By default Postgresql first restores the data and then the indexes when dumping and restoring the database.
Restoring index activities_visibility_index took a very long time.
users_ap_id_COALESCE_follower_address_index was later added because having this could speed up the restoration tremendously.
The problem now is that restoration apparently happens in alphabetical order, so this new index wasn't created yet
by the time activities_visibility_index needed it.
There were several work-arounds which included more complex steps during backup/restore.
By renaming this index, it should be restored first and thus activities_visibility_index can make use of it.
This speeds up restoration significantly without requiring more complex or unexpected steps from people.
I added info about installing front ends from the development branch
I also rearanged the list of exceptions (what's different than "normal" installation)
so the order is closer to how you'd encounter things in the installation docs + small fixes
This should help mitigate negative impacts related to block-retaliation
and block-circumvention when blocks become visible to the blocked party.
Instances interested in broadcasting blocks can turn this on if they
wish. This should have always been the default.
See also:
Docs used to be a separate repo who cloned pleroma and pelroma-fe.
Now the docs are just the BE docs and completely part of the Akkoma repo.
I moved back to using venv because that's what I used and cleaner imo since it keeps everything nice in the repo.
(Iirc virtualenv stored things in the Home folder or smthng)
Credit where credit is due; I inspired myself by looking at the yunohost docs
I try to be inviting to new developers and guide them in their first steps into Akkoma development.
I try to keep the page itself as short as possible and link to relevant places.
That way people can quickly skim over parts that they don't need, while people who do need more can simply follow the links.
I experienced that it may be better to tell pgtune you have lower resoures than what you have when you have other services running.
I added that now.
I also moved the examples as part of the pgtune section.