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synced 2025-03-24 11:47:48 +01:00
Merge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma into develop
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 204 additions and 59 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- Federation: Return 403 errors when trying to request pages from a user's follower/following collections if they have `hide_followers`/`hide_follows` set
- NodeInfo: Return `skipThreadContainment` in `metadata` for the `skip_thread_containment` option
- Mastodon API: Unsubscribe followers when they unfollow a user
- AdminAPI: Add "godmode" while fetching user statuses (i.e. admin can see private statuses)
### Fixed
- Not being able to pin unlisted posts
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- ActivityPub C2S: follower/following collection pages being inaccessible even when authentifucated if `hide_followers`/ `hide_follows` was set
- Existing user id not being preserved on insert conflict
- Rich Media: Parser failing when no TTL can be found by image TTL setters
- Rich Media: The crawled URL is now spliced into the rich media data.
- ActivityPub S2S: sharedInbox usage has been mostly aligned with the rules in the AP specification.
### Added
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- Twitter API: added rate limit for `/api/account/password_reset` endpoint.
- ActivityPub: Add an internal service actor for fetching ActivityPub objects.
- ActivityPub: Optional signing of ActivityPub object fetches.
- Admin API: Endpoint for fetching latest user's statuses
### Changed
- Configuration: Filter.AnonymizeFilename added ability to retain file extension with custom text
@ -187,6 +187,19 @@ Note: Available `:permission_group` is currently moderator and admin. 404 is ret
- On failure: `Not found`
- On success: JSON of the user
## `/api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname_or_id/statuses`
### Retrive user's latest statuses
- Method: `GET`
- Params:
- `nickname` or `id`
- *optional* `page_size`: number of statuses to return (default is `20`)
- *optional* `godmode`: `true`/`false` – allows to see private statuses
- Response:
- On failure: `Not found`
- On success: JSON array of user's latest statuses
## `/api/pleroma/admin/relay`
### Follow a Relay
@ -1,35 +1,12 @@
# Small customizations
Replace `dev.secret.exs` with `prod.secret.exs` according to your setup.
# Thumbnail
See also static_dir.md for visual settings.
Replace `priv/static/instance/thumbnail.jpeg` with your selfie or other neat picture. It will appear in [Pleroma Instances](http://distsn.org/pleroma-instances.html).
# Instance-specific panel

To show the instance specific panel, set `show_instance_panel` to `true` in `config/dev.secret.exs`. You can modify its content by editing `priv/static/instance/panel.html`.
# Background
You can change the background of your Pleroma instance by uploading it to `priv/static/static`, and then changing `"background"` in `config/dev.secret.exs` accordingly.
# Logo

If you want to give a brand to your instance, look no further. You can change the logo of your instance by uploading it to `priv/static/static`, and then changing `logo` in `config/dev.secret.exs` accordingly.
# Theme
## Theme
All users of your instance will be able to change the theme they use by going to the settings (the cog in the top-right hand corner). However, if you wish to change the default theme, you can do so by editing `theme` in `config/dev.secret.exs` accordingly.
# Terms of Service
Terms of Service will be shown to all users on the registration page. It's the best place where to write down the rules for your instance. You can modify the rules by changing `priv/static/static/terms-of-service.html`.
# Message Visibility
## Message Visibility
To enable message visibility options when posting like in the Mastodon frontend, set
`scope_options_enabled` to `true` in `config/dev.secret.exs`.
@ -7,7 +7,13 @@ config :pleroma, :instance,
static_dir: "instance/static/",
You can overwrite this value in your configuration to use a different static instance directory.
For example, edit `instance/static/instance/panel.html` .
Alternatively, you can overwrite this value in your configuration to use a different static instance directory.
This document is written assuming `instance/static/`.
Or, if you want to manage your custom file in git repository, basically remove the `instance/` entry from `.gitignore`.
## robots.txt
@ -18,3 +24,46 @@ If you want to generate a restrictive `robots.txt`, you can run the following mi
mix pleroma.robots_txt disallow_all
## Thumbnail
Put on `instance/static/instance/thumbnail.jpeg` with your selfie or other neat picture. It will appear in [Pleroma Instances](http://distsn.org/pleroma-instances.html).
## Instance-specific panel

Create and Edit your file on `instance/static/instance/panel.html`.
## Background
You can change the background of your Pleroma instance by uploading it to `instance/static/`, and then changing `background` in `config/prod.secret.exs` accordingly.
If you put `instance/static/images/background.jpg`
config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations,
pleroma_fe: %{
background: "/images/background.jpg"
## Logo

If you want to give a brand to your instance, You can change the logo of your instance by uploading it to `instance/static/`.
Alternatively, you can specify the path with config.
If you put `instance/static/static/mylogo-file.png`
config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations,
pleroma_fe: %{
logo: "/static/mylogo-file.png"
## Terms of Service
Terms of Service will be shown to all users on the registration page. It's the best place where to write down the rules for your instance. You can modify the rules by changing `instance/static/static/terms-of-service.html`.
@ -631,17 +631,28 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub do
|> Map.put("pinned_activity_ids", user.info.pinned_activities)
recipients =
if reading_user do
["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"] ++
[reading_user.ap_id | reading_user.following]
"godmode" => params["godmode"],
"reading_user" => reading_user
fetch_activities(recipients, params)
|> Enum.reverse()
defp user_activities_recipients(%{"godmode" => true}) do
defp user_activities_recipients(%{"reading_user" => reading_user}) do
if reading_user do
["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"] ++
[reading_user.ap_id | reading_user.following]
defp restrict_since(query, %{"since_id" => ""}), do: query
defp restrict_since(query, %{"since_id" => since_id}) do
@ -82,6 +82,25 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIController do
def list_user_statuses(conn, %{"nickname" => nickname} = params) do
godmode = params["godmode"] == "true" || params["godmode"] == true
with %User{} = user <- User.get_cached_by_nickname_or_id(nickname) do
{_, page_size} = page_params(params)
activities =
ActivityPub.fetch_user_activities(user, nil, %{
"limit" => page_size,
"godmode" => godmode
|> json(StatusView.render("index.json", %{activities: activities, as: :activity}))
_ -> {:error, :not_found}
def user_toggle_activation(conn, %{"nickname" => nickname}) do
user = User.get_cached_by_nickname(nickname)
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser do
|> maybe_parse()
|> Map.put(:url, url)
|> clean_parsed_data()
|> check_parsed_data()
@ -154,22 +154,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
post("/users/follow", AdminAPIController, :user_follow)
post("/users/unfollow", AdminAPIController, :user_unfollow)
# TODO: to be removed at version 1.0
delete("/user", AdminAPIController, :user_delete)
post("/user", AdminAPIController, :user_create)
delete("/users", AdminAPIController, :user_delete)
post("/users", AdminAPIController, :user_create)
patch("/users/:nickname/toggle_activation", AdminAPIController, :user_toggle_activation)
put("/users/tag", AdminAPIController, :tag_users)
delete("/users/tag", AdminAPIController, :untag_users)
# TODO: to be removed at version 1.0
get("/permission_group/:nickname", AdminAPIController, :right_get)
get("/permission_group/:nickname/:permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_get)
post("/permission_group/:nickname/:permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_add)
delete("/permission_group/:nickname/:permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_delete)
get("/users/:nickname/permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_get)
get("/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_get)
post("/users/:nickname/permission_group/:permission_group", AdminAPIController, :right_add)
@ -190,13 +180,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
post("/users/revoke_invite", AdminAPIController, :revoke_invite)
post("/users/email_invite", AdminAPIController, :email_invite)
# TODO: to be removed at version 1.0
get("/password_reset", AdminAPIController, :get_password_reset)
get("/users/:nickname/password_reset", AdminAPIController, :get_password_reset)
get("/users", AdminAPIController, :list_users)
get("/users/:nickname", AdminAPIController, :user_show)
get("/users/:nickname/statuses", AdminAPIController, :list_user_statuses)
get("/reports", AdminAPIController, :list_reports)
get("/reports/:id", AdminAPIController, :report_show)
@ -234,10 +234,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
blocks = user.info.blocks || []
mutes = user.info.mutes || []
reblog_mutes = user.info.muted_reblogs || []
domain_blocks = Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomains_regex(user.info.domain_blocks)
with parent when not is_nil(parent) <- Object.normalize(item),
true <- Enum.all?([blocks, mutes, reblog_mutes], &(item.actor not in &1)),
true <- Enum.all?([blocks, mutes], &(parent.data["actor"] not in &1)),
%{host: item_host} <- URI.parse(item.actor),
%{host: parent_host} <- URI.parse(parent.data["actor"]),
false <- Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomain_match?(domain_blocks, item_host),
false <- Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.subdomain_match?(domain_blocks, parent_host),
true <- thread_containment(item, user) do
@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Factory do
def note_activity_factory(attrs \\ %{}) do
user = attrs[:user] || insert(:user)
note = attrs[:note] || insert(:note, user: user)
data_attrs = attrs[:data_attrs] || %{}
attrs = Map.drop(attrs, [:user, :note, :data_attrs])
@ -1915,6 +1915,63 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AdminAPIControllerTest do
describe "GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/statuses" do
setup do
admin = insert(:user, info: %{is_admin: true})
user = insert(:user)
date1 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 2000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
date2 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 1000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
date3 = (DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) + 3000) |> DateTime.from_unix!()
insert(:note_activity, user: user, published: date1)
insert(:note_activity, user: user, published: date2)
insert(:note_activity, user: user, published: date3)
conn =
|> assign(:user, admin)
{:ok, conn: conn, user: user}
test "renders user's statuses", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/statuses")
assert json_response(conn, 200) |> length() == 3
test "renders user's statuses with a limit", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/statuses?page_size=2")
assert json_response(conn, 200) |> length() == 2
test "doesn't return private statuses by default", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, _private_status} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "private", "visibility" => "private"})
{:ok, _public_status} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "public", "visibility" => "public"})
conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/statuses")
assert json_response(conn, 200) |> length() == 4
test "returns private statuses with godmode on", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, _private_status} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "private", "visibility" => "private"})
{:ok, _public_status} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "public", "visibility" => "public"})
conn = get(conn, "/api/pleroma/admin/users/#{user.nickname}/statuses?godmode=true")
assert json_response(conn, 200) |> length() == 5
# Needed for testing
@ -2815,11 +2815,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
card_data = %{
"image" => "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg",
"provider_name" => "www.imdb.com",
"provider_url" => "http://www.imdb.com",
"provider_name" => "example.com",
"provider_url" => "https://example.com",
"title" => "The Rock",
"type" => "link",
"url" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/",
"url" => "https://example.com/ogp",
"description" =>
"Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer.",
"pleroma" => %{
@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
"image" => "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/rock.jpg",
"title" => "The Rock",
"type" => "video.movie",
"url" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/",
"url" => "https://example.com/ogp",
"description" =>
"Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer."
@ -2868,14 +2868,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MastodonAPIControllerTest do
"title" => "Pleroma",
"description" => "",
"image" => nil,
"provider_name" => "pleroma.social",
"provider_url" => "https://pleroma.social",
"url" => "https://pleroma.social/",
"provider_name" => "example.com",
"provider_url" => "https://example.com",
"url" => "https://example.com/ogp-missing-data",
"pleroma" => %{
"opengraph" => %{
"title" => "Pleroma",
"type" => "website",
"url" => "https://pleroma.social/"
"url" => "https://example.com/ogp-missing-data"
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
test "doesn't just add a title" do
assert Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.parse("http://example.com/non-ogp") ==
{:error, "Found metadata was invalid or incomplete: %{}"}
"Found metadata was invalid or incomplete: %{url: \"http://example.com/non-ogp\"}"}
test "parses ogp" do
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
"Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer.",
type: "video.movie",
url: "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/"
url: "http://example.com/ogp"
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
"Directed by Michael Bay. With Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, John Spencer.",
type: "video.movie",
url: "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/"
url: "http://example.com/ogp-missing-title"
@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
site: "@flickr",
image: "https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5510/14338202952_93595258ff_z.jpg",
title: "Small Island Developing States Photo Submission",
description: "View the album on Flickr."
description: "View the album on Flickr.",
url: "http://example.com/twitter-card"
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
thumbnail_width: 150,
title: "Bacon Lollys",
type: "photo",
url: "https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3040/2362225867_4a87ab8baf_b.jpg",
url: "http://example.com/oembed",
version: "1.0",
web_page: "https://www.flickr.com/photos/bees/2362225867/",
web_page_short_url: "https://flic.kr/p/4AK2sc",
@ -103,6 +103,25 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.StreamerTest do
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif)
test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is blocked", %{
user: user
} do
user2 = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://hecking-lewd-place.com/user/meanie"})
task = Task.async(fn -> refute_receive {:text, _}, 4_000 end)
%{transport_pid: task.pid, assigns: %{user: user}}
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "hecking-lewd-place.com")
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "super hot take"})
{:ok, notif, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user2)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notif)
test "it sends to public" do
Reference in a new issue