Henry Jameson 612aa56c8b Drop the entire thing about hidden "own" timeline since it doesn't necessarily
contain all of the users posts (it doesn't contain DMs) even though it's "us".
Since this is a workaround anyway just fetch home timeline instead. It could end
up making more queries if user doesn't post that often.
2018-08-20 19:01:54 +03:00

440 lines
14 KiB

import { includes, remove, slice, sortBy, toInteger, each, find, flatten, maxBy, minBy, merge, last, isArray } from 'lodash'
import { set } from 'vue'
import apiService from '../services/api/api.service.js'
// import parse from '../services/status_parser/status_parser.js'
const emptyTl = () => ({
statuses: [],
statusesObject: {},
faves: [],
visibleStatuses: [],
visibleStatusesObject: {},
newStatusCount: 0,
maxId: 0,
minVisibleId: 0,
loading: false,
followers: [],
friends: [],
viewing: 'statuses',
flushMarker: 0
export const defaultState = {
allStatuses: [],
allStatusesObject: {},
maxId: 0,
notifications: {
maxId: 0,
maxSavedId: 0,
data: [],
brokenFavorites: {}
favorites: new Set(),
error: false,
timelines: {
mentions: emptyTl(),
public: emptyTl(),
user: emptyTl(),
publicAndExternal: emptyTl(),
friends: emptyTl(),
tag: emptyTl()
const isNsfw = (status) => {
const nsfwRegex = /#nsfw/i
return includes(status.tags, 'nsfw') || !!status.text.match(nsfwRegex)
export const prepareStatus = (status) => {
// Parse nsfw tags
if (status.nsfw === undefined) {
status.nsfw = isNsfw(status)
if (status.retweeted_status) {
status.nsfw = status.retweeted_status.nsfw
// Set deleted flag
status.deleted = false
// To make the array reactive
status.attachments = status.attachments || []
return status
export const statusType = (status) => {
if (status.is_post_verb) {
return 'status'
if (status.retweeted_status) {
return 'retweet'
if ((typeof status.uri === 'string' && status.uri.match(/(fave|objectType=Favourite)/)) ||
(typeof status.text === 'string' && status.text.match(/favorited/))) {
return 'favorite'
if (status.text.match(/deleted notice {{tag/) || status.qvitter_delete_notice) {
return 'deletion'
// TODO change to status.activity_type === 'follow' when gs supports it
if (status.text.match(/started following/)) {
return 'follow'
return 'unknown'
export const findMaxId = (...args) => {
return (maxBy(flatten(args), 'id') || {}).id
const mergeOrAdd = (arr, obj, item) => {
const oldItem = obj[]
if (oldItem) {
// We already have this, so only merge the new info.
merge(oldItem, item)
// Reactivity fix.
return {item: oldItem, new: false}
} else {
// This is a new item, prepare it
obj[] = item
return {item, new: true}
const sortTimeline = (timeline) => {
timeline.visibleStatuses = sortBy(timeline.visibleStatuses, ({id}) => -id)
timeline.statuses = sortBy(timeline.statuses, ({id}) => -id)
timeline.minVisibleId = (last(timeline.visibleStatuses) || {}).id
return timeline
const addNewStatuses = (state, { statuses, showImmediately = false, timeline, user = {}, noIdUpdate = false }) => {
// Sanity check
if (!isArray(statuses)) {
return false
const allStatuses = state.allStatuses
const allStatusesObject = state.allStatusesObject
const timelineObject = state.timelines[timeline]
const maxNew = statuses.length > 0 ? maxBy(statuses, 'id').id : 0
const older = timeline && maxNew < timelineObject.maxId
if (timeline && !noIdUpdate && statuses.length > 0 && !older) {
timelineObject.maxId = maxNew
const addStatus = (status, showImmediately, addToTimeline = true) => {
const result = mergeOrAdd(allStatuses, allStatusesObject, status)
status = result.item
const brokenFavorites = state.notifications.brokenFavorites[] || []
brokenFavorites.forEach((fav) => {
fav.status = status
delete state.notifications.brokenFavorites[]
if ( {
// We are mentioned in a post
if (statusType(status) === 'status' && find(status.attentions, { id: })) {
const mentions = state.timelines.mentions
// Add the mention to the mentions timeline
if (timelineObject !== mentions) {
mergeOrAdd(mentions.statuses, mentions.statusesObject, status)
mentions.newStatusCount += 1
// Decide if we should treat the status as new for this timeline.
let resultForCurrentTimeline
// Some statuses should only be added to the global status repository.
if (timeline && addToTimeline) {
resultForCurrentTimeline = mergeOrAdd(timelineObject.statuses, timelineObject.statusesObject, status)
if (timeline && showImmediately) {
// Add it directly to the visibleStatuses, don't change
// newStatusCount
mergeOrAdd(timelineObject.visibleStatuses, timelineObject.visibleStatusesObject, status)
} else if (timeline && addToTimeline && {
// Just change newStatuscount
timelineObject.newStatusCount += 1
return status
const favoriteStatus = (favorite, counter) => {
const status = find(allStatuses, { id: toInteger(favorite.in_reply_to_status_id) })
if (status) {
status.fave_num += 1
// This is our favorite, so the relevant bit.
if ( === {
status.favorited = true
return status
const processors = {
'status': (status) => {
addStatus(status, showImmediately)
'retweet': (status) => {
// RetweetedStatuses are never shown immediately
const retweetedStatus = addStatus(status.retweeted_status, false, false)
let retweet
// If the retweeted status is already there, don't add the retweet
// to the timeline.
if (timeline && find(timelineObject.statuses, (s) => {
if (s.retweeted_status) {
return === || ===
} else {
return ===
})) {
// Already have it visible (either as the original or another RT), don't add to timeline, don't show.
retweet = addStatus(status, false, false)
} else {
retweet = addStatus(status, showImmediately)
retweet.retweeted_status = retweetedStatus
'favorite': (favorite) => {
// Only update if this is a new favorite.
if (!state.favorites.has( {
'deletion': (deletion) => {
const uri = deletion.uri
// Remove possible notification
const status = find(allStatuses, {uri})
if (!status) {
remove(, ({action: {id}}) => id ===
remove(allStatuses, { uri })
if (timeline) {
remove(timelineObject.statuses, { uri })
remove(timelineObject.visibleStatuses, { uri })
'default': (unknown) => {
console.log('unknown status type')
each(statuses, (status) => {
const type = statusType(status)
const processor = processors[type] || processors['default']
// Keep the visible statuses sorted
if (timeline) {
if ((older || timelineObject.minVisibleId <= 0) && statuses.length > 0) {
timelineObject.minVisibleId = minBy(statuses, 'id').id
const addNewNotifications = (state, { dispatch, notifications, older }) => {
const allStatuses = state.allStatuses
const allStatusesObject = state.allStatusesObject
each(notifications, (notification) => {
const result = mergeOrAdd(allStatuses, allStatusesObject, notification.notice)
const action = result.item
// Only add a new notification if we don't have one for the same action
if (!find(, (oldNotification) => === {
state.notifications.maxId = Math.max(, state.notifications.maxId)
state.notifications.minId = Math.min(, state.notifications.minId)
const fresh = !older && !notification.is_seen && > state.notifications.maxSavedId
const status = notification.ntype === 'like'
? find(allStatuses, { id: action.in_reply_to_status_id })
: action
const result = {
type: notification.ntype,
// Always assume older notifications as seen
seen: !fresh
if (notification.ntype === 'like' && !status) {
let broken = state.notifications.brokenFavorites[action.in_reply_to_status_id]
if (broken) {
} else {
dispatch('fetchOldPost', { postId: action.in_reply_to_status_id })
broken = [ result ]
state.notifications.brokenFavorites[action.in_reply_to_status_id] = broken
if ('Notification' in window && window.Notification.permission === 'granted') {
const title =
const result = {}
result.icon = action.user.profile_image_url
result.body = action.text // there's a problem that it doesn't put a space before links tho
// Shows first attached non-nsfw image, if any. Should add configuration for this somehow...
if (action.attachments && action.attachments.length > 0 && !action.nsfw &&
action.attachments[0].mimetype.startsWith('image/')) {
result.image = action.attachments[0].url
if (fresh) {
let notification = new window.Notification(title, result)
// Chrome is known for not closing notifications automatically
// according to MDN, anyway.
setTimeout(notification.close.bind(notification), 5000)
export const mutations = {
showNewStatuses (state, { timeline }) {
const oldTimeline = (state.timelines[timeline])
oldTimeline.newStatusCount = 0
oldTimeline.visibleStatuses = slice(oldTimeline.statuses, 0, 50)
oldTimeline.minVisibleId = last(oldTimeline.visibleStatuses).id
oldTimeline.visibleStatusesObject = {}
each(oldTimeline.visibleStatuses, (status) => { oldTimeline.visibleStatusesObject[] = status })
clearTimeline (state, { timeline }) {
state.timelines[timeline] = emptyTl()
setFavorited (state, { status, value }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[]
newStatus.favorited = value
setRetweeted (state, { status, value }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[]
newStatus.repeated = value
setDeleted (state, { status }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[]
newStatus.deleted = true
setLoading (state, { timeline, value }) {
state.timelines[timeline].loading = value
setNsfw (state, { id, nsfw }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[id]
newStatus.nsfw = nsfw
setError (state, { value }) {
state.error = value
setNotificationsError (state, { value }) {
state.notificationsError = value
setProfileView (state, { v }) {
// load followers / friends only when needed
state.timelines['user'].viewing = v
addFriends (state, { friends }) {
state.timelines['user'].friends = friends
addFollowers (state, { followers }) {
state.timelines['user'].followers = followers
markNotificationsAsSeen (state, notifications) {
set(state.notifications, 'maxSavedId', state.notifications.maxId)
each(notifications, (notification) => {
notification.seen = true
queueFlush (state, { timeline, id }) {
state.timelines[timeline].flushMarker = id
const statuses = {
state: defaultState,
actions: {
addNewStatuses ({ rootState, commit }, { statuses, showImmediately = false, timeline = false, noIdUpdate = false }) {
commit('addNewStatuses', { statuses, showImmediately, timeline, noIdUpdate, user: rootState.users.currentUser })
addNewNotifications ({ rootState, commit, dispatch }, { notifications, older }) {
commit('addNewNotifications', { dispatch, notifications, older })
setError ({ rootState, commit }, { value }) {
commit('setError', { value })
setNotificationsError ({ rootState, commit }, { value }) {
commit('setNotificationsError', { value })
addFriends ({ rootState, commit }, { friends }) {
commit('addFriends', { friends })
addFollowers ({ rootState, commit }, { followers }) {
commit('addFollowers', { followers })
deleteStatus ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
commit('setDeleted', { status })
apiService.deleteStatus({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
favorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic favoriting...
commit('setFavorited', { status, value: true })
apiService.favorite({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
unfavorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic favoriting...
commit('setFavorited', { status, value: false })
apiService.unfavorite({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
retweet ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic retweeting...
commit('setRetweeted', { status, value: true })
apiService.retweet({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
unretweet ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
commit('setRetweeted', { status, value: false })
apiService.unretweet({ id:, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
queueFlush ({ rootState, commit }, { timeline, id }) {
commit('queueFlush', { timeline, id })
export default statuses