# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Database do alias Pleroma.Conversation alias Pleroma.Maintenance alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User require Logger require Pleroma.Constants import Ecto.Query import Mix.Pleroma use Mix.Task @shortdoc "A collection of database related tasks" @moduledoc File.read!("docs/docs/administration/CLI_tasks/database.md") def run(["remove_embedded_objects" | args]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ vacuum: :boolean ] ) start_pleroma() Logger.info("Removing embedded objects") Repo.query!( "update activities set data = safe_jsonb_set(data, '{object}'::text[], data->'object'->'id') where data->'object'->>'id' is not null;", [], timeout: :infinity ) if Keyword.get(options, :vacuum) do Maintenance.vacuum("full") end end def run(["bump_all_conversations"]) do start_pleroma() Conversation.bump_for_all_activities() end def run(["update_users_following_followers_counts"]) do start_pleroma() Repo.transaction( fn -> from(u in User, select: u) |> Repo.stream() |> Stream.each(&User.update_follower_count/1) |> Stream.run() end, timeout: :infinity ) end def run(["prune_objects" | args]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ vacuum: :boolean ] ) start_pleroma() deadline = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :remote_post_retention_days]) Logger.info("Pruning objects older than #{deadline} days") time_deadline = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.add(-(deadline * 86_400)) from(o in Object, where: fragment( "?->'to' \\? ? OR ?->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public(), o.data, ^Pleroma.Constants.as_public() ), where: o.inserted_at < ^time_deadline, where: fragment("split_part(?->>'actor', '/', 3) != ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.host()) ) |> Repo.delete_all(timeout: :infinity) prune_hashtags_query = """ DELETE FROM hashtags AS ht WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM hashtags_objects hto WHERE ht.id = hto.hashtag_id) """ Repo.query(prune_hashtags_query) if Keyword.get(options, :vacuum) do Maintenance.vacuum("full") end end def run(["prune_task"]) do start_pleroma() nil |> Pleroma.Workers.Cron.PruneDatabaseWorker.perform() |> IO.inspect() end def run(["fix_likes_collections"]) do start_pleroma() from(object in Object, where: fragment("(?)->>'likes' is not null", object.data), select: %{id: object.id, likes: fragment("(?)->>'likes'", object.data)} ) |> Pleroma.Repo.chunk_stream(100, :batches) |> Stream.each(fn objects -> ids = objects |> Enum.filter(fn object -> object.likes |> Jason.decode!() |> is_map() end) |> Enum.map(& &1.id) Object |> where([object], object.id in ^ids) |> update([object], set: [ data: fragment( "safe_jsonb_set(?, '{likes}', '[]'::jsonb, true)", object.data ) ] ) |> Repo.update_all([], timeout: :infinity) end) |> Stream.run() end def run(["vacuum", args]) do start_pleroma() Maintenance.vacuum(args) end def run(["ensure_expiration"]) do start_pleroma() days = Pleroma.Config.get([:mrf_activity_expiration, :days], 365) Pleroma.Activity |> join(:inner, [a], o in Object, on: fragment( "(?->>'id') = COALESCE((?)->'object'->> 'id', (?)->>'object')", o.data, a.data, a.data ) ) |> where(local: true) |> where([a], fragment("(? ->> 'type'::text) = 'Create'", a.data)) |> where([_a, o], fragment("?->>'type' = 'Note'", o.data)) |> Pleroma.Repo.chunk_stream(100, :batches) |> Stream.each(fn activities -> Enum.each(activities, fn activity -> expires_at = activity.inserted_at |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> Timex.shift(days: days) Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity.enqueue(%{ activity_id: activity.id, expires_at: expires_at }) end) end) |> Stream.run() end def run(["set_text_search_config", tsconfig]) do start_pleroma() %{rows: [[tsc]]} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "SHOW default_text_search_config;") shell_info("Current default_text_search_config: #{tsc}") %{rows: [[db]]} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "SELECT current_database();") shell_info("Update default_text_search_config: #{tsconfig}") %{messages: msg} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!( Pleroma.Repo, "ALTER DATABASE #{db} SET default_text_search_config = '#{tsconfig}';" ) # non-exist config will not raise excpetion but only give >0 messages if length(msg) > 0 do shell_info("Error: #{inspect(msg, pretty: true)}") else rum_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:database, :rum_enabled]) shell_info("Recreate index, RUM: #{rum_enabled}") # Note SQL below needs to be kept up-to-date with latest GIN or RUM index definition in future if rum_enabled do Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!( Pleroma.Repo, "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION objects_fts_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN new.fts_content := to_tsvector(new.data->>'content'); RETURN new; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql", [], timeout: :infinity ) shell_info("Refresh RUM index") Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "UPDATE objects SET updated_at = NOW();") else Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS objects_fts;") Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!( Pleroma.Repo, "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY objects_fts ON objects USING gin(to_tsvector('#{tsconfig}', data->>'content')); ", [], timeout: :infinity ) end shell_info('Done.') end end # Rolls back a specific migration (leaving subsequent migrations applied). # WARNING: imposes a risk of unrecoverable data loss — proceed at your own responsibility. # Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/53825840 def run(["rollback", version]) do prompt = "SEVERE WARNING: this operation may result in unrecoverable data loss. Continue?" if shell_prompt(prompt, "n") in ~w(Yn Y y) do {_, result, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(Pleroma.Repo, fn repo -> version = String.to_integer(version) re = ~r/^#{version}_.*\.exs/ path = Ecto.Migrator.migrations_path(repo) with {_, "" <> file} <- {:find, Enum.find(File.ls!(path), &String.match?(&1, re))}, {_, [{mod, _} | _]} <- {:compile, Code.compile_file(Path.join(path, file))}, {_, :ok} <- {:rollback, Ecto.Migrator.down(repo, version, mod)} do {:ok, "Reversed migration: #{file}"} else {:find, _} -> {:error, "No migration found with version prefix: #{version}"} {:compile, e} -> {:error, "Problem compiling migration module: #{inspect(e)}"} {:rollback, e} -> {:error, "Problem reversing migration: #{inspect(e)}"} end end) shell_info(inspect(result)) end end end