/* eslint-env browser */ const LOGIN_URL = '/api/account/verify_credentials.json' const FRIENDS_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/statuses/friends_timeline.json' const ALL_FOLLOWING_URL = '/api/qvitter/allfollowing' const PUBLIC_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/statuses/public_timeline.json' const PUBLIC_AND_EXTERNAL_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/statuses/public_and_external_timeline.json' const TAG_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/statusnet/tags/timeline' const FAVORITE_URL = '/api/favorites/create' const UNFAVORITE_URL = '/api/favorites/destroy' const RETWEET_URL = '/api/statuses/retweet' const STATUS_UPDATE_URL = '/api/statuses/update.json' const STATUS_DELETE_URL = '/api/statuses/destroy' const STATUS_URL = '/api/statuses/show' const MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL = '/api/statusnet/media/upload' const CONVERSATION_URL = '/api/statusnet/conversation' const MENTIONS_URL = '/api/statuses/mentions.json' const FOLLOWERS_URL = '/api/statuses/followers.json' const FRIENDS_URL = '/api/statuses/friends.json' const FOLLOWING_URL = '/api/friendships/create.json' const UNFOLLOWING_URL = '/api/friendships/destroy.json' const QVITTER_USER_PREF_URL = '/api/qvitter/set_profile_pref.json' const REGISTRATION_URL = '/api/account/register.json' const AVATAR_UPDATE_URL = '/api/qvitter/update_avatar.json' const BG_UPDATE_URL = '/api/qvitter/update_background_image.json' const BANNER_UPDATE_URL = '/api/account/update_profile_banner.json' const PROFILE_UPDATE_URL = '/api/account/update_profile.json' const EXTERNAL_PROFILE_URL = '/api/externalprofile/show.json' const QVITTER_USER_TIMELINE_URL = '/api/qvitter/statuses/user_timeline.json' const BLOCKING_URL = '/api/blocks/create.json' const UNBLOCKING_URL = '/api/blocks/destroy.json' const USER_URL = '/api/users/show.json' const FOLLOW_IMPORT_URL = '/api/pleroma/follow_import' const DELETE_ACCOUNT_URL = '/api/pleroma/delete_account' const CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL = '/api/pleroma/change_password' const FOLLOW_REQUESTS_URL = '/api/pleroma/friend_requests' const APPROVE_USER_URL = '/api/pleroma/friendships/approve' const DENY_USER_URL = '/api/pleroma/friendships/deny' import { each, map } from 'lodash' import 'whatwg-fetch' const oldfetch = window.fetch let fetch = (url, options) => { options = options || {} const baseUrl = '' const fullUrl = baseUrl + url options.credentials = 'same-origin' return oldfetch(fullUrl, options) } // from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding let utoa = (str) => { // first we use encodeURIComponent to get percent-encoded UTF-8, // then we convert the percent encodings into raw bytes which // can be fed into btoa. return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str) .replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) => { return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1) })) } // Params // cropH // cropW // cropX // cropY // img (base 64 encodend data url) const updateAvatar = ({credentials, params}) => { let url = AVATAR_UPDATE_URL const form = new FormData() each(params, (value, key) => { if (value) { form.append(key, value) } }) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) } const updateBg = ({credentials, params}) => { let url = BG_UPDATE_URL const form = new FormData() each(params, (value, key) => { if (value) { form.append(key, value) } }) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) } // Params // height // width // offset_left // offset_top // banner (base 64 encodend data url) const updateBanner = ({credentials, params}) => { let url = BANNER_UPDATE_URL const form = new FormData() each(params, (value, key) => { if (value) { form.append(key, value) } }) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) } // Params // name // url // location // description const updateProfile = ({credentials, params}) => { let url = PROFILE_UPDATE_URL console.log(params) const form = new FormData() each(params, (value, key) => { /* Always include description and locked, because it might be empty or false */ if (key === 'description' || key === 'locked' || value) { form.append(key, value) } }) return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST', body: form }).then((data) => data.json()) } // Params needed: // nickname // email // fullname // password // password_confirm // // Optional // bio // homepage // location const register = (params) => { const form = new FormData() each(params, (value, key) => { if (value) { form.append(key, value) } }) return fetch(REGISTRATION_URL, { method: 'POST', body: form }) } const authHeaders = (user) => { if (user && user.username && user.password) { return { 'Authorization': `Basic ${utoa(`${user.username}:${user.password}`)}` } } else { return { } } } const externalProfile = ({profileUrl, credentials}) => { let url = `${EXTERNAL_PROFILE_URL}?profileurl=${profileUrl}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'GET' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const followUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${FOLLOWING_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const unfollowUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${UNFOLLOWING_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const blockUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${BLOCKING_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const unblockUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${UNBLOCKING_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const approveUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${APPROVE_USER_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const denyUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${DENY_USER_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }).then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchUser = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${USER_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchFriends = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${FRIENDS_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchFollowers = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${FOLLOWERS_URL}?user_id=${id}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchAllFollowing = ({username, credentials}) => { const url = `${ALL_FOLLOWING_URL}/${username}.json` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchFollowRequests = ({credentials}) => { const url = FOLLOW_REQUESTS_URL return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchConversation = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${CONVERSATION_URL}/${id}.json?count=100` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const fetchStatus = ({id, credentials}) => { let url = `${STATUS_URL}/${id}.json` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((data) => data.json()) } const setUserMute = ({id, credentials, muted = true}) => { const form = new FormData() const muteInteger = muted ? 1 : 0 form.append('namespace', 'qvitter') form.append('data', muteInteger) form.append('topic', `mute:${id}`) return fetch(QVITTER_USER_PREF_URL, { method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials), body: form }) } const fetchTimeline = ({timeline, credentials, since = false, until = false, userId = false, tag = false}) => { const timelineUrls = { public: PUBLIC_TIMELINE_URL, friends: FRIENDS_TIMELINE_URL, mentions: MENTIONS_URL, 'publicAndExternal': PUBLIC_AND_EXTERNAL_TIMELINE_URL, user: QVITTER_USER_TIMELINE_URL, tag: TAG_TIMELINE_URL } let url = timelineUrls[timeline] let params = [] if (since) { params.push(['since_id', since]) } if (until) { params.push(['max_id', until]) } if (userId) { params.push(['user_id', userId]) } if (tag) { url += `/${tag}.json` } params.push(['count', 20]) const queryString = map(params, (param) => `${param[0]}=${param[1]}`).join('&') url += `?${queryString}` return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }).then((data) => data.json()) } const verifyCredentials = (user) => { return fetch(LOGIN_URL, { method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(user) }) } const favorite = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(`${FAVORITE_URL}/${id}.json`, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const unfavorite = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(`${UNFAVORITE_URL}/${id}.json`, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const retweet = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(`${RETWEET_URL}/${id}.json`, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const postStatus = ({credentials, status, mediaIds, inReplyToStatusId}) => { const idsText = mediaIds.join(',') const form = new FormData() form.append('status', status) form.append('source', 'Pleroma FE') form.append('media_ids', idsText) if (inReplyToStatusId) { form.append('in_reply_to_status_id', inReplyToStatusId) } return fetch(STATUS_UPDATE_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) } const deleteStatus = ({ id, credentials }) => { return fetch(`${STATUS_DELETE_URL}/${id}.json`, { headers: authHeaders(credentials), method: 'POST' }) } const uploadMedia = ({formData, credentials}) => { return fetch(MEDIA_UPLOAD_URL, { body: formData, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, 'application/xml')) } const followImport = ({params, credentials}) => { return fetch(FOLLOW_IMPORT_URL, { body: params, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.ok) } const deleteAccount = ({credentials, password}) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) return fetch(DELETE_ACCOUNT_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const changePassword = ({credentials, password, newPassword, newPasswordConfirmation}) => { const form = new FormData() form.append('password', password) form.append('new_password', newPassword) form.append('new_password_confirmation', newPasswordConfirmation) return fetch(CHANGE_PASSWORD_URL, { body: form, method: 'POST', headers: authHeaders(credentials) }) .then((response) => response.json()) } const fetchMutes = ({credentials}) => { const url = '/api/qvitter/mutes.json' return fetch(url, { headers: authHeaders(credentials) }).then((data) => data.json()) } const apiService = { verifyCredentials, fetchTimeline, fetchConversation, fetchStatus, fetchFriends, fetchFollowers, followUser, unfollowUser, blockUser, unblockUser, fetchUser, favorite, unfavorite, retweet, postStatus, deleteStatus, uploadMedia, fetchAllFollowing, setUserMute, fetchMutes, register, updateAvatar, updateBg, updateProfile, updateBanner, externalProfile, followImport, deleteAccount, changePassword, fetchFollowRequests, approveUser, denyUser } export default apiService