diff --git a/src/i18n/en.json b/src/i18n/en.json
index 76a871fb..f3401e61 100644
--- a/src/i18n/en.json
+++ b/src/i18n/en.json
@@ -502,14 +502,14 @@
       "true": "yes"
     "virtual_scrolling": "Optimize timeline rendering",
-    "use_at_icon": "Display @ symbol as an icon instead of text",
+    "use_at_icon": "Display {'@'} symbol as an icon instead of text",
     "mention_link_display": "Display mention links",
-    "mention_link_display_short": "always as short names (e.g. @foo)",
-    "mention_link_display_full_for_remote": "as full names only for remote users (e.g. @foo@example.org)",
-    "mention_link_display_full": "always as full names (e.g. @foo@example.org)",
+    "mention_link_display_short": "always as short names (e.g. {'@'}foo)",
+    "mention_link_display_full_for_remote": "as full names only for remote users (e.g. {'@'}foo{'@'}example.org)",
+    "mention_link_display_full": "always as full names (e.g. {'@'}foo{'@'}example.org)",
     "mention_link_show_tooltip": "Show full user names as tooltip for remote users",
     "mention_link_show_avatar": "Show user avatar beside the link",
-    "mention_link_fade_domain": "Fade domains (e.g. @example.org in @foo@example.org)",
+    "mention_link_fade_domain": "Fade domains (e.g. {'@'}example.org in {'@'}foo{'@'}example.org)",
     "mention_link_bolden_you": "Highlight mention of you when you are mentioned",
     "fun": "Fun",
     "greentext": "Meme arrows",