- Restore the shoutbox and pleroma chats interfaces and the scripts to talk to the server endpoints (be176ad930 12ca73863e 6a5047bf96),
- Fix cropped emojis and tooltips from content div restraints (fc2ce67e40) Caveat: it could allow misskey markdown to escape the post and take over the screen, a real fix to just limit MFM would be a nice addition (fc2ce67e40),
- Allow replying to a post with a more open visibility than it previously had (you can take a private/unlisted thread into public) (c004aad4f3)
- I would like to make draft posts better and implement them into a server side table, a lazy and bad but low effort way could be to use the scheduled posts table and set the post date as many years in the future and the privacy as "direct" by default, then make the user choose when they publish the post.
- Change the bubble TL to allow admins to set it as only viewable by authenticated users (there is probably already a way to do this using the feature the timelines use to deny unauthed users and it just needs to be set up), it would still obviously be viewable through the instance api but it prevents unskilled viewing. (5084c2b202).
You can create file `/config/local.json` (see [example](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma-fe/blob/develop/config/local.example.json)) to enable some convenience dev options:
*`target`: makes local dev server redirect to some existing instance's BE instead of local BE, useful for testing things in near-production environment and searching for real-life use-cases.
*`staticConfigPreference`: makes FE's `/static/config.json` take preference of BE-served `/api/statusnet/config.json`. Only works in dev mode.
FE Build process also leaves current commit hash in global variable `___pleromafe_commit_hash` so that you can easily see which pleroma-fe commit instance is running, also helps pinpointing which commit was used when FE was bundled into BE.
```loginMethod``` can be set to either ```password``` (the default) or ```token```, which will use the full oauth redirection flow, which is useful for SSO situations.