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synced 2025-03-13 06:20:00 +01:00
Fixes one of the 'erratic' tests It used a timer to sleep. But time also goes on when doing other things, so depending on hardware, the timings could be off. I slightly changed the tests so we still test what we functionally want. Instead of waiting until the cache expires I now have a function to expire the test and use that. That means we're not testing any more if the cache really expires after a certain amount of time, but that's the responsability of the dependency imo, so shouldn't be a problem. I also changed `Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip` in the tests to `` Currently it was set to, but I see no reason for that and, while I assume that no calls are made to it, it may come over as weird or suspicious to people. Co-authored-by: Ilja <ilja@ilja.space> Reviewed-on: https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/pulls/233 Co-authored-by: ilja <akkoma.dev@ilja.space> Co-committed-by: ilja <akkoma.dev@ilja.space>
278 lines
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278 lines
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# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiterTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
alias Phoenix.ConnTest
alias Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter
alias Plug.Conn
import Pleroma.Factory
import Pleroma.Tests.Helpers, only: [clear_config: 1, clear_config: 2]
# Note: each example must work with separate buckets in order to prevent concurrency issues
setup do: clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip])
setup do: clear_config(:rate_limit)
describe "config" do
@limiter_name :test_init
setup do: clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled])
test "config is required for plug to work" do
clear_config([:rate_limit, @limiter_name], {1, 1})
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
assert %{limits: {1, 1}, name: :test_init, opts: [name: :test_init]} ==
[name: @limiter_name]
|> RateLimiter.init()
|> RateLimiter.action_settings()
assert nil ==
[name: :nonexisting_limiter]
|> RateLimiter.init()
|> RateLimiter.action_settings()
test "it is disabled if it remote ip plug is enabled but no remote ip is found" do
assert RateLimiter.disabled?(Conn.assign(build_conn(), :remote_ip_found, false))
test "it is enabled if remote ip found" do
refute RateLimiter.disabled?(Conn.assign(build_conn(), :remote_ip_found, true))
test "it is enabled if remote_ip_found flag doesn't exist" do
refute RateLimiter.disabled?(build_conn())
test "it restricts based on config values" do
limiter_name = :test_plug_opts
scale = 80
limit = 5
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {127, 0, 0, 1})
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {scale, limit})
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
conn = build_conn(:get, "/")
for _ <- 1..5 do
conn_limited = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
refute conn_limited.status == Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_limited.resp_body
refute conn_limited.halted
conn_limited = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = ConnTest.json_response(conn_limited, :too_many_requests)
assert conn_limited.halted
expire_ttl(conn, limiter_name)
for _ <- 1..5 do
conn_limited = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
refute conn_limited.status == Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_limited.resp_body
refute conn_limited.halted
conn_limited = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = ConnTest.json_response(conn_limited, :too_many_requests)
assert conn_limited.halted
describe "options" do
test "`bucket_name` option overrides default bucket name" do
limiter_name = :test_bucket_name
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
base_bucket_name = "#{limiter_name}:group1"
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name)
conn = build_conn(:get, "/")
RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
assert {:error, :not_found} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
test "`params` option allows different queries to be tracked independently" do
limiter_name = :test_params
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, params: ["id"])
conn = build_conn(:get, "/?id=1")
conn = Conn.fetch_query_params(conn)
conn_2 = build_conn(:get, "/?id=2")
RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
test "it supports combination of options modifying bucket name" do
limiter_name = :test_options_combo
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
base_bucket_name = "#{limiter_name}:group1"
plug_opts =
RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name, params: ["id"])
id = "100"
conn = build_conn(:get, "/?id=#{id}")
conn = Conn.fetch_query_params(conn)
conn_2 = build_conn(:get, "/?id=#{101}")
RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
describe "unauthenticated users" do
@tag :erratic
test "are restricted based on remote IP" do
limiter_name = :test_unauthenticated
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 5}, {1, 10}])
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
conn = %{build_conn(:get, "/") | remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 2}}
conn_2 = %{build_conn(:get, "/") | remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 3}}
for i <- 1..5 do
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn.halted
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, plug_opts)
assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn_2.status == Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_2.resp_body
refute conn_2.halted
describe "authenticated users" do
setup do
@tag :erratic
test "can have limits separate from unauthenticated connections" do
limiter_name = :test_authenticated1
scale = 50
limit = 5
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 1}, {scale, limit}])
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
user = insert(:user)
conn = build_conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user)
for i <- 1..5 do
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn.halted
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
@tag :erratic
test "different users are counted independently" do
limiter_name = :test_authenticated2
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1, 10}, {1000, 5}])
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
user = insert(:user)
conn = build_conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user)
user_2 = insert(:user)
conn_2 = build_conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user_2)
for i <- 1..5 do
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, plug_opts)
assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn_2.status == Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_2.resp_body
refute conn_2.halted
test "doesn't crash due to a race condition when multiple requests are made at the same time and the bucket is not yet initialized" do
limiter_name = :test_race_condition
clear_config([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
conn = build_conn(:get, "/")
conn_2 = build_conn(:get, "/")
%Task{pid: pid1} =
task1 =
Task.async(fn ->
receive do
:process2_up ->
RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
task2 =
Task.async(fn ->
send(pid1, :process2_up)
RateLimiter.call(conn_2, opts)
refute {:err, :not_found} == RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
def expire_ttl(%{remote_ip: remote_ip} = _conn, bucket_name_root) do
bucket_name = "anon:#{bucket_name_root}" |> String.to_atom()
key_name = "ip::#{remote_ip |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.join(".")}"
{:ok, bucket_value} = Cachex.get(bucket_name, key_name)
Cachex.put(bucket_name, key_name, bucket_value, ttl: -1)