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synced 2025-03-13 05:29:58 +01:00
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469 lines
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import { includes, remove, slice, sortBy, toInteger, each, find, flatten, maxBy, minBy, merge, last, isArray } from 'lodash'
import apiService from '../services/api/api.service.js'
// import parse from '../services/status_parser/status_parser.js'
const emptyTl = () => ({
statuses: [],
statusesObject: {},
faves: [],
visibleStatuses: [],
visibleStatusesObject: {},
newStatusCount: 0,
maxId: 0,
minVisibleId: 0,
loading: false,
followers: [],
friends: [],
userId: 0,
flushMarker: 0
export const defaultState = {
allStatuses: [],
allStatusesObject: {},
maxId: 0,
notifications: {
desktopNotificationSilence: true,
maxId: 0,
data: [],
idStore: {},
error: false
favorites: new Set(),
error: false,
timelines: {
mentions: emptyTl(),
public: emptyTl(),
user: emptyTl(),
publicAndExternal: emptyTl(),
friends: emptyTl(),
tag: emptyTl(),
dms: emptyTl()
const isNsfw = (status) => {
const nsfwRegex = /#nsfw/i
return includes(status.tags, 'nsfw') || !!status.text.match(nsfwRegex)
export const prepareStatus = (status) => {
// Parse nsfw tags
if (status.nsfw === undefined) {
status.nsfw = isNsfw(status)
if (status.retweeted_status) {
status.nsfw = status.retweeted_status.nsfw
// Set deleted flag
status.deleted = false
// To make the array reactive
status.attachments = status.attachments || []
return status
const visibleNotificationTypes = (rootState) => {
return [
rootState.config.notificationVisibility.likes && 'like',
rootState.config.notificationVisibility.mentions && 'mention',
rootState.config.notificationVisibility.repeats && 'repeat',
rootState.config.notificationVisibility.follows && 'follow'
].filter(_ => _)
export const statusType = (status) => {
if (status.is_post_verb) {
return 'status'
if (status.retweeted_status) {
return 'retweet'
if ((typeof status.uri === 'string' && status.uri.match(/(fave|objectType=Favourite)/)) ||
(typeof status.text === 'string' && status.text.match(/favorited/))) {
return 'favorite'
if (status.text.match(/deleted notice {{tag/) || status.qvitter_delete_notice) {
return 'deletion'
if (status.text.match(/started following/) || status.activity_type === 'follow') {
return 'follow'
return 'unknown'
export const findMaxId = (...args) => {
return (maxBy(flatten(args), 'id') || {}).id
const mergeOrAdd = (arr, obj, item) => {
const oldItem = obj[item.id]
if (oldItem) {
// We already have this, so only merge the new info.
merge(oldItem, item)
// Reactivity fix.
return {item: oldItem, new: false}
} else {
// This is a new item, prepare it
obj[item.id] = item
return {item, new: true}
const sortTimeline = (timeline) => {
timeline.visibleStatuses = sortBy(timeline.visibleStatuses, ({id}) => -id)
timeline.statuses = sortBy(timeline.statuses, ({id}) => -id)
timeline.minVisibleId = (last(timeline.visibleStatuses) || {}).id
return timeline
const addNewStatuses = (state, { statuses, showImmediately = false, timeline, user = {}, noIdUpdate = false, userId }) => {
// Sanity check
if (!isArray(statuses)) {
return false
const allStatuses = state.allStatuses
const allStatusesObject = state.allStatusesObject
const timelineObject = state.timelines[timeline]
const maxNew = statuses.length > 0 ? maxBy(statuses, 'id').id : 0
const older = timeline && maxNew < timelineObject.maxId
if (timeline && !noIdUpdate && statuses.length > 0 && !older) {
timelineObject.maxId = maxNew
// This makes sure that user timeline won't get data meant for other
// user. I.e. opening different user profiles makes request which could
// return data late after user already viewing different user profile
if (timeline === 'user' && timelineObject.userId !== userId) {
const addStatus = (status, showImmediately, addToTimeline = true) => {
const result = mergeOrAdd(allStatuses, allStatusesObject, status)
status = result.item
if (result.new) {
// We are mentioned in a post
if (statusType(status) === 'status' && find(status.attentions, { id: user.id })) {
const mentions = state.timelines.mentions
// Add the mention to the mentions timeline
if (timelineObject !== mentions) {
mergeOrAdd(mentions.statuses, mentions.statusesObject, status)
mentions.newStatusCount += 1
if (status.visibility === 'direct') {
const dms = state.timelines.dms
mergeOrAdd(dms.statuses, dms.statusesObject, status)
dms.newStatusCount += 1
// Decide if we should treat the status as new for this timeline.
let resultForCurrentTimeline
// Some statuses should only be added to the global status repository.
if (timeline && addToTimeline) {
resultForCurrentTimeline = mergeOrAdd(timelineObject.statuses, timelineObject.statusesObject, status)
if (timeline && showImmediately) {
// Add it directly to the visibleStatuses, don't change
// newStatusCount
mergeOrAdd(timelineObject.visibleStatuses, timelineObject.visibleStatusesObject, status)
} else if (timeline && addToTimeline && resultForCurrentTimeline.new) {
// Just change newStatuscount
timelineObject.newStatusCount += 1
return status
const favoriteStatus = (favorite, counter) => {
const status = find(allStatuses, { id: toInteger(favorite.in_reply_to_status_id) })
if (status) {
// This is our favorite, so the relevant bit.
if (favorite.user.id === user.id) {
status.favorited = true
} else {
status.fave_num += 1
return status
const processors = {
'status': (status) => {
addStatus(status, showImmediately)
'retweet': (status) => {
// RetweetedStatuses are never shown immediately
const retweetedStatus = addStatus(status.retweeted_status, false, false)
let retweet
// If the retweeted status is already there, don't add the retweet
// to the timeline.
if (timeline && find(timelineObject.statuses, (s) => {
if (s.retweeted_status) {
return s.id === retweetedStatus.id || s.retweeted_status.id === retweetedStatus.id
} else {
return s.id === retweetedStatus.id
})) {
// Already have it visible (either as the original or another RT), don't add to timeline, don't show.
retweet = addStatus(status, false, false)
} else {
retweet = addStatus(status, showImmediately)
retweet.retweeted_status = retweetedStatus
'favorite': (favorite) => {
// Only update if this is a new favorite.
// Ignore our own favorites because we get info about likes as response to like request
if (!state.favorites.has(favorite.id)) {
'deletion': (deletion) => {
const uri = deletion.uri
// Remove possible notification
const status = find(allStatuses, {uri})
if (!status) {
remove(state.notifications.data, ({action: {id}}) => id === status.id)
remove(allStatuses, { uri })
if (timeline) {
remove(timelineObject.statuses, { uri })
remove(timelineObject.visibleStatuses, { uri })
'default': (unknown) => {
console.log('unknown status type')
each(statuses, (status) => {
const type = statusType(status)
const processor = processors[type] || processors['default']
// Keep the visible statuses sorted
if (timeline) {
if ((older || timelineObject.minVisibleId <= 0) && statuses.length > 0) {
timelineObject.minVisibleId = minBy(statuses, 'id').id
const addNewNotifications = (state, { dispatch, notifications, older, visibleNotificationTypes }) => {
const allStatuses = state.allStatuses
const allStatusesObject = state.allStatusesObject
each(notifications, (notification) => {
const result = mergeOrAdd(allStatuses, allStatusesObject, notification.notice)
const action = result.item
// Only add a new notification if we don't have one for the same action
if (!find(state.notifications.data, (oldNotification) => oldNotification.action.id === action.id)) {
state.notifications.maxId = Math.max(notification.id, state.notifications.maxId)
state.notifications.minId = Math.min(notification.id, state.notifications.minId)
const fresh = !notification.is_seen
const status = notification.ntype === 'like'
? action.favorited_status
: action
const result = {
type: notification.ntype,
seen: !fresh
state.notifications.idStore[notification.id] = result
if ('Notification' in window && window.Notification.permission === 'granted') {
const title = action.user.name
const result = {}
result.icon = action.user.profile_image_url
result.body = action.text // there's a problem that it doesn't put a space before links tho
// Shows first attached non-nsfw image, if any. Should add configuration for this somehow...
if (action.attachments && action.attachments.length > 0 && !action.nsfw &&
action.attachments[0].mimetype.startsWith('image/')) {
result.image = action.attachments[0].url
if (fresh && !state.notifications.desktopNotificationSilence && visibleNotificationTypes.includes(notification.ntype)) {
let notification = new window.Notification(title, result)
// Chrome is known for not closing notifications automatically
// according to MDN, anyway.
setTimeout(notification.close.bind(notification), 5000)
export const mutations = {
showNewStatuses (state, { timeline }) {
const oldTimeline = (state.timelines[timeline])
oldTimeline.newStatusCount = 0
oldTimeline.visibleStatuses = slice(oldTimeline.statuses, 0, 50)
oldTimeline.minVisibleId = last(oldTimeline.visibleStatuses).id
oldTimeline.visibleStatusesObject = {}
each(oldTimeline.visibleStatuses, (status) => { oldTimeline.visibleStatusesObject[status.id] = status })
clearTimeline (state, { timeline }) {
state.timelines[timeline] = emptyTl()
setFavorited (state, { status, value }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[status.id]
newStatus.favorited = value
setFavoritedConfirm (state, { status }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[status.id]
newStatus.favorited = status.favorited
newStatus.fave_num = status.fave_num
setRetweeted (state, { status, value }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[status.id]
newStatus.repeated = value
setDeleted (state, { status }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[status.id]
newStatus.deleted = true
setLoading (state, { timeline, value }) {
state.timelines[timeline].loading = value
setNsfw (state, { id, nsfw }) {
const newStatus = state.allStatusesObject[id]
newStatus.nsfw = nsfw
setError (state, { value }) {
state.error = value
setNotificationsError (state, { value }) {
state.notifications.error = value
setNotificationsSilence (state, { value }) {
state.notifications.desktopNotificationSilence = value
markNotificationsAsSeen (state) {
each(state.notifications.data, (notification) => {
notification.seen = true
queueFlush (state, { timeline, id }) {
state.timelines[timeline].flushMarker = id
const statuses = {
state: defaultState,
actions: {
addNewStatuses ({ rootState, commit }, { statuses, showImmediately = false, timeline = false, noIdUpdate = false, userId }) {
commit('addNewStatuses', { statuses, showImmediately, timeline, noIdUpdate, user: rootState.users.currentUser, userId })
addNewNotifications ({ rootState, commit, dispatch }, { notifications, older }) {
commit('addNewNotifications', { visibleNotificationTypes: visibleNotificationTypes(rootState), dispatch, notifications, older })
setError ({ rootState, commit }, { value }) {
commit('setError', { value })
setNotificationsError ({ rootState, commit }, { value }) {
commit('setNotificationsError', { value })
setNotificationsSilence ({ rootState, commit }, { value }) {
commit('setNotificationsSilence', { value })
deleteStatus ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
commit('setDeleted', { status })
apiService.deleteStatus({ id: status.id, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
favorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic favoriting...
commit('setFavorited', { status, value: true })
apiService.favorite({ id: status.id, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
} else {
return {}
.then(status => {
commit('setFavoritedConfirm', { status })
unfavorite ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic favoriting...
commit('setFavorited', { status, value: false })
apiService.unfavorite({ id: status.id, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
} else {
return {}
.then(status => {
commit('setFavoritedConfirm', { status })
retweet ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
// Optimistic retweeting...
commit('setRetweeted', { status, value: true })
apiService.retweet({ id: status.id, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
unretweet ({ rootState, commit }, status) {
commit('setRetweeted', { status, value: false })
apiService.unretweet({ id: status.id, credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials })
queueFlush ({ rootState, commit }, { timeline, id }) {
commit('queueFlush', { timeline, id })
markNotificationsAsSeen ({ rootState, commit }) {
id: rootState.statuses.notifications.maxId,
credentials: rootState.users.currentUser.credentials
export default statuses