsed'); }, costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costRed -= this.player.lrig.level; if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('龍獣')) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'assassin',true); },this); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'artsBanned',true); this.game.frameEnd(); } } }, "1703": { "pid": 1703, cid: 591, "timestamp": 1468055229137, "wxid": "WD15-007", name: "炎志貫徹", name_zh_CN: "炎志贯彻", name_en: "See Through the Fiery Ambition", "kana": "エンシカンテツ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-007.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "(精神を集中させて…っと。)~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1704": { "pid": 1704, cid: 1704, "timestamp": 1468055229933, "wxid": "WD15-008", name: "龍降地固", name_zh_CN: "龙降地固", name_en: "Dragon Descent to Solid Earth", "kana": "リュウコウジコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-008.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "グランドドラゴン!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Grand Dragon! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードをすべてトラッシュに置く。あなたのデッキから<龍獣>のシグニを2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你能量区中的所有卡放置到废弃区。从你的卡组探寻至多2张<龙兽>SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put all cards in your Ener Zone into the trash. Search your deck for up to 2 SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; this.game.trashCards(cards); var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); } } }, "1705": { "pid": 1705, cid: 420, "timestamp": 1468055230719, "wxid": "WD15-009", name: "捲火重来", name_zh_CN: "卷火重来", name_en: "Rekindling Effort", "kana": "ケンカチョウライ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代/ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-009.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あ、ちょっと火力強すぎたね…。~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1706": { "pid": 1706, cid: 590, "timestamp": 1468055231515, "wxid": "WD15-010", name: "一覇二鳥", name_zh_CN: "一霸二鸟", name_en: "One Rule, Two Birds", "kana": "イッパニチョウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-010.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "覇ァ!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1707": { "pid": 1707, cid: 441, "timestamp": 1468055232216, "wxid": "WD15-011", name: "幻竜姫 オロチ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 大蛇", name_en: "Orochi, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメオロチ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-011.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "飲んで飲まれてジエンドじゃ。~オロチ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1708": { "pid": 1708, cid: 627, "timestamp": 1468055233000, "wxid": "WD15-012", name: "幻竜姫 ムシュフシュ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙姬 怒蛇", name_en: "Mušḫuššu, Phantom Dragon Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウヒメムシュフシュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-012.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "サイキョーの雷炎よ!サイキョ!~ムシュフシュ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1709": { "pid": 1709, cid: 1709, "timestamp": 1468055233697, "wxid": "WD15-013", name: "幻竜 フェニックス", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 凤凰", name_en: "Phoenix, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウフェニックス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-013.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我は滅びぬ!何度でも蘇るさ!~フェニックス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの効果によって対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚がトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュしてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:因你的效果将对战对手的1张卡从能量区放置到废弃区时,可以将这只SIGNI从废弃区出场。", "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 card is put from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash by your effects, you may put this SIGNI from the trash onto the field.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1709-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.source && (event.source.player === this.player) && (event.oldZone === this.player.opponent.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.trashZone) && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function (event) { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone) && this.canSummon(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1709-const-1', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<龍獣>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张<龙兽>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1710": { "pid": 1710, cid: 1027, "timestamp": 1468055234949, "wxid": "WD15-014", name: "幻竜 ヴイーヴル", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 双足飞龙", name_en: "Vouivre, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウヴイーヴル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-014.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "フゥー、焼くのも疲れるぜ。~ヴイーヴル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1711": { "pid": 1711, cid: 1711, "timestamp": 1468055235736, "wxid": "WD15-015", name: "幻竜 アメリカワニ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 美洲鳄", name_en: "America Wani, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウアメリカワニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-015.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワッ、急に出てきたケロッ。~アメリカワニの横のカエル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの効果によって対戦相手のエナゾーンからカード1枚がトラッシュに置かれたとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:因你的效果将对战对手的1张卡从能量区放置到废弃区时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 card is put from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Double Crush]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1711-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return !this.doubleCrash && event.source && (event.source.player === this.player) && (event.oldZone === this.player.opponent.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.opponent.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return !this.doubleCrash; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCardMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1712": { "pid": 1712, cid: 1712, "timestamp": 1468055236512, "wxid": "WD15-001", name: "百折不灯 遊月・肆", name_zh_CN: "百折不灯 游月・肆", name_en: "Yuzuki-Four, Indomitable Light", "kana": "ヒャクセツフトウユヅキヨン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-001.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一発いっとく? ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<龍獣>のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、あなたは【赤】【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<龙兽>SIGNI出场时,你可以支付【红】【红】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field, you may pay [Red] [Red]. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1712-const-0', costRed: 2, triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.card.hasClass('龍獣'); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚トラッシュに置く。その中に<龍獣>のシグニが1枚以上ある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。2枚以上ある場合、ターン終了時まで、このルリグは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到废弃区。其中含有1张以上的<龙兽>SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。2张以上的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只LRIG获得【双重击溃】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the trash. If there is 1 or more SIGNI among them, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If there are 2 or more, until end of turn, this LRIG gets [Double Crush]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); cards = this.game.trashCards(cards).filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣'); },this); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (cards.length >= 1) { return this.banishSigniAsyn(null,1,1); } }).callback(this,function () { if (cards.length >= 2) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'doubleCrash',true); } }); } }], }, "1713": { "pid": 1713, cid: 1713, "timestamp": 1468055237245, "wxid": "WD15-002", name: "紅乙女 遊月・参", name_zh_CN: "红乙女 游月・叁", name_en: "Yuzuki-Three, Crimson Maiden", "kana": "クレナイオトメユヅキサン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-002.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ワンツーフィニッシュ! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "One-two finish! ~Yuzuki~", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このターン、あなたの中央のシグニゾーンにある<龍獣>のシグニは【ダブルクラッシュ】を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这个回合,你的SIGNI区域的中央列上的<龙兽>SIGNI获得【双重击溃】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: This turn, the SIGNI in the middle of your SIGNI Zone gets [Double Crush]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var zone = this.player.signiZones[1]; var card = zone.getActualCards()[0]; if (!inArr(card,this.player.signis)) return; if (!card.hasClass('龍獣')) return; set(card,'doubleCrash',true); } }); } }], }, "1714": { "pid": 1714, cid: 165, "timestamp": 1468055237971, "wxid": "WD15-003", name: "焔悔 遊月・弐", name_zh_CN: "焰悔 游月·贰", name_en: "Yuzuki-Two, Regretful Flame", "kana": "エンカイユヅキニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-003.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どっがーん! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1715": { "pid": 1715, cid: 166, "timestamp": 1468055238706, "wxid": "WD15-004", name: "焔 遊月・壱", name_zh_CN: "焰 游月·壹", name_en: "Yuzuki-One, the Flame", "kana": "ホムラユヅキイチ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-004.jpg", "illust": "かにゃぴぃ", "classes": [ "花代", "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ばしっといっちゃおう! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1716": { "pid": 1716, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1468055239379, "wxid": "WD15-005", name: "遊月・零", name_zh_CN: "游月·零", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD15/WD15-005.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "やっ、セレクターさん! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1717": { "pid": 1717, cid: 84, "timestamp": 1468055240155, "wxid": "WD16-022", name: "THREE OUT", name_zh_CN: "THREE OUT", name_en: "THREE OUT", "kana": "スリーアウト", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-022.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……どれにしようかしら。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1718": { "pid": 1718, cid: 1718, "timestamp": 1468055240890, "wxid": "WD16-023", name: "HAND SHOCK", name_zh_CN: "HAND SHOCK", name_en: "HAND SHOCK", "kana": "ハンドショック", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-023.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "雷撃できたわ……。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストは対戦相手の手札1枚につき、《無×1》増える。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对战对手的手牌每有1张,这张魔法卡的使用费用就增加【无1】\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this spell is increased by [Colorless] for each card in your opponent's hand.\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costColorless += this.player.opponent.hands.length; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn(); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。②対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。", "対戦相手の手札が0枚の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①对战对手舍弃1张手牌。 ②对战对手的手牌为0张的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。", "对战对手舍弃1张手牌。", "对战对手的手牌为0张的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1. ① Your opponent discards a card from their hand. ② If your opponent's hand has 0 cards, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Your opponent discards a card from their hand.", "If your opponent's hand has 0 cards, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1718-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1718-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.opponent.hands.length) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1719": { "pid": 1719, cid: 1719, "timestamp": 1468055241664, "wxid": "WD16-014", name: "コードアート E・C・K", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 E・C・K", name_en: "Code Art ECK", "kana": "コードアートエレクトリックケトル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-014.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "バトル後ティータイム!~E・C・K~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手が手札を1枚捨てたとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーは12000になり「このシグニがアタックしたとき、カードを1枚引く。」を得る。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手将1张手牌舍弃时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000并获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,抽1张卡。」。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent discards 1 card from their hand, until end of turn, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000 and it gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, draw 1 card.\" This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1719-const-0', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'power',12000); var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1719-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'onAttack',effect); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onDiscard',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このシグニがアタックしたとき、カードを1枚引く。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这只SIGNI攻击时,抽1张卡。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "When this SIGNI attacks, draw 1 card." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1720": { "pid": 1720, cid: 388, "timestamp": 1468055242437, "wxid": "WD16-015", name: "コードアート M・G・T", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 M•G•T", name_en: "Code Art MGT", "kana": "コードアートマグネット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-015.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "黒の力に早く目覚めるのニャー。~S・C~\nハッ、誰がそんな汚い力なんかに!~M・G・T~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1721": { "pid": 1721, cid: 1721, "timestamp": 1468055243159, "wxid": "WD16-016", name: "コードアート G・L・K", name_zh_CN: "技艺代号 G・L・K", name_en: "Code Art GLK", "kana": "コードアートガラケー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-016.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "センター問い合わせ?する?!~G・L・K~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニは、このターン、対戦相手が手札を捨てていた場合にしか新たに場に出すことができない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI只能在对战对手舍弃过手牌的回合出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI can only be put onto the field if, this turn, your opponent discarded a card from their hand." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var condition = function () { return this.game.getData(this.player.opponent,'hasDiscardedCard'); }; add(this,'summonConditions',condition); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手の手札が5枚以下の場合、対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。6枚以上の場合、代わりに2枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:对战对手的手牌在5张以下的场合,对战对手将1张手牌舍弃。6张以上的场合,改为舍弃2张。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:If your opponent has 5 or less cards in their hand, your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. If your opponent has 6 or more, they discard 2 instead." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var count = (this.player.opponent.hands.length <= 5) ? 1 : 2; return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(count); } } }, "1722": { "pid": 1722, cid: 1223, "timestamp": 1468055243924, "wxid": "WD16-017", name: "コードアート H・M・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 H・M・S", name_en: "Code Art HMS", "kana": "コードアートハンドマッサージャー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-017.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "親指でグッとね!~H・M・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1723": { "pid": 1723, cid: 1225, "timestamp": 1468055244655, "wxid": "WD16-018", name: "コードアート F・M・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 F・M・S", name_en: "Code Art FMS", "kana": "コードアートフットマッサージャー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-018.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オンの日よりオフの日の方が辛いっす…。~F・M・Sハンド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1724": { "pid": 1724, cid: 193, "timestamp": 1468055245438, "wxid": "WD16-019", name: "コードアート G・R・B", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 G·R·B", name_en: "Code Art GRB", "kana": "コードアートグラボ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-019.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "うんうん、ヌルヌル動くようになったね。~G・R・B~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1725": { "pid": 1725, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1468055246223, "wxid": "WD16-020", name: "サーバント D2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2", name_en: "Servant D2", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-020.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "読心術にご用心。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1726": { "pid": 1726, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1468055246981, "wxid": "WD16-021", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-021.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ぽいぽいタイムにご用心。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1727": { "pid": 1727, cid: 145, "timestamp": 1468055247714, "wxid": "WD16-007", name: "ピーピング・アナライズ", name_zh_CN: "窥视分析", name_en: "Peeping Analyze", "kana": "ピーピングアナライズ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-007.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アナライズ。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1728": { "pid": 1728, cid: 1388, "timestamp": 1468055248410, "wxid": "WD16-008", name: "ワースト・コンディション", name_zh_CN: "最恶情况", name_en: "Worst Condition", "kana": "ワーストコンディション", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-008.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "手札も尽き、シグニも尽きるの……。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1729": { "pid": 1729, cid: 758, "timestamp": 1468055249049, "wxid": "WD16-009", name: "ドント・エスケープ", name_zh_CN: "不许逃", name_en: "Don't Escape", "kana": "ドントエスケープ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-009.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふふふ、捕まえた……。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1730": { "pid": 1730, cid: 1730, "timestamp": 1468055249691, "wxid": "WD16-010", name: "ピーピング・チャージ", name_zh_CN: "窥视填充", name_en: "Peeping Charge", "kana": "ピーピングチャージ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-010.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピーピング……。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "Peeping... ~Piruluk~", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の手札を見る。\n" + "このターン、あなたが次に《ピーピング・アナライズ》を使用するためのコストはあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、【青】コストが1減る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "查看对战对手的手牌。\n" + "这个回合,你的LRIG等级每有1,你下次使用《窥视分析》的费用就减少【蓝1】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Look at your opponent's hand.\n" + "This turn, the cost for using your \"Peeping Analyze\" is reduced by 1 [Blue] for each of your LRIG's levels." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.hands).callback(this,function () { var count = this.game.setData(this.player,'_PeepingCharge') || 0; this.game.setData(this.player,'_PeepingCharge',count + this.player.lrig.level); }); } } }, "1731": { "pid": 1731, cid: 31, "timestamp": 1468055250411, "wxid": "WD16-011", name: "コードハート V・A・C", name_zh_CN: "核心代号 V·A·C", name_en: "Code Heart VAC", "kana": "コードハートバキューム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-011.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ガンガン吸い込むなう!~V・A・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "1732": { "pid": 1732, cid: 1732, "timestamp": 1468055251164, "wxid": "WD16-012", name: "コードアート M・W・O", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 M·W·O", name_en: "Code Art MWO", "kana": "コードアートマイクロウェーブオーブン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-012.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "突沸ミルクに爆発タマゴ、危ない事だーい好き!~M・W・O~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手の手札が0枚であるかぎり、このシグニはバニッシュされない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的手牌为0张,这只SIGNI就不会被驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent's hand has 0 cards, this SIGNI can't be banished." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return !this.player.opponent.hands.length; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeBanished',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:すべてのプレイヤーは手札を1枚捨てる。", "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が2枚より少ない場合、その差の分だけカードを引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:所有玩家舍弃1张手牌。", "【出】:你的手牌比2张少的场合,抽卡至2张。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: All players discard a card from their hand.", "[On-Play]: If your hand has less than 2 cards, draw a number of cards equal to the difference." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1) }) } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var diff = 2 - this.player.hands.length; if (diff <= 0) return; this.player.draw(diff); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたはカードを1枚引く。対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。对战对手舍弃1张手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw a card. Your opponent discards a card from their hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } } }, "1733": { "pid": 1733, cid: 813, "timestamp": 1468055251920, "wxid": "WD16-013", name: "コードアート O・S・S", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 O·S·S", name_en: "Code Art OSS", "kana": "コードアートオシロスコープ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-013.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、信号は廻るの。~O・S・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1734": { "pid": 1734, cid: 5, "timestamp": 1468055252669, "wxid": "WD16-001", name: "コード ピルルク・Ω", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Ω", name_en: "Code Piruluk Omega", "kana": "コードピルルクオメガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-001.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 3, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "暴れても無駄。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1735": { "pid": 1735, cid: 15, "timestamp": 1468055253574, "wxid": "WD16-002", name: "コード ピルルク・Γ", name_zh_CN: "代号 皮璐璐可·Γ", name_en: "Code Piruluk Gamma", "kana": "コードピルルクガンマ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-002.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "戻る必要はないわ。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1736": { "pid": 1736, cid: 142, "timestamp": 1468055254299, "wxid": "WD16-003", name: "コード・ピルルク・M", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·M", name_en: "Code Piruluk M", "kana": "コードピルルクメガ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-003.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どう、見える?そう……。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1737": { "pid": 1737, cid: 143, "timestamp": 1468055255073, "wxid": "WD16-004", name: "コード・ピルルク・K", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·K", name_en: "Code Piruluk K", "kana": "コードピルルクキロ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-004.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この世界に、あふれた願いは。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1738": { "pid": 1738, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1468055255827, "wxid": "WD16-005", name: "コード・ピルルク", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可", name_en: "Code Piruluk", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-005.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "次は、あなた。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1739": { "pid": 1739, cid: 1739, "timestamp": 1468055256537, "wxid": "WD16-006", name: "ドント・ステップ", name_zh_CN: "无法迈步", name_en: "Don't Step", "kana": "ドントステップ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD16/WD16-006.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 6, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "手札をなくして……確実に!~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用するためのコストはあなたの手札の枚数から対戦相手の手札の枚数を引いた数1につき、【青】コストが1減る。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的手牌数每比对战对手的手牌数多1,这张技艺卡的使用费用就减少【蓝1】。\n" + "将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI横置。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost for using this ARTS is reduced by 1 [Blue] for each 1 card you have in your hand in excess of the number of cards in your opponent's hand.\n" + "Down up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var diff = this.player.hands.length - this.player.opponent.hands.length; if (diff <= 0) return obj; obj.costBlue -= diff; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); }); } } }, "1740": { "pid": 1740, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1468055257332, "wxid": "SP16-005", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Umr=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-005.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どうじゃ、わしの晴れ姿。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1741": { "pid": 1741, cid: 762, "timestamp": 1468055258069, "wxid": "SP16-006", name: "永らえし者 タウィル=ノル(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "太古永生者 塔维尔=NOLL(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Tawil=Noll, Prolonged of Life(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "ナガラエシモノタウィルノル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-006.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぱんぱかぱーん ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1742": { "pid": 1742, cid: 328, "timestamp": 1468055258859, "wxid": "SP16-001", name: "エルドラ×マーク0(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉=0式(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Eldora=Mark 0(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "エルドラマークゼロ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-001.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "めでたい時は、ぱーっと騒ぐもんっすよ! ~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1743": { "pid": 1743, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1468055259897, "wxid": "SP16-002", name: "遊月・零(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "游月·零(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Yuzuki-Zero(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "ユヅキゼロ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-002.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さ、お祭りお祭りっと! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1744": { "pid": 1744, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1468055260621, "wxid": "SP16-003", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-003.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少しだけお供します。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1745": { "pid": 1745, cid: 526, "timestamp": 1468055261371, "wxid": "SP16-004", name: "ミルルン・ノット(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "米璐璐恩・节(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Mirurun Nought(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "ミルルンノット", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP16/SP16-004.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "ミルルン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "るんるる~ん! ~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1746": { "pid": 1746, cid: 1, "timestamp": 1468055262126, "wxid": "PR-273", name: "太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_zh_CN: "太阳之巫女 玉依姬(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sun Miko(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", "kana": "タイヨウノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-273.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 3, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、バトルするの楽しい! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1747": { "pid": 1747, cid: 28, "timestamp": 1468055263719, "wxid": "PR-274", name: "アーク・オーラ(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_zh_CN: "弧光·圣气(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_en: "Arc Aura(「太陽の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", "kana": "アークオーラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-274.jpg", "illust": "ふじのきともこ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 5, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマにまかせて!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1748": { "pid": 1748, cid: 274, "timestamp": 1468055264456, "wxid": "PR-275", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ(フィギュア「創造の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ」付録)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA(フィギュア「創造の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ」付録)", name_en: "Umuru=Fyra, Wielder of the Key of Creation(フィギュア「創造の鍵主 ウムル=フィーラ」付録)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルフィーラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-275.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数多の滅びが礎となり、現が在るのじゃ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1749": { "pid": 1749, cid: 1361, "timestamp": 1468055265182, "wxid": "PR-285", name: "集結する守護(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.5 初回限定特典)", name_zh_CN: "集结的守护(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.5 初回限定特典)", name_en: "Gathering Protection(ラジオCD「selector radio WIXOSS」 Vol.5 初回限定特典)", "kana": "シュウケツスルシュゴ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-285.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はじめるんる~ん♪オープン♪", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1750": { "pid": 1750, cid: 669, "timestamp": 1468055265950, "wxid": "PR-297", name: "羅植 サクラ(大・お花見大会景品)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 樱(大・お花見大会景品)", name_en: "Sakura, Natural Plant(大・お花見大会景品)", "kana": "ラショクサクラ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-297.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "1751": { // "pid": 1751, // cid: 1751, // "timestamp": 1468055266990, // "wxid": "PR-296", // name: "stirred WIXOSS(WIXOSS2周年記念カード)", // name_zh_CN: "stirred WIXOSS(WIXOSS2周年記念カード)", // name_en: "stirred WIXOSS(WIXOSS2周年記念カード)", // "kana": "ステアードウィクロス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-296.jpg", // "illust": "アリオ", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<サシェ>・<ララ・ルー>・<ソウイ>・<アイヤイ>・<ミュウ>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。」とはどういうことですか?", // "a": "このカードは、レベル0のルリグとしてルリグデッキに入れて、<サシェ>・<ララ・ルー>・<ソウイ>・<アイヤイ>・<ミュウ>いずれかのルリグのレベル0として使用することが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "お互いにこのカードを使用していた場合、対戦開始時にルリグを宣言する手順はどのようになりますか?", // "a": "このような場合、先行プレイヤー側から先にルリグタイプを宣言し、次に後攻プレイヤーがルリグタイプを宣言します。両者の宣言が完了した後、先行プレイヤーのターンを開始します。" // }, // { // "q": "このカードを使用している場合、ゲーム開始時に、対戦相手のレベル0ルリグを見た上で、宣言するルリグタイプを決める事が出来るのですか?", // "a": "はい、対戦相手のルリグタイプを見た上で、ルリグタイプを選択することが可能となっております。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "-" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<サシェ>・<ララ・ルー>・<ソウイ>・<アイヤイ>・<ミュウ>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1752": { // "pid": 1752, // cid: 1752, // "timestamp": 1468055269709, // "wxid": "PR-165", // name: "spread WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_zh_CN: "spread WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_en: "spread WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // "kana": "スプレッドウィクロス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-165.jpg", // "illust": "hitoto*", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<エルドラ>・<ユヅキ>・<イオナ>・<アン>・<ミルルン>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。」とはどういうことですか?", // "a": "このカードは、レベル0のルリグとしてルリグデッキに入れて、<エルドラ>・<ユヅキ>・<イオナ>・<アン>・<ミルルン>いずれかのルリグのレベル0として使用することが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "お互いにこのカードを使用していた場合、対戦開始時にルリグを宣言する手順はどのようになりますか?", // "a": "このような場合、先行プレイヤー側から先にルリグタイプを宣言し、次に後攻プレイヤーがルリグタイプを宣言します。両者の宣言が完了した後、先行プレイヤーのターンを開始します。" // }, // { // "q": "このカードを使用している場合、ゲーム開始時に、対戦相手のレベル0ルリグを見た上で、宣言するルリグタイプを決める事が出来るのですか?", // "a": "はい、対戦相手のルリグタイプを見た上で、ルリグタイプを選択することが可能となっております。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "-" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<エルドラ>・<ユヅキ>・<イオナ>・<アン>・<ミルルン>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, // "1753": { // "pid": 1753, // cid: 1753, // "timestamp": 1468055270450, // "wxid": "PR-167", // name: "original WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_zh_CN: "original WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // name_en: "original WIXOSS(WIXOSS1周年記念カード)", // "kana": "オリジナルウィクロス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-167.jpg", // "illust": "羽音たらく", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "「ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<ウムル>または<タウィル>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。」とはどういうことですか?", // "a": "このカードは、レベル0のルリグとしてルリグデッキに入れて、<ウムル>・<タウィル>いずれかのルリグのレベル0として使用することが出来ます。" // }, // { // "q": "お互いにこのカードを使用していた場合、対戦開始時にルリグを宣言する手順はどのようになりますか?", // "a": "このような場合、先行プレイヤー側から先にルリグタイプを宣言し、次に後攻プレイヤーがルリグタイプを宣言します。両者の宣言が完了した後、先行プレイヤーのターンを開始します。" // }, // { // "q": "このカードを使用している場合、ゲーム開始時に、対戦相手のレベル0ルリグを見た上で、宣言するルリグタイプを決める事が出来るのですか?", // "a": "はい、対戦相手のルリグタイプを見た上で、ルリグタイプを選択することが可能となっております。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "-" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<ウムル>または<タウィル>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1754": { "pid": 1754, cid: 1754, "timestamp": 1468055271561, "wxid": "PR-304", name: "冥者 ハナレ(13弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_zh_CN: "冥者 离(13弾発売記念キャンペーン)", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One(13弾発売記念キャンペーン)", "kana": "メイジャハナレ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-304.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……あなたの願いを教えて。 ~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1755": { "pid": 1755, cid: 1754, "timestamp": 1468055272214, "wxid": "PR-303", name: "ハナレ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "离(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Hanare(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "ハナレ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-303.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1756": { "pid": 1756, cid: 1263, "timestamp": 1468055273019, "wxid": "PR-302", name: "アイヤイ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Aiyai(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "アイヤイ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-302.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF/坂井久太", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1757": { "pid": 1757, cid: 1056, "timestamp": 1468055273757, "wxid": "PR-301", name: "ミュウ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "缪(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Myuu(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "ミュウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-301.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1758": { "pid": 1758, cid: 883, "timestamp": 1468055274530, "wxid": "PR-300", name: "サシェ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "莎榭(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Sashe(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "サシェ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-300.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1759": { "pid": 1759, cid: 1759, "timestamp": 1468055275225, "wxid": "PR-299", name: "アルフォウ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "阿尔芙(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Alfou(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "アルフォウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-299.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "アルフォウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1760": { "pid": 1760, cid: 405, "timestamp": 1468055275862, "wxid": "PR-298", name: "リメンバ(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_zh_CN: "忆(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", name_en: "Remember(ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート4)", "kana": "リメンバ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-298.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "リメンバ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1761": { "pid": 1761, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1468055276609, "wxid": "PR-171", name: "ウムル (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_zh_CN: "乌姆尔 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_en: "Umuru (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", "kana": "ウムル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-171.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1762": { "pid": 1762, cid: 762, "timestamp": 1468055277370, "wxid": "PR-170", name: "タウィル (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_zh_CN: "塔维尔 (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", name_en: "Tawil=Noll (ルリグがやってくるキャンペーンパート3)", "kana": "タウィル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-170.jpg", "illust": "J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タウィル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1763": { "pid": 1763, cid: 1763, "timestamp": 1468055278119, "wxid": "WX13-051", name: "幻竜 #モリドラ#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #森林龙#", name_en: "#Moridra#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドモリドラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-051.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この帽子、ワイルドでしょぅ?~#モリドラ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<龍獣>のシグニの効果によって対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手の効果によってあなたの手札からトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:因你的<龙兽>SIGNI的效果将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。", "【常】:这只SIGNI因对战对手的效果从手牌放置到废弃区时,从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished by the effect of your SIGNI, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your hand into the trash by your opponent's effect, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1763-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!card) return false; return inArr(card,this.player.signis) && card.hasClass('龍獣'); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1763-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; return (source.player === this.player.opponent) && (event.oldZone === this.player.handZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(2); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], }, "1764": { "pid": 1764, cid: 1764, "timestamp": 1468055278876, "wxid": "WX13-044", name: "羅石 ビスマス", name_zh_CN: "罗石 铋", name_en: "Bismuth, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキビスマス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-044.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この身体を投げ出してでも…ビカビカ!~ビスマス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手がアーツを使用したとき、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。(そのアーツのあとでこの効果は発動する。そのアーツでこのシグニが場を離れていた場合この効果は発動しない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手使用技艺时,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的所有SIGNI驱逐。(这个效果在那个技艺之后发动。那个技艺使这只SIGNI离场的场合这个效果不发动。)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your opponent uses an ARTS, you may banish this SIGNI. If you do, banish all of your opponent's SIGNI. (This effect is triggered after the ARTS. If this SIGNI left the field by the ARTS, this effect is not triggered.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1764-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); }); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onUseArts',effect); } }], }, "1765": { "pid": 1765, cid: 1765, "timestamp": 1468055279674, "wxid": "WX13-038", name: "千夜の夜王 イフリード", name_zh_CN: "千夜的夜王 伊夫莉朵", name_en: "Ifrid, Night King of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノヤオウイフリード", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ウリス", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-038.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふん、この地では1/4程度の力しか出ないか。~イフリード~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがあなたのデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI从你的卡组放置到废弃区时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your deck into the trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1765-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-2000); }); }); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】あなたのトラッシュにある《千夜の夜王 イフリード》4枚をゲームから除外する:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-15000する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、このカードがトラッシュにある場合にしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从你的废弃区将4张《千夜的夜王 伊夫莉朵》除外:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-15000。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,只有在这张卡在废弃区的场合才能使用。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exclude 4 \"Ifrid, Night King of a Thousand Nights\" in your trash from the game: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −15000 power. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used while this card is in the trash." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, activatedInTrashZone: true, costCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === 1765); },this); return (cards.length === 4); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.cid === 1765); },this); this.game.excludeCards(cards); return Callback.immediately(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-15000); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1766": { "pid": 1766, cid: 1766, "timestamp": 1468055280543, "wxid": "WX13-032", name: "幻深水姫 デメニギス", name_zh_CN: "幻深水姬 管眼鱼", name_en: "Demenigisu, Deep Water Phantom Princess", "kana": "ゲンシンスイキデメニギス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-032.jpg", "illust": "煎茶", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "絡め取ってさようならを。~デメニギス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのライフバーストが発動するたび、対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番上に置く。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが《ライフバースト》を持っていた場合、そのカードをチェックゾーンに置き、そのライフバーストを発動させる。(その後、エナゾーンに置かれる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的生命迸发发动时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回卡组最上方。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡持有【※】的场合,将那张卡放置到检查区并发动那个生命迸发效果。(之后,放置到能量区)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever your Life Burst triggers, put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI on top of their deck.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, reveal the top card of your deck. If it has [Lifeburst], put that card into the Check Zone, and trigger its Life Burst. (Then put it into the Ener Zone.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1766-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]); }); } }); add(this.player,'onBurstTriggered',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1766-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.hasBurst()) return; card.moveTo(this.player.checkZone); return Callback.forEach(card.onBurst.effects,function (effect) { return effect.triggerAndHandleAsyn({crossLifeCloth: false}); },this).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(card.player.enerZone); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが《ライフバースト》を持っていた場合、それをライフクロスに加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡持有【※】的场合,将它加入生命护甲。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Reveal the top card of your deck. If it has Lifeburst Life Burst, add it to Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasBurst(); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lifeClothZone); }); } } }, "1767": { "pid": 1767, cid: 1767, "timestamp": 1468055281263, "wxid": "WX13-007", name: "博愛の使者 サシェ・リュンヌ", name_zh_CN: "博爱的使者 莎榭·真月", name_en: "Sashe Ryunnu, Benevolent Messenger", "kana": "ハクアイノシシャサシェリュンヌ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-007.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、迷いません。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手は各ターンに一度しかアーツを使用できない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手每个回合只能使用1次技艺。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent can only use ARTS once each turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'oneArtEachTurn',true); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたのシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起動能力】エクシード2:あなたのルリグデッキから好きな枚数の<宇宙>のレゾナを出現条件を無視して場に出す。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将你的1只SIGNI返回手牌。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越2:从你的LRIG卡组将任意数量的<宇宙>SIGNI无视出现条件出场。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Return 1 of your SIGNI to your hand. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 2: Put any number of Resonas from your LRIG Deck onto the field ignoring their play conditions. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, once: true, costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ attackPhase: true, costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('宇宙') && card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } }], }, "1768": { "pid": 1768, cid: 1768, "timestamp": 1468055282143, "wxid": "WX13-005B", sideA: 1769, name: "白羅星 ニュームーン", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 新月", name_en: "New Moon, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイニュームーン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-005B.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "君を哀れと 思ひ知りぬる ~ニュームーン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【スペルカットイン】合計2枚のレゾナではない<宇宙>のシグニをあなたの手札とエナゾーンと場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【魔法切入】从你的手牌和能量区和场上将合计2张非共鸣<宇宙>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Spell Cut-In] Put a total of 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand, Ener Zone, and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'spellCutIn', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_C = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(cards_A,cards_B,cards_C).length < 2) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!cards_A.length) return; var min = Math.max(0,2 - cards_B.length - cards_C.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_B.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length - cards_C.length; var max = 2 - cards_trash; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_C.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_C,min,min).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var optional = cards_B.length || cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; optional = cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_C); }); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }) }.bind(this); } else { return this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); } } }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のチェックゾーンにスペルがある場合、以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。この出現時能力はそのスペルの効果より先に発動する。\n" + "①対戦相手のトラッシュにあるシグニを2枚までゲームから除外する。\n" + "②このターン、対戦相手はスペルとアーツを使用できない。(カットインされたスペルはこの効果の影響を受けない)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的检查区有魔法卡的场合,从以下2项中选择1项。这个出现时能力比那张魔法的效果先发动。\n" + "①将对战对手废弃区中的至多2张SIGNI卡从游戏中除外。\n" + "②这个回合,对战对手不能使用魔法卡。(被切入的魔法不受这个效果影响)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a spell in the opponent's Check Zone, choose 1 of the following 2. This On-Play ability is triggered before the effect of the spell.\n" + "① Exclude up to 2 SIGNI from your opponent's trash from the game.\n" + "② This turn, your opponent can't use spells and ARTS. (The spell that got cut-in is not affected by this effect.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards.length; if (!flag) return; var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1768-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.excludeCards(cards); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1768-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player.opponent,'spellBanned',true); } }] return this.player.selectAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { return this.player.showEffectsAsyn([effect]).callback(this,function () { return effect.actionAsyn.call(effect.source); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるシグニを2枚までゲームから除外する。", "このターン、対戦相手はスペルとアーツを使用できない。(カットインされたスペルはこの効果の影響を受けない)" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手废弃区中的至多2张SIGNI卡从游戏中除外。", "这个回合,对战对手不能使用魔法卡。(被切入的魔法不受这个效果影响)" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Exclude up to 2 SIGNI from your opponent's trash from the game.", "This turn, your opponent can't use spells and ARTS. (The spell that got cut-in is not affected by this effect.)" ] }, "1769": { "pid": 1769, cid: 1769, "timestamp": 1468055282847, "wxid": "WX13-005A", sideB: 1768, name: "白羅星 フルムーン", name_zh_CN: "白罗星 满月", name_en: "Full Moon, White Natural Star", "kana": "ハクラセイフルムーン", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-005A.jpg", "illust": "hitoto*", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今はとて 天の羽衣 着る折ぞ ~フルムーン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】合計3枚のレゾナではない<宇宙>のシグニをあなたの手札と場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的手牌和场上将合计3张非共鸣<宇宙>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put a total of 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var hands = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(signis,hands).length < 3) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!signis.length) { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; }); } var min = Math.max(0,3 - hands.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 3 - cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var min = 2 - hands.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 2 - cards.length; if (!count) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }) }.bind(this); } actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card.trashAsyn(); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',hands).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); }); }.bind(this); } return this.getSummonSolution(filter,3); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの他のレゾナは対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的其他共鸣单位不受对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your other Resonas are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi === this) return; if (!signi.resona) return; add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player) || (card.type !== 'SIGNI'); }); },this); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの次のターンまで、対戦相手は各シグニアタックステップにシグニで合計一度しかアタックできない。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到你的下一个回合为止,对战对手的各个SIGNI攻击阶段合计只能攻击1次。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until your next turn, during each of your opponent's SIGNI attack steps, they can only attack with a total of 1 SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, continuous: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'signiTotalAttackCountLimit',1); } }); } }], }, "1770": { "pid": 1770, cid: 648, "timestamp": 1468055283699, "wxid": "PR-287", name: "アイドル・ディフェンス(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congratulationカード)", name_zh_CN: "偶像防御(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congratulationカード)", name_en: "Idol Defense(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congratulationカード)", "kana": "アイドルディフェンス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-287.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 7, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今日最後の曲は、「アイドル・ディンフェンス」! ~ダイヤブライド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1771": { "pid": 1771, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1468055284759, "wxid": "PR-268", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(47都道府県ツアー 景品)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬(47都道府県ツアー 景品)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko(47都道府県ツアー 景品)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-268.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "しゅっぱーつ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "1772": { // "pid": 1772, // cid: 1772, // "timestamp": 1468055285503, // "wxid": "PR-267", // name: "strried WIXOSS(ウィクロスマガジンvol4付録)", // name_zh_CN: "strried WIXOSS(ウィクロスマガジンvol4付録)", // name_en: "strried WIXOSS(ウィクロスマガジンvol4付録)", // "kana": "ステアードウィクロス", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "colorless", // "level": 0, // "limit": 0, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-267.jpg", // "illust": "アリオ", // "classes": [ // "-" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "ゲームを開始する際に、このルリグを表向きにしたとき、<サシェ>・<ララ・ルー>・<ソウイ>・<アイヤイ>・<ミュウ>から1つを選択する。このルリグは選択されたルリグタイプを持つ。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "WIXOSSをこれからもよろしくお願いします!", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1773": { "pid": 1773, cid: 1773, "timestamp": 1468055286220, "wxid": "PR-266", name: "羅星 アルデバラン(ウィクロスマガジンvol.4付録)", name_zh_CN: "罗星 毕宿五(ウィクロスマガジンvol.4付録)", name_en: "Aldebaran, Natural Star(ウィクロスマガジンvol.4付録)", "kana": "ラセイアルデバラン", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-266.jpg", "illust": "原案:渡辺琴音 Illust:荻野アつき", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貴方に私を扱えるかしら? ~アルデバラン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。", "【常時能力】:あなたのターン終了時、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、あなたの次のターンまで、あなたのルリグは「【起動能力】【白×0】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣单位,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区,这样做了的场合,直到你的下一个回合为止,你的LRIG获得「【起】【白×0】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a Resona on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, you may put this SIGNI from the field into the trash. If you do, until your next turn, your LRIG gets \"[Action] [White0]: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\" This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; }); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1773-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!this.trash()) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var actionEffect = { source: this.player.lrig, description: '1773-attached-0', attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level <= 3); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotAttack',true); }); } }; add(this.player.lrig,'actionEffects',actionEffect); } }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【白×0】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体は「アタックできない」を得る。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【白×0】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI获得「不能攻击」。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White0]: Until end of turn, one of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI gets \"can't attack.\" This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn.\"." ] }, "1774": { "pid": 1774, cid: 1774, "timestamp": 1468055288644, "wxid": "WX13-001", name: "真·游月·伍", name_zh_CN: "真・遊月・伍", name_en: "True Yuzuki-Five", "kana": "シンユヅキゴ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red/green", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-001.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今は、戦う!~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このカードにグロウする際、あなたのライフクロスが1枚以下の場合、このカードにグロウするためのコストは《赤×0》《緑×0》になる。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:成长为这只卡的时候,你的生命护甲在1张以下的场合,这张卡的成长费用变为【红0】【绿0】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you grow into this card, if you have 1 or less Life Cloth, the cost to grow into this card becomes [Red0] [Green0]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // see `costChange` } }], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length > 1) return obj; return {}; }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【赤】:対戦相手のエナゾーンからカードを合計2枚までトラッシュに置く。", "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。", ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:从对战对手的能量区中将至多2张卡放置到废弃区。", "【出】【绿】:将你卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。", ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Put up to 2 total cards from your opponent's Ener Zone into the trash.", "[On-Play] [Green]: Add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth.", ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } },{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード5:あなたのエナゾーンからカードをすべてトラッシュに置き、あなたの手札をすべて捨てる。対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越5:从你的能量区将所有的卡放置到废弃区,并将你的所有手牌舍弃。将对战对手的所有SIGNI驱逐。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 5: Put all cards in your Ener Zone into the trash, and discard your entire hand. Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 5, mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.enerZone.cards,this.player.hands); this.game.trashCards(cards); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); } }], }, "1775": { "pid": 1775, cid: 1775, "timestamp": 1468055290375, "wxid": "WX13-002", name: "救済の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "救济的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Salvation", "kana": "キュウサイノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-002.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 4, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここは、くらいけれど、寒いけれど、二人なら、きっと。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズ開始時、あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的主要阶段开始时,从你的废弃区将1张等级3以下的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将那只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When your main phase starts, put 1 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field. At the end of the turn, put that SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1775-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && card.hasClass('毒牙') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onMainPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】エクシード1:あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体をアップする。", "【起動能力】エクシード3:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から好きな数の<毒牙>のシグニを場に出し、残りをトラッシュに置く。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI竖置。", "【起】超越3:将你卡组顶的3张卡公开。从中将任意数量的<毒牙>SIGNI出场,剩下的放置到废弃区。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Up 1 of your SIGNI.", "[Action] Exceed 3: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. You may put any number of SIGNI from among them onto the field, then put the rest into the trash. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙') && !signi.isUp; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } },{ costExceed: 3, mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards_summon = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards_summon).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } removeFromArr(card,cards); return card.summonAsyn(); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); } }], }, "1776": { "pid": 1776, cid: 1776, "timestamp": 1468055291981, "wxid": "WX13-003", name: "アイスフレイム・シュート", name_zh_CN: "冰焰射击", name_en: "Ice Flame Shoot", "kana": "アイスフレイムシュート", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-003.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶ先、数々の失敗と、幾つかの成功を。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下から4つまで選ぶ。選んだ数が3つ以上の場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは、選んだ数から2を引いた数だけ《無×2》増える。\n" + "①対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンする。\n" + "②対戦相手のルリグ1体を凍結する。\n" + "③対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "④レゾナではない対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。", "対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンする。", "対戦相手のルリグ1体を凍結する。", "対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "レゾナではない対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。その後、あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。", ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下效果中选择至多4项。选择的数量比2多的场合,使用这张技艺卡的使用费用每多一项增加【无2】。\n" + "①将对战对手的1只LRIG横置。\n" + "②将对战对手的1只LRIG冻结。\n" + "③将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "④将对战对手的1只非共鸣SIGNI驱逐。之后,你舍弃1张手牌。", "将对战对手的1只LRIG横置。", "将对战对手的1只LRIG冻结。", "将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "将对战对手的1只非共鸣SIGNI驱逐。之后,你舍弃1张手牌。", ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 4 of these effects. If you chose 3 or more, the cost to use this ARTS is increased by [Colorless2] for each effect chosen minus 2.\n" + "① Down 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.\n" + "② Freeze 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.\n" + "③ Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.\n" + "④ Banish 1 of your opponent's non-Resona SIGNI. Then, discard 1 card from your hand.", "Down 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.", "Freeze 1 of your opponent's LRIGs.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's non-Resona SIGNI. Then, discard 1 card from your hand.", ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costColorless += 2; if (!this.player.enoughEner(obj)) return 2; obj.costColorless += 2; if (!this.player.enoughEner(obj)) return 3; return 4; }, costChangeAfterChoose: function (costObj,effects) { if (effects.length < 3) return; costObj.costColorless += 2 * (effects.length - 2); }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.lrig.down(); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.lrig.freeze(); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(7000); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.resona; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }); } }] }, "1777": { "pid": 1777, cid: 1777, "timestamp": 1468055299072, "wxid": "WX13-004", name: "枯樹生華", name_zh_CN: "枯树生华", name_en: "Withered Tree, Living Flower", "kana": "デッドアンドアライブ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-004.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶ先、すべては経験となり、忘れ得ぬ思い出。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【緑】【黒】【無】【無】【無】になる。\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたはそのシグニのレベル1につき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对战对手的回合中,这张技艺的使用费用变为【绿】【黑】【无】【无】【无】。\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。那只SIGNI的等级每有1,你就将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost to use this ARTS becomes [Green] [Black] [Colorless3].\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. For each 1 level of that SIGNI, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) { return { costGreen: 1, costBlack: 1, costColorless: 3, }; } var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function () { var count = card.level; var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(count); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); } } }, "1778": { "pid": 1778, cid: 1778, "timestamp": 1468055302872, "wxid": "WX13-006A", sideB: 1779, name: "黒幻蟲 オウグソク【FA】", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 大王具足虫【FA】", name_en: "Ougusoku, Black Phantom Insect (FA)", "kana": "コクゲンチュウオウグソクフルアーマー", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-006A.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "完全武装化(フルアームド)!~オウグソク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】合計3枚のレゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニをあなたの手札と場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的手牌和场上将合计3张非共鸣<凶虫>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put a total of 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { // 复制并修改自<白罗星 满月> var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var hands = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(signis,hands).length < 3) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!signis.length) { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; }); } var min = Math.max(0,3 - hands.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 3 - cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var min = 2 - hands.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 2 - cards.length; if (!count) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }) }.bind(this); } actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card.trashAsyn(); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',hands).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); }); }.bind(this); } return this.getSummonSolution(filter,3); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-5000する。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが場を離れたとき、あなたのトラッシュから<凶蟲>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手所有附有【魅饰】的SIGNI力量-5000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI离场时,从你的废弃区将至多2张<凶虫>SIGNI加入手牌。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] get −5000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI leaves the field, add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.charm) { add(signi,'power',-5000); } },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1778-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } }); add(this,'onLeaveField',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、【チャーム】が付いている対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーを-10000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的所有附有【魅饰】的SIGNI力量-10000" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI marked with a [Charm] get −10000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.charm) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',-10000); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }], }, "1779": { "pid": 1779, cid: 1779, "timestamp": 1468055304948, "wxid": "WX13-006B", sideA: 1778, name: "黒幻蟲 オウグソク【HS】", name_zh_CN: "黑幻虫 大王具足虫【HS】", name_en: "Ougusoku, Black Phantom Insect (HS)", "kana": "コクゲンチュウオウグソクハイスピード", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-006B.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "伸縮鞭化(アームウィップ)!~オウグソク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【スペルカットイン】合計2枚のレゾナではない<凶蟲>のシグニをあなたの手札とエナゾーンと場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【魔法切入】从你的手牌和能量区和场上将合计2张非共鸣<凶虫>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Spell Cut-In] Put a total of 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand, Ener Zone, and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'spellCutIn', resonaCondition: function () { // var filter = function (card) { // return card.hasClass('凶蟲') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); // }; // var signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); // var hands = this.player.hands.filter(filter); // if (concat(signis,hands).length < 2) return null; // if (this.canSummon()) { // return function () { // if (!signis.length) { // return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { // return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); // }); // } // var min = Math.max(0,2 - hands.length); // return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { // if (cards.length === 2) return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards); // var cards_trash = cards; // var count = 2 - cards.length; // return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { // cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); // return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); // }); // }); // }.bind(this); // } else { // var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); // if (actionAsyn) { // return function () { // return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { // signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); // if (!hands.length) { // return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',signis) // } // return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',signis).callback(this,function (card) { // if (card) return card; // return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',hands) // }); // }).callback(this,function (card) { // return card.trashAsyn(); // }); // }.bind(this); // } // return this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); // } // 复制并修改自<白罗星 新月> var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_C = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(cards_A,cards_B,cards_C).length < 2) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!cards_A.length) return; var min = Math.max(0,2 - cards_B.length - cards_C.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_B.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length - cards_C.length; var max = 2 - cards_trash; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_C.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_C,min,min).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var optional = cards_B.length || cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; optional = cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_C); }); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }) }.bind(this); } else { return this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); } } }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手のチェックゾーンにスペルがある場合、以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。この出現時能力はそのスペルの効果より先に発動する。\n" + "①対戦相手のトラッシュにあるスペルを2枚までゲームから除外する。\n" + "②あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<凶蟲>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的检查区中存在魔法卡的场合,从以下两项中选择1项。这个出现时能力在那个魔法效果之前发动。\n" + "①从对战对手的废弃区中将至多2张魔法卡从游戏中除外。\n" + "②从你的废弃区中将至多2张等级3以下的<凶虫>SIGNI加入手牌。", ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a spell in the opponent's Check Zone, choose 1 of the following 2. This On-Play ability is triggered before the effect of the spell.\n" + "① Exclude up to 2 spells from your opponent's trash from the game.\n" + "② Add up to 2 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards.length) return; var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1779-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.excludeCards(cards); }); }); } },{ source: this, description: '1779-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('凶蟲') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるスペルを2枚までゲームから除外する。", "あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<凶蟲>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从对战对手的废弃区中将至多2张魔法卡从游戏中除外。", "从你的废弃区中将至多2张等级3以下的<凶虫>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Exclude up to 2 spells from your opponent's trash from the game.", "Add up to 2 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ] }, "1780": { "pid": 1780, cid: 1780, "timestamp": 1468055307167, "wxid": "WX13-008", name: "星占の巫女 リメンバ・トワイライト", name_zh_CN: "星占的巫女 忆·暮光", name_en: "Remember Twilight, Star-Reading Miko", "kana": "センセイノミコリメンバトワイライト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-008.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "リメンバ", "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今の私たちなら絶対に勝てます。~リメンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1781": { "pid": 1781, cid: 1781, "timestamp": 1468055310832, "wxid": "WX13-009", name: "博愛の使者 サシェ・カルティエ", name_zh_CN: "博爱的使者 莎榭·弦月", name_en: "Sashe Quartier, Benevolent Messenger", "kana": "ハクアイノシシャサシェカルティエ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-009.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "サシェ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きっと花は咲くわ。~サシェ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから白のシグニ1枚を場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张白色的SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将那只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 1 white SIGNI from your trash onto the field. At the end of your turn, put that SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { // 注意这里不要 card.canSummon() ,因为可以通过选择不满足的SIGNI达成空发。 return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('white'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card || !card.canSummon()) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }], }, "1782": { "pid": 1782, cid: 1782, "timestamp": 1468055312900, "wxid": "WX13-010", name: "ゼノエントランス", name_zh_CN: "杰诺入口", name_en: "Xeno Entrance", "kana": "ゼノエントランス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-010.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつでも何度でも出会える、大きな扉の向こう側。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―【白】(アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "あなたのデッキから白のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "召还—(白)(使用此牌时可以追加支付召还费用。若如此做,此牌追加获得「此牌返回分身牌组。」的效果)\n" + "从你的卡组中探寻1张白色的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后洗切牌组。。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [White] (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "Search your deck for 1 white SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards." ], encore: { costWhite: 1 }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.hasColor('white')); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1783": { "pid": 1783, cid: 1783, "timestamp": 1468055317805, "wxid": "WX13-011", name: "遊月・純肆", name_zh_CN: "游月·纯肆", name_en: "Yuzuki-Pure Four", "kana": "ユヅキジュンシ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-011.jpg", "illust": "ますん", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さあさあさあさァ!! ~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1784": { "pid": 1784, cid: 1784, "timestamp": 1468055322268, "wxid": "WX13-012", name: "立炎交差", name_zh_CN: "立炎交差", name_en: "Standing Flame Cross", "kana": "リツエンコウサ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-012.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "交差する炎、その刃先は。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのデッキから、あなたのシグニ1体のクロス条件に含まれるすべてのシグニを1枚ずつ探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのデッキから、あなたのシグニ1体のクロス条件に含まれるすべてのシグニを1枚ずつ探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの場にクロス状態のシグニがある場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项选择1项\n" + "①从你的卡组中找1张被你的场上的一只精灵的【CROSS】条件包含的精灵出场。之后洗切牌组。\n" + "②你的场上存在CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。", "从你的卡组中找1张被你的场上的一只精灵的【CROSS】条件包含的精灵出场。之后洗切牌组。", "你的场上存在CROSS状态的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① From your deck, search your deck for all SIGNI that are included in the Cross condition of 1 of your SIGNI and put them onto the field 1 at a time. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "② If there are crossed SIGNI on your field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "From your deck, search your deck for all SIGNI that are included in the Cross condition of 1 of your SIGNI and put them onto the field 1 at a time. Then, shuffle your deck.", "If there are crossed SIGNI on your field, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.getCrossPairCids().length; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var cids = card.getCrossPairCids(); var filter = function (card) { return inArr(card.cid,cids); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2) }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.crossed; },this); if (!flag) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }] }, "1785": { "pid": 1785, cid: 1785, "timestamp": 1468055327933, "wxid": "WX13-013", name: "三焼揃踏", name_zh_CN: "三烧揃踏", name_en: "Three Burning Gathered Steps", "kana": "サンショウセントウ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-013.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "まるっ!~カクヤ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "それぞれ同じパワーを持つシグニ3体をバニッシュする。\n" + "(自分のシグニを含んでもよい。合計2体以下のシグニに使用することはできない)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将持有相同力量的3只SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "(可以包含自己的SIGNI。不能对合计2只以下的SIGNI使用)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 3 SIGNI with the same power.\n" + "(This may include your own SIGNI. Can't be used on a total of 2 or less SIGNI.)" ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var signis = []; var signisMap = {}; concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).forEach(function (signi) { var power = signi.power; if (!signisMap[power]) signisMap[power] = []; signisMap[power].push(signi); if (signisMap[power].length === 3) { signis = signis.concat(signisMap[power]); } else if (signisMap[power].length > 3) { signis.push(signi); } },this); if (!signis.length) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('BANISH',signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== card) && (signi.power === card.power); },this) if (cards.length < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('BANISH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards.push(card); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); }); }); } } }, "1786": { "pid": 1786, cid: 1786, "timestamp": 1468055336088, "wxid": "WX13-014", name: "エルドラ×マークⅣPLUS", name_zh_CN: "艾尔德拉xⅣ式+", name_en: "Eldora×Mark IV PLUS", "kana": "エルドラマークフォープラス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-014.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "エルドラ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どどーんっと、いっちゃいましょうかね!~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "1787": { "pid": 1787, cid: 1787, "timestamp": 1468055345751, "wxid": "WX13-015", name: "アンダー・ワン", name_zh_CN: "UNDER ONE", name_en: "Under One", "kana": "アンダーワン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-015.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "残念ながら届かないわね…。~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―【青】【無】(アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "コストの合計が1以下のスペル1つの効果を打ち消す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响 —【蓝】【无】(可以追加支付回响费用来使用此卡。这样做了的场合,这张卡追加获得「这张卡返回LRIG卡组。」)\n" + "将费用合计1以下的1个魔法效果取消。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [Blue] [Colorless] (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "Cancel the effect of 1 spell with total cost 1 or less." ], encore: { costBlue: 1, costColorless: 1, }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var spell = this.game.spellToCutIn; if (!spell) return false; return (spell.getTotalEnerCost(true) <= 1); } } }, "1788": { "pid": 1788, cid: 1788, "timestamp": 1468055352072, "wxid": "WX13-016", name: "青幻水 リヴァイア", name_zh_CN: "青幻水 莉薇娅", name_en: "Levia, Blue Water Phantom", "kana": "セイゲンスイリヴァイア", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-016.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "久しいな、アロワナ殿。~リヴァイア~\nうす、元気っす!~アロワナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<水獣>のシグニ3体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的场上将3只非共鸣<水兽>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('水獣'); }; var count = 3; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの手札が7枚より少ない場合、その差の分だけカードを引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你的手牌比7张少的场合,抽至7张。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if your hand has less than 7 cards, draw a number of cards equal to the difference." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1788-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var count = 7 - this.player.hands.length; if (count <= 0) return; this.player.draw(count); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1789": { "pid": 1789, cid: 1789, "timestamp": 1468055356844, "wxid": "WX13-017", name: "アイヤイ★コール", name_zh_CN: "艾娅伊★叫牌", name_en: "Aiyai★Call", "kana": "アイヤイコール", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-017.jpg", "illust": "トリダモノ", "classes": [ "アイヤイ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今後のためにさあ、聴かせてよぉ。どう思うかさ。~アイヤイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから緑のシグニ1枚を場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张绿色的SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将那只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 1 green SIGNI from your trash onto the field. At the end of your turn, put that SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ // 复制并修改自<博爱的使者 莎榭·弦月> actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { // 注意这里不要 card.canSummon() ,因为可以通过选择不满足的SIGNI达成空发。 return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('green'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card || !card.canSummon()) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }], }, "1790": { "pid": 1790, cid: 1790, "timestamp": 1468055359119, "wxid": "WX13-018", name: "意気軒昂", name_zh_CN: "意气轩昂", name_en: "In High Spirits", "kana": "エールアゲイン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-018.jpg", "illust": "DQN", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はかなくせつない、うつくしい、羽。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―【緑】【無】(アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "ターン終了時まで、シグニ1体のパワーを+4000する。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响 —【绿】【无】(可以追加支付回响费用来使用此卡。这样做了的场合,这张卡追加获得「这张卡返回LRIG卡组。」)\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,1只SIGNI力量+4000。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [Green] [Colorless] (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 SIGNI gets +4000 power." ], encore: { costGreen: 1, costColorless: 1, }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis) return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return false; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',4000); return false; }); } } }, "1791": { "pid": 1791, cid: 1791, "timestamp": 1468055360735, "wxid": "WX13-019", name: "緑弐ノ遊 スイングライド", name_zh_CN: "绿贰游 旋转飞椅绿", name_en: "Swingride, Green Second Play", "kana": "リョクニノユウスイングライド", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-019.jpg", "illust": "toshi Punk", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "遠心力の空中遊泳!~スイングライド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【メインフェイズ】合計3枚のレゾナではない<遊具>のシグニをあなたの手札と場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的手牌和场上将合计3张非共鸣<游具>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put a total of 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { // 复制并修改自<白罗星 满月> var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var hands = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(signis,hands).length < 3) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!signis.length) { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,3,3).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; }); } var min = Math.max(0,3 - hands.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 3 - cards.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var min = 2 - hands.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',signis,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards; var count = 2 - cards.length; if (!count) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',hands,count,count).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }) }.bind(this); } actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { signis = this.player.signis.filter(filter); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',signis).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card.trashAsyn(); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',hands).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); }); }.bind(this); } return this.getSummonSolution(filter,3); } }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:レゾナではないあなたのシグニ1体が対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしたとき、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只非共鸣SIGNI将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your non-Resona SIGNI crushes 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1791-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!inArr(event.source,this.player.signis)) return false; if (event.source.resona) return false; return true; }, condition: function () { return !this.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から1枚を手札に加え、1枚をエナゾーンに置き、残りをデッキの一番上に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的3张卡公开。从中将1张加入手牌,1张放置到能量区,剩下的放置到卡组顶。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 from among them to your hand, put 1 into the Ener Zone, and put the rest on top of your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.selectAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); return this.player.selectAsyn('PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); }); }); }); } }], }, "1792": { "pid": 1792, cid: 1792, "timestamp": 1468055363428, "wxid": "WX13-020", name: "懇願の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "恳愿的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Entreaties", "kana": "コンガンノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 8, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-020.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私は、もう帰れないから。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1793": { "pid": 1793, cid: 1793, "timestamp": 1468055365289, "wxid": "WX13-021", name: "傀儡の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "傀儡的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Puppets", "kana": "カイライノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-021.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたを救うって。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体につき、-5000する。(パワーが0以下のシグニはバニッシュされる)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,你每有1只<毒牙>SIGNI,就将对战对手的同一只SIGNI力量-5000。(力量0以下的SIGNI会被驱逐)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power for each of your SIGNI. (A SIGNI with power 0 or less is banished.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var value = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this).length * -5000; if (!value) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); }); } }], }, "1794": { "pid": 1794, cid: 1794, "timestamp": 1468055367284, "wxid": "WX13-022", name: "来夢の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "来梦的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Coming Dreams", "kana": "ライムノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 5, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-022.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "1795": { "pid": 1795, cid: 1795, "timestamp": 1468055368798, "wxid": "WX13-023", name: "ミュウ=モルト", name_zh_CN: "缪=新芽", name_en: "Myuu=Molt", "kana": "ミュウモルト", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-023.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "ミュウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…やり直し。~ミュウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张黑色的SIGNI出场。回合结束时,将那只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 1 black SIGNI from your trash onto the field. At the end of your turn, put that SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ // 复制并修改自<博爱的使者 莎榭·弦月> actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { // 注意这里不要 card.canSummon() ,因为可以通过选择不满足的SIGNI达成空发。 return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('black'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card || !card.canSummon()) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); }); }); } }], }, "1796": { "pid": 1796, cid: 1796, "timestamp": 1468055371913, "wxid": "WX13-024", name: "残悔の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "残悔的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Residual Regrets", "kana": "ザンカイノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-024.jpg", "illust": "かにゃぴぃ", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どこに……。 ~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1797": { "pid": 1797, cid: 1797, "timestamp": 1468055373923, "wxid": "WX13-025", name: "フォービドゥン・ゲーム", name_zh_CN: "禁忌游戏", name_en: "Forbidden Game", "kana": "フォービドゥンゲーム", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-025.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 4, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "貫く毒よ。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このアーツを使用する際、あなたの手札から<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで捨ててもよい。このアーツを使用するためのコストは、この方法で捨てたシグニ1枚につき、【黒】コストが2、【無】コストが1減る。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。その後、あなたのルリグが<ハナレ>の場合、あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "使用这张技艺时,可以从你的手牌将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI舍弃。通过这个方法舍弃的SIGNI每有1张,这张技艺卡的使用费用就减少【黑2】【无1】。\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。之后,你的LRIG为<离>的场合,从你的废弃区将1张等级3以下的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "When you use this ARTS, you may discard up to 2 SIGNI from your hand. For each SIGNI that was discarded this way, the [Black] cost to use this ARTS is reduced by 2 and the [Colorless] cost by 1.\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −12000 power. Then, if your LRIG is , put 1 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); var count = Math.min(2,cards.length); obj.costBlack -= count * 2; obj.costColorless -= count; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); if (!cards.length) return Callback.immediately(obj); var min = 0; if (!this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { min = 1; obj.costBlack -= 2; obj.costColorless -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; if (!this.player.enoughEner(obj)) { min = 2; } } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; obj.costBlack -= cards.length * 2; obj.costColorless -= cards.length; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; if (obj.costColorless < 0) obj.costColorless = 0; return obj; }); }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }).callback(this,function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('ハナレ')) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') && (card.level <= 3) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } } }, "1798": { "pid": 1798, cid: 1798, "timestamp": 1468055375708, "wxid": "WX13-026", name: "ネクスト・パニッシュ", name_zh_CN: "下一个惩罚", name_en: "Next Punish", "kana": "ネクストパニッシュ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-026.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "1度あることは2度あるのじゃ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "このターン、対戦相手のシグニがバニッシュされている場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは【黒】コストが3減る。\n" + "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。このターン、あなたはアーツを使用できない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合,对战对手的SIGNI曾被驱逐的场合,这张技艺卡的使用费用减少【黑3】\n" + "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-12000。这个回合,你不能使用技艺。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, if your opponent's SIGNI were banished, the cost to use this ARTS is decreased by 3 [Black].\n" + "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −12000 power. This turn, you can't use ARTS." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; if (this.game.getData(this.player.opponent,'flagSigniBanished')) { obj.costBlack -= 3; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0 } return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-12000); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'artsBanned',true); }); } } }, "1799": { "pid": 1799, cid: 1799, "timestamp": 1468055377399, "wxid": "WX13-027", name: "サーバント・アライブ", name_zh_CN: "侍从苏生", name_en: "Servant Alive", "kana": "サーバントアライブ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-027.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新たな物語が幕を開ける。次もきっと、忘れられない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのトラッシュから《ガードアイコン》を持つ無色のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的废弃区将至多2张持有防御标记的无色SIGNI加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Add up to two colorless SIGNI with [Guard] from your trash to your hand." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.guardFlag && card.hasColor('colorless'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1800": { "pid": 1800, cid: 1800, "timestamp": 1468055379483, "wxid": "WX13-028", name: "カラーレス サーバンツ", name_zh_CN: "无色从者", name_en: "Colorless Servants", "kana": "カラーレスサーバンツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-028.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ひとつの終わりの後。\nWIXOSS因子とエナの”結合物”がひとつ見つかった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【アタックフェイズ】カード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニ2枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【攻击阶段】从你的能量区将2张名字含有《侍从》的SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Attack Phase] Put 2 SIGNI with \"Servant\" in their card names from your Ener Zone into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'attackPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('サーバント') !== -1); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return null; return function () { return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,2,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }.bind(this); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、ルリグデッキに戻る代わりにルリグトラッシュに置かれる。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,不返回LRIG卡组而放置到LRIG废弃区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: If this SIGNI is banished, put it into the LRIG Trash instead of returning it to the LRIG Deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'resonaBanishToTrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【無】:あなたのトラッシュからカード名に《サーバント》を含むシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【无】:从你的废弃区将1张名字含有《侍从》的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Colorless]: Add 1 SIGNI with \"Servant\" in its card name from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('サーバント') !== -1); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }], }, "1801": { "pid": 1801, cid: 1801, "timestamp": 1468056330499, "wxid": "WX13-029", name: "羅星宙姫 ノーザンセブン", name_zh_CN: "罗星宙姬 北斗七星", name_en: "Northern Seven, Natural Star Space Princess", "kana": "ラセイソラヒメノーザンセブン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-029.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "宇から転じて宙を拾う。これぞ究極奥義。~ノーザンセブン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのアタックフェイズ開始時、以下の4つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニはバニッシュされない。\n" + "②このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは場から手札に戻らない。\n" + "③このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは新たに能力を得られない。\n" + "④このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは対戦相手の効果によってダウンしない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的攻击阶段开始时,从以下4项中选择1项。\n" + "①这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会被驱逐。\n" + "②这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会从场上返回手牌。\n" + "③这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会获得新能力。\n" + "④这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会因对战对手的效果横置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the beginning of your attack phase, choose 1 of the following 4.\n" + "① This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be banished.\n" + "② This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be returned from the field to your hand.\n" + "③ This turn, all of your SIGNI can't gain new abilities.\n" + "④ This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be downed by your opponent's effects." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1801-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1801-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'canNotBeBanished',true); } },{ source: this, description: '1801-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'canNotBeBounced',true); } },{ source: this, description: '1801-attached-2', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'signiCanNotGainAbility',true,{forced: true}); } },{ source: this, description: '1801-attached-3', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this.player,'canNotBeDownedByOpponentEffect',true); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return this.player.opponent.showEffectsAsyn([effect]).callback(this,function () { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニはバニッシュされない。", "このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは場から手札に戻らない。", "このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは新たに能力を得られない。", "このターン、あなたのすべてのシグニは対戦相手の効果によってダウンしない。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会被驱逐。", "这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会从场上返回手牌。", "这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会获得新能力。", "这个回合,你的所有SIGNI不会因对战对手的效果横置。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be banished.", "This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be returned from the field to your hand.", "This turn, all of your SIGNI can't gain new abilities.", "This turn, all of your SIGNI can't be downed by your opponent's effects." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } } }, "1802": { "pid": 1802, cid: 1802, "timestamp": 1468056335107, "wxid": "WX13-030", name: "幻竜神姫 バハムート", name_zh_CN: "幻龙神姬 巴哈姆特", name_en: "Bahamut, Phantom Dragon Deity Princess", "kana": "ゲンリュウシンキバハムート", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-030.jpg", "illust": "nocras", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "激戦の中、狭き登竜門をくぐり抜けた伝説の竜。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:【アサシン】", "【常時能力】:【ダブルクラッシュ】" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:【暗杀者】", "【常】:【双重击溃】" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: [Assassin]", "[Constant]: [Double Crush]" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'assassin',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'doubleCrash',true); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを、パワーの合計が10000以下になるように好きな数バニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手力量合计10000以下的任意数量SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish any number of your opponent's SIGNI with total power 10000 or less." ], burstEffect: { // 复制并修改自《弩炮 狙击枪》 actionAsyn: function () { var done = false; var targets = []; var total = 0; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return (total + card.power) <= 10000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } total += card.power; targets.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(targets); }); } } }, "1803": { "pid": 1803, cid: 1803, "timestamp": 1468056337992, "wxid": "WX13-031", name: "弩中砲 グスタフト", name_zh_CN: "弩中炮 古斯塔夫", name_en: "Gustaft, Center Ballista", "kana": "ドチュウホウグスタフト", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-031.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オーライ!主砲発射!!~グスタフト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1815, crossRight: 1814, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、代わりにバニッシュされず、ターン終了時まで、この能力を失う。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが《ヘブンアイコン》したとき、あなたのすべてのシグニをアップする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐的场合,作为代替,直到回合结束为止,失去这个能力。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,竖置你的所有SIGNI。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, instead of being banished, until end of turn, this SIGNI loses this ability.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], up all of your SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var protection = { source: this, description: '1803-const-0', condition: function (card) { return !this._GustaftCenterBallista; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(card,card,'_GustaftCenterBallista',true); return Callback.immediately(); } }; add(this,'banishProtections',protection); } },{ cross: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1803-const-1', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.game.upCardsAsyn(this.player.signis); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから《クロス》を持つシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张持有【CROSS】的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI with >Cross< from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2) } } }, "1804": { "pid": 1804, cid: 1804, "timestamp": 1468056341020, "wxid": "WX13-033", name: "MIRROR", name_zh_CN: "MIRROR", name_en: "MIRROR", "kana": "ミラー", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-033.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなた……私……? ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "カードを1枚引く。あなたのルリグトラッシュからレベル0のルリグ1枚をあなたのルリグの下に置いてよい。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "抽1张卡。从你的LRIG废弃区将1张等级0的LRIG放置到你的LRIG下方。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Draw 1 card. Put 1 level 0 LRIG from your LRIG Trash under your LRIG." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1) var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG') && (card.level === 0); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.moveTo(this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true, }); }); }); } }, }, "1805": { "pid": 1805, cid: 1805, "timestamp": 1468056343953, "wxid": "WX13-034", name: "幻獣神 マンモ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽神 猛犸", name_en: "Mammo, Phantom Beast Deity", "kana": "ゲンジュウシンマンモ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-034.jpg", "illust": "村上ヒサシ", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "壊すつもり、なかったんだよお~。~マンモ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグデッキが0枚であるかぎり、このシグニは対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのすべてのシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、自身よりパワーの低い対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG卡组为0张,这只SIGNI就不受对战对手的技艺效果影响。", "【常】:你所有的SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量比自己低的SIGNI驱逐。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG Deck has 0 cards, this SIGNI is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's ARTS.", "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI get \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power less than this SIGNI's power.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return !this.player.lrigDeck.cards.length; }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return !((card.player === this.player.opponent) && (card.type === 'ARTS')); }); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: signi, description: '1805-attached-0', actionAsyn: function (event) { return this.banishSigniAsyn(this.power); } }); add(signi,'onAttack',effect); },this); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このシグニがアタックしたとき、自身よりパワーの低い対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这只SIGNI攻击时,将比自己力量低的对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power less than this SIGNI's power." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置き、対戦相手のパワー10000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。将对战对手的1只力量10000以上的SIGNI驱逐。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into your Ener Zone, then banish one of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or more." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000,0,1,true); } } }, "1806": { "pid": 1806, cid: 1806, "timestamp": 1468056347079, "wxid": "WX13-035", name: "参ノ遊 ゴガツドール", name_zh_CN: "叁游 五月节人偶", name_en: "Gogatsudoll, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウゴガツドール", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-035.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "子供の立身出世を願って。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将你卡组最上方的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1806-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:このシグニがアタックフェイズの間に場に出たとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI在攻击阶段期间出场时,将你卡组最上方的3张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field during the attack phase, put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()) return; this.player.enerCharge(3); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚見る。その中から1枚を手札に加えるかエナゾーンに置く。その後、残りをデッキの一番上か一番下に置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:查看你卡组顶的2张卡。从中将1张加入手牌或放置到能量区。之后,将剩下的返回卡组最上方或最下方。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 of them to your hand or put it into the Ener Zone. Then, put the rest on the top or bottom of your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(2); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); } else { card.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); } removeFromArr(card,cards); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['PUT_TO_TOP','PUT_TO_BOTTOM']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'PUT_TO_TOP') { return; } else { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); } }) }); }) } } }, "1807": { "pid": 1807, cid: 1807, "timestamp": 1468056350048, "wxid": "WX13-036", name: "フィア=パトラ", name_zh_CN: "VIER=帕特拉", name_en: "Vier=Patra", "kana": "フィアパトラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-036.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "胸に残る毒の香が、わらわの生きた証じゃ。~パトラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの効果によって対戦相手のシグニのパワーが減るたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを減った値と同じだけ+する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的效果将对战对手的SIGNI力量减少时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量增加与减少数值相同的力量。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When the power of your opponent's SIGNI is decreased, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets power equal to the decrease." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1807-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (event.oldPower <= event.power) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; if (source.player !== this.player) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var value = event.oldPower - event.power; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',value); } }); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'onPowerChange',effect); }); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的废弃区将1张等级1的<毒牙>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Add 1 level 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level === 1) && card.hasClass('毒牙') }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを20000減らす:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨て、自分のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。(パワーは0未満まで減らせない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量-20000:对战对手将1张手牌舍弃,将自己的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。这个能力1回合只能使用1次(力量不能减少到小于0)。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Until end of turn, decrease this SIGNI's power by 20000: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand, then puts 1 of their SIGNI into the trash. This ability can only be used once per turn. (Power can't be decreased to less than 0.)" ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costCondition: function () { return (this.power >= 20000); }, costAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',-20000,{asCost: true}); return Callback.immediately(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1808": { "pid": 1808, cid: 1808, "timestamp": 1468056353045, "wxid": "WX13-037", name: "幻蟲 スカラベ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 圣甲虫", name_en: "Scarab, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウスカラベ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-037.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "太陽を転がすように見えるじゃろ?~スカラベ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手は自分のシグニ1体につき、自分のデッキの上からカード1枚を、それらの【チャーム】にする。", "【常時能力】:あなたの<凶蟲>のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-4000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,对战对手每有1只SIGNI,就将自己卡组顶的1张卡作为那只SIGNI的【魅饰】。", "【常】:你的<凶虫>SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-4000。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, for each of your opponent's SIGNI, your opponent puts the top card of their deck under that SIGNI as [Charm].", "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −4000 power.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1808-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showEffectsAsyn([effect]).callback(this,function () { return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); return this.player.opponent.selectTargetAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); }); }) } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1808-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { var card = event.card; if (!inArr(card,this.player.signis)) return false; return card.hasClass('凶蟲'); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(4000); } }); add(this.player,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】2枚をトラッシュに置く。そうしなかった場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手场上的2张【魅饰】放置到废弃区。没这样做的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 2 of your opponent's [Charm] on the field into the trash. If you do not, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.opponent.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); if (zones.length < 2) { return this.trashAsyn(); } return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones,2,2).callback(this,function (zones) { var cards = zones.map(function (zone) { return zone.cards[0].charm; },this); this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], }, "1809": { "pid": 1809, cid: 1809, "timestamp": 1468056355995, "wxid": "WX13-039", name: "羅星 ホロスコープ", name_zh_CN: "罗星 星相图", name_en: "Horoscope, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイホロスコープ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "リメンバ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-039.jpg", "illust": "鈴木マナツ", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あんたの未来は、私が決める。~ホロスコープ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手の凍結状態のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只冻结状态的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, return 1 of your opponent's frozen SIGNI to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1809-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.frozen; }; return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn(filter).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンし、それらを凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI横置,并冻结。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI, and freeze them." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { card.down(); card.freeze(); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); }); } } }, "1810": { "pid": 1810, cid: 1810, "timestamp": 1468056359209, "wxid": "WX13-040", name: "思索の体現 *シンカー*", name_zh_CN: "思索的体现 *思考者*", name_en: "⁑Thinker⁑, Embodiment of Meditation", "kana": "シサクノタイケン゛ホーリーシンカー", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-040.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "う~む。どうしたものか。~*シンカー*~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたが対戦相手のシグニ1体のアタックを無効にしたとき、あなたは【白】を支払い、トラッシュにあるこのカードをゲームから除外してもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。(この効果はこのシグニがトラッシュにある場合にしか発動しない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你将对战对手的1只SIGNI的攻击无效化时,可以支付【白】并将存在于废弃区的这张卡从游戏中除外。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。(这个效果只能在这只SIGNI存在于你的废弃区的场合发动)。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you disable the attack of 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may pay White, and exclude this card in your trash from the game. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. (This effect can only be triggered if this SIGNI is in the trash.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1810-const-0', costWhite: 1, costAsyn: function () { this.exclude(); }, triggerCondition: function (event) { return inArr(event.card,this.player.opponent.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }) }) } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPrevented',effect); } }], }, "1811": { "pid": 1811, cid: 1811, "timestamp": 1468056363114, "wxid": "WX13-041", name: "巨弓 ガンデヴァ", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 刚帝弓", name_en: "Gandiva, Large Bow", "kana": "キョキュウガンデヴァ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-041.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この子達は弓を見つけるのが上手いのよ。~ガンデヴァ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキから《巨弓 ガンデヴァ》以外のカード名に《弓》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:从你的卡组中探寻1张《巨弓 刚帝弓》以外的名字含有《弓》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action][Down]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Bow\" in its name other than \"Gandiva, Large Bow\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 1811) && (card.name.indexOf('弓') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1812": { "pid": 1812, cid: 1812, "timestamp": 1468056365808, "wxid": "WX13-042", name: "コードメイズ コロッセオ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 罗马角斗场", name_en: "Code Maze Colosseum", "kana": "コードメイズコロッセオ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-042.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "闘いたいんだよ!!~コロッセオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<迷宮>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<迷宫>SIGNI的场合,将其加入手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1813": { "pid": 1813, cid: 1813, "timestamp": 1468056368972, "wxid": "WX13-043", name: "弩砲 トミガン", name_zh_CN: "弩炮 汤姆逊冲锋枪", name_en: "Tommygun, Ballista", "kana": "ドホウトミガン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-043.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トミガン♪トミガン♪ウタレール♪~トミガン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニはアタックできない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのメインフェイズ開始時、あなたのルリグが赤の場合、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。この効果でクラッシュされたカードのライフバーストは発動しない。(あなたのルリグが赤の場合、この能力を発動しないことは選べない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI不能攻击。", "【常】:你的主要阶段开始时,你的LRIG为红色的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。这个效果击溃的卡的生命迸发不发动。(你的LRIG为红色的场合,不能选择不发动这个能力)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI can't attack.", "[Constant]: At the start of your main phase, if your LRIG is red, you may put this SIGNI from the field into the trash. If you do, crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth. The Life Burst of the crushed card does not activate. (If your LRIG is red, you may not choose not to activate this ability.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotAttack',true); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.hasColor('red'); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1813-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.trash()) return; return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1,{tag: 'dontTriggerBurst'}); } }); add(this.player,'onMainPhaseStart',effect); } }], }, "1814": { "pid": 1814, cid: 1814, "timestamp": 1468056371923, "wxid": "WX13-045", name: "轟左砲 ドーラ", name_zh_CN: "轰左炮 朵拉", name_en: "Dora, Roaring Left Gun", "kana": "ゴウサホウドーラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-045.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "左、打つよ。~ドーラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1815, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのレベル3以下のシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。(【アサシン】を持つシグニがアタックする場合、正面にシグニがないかのように対戦相手にダメージを与える)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,你的1只等级3以下的SIGN获得【暗杀者】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, 1 of your level 3 or less SIGNI gets [Assassin]. (If an attacking SIGNI has [Assassin], it damages the opponent as if there was no SIGNI in front of it.)" ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1814-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.selectSelfSigniAsyn(filter).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1815": { "pid": 1815, cid: 1815, "timestamp": 1468056374871, "wxid": "WX13-046", name: "轟右砲 ドスラフ", name_zh_CN: "轰右炮 朵丝拉夫", name_en: "Doslaf, Roaring Right Gun", "kana": "ゴウウホウドスラフ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "タマ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-046.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニハハ、ウホウ発射!~ドスラフ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1814, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニを1体までバニッシュし、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+4000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,将对战对手的1只力量5000以下的SIGNI驱逐,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+4000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less, and until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +4000 power." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1815-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000).callback(this,function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',4000); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1816": { "pid": 1816, cid: 1816, "timestamp": 1468056377944, "wxid": "WX13-047", name: "同砲の紲絆", name_zh_CN: "同炮的绁绊", name_en: "Bonds of the Same Gun", "kana": "ドウホウノセツハン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-047.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマ、みかた、よぶ!~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたの《クロス》を持つシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《クロス》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1只持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张持有【CROSS】标记的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your SIGNI with >CROSS<. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI with >CROSS<, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.crossIcon; },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } }, }, "1817": { "pid": 1817, cid: 1817, "timestamp": 1468056380548, "wxid": "WX13-048", name: "幻水 テッポウオ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 射水鱼", name_en: "Teppouo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイテッポウオ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-048.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぴゅー。~テッポウオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】手札から<水獣>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたはカード名1つを宣言する。対戦相手は自分のデッキの一番上のカードを公開する。それが宣言したカードの場合、それをトラッシュに置き、あなたはカードを2枚引く。宣言したカードではない場合、あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张<水兽>SIGNI舍弃:宣言1个卡名。对战对手将自己卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是所宣言的卡的场合,将其放置到废弃区,你抽2张卡。不是所宣言的卡的场合,你抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: You declare 1 card name. Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck. If it is the declared card, put it into the trash, and you draw 2 cards. If it is not the declared card, you draw a card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('水獣'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('水獣'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; return this.player.declareCardIdAsyn().callback(this,function (pid) { var cid = CardInfo[pid].cid; return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }).callback(this,function () { if (card.cid === cid) { card.trash(); this.player.draw(2); } else { this.player.draw(1); } }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引き、対戦相手のデッキの一番上と対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡,查看对战对手卡组和生命护甲最上方的1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card, and you look at the top card of your opponent's deck and the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); var cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(1); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); }); } } }, "1818": { "pid": 1818, cid: 1818, "timestamp": 1468056381701, "wxid": "WX13-049", name: "羅原 Li", name_zh_CN: "罗原 Li", name_en: "Lithium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンリチウム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-049.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "電気の蓄えならナンバーワン!~Li~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルが3枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは対戦相手の効果によってはバニッシュされない。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのトラッシュにそれぞれ名前の異なる<原子>のシグニが7枚以上ある場合、トラッシュからスペル1枚を手札に加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在3张以上的魔法卡,这只SIGNI就不会因对战对手的效果被驱逐。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你的废弃区中存在7张以上名字各不相同的<原子>SIGNI的场合,从废弃区将1张魔法卡加入手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 3 or more spells in your trash, this SIGNI is not banished by your opponent's effects.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if there are 7 or more SIGNI with different names in your trash, add 1 spell from your trash to your hand." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return (cards.length >= 3); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'canNotBeBanishedByEffect',true) } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1818-const-0', condition: function () { var cids = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('原子')) return; if (inArr(card.cid,cids)) return; cids.push(card.cid); },this); return (cids.length >= 7); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.type === 'SPELL'; }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<原子>のシグニ1枚かスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组探寻1张<原子>SIGNI或1张魔法卡公开并加入手牌。之后 ,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI or 1 spell, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('原子') || (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1819": { "pid": 1819, cid: 1819, "timestamp": 1468056382825, "wxid": "WX13-050", name: "VOICE CHANGE", name_zh_CN: "VOICE CHANGE", name_en: "VOICE CHANGE", "kana": "ボイスチェンジ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-050.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あーあー、ちよりです。~エルドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのライフクロス1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュからカード1枚をライフクロスに加える。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将你的1张生命护甲放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区将1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put 1 of your Life Cloth into the trash. If you do, add 1 card from your trash to your Life Cloth." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards; }, targetCovered: true, actionAsyn: function (target) { if (!inArr(target,this.player.trashZone.cards)) return; var card = this.player.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; target.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }, }, "1820": { "pid": 1820, cid: 1820, "timestamp": 1468056383946, "wxid": "WX13-052", name: "参ノ遊 コイノボリ", name_zh_CN: "叁游 鲤鱼旗", name_en: "Koinobori, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウコイノボリ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-052.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "子供の成長を願って。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<遊具>のシグニの場合、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、この効果で公開したシグニをダウン状態で場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1张SIGNI驱逐时,将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<游具>SIGNI的场合,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将由这个效果公开的SIGNI以横置状态出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, you may banish this SIGNI. If you do, put the SIGNI revealed by this effect onto the field downed." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1820-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具'); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return Callback.forEach(cards,function (card) { return card.summonAsyn(true,false,true); },this); }); }); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], }, "1821": { "pid": 1821, cid: 1821, "timestamp": 1468056385033, "wxid": "WX13-053", name: "幻獣 ホトトギ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 杜鹃", name_en: "Hototogi, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウホトトギ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-053.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "勝てぬなら 仲間を待とう ホトトギス", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのトラッシュにある<空獣>と<地獣>のシグニ1枚につき+1000される。この効果は10枚までしか適用されない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<空獣>のシグニが7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは対戦相手のアーツの効果を受けない。", "【常時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに<地獣>のシグニが7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的废弃区中每存在1张<空兽>和<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。这个效果至多适用10张。", "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在7张以上的<空兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI就不受对战对手的技艺效果影响。", "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在7张以上的<地兽>SIGNI,这只SIGNI就获得【枪兵】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each and SIGNI in your trash. This effect may add power up to 10 times.", "[Constant]: As long as there are 7 or more SIGNI in your trash, this SIGNI is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's ARTS.", "[Constant]: As long as there are 7 or more in your trash, this SIGNI gains [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣'); },this); var value = Math.min(cards.length,10) * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 7); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== this.player.opponent) || (card.type !== 'ARTS'); }); } },{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return (cards.length >= 7); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } }], }, "1822": { "pid": 1822, cid: 1822, "timestamp": 1468056386178, "wxid": "WX13-054", name: "弐ノ遊 フキナガシ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 飘带", name_en: "Fukinagashi, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウフキナガシ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-054.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "子供の健康を願って。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、カード名1つを宣言する。あなたのデッキの上からカードを4枚公開し、その中から宣言したカードをすべてエナゾーンに置く。その後、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,宣言1个卡名。将你卡组顶的4张卡公开,从中将所有被宣言卡放置到能量区。之后,剩下的卡按任意顺序放置到卡组最下方。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, declare 1 card name. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, put all cards that were declared from among them into the Ener Zone. Then, put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1822-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.declareCardIdAsyn().callback(this,function (pid) { var cid = CardInfo[pid].cid; return this.player.revealAsyn(4).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = []; var cards_deck = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.cid === cid) { cards_add.push(card); } else { cards_deck.push(card); } }); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.enerZone); var len = cards_deck.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_deck,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards_deck); }); }) }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1823": { "pid": 1823, cid: 1823, "timestamp": 1468056387962, "wxid": "WX13-055", name: "千夜の四夜 ソロモン", name_zh_CN: "千夜的四夜 所罗门", name_en: "Solomon, Four Nights of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノヨンヤソロモン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-055.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "王様は毎晩、その物語の続きが気になり、処刑をやめた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が0枚の場合、あなたのトラッシュから<悪魔>のシグニを1枚まで手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的手牌为0张的场合,从你的废弃区将1张<恶魔>SINGI加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your hand has 0 cards, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('悪魔'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,1,1); } }], }, "1824": { "pid": 1824, cid: 1824, "timestamp": 1468056390971, "wxid": "WX13-056", name: "フィア=ネロザラン", name_zh_CN: "VIER=尼禄", name_en: "Vier=Nerozaran", "kana": "フィアネロザラン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-056.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "我の毒酒が飲めぬというのか!~ネロザラン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のアタックフェイズ開始時、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体までのパワーをそれぞれ-10000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的攻击阶段开始时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: At the start of your opponent's attack phase, you may put this SIGNI into the trash. If you do, until end of turn, up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI get −10000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1824-const-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.trashAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { return this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-10000); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); }); }) } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPhaseStart',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −10000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(10000); } } }, "1825": { "pid": 1825, cid: 1825, "timestamp": 1468056393980, "wxid": "WX13-057", name: "幻蟲 オニヤンマ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 鬼蜻蜓", name_en: "Oniyanma, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウオニヤンマ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-057.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私を中心に、鋭爪は廻るの。~オニヤンマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニが中央のシグニゾーンにあるかぎり、このシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI就获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is in the middle of the SIGNI Zone, this SIGNI gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1825-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(5000); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場にある【チャーム】1枚をトラッシュに置く。そうしなかった場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将对战对手场上的1张【魅饰】放置到废弃区。没这样做的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put 1 of your opponent's [Charm] on the field into the trash. If you do not, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var zones = this.player.opponent.getCharms().map(function (charm) { return charm.zone; },this); if (!zones.length) { return this.trashAsyn(); } return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH_CHARM',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; var card = zone.cards[0].charm; card.trash(); }); } }], }, "1826": { "pid": 1826, cid: 1826, "timestamp": 1468056397157, "wxid": "WX13-058", name: "ドライ=ダイオ娘", name_zh_CN: "DREI=恶英娘", name_en: "Drei=Dio Daughter", "kana": "ドライダイオコ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-058.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃんを孤独にしないから!~ダイオ娘~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの場にカード名に《ダイオ姫》を含むシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニは「【起動能力】【ダウン】:このターン、あなたのシグニの効果で対戦相手のシグニのパワーが-(マイナス)される場合、代わりに2倍-(マイナス)される。」を得る。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在名字含有《戴奧辛姬》的SIGNI,这只SIGNI就获得「【起】【横置】:这个回合,因你的SIGNI的效果将对战对手的力量减少的场合,改为减少2倍。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a SIGNI with \"Dio Princess\" in its card name on your field, this SIGNI has \"[Action] [Down]: This turn, if the power of your opponent's SIGNI would be − (minus) by the effect of your SIGNI, it is − (minus) twice as much instead.\"" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('ダイオ姫') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = { source: this, description: '1826-attached-0', costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player,'_DreiDioDaughter',1); } } add(this,'actionEffects',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】:このターン、あなたのシグニの効果で対戦相手のシグニのパワーが-(マイナス)される場合、代わりに2倍-(マイナス)される。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:这个回合,因你的SIGNI的效果将对战对手的力量减少的场合,改为减少2倍。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: This turn, if the power of your opponent's SIGNI would be − (minus) by the effect of your SIGNI, it is − (minus) twice as much instead." ], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-1000する。あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《ダイオ姫》を含むシグニがある場合、代わりに対戦相手のすべてのシグニのパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-1000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:直到回合结束为止,你的LRIG等级每有1,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-1000。你的废弃区中存在名字含有《戴奧辛姬》的SIGNI的场合,改为你的LRIG等级每有1,就将对战对手的所有SIGNI力量-1000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1000 power for each of your LRIG's levels. If there is a SIGNI with \"Dio Princess\" in its card name in your trash, instead all of your opponent's SIGNI get −1000 power for each of your LRIG's levels." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('ダイオ姫') !== -1); },this); var value = this.player.lrig.level * -1000; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; if (flag) { this.game.frameStart(); cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',value); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); return; } return this.decreasePowerAsyn(-value); } }], }, "1827": { "pid": 1827, cid: 1827, "timestamp": 1468056399962, "wxid": "WX13-059", name: "ドライ=アグリピナ", name_zh_CN: "DREI=阿格里皮娜", name_en: "Drei=Agrippina", "kana": "ドライアグリピナ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-059.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ネロザラン、それアルハラ&ドクハラよ。~アグリピナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-2000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:直到回合结束为止,你的LRIG等级每有1,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power for each 1 level your LRIG has." ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var value = this.player.lrig.level * -2000; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(-value); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:どちらか1つを選ぶ。①カードを1枚引く。②ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。", "カードを1枚引く。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:选择其中一项。①抽1张卡。②直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。", "抽1张卡。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Choose either 1. ① Draw 1 card. ② Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power.", "Draw 1 card.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1827-burst-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } },{ source: this, description: '1827-burst-2', actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(5000); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } } }, "1828": { "pid": 1828, cid: 1828, "timestamp": 1468056402899, "wxid": "WX13-060", name: "ストレンジ・カインド", name_zh_CN: "怪异之善", name_en: "Strange Kind", "kana": "ストレンジカインド", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-060.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ごめんね、ちょっとだけ、痛いかも。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。あなたのルリグのレベルが4以上の場合、代わりに2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①このターン、対戦相手のシグニのパワーが0以下になるたび、カードを1枚引く。\n" + "②ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたの場にある<毒牙>のシグニのレベルを合計した数だけ-1000する。", "このターン、対戦相手のシグニのパワーが0以下になるたび、カードを1枚引く。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたの場にある<毒牙>のシグニのレベルを合計した数だけ-1000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。你的LRIG等级4以上的场合,改为选择至多2项。\n" + "①这个回合,对战对手的SIGNI力量变为0以下时,你抽1张卡。\n" + "②直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量减「你场上的《毒牙》SIGNI的等级合计数乘以1000」。", "这个回合,对战对手的SIGNI力量变为0以下时,你抽1张卡。", "直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量减「你场上的《毒牙》SIGNI的等级合计数乘以1000」。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2. If your LRIG is level 4 or more, choose up to 2 instead.\n" + "① This turn, each time the power of 1 of your opponent's SIGNI becomes 0 or less, draw 1 card.\n" + "② Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1000 power for each level in the total level of SIGNI on your field.", "This turn, each time the power of 1 of your opponent's SIGNI becomes 0 or less, draw 1 card.", "Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1000 power for each level in the total level of SIGNI on your field." ], spellEffect: { getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1828-spell-1', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1828-spell-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.newPower <= 0); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { add(signi,'onPowerChange',effect); }); } }); } },{ source: this, description: '1828-spell-2', actionAsyn: function (target) { if (!target) return; var value = 0; this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('毒牙')) { value += signi.level * -1000; } },this); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,target,'power',value); } }]; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',effects,0,2).callback(this,function (effects) { var flag = effects.some(function (effect) { return (effect.description === '1828-spell-2') },this); if (!flag) return { effects: effects, }; return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (target) { return { effects: effects, target: target, }; }); }); }, actionAsyn: function (arg) { var effects = arg.effects; var target = arg.target; return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this,target); },this); } } }, "1829": { "pid": 1829, cid: 1829, "timestamp": 1468056406133, "wxid": "WX13-061", name: "羅星 カプスフォー", name_zh_CN: "罗星 胶囊四", name_en: "Caps Four, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイカプスフォー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-061.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なぞってみる?~カプスフォー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのデッキからレベル1のシグニを2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:从你的卡组中探寻1至多2张等级1的SIGNI出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for up to 2 level 1 SIGNI and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level === 1); }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); } }], }, "1830": { "pid": 1830, cid: 1830, "timestamp": 1468056408928, "wxid": "WX13-062", name: "巨弓 ハラダヌ", name_zh_CN: "巨弓 哈拉达努", name_en: "Haradhanu, Large Bow", "kana": "キョキュウハラダヌ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-062.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "三弓揃って、弓連環!~ハラダヌ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの場にカード名に《弓》を含むシグニが3体ある場合、対戦相手のレベル2以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上存在3只卡名含有《弓》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只等级2以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have 3 SIGNI with \"Bow\" in their names on the field, return 1 of your opponent's level 2 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('弓') !== -1); },this); if (cards.length !== 3) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 2; },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1831": { "pid": 1831, cid: 1831, "timestamp": 1468056411949, "wxid": "WX13-063", name: "羅星 カプススリー", name_zh_CN: "罗星 胶囊三", name_en: "Caps Three, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイカプススリー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-063.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "故障…だけどこれくらいなら!~カプススリー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】あなたのレゾナ1体を場からルリグトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニを2体まで手札に戻す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】将你的1只共鸣SIGNI放置到LRIG废弃区:将对战对手的至多2只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White] Put 1 of your Resonas from the field into the LRIG Trash: Return up to 2 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && signi.resona; },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canTrashAsCost() && signi.resona; },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lrigTrashZone); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level <= 3; },this); return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.game.bounceCardsAsyn(cards); }); } }], }, "1832": { "pid": 1832, cid: 1832, "timestamp": 1468056414949, "wxid": "WX13-064", name: "羅星 カプスツー", name_zh_CN: "罗星 胶囊二", name_en: "Caps Two, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイカプスツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-064.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色んな星座を見つけに行こう!~カプスツー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<宇宙>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<宇宙>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的<宇宙>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 3 or less SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙') && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1833": { "pid": 1833, cid: 1833, "timestamp": 1468056417927, "wxid": "WX13-065", name: "恵の梅雨 マルティエル", name_zh_CN: "惠之梅雨 玛蒂耶尔", name_en: "Martiel, Blessing of the Rainy Season", "kana": "メグミノツユマルティエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-065.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "雨はいいわよ。~マルティル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【白】:あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないカード1枚をデッキに加えて、あなたは自分のデッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:从你的废弃区将1张不是无色的卡加入牌组,你将自己的卡组洗切。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Return 1 non-colorless card from your trash to your deck, then shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return !card.hasColor('colorless'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.mainDeck); this.player.shuffle(); }); } }], }, "1834": { "pid": 1834, cid: 1834, "timestamp": 1468056420954, "wxid": "WX13-066", name: "羅星 カプスワン", name_zh_CN: "罗星 胶囊一", name_en: "Caps One, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイカプスワン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-066.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色んな星を見つけに行こう!~カプスワン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【ダウン】手札から<宇宙>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下の<宇宙>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】从手牌将1张<宇宙>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级2以下的<宇宙>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasClass('宇宙'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('宇宙') && (card.level <= 2); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1835": { "pid": 1835, cid: 1835, "timestamp": 1468056424007, "wxid": "WX13-067", name: "羅石 ティンオ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 锡", name_en: "Tin'o, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキティンオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-067.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "このマイボディで…バリバリ!~ティンオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー8000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只力量8000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 8000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { return this.trashAsyn(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(8000); } }], }, "1836": { "pid": 1836, cid: 1836, "timestamp": 1468056426961, "wxid": "WX13-068", name: "爆砲 ファイバル", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 热气球炸弹", name_en: "Faival, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウファイバル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-068.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ボルーンでバム!~ファイバル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossLeft: 1837, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニが《ヘブンアイコン》したとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのレベル1のシグニ1体は【アサシン】を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI力量变为8000。", "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI达成【HEAVEN】时,直到回合结束为止,你的1只等级1的SIGNI获得【暗杀者】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 8000.", "[Cross Constant]: When this SIGNI becomes [Heaven], until end of turn, 1 of your level 1 SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1836-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level === 1; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'assassin',true); }); } }); add(this,'onHeaven',effect); } }], }, "1837": { "pid": 1837, cid: 1837, "timestamp": 1468056429832, "wxid": "WX13-069", name: "爆砲 フウバ", name_zh_CN: "爆炮 球形炸弹", name_en: "Fuuba, Explosive Gun", "kana": "バクホウフウバ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-069.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えっ、バムーンでボル!でしょ。~フウバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", crossRight: 1836, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【クロス常時能力】:このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたは【赤】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからレベル3以下の《クロス》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【CROSS常】:这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付【红】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张等级3以下的持有《CROSS》标记的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Cross Constant]: This SIGNI's power becomes 8000.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay Red. If you do, search your deck for 1 level 3 or less SIGNI with Cross, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ cross: true, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1837-const-1', costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.crossIcon && (card.level <= 3); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1838": { "pid": 1838, cid: 1838, "timestamp": 1468056433477, "wxid": "WX13-070", name: "羅石 アンチモン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 锑", name_en: "Antimony, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキアンチモン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-070.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この体を捧げても…バリーン!~アンチモン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー5000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只力量5000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 5000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { return this.trashAsyn(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(5000); } }], }, "1839": { "pid": 1839, cid: 1839, "timestamp": 1468056436955, "wxid": "WX13-071", name: "羅石 モナズ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 独居石", name_en: "Monaz, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキモナズ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-071.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この身朽ちようとも…ドシャ!~モナズ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】【赤】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red] Put this SIGNI from the field into the trash: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { return this.trashAsyn(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }], }, "1840": { "pid": 1840, cid: 1840, "timestamp": 1468056439988, "wxid": "WX13-072", name: "幻水 イダビウオ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 飞鱼", name_en: "Idabiuo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイダビウオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-072.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "偵察かい、任せな!~イダビウオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの<水獣>のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。(このシグニが場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<水兽>SIGNI出场时,查看对战对手生命护甲最上方的1张卡。(这只SIGNI出场的时候也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field, look at the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth. (This is also triggered when this SIGNI enters the field.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1840-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return inArr(this,this.player.signis) && event.card.hasClass('水獣'); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn([card]); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], }, "1841": { "pid": 1841, cid: 1841, "timestamp": 1468056443130, "wxid": "WX13-073", name: "幻水 ホンビウオ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 燕鳐", name_en: "Honbiuo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイホンビウオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-073.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぴょーん!~ホンビウオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上とデッキの一番上を見る。あなたはそれらを入れ替えてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,查看对战对手生命护甲和卡组最上方的1张卡。你可以交换它们。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, look at the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth and the top card of their deck. You may switch them." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1841-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.opponent.mainDeck.getTopCards(1), this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(1)); return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (cards.length !== 2) return; return this.player.confirmAsyn('CONFIRM_SWITCH').callback(this,function (answer) { if (!answer) return; cards[0].moveTo(this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone); cards[1].moveTo(this.player.opponent.mainDeck); }); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1842": { "pid": 1842, cid: 1842, "timestamp": 1468056445942, "wxid": "WX13-074", name: "コードアート B・R・D", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 B·R·D", name_en: "Code Art BRD", "kana": "コードアートブラックロータリーダイアル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-074.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ジーコ、ジーコ。~B・R・D~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがあなたの手札からトラッシュに置かれたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。(凍結されたシグニは次のアップフェイズにアップしない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI从你的手牌放置到废弃区时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your hand, freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. (Frozen SIGNI don't up during the next up phase.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1842-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.handZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。あなたはカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。你抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }).callback(this,function () { this.player.draw(1); }); } } }, "1843": { "pid": 1843, cid: 1843, "timestamp": 1468056448920, "wxid": "WX13-075", name: "幻水 タチウオ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 带鱼", name_en: "Tachiuo, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイタチウオ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "エルドラ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-075.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "捌かれる側から捌く側に!~タチウオ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、対戦相手のライフクロスの一番上を見る。あなたはそれをトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,查看对战对手生命护甲最上方的1张卡。你可以将它放置到废弃区。这样做了的场合,将对战对手卡组顶的1张卡加入生命护甲。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, look at the top card of your opponent's Life Cloth. You may put it into the trash. If you do, your opponent adds the top card of their deck to Life Cloth." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1843-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone.cards[0]; if (!card) return; this.player.informCards([card]); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[card]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.trash()) return; card = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.opponent.lifeClothZone); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1844": { "pid": 1844, cid: 1844, "timestamp": 1468056452074, "wxid": "WX13-076", name: "コードアート B・E・C", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 B·E·C", name_en: "Code Art BEC", "kana": "コードアートブラックボードイレイザークリーナー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-076.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "けむたいー!~B・E・C~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがあなたの手札からトラッシュに置かれたとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体を凍結する。(凍結されたシグニは次のアップフェイズにアップしない)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI从你的手牌放置到废弃区时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI冻结。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your hand, freeze 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. (Frozen SIGNI don't up during the next up phase.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1844-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.handZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.freeze(); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1845": { "pid": 1845, cid: 1845, "timestamp": 1468056455009, "wxid": "WX13-077", name: "幻獣 ユリカモメ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 红嘴鸥", name_en: "Yurikamome, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウユリカモメ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-077.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "鳴くよ ウグイス ユリカモメ", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたは【緑】を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからレベル4の<空獣>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你可以支付【绿】。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张等级4以下的<空兽>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, you may pay [Green]. If you do, search your deck for 1 level 4 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1845-const-0', costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣') && (card.level <= 4); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのトラッシュに《幻獣 メジロ》と《幻獣 ウグイス》がある場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区存在《幻兽 暗绿绣眼鸟》和《幻兽 树莺》的场合,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a \"Mejiro, Phantom Beast\" and a \"Uguisu, Phantom Beast\" in your trash, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.cid === 1851; },this) && this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return card.cid === 1847; },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1846": { "pid": 1846, cid: 1846, "timestamp": 1468056458004, "wxid": "WX13-078", name: "幻竜 #エリマキ#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #领饰龙#", name_en: "#Erimaki#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドエリマキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-078.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "このエリマキ、ワイルドっしょ?~#エリマキ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色が2種類以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的能量区中的卡的颜色有2种类以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 2 or more colors among cards in your Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors().forEach(function (color) { if (color === 'colorless') return; if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); return colors.length >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } }], }, "1847": { "pid": 1847, cid: 1847, "timestamp": 1468056460896, "wxid": "WX13-079", name: "幻獣 ウグイス", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 树莺", name_en: "Uguisu, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウウグイス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-079.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ホーホケキョ♪(歓迎します、ユリカモメさん)~ウグイス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのデッキから《幻獣 ユリカモメ》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿】:从你的卡组中探寻1张《幻兽 红嘴鸥》公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Green: Search your deck for 1 \"Yurikamome, Phantom Beast\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1845; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1848": { "pid": 1848, cid: 1848, "timestamp": 1468056464386, "wxid": "WX13-080", name: "幻竜 #アゴヒゲ#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #鬣狮蜥#", name_en: "#Agohige#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドアゴヒゲ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-080.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "このマフラー髭、ワイルドなの? ~#アゴヒゲ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色が2種類以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的能量区中的卡的颜色有2种类以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 2 or more colors among cards in your Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors().forEach(function (color) { if (color === 'colorless') return; if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); return colors.length >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], }, "1849": { "pid": 1849, cid: 1849, "timestamp": 1468056468019, "wxid": "WX13-081", name: "弐ノ遊 カザグルマ", name_zh_CN: "贰游 纸风车", name_en: "Kazaguruma, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウカザグルマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-081.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "子供の元気を願って。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚見る。その中から好きな枚数を好きな順番でデッキの一番上に置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,查看你卡组顶的5张卡。从中将任意数量的卡按任意顺序放置到卡组顶,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, look at the top 5 cards of your deck. You may put any number of them on top of your deck in any order, then put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1849-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_TOP',cards,0,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_deck); },this); len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards_deck); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1850": { "pid": 1850, cid: 1850, "timestamp": 1468056470888, "wxid": "WX13-082", name: "壱ノ遊 カミカブト", name_zh_CN: "壹游 纸兜帽", name_en: "Kamikabuto, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウカミカブト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-082.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "子供の笑顔を願って。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚見る。その中から好きな枚数を好きな順番でデッキの一番上に置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,查看你卡组顶的3张卡。从中将任意数量的卡按任意顺序放置到卡组顶,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may put any number of them on top of your deck in any order, then put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1850-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_TOP',cards,0,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards_deck); cards = cards.filter(function (card) { return !inArr(card,cards_deck); },this); len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('PUT_TO_BOTTOM',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards_deck) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards_deck); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1851": { "pid": 1851, cid: 1851, "timestamp": 1468056473932, "wxid": "WX13-083", name: "幻獣 メジロ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 暗绿绣眼鸟", name_en: "Mejiro, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウメジロ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-083.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピチュール♪(おいでウグイス)~メジロ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【緑】:あなたのデッキから《幻獣 ウグイス》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿】:从你的卡组中探寻1张《幻兽 树莺》公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green]: Search your deck for 1 \"Uguisu, Phantom Beast\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1847; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1852": { "pid": 1852, cid: 1852, "timestamp": 1468056476380, "wxid": "WX13-084", name: "幻竜 #キノボリ#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #树蜥#", name_en: "#Kinobori#, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドキノボリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-084.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この鉤爪、ワイルドォ? ~#キノボリ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色が2種類以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的能量区中的卡的颜色有2种类以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 2 or more colors among cards in your Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors().forEach(function (color) { if (color === 'colorless') return; if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); return colors.length >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], }, "1853": { "pid": 1853, cid: 1853, "timestamp": 1468056477496, "wxid": "WX13-085", name: "フィア=カリ", name_zh_CN: "VIER=氰化钾", name_en: "Vier=Cali", "kana": "フィアカリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-085.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ペロッ、これは…。~ミルルン探偵団 U~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+5000する。", "【常時能力】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが20000以上の場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-10000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+5000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,这只SIGNI的力量在20000以上的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +5000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI's power is 20000 or more, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −10000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1853-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',5000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1853-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.power >= 20000; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(10000); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1854": { "pid": 1854, cid: 1854, "timestamp": 1468056481160, "wxid": "WX13-086", name: "幻蟲 ギンヤンマ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 银蜻蜓", name_en: "Ginyanma, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウギンヤンマ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-086.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "銀の鎧サイコー!~ギンヤンマ~\nそうよ、銀の方が趣があるわ。~ギンカク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がない場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上不存在【魅饰】的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is no [Charm] on your opponent's field, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (flag) return; return this.trashAsyn(); } }], }, "1855": { "pid": 1855, cid: 1855, "timestamp": 1468056485608, "wxid": "WX13-087", name: "ドライ=クロホ", name_zh_CN: "DREI=氯仿", name_en: "Drei=Chlofo", "kana": "ドライクロホ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-087.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ウッ、この布…スヤァ…~ミルルン探偵団 Mn~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +5000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1855-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',5000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], }, "1856": { "pid": 1856, cid: 1856, "timestamp": 1468056488833, "wxid": "WX13-088", name: "千夜の三夜 マリード", name_zh_CN: "千夜的三夜 玛丽特", name_en: "Marid, Three Nights of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノサンヤマリード", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-088.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "女性は王様に毎晩、興味深い物語を語った。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が0枚の場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。(パワーが0以下のシグニはバニッシュされる)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的手牌为0张的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your hand has 0 cards, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power. (A SIGNI with power 0 or less is banished.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-7000); }); } }], }, "1857": { "pid": 1857, cid: 1857, "timestamp": 1468056491877, "wxid": "WX13-089", name: "幻蟲 アカトンボ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 红蜻蜓", name_en: "Akatonbo, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウアカトンボ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-089.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トンファーキック!!~アカトンボ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がない場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上不存在【魅饰】的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is no [Charm] on your opponent's field, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (flag) return; return this.trashAsyn(); } }], }, "1858": { "pid": 1858, cid: 1858, "timestamp": 1468056494741, "wxid": "WX13-090", name: "千夜の二夜 シャイターン", name_zh_CN: "千夜的二夜 夏伊坦", name_en: "Shaytan, Two Nights of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノニヤシャイターン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-090.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "それを止めるべく、とある女性が名乗りを上げた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が0枚の場合、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的手牌为0张的场合,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your hand has 0 cards, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], }, "1859": { "pid": 1859, cid: 1859, "timestamp": 1468056497871, "wxid": "WX13-091", name: "ツヴァイ=ゾヒ", name_zh_CN: "ZWEI=砒霜", name_en: "Zwei=Zohi", "kana": "ツヴァイゾヒ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-091.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なにこれちょっとずつ…。~ミルルン探偵団 Ar~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+4000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+4000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +4000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1859-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',4000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], }, "1860": { "pid": 1860, cid: 1860, "timestamp": 1468056500919, "wxid": "WX13-092", name: "ツヴァイ=チェボル", name_zh_CN: "ZWEI=凯撒博尔", name_en: "Zwei=Cebor", "kana": "ツヴァイチェボル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-092.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この調合どうかな?ルクボル。~チェボル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】【黒】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【黑】:从你的废弃区将1张等级1的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black]: Put 1 level 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') && (card.level === 1) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1861": { "pid": 1861, cid: 1861, "timestamp": 1468056503796, "wxid": "WX13-093", name: "幻蟲 ヤゴ", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 水趸", name_en: "Yago, Phantom Insectago, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウヤゴ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-093.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "トンボの子供は、小トンボじゃないよ。~ヤゴ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:対戦相手の場に【チャーム】がない場合、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的场上不存在【魅饰】的场合,将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is no [Charm] on your opponent's field, put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.charm; },this); if (flag) return; return this.trashAsyn(); } }], }, "1862": { "pid": 1862, cid: 1862, "timestamp": 1468056506864, "wxid": "WX13-094", name: "アイン=ニネトキリ", name_zh_CN: "EINS=奎宁", name_en: "Ein=Ninetokiri", "kana": "アインニネトキリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-094.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャッ!シビシビ…。~ミルルン探偵団 ネコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1862-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], }, "1863": { "pid": 1863, cid: 1863, "timestamp": 1468056510922, "wxid": "WX13-095", name: "アイン=ルクボル", name_zh_CN: "EINS=卢克博尔", name_en: "Ein=Lucbor", "kana": "アインルクボル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-095.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "完璧な調合よ。お姉さま。~ルクボル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起動能力】このシグニを場からトラッシュに置く:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。(パワーが0以下のシグニはバニッシュされる)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-2000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put this SIGNI into the trash: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power. (A SIGNI with power 0 or less is banished.)" ], actionEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.canTrashAsCost(); }, costAsyn: function () { this.trash(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(2000); } }], }, "1864": { "pid": 1864, cid: 1864, "timestamp": 1468056516742, "wxid": "WX13-096", name: "千夜の一夜 ジン", name_zh_CN: "千夜的一夜 金", name_en: "Djinn, One Night of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノイチヤジン", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-096.jpg", "illust": "じんてつ", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "とある国の王様が毎晩、女性を処刑していた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が0枚の場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的手牌为0张的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your hand has 0 cards, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1865": { "pid": 1865, cid: 233, "timestamp": 1468056519836, "wxid": "WX13-097", name: "サーバント Q2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 Q2", name_en: "Servant Q2", "kana": "サーバントキューツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-097.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ただし、少女は願い続け、エナは生まれる。WIXOSS因子を探して。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1866": { "pid": 1866, cid: 234, "timestamp": 1468056522777, "wxid": "WX13-098", name: "サーバント T2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 T2", name_en: "Servant T2", "kana": "サーバントティーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-098.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "始めの争いは双つのルリグにより終結した。WIXOSS因子も消滅した。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1867": { "pid": 1867, cid: 235, "timestamp": 1468056525870, "wxid": "WX13-099", name: "サーバント D2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D2", name_en: "Servant D2", "kana": "サーバントディーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-099.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "永遠に叶わぬ願いは、どこにいったのか。少女が生んだ願いの力は。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1868": { "pid": 1868, cid: 236, "timestamp": 1468056529310, "wxid": "WX13-100", name: "サーバント O2", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O2", name_en: "Servant O2", "kana": "サーバントオーツー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX13/WX13-100.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": true, cardText: "願いが叶った少女もいれば、永遠に叶わぬようになった少女もいる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1869": { "pid": 1869, cid: 398, "timestamp": 1468056532904, "wxid": "PR-306", name: "ステコ ・零(ホヴィクロスパーティ3景品)", name_zh_CN: "ステコ ・零(ホヴィクロスパーティ3景品)", name_en: "Suteko-Zero(ホヴィクロスパーティ3景品)", "kana": "ステコ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-306.jpg", "illust": "長月みそか", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ホヴィクロスパーティーへようこそ! ~ステコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1870": { "pid": 1870, cid: 1870, "timestamp": 1468056535895, "wxid": "PR-294", name: "羅植 ワサビ(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山葵(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_en: "Wasabi, Natural Plant(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", "kana": "ラショクワサビ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-294.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ツンとしたほうが好きなんでしょ?~ワサビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:このシグニは場にあるかぎり、<地獣>でもある。", "【常時能力】:あなたのエナゾーンにカードが7枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは7000になる。", "【常時能力】:あなたのライフクロス1枚がクラッシュされるたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要这只SIGNI在场上,她也是<地兽>。", "【常】:只要你的能量区中存在7张以上的卡,这只SIGNI的力量就变为7000。", "【常】:你的1张生命护甲被击溃时,将你卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is on the field, it is also an .", "[Constant]: As long as there are 7 or more cards in your Ener Zone, this SIGNI's power becomes 7000.", "[Constant]: When 1 of your Life Cloth is crushed, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { add(this,'classes','地獣'); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.enerZone.cards.length >= 7; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',7000); } },{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1870-const-2', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onCrash',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1871": { "pid": 1871, cid: 1871, "timestamp": 1468056539450, "wxid": "PR-293", name: "幻水 スズメダ(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "幻水 雀鲷(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_en: "Suzumeda, Water Phantom(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", "kana": "ゲンスイスズメダ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-293.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えっ?私、私、私?…ドロー。 ~スズメダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたの手札が対戦相手より多い場合、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的手牌比对战对手多的场合,这只SIGNI的力量变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.hands.length > this.player.opponent.hands.length) }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたの手札が3枚以下の場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的手牌在3张以下的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length > 3) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1872": { "pid": 1872, cid: 1872, "timestamp": 1468056541308, "wxid": "PR-292", name: "ゲット・ノスタルジア(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "获得·乡愁(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", name_en: "Get Nostalgia(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年6-7月 Ver.)", "kana": "ゲットノスタルジア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-292.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これ以上ない青空。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "このスペルを使用するためのコストは対戦相手の場にある能力のないシグニ1体につき、【白】コストが1減る。\n" + "あなたのデッキから<迷宮>のシグニを2枚まで探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "对战对手的场上每有1只不持有能力的SIGNI,这张魔法卡的使用费用就减少【白】。\n" + "从你的卡组中探寻至多2张<迷宫>SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "The cost to use this spell is reduced by 1 [White] for each SIGNI with no abilities on your opponent's field.\n" + "Search your deck for up to 2 SIGNI, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.hasAbility(); },this); obj.costWhite -= cards.length; if (obj.costWhite < 0) obj.costWhite = 0; return obj; }, spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function (target) { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('迷宮'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,2); } }, }, "1873": { "pid": 1873, cid: 1870, "timestamp": 1468056544887, "wxid": "PR-291", name: "羅植 ワサビ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_zh_CN: "罗植 山葵(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_en: "Wasabi, Natural Plant(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", "kana": "ラショクワサビ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-291.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "今頃鼻つまんでも遅いよ?~ワサビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "1874": { "pid": 1874, cid: 1871, "timestamp": 1468056547965, "wxid": "PR-290", name: "幻水 スズメダ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_zh_CN: "幻水 雀鲷(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_en: "Suzumeda, Water Phantom(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", "kana": "ゲンスイスズメダ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-290.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "戦うんじゃない。探しに行くの。~スズメダ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1875": { "pid": 1875, cid: 1872, "timestamp": 1468056552897, "wxid": "PR-289", name: "ゲット・ノスタルジア(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_zh_CN: "获得·乡愁(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", name_en: "Get Nostalgia(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol10)", "kana": "ゲットノスタルジア", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-289.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "未来はきっと輝きへ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1876": { "pid": 1876, cid: 1876, "timestamp": 1468056555884, "wxid": "PR-288", name: "小砲 アルマイル(カードゲーマーvol.28 付録)", name_zh_CN: "小炮 阿尔迈尔(カードゲーマーvol.28 付録)", name_en: "Armile, Small Gun(カードゲーマーvol.28 付録)", "kana": "ショウホウアルマイル", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-288.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "黄金覇者の誇りにかけて! この一撃で、こちらの世界でもご挨拶つかまつ る! ~アルマイル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのルリグがレベル2以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは1000になる。", "【常時能力】:このシグニが中央のシグニゾーンにあるかぎり、「このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのルリグのレベルが対戦相手のルリグと同じ場合、対戦相手のパワー2000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG等级在2以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变为1000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI在SIGNI区域的中央列,这只SIGNI就获得「这只SIGNI攻击时,你的LRIG等级和对战对手的LRIG相同的场合,将对战对手的1只力量2000以下的SIGNI驱逐。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is level 2 or more, this SIGNI's power becomes 1000.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is in the middle of your SIGNI Zone, it gets \"When this SIGNI attacks, if your LRIG's level is the same as your opponent's LRIG, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 2000 or less.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.level >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',1000); } },{ condition: function () { var idx = this.player.signiZones.indexOf(this.zone); return (idx === 1); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1876-const-0', triggerCondition: function () { return (this.player.lrig.level === this.player.opponent.lrig.level); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(2000); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:[Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1877": { "pid": 1877, cid: 1877, "timestamp": 1468056557856, "wxid": "PR-305", name: "エンジェルキラー †上柚木綾瀬†(Z/Xコラボイベント景品)", name_zh_CN: "天使杀手 †上柚木绫瀬†(Z/Xコラボイベント景品)", name_en: "†Ayase Kamiyugi†, Angel Killer(Z/Xコラボイベント景品)", "kana": "エンジェルキラーフォールンカミユギアヤセ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-305.jpg", "illust": "羽音たらく", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "許さない…絶対にッ!! ~†上柚木綾瀬†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常時能力】:あなたのターンの間、このシグニがバトルしたとき、あなたは手札を1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、そのバトル終了時にこのシグニとバトルしたシグニを場からデッキの一番下に置く。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合期间,这只SIGNI进行战斗时,你可以舍弃1张手牌。这样做了的场合,那次战斗结束时将和这只SIGNI进行战斗的SIGNI从场上放置到卡组底。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, when this SIGNI battles, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, at the end of the battle, put the SIGNI that battled with this SIGNI from the field at the bottom of their deck." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1877-const-0', optional: true, actionAsyn: function (event) { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; event._1877 = this; }); } }); add(this,'onBattle',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出現時能力】:あなたのルリグが黒の場合、対戦相手の<天使>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【出現時能力】【黒】:対戦相手のレベル3のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的LRIG为黑色的场合,将对战对手的1只<天使>SIGNI驱逐。", "【出】【黑】:将对战对手的1只等级3的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If your LRIG is black, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[On-Play] [Black]: Banish 1 of your opponent's level 3 SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.level === 3; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1878": { "pid": 1878, cid: 1878, "timestamp": 1479020780281, "wxid": "WX14-011", name: "炎得火失", name_zh_CN: "炎得火失", name_en: "Flame Gained, Fire Lost", "kana": "エントクカシツ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-011.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "炎を見て火を見ず。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたはカードを4枚引く。その後、対戦相手はあなたの手札を2枚見ないで選び、あなたはそれらをゲームから除外する。\n" + "②対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。対戦相手はカードを1枚引き、対戦相手はデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", "あなたはカードを4枚引く。その後、対戦相手はあなたの手札を2枚見ないで選び、あなたはそれらをゲームから除外する。", "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。対戦相手はカードを1枚引き、対戦相手はデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①你抽4张卡。之后,对战对手不查看你的手牌而选择2张,你将那些卡从游戏中除外。\n" + "②将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。对战对手抽1张卡,将对阵对手卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。", "你抽4张卡。之后,不查看对战对手的手牌而选择2张,你将那些卡从游戏中除外。", "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。对战对手抽1张卡,将对阵对手卡组顶的1张卡放置到能量区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Draw four cards. Then, your opponent chooses 2 cards from your hand without looking, and you exclude them from the game.\n" + "② Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Your opponent draws a card, then puts the top card of their deck into the Ener Zone.", "Draw four cards. Then, your opponent chooses 2 cards from your hand without looking, and you exclude them from the game.", "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. Your opponent draws a card, then puts the top card of their deck into the Ener Zone." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(4); var cards = [] var hands = this.player.hands.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!hands.length) break; var idx = this.game.rand(0,hands.length - 1); cards.push(hands[idx]); removeFromArr(hands[idx],hands); } if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.excludeCards(cards); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.draw(1); this.player.opponent.enerCharge(1); }); } }] }, "1879": { "pid": 1879, cid: 1879, "timestamp": 1479020780288, "wxid": "WX14-026", name: "羅石 スイカリン", name_zh_CN: "罗石 西瓜碧玺", name_en: "Suikaline, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキスイカリン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-026.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "スイカ飴じゃないってば。~スイカリン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされる場合、代わりにあなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしてもよい。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,可以作为代替将你的1张生命护甲击溃。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, if this SIGNI would be banished, you may crush 1 of your Life Cloth instead." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent; }, action: function (set,add) { var protection = { source: this, description: '1879-const-0', condition: function (card) { return this.player.lifeClothZone.cards.length && !this.player.wontBeCrashed; }, actionAsyn: function (card) { return this.player.crashAsyn(1); } }; add(this,'banishProtections',protection); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたは手札を1枚捨てる。この方法で捨てたカードが<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニで、あなたのルリグが赤の場合、ターン終了時まで、このシグニは【アサシン】を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你将1张手牌舍弃。通过这个方法舍弃的卡为<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI,且你的LRIG为红色的场合,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI获得【暗杀者】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Discard 1 card from your hand. If the card that was discarded this way was an or SIGNI, and your LRIG is red, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!this.player.lrig.hasColor('red')) return; var flag = cards.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('鉱石') || card.hasClass('宝石'); },this); if (flag) { this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,this,'assassin',true); } }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。その後、あなたのライフクロス1枚をクラッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、追加でカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张卡。之后,可以将你的1张生命护甲击溃。这样做了的场合,追加抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw 1 card. Then, you may crush 1 of your Life Cloth. If you do, draw 1 additional card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('CRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.crashAsyn(1).callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; this.player.draw(1); }); }); } } }, "1880": { "pid": 1880, cid: 1880, "timestamp": 1479020780260, "wxid": "WX14-036", name: "羅石 ルオライト", name_zh_CN: "罗石 堇青石", name_en: "Ruolite, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキルオライト", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-036.jpg", "illust": "ぶんたん", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "成長するのはあなただけではない。~ルオライト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のルリグがレベル4以上であるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。", "【常】:対戦相手のルリグがレベル5であるかぎり、このシグニは【アサシン】を得る。(【アサシン】を持つシグニがアタックする場合、正面にシグニがないかのように対戦相手にダメージを与える)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的LRIG等级在4以上,这只SIGNI的力量就变成12000。", "【常】:只要对战对手的LRIG等级为5,这只SIGNI就获得【暗杀】。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent's LRIG is level 4 or more, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000.", "[Constant]: As long as your opponent's LRIG is level 5 or more, this SIGNI gets [Assassin]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.lrig.level >= 4; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } },{ condition: function () { return this.player.opponent.lrig.level === 5; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'assassin',true); } }], }, "1881": { "pid": 1881, cid: 1881, "timestamp": 1479020780215, "wxid": "SP17-001", name: "シャボン・ウェーブ", name_zh_CN: "泡沫·波动", name_en: "Soap Wave", "kana": "シャボンウェーブ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-001.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すこしずつ おもいだしてきた ~タウィル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのデッキからそれぞれ名前の異なる<天使>のシグニを10枚まで探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②対戦相手のターンであるかぎり、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<天使>のシグニは「バニッシュされない。」を得る。", "あなたのデッキからそれぞれ名前の異なる<天使>のシグニを10枚まで探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "対戦相手のターンであるかぎり、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<天使>のシグニは「バニッシュされない。」を得る。", ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①从你的卡组中探寻10张名字各不相同的<天使>SIGNI放置到废弃区。之后,洗切牌组。\n" + "②若是在对战对手的回合,直到回合结束为止,你的所有<天使>SIGNI获得「不会被驱逐」。", "从你的卡组中探寻10张名字各不相同的<天使>SIGNI放置到废弃区。之后,洗切牌组。", "若是在对战对手的回合,直到回合结束为止,你的所有<天使>SIGNI获得「不会被驱逐」。", ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Search your deck for up to 10 SIGNI with different names and put them into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "② As long as it is your opponent's turn, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get \"can't be banished.\"", "Search your deck for up to 10 SIGNI with different names and put them into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck.", "As long as it is your opponent's turn, until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get \"can't be banished.\"", ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cids = []; var cards_trash = []; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,10,function () { if (done) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && !inArr(card.cid,cids); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,0,true).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) { done = true; return; } cids.push(card.cid); cards_trash.push(card); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(cards_trash); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player.opponent) return; this.game.frame(this,function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('天使')) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,signi,'canNotBeBanished',true); },this); }); } }] }, "1882": { "pid": 1882, cid: 1882, "timestamp": 1479020780322, "wxid": "SP17-002", name: "アンシエント・ウェーブ", name_zh_CN: "远古·波动", name_en: "Ancient Wave", "kana": "アンシエントウェーブ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-002.jpg", "illust": "マツモトミツアキ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何故じゃ!ヌシがなぜ、その槍の記憶を!!~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの黒のシグニを好きな枚数場からトラッシュに置く。その後、この方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニのレベルの合計が3以上の場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。6以上の場合、あなたはカードを2枚引く。9以上の場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。12以上の場合、あなたのトラッシュからシグニを3枚まで場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从场上将你的任意只黑色的SIGNI放置到废弃区。之后,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的SIGNI的等级合计3以上的场合,将对战对手的1张SIGNI驱逐。6以上的场合,你抽2张卡。9以上的场合,将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。12以上的场合,从你的废弃区将至多3张SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Put any number of black SIGNI from your field into the trash. Then, if the sum of the levels of the SIGNI that were put into the trash this way was 3 or more, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If it was 6 or more, you may draw 2 cards. If it was 9 or more, crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth. If it was 12 or more, put up to 3 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('black'); },this); if (!cards.length) return false; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; var level = cards.reduce(function (total,card) { return total + card.level; },0); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { if (level >= 3) return this.banishSigniAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { if (level >= 6) this.player.draw(2); }).callback(this,function () { if (level >= 9) return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); }).callback(this,function () { if (level < 12) return; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }).callback(this,function () { return false; }); }); } } }, "1883": { "pid": 1883, cid: 1883, "timestamp": 1479020780273, "wxid": "SP17-003", name: "真夏の陽杖 トビエル", name_zh_CN: "真夏的阳杖 托碧耶尔", name_en: "Tobiel, Sun Staff of Midsummer", "kana": "マナツノヨウジョウトビエル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "タウィル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-003.jpg", "illust": "聡間まこと", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なついあつの季節がやって来たわ!~トビエル~\nそれを言うなら、あついなつでしょ。~シュブニグラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】【ダウン】あなたのアップ状態の<天使>のシグニ1体をダウンする:対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】将你的1张竖置状态的<天使>SIGNI横置:将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] 1 of your upped SIGNI: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.isUp && card.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.isUp && card.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('DOWN',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1884": { "pid": 1884, cid: 1884, "timestamp": 1479020781281, "wxid": "SP17-004", name: "コードアンチ ニャルクト", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 奈亚克托", name_en: "Code Anti Nyarctho", "kana": "コードアンチニャルクト", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-004.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたの頭上に飛び寄る龍騎士、ニャルクトです!\n~ニャルラトライダー&クトガドラゴン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをこの方法でトラッシュに置かれた黒のシグニ1枚につき、-3000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,直到回合结束为止,通过这个方法放置到废弃区的黑色SIGNI每有1只,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power for each black SIGNI put into the trash this way." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1884-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.trashCards(cards); var value = 3000 * cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('black'); },this).length; if (!value) return; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(value); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをトラッシュに置く。それが<古代兵器>のシグニの場合、それをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到废弃区。那张卡是<古代兵器>SIGNI的场合,可以将那张卡出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top card of your deck into the trash. If it is an SIGNI, you may put it from the trash onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.trash(); if (card.hasClass('古代兵器') && card.canSummon()) { return card.summonAsyn(true); } } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのトラッシュにあるカード1枚につき、-1000する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:直到回合结束为止,你的废弃区每有1张卡,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-1000。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −1000 power for each card in your trash." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var value = 1000 * this.player.trashZone.cards.length; if (!value) return; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(value); } } }, "1885": { "pid": 1885, cid: 1885, "timestamp": 1479020781244, "wxid": "SP17-005", name: "コードアンチ ハスター", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 哈斯塔", name_en: "Code Anti Hastur", "kana": "コードアンチハスター", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-005.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いあ♪いあ♪はすたぁ♪~ビヤーキー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1体が場に出たとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニがトラッシュから場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。这个效果1回合只能发动1次(这只SIGNI从废弃区出场时也发动)。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When a SIGNI enters the field from your trash, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This effect can only be triggered once per turn. (This also triggers when this SIGNI enters the field from the trash.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1885-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_1885')) return false; if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, condition: function () { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_1885')) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.player,'_1885',true); this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], }, "1886": { "pid": 1886, cid: 1886, "timestamp": 1479020781260, "wxid": "SP17-006", name: "忘得ぬ幻葬 †ヴァルキリー†", name_zh_CN: "忘却的幻葬 堕落瓦尔基里", name_en: "†Valkyrie†, Unforgettable Phantom Funeral", "kana": "ワスレエヌゲンソウフォールンヴァルキリー", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "タウィル/ウムル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP17/SP17-006.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もう、きみといたことは忘れた。\n~†ヴァルキリー†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの<天使>のシグニ1体が効果によって場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。(このシグニが効果によって場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<天使>SIGNI因效果出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。这个效果1回合只能发动1次(这只SIGNI因效果出场也发动)。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your SIGNI enters the field by an effect, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power. This effect can only be triggered once per turn. (This also triggers when this SIGNI enters the field by an effect.)" ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1886-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_1886')) return false; if (!inArr(this,this.player.signis)) return false; if (!event.card.hasClass('天使')) return false; return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, condition: function () { if (this.game.getData(this.player,'_1886')) return false; return inArr(this,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.setData(this.player,'_1886',true); return this.decreasePowerAsyn(7000); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区将1张不是无色的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 non-colorless SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !card.hasColor('colorless'); } return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } } }, "1887": { "pid": 1887, cid: 1887, "timestamp": 1479020781324, "wxid": "WX14-016", name: "彫心鏤骨", name_zh_CN: "雕心镂骨", name_en: "Laborious Work", "kana": "ビューティフルチゼル", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-016.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "木を見ればわかるわ。何になりたいかが。~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―手札から<美巧>のシグニを1枚捨てる (アンコールコストを追加で支払って使用してもよい。そうした場合、これは追加で「このカードをルリグデッキに戻す。」を得る)\n" + "対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响 — 从手牌将1张<美巧>SIGNI舍弃(可以追加支付回响费用来使用此卡。这样做了的场合,这张卡追加获得「这张卡返回LRIG卡组。」)\n" + "将对战对手的1只SIGNI放回手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - Discard 1 SIGNI from your hand (You may use this card by paying its additional encore cost. If you do, this additionally gets \"Return this card to the LRIG Deck.\")" + "Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], encore: { costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } } }, "1888": { "pid": 1888, cid: 1888, "timestamp": 1479020781328, "wxid": "WX14-024", name: "真実の聖盾 *マウス*", name_zh_CN: "真实的圣盾 :神圣之口:", name_en: "⁑Mouth⁑, Holy Shield of Truth ", "kana": "シンジツノセイジュンホーリーマウス", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-024.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "真実はくちのなか。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの場に緑の<美巧>のシグニが2体以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。", "【常】:あなたの<美巧>のシグニ1体が手札以外から場に出るたび、あなたは《白》を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。(このシグニが場に出たときも発動する)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在2只以上的绿色<美巧>SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。", "【常】:你的1只<美巧>SIGNI从手牌以外的地方出场时,你可以支付【白】。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。(这只SIGNI出场也发动)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there are 2 or more green SIGNI on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field from outside the hand, you may pay [White]. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand. (This also triggers when this SIGNI enters the field.)" ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('美巧') && signi.hasColor('green'); },this); return cards.length >= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1888-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return inArr(this,this.player.signis) && (event.card.hasClass('美巧')) && (event.oldZone !== this.player.handZone) && (!event.isCharm); }, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから<美巧>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し、手札に加えるかエナゾーンに置くか場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张<美巧>SGINI公开,加入手牌或放置到能量区或出场。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, and add it to your hand or Ener Zone or put it onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('美巧'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } if (text === 'PUT_TO_ENER_ZONE') { return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1889": { "pid": 1889, cid: 1889, "timestamp": 1479020781233, "wxid": "WX14-034", name: "水流の打落 *マーライ*", name_zh_CN: "水流的打落 :神圣鱼尾狮:", name_en: "⁑Merli⁑, Deluge of Water Currents", "kana": "スイリュウノウチオトシホーリーマーライ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-034.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "どんなものでも水に流すよー。~?マーライ?~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのルリグがレベル2以下であるかぎり、あなたのすべての<美巧>のシグニは対戦相手の効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的LRIG等级在2以下,你的所有<美巧>SIGNI就不会受对战对手的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your LRIG is level 2 or less, all of your SIGNI are unaffected by your opponent's effects." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.lrig.level <= 2; }, action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('美巧')) return; add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return card.player === this.player; }); },this); } }], }, "1890": { "pid": 1890, cid: 1890, "timestamp": 1479020782054, "wxid": "WX14-064", name: "省略の徹底 ミニマリ", name_zh_CN: "省略的彻底 极简主义", name_en: "Minimali, Thoroughness of Omission", "kana": "ショウリャクノテッテイミニマリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-064.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精像", "美巧" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "。~ミニマリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたが対戦相手のルリグの攻撃を【ガード】するか、対戦相手のシグニの攻撃を効果によって無効にしたとき、あなたのルリグが<アン>の場合、トラッシュにあるこのカードをゲームから除外してもよい。そうした場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的LRIG的攻击被【防御】,或者对战对手的SIGNI攻击被效果无效时,你的LRIG为<安>的场合,可以将存在于废弃区的这张卡除外。这样做了的场合,抽1张。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you [Guard] your opponent's LRIG's attack, or when you disable your opponent's SIGNI's attack, if your LRIG is , you may exclude this card in your trash from the game. If you do, draw a card." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1890-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (this.zone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; if (!this.player.lrig.hasClass('アン')) return false; if (event.card.type === 'LRIG') { return event.preventedByGuard; } return true; }, condition: function () { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { this.exclude(); this.player.draw(1); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttackPrevented',effect); } }], }, "1891": { "pid": 1891, cid: 775, "timestamp": 1479020788570, "wxid": "PR-295", name: "コードアート T・A・P(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 T・A・P(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Code Art TAP(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年6-7月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "コードアートタパサキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-295.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "私がいれば、海でもプールでもできるねっ!~T・A・P~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1892": { "pid": 1892, cid: 1892, "timestamp": 1479020782212, "wxid": "WX14-005", name: "水天一碧", name_zh_CN: "水天一碧", name_en: "Sea and Sky Becoming One Blue", "kana": "イージートゥダンス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-005.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶ先、心から願いを叶えてあげたくて。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "チェイン《緑》《青》\n" + "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。\n" + "②あなたのエナゾーンからカードを2枚まで手札に加える。\n" + "③あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。\n" + "④あなたはカードを2枚引く。", "対戦相手のシグニを2体までダウンする。", "あなたのエナゾーンからカードを2枚まで手札に加える。", "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。", "あなたはカードを2枚引く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "连锁 【绿】【蓝】\n" + "从以下4项中选择最多2项。\n" + "①将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI横置。\n" + "②从你的能量区将至多2张卡加入手牌。\n" + "③从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。\n" + "④你抽2张卡。", "将对战对手的至多2只SIGNI横置。", "从你的能量区将至多2张卡加入手牌。", "从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。", "你抽2张卡。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Chain [Green] [Blue]\n" + "Choose up to 2 of the following 4.\n" + "① Down up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI.\n" + "② Add up to 2 cards from your Ener Zone to your hand.\n" + "③ Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\n" + "④ You draw 2 cards.", "Down up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Add up to 2 cards from your Ener Zone to your hand.", "Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "You draw 2 cards.", ], chain: { costGreen: 1, costBlue: 1 }, getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp; },this); if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.downCards(cards); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards; if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.handZone); }); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }] }, "1893": { "pid": 1893, cid: 1893, "timestamp": 1479020788588, "wxid": "WX14-008", name: "染刻の巫女 タマヨリヒメ", name_zh_CN: "染刻的巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Miko of the Moment of Dyeing", "kana": "センコクノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 10, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-008.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "生み出された白は、本当は黒だったのかもしれない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】将1张手牌舍弃:从你的卡组中探寻1张SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card from your hand: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1894": { "pid": 1894, cid: 1894, "timestamp": 1479020788556, "wxid": "WX14-015", name: "三型藹々娘 緑姫", name_zh_CN: "三型蔼蔼娘 绿姬", name_en: "Midoriko, Harmonious Girl Type Three", "kana": "サンガタアイアイキミドリコ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-015.jpg", "illust": "斎創", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "や、また会ったね…!~緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたの場にある<植物>のシグニ1体につき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的场上每有1只<植物>SIGNI,就从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: For each of your SIGNI on your field, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('植物'); },this); if (!cards.length) return; this.player.enerCharge(cards.length); } }], }, "1895": { "pid": 1895, cid: 1895, "timestamp": 1479020788536, "wxid": "WX14-017", name: "緑羅植 ユグドラ", name_zh_CN: "绿罗植 世界树", name_en: "Yggdra, Green Natural Plant", "kana": "リョクラショクユグドラ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-017.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そして精霊までもが私の友達なの。~ユグドラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "【出現条件】【メインフェイズ】レゾナではない<植物>のシグニ2体をあなたの場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "出现条件【主要阶段】将2只非共鸣的<植物>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your field into the trash." ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (signi) { return !signi.resona && signi.hasClass('植物'); }; var count = 2; return this.getSummonSolution(filter,count); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのエナゾーンにある無色ではないすべてのカードはすべての色を持つ。(エナを支払う際にはどの色として支払うか選ぶ)", "【常】:あなたは無色のシグニを場に出せず、無色のスペルを使用できない。(すでに場に出ている無色のシグニはトラッシュに置かれる)" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中所有不是无色的卡持有所有的颜色。(支付能量时可以作为任意颜色支付)", "【常】:你不能将无色的SIGNI出场,也不能使用无色的魔法。(已经在场的无色SIGNI放置到废弃区)" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All non-colorless cards in your Ener Zone have all colors. (They may be chosen to pay as any color whenever ener is paid.)", "[Constant]: You can't put colorless SIGNI onto the field, and can't use colorless spells. (Colorless SIGNI that are already on the field are put into the trash.)" ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // 涉及费用支付流程,这里简化为持有所有颜色+持有万花色 this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; add(card,'otherColors','white'); add(card,'otherColors','black'); add(card,'otherColors','red'); add(card,'otherColors','blue'); add(card,'otherColors','green'); set(card,'multiEner',true); }); } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'canNotUseColorlessSigni',true); set(this.player,'canNotUseColorlessSpell',true); } }], }, "1896": { "pid": 1896, cid: 1896, "timestamp": 1479020788581, "wxid": "WX14-028", name: "羅植華姫 バオバブーン", name_zh_CN: "罗植华姬 猴面包树", name_en: "Baobaboon, Natural Plant Flower Princess", "kana": "ラショクハナヒメバオバブーン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-028.jpg", "illust": "keypot", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あったかい…バブーンみをかんじる…~ハイビス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのデッキから緑ではないレベル5のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的卡组中探寻1张不是绿色的等级5的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Search your deck for 1 non-green level 5 SIGNI, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level === 5) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !card.hasColor('green'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】手札にあるこのカードをゲームから除外する:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】从你的手牌将这张卡从游戏中除外:从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exclude this card in your hand from the game: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, activatedInHand: true, costCondition: function () { return this.zone === this.player.handZone; }, costAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { this.exclude(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから異なる色を持つカード2枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻2张持有不同颜色的卡放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 2 cards with different colors and put them into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return !card.hasColor('colorless'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,0,true).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; filter = function (c) { return !c.hasColor('colorless') && !c.hasSameColorWith(card) && c !== card; } return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,0,true).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards.length) return; cards.push(card); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); } } }, "1897": { "pid": 1897, cid: 1897, "timestamp": 1479020788644, "wxid": "WX14-031", name: "千苦の大天使 †アークゲイン†", name_zh_CN: "千苦的大天使 †堕落该隐†", name_en: "†Arcgain†, Archangel of a Thousand Sufferings", "kana": "センクノダイテンシフォールアークゲイン", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-031.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ここに書いてある……その通りだったわ。~†アークゲイン†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの<天使>のシグニ1体がバニッシュされるたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<天使>SIGNI被驱逐时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI is banished, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1897-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(3000); } }); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi === this) return; if (!signi.hasClass('天使')) return; add(signi,'onBanish',effect); }); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《黒》《黒》:あなたのトラッシュから<天使>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【黑】【黑】:从你的废弃区中将1只<天使>SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Black] [Black]: Put 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlack: 2, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《黒》:あなたの他の<天使>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを3000する。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑】:将你的1只其他<天使>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black]: Banish 1 of your other SIGNI. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, once: true, costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(3000); }) }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから白のカード1枚と黒のカード1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张白色的卡和1张黑色的卡加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 white card and 1 black card from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('white'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('black'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); }); } } }, "1898": { "pid": 1898, cid: 1898, "timestamp": 1479020788593, "wxid": "WX14-040", name: "羅植 ヤシ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 椰子", name_en: "Yashi, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクヤシ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-040.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "さぁ一緒に!カオ・カホロ・ヘラ♪~ヤシ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《白》:対戦相手のレベル3以下のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。", "【出】《赤》:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【出】《青》:対戦相手は手札を1枚捨てる。", "【出】《黒》:あなたのトラッシュから緑のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:将对战对手的1只等级3以下的SIGNI返回手牌。", "【出】【红】:将对战对手的1只力量10000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "【出】【蓝】:对战对手舍弃1张手牌。", "【出】【黑】:从你的废弃区将1张绿色的SIGNI出场。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Return 1 of your opponent's level 3 or less SIGNI to their hand.", "[On-Play] [Red]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less.", "[On-Play] [Blue]: Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.", "[On-Play] [Black]: Put 1 green SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.level <= 3; }; return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn(filter).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } },{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(10000); } },{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } },{ costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('green') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }], }, "1899": { "pid": 1899, cid: 1899, "timestamp": 1479020788547, "wxid": "WX14-047", name: "未来の噴陰 †アークホールド†", name_zh_CN: "未来的喷阴 †堕落大天使霍尔德†", name_en: "†Archold†, Spurting Shadow of the Future", "kana": "ミライノフクインフォールンアークホールド", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-047.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お姉ちゃん堕ちたってマジ!?~†アークホールド†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》あなたの他の<天使>のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキからこの方法でトラッシュに置いたシグニと同じ色を持つ、《未来の噴陰 †アークホールド†》以外のレベル4以下のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】将你的1只其他的<天使>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:从你的卡组中探寻1张与通过这个方法放置到废弃区的SIGNI持有相同颜色的、《未来的喷阴 †堕落大天使霍尔德†》以外的等级4以下的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Put 1 of your other SIGNI from the field into the trash: Search your deck for 1 level 4 or less SIGNI with the same color as the SIGNI put into the trash this way other than \"†Archold†, Spurting Shadow of the Future\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.canTrashAsCost() && card.hasClass('天使'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return (card !== this) && card.canTrashAsCost() && card.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return card.getColors(true); }); }, actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var colors = costArg.others; if (!colors) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.cid !== 1899) && (card.level <= 4) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.getColors(true).some(function (color) { return inArr(color, colors); },this); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1900": { "pid": 1900, cid: 1900, "timestamp": 1479020788610, "wxid": "WX14-063", name: "羅植 ソテツ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 苏铁", name_en: "Sotetsu, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクテツ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-063.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アミ!そしてウエヘ♪~ソテツ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色の種類1つにつき+1000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中的卡的颜色每有1种,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each color among cards in your Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors(true).forEach(function (color) { if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); var value = colors.length * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } }], }, "1901": { "pid": 1901, cid: 1901, "timestamp": 1479021151175, "wxid": "WX14-065", name: "羅植 サトウキビ", name_zh_CN: "罗植 甘蔗", name_en: "Satoukibi, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクサトウキビ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-065.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "レレウエヘ・キィイ♪~サトウキビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色の種類1つにつき+1000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中的卡的颜色每有1种,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each color among cards in your Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors(true).forEach(function (color) { if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); var value = colors.length * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } }], }, "1902": { "pid": 1902, cid: 1902, "timestamp": 1479021151228, "wxid": "WX14-068", name: "羅植 ハイビス", name_zh_CN: "罗植 木槿", name_en: "Haibisu, Natural Plant", "kana": "ラショクハイビス", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-068.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精羅", "植物" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "くい。かぶぇる♪~ハイビス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのエナゾーンにあるカードの色の種類1つにつき+1000される。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的能量区中的卡的颜色每有1种,这只SIGNI的力量就+1000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +1000 power for each color among cards in your Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var colors = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { card.getColors(true).forEach(function (color) { if (inArr(color,colors)) return; colors.push(color); }); }); var value = colors.length * 1000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } }], }, "1903": { "pid": 1903, cid: 1903, "timestamp": 1479021151096, "wxid": "WX14-069", name: "華歌", name_zh_CN: "华歌", name_en: "Flower Song", "kana": "ハナウタ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-069.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "咲いた~♪咲いた~♪キレイな花が~♪ ~ラフレレ&緑姫~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。この方法で<植物>のシグニが2枚エナゾーンに置かれた場合、追加であなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。通过这个方法将2张<植物>SIGNI放置到能量区的场合,追加从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone. If 2 SIGNI were put into the Ener Zone in this way, put an additional card from the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerCharge(2).filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('植物'); },this); if (cards.length < 2) return; this.player.enerCharge(1); } }, }, "1904": { "pid": 1904, cid: 1904, "timestamp": 1479021151506, "wxid": "WX14-072", name: "やり直しの廃和 †ミカエル†", name_zh_CN: "重启的废和 †堕落米迦勒†", name_en: "†Michael†, Abolished Harmony of Reconciliation", "kana": "ヤリナオシノハイワフォールンミカエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-072.jpg", "illust": "はるのいぶき", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "堕天しても、ハニエルとミカエルの関係は変わらなかった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニ1枚を公開するか、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。この方法で<天使>のシグニを公開した場合、あなたのデッキから<天使>のシグニ1枚を探してトラッシュに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的手牌将1张<天使>SIGNI公开,或将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。通过这个方法将<天使>SIGNI公开了的场合,从你的卡组中探寻1张<天使>SIGNI放置到废弃区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal 1 SIGNI from your hand, or put this SIGNI into the trash. If you revealed an SIGNI this way, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the trash. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('REVEAL',cards,true).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return this.trashAsyn(); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); }); }); } }], }, "1905": { "pid": 1905, cid: 1905, "timestamp": 1479021151502, "wxid": "WX14-075", name: "探究の死相 †ハニエル†", name_zh_CN: "探究的死相 †堕落汉尼尔†", name_en: "†Haniel†, Death's Shadow of Seeking", "kana": "タンキュウノシソウフォールンハニエル", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-075.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [ "精像", "天使" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あ…堕天したら生えてきちゃった。~†ハニエル†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたの手札から<天使>のシグニ1枚を公開するか、このシグニをトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的手牌将1张<天使>SIGNI公开,或将这只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal 1 SIGNI from your hand, or put this SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('天使'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('REVEAL',cards,true).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return this.trashAsyn(); return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]); }); } }], }, "1906": { "pid": 1906, cid: 1906, "timestamp": 1479021151897, "wxid": "PR-316", name: "サチュレイト・ガット", name_zh_CN: "浸润·肠线", name_en: "Saturate Gut", "kana": "サチュレイトガット", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-316.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一人には、させない。~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。\n" + "②手札をすべて捨てる。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。", "あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", "手札をすべて捨てる。その後、あなたのトラッシュから<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①从你的废弃区将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "②舍弃所有手牌。之后,从你的废弃区将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI出场。", "从你的废弃区将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI加入手牌。", "舍弃所有手牌。之后,从你的废弃区将至多2张<毒牙>SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\n" + "② Discard your hand. Then, put up to 2 SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Discard your hand. Then, put up to 2 SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.trashCards(this.player.hands); var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }] }, "1907": { "pid": 1907, cid: 1907, "timestamp": 1479021151955, "wxid": "PR-317", name: "サクシード・ディストラクト", name_zh_CN: "继引·毁灭", name_en: "Succeed Destruct", "kana": "サクシードディストラクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-317.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "色を識った剣先と、新章への道標。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは\n" + "「【起】エクシード4:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」\n" + "「【起】エクシード4:あなたはカードを2枚引く。」\n" + "「【起】エクシード4:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。」\n" + "を得る。このアーツによってあなたのルリグが得た能力は、使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束为止,你的LRIG获得\n" + "「【起】超越4:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。」\n" + "「【起】超越4:你抽2张卡。」\n" + "「【起】超越4:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。」\n" + "因这个效果获得的LRIG的能力,持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, your LRIG gets\n" + "\"[Action] Exceed 4: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.\"\n" + "\"[Action] Exceed 4: You draw 2 cards.\"\n" + "\"[Action] Exceed 4: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\"\n" + "The abilities of your LRIG that were given by this ARTS have Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var lrig = this.player.lrig; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1907-attached-0', costExceed: 4, mainPhase:true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1907-attached-1', costExceed: 4, mainPhase:true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(2); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,lrig,'actionEffects',{ source: lrig, description: '1907-attached-2', costExceed: 4, mainPhase:true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(2); } }); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起】エクシード4:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "【起】エクシード4:あなたはカードを2枚引く。", "【起】エクシード4:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越4:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。", "【起】超越4:你抽2张卡。", "【起】超越4:从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 4: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Action] Exceed 4: You draw 2 cards.", "[Action] Exceed 4: Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone." ] }, "1908": { "pid": 1908, cid: 1908, "timestamp": 1479021152773, "wxid": "WX14-004", name: "炎竜毒蛇", name_zh_CN: "炎龙毒蛇", name_en: "Flaming Dragon, Poisonous Snake", "kana": "エンリュウドクダ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-004.jpg", "illust": "クロサワテツ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "選ぶ先、誰かを思う気持ちが救いに変わる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の4つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体までのパワーをそれぞれ-8000する。\n" + "②対戦相手のパワー7000以下のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。\n" + "③【アサシン】【ランサー】【ダブルクラッシュ】のいずれかを持つすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。\n" + "④あなたのトラッシュからシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。", "ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ2体までのパワーをそれぞれ-8000する。", "対戦相手のパワー7000以下のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。", "【アサシン】【ランサー】【ダブルクラッシュ】のいずれかを持つすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。", "あなたのトラッシュからシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下4项中选择最多2项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的至多2张SIGNI的力量-8000。\n" + "②将对战对手所有力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "③将所有的持有【暗杀】或【枪兵】或【双重击溃】的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "④从你的废弃区将至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。", "直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的至多2张SIGNI的力量-8000。", "将对战对手所有力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "将所有的持有【暗杀】或【枪兵】或【双重击溃】的SIGNI驱逐。", "从你的废弃区将至多2张SIGNI加入手牌。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 2 of the following 4.\n" + "① Until end of turn, up to 2 of your opponent's SIGNI get −8000 power.\n" + "② Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.\n" + "③ Banish all SIGNI with either [Assassin], [Lancer], or [Double Crush].\n" + "④ Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.", "Until end of turn, 2 of your opponent's SIGNI get −8000 power.", "Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.", "Banish all SIGNI with either [Assassin], [Lancer], or [Double Crush].", "Add up to 2 SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis; if (!cards.length) return; return this.player.selectSomeTargetsAsyn(cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards.forEach(function (card) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-8000); },this); }); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 7000; }); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = concat(this.player.signis,this.player.opponent.signis).filter(function (signi) { return signi.assassin || signi.lancer || signi.doubleCrash; },this); return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(cards); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } }] }, "1909": { "pid": 1909, cid: 1909, "timestamp": 1479021152878, "wxid": "WX14-009", name: "炎・花代・伍", name_zh_CN: "炎·花代·伍", name_en: "Hanayo-Five, the Flame", "kana": "エンハナヨゴ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-009.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この熱さが、私を前に進ませる。~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このカードにグロウするためのコストは、あなたのトラッシュにあるカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むカード7枚につき、《赤》コストが1減る。", "【常】:あなたのカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1体が場を離れるたび、あなたの手札からそのシグニよりレベルの低い、カード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚をダウン状態で場に出してもよい。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的废弃区中每存在7张名字含有《火焰喷射》的卡,这张卡的成长费用就减少【红1】。", "【常】:你的1只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI离场时,可以从你的手牌将1张等级比那只SIGNI低的、名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNIwx14-009以横置状态出场。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The cost to grow into this card is decreased by 1 [Red] for each 7 cards with \"Flathro\" in their card name in your trash.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name leaves the field, you may put 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name and a lower level than that SIGNI from your hand onto the field downed.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // see `costChange` } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1909-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level < event.card.level) && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(false,false,true); }); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniLeaveField',effect); } }], costChange: function () { var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); obj.costRed -= Math.floor(cards.length / 7); if (obj.costRed < 0) obj.costRed = 0; return obj; }, // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】エクシード1:あなたのトラッシュからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を手札に加える。この能力は1ターンに二度までしか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:从你的废弃区将1张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI加入手牌。这个能力1回合只能使用至多2次。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Add 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name from your trash to your hand. This ability can only be used up to twice per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, useCondition: function () { return !(this.game.getData(this,'_1909') >= 2) }, actionAsyn: function () { var count = this.game.getData(this,'_1909') || 0; count++ this.game.setData(this,'_1909',count); var filter = function (card) { return (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } }], }, "1910": { "pid": 1910, cid: 1910, "timestamp": 1479021152933, "wxid": "WX14-012", name: "炎軍奮闘", name_zh_CN: "炎军奋斗", name_en: "Flame Army Struggle", "kana": "エングンフントウ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-012.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "燃え上がれ、夢見た平和へ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "手札を2枚捨てる。そうした場合、あなたのデッキからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニを2枚まで探して場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "舍弃2张手牌。这样做了的场合,从你的卡组探寻至多2张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI出场。之后洗切牌组。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, search your deck for up to 2 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in their card name and put them onto the field. Then, shuffle your deck." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.hands.length < 2) return; return this.player.discardAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (cards.length < 2) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1; }; return this.player.seekAndSummonAsyn(filter,2); }); } } }, "1911": { "pid": 1911, cid: 1911, "timestamp": 1479021152958, "wxid": "WX14-020", name: "禍因の冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "祸因的冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One of Causing Trouble", "kana": "カインノメイジャハナレ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-020.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "戻れない魂は、それぞれの救いを空に置いてきた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このカードがエクシードのコストとしてルリグトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのトラッシュからレベル3以下の<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:当此卡作为超越费用被放置到LRIG废弃区时,从你的废弃区将1张等级3以下的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this card is put into the LRIG Trash for the cost of Exceed, put 1 level 3 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1911-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.isExceedCost; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([this]).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 3) && card.hasClass('毒牙') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], }, "1912": { "pid": 1912, cid: 1912, "timestamp": 1479021153037, "wxid": "WX14-025", name: "撃弩炎 フレイスロ大将", name_zh_CN: "击弩炎 火焰喷射大将", name_en: "Flathro General, Attacking Crossbow Flame", "kana": "ゲキドエンフレイスロタイショウ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-025.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ああぁっははははは燃えろ!!~フレイスロ大将~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのターンの間、対戦相手のシグニ1体が場に出るたび、そのシグニのパワーが8000以下の場合、それをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的回合期间,对战对手的1只SIGNI出场时,那只SIGNI的力量在8000以下的场合,将其驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your turn, each time 1 of your opponent's SIGNI enters the field, if that SIGNI's power is 8000 or less, banish it." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1912-const-0', condition: function (event) { return (event.card.power <= 8000); }, actionAsyn: function (event) { return event.card.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《赤》《赤》《赤》:あなたの場にカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニが3体ある場合、対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】【红】【红】:你的场上存在3只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的所有SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Red Red Red: If there are 3 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in their card name on your field, banish all of your opponent's SIGNI." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.signis.length !== 3) return; var flag = this.player.signis.every(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); if (!flag) return; return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニが10枚以上ある場合、対戦相手のライフクロス1枚をクラッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。你的废弃区中存在10张以上的名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1张生命护甲击溃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If there are 10 or more SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in their card name in your trash, crush 1 of your opponent's Life Cloth." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); if (cards.length < 10) return; return this.player.opponent.crashAsyn(1); }); } } }, "1913": { "pid": 1913, cid: 1913, "timestamp": 1479021153005, "wxid": "WX14-035", name: "轟炎 フレイスロ中尉", name_zh_CN: "轰炎 火焰喷射中尉", name_en: "Flathro Lieutenant, Roaring Flame", "kana": "ゴウエンフレイスロチュウイ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-035.jpg", "illust": "笹森トモエ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "懐かしい写真だな。~フレイスロ大将~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《赤》:あなたのデッキからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:从你的卡组探寻1张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキからカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组探寻1张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } } }, "1914": { "pid": 1914, cid: 1914, "timestamp": 1479021153476, "wxid": "WX14-037", name: "進撃の炎軍", name_zh_CN: "进击的炎军", name_en: "Advancing Flame Army", "kana": "シンゲキノエングン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "花代", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-037.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "心臓を炎に捧げよ!~フレイスロ中将~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたのカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "②あなたのカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中からカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。", "あなたのカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたのカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中からカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を手札に加え、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①将你的1只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "②将你的1只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将你卡组顶的3张卡公开。从中将1张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI加入手牌,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。", "将你的1只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只力量7000以下的SIGNI驱逐。", "将你的1只名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将你卡组顶的3张卡公开。从中将1张名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI加入手牌,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "①Banish 1 of your SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.\n" + "②Banish 1 of your SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name. If you do, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name from among them to your hand, and put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name. If you do, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name from among them to your hand, and put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], spellEffect: [{ // 复制并修改自《硝烟》 getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 7000; },this); // if (!pSignis.length || !oSignis.length) return targets; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; // if (!targetA || !targetB) return; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power > 7000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } },{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards_add).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); card.moveTo(this.player.handZone); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); }); } }] }, "1915": { "pid": 1915, cid: 1915, "timestamp": 1479021153865, "wxid": "WX14-046", name: "ドライ=ロドボル", name_zh_CN: "DREI=罗德博尔", name_en: "Drei=Rodbor", "kana": "ドライロドボル", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-046.jpg", "illust": "出水ぽすか", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ルクボル、チェボル、お小遣いをあげよう。~ロドボル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚公開する。その中から<毒牙>のシグニ1枚を場に出し、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将你卡组顶的3张卡公开。从中将1张<毒牙>SIGNI出场,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组底。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Put 1 SIGNI from among them onto the field, and put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(3).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_summon = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards_summon).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; removeFromArr(card,cards); return card.summonAsyn(); }).callback(this,function () { var len = cards.length; if (!len) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom(cards); }); }); }); } }], }, "1916": { "pid": 1916, cid: 1916, "timestamp": 1479021154261, "wxid": "WX14-048", name: "トキシック・スパイクス", name_zh_CN: "带毒钉刺", name_en: "Toxic Spikes", "kana": "トキシックスパイクス", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-048.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "踏んでも毒、蹴っても毒。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。\n" + "②あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのトラッシュにあるそれぞれレベルの異なる<毒牙>のシグニ1枚につき、-3000する。", "あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのトラッシュからレベル1の<毒牙>のシグニを2枚まで場に出す。", "あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのトラッシュにあるそれぞれレベルの異なる<毒牙>のシグニ1枚につき、-3000する。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区将至多2张等级1的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。\n" + "②将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,你的废弃区中等级各不相同的<毒牙>SIGNI每有1张,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-3000。", "将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,从你的废弃区将至多2张等级1的<毒牙>SIGNI出场。", "将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,你的废弃区中等级各不相同的<毒牙>SIGNI每有1张,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, put up to two level 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field.\n" + "② Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power for each different level among SIGNI in your trash.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, put up to two level 1 SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power for each different level among SIGNI in your trash." ], spellEffect: [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,2,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('毒牙') && (card.level === 1) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return done = true; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }); } },{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('毒牙'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var levels = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('毒牙')) return; var level = card.level; if (inArr(level,levels)) return; levels.push(level); }); var value = levels.length * 3000; if (!value) return; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(value); }); } }], }, "1917": { "pid": 1917, cid: 1917, "timestamp": 1479021153956, "wxid": "WX14-057", name: "爆炎 フレイスロ伍長", name_zh_CN: "爆炎 火焰喷射伍长", name_en: "Flathro Corporal, Explosive Flame", "kana": "バクエンフレイスロゴチョウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-057.jpg", "illust": "アカバネ", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ンッン~♪名言よ!「炎拳は銃よりも強し!」~フレイスロ伍長~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのトラッシュにカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニが5枚以上ある場合、対戦相手のパワー3000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区中存在5张以上的名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI的场合,将对战对手的1只力量3000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there are 5 or more SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in their card name in your trash, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 3000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); if (cards.length < 5) return; return this.banishSigniAsyn(3000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1918": { "pid": 1918, cid: 1918, "timestamp": 1479021154027, "wxid": "WX14-058", name: "小炎 フレイスロ二等兵", name_zh_CN: "小炎 火焰喷射二等兵", name_en: "Flathro Private E-2, Small Flame", "kana": "ショウエンフレイスロニトウヘイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-058.jpg", "illust": "かにかま", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "軍の縁の下の力持ちッ!~フレイスロ二等兵~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの場にレベル3以上のカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは10000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在等级3以上的名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就变为10000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a level 3 or more \"Flathro\" SIGNI in their card name on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 10000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.level >= 3) && (signi.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',10000); } }], }, "1919": { "pid": 1919, cid: 1919, "timestamp": 1479021153994, "wxid": "WX14-059", name: "小炎 フレイスロ一等兵", name_zh_CN: "小炎 火焰喷射一等兵", name_en: "Flathro Private E-1, Small Flame", "kana": "ショウエンフレイスロイットウトウヘイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-059.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "炎の回し蹴りならナンバーワン!~フレイスロ一等兵~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】手札を1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキからレベル2以下のカード名に《フレイスロ》を含むシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】舍弃1张手牌:从你的卡组中探寻1张等级2以下的名字含有《火焰喷射》的SIGNI公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 card from your hand: Search your deck for 1 level 2 or less SIGNI with \"Flathro\" in its card name, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.length; }, costAsyn: function () { return this.player.discardAsyn(1); }, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && (card.level <= 2) && (card.name.indexOf('フレイスロ') !== -1); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1920": { "pid": 1920, cid: 1920, "timestamp": 1479021154064, "wxid": "WX14-070", name: "フィア=ヴィリエ", name_zh_CN: "VIER=薇列", name_en: "Vier=Villiers", "kana": "フィアヴィリエ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ハナレ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-070.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "精武", "毒牙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お・か・わ・り・どうですか?~ヴィリエ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。このターン、このシグニが効果によってダウン状態からアップしていた場合、代わりにターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。", "【起】あなたの<毒牙>のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:このシグニをアップする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。这个回合,这只SIGNI因效果从横置状态变为竖置状态的场合,作为替代,直到回合结束为止,将对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。", "【起】将你的1只<毒牙>SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区:将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power. This turn, if this SIGNI was upped by an effect from being downed, instead until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power.", "[Action] Put 1 of your SIGNI from your field into the trash: Up this SIGNI." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(5000).callback(this,function () { var protection = { source: this, description: '1920-action-0', condition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { return card.decreasePowerAsyn(7000); } }; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'upProtections',protection); }); } },{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('毒牙') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this) && signi.hasClass('毒牙') && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }], }, "1921": { "pid": 1921, cid: 1921, "timestamp": 1479021154588, "wxid": "WX14-001", name: "最幸の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "最幸的巫女 雪", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Utmost Happiness", "kana": "サイコウノミコユキ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-001.jpg", "illust": "Hitoto*", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "最高だね……るう!~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのルリグトラッシュからすべてのルリグをこのカードの下に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从你的LRIG废弃区将所有的LRIG卡放置到这张卡的最下方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Put all LRIGs from your LRIG Trash under this card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigZone,{ bottom: true }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】エクシード1:対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番下に置く。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。", "【起】エクシード1:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体は能力を失い、新たに得られない。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到卡组底。这个能力1回合只能使用1次。", "【起】超越1:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI失去能力,不能获得新能力。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI at the bottom of their deck. This ability can only be used once per turn.", "[Action] Exceed 1: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI loses its abilities, and cannot gain new ones. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom([card]); }); }); } },{ costExceed: 1, mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'abilityLost',true); this.game.tillTurnEndSet(this,card,'canNotGainAbility',true, {forced: true}); }); } }], }, "1922": { "pid": 1922, cid: 1922, "timestamp": 1479021154716, "wxid": "WX14-007", name: "天空の巫女 ユキ", name_zh_CN: "天空的巫女 雪", name_en: "Yuki, Sky Miko", "kana": "テンクウノミコユキ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-007.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 2, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたは観ることが出来るかしら。~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1923": { "pid": 1923, cid: 1923, "timestamp": 1479021154696, "wxid": "WX14-018", name: "アンシエント/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "远古/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Ancient/Maiden", "kana": "アンシエントメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-018.jpg", "illust": "ヒロヲノリ", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 3, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいで、導いてあげるわ。~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のシグニは可能ならばアタックしなければならない。", "【常】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1体が場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的SIGNI可以攻击的话必须攻击。", "【常】:你的1只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI must attack if able.", "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI enters the field from your trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'forceSigniAttack',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1923-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(5000); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】エクシード1:あなたのデッキの上からカードを5枚トラッシュに置く。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。", "【起】エクシード2:次のターンの間、対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、そのアタック終了時にそのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越1:从你的卡组顶将5张卡放置到废弃区。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。", "【起】超越2:下个回合中,对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,那次攻击结束时将那只SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 1: Put the top 5 cards of your deck into the trash. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase].", "[Action] Exceed 2: During your opponent's next turn, when 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, banish that SIGNI when the attack ends." ], actionEffects: [{ costExceed: 1, mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(5); this.game.trashCards(cards); } },{ costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1923-const-1', actionAsyn: function (event) { event.banishAttackingSigniSource = this; } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }); } }], }, "1924": { "pid": 1924, cid: 1924, "timestamp": 1479021154752, "wxid": "WX14-019", name: "オーバー/メイデン イオナ", name_zh_CN: "超越/少女 伊绪奈", name_en: "Iona, Over/Maiden", "kana": "オーバーメイデンイオナ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-019.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 2, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "白黒、はっきりしましょう。~イオナ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1925": { "pid": 1925, cid: 1925, "timestamp": 1479021154774, "wxid": "WX14-023", name: "コードキャッスル ヴェルサ", name_zh_CN: "城堡代号 凡尔赛宫", name_en: "Code Castle Versa", "kana": "コードキャッスルヴェルサ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-023.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ケーキがなければ、ホールケーキを食べればいいじゃない!~ヴェルサ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のシグニの【出】の能力は発動しない。", "【常】:対戦相手のシグニは、対戦相手の効果によっては新たに能力を得られない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的【出】效果不发动。", "【常】:对战对手的SIGNI不能因对战对手的效果获得新的能力。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The [On-Play] abilities of your opponent's SIGNI do not trigger.", "[Constant]: Your opponent's SIGNI can't gain new abilities by your opponent's effects.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player.opponent,'signiStartUpBanned',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { set(signi,'canNotGainAbilityBySelfPlayer',true,{forced: true}); },this); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《白》:能力を持たない対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【白】:将对战对手的1只不持有能力的SIGNI返回手牌。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [White]: Return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with no abilities to their hand. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return !card.hasAbility(); }; return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn(filter).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のシグニ1体をデッキの一番下に置く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到卡组底。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI at the bottom of their deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.game.bounceCardsToDeckAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { this.player.opponent.mainDeck.moveCardsToBottom([card]); }); }); } } }, "1926": { "pid": 1926, cid: 1926, "timestamp": 1479021154835, "wxid": "WX14-044", name: "コードアンチ ゼコフン", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 方圆坟", name_en: "Code Anti Zekofun", "kana": "コードアンチゼコフン", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-044.jpg", "illust": "あるちぇ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "妾の前にひれ伏せ。~ゼコフン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。", "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのルリグが黒の場合、あなたは《黒》を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-12000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌从牌组放置到废弃区时,此牌可以从废弃区出场。", "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你的LRIG为黑色的场合,你可以支付【黑】。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的起SIGNI力量-12000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your deck into the trash, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, if your LRIG is black, you may pay [Black]. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −12000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1926-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return this.canSummon() && (event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.canSummon() && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } },{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1926-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')); }, costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(12000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚トラッシュに置く。その後、あなたのトラッシュから無色ではないシグニ1枚を手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。之后,从你的废弃区将1张不是无色的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the trash. Then, add 1 non-colorless SIGNI from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); this.game.trashCards(cards); var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !card.hasColor('colorless'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,1); } } }, "1927": { "pid": 1927, cid: 1927, "timestamp": 1479021155119, "wxid": "WX14-050", name: "コードメイズ レイハイ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 礼拜堂", name_en: "Code Maze Reihai", "kana": "コードメイズレイハイ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-050.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヴェルサ様を狙う輩からお守りします。~レイハイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、このシグニを他のシグニゾーンに配置してもよい。(すでにシグニのあるシグニゾーンには配置できない)", "【常】:場にあるこのシグニが効果によって他のシグニゾーンに移動したとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,可以将这只SIGNI重新配置到其他SIGNI区域。(不能配置到已经有SIGNI的区域)", "【常】:场上的这只SIGNI因效果移动到其他SIGNI区域时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may put this SIGNI into another SIGNI Zone. (It can't be placed into a SIGNI Zone that already has a SIGNI on it.)", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI on the field is moved to another SIGNI Zone by an effect, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1927-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (event.card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; if (event.card.isEffectFiltered()) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var zones = this.player.signiZones.filter(function (zone) { return !zone.disabled && (zone !== event.card.zone) && !zone.getActualCards().length; },this); if (!zones.length) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.changeSigniZone(zone); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1927-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(this,'onChangeSigniZone',effect); } }], }, "1928": { "pid": 1928, cid: 1928, "timestamp": 1479021155815, "wxid": "WX14-052", name: "コードメイズ シンギョ", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 寝宫", name_en: "Code Maze Shingyo", "kana": "コードメイズシンギョ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-052.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヴェルサ様のお休みをお守りします。~シンギョ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、このシグニを他のシグニゾーンに配置してもよい。(すでにシグニのあるシグニゾーンには配置できない)", "【常】:場にあるこのシグニが効果によって他のシグニゾーンに移動したとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,可以将那只SIGNI重新配置到其他SIGNI区域。(不能配置到已经有SIGNI的区域)", "【常】:场上的这只SIGNI因效果移动到其他SIGNI区域时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may put this SIGNI into another SIGNI Zone. (It can't be placed into a SIGNI Zone that already has a SIGNI on it.)", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI on the field is moved to another SIGNI Zone by an effect, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1928-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (event.card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; if (event.card.isEffectFiltered()) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var zones = this.player.signiZones.filter(function (zone) { return !zone.disabled && (zone !== event.card.zone) && !zone.getActualCards().length; },this); if (!zones.length) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.changeSigniZone(zone); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1928-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(this,'onChangeSigniZone',effect); } }], }, "1929": { "pid": 1929, cid: 1929, "timestamp": 1479021155723, "wxid": "WX14-053", name: "コードメイズ テッサク", name_zh_CN: "迷宫代号 铁栏", name_en: "Code Maze Tessaku", "kana": "コードメイズテッサク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "イオナ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-053.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精械", "迷宮" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ヴェルサ様をノンアポ来客からお守りします。~テッサク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、このシグニを他のシグニゾーンに配置してもよい。(すでにシグニのあるシグニゾーンには配置できない)", "【常】:場にあるこのシグニが効果によって他のシグニゾーンに移動したとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的1只SIGNI攻击时,可以将这只SIGNI重新配置到其他SIGNI区域。(不能配置到已经有SIGNI的区域)", "【常】:场上的这只SIGNI因效果移动到其他SIGNI区域时,直到回合结束为止,这只SIGNI的力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may put this SIGNI into another SIGNI Zone. (It can't be placed into a SIGNI Zone that already has a SIGNI on it.)", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI on the field is moved to another SIGNI Zone by an effect, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1928-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { if (event.card.type !== 'SIGNI') return false; if (event.card.isEffectFiltered()) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function (event) { var zones = this.player.signiZones.filter(function (zone) { return !zone.disabled && (zone !== event.card.zone) && !zone.getActualCards().length; },this); if (!zones.length) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',zones).callback(this,function (zone) { if (!zone) return; this.changeSigniZone(zone); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1928-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }); add(this,'onChangeSigniZone',effect); } }], }, "1930": { "pid": 1930, cid: 1930, "timestamp": 1479021155295, "wxid": "WX14-071", name: "コードアンチ マイギリ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 舞锥", name_en: "Code Anti Maigiri", "kana": "コードアンチマイギリ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-071.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キリギリ舞い舞ーい!~マイギリ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。", "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのルリグが黒の場合、あなたは《黒》を支払ってもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:此牌从牌组放置到废弃区时,此牌可以从废弃区出场。", "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你的LRIG为黑色的场合,你可以支付【黑】。这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的起SIGNI力量-7000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your deck into the trash, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field.", "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, if your LRIG is black, you may pay [Black]. If you do, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1930-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return this.canSummon() && (event.oldZone === this.player.mainDeck) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.canSummon() && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonOptionalAsyn(); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } },{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1930-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')); }, costBlack: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(7000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1931": { "pid": 1931, cid: 1931, "timestamp": 1479021155812, "wxid": "WX14-074", name: "コードアンチ タユソウ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 高床仓", name_en: "Code Anti Tayusou", "kana": "コードアンチタユソウ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-074.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "かえしが邪魔でチュー。~盗賊ネズミ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのルリグが黒の場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你的LRIG为黑色的场合,这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的起SIGNI力量-3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, if your LRIG is black, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1931-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(3000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1932": { "pid": 1932, cid: 1932, "timestamp": 1479021155927, "wxid": "WX14-078", name: "コードアンチ ジョモドキ", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 绳纹土器", name_en: "Code Anti Jomodoki", "kana": "コードアンチジョモドキ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 1000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-078.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "わだすの模様、キレイ…?~ジョモドキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたのルリグが黒の場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,这只SIGNI被驱逐时,你的LRIG为黑色的场合,这样做了的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的起SIGNI力量-2000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, when this SIGNI is banished, if your LRIG is black, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent); }, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1932-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.player.lrig.hasColor('black')); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(2000); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1933": { "pid": 1933, cid: 1933, "timestamp": 1479021155676, "wxid": "WX14-006A", sideB: 1934, name: "緑肆ノ遊 アスレ【HARD】", name_zh_CN: "绿肆之游 绳架【HARD】", name_en: "Athle (HARD), Green Fourth Play", "kana": "リョクヨンノユウアスレハード", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-006A.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ASUREの歴史に新たなる伝説を刻むのは誰だ!?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件] 【メインフェイズ】合計3枚のレゾナではない<遊具>のシグニをあなたの手札とエナゾーンと場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【主要阶段】从你的手牌和能量区和场上将合计3张非共鸣<游具>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Main Phase] Put a total of 3 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand, Ener Zone and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'mainPhase', resonaCondition: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_C = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(cards_A,cards_B,cards_C).length < 3) return null; var canSummonWithout = function (signis) { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !inArr(signi,signis); },this); return this.canSummonWith(cards); }.bind(this); var afterCanSummonAsyn = function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { // 场上 if (!cards_A.length) return; var max = 3 - cards_trash.length; if (max <= 0) return; var min = Math.max(0,max - cards_B.length - cards_C.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { // 手牌 if (!cards_B.length) return; var max = 3 - cards_trash.length; if (max <= 0) return; var min = Math.max(0,max - cards_C.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { // 能量区 if (!cards_C.length) return; var max = 3 - cards_trash.length; if (max <= 0) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_C,max,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); // 可以不用废弃 SIGNI if (this.canSummon()) { return afterCanSummonAsyn; } else { // 需要废弃1~2只 SIGNI var cards = []; // 可以废弃的 SIGNI var add = function (signis) { signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (inArr(signi,cards)) return; cards.push(signi); },this); } var signis = []; // 废弃1只就可以出场的情况 cards_A.forEach(function (signi) { if (canSummonWithout([signi])) add([signi]) },this); // 废弃2只才能出场的情况 if (cards_A.length === 2) { if (canSummonWithout(cards_A)) add(cards_A); } if (cards_A.length === 3) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (this.canSummonWith([signi])) { add(cards_A.filter(function (card) { return card !== signi; })); } },this); } if (cards.length) { return function () { // 至少废弃1只 return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { cards_trash.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards_A); if (canSummonWithout([card])) return; // 必须再废弃1只 var cards = cards_A.filter(function (signi) { return canSummonWithout([card,signi]); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { cards_trash.push(card); removeFromArr(card,cards_A); }); }).callback(this,afterCanSummonAsyn); }.bind(this); } else { // 需要废弃3只 SIGNI if ((cards_A.length === 3) && this.canSummonWith([])) { return function () { this.game.trashCards(cards_A); return Callback.immediately(); }.bind(this); } } } return null; }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのシグニ1体がアタックするたび、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI攻击时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Whenever 1 of your SIGNI attacks, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1933-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return inArr(event.card,this.player.signis); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this.player,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<遊具>のシグニは「このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニをアップする。」を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:直到回合结束时为止,你的所有<游具>SIGNI获得「这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,将这只SIGNI竖置。」。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get \"When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, up this SIGNI.\"." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frame(this,function () { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('遊具')) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: signi, description: '1933-attached-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); },this); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニをアップする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, up this SIGNI." ] }, "1934": { "pid": 1934, cid: 1934, "timestamp": 1479021156233, "wxid": "WX14-006B", sideB: 1933, name: "緑弐ノ遊 アスレ【NORMAL】", name_zh_CN: "绿弍之游 绳架【NORMAL】", name_en: "Athle (NORMAL), Green Second Play", "kana": "リョクニノユウアスレノーマル", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "RESONA", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-006B.jpg", "illust": "芥川 明", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "数々のドラマ・伝説を生み出したASURE!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 共鸣 // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[出現条件]【スペルカットイン】合計2枚のレゾナではない<遊具>のシグニをあなたの手札とエナゾーンと場からトラッシュに置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "[出现条件] 【魔法切入】从你的手牌和能量区和场上将合计2张非共鸣<游具>SIGNI放置到废弃区" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Play Condition) [Spell Cut-In] Put a total of 2 non-Resona SIGNI from your hand, Ener Zone and field into the trash" ], resonaPhase: 'spellCutIn', resonaCondition: function () { // 复制并修改自<白罗星 新月> var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('遊具') && !card.resona && card.canTrashAsCost(); }; var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var cards_B = this.player.hands.filter(filter); var cards_C = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(filter); var cards_trash = []; if (concat(cards_A,cards_B,cards_C).length < 2) return null; if (this.canSummon()) { return function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (!cards_A.length) return; var min = Math.max(0,2 - cards_B.length - cards_C.length); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,min,2).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_B.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length - cards_C.length; var max = 2 - cards_trash; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { if (cards_trash.length >= 2) return; if (!cards_C.length) return; var min = 2 - cards_trash.length; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards_C,min,min).callback(this,function (cards) { cards_trash = cards_trash.concat(cards); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }.bind(this); } else { var actionAsyn = this.getSummonSolution(filter,1); if (actionAsyn) { return function () { return actionAsyn.call(this).callback(this,function () { cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(filter); var optional = cards_B.length || cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; optional = cards_C.length; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B,optional).callback(this,function (card) { if (card) return card; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_C); }); }).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); }) }.bind(this); } else { return this.getSummonSolution(filter,2); } } }, // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:対戦相手のチェックゾーンにスペルがある場合、以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。この出現時能力はそのスペルの効果より先に発動する。\n" + "①あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。\n" + "②対戦相手のトラッシュにあるシグニ1枚までとスペル1枚までをゲームから除外する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的检查区中存在魔法卡的场合,从以下两项中选择1项。这个出现时能力在那个魔法效果之前发动。\n" + "①从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到能量区。\n" + "②从对战对手的废弃区中将至多1张SIGNI和至多1张魔法卡从游戏中除外。", ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a spell in the opponent's Check Zone, choose 1 of the following 2. This On-Play ability is triggered before the effect of the spell.\n" + "① Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\n" + "② Exclude up to 1 SIGNI and 1 spell from your opponent's trash from the game.", ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.opponent.checkZone.cards.length) return; var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1934-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.mainDeck.getTopCards(3); if (!cards.length) return; this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); } },{ source: this, description: '1934-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.exclude(); }); }).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () { card.exclude(); }); }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキの上からカードを3枚エナゾーンに置く。", "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるシグニ1枚までとスペル1枚までをゲームから除外する。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组顶将3张卡放置到废弃区。", "从对战对手的废弃区中将至多1张SIGNI和至多1张魔法卡从游戏中除外。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.", "Exclude up to 1 SIGNI and 1 spell from your opponent's trash from the game." ] }, "1935": { "pid": 1935, cid: 1935, "timestamp": 1479021156351, "wxid": "WX14-029", name: "参ノ遊 ウォスラ", name_zh_CN: "叁之游 水滑梯", name_en: "Wasli, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウウォスラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-029.jpg", "illust": "コウサク", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "水竜 on the 水流!~ウォスラ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:カード1枚があなたのエナゾーンから手札に移動したとき、このシグニをバニッシュしてもよい。その後、この効果でこのシグニをバニッシュしていた場合、あなたのエナゾーンからシグニ1枚をダウン状態で場に出す。", "【常】:このシグニが手札またはデッキからトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたのルリグが<アイヤイ>の場合、このシグニをトラッシュからエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1张卡片从能量区移动到手牌时,可以将这只SIGNI驱逐。之后通过这个效果把这只SIGNI驱逐了的场合,从你的能量区将1张SIGNI以横置状态出场。", "【常】:这只SIGNI从手牌或者卡组放置到废弃区时,你的LRIG为<艾娅伊>的场合,将这只SIGNI从废弃区放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When 1 card is moved from your Ener Zone to your hand, you may banish this SIGNI. Then, if this SIGNI was banished by this effect, you may put 1 SIGNI from your Ener Zone onto the field downed.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put into the trash from your hand or deck, if your LRIG is , put this SIGNI from the trash into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1935-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.oldZone === this.player.enerZone) && (event.newZone === this.player.handZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(false,false,true); }); }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onCardMove',effect); } },{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1935-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return inArr(event.oldZone,[this.player.mainDeck,this.player.handZone]) && (event.newZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.player.lrig && this.player.lrig.hasClass('アイヤイ') && (this.zone === this.player.trashZone); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。それが<遊具>のシグニの場合、追加でカードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。那张卡是<游具>SIGNI的场合,追加抽1张卡。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone. If it is a SIGNI, additionally draw 1 card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.enerCharge(1); var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; if (!card.hasClass('遊具')) return; this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1936": { "pid": 1936, cid: 1936, "timestamp": 1479021156689, "wxid": "WX14-042", name: "参ノ遊 フラフープ", name_zh_CN: "叁之游 呼啦圈", name_en: "Hulahoop, Third Play", "kana": "サンノユウフラフープ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "アイヤイ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-042.jpg", "illust": "", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アタシについてこれる?~フラフープ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。", "【常】:あなたのターン終了時、このシグニを場からトラッシュに置いてもよい。そうした場合、次の対戦相手のターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「【起】《緑×0》:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。 この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区,这样做了的场合,直到对战对手的下一个回合为止,你的LRIG获得「【起】【绿0】:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a Resona on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, you may put this SIGNI from the field into the trash. If you do, until the end of your opponent's next turn, your LRIG gets \"[Action] [Green0]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1936-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!this.trash()) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var actionEffect = { source: this.player.lrig, description: '1936-attached-0', attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000,0,1,true); } }; add(this.player.lrig,'actionEffects',actionEffect); } }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起】《緑×0》:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。 この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿×0】:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green0]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or more. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ] }, "1937": { "pid": 1937, cid: 1937, "timestamp": 1479021156871, "wxid": "WX14-066", name: "弐ノ遊 ゴムボート", name_zh_CN: "弍之游 皮划艇", name_en: "Gumboat, Second Play", "kana": "ニノユウゴムボート", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-066.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "濡れる準備はOK?~ゴムボート~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアタックフェイズの間にルリグまたはシグニの効果によって手札またはデッキからエナゾーンに置かれたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI在攻击阶段期间由于LRIG或者SIGNI的效果从手牌或者卡组放置到能量区时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from your hand or deck into the Ener Zone by the effect of a LRIG or SIGNI during the attack phase, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1937-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; if (!inArr(event.card.type,['LRIG','SIGNI'])) return false; if (!inArr(event.oldZone,[this.player.handZone,this.player.mainDeck])) return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.enerZone) return false; return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], }, "1938": { "pid": 1938, cid: 1938, "timestamp": 1479021156744, "wxid": "WX14-067", name: "一ノ遊 ウキワ", name_zh_CN: "一之游 救生圈", name_en: "Ukiwa, First Play", "kana": "イチノユウウキワ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-067.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [ "精武", "遊具" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ぷかぷか。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの手札からカード1枚をエナゾーンに置いてもよい。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,可以从你的手牌将1张卡放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may put 1 card from your hand into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1938-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { if (!this.player.hands) return; return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',this.player.hands).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1939": { "pid": 1939, cid: 1939, "timestamp": 1479021156649, "wxid": "WX14-002", name: "コード・ピルルク APEX", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮露露可 APEX", name_en: "Code Piruluk APEX", "kana": "コードピルルクアペクス", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue/black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-002.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "少しの希望は、思ったよりも大きかった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたがスペル1枚を使用したとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你使用1张魔法卡时,将对战对手的1只驱逐。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When you use 1 spell, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1939-const-0', once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】エクシード2:あなたのトラッシュから青または黒のスペル1枚を、手札にあるかのように使用する。それを使用するためのコストは《青》コストが1、《黒》コストが1減る。このターン、それがチェックゾーンから別の領域に移動される場合、代わりにゲームから除外される。この能力は使用タイミング【メインフェイズ】【アタックフェイズ】を持つ。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】超越2:从你的废弃区将1张蓝色或者黑色的魔法卡视为你的手牌使用它。那张卡的使用费用减少【蓝1】【黑1】。这个回合,那张卡移动到检查区以外的区域的场合,作为代替从游戏中除外。这个能力持有使用时点【主要阶段】【攻击阶段】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Exceed 2: Use a blue or black spell in your trash as if it was in your hand. The cost for using it is reduced by 1 Blue and 1 Black. This turn, if it would be moved to a different zone from the Check Zone, exclude it from the game instead. This ability has Use Timing [Main Phase] [Attack Phase]." ], actionEffects: [{ mainPhase: true, attackPhase: true, costExceed: 2, actionAsyn: function () { if (this.player.spellBanned) return; var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { var flag = (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.hasColor('blue') || card.hasColor('black')); if (!flag) return false; var obj = Object.create(card); obj.costBlue -= 1; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; obj.costBlack -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return this.player.enoughCost(obj); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var obj = Object.create(card); obj.costBlue -= 1; if (obj.costBlue < 0) obj.costBlue = 0; obj.costBlack -= 1; if (obj.costBlack < 0) obj.costBlack = 0; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,false,obj,{excludeAfterUse: true}); }); } }], }, "1940": { "pid": 1940, cid: 1940, "timestamp": 1479021157238, "wxid": "WX14-013", name: "コード・ピルルク Π", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮露露可 Π", name_en: "Code Piruluk Pi", "kana": "コードピルルクパイ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue/black", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-013.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "清衣は本を開く。\n月日が教えてくれた現実は\nどうせ叶わぬ願いと、消え入りそうな希望。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", costOr: ['black', 'blue'], growCondition: function () { var black = Object.create(this); black.costBlack++; if (this.player.enoughCost(black)) return true; var blue = Object.create(this); blue.costBlue++; if (this.player.enoughCost(blue)) return true; return false; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var colors = []; var black = Object.create(this); black.costBlack++; if (this.player.enoughCost(black)) colors.push('black'); var blue = Object.create(this); blue.costBlue++; if (this.player.enoughCost(blue)) colors.push('blue'); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (colors.length === 1) return colors[0]; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colors); }).callback(this,function (color) { if (color === 'black') return black; return blue; }); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このルリグがアタックしたとき、あなたの場に青と黒のシグニがある場合、カードを1枚引き、その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG攻击时,你的场上存在蓝色和黑色的SIGNI的场合,抽1张卡,之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this LRIG attacks, if there is a blue SIGNI and a black SIGNI on your field, draw a card, then discard a card from your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1940-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('blue'); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('black'); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1941": { "pid": 1941, cid: 1941, "timestamp": 1479021157314, "wxid": "WX14-021", name: "カース・オブ・スペル", name_zh_CN: "魔法诅咒", name_en: "Curse of Spell", "kana": "カースオブスペル", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-021.jpg", "illust": "よん", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "もっとモミモミしたかったよー…。~A・M・S~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のトラッシュにあるすべてのスペルをゲームから除外する。その後、この方法でスペルを3枚以上ゲームから除外した場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手废弃区中的所有魔法卡从游戏中除外。之后,通过这个方法将3张以上的魔法卡从游戏中除外了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Exclude all spells in your opponent's trash from the game. Then, if you excluded 3 or more spells from the game this way, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); this.game.excludeCards(cards); if (cards.length < 3) return false; return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { return false; }); } } }, "1942": { "pid": 1942, cid: 1942, "timestamp": 1479021157602, "wxid": "WX14-022", name: "クライシス・チャンス", name_zh_CN: "危机·机会", name_en: "Crisis Chance", "kana": "クライシスチャンス", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-022.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すべてを奪われたものが残したものというものは?", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたの手札が0枚の場合、あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1枚を手札に加える。\n" + "あなたのエナゾーンにカードがない場合、あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚エナゾーンに置く。\n" + "あなたの場にシグニがない場合、あなたの手札からシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "你的手牌为0张的场合,从你的废弃区将1张SIGNI加入手牌。\n" + "你的能量区没有卡的场合,从你的卡组顶将2张卡放置到能量区。\n" + "你的场上没有SIGNI的场合,从你的手牌将1张SIGNI出场。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "If there are 0 cards in your hand, add 1 SIGNI from your trash to your hand.\n" + "If there are no cards in your Ener Zone, put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Ener Zone.\n" + "If there are no SIGNI on your field, put 1 SIGNI from your hand onto the field." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (this.player.hands.length) return; var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); }).callback(this,function () { if (this.player.enerZone.cards.length) return; this.player.enerCharge(2); }).callback(this,function () { if (this.player.signis.length) return; var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); } } }, "1943": { "pid": 1943, cid: 1943, "timestamp": 1479021157725, "wxid": "WX14-030", name: "コードラブハート †M・C・M・R†", name_zh_CN: "爱心代号 †堕落M·C·M·R†", name_en: "Code Love Heart †MCMR†", "kana": "コードラブハートフォールンモニタリングカメラ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "ピルルク", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-030.jpg", "illust": "オーミー", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "$※▲●×$丸見えだぜ!~†M・C・M・R†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《黒×0》:あなたのトラッシュからそれぞれレベルの異なる無色ではないシグニ4枚をデッキに加えてシャッフルする。そうした場合、以下の3つから1つを選ぶ。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】【スペルカットイン】を持つ。\n" + "①対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。\n" + "②スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。\n" + "③あなたのトラッシュからレベル4以下の<電機>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【黑0】:从你的废弃区将4张等级各不相同的无色以外的SIGNI加入卡组并洗切。这样做了的场合,从以下3项中选择1项。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】【魔法切入】。\n" + "①将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。\n" + "②取消1个魔法效果。\n" + "③从你的废弃区将1张等级4以下的<电机>SIGNI出场。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black0]: Shuffle 4 non-colorless SIGNI with different levels from your trash into your deck. If you do, choose 1 of the following 3. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase] [Spell Cut-In].\n" + "① Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.\n" + "② Cancel the effect of 1 spell.\n" + "③ Put 1 level 4 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], actionEffects: [{ attackPhase: true, spellCutIn: true, actionAsyn: function () { var levels = []; this.player.trashZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasColor('colorless')) return; if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') return; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return; levels.push(card.level); },this); if (levels.length < 4) return; levels.length = 0; var cards_deck = []; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.color !== 'colorless') && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && !inArr(card.level,levels); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; levels.push(card.level); cards_deck.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards_deck).callback(this,function () { var cards = this.game.moveCards(cards_deck,this.player.mainDeck); this.player.shuffle(); if (cards.length !== 4) return; var effects = [{ source: this, description: '1943-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn().callback(this,function () { return false; }); } },{ source: this, description: '1943-attached-1', actionAsyn: function () { return true; } },{ source: this, description: '1943-attached-2', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.level <= 4) && card.hasClass('電機') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { return false; }); }); } }]; return this.player.selectAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return effect.actionAsyn.call(this); }); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "スペル1つの効果を打ち消す。", "あなたのトラッシュからレベル4以下の<電機>のシグニ1枚を場に出す。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。", "取消1个魔法效果。", "从你的废弃区将1张等级4以下的<电机>SIGNI出场。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI.", "Cancel the effect of 1 spell.", "Put 1 level 4 or less SIGNI from your trash onto the field." ], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のルリグ1体をダウンし、それを凍結する。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:横置并冻结对战对手的1只LRIG。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Down and freeze 1 of your opponent's LRIGs." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.lrig.down(); this.player.opponent.lrig.freeze(); } } }, "1944": { "pid": 1944, cid: 1944, "timestamp": 1479021157763, "wxid": "WX14-073", name: "コードアート †H・M・F†", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 †堕落H·M·F†", name_en: "Code Art †HMF†", "kana": "コードアートフォールンヒュミディフィア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-073.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "調子狂うわ!戯言聞いてっと。~†H・M・F†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは8000になる。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在魔法卡,这只SIGNI的力量就变为8000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a spell in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 8000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',8000); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルが3枚以上ある場合、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-3000する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:你的废弃区中存在3张以上的魔法卡的场合,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-3000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there are 3 or more spells in your trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −3000 power." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (cards.length < 3) return; cards = this.player.opponent.signis; return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,card,'power',-3000); }); } }], }, "1945": { "pid": 1945, cid: 1945, "timestamp": 1479021157372, "wxid": "WX14-077", name: "コードアート †D・M・F†", name_zh_CN: "必杀代号 †堕落D·M·F†", name_en: "Code Art †DMF†", "kana": "コードアートフォールンデヒュミディフィア", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-077.jpg", "illust": "パトリシア", "classes": [ "精械", "電機" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "う~ん、私も却下ね。~†D・M・F†~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのトラッシュにスペルがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは5000になる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的废弃区中存在魔法卡,这只SIGNI的力量就变为5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a spell in your trash, this SIGNI's power becomes 5000." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',5000); } }], }, "1946": { "pid": 1946, cid: 1946, "timestamp": 1479021158038, "wxid": "WX14-079", name: "アイス・フィンガー", name_zh_CN: "冰冻一指", name_en: "Ice Finger", "kana": "アイスフィンガー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-079.jpg", "illust": "単ル", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ボカン!", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたはカードを2枚引く。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,你抽2张卡。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI. If you do, draw 2 cards." ], spellEffect: { getTargets: function () { return this.player.opponent.signis; }, actionAsyn: function (target) { return target.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; this.player.draw(2); }); } }, }, "1947": { "pid": 1947, cid: 1947, "timestamp": 1479021158269, "wxid": "PR-315", name: "月欠けの戦場(カードゲーマーvol.29 付録)", name_zh_CN: "残月的战场(カードゲーマーvol.29 付録)", name_en: "Waning Moon of the Battlefield(カードゲーマーvol.29 付録)", "kana": "ツキカケノセンジョウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-315.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 1, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "月光は狂気の引き金、耐えられる?~ツクヨミ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "以下の3つから2つまで選ぶ。\n" + "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-2000する。\n" + "②ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニは「あなたが《無》を支払わないかぎりアタックできない。」を得る。\n" + "③あなたのルリグトラッシュからレベル2以下のルリグを2枚まであなたのルリグの下に置く。", "①ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーをあなたのルリグのレベル1につき、-2000する。", "②ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のすべてのシグニは「あなたが《無》を支払わないかぎりアタックできない。」を得る。", "③あなたのルリグトラッシュからレベル2以下のルリグを2枚まであなたのルリグの下に置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下3项中选择至多2项。\n" + "①直到回合结束为止,你的LRIG等级每有1,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-2000。\n" + "②直到回合结束为止,对战对手的所有SIGNI获得「你不支付【无】就不能攻击」。\n" + "③从你的LRIG废弃区将至多2张等级2以下的LRIG放置到你的LRIG下方。", "①直到回合结束为止,你的LRIG等级每有1,就将对战对手的同1只SIGNI力量-2000。", "②直到回合结束为止,对战对手的所有SIGNI获得「你不支付【无】就不能攻击」。", "③从你的LRIG废弃区将至多2张等级2以下的LRIG放置到你的LRIG下方。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose up to 2 of the following 3.\n" + "① Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power for each of your LRIG's levels.\n" + "② Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get \"can't attack unless you pay Colorless.\".\n" + "③ Put up to 2 level 2 or less LRIGs from your LRIG Trash under your LRIG.", "① Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −2000 power for each of your LRIG's levels.", "② Until end of turn, all of your opponent's SIGNI get \"can't attack unless you pay Colorless.\".", "③ Put up to 2 level 2 or less LRIGs from your LRIG Trash under your LRIG." ], getMinEffectCount: function () { return 1; }, getMaxEffectCount: function () { return 2; }, artsEffect: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var value = this.player.lrig.level * 2000; if (!value) return; return this.decreasePowerAsyn(value); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.opponent.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'attackCostColorless',1); },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } },{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.lrigTrashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'LRIG') && (card.level <= 2); }); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,0,2).callback(this,function (cards) { if (!cards) return; return this.player.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.lrigZone,{bottom: true}); }); }); } }] }, "1948": { "pid": 1948, cid: 1948, "timestamp": 1479021158265, "wxid": "PR-318", name: "紡績する知識(WIXOSSカード大全IV 付録)", name_zh_CN: "纺织的知识(WIXOSSカード大全IV 付録)", name_en: "Spinning Knowledge(WIXOSSカード大全IV 付録)", "kana": "ボウセキスルチシキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-318.jpg", "illust": "久野モトキ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "戦いの中、言葉が紡がれる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキからあなたのルリグと同じ色を持つカード1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从你的卡组中探寻1张和你的LRIG持有同种颜色的卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 card with the same color as your LRIG, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function (target) { var lrig = this.player.lrig var filter = function (card) { return card.hasSameColorWith(lrig); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }, // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1949": { "pid": 1949, cid: 1942, "timestamp": 1479021158506, "wxid": "PR-321", name: "クライシス・チャンス(ウィクロスアートマテリアルIV付録)", name_zh_CN: "危机·机会(ウィクロスアートマテリアルIV付録)", name_en: "Crisis Chance(ウィクロスアートマテリアルIV付録)", "kana": "クライシスチャンス", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-321.jpg", "illust": "一ノ瀬ランド", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "たくさんの色がいっぱいの。外の世界に。~マユ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1950": { "pid": 1950, cid: 1950, "timestamp": 1479021158376, "wxid": "WX14-CB01", name: "燦", name_zh_CN: "燦", name_en: "Sun", "kana": "サン", "rarity": "CB", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-CB01.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はぁ~~い!燦だよぉ~~ ~燦~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの<ウェポン>のシグニは対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。", "【常】:アップ状態のこのシグニが効果によってダウンしたとき、あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的<武器>SIGNI不会受到对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。", "【常】:竖置状态的这只SIGNI因效果被横置时,从你的卡组顶将1张卡放置到能量区。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your SIGNI are unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI.", "[Constant]: When this upped SIGNI is downed by an effect, put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (!signi.hasClass('ウェポン')) return; add(signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== this.player.opponent) || (card.type !== 'SIGNI'); }); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1950-const-1', triggerCondition: function () { return this.game.getEffectSource(); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }); add(this,'onDown',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《白》:あなたのデッキから《暁月》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【白】:从你的卡组中探寻1张《晓月》公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [White]: Search your deck for 1 \"Akatsuki\", reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costWhite: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1951; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); } }], }, "1951": { "pid": 1951, cid: 1951, "timestamp": 1479021158644, "wxid": "WX14-CB02", name: "暁月", name_zh_CN: "晓月", name_en: "Akatsuki", "kana": "アカツキ", "rarity": "CB", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-CB02.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精武", "ウェポン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これは使命・・・戦うしか、ないのよ~暁月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの《燦》はバニッシュされない。", "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたのアップ状態の<アーム>のシグニ1体をダウンしてもよい。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体を手札に戻す。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的《燦》不会被驱逐。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,可以将你的1只竖置状态的<武装>SIGNI横置。这样做了的场合,将对战对手的1只SIGNI返回手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Your \"Sun\" can't be banished.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, you may down 1 of your upped SIGNI. If you do, return 1 of your opponent's SIGNI to their hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.cid !== 1950) return; set(signi,'canNotBeBanished',true); },this); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1951-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DOWN',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!card.down()) return; return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.bounceAsyn(); }); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから《暁月》1枚と《燦》1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的卡组中探寻1张《晓月》和1张《燦》公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 \"Akatsuki\" and 1 \"Sun\", reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1951; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.cid === 1950; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } } }, "1952": { "pid": 1952, cid: 1952, "timestamp": 1479021158672, "wxid": "WX14-CB03", name: "幻獣 サーバル", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 薮猫", name_en: "Serval, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウサーバル", "rarity": "CB", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-CB03.jpg", "illust": "吉崎観音", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "楽しいこと、皆を笑顔にすることが大好き!~サーバル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のルリグがレベル4以上であるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。", "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、対戦相手のルリグがレベル5の場合、あなたの手札から<空獣>または<地獣>のシグニを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをアップする。この効果は1ターンに一度しか発動しない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要对战对手的LRIG等级在4以上,这只SIGNI就获得【枪兵】。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,对战对手的LRIG等级为5的场合,可以从你的手牌舍弃1张<空兽>或者<地兽>SIGNI。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI竖置。这个效果1回合只能发动1次。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as your opponent's LRIG is level 4 or more, this SIGNI gets [Lancer].", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if your opponent's LRIG is level 5, you may discard 1 or SIGNI from your hand. If you do, up this SIGNI. This effect can only be triggered once per turn." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.lrig.level >= 4); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } },{ fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1952-const-1', once: true, condition: function () { return (this.player.opponent.lrig.level === 5); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣') || card.hasClass('地獣'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('DISCARD',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); return this.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1953": { "pid": 1953, cid: 1953, "timestamp": 1479021159082, "wxid": "WX14-CB04", name: "幻獣 キタキツネ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 北极狐", name_en: "Kitakitsune, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウキタキツネ", "rarity": "CB", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-CB04.jpg", "illust": "吉崎観音", "classes": [ "精生", "地獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ボク…遠くから見てるよ、キミのこと。~キタキツネ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<空獣>と<地獣>のシグニのパワーを+3000する。", "【常】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、あなたの場にパワー10000以上のシグニがある場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,直到回合结束为止,你的所有<空兽>和<地兽>SIGNI力量+3000。", "【常】:这只SIGNI攻击时,你的场上存在力量10000以上的SIGNI的场合,抽1张卡。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, all of your and SIGNI get +3000 power.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI attacks, if there is a SIGNI with power 10000 or more on your field, draw 1 card." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1953-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { this.game.frameStart(); this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { if (signi.hasClass('空獣') || signi.hasClass('地獣')) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',3000); } },this); this.game.frameEnd(); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1953-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return (signi.power >= 10000); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1954": { "pid": 1954, cid: 1954, "timestamp": 1479021159221, "wxid": "WX14-CB05", name: "幻獣 オカピ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 㺢㹢狓", name_en: "Okapi, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウオカピ", "rarity": "CB", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "緑子", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-CB05.jpg", "illust": "エムド", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お風呂あがり タカラトミー本社で オカピが エレキギターを 食べた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニのパワーはあなたのルリグのレベル1につき+3000される。", "【常】:このシグニのパワーが15000以上であるかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。", "【常】:あなたのライフクロス1枚がクラッシュされたとき、このシグニをバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的LRIG等级每有1,这只SIGNI的力量就+3000。", "【常】:只要这只SIGNI的力量在15000以上,这只SIGNI就获得【枪兵】。", "【常】:你的1张生命护甲被击溃时,将这只SIGNI驱逐。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI gets +3000 power for each 1 of your LRIG's levels.", "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI's power is 15000 or more, this SIGNI gets [Lancer].", "[Constant]: When 1 of your Life Cloth is crushed, banish this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var value = this.player.lrig.level * 3000; if (!value) return; add(this,'power',value); } },{ condition: function () { return (this.power >= 15000); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1954-const-2', actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishAsyn(); } }); add(this.player,'onCrash',effect); } }], }, "1955": { "pid": 1955, cid: 1955, "timestamp": 1479021159123, "wxid": "PR-307", name: "リヴァイバル・エクシード(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", name_zh_CN: "复苏·超越(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", name_en: "Revival Exceed(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", "kana": "リヴァイバルエクシード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-307.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "過去は何度でも未来へ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のターンの間、このカードを使用するためのコストは《無》《無》《無》になる。\n" + "あなたのルリグのエクシードの値が3以下の能力1つをコストを支払わずに使用する。(使用タイミングを無視する)" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "在对战对手的回合期间,这张的的使用费用为【无3】。\n" + "不支付费用而使用你的LRIG的1个超越费用数值为3以下的能力。(无视使用时点)" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "During your opponent's turn, the cost to use this card is [Colorless] [Colorless] [Colorless].\n" + "Use 1 of your LRIG's Exceed 3 or less abilities without paying its cost. (Ignore its use timing.)" ], costChange: function () { if (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) return { costColorless: 3 }; var obj = Object.create(this); obj.costChange = null; return obj; }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var effects = this.player.lrig.actionEffects.filter(function (effect) { if (effect.costExceed <= 0) return; if (effect.costExceed > 3) return; return (this.player.canUseActionEffect(effect,{ ignoreExceedCost: true, ignoreTimming: true, })); },this); if (!effects.length) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) { if (!effect) return; return this.player.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect,{ignoreExceedCost: true}); }); } } }, // "1956": { // "pid": 1956, // cid: 1956, // "timestamp": 1479021159533, // "wxid": "PR-308", // name: "無二の征服 アレクサンド(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", // !here // name_zh_CN: "無二の征服 アレクサンド(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", // name_en: "Alexand, Peerless Conquest(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", // "kana": "ムニノセイフクアレクサンド", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "SIGNI", // "color": "red", // "level": 2, // "limit": 0, // "power": 8000, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-308.jpg", // "illust": "村上ゆいち", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "【ライズ】とは何ですか?", // "a": "【ライズ】アイコンを持つシグニは、場に出す際にライズ条件を満たして場に出す必要があります。ライズ条件は「コスト」ではなく、常時能力や出現時能力といった「効果」でもありません。このシグニが場を離れた場合、下にあるカードはすべてトラッシュに置かれます。" // }, // { // "q": "ダウンしているシグニの上にライズした場合、ライズしたシグニもダウン状態ですか?", // "a": "いいえ、ライズするにあたってその下にあるシグニの状態を引き継ぐことはありません。場に新たに出るシグニは、他の効果などによって指定されていなければアップ状態です。" // }, // { // "q": "使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】のアーツを使用するのと、《無二の征服 アレクサンド》の常時能力が発動するのはどちらが先ですか?", // "a": "アタックフェイズには、まず《無二の征服 アレクサンド》のような「アタックフェイズ開始時」にトリガーする能力が発動します。その処理が終わってから、ターンプレイヤー側から使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】のアーツや能力を使用できます。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "精像", // "武勇" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "ライズ-レベル1の赤のシグニの上に置く", // "【常】:各ターンのアタックフェイズ開始時、ターン終了時まで、あなたの他の赤のシグニ1体は「バニッシュされない。」を得る。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "諸君のために戦おうではないか。~アレクサンド~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "", // "lifeBurst": "カードを1枚引く。" // }, "1957": { "pid": 1957, cid: 1957, "timestamp": 1479021159577, "wxid": "PR-309", name: "コードアンチ カイヅカ(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 贝冢(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", name_en: "Code Anti Kaizuka(WIXOSS PARTY参加賞selectors pack vol11)", "kana": "コードアンチカイヅカ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-309.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ズカズカこないでよっ!~カイヅカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたのトラッシュからシグニ1体が場に出たとき、このシグニをトラッシュから場に出してもよい。そうした場合、ターン終了時に、またはこのシグニが場から離れる場合に、このシグニをゲームから除外する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,可以将这只SIGNI从废弃区出场。这样做了的场合,回合结束时,或者这只SIGNI离场时,将这只SIGNI从游戏中除外。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When a SIGNI enters the field from your trash, you may put this SIGNI from your trash onto the field. If you do, at the end of the turn, or if this SIGNI leaves the field, exclude this SIGNI from the game." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1957-const-0', optional: true, triggerCondition: function (event) { return (this.zone === this.player.trashZone) && (event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone); }, condition: function () { return this.canSummon(); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.summonAsyn().callback(this,function () { this.fieldData.excludeWhenTurnEnd = true; this.fieldData.excludeWhenLeaveField = true; }); } }); add(this.player,'onSummonSigni',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:このシグニがトラッシュから場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-5000する。(パワーが0以下のシグニはバニッシュされる)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:这只SIGNI从废弃区出场时,直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-5000。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: When this SIGNI enters the field from the trash, until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −5000 power. (A SIGNI with power 0 or less is banished.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ triggerCondition: function (event) { return event.oldZone === this.player.trashZone; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(5000); } }], }, "1958": { "pid": 1958, cid: 1955, "timestamp": 1479021159611, "wxid": "PR-310", name: "リヴァイバル・エクシード(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "复苏·超越(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", name_en: "Revival Exceed(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", "kana": "リヴァイバルエクシード", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-310.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "続いていく、だから、そこにいる。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "1959": { // "pid": 1959, // cid: 1956, // "timestamp": 1479021159712, // "wxid": "PR-311", // name: "無二の征服 アレクサンド(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", // name_zh_CN: "无二的征服 亚历山大(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", // name_en: "Alexand, Peerless Conquest(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", // "kana": "ムニノセイフクアレクサンド", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "SIGNI", // "color": "red", // "level": 2, // "limit": 0, // "power": 8000, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-311.jpg", // "illust": "村上ゆいち", // "classes": [ // "精像", // "武勇" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 0, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "新たな力が戦いの狼煙をあげる。", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1960": { "pid": 1960, cid: 1957, "timestamp": 1479021160121, "wxid": "PR-312", name: "コードアンチ カイヅカ(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", name_zh_CN: "古兵代号 贝冢(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", name_en: "Code Anti Kaizuka(WIXOSSお楽しみパック 2016年8-9月 Ver.)", "kana": "コードアンチカイヅカ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-312.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [ "精械", "古代兵器" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ズカズカくるとケガするぞっ!~カイヅカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1961": { "pid": 1961, cid: 108, "timestamp": 1479021160335, "wxid": "SP18-001", name: "新月の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "新月之巫女 玉依姬(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, New Moon Miko(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "シンゲツノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-001.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "お水でバトル、たのしー! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1962": { "pid": 1962, cid: 1506, "timestamp": 1479021160411, "wxid": "SP18-002", name: "恋慕の巫女 ユキ(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "恋慕之巫女 雪(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Yuki, Miko of Falling in Love(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "レンボノミコユキ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-002.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "イオナ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "暑いわ、とろけそう。誰か私を涼ませてくれないかしら? ~ユキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1963": { "pid": 1963, cid: 126, "timestamp": 1479021160439, "wxid": "SP18-003", name: "花代・零(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "花代·零(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Hanayo-Zero(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "ハナヨゼロ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-003.jpg", "illust": "pepo", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "似合う?似合わない?まぁ、どちらでもいいよ。 ~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1964": { "pid": 1964, cid: 144, "timestamp": 1479021160569, "wxid": "SP18-004", name: "コード・ピルルク(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Code Piruluk(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "コードピルルク", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-004.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ピーピングアナライズ。私と、泳ぎたい……?~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1965": { "pid": 1965, cid: 525, "timestamp": 1479021160587, "wxid": "SP18-005", name: "奇跡の軌跡 アン(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "奇迹的轨迹 安(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Anne, Locus of Miracles(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "キセキノキセキアン", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-005.jpg", "illust": "DQN", "classes": [ "アン" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "本日は晴天なり、大漁だわ。 ~アン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1966": { "pid": 1966, cid: 406, "timestamp": 1479021161030, "wxid": "SP18-006", name: "創造の鍵主 ウムル=ノル(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_zh_CN: "创造之键主 乌姆尔=NOLL(サマールリグパックvol.1)", name_en: "Umuru=Noll, Wielder of the Key of Creation(サマールリグパックvol.1)", "kana": "ソウゾウノカギヌシウムルノル", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP18/SP18-006.jpg", "illust": "アリオ", "classes": [ "ウムル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "なんじゃ、その目は。今日はオフなのじゃ、グロウせんぞ。~ウムル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1967": { "pid": 1967, cid: 1967, "timestamp": 1479021161303, "wxid": "WX14-014", name: "スティール・スペル・ラン", name_zh_CN: "探魔秘手", name_en: "Steel Spell Run", "kana": "スティールスペルラン", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-014.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 1, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャホホホ。楽勝だったニャー♪~ミルルンネコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "アンコール―《青》《無》\n" + "対戦相手のトラッシュからスペル1枚を、あなたの手札にあるかのようにコストを支払わずに限定条件を無視して使用する。このターン、そのスペルがチェックゾーンから別の領域に移動される場合、代わりにゲームから除外される。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "回响 ―【蓝】【无】\n" + "将对战对手的废弃区中的1张魔法卡视为你的手牌不支付费用无视限定条件使用它。这个回合,那张魔法卡从检查区移动到其他区域的场合,作为代替从游戏中除外。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Encore - [Blue] [Colorless]\n" + "You may use 1 spell from your opponent's trash as if it were in your hand without paying its cost and ignoring its limiting conditions. This turn, if that spell would be moved to a different zone from the Check Zone, it is excluded from the game instead." ], encore: { costBlue: 1, costColorless: 1, }, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自 WX05-011 if (this.player.spellBanned) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (!card.useCondition || card.useCondition()); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card,true,null,{excludeAfterUse: true}); }); } } }, "1968": { "pid": 1968, cid: 1968, "timestamp": 1479021161425, "wxid": "WX14-027", name: "羅原姫 Be", name_zh_CN: "罗原姬 Be", name_en: "Beryllium, Natural Source Princess", "kana": "ラゲンヒメベリリウム", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-027.jpg", "illust": "イチゼン", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "危険度ナンバーワン!~Be~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの<原子>のシグニ1体が対戦相手の効果によって場を離れるたび、対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。", "【常】:あなたが対戦相手のスペル1枚を使用したとき、対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュするか、対戦相手の手札を1枚捨てさせる。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:你的1只<原子>SIGNI因对战对手的效果离场时,不查看对战对手的手牌而选择1张,将其舍弃。", "【常】:你使用对战对手的1张魔法卡时,将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐,或对战对手舍弃1张手牌。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: Each time 1 of your SIGNI leaves the field by your opponent's effect, choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it.", "[Constant]: When you use 1 of your opponent's spells, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, or your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1968-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { if (!event.card.hasClass('原子')) return false; var source = this.game.getEffectSource(); if (!source) return false; return (source.player === this.player.opponent); }, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(1); } }); add(this.player,'onSigniLeaveField',effect); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1968-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.card.owner === this.player.opponent); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (card) { return card.banishAsyn(); } else { return this.player.opponent.discardAsyn(1); } }); } }); add(this.player,'onUseSpell',effect); } }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《青》:対戦相手のトラッシュからスペル1枚をあなたの手札にあるかのように使用する。(コストは支払い、限定条件は無視しない)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【蓝】:将对战对手的废弃区中的1张魔法卡视为你的手牌使用它。(支付费用,不能无视限定条件)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Blue] You may use 1 spell from your opponent's trash as if it were in your hand. (Cost payment and limiting conditions are not ignored.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ costBlue: 1, actionAsyn: function () { // 复制并修改自 WX05-011 if (this.player.spellBanned) return; var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (card.type !== 'SPELL') return false; var player = card.player; card.player = this.player; var flag = card.canUse(); card.player = player; return flag; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return this.player.handleSpellAsyn(card); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手の手札を見て1枚選び、捨てさせる。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:查看对战对手的手牌,选择其中一张舍弃。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Look at your opponent's hand, choose one card from it, and discard it." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.hands; this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; this.player.opponent.discardCards([card]); }); } } }, "1969": { "pid": 1969, cid: 1969, "timestamp": 1479021161539, "wxid": "WX14-038", name: "羅原 Na", name_zh_CN: "罗原 Na", name_en: "Sodium, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンナトリウム", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-038.jpg", "illust": "Toshi_Punk", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "熱伝導ならナンバーワン!~Na~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:対戦相手の手札を見て、その中からコストの合計が1以下のスペル1枚を選び、捨てさせる。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:查看对战对手的手牌,从中选择1张费用合计1以下的魔法卡舍弃。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Look at your opponent's hand, choose 1 spell with total cost 1 or less from among them, and discard it." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.hands; if (!cards.length) return; var targets = cards.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL') && (card.getTotalEnerCost(true) <= 1); },this); if (!targets.length) { return this.player.showCardsAsyn(cards); } this.player.informCards(cards); return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',targets,0,1,false,cards).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], }, "1970": { "pid": 1970, cid: 1970, "timestamp": 1479021161584, "wxid": "WX14-039", name: "羅原 Si", name_zh_CN: "罗原 Si", name_en: "Silicon, Natural Source", "kana": "ラゲンケイソ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-039.jpg", "illust": "れいあきら", "classes": [ "精羅", "原子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "美容ならナンバーワン!~Si~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:対戦相手のトラッシュにスペルがある場合、カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:对战对手的废弃区中存在魔法卡的场合,抽1张卡。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: If there is a spell in your opponent's trash, draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards.some(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "1971": { "pid": 1971, cid: 1971, "timestamp": 1479021161575, "wxid": "WX14-062", name: "STAR ARROW", name_zh_CN: "STAR ARROW", name_en: "STAR ARROW", "kana": "スターアロー", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "blue", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "ミルルン", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-062.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 2, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "だんだん何か簡単になってきたル~ン♪~ミルルン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手の手札を1枚見ないで選び、捨てさせる。あなたはカードを1枚引き、あなたのデッキからシグニ1枚とスペル1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "不查看对战对手的手牌,选择1张舍弃。你抽1张卡,从你的卡组中探寻1张SIGNI和1张魔法卡公开并加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking, and discard it. You draw a card, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and 1 spell, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], spellEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.opponent.discardRandomly(); this.player.draw(1); var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.type === 'SPELL'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } }, }, "1972": { "pid": 1972, cid: 241, "timestamp": 1479021162090, "wxid": "SP19-004", name: "一ノ娘 緑子", name_zh_CN: "一之娘 绿子", name_en: "Midoriko, First Girl", "kana": "イチノムスメミドリコ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP19/SP19-004.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡 寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "緑子" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "僕なんかでよかったのかい? ~緑子~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1973": { "pid": 1973, cid: 107, "timestamp": 1479021162337, "wxid": "SP19-001", name: "三日月の巫女 タマ", name_zh_CN: "三日月之巫女 玉依姬", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Waxing Crescent Moon Miko", "kana": "ミカヅキノミコタマ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "white", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP19/SP19-001.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡 寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "タマを選んでくれて、ありがとう! ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1974": { "pid": 1974, cid: 125, "timestamp": 1479021162380, "wxid": "SP19-002", name: "花代・壱", name_zh_CN: "花代·壹", name_en: "Hanayo-One", "kana": "ハナヨイチ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP19/SP19-002.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡 寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "花代" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "きっと、あなたとなら、ずっと幸せなのかもね。~花代~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1975": { "pid": 1975, cid: 143, "timestamp": 1479021162640, "wxid": "SP19-003", name: "コード・ピルルク・K", name_zh_CN: "代号·皮璐璐可·K", name_en: "Code Piruluk K", "kana": "コードピルルクキロ", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "blue", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP19/SP19-003.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡 寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ピルルク" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "……いいの?私は、不幸を連れてきてしまうわ。 ~ピルルク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1976": { "pid": 1976, cid: 259, "timestamp": 1479021162699, "wxid": "SP19-005", name: "灼熱の閻魔 ウリス", name_zh_CN: "灼热阎魔 乌莉丝", name_en: "Ulith, Burning Eye Enma", "kana": "シャクネツノエンマウリス", "rarity": "SP", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/SP19/SP19-005.jpg", "illust": "作画:冨岡 寛 仕上げ:J.C.STAFF", "classes": [ "ウリス" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一緒に、次は誰を潰す? ~ウリス~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1977": { "pid": 1977, cid: 620, "timestamp": 1479021162733, "wxid": "PR-276", name: "黒点の巫女 タマヨリヒメ(「黒点の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_zh_CN: "黑点之巫女 玉依姬(「黒点の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", name_en: "Tamayorihime, Sunspot Miko(「黒点の巫女 タマヨリヒメ」フィギュア特典)", "kana": "コクテンノミコタマヨリヒメ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 5, "limit": 12, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-276.jpg", "illust": "AKIRA", "classes": [ "タマ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あの願いが、叶うなら。タマ…どんなことでもする。 ~タマ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1978": { "pid": 1978, cid: 1754, "timestamp": 1479021162880, "wxid": "PR-279", name: "冥者 ハナレ", name_zh_CN: "冥者 离", name_en: "Hanare, Dark One", "kana": "メイジャハナレ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-279.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "ハナレ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…オープン ~ハナレ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1979": { "pid": 1979, cid: 1759, "timestamp": 1479021163197, "wxid": "PR-280", name: "黒衣の花嫁 アルフォウ", name_zh_CN: "黑衣的花嫁 阿尔芙", name_en: "Alfou, Black-Clothed Bride", "kana": "コクイノハナヨメアルフォウ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "black", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-280.jpg", "illust": "CHAN×CO", "classes": [ "アルフォウ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "オープン! ~アルフォウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1980": { "pid": 1980, cid: 1980, "timestamp": 1479021163285, "wxid": "WX14-003", name: "紡ぐ者", name_zh_CN: "纺织者", name_en: "The Spinner", "kana": "ツムグモノ", "rarity": "LR", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "colorless", "level": 5, "limit": 15, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-003.jpg", "illust": "希", "classes": [ "?" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 5, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "撚りかけ、一本の糸となる。物語は続いてく。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このルリグにグロウするためのルリグタイプは無視される。", "【常】:あなたはレベル5のシグニの限定条件を無視して場に出すことができる。", "【常】:対戦相手のシグニ1体がアタックしたとき、あなたの手札からそのシグニと同じ色を持つシグニを1枚捨ててもよい。そうした場合、そのアタックしているシグニはこのアタックであなたにダメージを与えない。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:无视成长为这只LRIG所需的LRIG类型限制。", "【常】:你可以将等级5的SIGNI无视限定条件出场。", "【常】:对战的手的1只SIGNI攻击时,你可以从手牌将1张和那只SIGNI持有相同颜色的SIGNI舍弃。这样做了的场合,那只正在攻击的SIGNI的攻击不会造成伤害。", ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: LRIG type is ignored while growing into this LRIG.", "[Constant]: You may put level 5 SIGNI onto the field ignoring their limiting conditions.", "[Constant]: When 1 of your opponent's SIGNI attacks, you may discard 1 SIGNI with the same color from your hand. If you do, the attacking SIGNI does not damage you this attack.", ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { // see classes } },{ action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'ignoreLimitingOfLevel5Signi',true); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1980-const-2', actionAsyn: function (event) { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasSameColorWith(event.card); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); event.wontBeDamaged = true; }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onAttack',effect); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】【無》:次のターンの間、対戦相手のルリグはあなたにダメージを与えない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【无】:下一个回合期间,对战对手的LRIG不能对你造成伤害。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Colorless]: During the next turn, your opponent's LRIG cannot damage you." ], actionEffects: [{ costColorless: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, createTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnStart, once: true, destroyTimming: this.game.phase.onTurnEnd, action: function (set,add) { set(this.player,'wontBeDamagedByOpponentLrig',true); } }); } }], }, "1981": { "pid": 1981, cid: 1981, "timestamp": 1479021163656, "wxid": "WX14-010", name: "断罪 遊月・弐", name_zh_CN: "断罪 游月·弍", name_en: "Yuzuki-Two, the Convicted", "kana": "ダンザイユヅキニ", "rarity": "LC", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red/green", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-010.jpg", "illust": "イチノセ奏", "classes": [ "ユヅキ" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "思ったよりここも居心地がいいじゃん。~遊月~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", costOr: ['red', 'green'], growCondition: function () { var red = Object.create(this); red.costRed++; if (this.player.enoughCost(red)) return true; var green = Object.create(this); green.costGreen++; if (this.player.enoughCost(green)) return true; return false; }, costChangeAsyn: function () { var colors = []; var red = Object.create(this); red.costRed++; if (this.player.enoughCost(red)) colors.push('red'); var green = Object.create(this); green.costGreen++; if (this.player.enoughCost(green)) colors.push('green'); return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () { if (colors.length === 1) return colors[0]; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('COLOR',colors); }).callback(this,function (color) { if (color === 'red') return red; return green; }); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このルリグがアタックしたとき、あなたの場に赤と緑のシグニがある場合、カードを1枚引き、その後、手札を1枚捨てる。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只LRIG攻击时,你的场上存在红色和绿色的SIGNI的场合,抽1张卡,之后,舍弃1张手牌。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this LRIG attacks, if there is a red SIGNI and a green SIGNI on your field, draw a card, then discard a card from your hand." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1981-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('red'); },this) && this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasColor('green'); },this); if (!flag) return; this.player.draw(1); return this.player.discardAsyn(1); } }); add(this,'onAttack',effect); } }], }, "1982": { "pid": 1982, cid: 1982, "timestamp": 1479021163712, "wxid": "WX14-032", name: "サーバント ∞", name_zh_CN: "侍从 ∞", name_en: "Servant ∞", "kana": "サーバントインフィニティ", "rarity": "SR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 5, "limit": 0, "power": 15000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-032.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": true, cardText: "ウトゥルスは、最後に一つになることを拒んだ。\nなぜならタウィルは思い出したから、始めの少女の記憶を。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:メインデッキ、手札、シグニゾーン、トラッシュのいずれか1つを指定する。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:从主要卡组、手牌、SIGNI区域、废弃区中指定1个。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Choose any 1 of main deck, hand, SIGNI Zone, or trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { var texts = [ 'MAIN_DECK', 'HAND', 'SIGNI_ZONE', 'TRASH_ZONE', ]; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_ZONE',texts).callback(this,function (text) { this.fieldData['_1982'] = text; return this.player.opponent.showTextAsyn('CHOOSE_ZONE','text',text); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニの【出】の能力で指定された領域にある対戦相手のすべてのシグニはすべてのクラスと色を失い、<精元>を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的这只SIGNI的【出】能力所指定的区域中的所有SIGNI失去所有的类别和颜色,获得<精元>。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: All of your opponent's SIGNI in the zone specified by this SIGNI's [On-Play] lose all classes and colors and become ." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var cards = []; var text = this.fieldData['_1982']; if (text === 'MAIN_DECK') { cards = this.player.opponent.mainDeck.cards; } else if (text === 'HAND') { cards = this.player.opponent.hands; } else if (text === 'SIGNI_ZONE') { cards = this.player.opponent.signis; } else if (text === 'TRASH_ZONE') { cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; } cards.forEach(function (card) { set(card,'classes',[]); add(card,'classes','精元'); set(card,'color','colorless'); set(card,'colorLost',true); },this); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュから《ガードアイコン》を持つシグニを2枚まで手札に加える。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将至多2张持有《G》标记的SIGNI加入手牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add up to 2 SIGNI with Guard from your trash to your hand." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.guardFlag; }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,2); } } }, "1983": { "pid": 1983, cid: 1983, "timestamp": 1479021164808, "wxid": "WX14-033", name: "大拳 カクシ", name_zh_CN: "大拳 暗器", name_en: "Kakutsu, Large Fist", "kana": "タイケンカクシ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-033.jpg", "illust": "モレシャン", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャローブ忍隊、第一陣参る!~カクシ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニはあなたの場に<アーム>のシグニが2体以上ないかぎり、新たに場に出すことができない。", "【常】:このシグニが対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、あなたの他のシグニ1体をバニッシュしてもよい。そうした場合、このシグニをアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI只能在你的场上存在2只以上的<武装>SIGNI的场合才能出场。", "【常】:这只SIGNI将对战对手的1只SIGNI驱逐时,可以将你的1只其他的SIGNI驱逐。这样做了的场合,将这只SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: This SIGNI can't be put onto the field unless there are 2 or more SIGNI on your field.", "[Constant]: When this SIGNI banishes 1 of your opponent's SIGNI, you may banish 1 of your other SIGNI. If you do, up this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var condition = function () { var card = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return (card.length >= 2); }; add(this,'summonConditions',condition); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1983-const-1', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.source === this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi !== this); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('BANISH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; return this.upAsyn(); }); }); } }); add(this.player.opponent,'onSigniBanished',effect); } }], }, "1984": { "pid": 1984, cid: 1984, "timestamp": 1479021164308, "wxid": "WX14-041", name: "幻竜 #コブラ#", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 #绿野眼镜蛇#", name_en: "Cobra, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウワイルドコブラ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-041.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "紛れもなく私よ。~#コブラ#~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】手札から赤の<龍獣>のシグニを1枚捨てる:対戦相手のエナゾーンにカードが3枚以上ある場合、対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンからカード1枚をトラッシュに置く。", "【出】手札から緑の<龍獣>のシグニを1枚捨てる:あなたのデッキの上からカードを2枚公開する。その中からすべての<龍獣>のシグニをエナゾーンに置き、残りを好きな順番でデッキの一番上に置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从手牌将1张红色的<龙兽>SIGNI舍弃:对战对手的能量区中存在3张以上的卡的场合,对战对手自己从能量区中将1张卡放置到废弃区。", "【出】从手牌将1张绿色的<龙兽>SIGNI舍弃:从你的卡组顶将2张卡公开。从中将所有的<龙兽>SIGNI放置到能量区,剩下的按任意顺序放置到卡组最上方。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Discard 1 red SIGNI from your hand: If there are 3 or more cards in your opponent's Ener Zone, your opponent puts 1 card from their Ener Zone into the trash.", "[On-Play] Discard 1 green SIGNI from your hand: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Put all SIGNI from among them into the Ener Zone and put the rest on top of your deck in any order." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && card.hasColor('red'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && card.hasColor('red'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; if (cards.length < 3) return; return this.player.opponent.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); } },{ costCondition: function () { return this.player.hands.some(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && card.hasColor('green'); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.hands.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('龍獣') && card.hasColor('green'); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('PAY',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.trash(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { // 复制改自 WX12-021 return this.player.revealAsyn(2).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_A = []; var cards_B = []; cards.forEach(function (card) { if (card.hasClass('龍獣')) { cards_A.push(card); } else { cards_B.push(card); } },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_A,this.player.enerZone); var len = cards_B.length; if (len < 2) return; return this.player.selectSomeAsyn('SET_ORDER',cards_B,len,len,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.player.mainDeck.moveCardsToTop(cards); }); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:【エナチャージ1】" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:【能量填充1】" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】: [Ener Charge 1]" ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } } }, "1985": { "pid": 1985, cid: 1985, "timestamp": 1479021164370, "wxid": "WX14-043", name: "幻獣 トンビ", name_zh_CN: "幻兽 黑鸢", name_en: "Tonbi, Phantom Beast", "kana": "ゲンジュウトンビ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-043.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精生", "空獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "とびとびとんび!~トンビ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたのデッキの一番上を公開する。それが<空獣>のシグニの場合、それを手札に加える。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:将你卡组顶的1张卡公开。那张卡是<空兽>SIGNI的场合,将其加入手牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a SIGNI, add it to your hand." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.revealAsyn(1).callback(this,function (cards) { var cards_add = cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('空獣'); },this); this.game.moveCards(cards_add,this.player.handZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "1986": { "pid": 1986, cid: 1986, "timestamp": 1479021163782, "wxid": "WX14-045", name: "千夜の五夜 シャフリ", name_zh_CN: "千夜的五夜 山努亚", name_en: "Shahri, Five Nights of a Thousand Nights", "kana": "センヤノゴヤシャフリ", "rarity": "R", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-045.jpg", "illust": "水玉子", "classes": [ "精像", "悪魔" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "王様は聞くだけに飽き足らず、コスプレにはまった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】あなたのレベル1のシグニ1体とレベル2のシグニ1体を場からトラッシュに置く:対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】从你的场上将1只等级1的SIGNI和1只等级2的SIGNI放置到废弃区:将对战对手的1只SIGNI放置到废弃区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Put 1 of your level 1 SIGNI and 1 of your level 2 SIGNI from the field into the trash: Put 1 of your opponent's SIGNI into the trash." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCondition: function () { var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === 1) && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); var cards_B = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === 2) && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); return cards_A.length && cards_B.length; }, costAsyn: function () { var cards_A = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === 1) && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); var cards_B = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.level === 2) && signi.canTrashAsCost(); },this); var cards_trash = []; return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_A).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards_trash.push(card); return this.player.selectAsyn('TRASH',cards_B).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; cards_trash.push(card); return this.game.trashCardsAsyn(cards_trash); }); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOpponentSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.trashAsyn(); }); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのトラッシュからレベル2以下の黒のシグニ1枚を手札に加えるか場に出す。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从你的废弃区将1张等级2以下的黑色的SIGNI加入手牌或出场。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Add 1 level 2 or less SIGNI from your trash to your hand or put it onto the field." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return (card.level <= 2) && (card.type === 'SIGNI') && card.hasColor('black'); }; return this.player.selectTextAsyn('CHOOSE_EFFECT',['ADD_TO_HAND','SUMMON']).callback(this,function (text) { if (text === 'ADD_TO_HAND') { return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter); } else { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return filter(card) && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.summonAsyn(); }); } }); } } }, "1987": { "pid": 1987, cid: 1987, "timestamp": 1479021164629, "wxid": "WX14-049", name: "羅星 ルクパト", name_zh_CN: "罗星 天渊三", name_en: "Rukpat, Natural Star", "kana": "ラセイルクパト", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "サシェ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-049.jpg", "illust": "arihato", "classes": [ "精羅", "宇宙" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "この矢で能力を!!~ルクパト~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニが<宇宙>のレゾナの出現条件によって場からトラッシュに置かれたとき、あなたの次のターンまで、そのレゾナは対戦相手のシグニの効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI作为<宇宙>共鸣SIGNI的出现条件从场上放置到废弃区时,直到你的下一个回合为止,那只共鸣SIGNI不会受到对战对手的SIGNI的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is put from the field into the trash by the play condition of a Resona, until your next turn, that Resona is unaffected by the effects of your opponent's SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1987-const-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { var resona = this.player.inResonaAction; if (!resona) return false; if (!resona.hasClass('宇宙')) return false; if (event.oldZone.name !== 'SigniZone') return false; if (event.newZone !== this.player.trashZone) return false; this.game.setData(this,'_1987',resona); return true; }, actionAsyn: function () { var resona = this.game.getData(this,'_1987'); if (!resona) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, action: function (set,add) { add(resona,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== this.player.opponent) || (card.type !== 'SIGNI'); }); } }); } }); add(this,'onMove',effect); } }], }, "1988": { "pid": 1988, cid: 1988, "timestamp": 1479021164758, "wxid": "WX14-051", name: "大拳 ニンテケ", name_zh_CN: "大拳 忍者手甲", name_en: "Ninteke, Large Fist", "kana": "タイケンニンテケ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "white", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-051.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [ "精武", "アーム" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ニャローブ忍隊、第二陣行こうかね。~ニンテケ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、あなたの<アーム>のシグニ1体をアップする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:这只SIGNI被驱逐时,将你的1只<武装>SIGNI竖置。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: When this SIGNI is banished, up 1 of your SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1988-const-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.isUp && signi.hasClass('アーム'); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('UP',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.upAsyn(); }); } }); add(this,'onBanish',effect); } }], }, "1989": { "pid": 1989, cid: 1989, "timestamp": 1479021164803, "wxid": "WX14-054", name: "幻竜 ザッハーク", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 扎哈卡", name_en: "Zahhak, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウザッハーク", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-054.jpg", "illust": "7010", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おやまぁ、イイ感じに溜めこんでますわねぇ。~ザッハーク~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》:対戦相手は自分のエナゾーンのカードが7枚になるように、エナゾーンからカードをトラッシュに置く。(エナゾーンのカードが7枚以下の場合、この効果の影響を受けない)" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:对战对手从自己的能量区中将卡牌放置到废弃区直到能量区为7张为止。(能量区的卡在7张以下的场合,不受这个效果的影响)" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Down: Your opponent puts cards from their Ener Zone into the trash until they have 7 cards in their Ener Zone. (If they have 7 or less cards in their Ener Zone, they are unaffected by this effect.)" ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.enerZone.cards; var n = cards.length - 7; if (n <= 0) return; return this.player.opponent.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH',cards,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.trashCards(cards); }); } }], }, "1990": { "pid": 1990, cid: 1990, "timestamp": 1479021165326, "wxid": "WX14-055", name: "羅石 モルガ", name_zh_CN: "罗石 绿柱石", name_en: "Molga, Natural Stone", "kana": "ラセキモルガ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-055.jpg", "illust": "かざあな", "classes": [ "精羅", "鉱石" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "そこ、助けろ。これ、重い。~モルガ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》あなたのアップ状態の<鉱石>または<宝石>のシグニ1体をダウンする:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】将你的1只竖置状态的<矿石>或者<宝石>SIGNI横置:将对战对手的1只力量12000以下的SIGNI驱逐。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down] Down 1 of your upped or SIGNI: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, costCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')); },this); }, costAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.isUp && (signi.hasClass('鉱石') || signi.hasClass('宝石')); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('DOWN',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.down(); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); } }], }, "1991": { "pid": 1991, cid: 1991, "timestamp": 1479021165359, "wxid": "WX14-056", name: "幻竜 ダハーカ", name_zh_CN: "幻龙 达哈卡", name_en: "Dahaka, Phantom Dragon", "kana": "ゲンリュウダハーカ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "ユヅキ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-056.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精生", "龍獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "アジダハ、私を解放しなイデ…。~ダハーカ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:あなたにダメージを与える。(コストのない出現時能力は発動しないことを選べない)" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:给自己造成伤害。(没有费用的出现时能力不能选择不发动)" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Damage yourself. (You cannot choose to not trigger on-play abilities with no cost.)" ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.damageAsyn(); } }], }, "1992": { "pid": 1992, cid: 1992, "timestamp": 1479021165474, "wxid": "WX14-060", name: "幻水 ナヨハギ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 蓝藻鱼", name_en: "Nayohagi, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイナヨハギ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-060.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "えっと…なんの話でしたかしら?~ナヨハギ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、あなたの手札が6枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは15000になり、対戦相手の効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,只要你的手牌在6张以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为15000,不受对战对手的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, as long as there are 6 or more cards in your hand, this SIGNI's power becomes 15000, and this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) && (this.player.hands.length >= 6); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',15000); add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== this.player.opponent); }); } }], }, "1993": { "pid": 1993, cid: 1993, "timestamp": 1479021165766, "wxid": "WX14-061", name: "幻水 ツノダシ", name_zh_CN: "幻水 镰鱼", name_en: "Tsunodashi, Water Phantom", "kana": "ゲンスイツノダシ", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "blue", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-061.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "精生", "水獣" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "育った海へ帰りたいんだが…。どこだ?~ツノダシ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:対戦相手のターンの間、あなたの手札が6枚以上あるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になり、対戦相手の効果を受けない。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:对战对手的回合中,只要你的手牌在6张以上,这只SIGNI的力量变为12000,不受对战对手的效果影响。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: During your opponent's turn, as long as there are 6 or more cards in your hand, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000, and this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return (this.game.turnPlayer === this.player.opponent) && (this.player.hands.length >= 6); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); add(this,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player !== this.player.opponent); }); } }], }, "1994": { "pid": 1994, cid: 1994, "timestamp": 1479021165677, "wxid": "WX14-076", name: "幻蟲 モスキート", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 蚊子", name_en: "Mosquito, Phantom Insect", "kana": "ゲンチュウモスキート", "rarity": "C", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WX14/WX14-076.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいしそうね。~モスキート~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ダウン》:対戦相手のトラッシュのカード1枚を対戦相手のシグニ1体の【チャーム】にする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【横置】:将对战对手废弃区中的1张卡作为对战对手1只SIGNI的【魅饰】。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Down]: Put 1 card from your opponent's trash under 1 of your opponent's SIGNI as [Charm]." ], actionEffects: [{ costDown: true, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.trashZone.cards; if (!cards.length) return; var signis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.charm; },this); if (!signis) return; return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.charmTo(signi); }); }); } }], }, "1995": { "pid": 1995, cid: 738, "timestamp": 1479021165682, "wxid": "PR-314", name: "ネクスト・レディ(WIXOSS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2016参加賞)", name_zh_CN: "下一个少女(WIXOSS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2016参加賞)", name_en: "Next Ready(WIXOSS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2016参加賞)", "kana": "ネクストレディ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "colorless", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-314.jpg", "illust": "Hitoto*", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "…ようこそ、セレクター。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "1996": { "pid": 1996, cid: 1167, "timestamp": 1479021166241, "wxid": "PR-313", name: "アーク・ディストラクト(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_zh_CN: "弧光·毁灭(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年9-10月度congraturationカード)", name_en: "Arc Destruct(WIXOSS PARTY 2016年9-10月度congraturationカード)", "kana": "アークディストラクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "white", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-313.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [], "costWhite": 1, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 2, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "全力で……攻撃するんだ!~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, // "1997": { // "pid": 1997, // cid: 1997, // "timestamp": 1479021166099, // "wxid": "PR-322", // !here !Coin // name: "白亜の鍵主 ウルトゥム(セレクターズパックウムル&タウィル 4パック購入特典)", // name_zh_CN: "白亜の鍵主 ウルトゥム(セレクターズパックウムル&タウィル 4パック購入特典)", // name_en: "白亜の鍵主 ウルトゥム(セレクターズパックウムル&タウィル 4パック購入特典)", // "kana": "ハクアノカギヌシウルトゥム", // "rarity": "PR", // "cardType": "LRIG", // "color": "white/black", // "level": 4, // "limit": 11, // "power": 0, // "limiting": "", // "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-322.jpg", // "illust": "羽音たらく", // faqs: [ // { // "q": "《ターン1回》アイコンはどういう意味ですか?", // "a": "【起】に《ターン1回》アイコンがついている場合、この能力は1ターンに1度しか使用できません。" // }, // { // "q": "対戦相手のシグニが1体もない場合でも、上の起動能力は使用できますか?", // "a": "はい、できます。その場合でも起動能力を使用しましたので、このターンはもう使用できません。" // }, // { // "q": "自分のトラッシュに黒の<天使>、黒の<古代兵器>がなくても、上の起動能力は使用できますか?", // "a": "はい、できます。その場合は、それらのシグニをデッキの一番下に置くことはできませんので、対戦相手のシグニをトラッシュに置くこともできません。また、起動能力は使用しましたので、このターンはもう使用できません。" // }, // { // "q": "【アタックフェイズ】アイコンはどういう意味ですか?", // "a": "【アタックフェイズ】アイコンがついている能力は、使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ちます。この能力は各ターンのアタックフェイズにしか使用できず、メインフェイズには使用できません。" // }, // { // "q": "右下のコインアイコンはどういう意味ですか?", // "a": "右下にコインアイコンがある場合、そのルリグが場に出たときに出現時能力として、そこに書かれている枚数のコインを得ます。" // } // ], // "classes": [ // "ウムル" // ], // "costWhite": 0, // "costBlack": 3, // "costRed": 0, // "costBlue": 0, // "costGreen": 0, // "costColorless": 0, // "guardFlag": false, // cardSkills: [ // "【【起】】【《ターン1回》】【《黒×0》】:あなたのトラッシュから黒の<天使>のシグニ1枚と黒の<古代兵器>のシグニ1枚を好きな順番でデッキの一番下に置く。そうした場合、対戦相手のシグニ1体をトラッシュに置く。", // "【【起】】【アタックフェイズ】エクシード2:あなたの手札またはトラッシュから黒のシグニ1枚を場に出す。そのシグニの【【出】】の能力は発動しない。" // ], // "multiEner": false, // cardText: "タウィルよ、今は少し眠るがよい。きっとこの輝きが、新たな道標となろう。~ウルトゥム~", // cardText_zh_CN: "", // cardText_en: "" // }, "1998": { "pid": 1998, cid: 1998, "timestamp": 1479021166207, "wxid": "PR-319", name: "幻蟲 オオムラサキ(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", name_zh_CN: "幻虫 大紫蛱蝶(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", name_en: "Oomurasaki, Phantom Insect(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", "kana": "ゲンチュウオオムラサキ", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "black", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "ミュウ", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-319.jpg", "illust": "原案:渡辺琴音 Illust:武藤此史", "classes": [ "精生", "凶蟲" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "またお会いしましょう。~オオムラサキ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:あなたの場にレゾナがあるかぎり、このシグニのパワーは12000になる。", "【常】:あなたのターン終了時、このシグニをトラッシュにおいてもよい。そうした場合、次の対戦相手のターン終了時まで、あなたのルリグは「【起】《黒×0》:ターン終了時まで、対戦相手のシグニ1体のパワーを-7000する。この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。」を得る。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要你的场上存在共鸣SIGNI,这只SIGNI的力量就变为12000。", "【常】:你的回合结束时,可以将这只SIGNI从场上放置到废弃区,这样做了的场合,直到对战对手的下一个回合为止,你的LRIG获得「【起】【黑0】:直到回合结束为止,对战对手的1只SIGNI力量-7000。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。」。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as there is a Resona on your field, this SIGNI's power becomes 12000.", "[Constant]: At the end of your turn, you may put this SIGNI from the field into the trash. If you do, until the end of your opponent's next turn, your LRIG gets \"[Action] [Black0]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn.\"." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.resona; },this); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'power',12000); } },{ action: function (set,add) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: this, description: '1998-const-1', actionAsyn: function () { return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TRASH',[this]).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; if (!this.trash()) return; this.game.addConstEffect({ source: this, destroyTimming: this.player.onTurnStart, fixed: true, action: function (set,add) { var actionEffect = { source: this.player.lrig, description: '1998-attached-0', attackPhase: true, once: true, actionAsyn: function () { return this.decreasePowerAsyn(7000); } }; add(this.player.lrig,'actionEffects',actionEffect); } }); }); } }); add(this.player,'onTurnEnd2',effect); } }], // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "【起】《緑×0》:対戦相手のパワー12000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。 この能力は使用タイミング【アタックフェイズ】を持ち、1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿×0】:将对战对手的1只力量12000以上的SIGNI驱逐。这个能力持有使用时点【攻击阶段】,1回合只能使用1次。" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Black0]: Until end of turn, 1 of your opponent's SIGNI gets −7000 power. This ability has Use Timing [Attack Phase], and can only be used once per turn." ] }, "1999": { "pid": 1999, cid: 1533, "timestamp": 1479021166703, "wxid": "PR-320", name: "紆余曲折(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", name_zh_CN: "纡余曲折(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", name_en: "Twists and Turns(ウィクロスマガジンvol.5 付録)", "kana": "ハートディストラクト", "rarity": "PR", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/PR/PR-320.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 1, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "剣は尚も、光を放つ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2000": { "pid": 2000, cid: 2000, "timestamp": 1479021166658, "wxid": "WD17-001", name: "決死の記憶 リル", name_zh_CN: "决死的记忆 莉露", name_en: "Ril, Memory of Desperation", "kana": "ケッシノキオクリル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-001.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "リル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 3, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "賭けて。あなたのすべてを。~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《コイン》:対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【COIN】:破坏对方1只力量12000以下的精灵。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Coin]: Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCoin: 1, actionAsyn: function () { return this.banishSigniAsyn(12000); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《ターン1回》《赤》《赤》《赤》:ターン終了時まで、あなたの《ライズアイコン》を持つシグニ1体は「このシグニが正面にあるシグニ1体をバニッシュしたとき、このシグニをアップする。」を得る。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【每回合1次】【红】【红】【红】:直到回合结束时为止,我方1只持有<升阶>的精灵获得「此牌破坏其正前方的1只精灵时,竖置此牌。」的效果。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [1/Turn] [Red] [Red] [Red]: Until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI with Rise gets \"When the SIGNI in front of this SIGNI is banished, up this SIGNI.\"." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costRed: 3, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.rise; } return this.player.selectSelfSigniAsyn(filter).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: card, description: '2000-action-0', triggerCondition: function (event) { return (event.opposingSigni === this); }, condition: function () { return !this.isUp; }, actionAsyn: function () { return this.upAsyn(); }, }) this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this.player,'onSigniBanished',effect) }); } }], }, "2001": { "pid": 2001, cid: 2001, "timestamp": 1484724003593, "wxid": "WD17-002", name: "蒼天の記憶 リル", name_zh_CN: "苍天的记忆 莉露", name_en: "Ril, Memory of the Blue Sky", "kana": "ソウテンノキオクリル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-002.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "リル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "これが、すず子の記憶。~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《赤》:《コイン》《コイン》を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:获得【COIN】【COIN】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Red: Gain [Coin] [Coin]." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.gainCoins(2); } }], }, "2002": { "pid": 2002, cid: 2002, "timestamp": 1484724003597, "wxid": "WD17-003", name: "動揺の記憶 リル", name_zh_CN: "动摇的记忆 莉露", name_en: "Ril, Memory of Shaking", "kana": "ドウヨウノキオクリル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-003.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "リル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 1, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "闘うのは一人じゃない。 ~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:《コイン》を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:获得【COIN】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] : Gain [Coin]." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.gainCoins(1); } }], }, "2003": { "pid": 2003, cid: 2003, "timestamp": 1484724003378, "wxid": "WD17-004", name: "欠片の記憶 リル", name_zh_CN: "欠片的记忆 莉露", name_en: "Ril, Fragmented Memory", "kana": "カケラノキオクリル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-004.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "リル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すず子、指示を! ~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《コイン》:カードを1枚引く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【COIN】:抽1张牌。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Coin: Draw 1 card." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCoin: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }], }, "2004": { "pid": 2004, cid: 2004, "timestamp": 1484724002919, "wxid": "WD17-005", name: "純真の記憶 リル", name_zh_CN: "纯真的记忆 莉露", name_en: "Ril, Memory of Innocence", coin: 1, "kana": "ジュンシンノキオクリル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "timing": "1", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-005.jpg", "illust": "ときち", "classes": [ "リル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "あなたは、選ばれたの。~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2005": { "pid": 2005, cid: 2005, "timestamp": 1484724003590, "wxid": "WD17-006", name: "孤立無炎", name_zh_CN: "孤立无炎", name_en: "Flameless Isolation", "kana": "コリツムエン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "リル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-006.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 4, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すず子、貴方を…… ~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたがベットする場合、このアーツを使用するためのコストは《赤×0》になる。\n" + "対戦相手のすべてのシグニをバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "下注-【COIN】【COIN】我方下注的话,此牌的使用费用变为【红0】。\n" + "破坏对方所有精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Bet - [Coin] [Coin]\n" + "If you bet, the cost for using this ARTS is [Red0].\n" + "Banish all of your opponent's SIGNI." ], bet: 2, bettedCost: {}, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { return this.game.banishCardsAsyn(this.player.opponent.signis); }, }, }, "2006": { "pid": 2006, cid: 2006, "timestamp": 1484724003400, "wxid": "WD17-007", name: "一騎当閃", name_zh_CN: "一骑当闪", name_en: "Mighty Flash", "kana": "イッキトウセン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-007.jpg", "illust": "しおぼい", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 2, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "はっ!! ~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase', 'attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "対戦相手のパワー7000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたがベットしていた場合、代わりにパワー20000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "下注-【COIN】破坏对方1只力量7000以下的精灵。我方下注的话,作为代替破坏对方1只力量20000以下的精灵。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Bet - [Coin]\n" + "Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 7000 or less. If you bet, instead banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 20000 or less." ], bet: 1, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var power = costArg.bet ? 20000 : 7000; return this.banishSigniAsyn(power); }, }, }, "2007": { "pid": 2007, cid: 2007, "timestamp": 1484724003325, "wxid": "WD17-008", name: "瞬息爆変", name_zh_CN: "瞬息爆变", name_en: "Instant Breath, Explosive Strangeness", "kana": "シュンソクバクペン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-008.jpg", "illust": "イシバシヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "一息で変わっていく戦場。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "あなたのデッキから赤のシグニ1枚を探してダウン状態で場に出す。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。ターン終了時に、そのシグニを場からトラッシュに置く。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从我方牌组中找1张红色精灵牌并让其以横置状态出场。之后,洗切牌组。回合结束时,将那只精灵从场上放置到废弃区。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Search your deck for 1 red SIGNI and put it onto the field downed. Then, shuffle your deck. At the end of the turn, put that SIGNI from the field into the trash." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('red') && card.canSummon(); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,0,true).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.trashWhenTurnEnd(); return card.summonAsyn(false,false,true); }); }, }, }, "2008": { "pid": 2008, cid: 2008, "timestamp": 1484724003857, "wxid": "WD17-009", name: "仙石の西猿 ゴクウ", name_zh_CN: "仙石的西猿 悟空", name_en: "Goku, Western Monkey of the Sage's Stone", "kana": "センゴクノセイエンゴクウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "リル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-009.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "キィーンと参上、ゴクウ様だぁ!~ゴクウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // Rise // ====================== extraTexts: [ "[ライズ]あなたの<武勇>のシグニ1体の上に置く" ], extraTexts_zh_CN: [ "<升阶>放置到我方1只<武勇>精灵上方。" ], extraTexts_en: [ "(Rise) Put on 1 of your SIGNI" ], rise: function (card) { return card.hasClass('武勇'); }, // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【自】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、このシグニのパワーが15000以上の場合、このシグニの正面のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【自】:此牌攻击时,此牌力量在15000以上的话,破坏此牌正前方的1只精灵。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Auto]: When this SIGNI attacks, if this SIGNI's power is 15000 or more, banish 1 SIGNI in front of this SIGNI." ], constEffects: [{ auto: 'onAttack', condition: function () { return (this.power >= 15000) && this.getOpposingSigni(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var opposingSigni = this.getOpposingSigni(); if (!opposingSigni) return; return opposingSigni.banishAsyn(); }, }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《赤》:ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【红】:直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量+3000。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Red]: Until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], actionEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',3000); } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:対戦相手のパワー10000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。あなたの場に<武勇>のシグニがある場合、代わりにパワー15000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:破坏对方1只力量10000以下的精灵。如果我方场上有<武勇>精灵,作为代替破坏1只力量15000以下的精灵。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 10000 or less. If there is a SIGNI on your field, instead banish a SIGNI with power 15000 or less." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var flag = this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('武勇'); },this); var power = flag ? 15000 : 10000; return this.banishSigniAsyn(power); }, }, }, "2009": { "pid": 2009, cid: 2009, "timestamp": 1484724003963, "wxid": "WD17-010", name: "湖騎の円卓 ランスロット", name_zh_CN: "湖骑的圆桌 兰斯洛特", name_en: "Lancelot, Lake Cavalry of the Round Table", "kana": "コキノエンタクラスロット", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-010.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "剣術、槍術、馬術、全部任せて!~ランスロット~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2010": { "pid": 2010, cid: 2010, "timestamp": 1484724003974, "wxid": "WD17-011", name: "金山の西蔵 サンゾウ", name_zh_CN: "金山的西藏 三藏", name_en: "Sanzo, Tibetan of the Golden Mountain", "kana": "キンザンノセイゾウサンゾウ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "リル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-011.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ゴクウ、金斗雲ですぐに来なさい。~サンゾウ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【自】:場にあるこのシグニの上に《ライズアイコン》を持つシグニが置かれたとき、ターン終了時まで、そのシグニのパワーを+3000する。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【自】:场上的此牌上方被放置了持有<升阶>的精灵时,直到回合结束时为止,那只精灵力量+3000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Auto]: When your SIGNI with Rise enters the field on this SIGNI, until end of turn, that SIGNI gets +3000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, auto: 'onRised', actionAsyn: function (event) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,event.card,'power',3000); }, }], // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《赤》:あなたのデッキから《ライズアイコン》を持つシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【红】:从我方牌组中找1张持有<升阶>的精灵牌将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Red]: Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Rise, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costRed: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.rise; }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }, }], }, "2011": { "pid": 2011, cid: 2011, "timestamp": 1484724004236, "wxid": "WD17-012", name: "鷹武の円卓 ガウェイン", name_zh_CN: "鹰武的圆桌 高文", name_en: "Gawain, War Hawk of the Round Table", "kana": "タカブノエンタクガウェイン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-012.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "日中の戦闘なら任せて!~ガウェイン~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2012": { "pid": 2012, cid: 2012, "timestamp": 1484724004271, "wxid": "WD17-013", name: "貫鍬の西猪 ハッカイ", name_zh_CN: "贯锹的西猪", name_en: "Hakkai, Western Boar of the Piercing Hoe", "kana": "ツラヌキグワノセイチョハッカイ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-013.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "モゴッ、モゴゴッ。(いいよ!一口ね。)~ハッカイ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【自】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。あなたの場に<武勇>のシグニが3体ある場合、代わりに+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【自】:此牌攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量+3000。如果我方场上有3只<武勇>精灵,作为代替+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Auto]: When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power. If there are 3 SIGNI on your field, it gets +5000 instead." ], constEffects: [{ auto: 'onAttack', actionAsyn: function (event) { var flag = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('武勇'); },this).length === 3; var power = flag ? 5000 : 3000; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',power); }, }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }, }, "2013": { "pid": 2013, cid: 2013, "timestamp": 1484724004246, "wxid": "WD17-014", name: "一槍の円卓 パシバル", name_zh_CN: "一枪的圆桌 珀西瓦尔", name_en: "Percival, First Spear of the Round Table", "kana": "ヒトヤリノエンタクパシバル", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-014.jpg", "illust": "mado*pen", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "投槍術なら任せて!~パシバル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2014": { "pid": 2014, cid: 2014, "timestamp": 1484724004355, "wxid": "WD17-015", name: "人魂の西河 サゴジョ", name_zh_CN: "人魂的西河 沙悟净", name_en: "Sagojo, Western River of the Hitodama", "kana": "ヒトダマノセイガサゴジョ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "red", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-015.jpg", "illust": "茶ちえ", "classes": [ "精像", "武勇" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ハッカイ、私にもくれよ。~サゴジョ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【自】:このシグニがアタックしたとき、ターン終了時まで、このシグニのパワーを+3000する。あなたの場に<武勇>のシグニが3体ある場合、代わりに+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【自】:此牌攻击时,直到回合结束时为止,此牌力量+3000。如果我方场上有3只<武勇>精灵,作为代替+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Auto]: When this SIGNI attacks, until end of turn, this SIGNI gets +3000 power. If there are 3 SIGNI on your field, it gets +5000 instead." ], constEffects: [{ auto: 'onAttack', actionAsyn: function (event) { var flag = this.player.signis.filter(function (card) { return card.hasClass('武勇'); },this).length === 3; var power = flag ? 5000 : 3000; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,this,'power',power); }, }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } }, }, "2015": { "pid": 2015, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1484724004519, "wxid": "WD17-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-016.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "新しい力は、光輝く欠片だった。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2016": { "pid": 2016, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1484724004523, "wxid": "WD17-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-017.jpg", "illust": "猫囃子", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "輝く欠片にはその人そのものが込められていた。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2017": { "pid": 2017, cid: 2017, "timestamp": 1484724005421, "wxid": "WD17-018", name: "神流の一振", name_zh_CN: "神流的一振", name_en: "One Swing of the Divine Current", "kana": "カンナノヒトフリ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "red", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "リル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD17/WD17-018.jpg", "illust": "bomi", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "すず子、思いっきりいって!~リル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたの《ライズアイコン》を持たない<武勇>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《ライズアイコン》を持つ<武勇>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたの《ライズアイコン》を持つ<武勇>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたの《ライズアイコン》を持たない<武勇>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから《ライズアイコン》を持つ<武勇>のシグニ1枚を探して公開し手札に加える。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの《ライズアイコン》を持つ<武勇>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー12000以下のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①破坏我方1只不持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵。若如此做,从我方牌组中找1张持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵牌将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。\n" + "②破坏我方1只持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵。若如此做,破坏对方1只力量12000以下的精灵。", "破坏我方1只不持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵。若如此做,从我方牌组中找1张持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵牌将其展示后加入手牌。之后,洗切牌组。", "破坏我方1只持有<升阶>的<武勇>精灵。若如此做,破坏对方1只力量12000以下的精灵。", ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 of the following 2.\n" + "① Banish 1 of your SIGNI without Rise. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Rise, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "② Banish 1 of your SIGNI with Rise. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI without Rise. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Rise, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI with Rise. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 12000 or less.", ], spellEffect: [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return !signi.rise && signi.hasClass('武勇'); },this); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.rise && card.hasClass('武勇'); }; return this.player.seekAsyn(filter,1); }); } },{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.rise && signi.hasClass('武勇'); }); var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power <= 12000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power > 12000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } }], }, "2018": { "pid": 2018, cid: 2018, "timestamp": 1484724005425, "wxid": "WD18-001", name: "メル=アンジュ", name_zh_CN: "梅露=安茹", name_en: "Mel=Ange", "kana": "メルアンジュ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 11, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-001.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "メル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 3, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ふふ、感じるよ。ちーちゃんの…… ~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《コインアイコン》:あなたのデッキから《アクセアイコン》を持つカードを2枚まで探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【COIN】:从我方牌组中找最多2张持有<附属>的卡牌并将其放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Coin]: Search your deck for up to 2 cards with Accessory and put them into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCoin: 1, actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.acce; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,2).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); } }], // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】それぞれレベルの異なる<調理>のシグニ4枚をあなたのエナゾーンからトラッシュに置く:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをライフクロスに加える。この能力は1ターンに一度しか使用できない。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【每回合1次】将等级各不相同的4张<调理>精灵牌从我方能量区放置到废弃区:将我方牌组顶1张牌加入生命护甲。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] Put 4 SIGNI with different levels from your Ener Zone into the trash: Add the top card of your deck to Life Cloth. This ability can only be used once per turn." ], actionEffects: [{ once: true, costCondition: function () { var levels = []; this.player.enerZone.cards.forEach(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('調理')) return; if (inArr(card.level,levels)) return; levels.push(card.level); },this); return (levels.length >= 4); }, costAsyn: function () { var signis = []; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,4,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.enerZone.cards.filter(function (card) { if (!card.hasClass('調理')) return false; return signis.every(function (signi) { return card.level !== signi.level; },this); },this); return this.player.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } signis.push(card); }); }).callback(this,function () { this.game.trashCards(signis); }); }, actionAsyn: function () { var card = this.player.mainDeck.cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.lifeClothZone); } }] }, "2019": { "pid": 2019, cid: 2019, "timestamp": 1484724005429, "wxid": "WD18-002", name: "メル=ダイキリ", name_zh_CN: "梅露=得其利", name_en: "Mel=Daiquiri", "kana": "メルダイキリ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 7, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-002.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "メル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "コイン、使わないの? ~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《緑》《緑》:《コイン》《コイン》を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【绿】【绿】:获得【COIN】【COIN】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] [Green] [Green]: Gain 2 Coins." ], startUpEffects: [{ costGreen: 2, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.gainCoins(2); } }] }, "2020": { "pid": 2020, cid: 2020, "timestamp": 1484724005513, "wxid": "WD18-003", name: "メル=モヒート", name_zh_CN: "梅露=莫吉托", name_en: "Mel=Mojito", "kana": "メルモヒート", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 4, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-003.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "メル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "楽に勝てる方法……教えようか?~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】:《コイン》を得る。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】:获得【COIN】。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play]: Gain 1 Coin." ], startUpEffects: [{ actionAsyn: function () { this.player.gainCoins(1); } }] }, "2021": { "pid": 2021, cid: 2021, "timestamp": 1484724005412, "wxid": "WD18-004", name: "メル=スプモニ", name_zh_CN: "梅露=斯普摩尼", name_en: "Mel=Spumoni", "kana": "メルスプモニ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 2, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-004.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "メル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "頑張り屋さんだね!~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 出场效果 // ====================== startUpEffectTexts: [ "【出】《コイン》:あなたのデッキの一番上のカードをエナゾーンに置く。" ], startUpEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【出】【COIN】:将我方牌组顶1张牌放置到能量区。" ], startUpEffectTexts_en: [ "[On-Play] Coin: Put the top card of your deck into the Ener Zone." ], startUpEffects: [{ costCoin: 1, actionAsyn: function () { this.player.enerCharge(1); } }] }, "2022": { "pid": 2022, cid: 2022, "timestamp": 1484724005539, "wxid": "WD18-005", name: "メル=レディ", name_zh_CN: "梅露=佳人", name_en: "Mel=Ready", coin: 3, "kana": "メルレディ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "LRIG", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-005.jpg", "illust": "安藤周記", "classes": [ "メル" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "こんにちは。 ~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2023": { "pid": 2023, cid: 2023, "timestamp": 1484724005956, "wxid": "WD18-006", name: "千軍万馬", name_zh_CN: "千军万马", name_en: "Many Battles", "kana": "シーズニング", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "メル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-006.jpg", "illust": "石橋ヨウスケ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 2, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "ちーちゃん、見てこれ! ~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべての<調理>のシグニは「このシグニがアタックしたとき、自身よりパワーの低い対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有<调理>精灵获得「此牌攻击时,破坏对方1只力量比此牌低的精灵」的效果。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get \"When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with less power than this SIGNI.\"." ], artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('調理'); },this); signis.forEach(function (signi) { var effect = this.game.newEffect({ source: signi, description: '2023-attached-0', actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return (signi.power < this.power); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; return card.banishAsyn(); }); } }); this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'onAttack',effect); },this); } }, // ====================== // 附加效果 // ====================== attachedEffectTexts: [ "このシグニがアタックしたとき、自身よりパワーの低い対戦相手のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], attachedEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "此牌攻击时,破坏对方1只力量比此牌低的精灵" ], attachedEffectTexts_en: [ "When this SIGNI attacks, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with less power than this SIGNI." ], }, "2024": { "pid": 2024, cid: 2024, "timestamp": 1484724005965, "wxid": "WD18-007", name: "試行錯誤", name_zh_CN: "试行错误", name_en: "Trial and Error", "kana": "ワンモアチャンス", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-007.jpg", "illust": "ふーみ", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 1, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "う~~ん!~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ベット-《コイン》《コイン》\n" + "あなたのエナゾーンから緑のカードを3枚まで手札に加える。あなたがベットしていた場合、追加で手札から緑のシグニを3枚まで場に出す。それらのシグニの【出】の能力は発動しない。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "下注-【COIN】【COIN】\n" + "从我方能量区将最多3张绿色卡牌加入手牌。我方下注的话,追加从手牌让最多3张精灵牌出场。这些精灵牌的【出】的效果不能发动。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Bet - [Coin] [Coin] \n" + "Add up to 3 green cards from your Ener Zone to your hand. If you bet, put 3 green SIGNI from your hand onto the field. The [On-Play] abilities of those SIGNI do not trigger." ], bet: 2, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function (costArg) { var filter = function (card) { return card.hasColor('green'); }; return this.player.pickCardAsyn(filter,0,3,this.player.enerZone).callback(this,function () { if (!costArg.bet) return; var done = false; return Callback.loop(this,3,function () { if (done) return; var cards = this.player.handZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.hasColor('green') && card.canSummon(); },this); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) { done = true; return; } return card.summonAsyn(); }); }); }); } } }, "2025": { "pid": 2025, cid: 2025, "timestamp": 1484724005946, "wxid": "WD18-008", name: "悠々自適", name_zh_CN: "悠悠自适", name_en: "Life Free from Worldly Cares", "kana": "パーティータイム", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "ARTS", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-008.jpg", "illust": "繭咲悠", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "楽しんだもん勝ちだね!~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 技艺效果 // ====================== timmings: ['mainPhase','attackPhase','spellCutIn'], artsEffectTexts: [ "ベット-《コイン》\n" + "ターン終了時まで、あなたのすべてのシグニのパワーを+2000する。あなたがベットしていた場合、追加でターン終了時まで、あなたのシグニ1体は「対戦相手のターンであるかぎり、対戦相手の効果を受けない。」を得る。" ], artsEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "下注-【COIN】\n" + "直到回合结束时为止,我方所有精灵力量+2000。我方下注的话,追加直到回合结束时为止,我方1只精灵获得「只要在对方回合中,不受对方的效果影响」的效果。" ], artsEffectTexts_en: [ "Bet - [Coin] \n" + "Until end of turn, all of your SIGNI get +2000 power. If you bet, additionally, until end of turn, 1 of your SIGNI gets \"As long as it is your opponent's turn, this SIGNI is unaffected by your opponent's effects.\"" ], bet: 1, artsEffect: { actionAsyn: function (costArg) { this.player.signis.forEach(function (signi) { this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'power',2000); },this); if (this.game.turnPlayer !== this.player.opponent) return; if (costArg.bet) { return this.player.selectSelfSigniAsyn().callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; this.game.tillTurnEndAdd(this,signi,'effectFilters',function (card) { return (card.player === this.player); }); }); } } } }, "2026": { "pid": 2026, cid: 2026, "timestamp": 1484724005960, "wxid": "WD18-009", name: "コードイート ハンバ", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 汉堡牛肉饼", name_en: "Code Eat Hambur", "kana": "コードイートハンバ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 4, "limit": 0, "power": 12000, "limiting": "メル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-009.jpg", "illust": "紅緒", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "マヨにする?ケチャにする?~ハンバ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアクセされているかぎり、このシグニのパワーは+3000される。", "【自】:このシグニがバニッシュされたとき、このシグニがアクセされていた場合、あなたのトラッシュから《アクセアイコン》を持つシグニ1枚をエナゾーンに置く。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要此牌被附属,此牌力量+3000。", "【自】:此牌被破坏时,此牌被附属的话,从我方废弃区将1张持有<附属>的精灵牌放置到能量区。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is accessorized, this SIGNI gets +3000 power.", "[Auto]: When this SIGNI is banished, if this SIGNI was accessorized, put 1 SIGNI with Accessory from your trash into the Ener Zone." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.isAcced(); }, action: function (set,add) { add(this,'power',3000); } },{ auto: 'onBanish', condition: function () { return this.isAcced(); }, actionAsyn: function () { var cards = this.player.trashZone.cards.filter(function (card) { return card.acce; }); return this.player.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',cards).callback(this,function (card) { if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); }); }, }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:あなたのデッキから《アクセアイコン》を持つシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、それをあなたのシグニ1体の【アクセ】にしてもよい。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:从我方牌组中找1张持有<附属>的精灵牌放置到能量区。之后,可以让其成为我方1只精灵的<附属>。之后,洗切牌组。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Search your deck for 1 SIGNI with Accessory and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, you may put that card under 1 of your SIGNI as an [Accessory]. Then, shuffle your deck." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { var filter = function (card) { return card.acce; }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1).callback(this,function (cards) { var card = cards[0]; if (!card) return; card.moveTo(this.player.enerZone); this.game.moveCards(card,this.player.enerZone); var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canBeAcced(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; card.acceTo(signi); }); }); }, } }, "2027": { "pid": 2027, cid: 2027, "timestamp": 1484724006032, "wxid": "WD18-010", name: "コードイート テンド", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 天丼", name_en: "Code Eat Tendo", "kana": "コードイートテンド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 10000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-010.jpg", "illust": "村上ゆいち", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "同じボケをすることもテンドンと呼ぶのよ。~テンド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2028": { "pid": 2028, cid: 2028, "timestamp": 1484724006024, "wxid": "WD18-011", name: "コードイート カレー", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 咖喱", name_en: "Code Eat Curry", "kana": "コードイートカレー", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 3, "limit": 0, "power": 8000, "limiting": "メル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-011.jpg", "illust": "蟹丹", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "突き刺すような辛さ!~カレー~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:このシグニがアクセされているかぎり、このシグニは【ランサー】を得る。", ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:只要此牌被附属,此牌获得【枪兵】能力。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: As long as this SIGNI is accessorized, this SIGNI gets [Lancer]." ], constEffects: [{ condition: function () { return this.isAcced(); }, action: function (set,add) { set(this,'lancer',true); } }] }, "2029": { "pid": 2029, cid: 2029, "timestamp": 1484724006576, "wxid": "WD18-012", name: "コードイート オヤコ", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 亲子丼", name_en: "Code Eat Oyako", "kana": "コードイートオヤコ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 7000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-012.jpg", "illust": "夜ノみつき", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "出来立て半熟とろとろ!~オヤコ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2030": { "pid": 2030, cid: 2030, "timestamp": 1484724006568, "wxid": "WD18-013", name: "コードイート ケチャ", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 番茄酱", name_en: "Code Eat Ketchu", "kana": "コードイートケチャ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-013.jpg", "illust": "CH@R", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おいしくなーれ。ケチャケチャキュン♪~ケチャ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== acce: true, actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《緑》:このカードをエナゾーンからあなたのシグニ1体の【アクセ】にする。" ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿】:从能量区让此牌成为我方1只精灵的<附属>。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green]: Put this card from your Ener Zone under 1 of your SIGNI as an [Accessory]." ], actionEffects: [{ costGreen: 1, activatedInEnerZone: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canBeAcced(); },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canBeAcced(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; this.acceTo(signi); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:これにアクセされている<調理>のシグニのパワーを+5000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:被此牌附属的<调理>精灵的力量+5000。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The SIGNI accessorized with this gets +5000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return this.acceingCard; }, action: function (set,add) { if (this.acceingCard.hasClass('調理')) { add(this.acceingCard,'power',5000); } } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "2031": { "pid": 2031, cid: 2031, "timestamp": 1484724006579, "wxid": "WD18-014", name: "コードイート ギュウド", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 牛丼", name_en: "Code Eat Gyudo", "kana": "コードイートギュウド", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 3000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-014.jpg", "illust": "くれいお", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "いつでも!おいぎゅう!~ギュウド~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "" }, "2032": { "pid": 2032, cid: 2032, "timestamp": 1484724006582, "wxid": "WD18-015", name: "コードイート マヨ", name_zh_CN: "食用代号 蛋黄酱", name_en: "Code Eat Mayo", "kana": "コードイートマヨ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "green", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-015.jpg", "illust": "柚希きひろ", "classes": [ "精械", "調理" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "おはよう。今日も新鮮な卵をよろしくね。~マヨ~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 起动效果 // ====================== acce: true, actionEffectTexts: [ "【起】《緑×0》:このカードをエナゾーンからあなたのシグニ1体の【アクセ】にする。", ], actionEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【起】【绿0】:从能量区让此牌成为我方1只精灵的<附属>。" ], actionEffectTexts_en: [ "[Action] [Green 0] Put this card from your Ener Zone under 1 of your SIGNI as an [Accessory]." ], actionEffects: [{ activatedInEnerZone: true, useCondition: function () { return this.player.signis.some(function (signi) { return signi.canBeAcced(); },this); }, actionAsyn: function () { var signis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.canBeAcced(); },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) { if (!signi) return; this.acceTo(signi); }); } }], // ====================== // 常时效果 // ====================== constEffectTexts: [ "【常】:これにアクセされている<調理>のシグニのパワーを+2000する。" ], constEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【常】:被此牌附属的<调理>精灵的力量+2000。。" ], constEffectTexts_en: [ "[Constant]: The SIGNI accessorized with this gets +2000 power." ], constEffects: [{ duringGame: true, condition: function () { return this.acceingCard; }, action: function (set,add) { if (this.acceingCard.hasClass('調理')) { add(this.acceingCard,'power',2000); } } }], // ====================== // 迸发效果 // ====================== burstEffectTexts: [ "【※】:カードを1枚引く。" ], burstEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "【※】:抽1张牌。" ], burstEffectTexts_en: [ "【※】:Draw one card." ], burstEffect: { actionAsyn: function () { this.player.draw(1); } } }, "2033": { "pid": 2033, cid: 101, "timestamp": 1484724006588, "wxid": "WD18-016", name: "サーバント D", name_zh_CN: "侍从 D", name_en: "Servant D", "kana": "サーバントデュオ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 2, "limit": 0, "power": 5000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-016.jpg", "illust": "甲冑", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "だけど、欠片はすべてでようやく一つ。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2034": { "pid": 2034, cid: 102, "timestamp": 1484724006585, "wxid": "WD18-017", name: "サーバント O", name_zh_CN: "侍从 O", name_en: "Servant O", "kana": "サーバントワン", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SIGNI", "color": "colorless", "level": 1, "limit": 0, "power": 2000, "limiting": "", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-017.jpg", "illust": "松本エイト", "classes": [ "精元" ], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": true, "multiEner": false, cardText: "喪っては戻らない。", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", }, "2035": { "pid": 2035, cid: 2035, "timestamp": 1484724007138, "wxid": "WD18-018", name: "千切", name_zh_CN: "千切", name_en: "Shred", "kana": "センギリ", "rarity": "ST", "cardType": "SPELL", "color": "green", "level": 0, "limit": 0, "power": 0, "limiting": "メル", "imgUrl": "http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/wixoss/wxwp/images/card/WD18/WD18-018.jpg", "illust": "DQN", "classes": [], "costWhite": 0, "costBlack": 0, "costRed": 0, "costBlue": 0, "costGreen": 0, "costColorless": 0, "guardFlag": false, "multiEner": false, cardText: "何でもできるよ!~メル~", cardText_zh_CN: "", cardText_en: "", // ====================== // 魔法效果 // ====================== spellEffectTexts: [ "以下の2つから1つを選ぶ。\n" + "①あなたの<調理>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<調理>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。\n" + "②あなたの<調理>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。", "あなたの<調理>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、あなたのデッキから<調理>のシグニ1枚を探してエナゾーンに置く。その後、デッキをシャッフルする。", "あなたの<調理>のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。そうした場合、対戦相手のパワー15000以上のシグニ1体をバニッシュする。" ], spellEffectTexts_zh_CN: [ "从以下2项中选择1项。\n" + "①破坏我方1只<调理>精灵。若如此做,从我方牌组中找1张<调理>精灵牌放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。\n" + "②破坏我方1只<调理>精灵。若如此做,破坏对方1只力量15000以上的精灵。", "破坏我方1只<调理>精灵。若如此做,从我方牌组中找1张<调理>精灵牌放置到能量区。之后,洗切牌组。", "破坏我方1只<调理>精灵。若如此做,破坏对方1只力量15000以上的精灵。" ], spellEffectTexts_en: [ "Choose 1 from the following 2.\n" + "①Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.\n" + "②Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, search your deck for 1 SIGNI and put it into the Ener Zone. Then, shuffle your deck.", "Banish 1 of your SIGNI. If you do, banish 1 of your opponent's SIGNI with power 15000 or more." ], spellEffect: [{ getTargets: function () { return this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('調理'); }); }, actionAsyn: function (card) { return card.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; var filter = function (card) { return card.hasClass('調理'); }; return this.player.searchAsyn(filter,1,0,true).callback(this,function (cards) { this.game.moveCards(cards,this.player.enerZone); }); }); } },{ getTargetAdvancedAsyn: function () { var targets = []; var pSignis = this.player.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.hasClass('調理'); }); var oSignis = this.player.opponent.signis.filter(function (signi) { return signi.power >= 15000; },this); return this.player.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(pSignis).callback(this,function (targetA) { if (!targetA) return; targets.push(targetA); return this.player.selectTargetAsyn(oSignis).callback(this,function (targetB) { if (!targetB) return; targets.push(targetB); }); }).callback(this,function () { return targets; }); }, actionAsyn: function (targets) { var targetA = targets[0]; var targetB = targets[1]; if (!inArr(targetA,this.player.signis)) return; return targetA.banishAsyn().callback(this,function (succ) { if (!succ) return; if (!inArr(targetB,this.player.opponent.signis)) return; if (targetB.power < 15000) return; return targetB.banishAsyn(); }); } }] }, }; global.CardInfo = CardInfo;