# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Scopes do @moduledoc """ Functions for dealing with scopes. """ alias Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug alias Pleroma.User @doc """ Fetch scopes from request params. Note: `scopes` is used by Mastodon — supporting it but sticking to OAuth's standard `scope` wherever we control it """ @spec fetch_scopes(map(), list()) :: list() def fetch_scopes(params, default) do parse_scopes(params["scope"] || params["scopes"], default) end def parse_scopes(scopes, _default) when is_list(scopes) do Enum.filter(scopes, &(&1 not in [nil, ""])) end def parse_scopes(scopes, default) when is_binary(scopes) do scopes |> to_list |> parse_scopes(default) end def parse_scopes(_, default) do default end @doc """ Convert scopes string to list """ @spec to_list(binary()) :: [binary()] def to_list(nil), do: [] def to_list(str) do str |> String.trim() |> String.split(~r/[\s,]+/) end @doc """ Convert scopes list to string """ @spec to_string(list()) :: binary() def to_string(scopes), do: Enum.join(scopes, " ") @doc """ Validates scopes. """ @spec validate(list() | nil, list(), User.t()) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, :missing_scopes | :unsupported_scopes} def validate(blank_scopes, _app_scopes, _user) when blank_scopes in [nil, []], do: {:error, :missing_scopes} def validate(scopes, app_scopes, %User{} = user) do with {:ok, _} <- ensure_scopes_support(scopes, app_scopes), {:ok, scopes} <- authorize_admin_scopes(scopes, app_scopes, user) do {:ok, scopes} end end defp ensure_scopes_support(scopes, app_scopes) do case OAuthScopesPlug.filter_descendants(scopes, app_scopes) do ^scopes -> {:ok, scopes} _ -> {:error, :unsupported_scopes} end end defp authorize_admin_scopes(scopes, app_scopes, %User{} = user) do if user.is_admin || !contains_admin_scopes?(scopes) || !contains_admin_scopes?(app_scopes) do {:ok, scopes} else {:error, :unsupported_scopes} end end def contains_admin_scopes?(scopes) do scopes |> OAuthScopesPlug.filter_descendants(["admin"]) |> Enum.any?() end end